hon code application process

HON Code application process Devi Girsang 05/18/2022 Devi Girsang 1

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In this presentation, you'll learn how to get HON Code certification for your website, step-by-step. Language: English and Bahasa Indonesia.


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HON Code application process

Devi Girsang

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Tidak dipungut biaya http://www.hon.ch/home1.html

HONcode is the oldest and the most used ethical and

trustworthy code for medical and health related information

available on Internet.

Target audiences: the general public, the health professionals

and the web publisher.

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Proses sertifikasi

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Proses re-evaluasi & modifikasi

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Contoh Sertifikat HONcode

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Re-evaluasi / Regular Monitoring

• Check-up visit rutin dimulai 1 thn stlh initial certification, bila komplain (+), deteksi adanya malfungsi teknis oleh layanan monitoring HONcode.

• Sertifikasi berlaku selama 2 thn, sebelum di-review ulang.

• Civic sence of responsibility: online complaint reporting

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Kebijakan HONcode

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“Quality & trustworthy health information”

•kualifikasi penulis (medis/paramedis, cantumkan spesialisasi bila ada, termasuk semua akronim gelar & afiliasi – dpt dibuat dlm page terpisah dgn judul “Information Page”)


•“disclaimer” hrs dicantumkan: Info di web sifatnya suportif, TDK ditujukan utk menggantikan hub dokter-pasien, atau pasien dgn dokter yg merawatnya


•Kerahasiaan data pasien/identitas visitor terjamin


•Semua info hrs disertai referensi yg jelas (medical journal, reports, dll), tgl penulisan. Bila memungkinkan, cantumkan link HTML spesifik


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“Quality & trustworthy health information” •Segala

klaim manfaat/kinerja suatu tx.spesifik, produk komersial, atau layanan hrs didukung EBM seperti tercantum pada prinsip #4. Attribution.


•Presentasi hrs dapat diakses, alamat email yg akurat agar visitor dpt mencari info lbh lanjut. Email webmaster hrs dicantumkan jelas di website.


•Identitas organisasi komersil/non-komersil pendukung website (finansial, layanan, ato material) hrs dicantumkan

Financial disclosure

•Konten editorial original & advertising editorial/materi promosi hrs dicantumkan dgn perbedaan yg jelas

Advertising policy

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Persyaratan Aplikasi• Mulai 8 Nov 2010, semua komplain yg valid akan dicantumkan dalam sertifikat site anda.

• Site anda sesuai dgn legislasi yg berlaku di negara anda, dan akan tetap berlaku seperti itu.

• Patuh pada aturan, prinsip HONcode yg berlaku sejak sertifikasi. Bersumpah utk menyediakan info kesehatan berkualitas dan bertindak utk menerbitkan data yg bermanfaat, obyektif dan benar.

• Semua korespondensi via Internet, memiliki kekuatan hukum (legal weight).

• Siapkan alamat fisik & sedikitnya 1 valid contact email, selama periode sertifikasi. Bila ada perubahan, informasikan w/o delay.

• Bila site anda memiliki password secure section, berikan kami informasi akses yg diperlukan, yg tetap valid selama periode sertifikasi.

• Informasikan HON w/o delay, smua modifikasi site anda, yg dpt melanggar framework sertifikasi HON.

• Bila terjadi suspension atau withdrawal of HONcode certification, smua publikasi HONcode certification & any related event, akan hilang. Failure to do so could result in legal action.

• Patuh pd persyaratan HON Foundation mengenai localitas & display format of the attesting seal of certification on the site. Anda sadar sepenuhnya akan privacy policy berkaitan dgn HONcode logo.

• Semua komunikasi ttg sertifikasi, via advertising articles, booklets or other documentations hrs di-endorse dahulu oleh HON Foundation.

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Persyaratan Aplikasi (cont’d)• Setuju utk tdk pernah melaporkan sertifikasi site in a way that may be harmful to the reputation of

HON Foundation & tdk membuat pernyataan yg berhub dgn sertifikasi ini, yg akan dinilai sbg unauthorized or erroneous.

• HON menjamin utk mengumumkan lbh dulu modifikasi yg dibutuhkan utk sertifikasi.

• HON berkomitmen utk menghargai kerahasiaan smua data pribadi yg & menjamin proteksi & discretion of all personal information provided to us by you, kecuali pd kondisi dimn kami wajib memberi informasi, by the law being enforced in, either the country of the HON Foundation or that of the site.

• HON boleh menyimpan konten site anda yg hanya digunakan oleh HON & bertujuan hanya utk continuing monitoring of the HONcode adherence/respect of your site.

• Sertifikat HONcode dapat dicabut kapan saja oleh HON.

• Selalu treat visitor site anda with honesty and respect in all matters.

• Segala pelanggaran pemutusan kontrak immediate withdrawal of the certification and may be published on the website of the Foundation.

• Aplikasi anda dapat ditolak & HON tidak berkewajiban menyebutkan alasannya.

• Dilarang mencantumkan HONcode seal sebelum site mendapat sertifikasi.

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HONcode application process

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#1. Information must be authoritative

Background/kualifikasi penulis, webmaster atau editor artikel medis (spesialisasi, afiliasi, training-in-field)

Page informasi “Advisory Board” atau ”Editorial Board” Bagi penulis non-medis cantumkan dgn jelas Nama PIC situs (editor) beserta kualifikasinya “Information Page“ penjelasan akronim berkaitan dengan gelar & afiliasi (page

terpisah) Bagi website kolaborasi :

– Moderasi platform Ya/Tidak. • Bila Ya, cantumkan kualifikasi/credentials moderatornya. Moderator boleh pseudonym (tdk hrs

menggunakan nama asli). Frekuensi kunjungan moderator hrs diberikan.

– “Semua user by default dianggap sebagai kalangan non-medis”. Bila tidak, beri pernyataan.– “Jika seorang profesional medis memberikan info medis sbg platform user, identifikasi statusnya

sbg profesional”– “Semua platform user & moderator must behave at all times with respect and honesty.” – Jelaskan proses intervensi moderator & aturan bagaimana platform user dapat di-banned. Hrs

ada pernyataan jelas bahwa user sudah mendapat warning sebelum di-banned.

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#2. Purpose of the website “The information on the website is not meant to replace the advice of a health

professional”. Misi, tujuan, target audiens dari website. Organisasi behind the website, beserta misi & tujuan. Semua konten editorial cantumkan 'The information provided on [your web site] is

designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and his/her own physician.’

DILARANG MENAWARKAN KONSULTASI ONLINE bila pasien sudah memiliki diagnosis penyakitnya. The patient-doctor relationship is not respected when consultations are made online.

Bila website anda menawarkan informasi online (hanya menyediakan informasi & bukan dx), diperbolehkan.

Pada kasus ini, berikan contoh pada HONcode respons tipikal yg akan diterima oleh user. Bila layanan ini dikenakan biaya, hrs disesuaikan dgn tarif lokal konsul medis. Limitasi geografis layanan ini hrs spesifik sebaiknya hanya ditawarkan pada individu yg berdomisili di negara asal website

Bagi website kolaborasi : “The information provided on [web 2.0 platform’s name] is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and

his/her own physician.” Minimum usia bagi user

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#3. Confidentiality

Cantumkan deskripsi lgkp ttg privacy policy site anda (database email, data pribadi utk keperluan statistik pribadi/3rd party, siapa yg bisa mengakses database ini, cookies/tdk).

Note: -In the section describing your privacy policy, mention for which countries the site undertakes to honour or exceed the legal requirements for medical/health information privacy.

Bagi website kolaborasi :The platform must have a privacy policy. It must underline the fact that everyone can read a post and use its content. It must be clearly stated if the platform user has the possibility to modify or erase his posts.

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#4. Information must be documented: Referenced and dated

Semua konten medis (page/article) wajib diberi tgl pembuatan & tgl last modification.

Date of last modification must also be included on every page describing ethical and legal information, author(s), mission, and the intended audience.

Referensi artikel medis hrs dicantumkan secara lengkap & jelas, termasuk journal, textbooks, dll.

Format penulisan scientific references yg dianjurkan : Journal Articles:Author1, Author2, Author3 Title. Name of the journal. year-references. page number Conferences or books:Author1, Author2, Author3 Title Name of the conference or book name - Year - Page number Regarding direct links to sources, the best is to archive them using http://www.webcitation.org/ Note: - The last time the whole site was updated or the copyright date only, are not sufficient to comply with this principle. The 'last update' date

should not be set to automatically display the current date. - Depending on the website and its content, you may gather a bibliography instead of having a specific source for each medical article or page. This

bibliography should clearly outline each reference to each medical subject. Key points:- Where the information is coming from?- On which basis (scientific or different literature) information are they founded??- When

appropriate, a bibliography must be included, when possible, hypertext links.- Is the date of the modifications shown on each medical and health page ?- Is the date of last modification is shown on pages containing the privacy policy and legal information ?- Is the date of the last modificationsshown on the pages describing (the) author (s), the mission and the audience of the site?

Bagi website kolaborasi :A statement asking platform users to give references (links for ex.) to the health/medical information they provide when it is not personal experience, must be provided.

Personal experience is any symptom, test, treatment etc that the person or a close family member has undergone himself/herself. All posts must be automatically dated.

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#5. Justification of claims

Semua info ttg manfaat/kinerja terapi (medical and/or surgical), produk/layanan komersial dianggap sbg klaim, & semuanya hrs didukung dgn scientific evidence (medical journals, reports or others).

Identifikasi merk paten (co: Panadol®).Unless the purpose of the site is clearly stated to be

the commercial platform of a particular product, it must include alternative therapies or products (including generics).

Bagi website kolaborasi :It should be stipulated that all users of the platform undertake to disseminate only information that is true and correct in light of their knowledge.

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#6. Website contact details

Dapat diakses dengan mudah.‘How to contact the editor’; email address/contact

form, bagi visitor yg butuh info lbh lanjut. You must give an individual and prompt answer to

any website visitors' enquiries.Gunakan layanan encryption service utk hindari

spamBagi website kolaborasi :A specific contact form or an email address

must be accessible for web 2.0 platform members in order to contact the editor or the moderators of the forum. The platform rules must be easily accessible from the platform’s homepage.

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#7. Disclosure of funding sources

Sources of funding. Required for all sites, incl. personal sites with no external sources of funds, and sites funded by government agencies, pharmaceutical companies or other commercial entities.

All funding must be declared: government agency, private companies, donations, etc.

You also have to declare all conflicts of interest. In addition guidelines for collaborative Websites: It must be clearly stated if the moderators are

volunteers or not.

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#8. Advertising policy Editorial policy: Conflicts of interest and external influences which could

affect the objectivity of the editorial content must be clearly stated in the disclaimer.

Advertising policy: All websites displaying paying banners have to have an advertising policy. This policy must explain how the site distinguishes between editorial and advertising content and which advertisements are accepted. Any conflict of interest has to be explained.

Identifikasi & deskripsikan lgkp smua jenis ads yg tercantum, incl terima ads/ga

SEMUA IKLAN = TANGGUNGJWB EDITOR. Semua site yg mencantumkan iklan site pornografi (even if not under their direct control, such as with 'banner exchange' services) akan dicopot dari proses sertifikasi HONcode & HON databases.

In addition guidelines for collaborative Websites:It must be determined whether the users of the platform have the right to publish advertisements in the form of content, banner or links etc.

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PROSES PENDAFTARANHONcode application process

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Lengkapi check-list Isi kuesionerIsi formulir aplikasi

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Isi kuesioner


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Apa yg hrs dilakukan stlh mendaftar?

Menunggu – proses evaluasi & modifikasi HON (3 – 6 bln)

Evaluasi HON akan dikirim via email

Bila site anda perlu modifikasi tenggang wkt anda hanya 2 minggu. Lapor kembali ke HON via email

Re-evaluasi oleh HON (2 minggu)

Bila memuaskan, anda akan menerima sertifikat HON

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Posting of the HONcode Seal of Compliance

• Anjuran : display HONcode certification seal on the homepage.• Warning: You will receive the active and dynamic seal to be displayed

on your home page at the address email that you indicated us during the HONcode certification request. The seal should not be modified.

• The correct way to post the seal:1. The seal of HONcode as well as the associated text (“we subscribe to the principles of HONcode. click here to Verify” must be displayed. 2. The seal of HONcode must bring your visitor on the page of the certificate indicating the state of your site. • The state of the site can be in examination, “ReExam” or in conformity, “certified”. • In conformity means that the site respects all the principles required by the HONcode principles. It is acceptable to post the text with a “mouse-over” but the words “Verify here” must be displayed beside the seal and must be visible constantly.

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