honeychurch, k. (2012) screen-printed electrochemical sensors and ... ·  ·...

Honeychurch, K. (2012) Screen-printed electrochemical sensors and biosensors for monitoring metal pollutants. Insciences Journal, 2 (1). pp. 1-51. ISSN 1664-171X We recommend you cite the published version. The publisher’s URL is http://dx.doi.org/10.5640/insc.020101 Refereed: Yes Insciences Journal is an Open Access, peer?reviewed journal publishes original research papers and reviews. The paper is available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.5640/insc.020101 Disclaimer UWE has obtained warranties from all depositors as to their title in the material deposited and as to their right to deposit such material. UWE makes no representation or warranties of commercial utility, title, or fit- ness for a particular purpose or any other warranty, express or implied in respect of any material deposited. UWE makes no representation that the use of the materials will not infringe any patent, copyright, trademark or other property or proprietary rights. UWE accepts no liability for any infringement of intellectual property rights in any material deposited but will remove such material from public view pend- ing investigation in the event of an allegation of any such infringement. PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR TEXT.

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Page 1: Honeychurch, K. (2012) Screen-printed electrochemical sensors and ... ·  · 2012-12-14Screen-printed Electrochemical Sensors and ... 2.1 Mercury Modified Screen-printed carbon Electrodes

Honeychurch, K. (2012) Screen-printed electrochemical sensors andbiosensors for monitoring metal pollutants. Insciences Journal, 2 (1).pp. 1-51. ISSN 1664-171X

We recommend you cite the published version.The publisher’s URL is http://dx.doi.org/10.5640/insc.020101

Refereed: Yes

Insciences Journal is an Open Access, peer?reviewed journal publishes originalresearch papers and reviews. The paper is available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.5640/insc.020101


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Page 2: Honeychurch, K. (2012) Screen-printed electrochemical sensors and ... ·  · 2012-12-14Screen-printed Electrochemical Sensors and ... 2.1 Mercury Modified Screen-printed carbon Electrodes

Insciences Journal | SensorsISSN 1664-171X

Insciences J. 2012, 2(1), 1-51; doi: 10.5640/insc.020101 ISSN 1664-171X

Review Paper

Screen-printed Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors forMonitoring Metal Pollutants

Kevin C. Honeychurch*

Centre for Research in Biosciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of theWest of England, Bristol, Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QY, UK.

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:[email protected]

Received: 10 November 2011 / Accepted: 24 February 2012 / Published: 23 March 2012

Abstract: The present review (with 231 references) focuses on developmentsmade in the area of screen-printed biosensors and sensors for the determination ofmetal ions in industrial, environmental and biomedical applications. The year2012 represents the twentieth anniversary of the first reported application ofscreen-printed electrodes for the determination of metal ions. Focus is placed onfabrication techniques, operating details and performance characteristics for theselected applications. The greater proportion of articles have utilised the techniqueof stripping voltammetry, gaining detection limits in the low ng/mL (ppb) region.An increasing percentage of these have explored bismuth as an alternative tomercury for the modification of the carbon electrode surface. However, a steadynumber of applications have shown the possibility of utilising the unmodifiedscreen-printed carbon, gold or silver electrode surface. More recently thealternative approach of electrochemical biosensors has become a growing area.The majority of these have exploited the inhabitation metal ions exhibit on theenzyme activity of urease, acetylcholinesterase and glucose oxidase gainingdetection limits in the sub µg/mL region, however recent applications utilisingthiol-functionalised oligonucleotides have been shown the possibility of gainingdetection limits as low as 120 ng/L for Hg2+.

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Insciences Journal | SensorsISSN 1664-171X

Keywords: screen-printed carbon electrode; stripping voltammetry; biosensors; nano; metal;sensors; bismuth; review.

1. Introduction

Metals have long been industrially processed and used in numerous applications sinceantiquity. Ice core and peat bog samples have shown the planetary wide metal contaminationthat has existed as far back as the early Mediterranean societies [1-3]. Their utilisation hassoared since the industrial revolution [4], with the natural fluxes of these elements greatlyaffected resulting in a marked increase in their potential as pollutants and spreading theirimpact across a wide number of ecosystems [5-7]. They are inherently non-biodegradablewhich distinguishes them from other pollutants [8] making them ubiquitous and long livedpollutants. As toxicology studies have advanced, knowledge on levels that no adverse effectsoccur has become progressively lower. However, many are also known to be essential forlife such as Cu, Mg and Zn, but also can exert toxic effects at elevated levels, with someexhibiting narrow windows of acceptability; speciation is also very important and none actsolely in isolation. Awareness of such problems has generated a demand for sensitivemethods that are rapid, inexpensive, reproducible, and accurate in fields such as,environmental monitoring, occupational hygiene, biomedicine and food quality. Onegrowing area which has been shown capable of meeting these demands is that ofelectrochemical measurements with screen-printed sensors.

The present review focuses on developments made in this area since our last review givenin 2003 [9] with reports made prior to this are given in a series of tables; pre-2003 reportshave been summarised in appendix 1. The field is now a mature area with the year 2012representing the twentieth anniversary of the first reported application of screen-printedelectrodes for the determination of metal ions [10]. Particular focus is given for fabricationtechniques, operating details and performance characteristics for the selected applications.The review is divided into two main sections detailing with the development of screen-printed biosensors and the application of stripping voltammetry. A number of reviews andmonographs describing the theory underlying electrochemistry have already been given [11-21] and the history of the development of electroanalytical chemistry has recently beenreviewed [21-23].

2. Applications of Screen-printed Electrodes for Metal Ion Analysis

2.1 Mercury Modified Screen-printed carbon Electrodes for the Stripping VoltammetricDetermination of Metal Ions

Mercury offers a number of advantages as an electrode material [24,25]; it can be obtainedas a very pure liquid at ambient temperatures, and allows for the sensitive analysis as a fresh

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surface can be easily formed. Coupled to this is a wide usable potential range is obtainable,from +0.1 V (vs. SCE) to reportedly potentials as low as -2.6 V (vs. SCE) in aqueoussolutions, and in non-aqueous solutions at potentials as low -3.0 V (vs. SCE) [25]; howeverthe range is curtailed in the anodic range due to the oxidation of Hg itself. In 1957 Demarsand Shain [26] first showed the sensitivity that could be obtained at a hanging Hg dropelectrode (HMDE), determining Cd levels in the sub ppb region by stripping voltammetry,proving the technique at the time to be the most sensitive instrument based techniqueavailable to the analytical chemist. However, long platting times were required, due mainlyto the low surface to volume ratios at the HMDE reduces plating efficiency and the relativelarge drop volume results in a low concentration of metal in the Hg, resulting in a broadeningof the resulting stripping peak. Such problems lead to development of alternative approachessuch as Hg thin film electrodes (MTEs). Investigations at metal electrodes provedproblematic as the metal substrate to some extent dissolves into the Hg altering its chemistry[25]. In this respect carbon has been found to be superior, allowing stable Hg filmsformation. Originally first described by Matson and Roe in 1965 [27] and Florence [28] in1970, utilising in situ film formation. These are characterised by a Hg layer in the order of 10to 1000 nm in thickness [28,29], covering an inert support, giving a very large surface area tovolume ratio, and hence high amalgam concentration in stripping step. Due to the closecontact of the Hg to the underlying electrode high stirring rates can be employed without riskof dislodging the Hg film all of which greatly improves sensitivity compared to the HMDE.Selectivity can also be much greater than the HMDE due to the much higher diffusion ratesof metals from the bulk to the surface resulting in improved peak shapes. Pre-plated filmswere first employed but best results are generally found by the forming of in situ plated Hgfilms. For this mercury nitrate was added directly into the sample solution at concentrationsof ca. 1 – 5 x 10-5 M and simultaneously deposited with the target analytes obtaining filmsthickness of the order of >100 nm [15].

A number of authors explored the use of Hg in conjunction with screen-printed carbonelectrodes (SPCEs) for thin film formation [9]. In these investigations, Hg was utilised aseither ex situ deposited thin film plated this on before in a separate solution, or co-deposited,in situ with the target analyte by addition of a soluble Hg salt to the sample solution. The thinHg film can also be formed by incorporation as a suitable Hg salt as part of the workingelectrode ink which can be electrochemically reduced to give the Hg film on the electrodesurface [30].

Determination of metal ions at these electrodes involves two separate stages; initially apre-concentration step to accumulate the analyte as an amalgam at the working electrode,(eq.1), which is then electrochemically stripped back into the solution in the currentmeasurement step (eq.2).

Mn+ + ne- + Hg → MHg (eq.1)

MHg → Mn+ + Hg + ne- (eq.2)

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As mentioned in section 1, the first reported example of the utilisation of screen-printedelectrodes for the determination of metal ions was made by Wang and Tian [10] in 1992using such an approach. Here, commercially available ExacTech screen-printed glucosebiosensors were investigated for the determination of Pb2+ and Cd2+ ions by bothpotentiometric stripping analysis (PSA) and differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry(DPASV). These biosensors consisted of planar working and Ag/AgCl reference electrodesprinted on a PVC substrate. As the original working electrode had been modified withenzyme and mediator layers, the unadulterated carbon contacts pads (2 mm x 8 mm) wereemployed as the working electrodes instead. At the beginning of each day a Hg film wasplated on the working electrode surface from an 80 mg/L Hg 0.02 M HCl solution to form thethin Hg film SPCE (TF-SPCE). Using DPASV detection limits of 30 ng/L and 50 ng/L forPb2+ and Cd2+ were reported respectively, utilising an accumulation time of 10 minutes. PSAwas shown to give detection limits of 300 ng/L and 500 ng/L for Pb2+ and Cd2+ respectively.Both human urine and drinking water were investigated, and results were shown to becomparable with both Hg thin film glassy carbon and hanging Hg drop electrodes.

Subsequently, a large number of reports have been made, utilising dedicated screen-printed electrodes modified by in situ or ex situ electrochemically plated Hg films. Up untilthe early part of the last decade this was the generally prevailing approach [9]. Table 1summaries a number of these applications, demonstrating the low limits of detection andversatility that these devices offer.

One advantage of electrochemical techniques such as stripping voltammetry offers is thepossibility to determine the relative concentrations of free and complexed metal fractions [8].This is an important parameter as the relative toxicities of different metal species andcomplexes can be quite notable. Recently TF-SPCEs have been utilised with a techniquereferred to as absence of gradients and Nernstian equilibrium stripping (ANGES) [31,32].This is a relatively new technique which has been developed to measure the free ionconcentration alone. In this approach, in the deposition stage a potential a few mV morenegative than the standard potential of the couple is applied. This concentrates the metalinside the amalgam until the redox couple reaches Nernstian equilibrium and there is noconcentration gradient in the amalgam or in the solution. This results in a gain or pre-concentration factor in the amalgam with respect to the solution, which is controlled via theapplied deposition potential according to Nernst’s law. The subsequent measurementstripping step is achieved by applying a potential sufficient to produce an oxidation strippingcurrent.

However, even with the relative smaller concentrations of Hg used in these approachesthey still suffered from the perceived problems of toxicity and disposal, especially with on-site applications. In light of this alternative approaches have been sort. Two differingstrategies have been followed to overcome these issues and are discussed in the next sections.

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Analyte Modifier Accumulation media Measurementtechnique

Linear range Detection limit(time)

Sample(s) Ref.

Pb2+, Cd2+,Cu2+

Hg thin film Sample acidified withHCl pH 2

SWASV, -1.1 V(120 s)

0 ng/mL – 500ng/mL inacidifiedseawater

Cd2+ 7.0 ng/mL,Pb2+ 0.31 ng/mL,Cu2+ 0.53ng/mL

seawater [33]

Sb3+ Hg thin film HCl 3M DPASV, -0.9 V(600 s)

0.99 × 10-8 –8.26 × 10-8 M

1.27×10-8 M. Glucantime andseawater


Cd2+ Hg modifiedmicroelectrode arrayformed by andfemtosecond laserablation

acetate buffer 0.2 M,pH 4.5

SWASV 1 ng/mL – 10ng/mL

1.3 ng/mL, 300 s River water [35]

Cd2+ Ex situ Hg plated thinfilm

acetate buffer 0.2 MpH 4.5

SWASV, -1.0 V 0.2 ng/mL – 40ng/mL

0.2 ng/mL, (60 s) River water [36]

Pb2+, Cd2+ Thin-film Hg 0.6 M NaCl solutionat pH 8

SWASV, -1.1 V 10 ng/mL –2000 ng/mL

Pb2+ 1.8 ng/mL,Cd2+ 2.9 ng/mL(120 s)

seawater [37]

Cd2+, Cu2+,Pb2+, Hg2+

Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+ bythin Hg film, Hg2+ Auscreen-printedelectrode

0.1 M HCl SWASV, Hg2+ +0.2V, Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+,-1.1 V

1 ng/mL – 1µg/mL for all

Hg2+ 0.9 ng/mL,(120 s), Cd2+, 1.0ng/mL Cu2+ 0.5ng/mL, Pb2+ 0.3ng/mL (300 s)

Dogfish muscle,mussel tissue,Atlantic hakefillets


Pb2+ Pre-anodized Hg plated 0.1 M H2SO4 SWASV, Tl3+ usedas internal standard

1-300 ng/mL 0.23 ng/mL Blood frombattery factoryworkers


Pb2+, Cd2+ Hg thin film 0.1 M HCl SWASV, -1.1 V Pb2+, Cd2+ both5-100 ng/mL

- Herbal drugs (St.John’s Wort)


Cd2+, Pb2+,Zn2+

Carbon based mercurythin film electrode

0.10 M KNO3 with 50mM HCl

CV and Differentialpulse anodicstrippingvoltammetry(DPASV)

8.0-220 ng/mLZn2+, 0.3-50.0ng mL-1 Cd2+,

0.15-60.0ng/mL Pb2+

0.25, 0.08 and 5.5ng/mL for Cd2+,Pb2+, Zn2+ (60 sdeposition step at–1.10 V)

Water,wastewater, lakewater, certifiedreference materialsamples


Table 1. Mercury modified screen-printed electrodes for Metal Ion Determination.

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2.2 Trace Metal Determination at Unmodified Screen-printed Carbon Electrodes

An alternative approach has been to utilise unmodified screen-printed carbon electrodes,with the deposition and measurement of the target metal ion at the carbon surface [9]. Thishas been shown successful for the trace determination of a number of elements and has beenpreviously reviewed [9] and a number of previous reported examples of this approach aregiven in table 2. These studies have shown that identification and optimisation of thesupporting electrolyte is important, governing the character and number of stripping peaksdeveloped. Recently, using such an approach, Crew et al [43] have determined Zn2+

concentrations in human sweat, an important indicator of stress and fatigue utilising anodicstripping voltammetry at an unmodified Hg-free SPCE. Cyclic voltammetric studiesidentified the optimum electrolyte as pH 6.0 0.1 M acetate buffer containing 0.1 M NaCl.Further studies showed that by using a deposition potential of -1.6 V a well-defined strippingpeak at -1.2 V could be obtained which was found to exhibit a linear response withconcentration from 1×10−8 to 5×10−6 M Zn2+ for a deposition time of 60 s. A coefficient ofvariation of 5.6 % was obtained for six replicate measurements of a 2x10-6 M Zn2+. Themethod was applied to the determination of Zn2+ in sweat from ten human volunteers. Theconcentrations were found to between 0.39 and 1.56 µg/mL, in agreement with that reportedin previous studies.

Investigations have shown the possibility of directly screen-printing microarrays ofelectrodes [44,45]. The use of microelectrodes offers a number of advantages, including highmass transport, low ohmic drop and enhanced signal to noise ratios [46]. One importantfactor related to stripping analysis is the increased mass transport which occurs as a result ofthis type of diffusion. Further increases in sensitivity can be made if a number of thesemicroelectrodes are wired together in parallel, with each electrode diffusionally independentan amplified signal output can be gained, allowing improved sensitivity and a lower detectionlimit. This possibility has been explored by Kadara et al [44] by screen-printing shallowrecessed microarrays directly with a reportedly reproducible disc radius of 116 (±6) µm.Using a screen printed 16 microelectrode shallow recessed array, with discs in a hexagonalpattern separated by 1.250 mm, the electroanalytical determination of Mn2+ via cathodicstripping voltammetry was shown to be possible achieving a limit of detection of 81 (±1.2)nM. Changing the arrangement of the array by reducing the number of discs to six andincreasing the separation to 2.500 mm, a detection limit of 64 (±1.5) nM was reported.

In further studies the possibility of determining traces Pb concentrations in river waterutilising the six disc array in this case by cathodic stripping voltammetry as described byequations 3 and 4. This approach utilises the oxidation of the Pb2+cation in the presence ofwater to accumulate the metal as a thin-film of insoluble PbO2 at the electrode surface (eq. 3).By the application of a negative going voltage scan the accumulated PbO2 undergoes a twoelectron reduction back to Pb2+ giving the analytical signal (eq. 4) [47].

Pb2+(aq) + 2H2O → PbO2(s) + 4H+ + 2e- (eq.3)

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PbO2(s) + 4H+ + 2e- → Pb2+(aq) + 2H2O (eq.4)

A detection limit of 3 µM, with a linear response to 50 µM was reported using aconditioning potential of +0.5 V and a deposition potential of +1.65 V (vs. SCE) applied for120 s. By increasing the deposition time to 320 s two linear ranges were reported, from 0.4µM to 1 µM, and second from 1.5 µM to 10 µM. Based on the first linear range a detectionlimit of 39 nM was reported. Ten replicate measurements of river water fortified with 0.4 µMwere found to give a coefficient of variation of 8 %.

Figure 1. Diagrammatic representation of method for the manufacture of microband SPCEs.(a) Plain view of 3×3mm SPCE, (b) and µBSPCE (c) end on view of µBSPCE. Reprinted

from Talanta, 84, Honeychurch K.C., Al-Berezanchi S., Hart J.P., The voltammetricbehaviour of lead at a microband screen-printed carbon electrode and its determination inacetate leachates from glazed ceramic plates. 717–723, Copyright 2011, with permission

from Elsevier.

Screen-printed carbonconnection track



Microband workingelectrode (2 mm x20 µm)

PVC substrate

(a) (b)


Macro workingelectrode (3x3 mm)


Ag/AgCl pseudo-reference/counterelectrode


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The determination of Pb2+ has recently been reported at a microband screen-printed carbonelectrode (µBSPCE) [48]. These µBSPCE can be manufactured by exposing a cross sectionof the 2 mm x 20 µm printed layer of the ink working electrode, sandwiched between thedielectric and the PVC substrate, as depicted in figure 1. This was shown to be relativesimple and cost effective manner of manufacture, with the possibility to form severalµBSPCEs from a single screen-printed sensor by simple further cutting to reveal a freshcarbon surface. Cyclic voltammetric investigations undertaken on a 0.1 M KCl 5 mMferrocyanide solution demonstrated microelectrode type behaviour with sigmoidal shapedvoltammograms being reported. Utilising linear sweep anodic stripping voltammetry with anaccumulation time of 1500 s in a quiescent 0.1 M pH 4.1 acetate 13 mM NaCl solution, alinear relationship with Pb2+ concentration was obtained from 50 µg/L to 1.7 mg/L with anassociated detection limit of 2.3 ng/mL was obtained. The developed sensor was shown to beable to successfully determine the concentration of Pb leached from ceramic plates andtableware.

Sue et al [49] have utilised a flow injection device system shown in figure 2 for thedetermination of As3+ at a screen-printed ring disc electrode, via its interaction withelectrochemically produced I2 formed at the inner disk electrode (eq.5). In the presence ofAs3+, the electrochemically generated I2 is rapidly reduced to I-, in the “gap” between the diskand ring electrodes (eq.6). This results in a subsequent depletion in the concentration of I2

arriving at the ring electrode [50]. Hence this reduction in the current collected at the ringelectrode allows for the determination of the concentration of As3+ introduced into the cell(eq.7). The developed method was utilized for As3+ measurements in groundwater of‘Blackfoot’ endemic disease affected areas of south-western coast of Taiwan.

Inner disk electrode reaction 2I-(aq) → I2 (aq) + 2e- (eq.5)

“Gap” reaction I2 (aq) + As3+(aq) → 2I-

(aq) + As5+(aq) (eq.6)

Outer ring electrode reaction I2 (aq) + 2e- → 2I-(aq) (eq.7)

A screen-printed lab-on-paper device has been recently reported for the strippingvoltammetric determination of Au with the simultaneous colorimetric determination of Fe[51]. The use of paper as a substrate has a number of reported advantages including beinginexpensive and readily available. In this study, the authors showed the possibility ofutilising a Whatman No. 1 filter paper as the substrate to screen-print a three electrodesystem. The filter paper was pre-treated in a similar manner as described by Martinez et al[52] by spin coating with SU-8 negative photoresist. The three electrodes design was thenscreen-printed on to this modified filter paper, using a carbon ink for the working andcounters electrodes and Ag/AgCl ink for the reference electrode and conductive pads.

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Figure 2. Schematic representation (A) and reaction mechanism (B) of the flow injectionelectrochemical detector setup. Reprinted from Electrochem. Commun. 10, Sue J.-W., Ku H.-

H., Chung H.-H., Zen J.-M., Disposable screen-printed ring disk carbon electrode coupledwith wall-jet electrogenerated iodine for flow injection analysis of arsenic(III), 987–990,

Copyright 2008, with permission from Elsevier.

Cyclic voltammetric investigations of 50 µg/mL Au3+ in dilute aqua regia electrolyteshowed a well-defined reduction peak of Au3+ at +260 mV vs. Ag/AgCl corresponding to the2 e- reduction of AuCl4

- to AuCl2-. To determine the low concentrations of Au present in

waste and environmental water samples further investigation were made with square wavecathodic stripping voltammetry; the optimized system (pulse amplitude = 50 mV, squarewave frequency of 15 Hz, and step height pulse height of 5 mV) was capable of achieving alinear range between 1 and 200 µg/mL with a detection limit of 1 µg/mL for Au3+ requiringan one minute assay time.

The analytical performance of the sensor was investigated on gold-refining wastesolutions, obtained from the precious metals assay laboratory of the Gem and JewelleryInstitute of Thailand. Results for two different samples showed levels of 17.5 ± 0.5 and 46.0± 1 µg/mL, Au3+ and exhibited good agreement with that gained by ICP-AES. The averagepercentage recovery values obtained for a gold waste sample fortified with Au3+ were foundto be in the range 91 %−93 % with a coefficient of variation of between 2.7%−4.4 %. It wasfound that a 50-fold excess of Cu2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Pt2+, Rh2+, and Ag+ did not interfere with thedetermination of Au3+. However, the peak current for Au3+ decreased in the presence of a2.5-fold excess concentration of Fe3+ with no response seen Au3+ in the presence of a 25-foldexcess of Fe3+. This was concluded to result from the reduction current response of Fe3+

overlapping with that of Au3+, and the possible formation of intermetallic compounds. Dueto the interferences resulting from the present of Fe, the authors included a colorimetric test,

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incorporated into the same paper device, based on the reaction of Fe2+ with 1,10-phenanthroline (figure 3). As the Fe ion is in acidic solution it will be predominantly presentas Fe3+. Consequently, ascorbic acid was added to reduce this Fe3+ to the Fe2+. The resultingcolour intensity being proportional to the concentration of the Fe2+ complex with 1,10-phenanthroline, and was able to be assessed visually. The colour developed was compared tothe calibration chart by the naked eye, hence allowing for samples containing high Feconcentrations to be identified.

Figure 3. Intensity of the observed colour is proportional to the complex concentration of (a)sample 1 and (b) sample 2, compared to the Fe3+. Reprinted with permission from Apilux A.,

Dungchai W., Siangproh W., Praphairaksit N., Henry C.S., Chailapakul O., Lab-on-Paperwith Dual Electrochemical/Colorimetric Detection for Simultaneous Determination of Goldand Iron. Anal. Chem. 2010, 82, 1727-1732. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

Aurothiomalate (gold(I)thiomalate) is widely used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.Recently, Bergamini and Zanoni [53] have determined this by an indirect anodic strippingvoltammetric stripping at a SPCE. This was achieved by reducing the Au+ to Au0 metal on thesurface of the SPCE by applying a potential of -1.5 V (vs. printed carbon) and then strippingthe accumulated Au from the SPCE surface. This was found to give to oxidation peakscorresponding to the oxidation of Au0 to Au+ and then Au+ to Au3+. Interestingly in thisapproach a screen-printed carbon reference electrode was utilised rather than the standardAg/AgCl. A negative shift of ca. 400 mV in Ep was recorded, compared to potentialmeasured against the Ag/AgCl, but no other differences were found. Utilising anaccumulation potential of -1.5 V (vs. printed carbon) and accumulation time of 60 s adetection limit of 6.5x10-7 M, with a linear range from 1.43x10-6 M to 1.55x10-4M wasobtained.

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Analyte Modifier Accumulation media Measurementtechnique

Linear range Detection limit(time)

Sample(s) Ref.

Cr6+ Unmodified carbon 0.1 M H2SO4 LSCSV 100 ng/mL – 1000ng/mL

19 ng/mL Canal water [54]

Pb2+ 0.1 M KCl DPASV, -1.1 V(400 s)

10 - 60 μg/dL 2 μg/dL - [55]

Hg2+, Pb2+,Ni2+, Cd2+,Cu2+

Unmodified carbon 0.1 M NaCl, adjusted topH 1.35

DPASV, -1.4 V Hg2+ 5 µg/mL – 100µg/mL, Pb2+2 µg/mL– 50 µg/mL , Ni2+ 5µg/mL – 50 µg/mL,Cd2+ 2 µg/mL – 30µg/mL, Cu2+ 2 µg/mL– 50 µg/mL

500 ng/mL Pb2+,750 ng/mL Cd2+, 2µg/mL Zn2+, 1µg/mL Ni2+, 2µg/mL Hg2+, 2µg/mL Cu2+ (60 s)

Pollutionmonitoring andmapping


Hg2+, Pb2+,Ni2+, Cd2+,Cu2+

Unmodified carbon 0.1 M NaCl, adjusted topH 1.35

DPASV, -1.4 V - - Soil [57]

Pb2+, Ni2+,Cd2+, Cu2+

Unmodified carbon 0.1 M NaCl, adjusted topH 1.35

DPASV, -1.4 V - - Forensic soilanalysis


Cd2+, Pb2+ Unmodified carbon 0.2 M CH3COOH + 0.2M CH3COONa

DPASV, -1.0 V Cd2+ 2 µM–100 µM,Pb2+ 5 µM–100 µM

Cd2+ 500 nM, Pb2+

800 nM (120 s)Rainwater, flour,maize andsunflowerseedlings


Cd2+, Cu2+,Pb2+

Injection modelledflow cell containingscreen-printedsensor

Cu2+ 0.1 M HNO3, Cd2+

0.1 M pH 9 ammoniumcitrate buffer, Pb2+ 0.1M pH 9 glycine buffer

Cu2+, Cd2+

DPASV and Pb2+


Pb2+ 30 ng/mL – 70ng/mL (300 s), Cu2+ 9ng/mL – 26 ng/mL(500 s)

Cu2+ 4.4 ng/mL(300 s) Pb2+ 5.9ng/mL (500 s), Cd2+

Lake water,industrial wastewater


Cd2+, Cu2+,Pb2+,

microchip capillaryelectrophoresis

MES buffer (pH 7.0, 25mM)

-0.8 V 100 – 1000 µM Pb2+ 1.74 µM, Cd2+

0.73 µM, 0.13 µMGreen vegetable,Tomato and pineapple juices


K+, Na+,Li+, Mg+,Cl-, NO3



Microchip capillaryelectrophoresis

50mM Acetic acid and10 mM His at pH 3.6for inorganic cationsand anions


100µM to 5mM forK+

8, 13, 6 and 6 µMfor K+, Na+, Ca+ andMg2+; 39, 44 and 22µM for Cl-, NO3



Standard solutionand water samples:Wöslauer andUrquelle mineralwater, tap water


Table 2. Unmodified Screen-printed Electrodes for Determination of Metal Ions.

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2.3 Chemical Modified Screen-printed Carbon Electrodes for Metal Ion Determination

The expression ‘chemically modified electrodes’ (CMEs) was first used by Murray andco-workers [63] to designate an electrode with a chemically active species deliberatelyimmobilised onto the surface of the electrode. It is now generally used to denote themodification of the electrode with a ligand or similar compound. CMEs have been used forthe determination of a large number of both organic and inorganic analytes and a number ofreviews have been produced on its scope and application [64-68].

Early applications of “non-electrolytic” pre-concentrations have been described byBrainina [69], Kalvoda and Kopanica [70] Cheek and Nelson [71] and Wang [72], withdevelopments on the chemical modification of electrode surfaces beginning about 1975[73,74]. Direct mixing of the modifying agent into the carbon paste was suggested byRavichandran and Baldwin [75], which led to the application of modified carbon pasteelectrodes. Wang and co-workers developed chemically modified SPCEs have utilising asimilar approach of mixing ion exchange [76] and chelating agents [77] with the screen-printing ink prior to printing for the determination of Cu and Ni respectively. Simple dropcoating of the SPCEs has been developed by Honeychurch et al [78-80] for Cd and Pb.

In this approach, metal ions (Mn+) are chemically accumulated at the ligand modifiedelectrode surface (Lsurface), in the absence of an applied potential eq. 8.

Mn+ + Lsurface Mn+Lsurface (eq. 8)

Once accumulated at the electrode, the metal ion can be measured by either a negativegoing potential ramp, (cathodic stripping) or a positive going one (anodic stripping). Forcathodic stripping voltammetry the electrode potential is swept in a negative direction, to apotential low enough to cause the reduction of the surface accumulated metal ions to theirnative metal, (Msurface) as in equation (eq. 9).

Mn+Lsurface + ne- Msurface + Lsurface (eq. 9)

Where ne- is the number of electrons transferred, and other terms have the same meaningsas equation 8. Measurement is based upon the electrons consumed in the reduction of themetal ion to form the lower oxidation state metal. The case of anodic measurement ishowever more complicated as the metal ions need to be first converted to a metal layer on theelectrode. This can be achieved by the application of sufficiently negative voltage, before themeasurement step. The application of this potential, needs to be as short as possible to ensurethat any metal ions present in the stripping solution are not accumulated, hence leading toerroneous results. Once reduced, the resulting thin metal layer adsorbed upon the electrode

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surface can then be stripped from the electrode by the application of a positive going linearvoltage ramp, as for ASV, in equation (eq. 10).

Msurface + Lsurface Mn+aq + ne- + Lsurface (eq. 10)

Where terms used have the same meanings as equation 8.

2.3.1 Medium Exchange

Optimum conditions necessary for the chemical accumulation of metal ions from thesample solution are generally very much different from that of those needed by theelectrochemical-stripping measurement step. The relatively low ionic strength and alkaline toneutral pH values employed in most complexing reactions makes them unattractive asstripping media which are generally acidic and of higher ionic strength. This problem can beeasily overcome by the use of the well-established technique of medium exchange [81,82]employed recently with chemically modified SPCEs by Honeychurch et al [78-80]. Thebasis of which involves the deposition of the target analyte from the sample solution followedby stripping of the accumulated analyte into a separate more suitable electrolyte. The use ofthe two separate media for the accumulation and stripping step means that both can beoptimised independent of each other, allowing for a number of other advantages.Interferences resulting from the presence of other electroactive species in the sample canoften cause problems, due to their associated background current swamping out the targetanalyte signal, or their voltammetric peaks being unresolved from the target species. Theexchange to a clean optimised stripping electrolyte has been shown to be able to eliminatethese problems. Similarly, Interferences from co-accumulated metals have been minimisedby the addition of a suitable complexing agent to the stripping media [83-85].

2.3.2 Application of Modified Screen-printed Carbon Electrodes for Metal Ion Analysis

Honeychurch and Hart [9] reviewed the reported applications of chemically modifiedscreen-printed electrodes and a number of these earlier reported applications of chemicallymodified screen-printed electrodes are given in table 3.

Concentrations of Au in human urine have been quantified at a poly-L-histidine modifiedSPCE [86]. It was found possible to complex Au, present as tetrachloroaurates, at themodified electrode surface under open circuit conditions. This was then quantified by acathodic stripping voltammetry in 0.1 M KCl (pH 1.0). Linear sweep (LSV), differentialpulse (DPV), and square wave voltammetry (SWV) were investigated and detection limits of6.0 µM, 1.7 µM and 4.0 µM were obtained respectively. SWV was found to be the mostsensitive waveform, however, DPV was shown to obtain the lowest detection limit, andconsequently was utilised in further studies.

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Shi et al [87] have synthesized an 8-hydroxyquinoline ferrocenoate (Fc-Q) ligand andapplied this as the recognition element in the development of a multi-channel sensor for thedetection of Hg2+. In the presence of Hg2+ ions Fc-Q was shown to give colorimetric,fluorescent and electrochemical responses. With increasing complexation with Hg2+ ion, theabsorption peak was reported to be red-shifted (∆λ= 45 nm), with the fluorescent intensitybeing quenched at 303 nm. Electrochemical investigations at a screen-printed electrodeshowed that in the presence of Hg2+ the FcQ oxidation peak to shift catholically by −149 mV.This behaviour was reported to result from the presence of the positively charged Hg2+ ionincreasing the electron density at the ferrocenyl redox centre of the Fc-Q molecule. DPVinvestigations showed that with increasing Hg2+ concentration the Fc-Q oxidation peakcurrent magnitude was found to decrease linearly. Utilising this behaviour it was foundpossible to determine Hg2+ concentration in the ng/mL region, with Investigations by DPVexhibiting a linear response over the range 0–300 ng/mL Hg2+. Possible interferences fromother metal cations (Cu2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Ag+) and anions (Cl−, acetate andClO4

−) were investigated with no notable interferences reported. The possibility ofdetermining Hg2+ in both river and tap water sample were investigated by immobilising theFc-Q on the SPCE surface. The average recovery is >94% (%CV <3.4) for water samplesfortified at 40, 50 and 60 ng/mL.

Stozhko et al [88] have investigated seven different hetarylated formazans as modifiers forthe determination of Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, and Zn2+. Higher analytical signals of metals weredetected at 1-(o-chlorophenyl)-3-phenyl-5-(6-methyl-4-oxo-pyrimidinyl-2)formazanmodified electrodes. The modified electrodes were obtained by mixing a 0.02 g portion ofcarbon ink with 0.02 mL of a 10 % formazan solution in chloroform. A thin layer (ca. 100µm) of the resulting mixture was applied onto a polymeric substrate and then dried at 50 ˚Cfor 2 h. The simultaneous electrochemical pre-concentration of Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, and Zn2+

was carried out at using an accumulation potential of -1.4 V. The anodic differentialvoltammogram measurement step was recorded from –1.0 to -0.05 V. The response wasreported to be linear over the concentration range from 2 to 50 mg/L for Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+ andfrom 10 to 50mg/L for Zn2+. The detection limits for Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, and Zn2+ werereported to be 1.0 µg/L, 0.8 µg/L, 0.9 µg/L and 1.8 µg/L respectively.

Prasek et al [89-92] have presented a number of reports focused on both the developmentof SPCE and their modification with nanoparticles. Recently, utilising SPCEs modified withcarbon nanoparticles, Arduini et al [93] have reported an amperometric based sensor capableof determining Hg2+ levels as low as 1 ng/mL with a response time of less than three minutes.Their sensor was based on a screen-printed electrode modified with an acetonitrile dispersionof commercially available carbon black N220. This was shown to give significantlyenhanced electrochemical activity compared to an unmodified screen-printed electrode whentested with thiocholine, cysteine, glutathione and cysteamine. Amperometric investigationswere undertaken in a stirred 0.05 M pH 7.4 phosphate buffer solution containing 0.1 M KCl,at an applied potential of +0.3 V vs. Ag/AgCl. Responses for thiocholine and cysteine were

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found to be highly sensitive and linear up to 1×10-5 M. The reported enhancement seen at thecarbon black modified electrodes was concluded to result from the electrocatalytic propertiesgained from the carbon nanoparticles, resulting from the high number of defect sites presentin their nanostructure; similar to that reported for carbon nanotubes. The electrochemicaloxidation of thiols such as thiocholine and cysteine resulted in the formation of thecorresponding disulphide (eq. 11).

2RSH → RSSR + 2e- + 2H+ (eq. 11)

However, the addition of Hg2+ ions to this system resulted in formation of a non-electroactive thiol complex with a subsequent depletion in the amperometric responseproportional to the concentration of Hg2+ ions present. Figure 4 shows the amperometricresponse for the sensor, when challenged with 1.5x10-8 M Hg2+ (3.0 ng/mL). The analyticalapplication of the developed sensor was investigated by determining Hg2+ levels in fortifieddrinking water samples. Samples were analysed without any pre-treatment with the effect onthe thiocholine signal being recorded. Using a thiocholine concentration of 1x10-7 M was nosignal decrease was reported for the control drinking water samples. However, for drinkingwater samples fortified with 5×10-8 M and 5×10-9 M of Hg2+, signal decreases of 98±2% and14±3% respectively were observed. The effects for various other metal ions, such as, Cu2+,Ag+, Pb2+, Fe3+, Fe2+, Ni2+, Mn2+ and As3+ were investigated at a concentration of 5x10-6 Mwith a thiocholine concentration of 1x10-5 M only the addition of Ag+ ions was reported togive any notable decrease in the amperometric response.

Figure 4. Typical current–time curve obtained before and after adding mercury ions: appliedpotential +0.3 V vs. Ag/AgCl, phosphate buffer 0.05 M + KCl 0.1 M, pH 7.4, thiocholine

3×10-8 M. Reprinted from Electrochim. Acta, 56, Arduini F., Majorani C., Amine A.,Moscone D., Palleschi G., Hg2+ detection by measuring thiol groups with a highly sensitive

screen-printed electrode modified with a nanostructured carbon black film, 4209–4215,Copyright 2011, with permission from Elsevier.

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Analyte Modifier Accumulation media Measurement technique Linear range Detection limit (time) Sample(s) Ref.Hg2+ polyanilinemethylene

blue coated0.5 M HCl DPASV,-0.3 V 1x10-8 M - 1x10-5

M54.27 ng/mL (120 s) Ultra-pure water [94]

UO22+ 4-carboxyphenyl Ammonium acetate 15 minutes 8.5×10-10 to 10 -7M 2×10-9 M Estuarine water [95]

Hg2+, Pb2+, Ni2+,Cd2+

polyaniline, or polyaniline-poly(2,2'–dithiodianiline)

0.1 M H2SO4; 0.5M HCl DPASV, -0.4 V (120 s) 1 x 10-9 M and 1 x10-6 M

- - [96]

Hg2+ Electrochemically coatedpolyaniline-poly(2,2’-dithiodianiline)

0.5 M HCl DPASV, -0.3 V 1x10-8 M - 1x10-5

M56 ng/mL (120 s) - [97]

Hg2+ poly(4-vinlylpyridine) pH 4 acetate buffersolution with 2 MKCl

SWASV 100 – 1000 ppb 69.5 ppb Skin-lighteningcosmetics


Cd2+, Cu2+,Pb2+, Hg2+

Chitosan 0.1 M HCl/KCl DPASV, -1.0 V 10 – 200 ng/mL Pb2+ 3.4 ng/mL, Cu2+

5 ng/ml, Cd2+ 5 ng/mLHg2+ 2 ng/mL (30 s)

Tap water [99]

Eu3+ self-assembled salicylamideon mesoporous silica

open circuit, 50 mMacetate buffer pH 4.6 – 6.5

electrolysis at -0.9 V for60 s in a new medium(0.1–0.2 M NH4Cl, pH3.5), by square-wavevoltammetric

75 to at least 500ppb

10 ppb (10 min) - [100]

Pb2+ functionalized mesoporoussilica

0.2 M HCl SWASV, -1.2 V 1 ng/mL – 30 ng/ml 0.1 ng/mL, 5 minaccumulation , 120 selectrolysis

Drinking water, riverwater, groundwater


Pb2+ and Cd2+ Crown-ethers (dibenzo-24-crown-8 andtetrathiacyclododecane 12-crown-4 membranesinvestigated)

0.1 M KNO3 – 0.2 MHNO3

LSAV, -1.0 V Up to 7.5x10-7 Mfor both Pb2+ andCd2+, usingtetrathiacyclododecane 12-crown-4membranes

Pb2+ 0.8x10-8 M, Cd2+

0.6x10-8 M, usingtetrathiacyclododecane 12-crown-4membranes

Soil and river water [102]

Cd2+ ETH 1062 acrosswater|PVC-NPOE gelmicrointerface, PVC-NPOEGel (PVC 2.8% m/m in asolution of 10 mMBTPPATPBCL orTBATPBCL and 10 mMETH 1062 in NPOE

Up to 391 nM, 30 s. 20 ppb for Cd2+ ions(20 s without pre-concentration step)

Aqueous solution [103]

Table 3. Chemical modified screen-printed Electrodes for the Determination of Metal Ions.

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2.4 Platinum, Gold and Silver Screen-printed Carbon Electrodes

Electrode materials other than carbon such have been successfully utilised for themanufacture of screen-printed metals sensors. Principally, these have focused on theapplication of Au, Ag and Pt (table 4). Aluminium chlorohydrate is important compound inantiperspirant deodorants, known to reduce sweat production. However, recently concern hasfocused on Al relationship with the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Consequently,there is need for its determination of Al in such formulations. Chiu et al [104] have utilised ascreen-printed silver sensor system as part of a flow injection system for its determination.The sensor consisted of Ag working and counter electrodes and a Ag/AgO referenceelectrode. In the presence of water chloride is liberated from aluminium chlorohydrate whichreacts with the Ag working electrode to form free Cl-. Conditions were optimised for thisreaction and it was found that a 0.1 M pH 6 phosphate buffer with a flow rate of 0.5 mL/minusing an applied potential of -25 mV obtained a linear range of 1 to 200 mg/L with acorresponding detection limit calculated for a signal to noise ratio of 3 of 0.295 mg/L wasobtained. Four different antiperspirants deodorant samples were investigated and the valuesobtained were found to be in good agreement with the product labels. Samples were fortifiedwith 20, 40 and 60 mg/L aluminium chlorohydrate and good recoveries were obtained for allsamples investigated (95.65–106.36 %).

Recently, Malzahn et al [105] have shown the possibility of screen-printingelectrochemical sensors onto neoprene diving wet and dry suits. As is illustrated in figure 5the neoprene material was found to be a suitable substrate to print the working, counter andreference electrodes and could be utilised for the anodic stripping voltammetric determinationof Cu2+, together with sensors for the voltammetric determination of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene anda tyrosinase based biosensor for the determination of phenolic compounds. Each printedthree-electrode assembly consisted of a circular carbon working electrode (geometrical area:3 mm2) inscribed inside of a hemispherical carbon counter electrode (area: 10 mm2) and aAg/AgCl reference electrode (area: 2 mm2). The carbon working electrodes were modifiedwith a thin Au film by electroplating at 0.0 V in a pH 7 phosphate buffer containing 50 mg/LAu. Copper determination was shown to be possible in quiescent unmodified seawater, usingsquare-wave stripping voltammetry (frequency = 10 Hz, 25 mV step amplitude, 4 mV steppotential). Using a two minute accumulation time at -1.00 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) a detection limitof 13 ng/mL and a linear range from 10 to 90 ng/mL was reported. The authors alsodescribed a miniaturized 19 mm x 19 mm PCB-mounted CMOS potentiostat encapsulatedinto a watertight compartment integrated into the wetsuit. However, this was not utilised forthe determination Cu, but was operated in free-running chronoamperometric mode only.

Noh and Tothill [106] have described a three-electrode configuration screen-printed goldsensor developed for the determination of Pb2+ by square-wave stripping voltammetry usingan applied potential of -0.7 V (vs. screen-printed Ag/AgCl). The gold working electrode wasfabricated as part of a three electrode sensor by printing a gold layer on the working electrode

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track (planar area 1.3 mm2) using Au ink. A linear concentration range of 10–50 μg/L and25–300 μg/L with detection limits of 2 μg/L and 5.8 μg/L were obtained for Pb2+ formeasurement times of four and two minutes, respectively. It was shown possible todetermine Pb2+ in wastewater samples and in acetic acid and aqua regia extracts of soilsamples. To perform this analysis each sample was diluted 10 to 62.5-fold, depending on theoriginal concentration of Pb2+ in the samples. Before analysis every new electrode wascleaned by cyclic voltammetry from 0 to 1.5 V, 10 times, at 100 mV/s, in 0.5 M H2SO4–0.01M KCl. The electrodes could be reused up to 20 times after cleaning with 0.5 M H2SO4. Thepre-treatment method was postulated to increase surface functionality and/or remove surfacecontaminants, resulting in enhanced electrochemical activity. The peak area of the Pbstripping peak was reported to be significantly enhanced in the presence of Cd, making theirsimultaneous determination impossible. However, the determination of Pb was still possible,as the method of multiple standard additions was shown to overcome these problems.Interferences from other ions including, Cr, Hg, As, Fe, Zn, Cu and Ca were alsoinvestigated, with an enhancement in the Pb stripping current reported in the presence of Cuand a decrease in the presence of As3+. Comparisons were made with Hg-film electrodes andICP–MS, and some disagreement with the concentrations determined. It was concluded thatthe formation of intermetallic species may explain the differences between the resultsobtained.

Figure 5. (A) Screen printed electrode (SPE) on an underwater garment. The three-electrodeconfiguration comprises an Ag/AgCl reference electrode as well as carbon working andcounter electrodes printed directly onto neoprene. Centre: Two different SPE designs onneoprene—(B) three-electrode configuration equivalent to (A) comprising an additional

insulator layer (blue); (C) an array of four silver electrodes (the feature width of each contactline is ~195 µm, the pitch between adjacent electrodes is ~280 µm, and the diameter of the

active area of each electrode is ~440 µm). (D) Scanning electrode micrograph illustrating theworking electrode area on the neoprene substrate (42x, 5 kV). Malzahn K., Windmiller J.R.,Valdés-Ramírez G., Schöning M.J., Wang J., Wearable electrochemical sensors for in situ

analysis in marine environments. Analyst, 2011, 136, 2912-2917. – Reproduced bypermission of The Royal Society of Chemistry, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C1AN15193B.

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Analyte Modifier Accumulation media Measurementtechnique

Linear range Detection limit Sample(s) Ref.

Hg2+, Pb2+ Au film, withaccumulation with thiol-modified magneticparticles

0.05 M HCl SWASV, -1.0 V Hg2+ 2 – 16ng/mL, Pb2+ 4 –16 ng/mL

Hg2+ 1.5 ng/mL,Pb2+ 0.5 ng/mL,(120 s)

Drinking water [107]

Cd2+ Screen-printed carbonand screen-printed Au

0.1 M KCl DPASV 0 – 150 µM 500 nM - [108]

Sb3+ Electrochemicalgenerated silvernanoparticles

pH 2 Britton–Robinsonbuffer

DPASV, -0.6 V, (200s)

9.90 x 10-8 -9.09x10-7 M

6.79x10 -10 M Seawater,pharmaceuticalpreparations


Sb3+ Electrochemicalgenerated goldnanoparticles

pH 2 Britton–Robinsonbuffer

DPASV, -0.55 V (200s)

9.90×10-8 -9.09×10-7 M

9.44×10 -10 M Seawater,pharmaceuticalpreparations


Pb2+ Random micro-arrayformed by sprayingscreen-printed workingwith a commercialdeodorant (200 mm for12 s).

0.1 M HNO3 SWASV, -0.5 V 20 µM to 50 µMand 75 µM to200 µM

9.5 µM - [111]

As3+ Au array for ASV, Ptarray for directoxidation, formed byspraying screen-printedworking with acommercial deodorant(200 mm for 6 s).

1 M H2SO4 LSASV, -1.2 V 1 µM to 5 µM byLSASV

4.8x10-7 M - [112]

As3+ platinum nanoparticle 1 M H2SO4 Cyclic voltammetry,-0.2 V to +1.3 V, 100mV/s

1.6x10-7 -1.3x10-6 M

5.68 ±1.18 mg/L Certificated watersample


Pb2+ Au nanostructured 0.1 M HCl SWASV, -0.5 V(under potentialdeposition)

2.5 – 250mg/mL, Fe3+ asinternal standard

0.09 ng/mL Capillary andvenous blood


Hg2+ Gold surfaceconditioned by applyingfive cycles of CVpotential range 0 to+0.7V; scan rate 50mV/s,

Sample acidified withHCl pH 2, +0.3V for 60s.

SWASV 5 to 30 ng/mL 1.1 ng/mL(deposition time 60s)

Industrial waste,fortified rain water,ambient water


Table 4. Screen-printed carbon Au, Ag and Pt electrodes.

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2.5 Bismuth Modified Screen-printed Electrodes for Metal Ion Determination

Bismuth has been successfully shown by a number of authors [116-119] to be an effectivealternative to the more toxic Hg (Bi rat oral LD50 = 5 g/kg, Hg LD50 = 1 mg/kg). The use andhistory relating to Bi modified electrodes has recently been reviewed [116-119] and a numberof elements including chromium [120], zinc [121] and lead [122] have been determined,utilising a similar approach to that used for Hg thin-film electrodes (eq. 12-14). A number ofexamples of these are summarised in table 5.

Bi3+ + 3e- → Bi0 (eq. 12)

Mn+ + ne- + Bi0 → MBi (eq. 13)

MBi → Mn+ + ne- + Bi0 (eq. 14)

The formation of a suitable Bi film can be subject to a number of factors, which need to beoptimised. Khairy et al [123] have utilised an in situ Bi film formation approach for thedetermination of Cd2+ in artificial and diluted oral fluid at a SPCE using square wavestripping voltammetry. In this approach, a soluble Bi3+ salt is added to sample solution andco-deposited with target analyte. The effect of solution pH upon the in situ formed Bi filmwas explored using a 30 µg/L Cd. At pH values above three the magnitude of the strippingpeak decreased reportedly due to hydrolysis. Unstable film formation was also reported if theBi concentration were too great and a 0.4 mg/L Bi concentration was found optimum for a 30µg/L Cd solution. Investigations into the effect of deposition potential were then made, andthe magnitude of the Cd stripping peak increased with increasing negative potential up to -1.2V, beyond which it was found to plateau for a 200 s deposition time. Using these conditionsinvestigations into the determination of trace Cd concentrations in oral fluid were howeverproblematic as the adsorption of samples proteins and other components interfered with the insitu deposition of Bi. However, by adjusting the pH of the oral fluid samples to pH 1 withHCl this problem was greatly elevated. Additions of Cd were found to be linear over therange 10 to 80 µg/L. Concentrations above this resulted in decreased voltammetric responses,due to the saturation of the Bi nucleation sites. A detection limit of 2.9 µg/L was calculatedbased on three times the standard deviation of the blank. Real oral fluid samples needed to bediluted 100 times and as above the pH adjusted to pH 1. A linear range of 10 to 50 µg/L and adetection limit of 2.3 µg/L were found.

The alternative approach is to incorporate some insoluble form Bi, such as Bi2O3

[121,124] or BiPO4 [125] into the ink and hence the body of the screen-printed electrodeduring the manufacturing step. This can then be reduced to Bi during the electrochemicaldeposition step forming a metal film on the electrode surface. The method avoids the need toadd Bi to sample or the ex situ plating of Bi. Wang and co-workers have demonstrated the

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possibility modifying the SPCE with all the reagents required for the ASV determination ofPb2+ in surface waters [126,127]. This was simply achieved by drying the buffer salts,Bi(NO3)3 and the internal standard, zinc nitrate on to a 7 mm diameter Whatman No. 1 filterpaper placed over the screen-printed working electrode (figure 6). Upon addition of a ten µLaliquot of the water sample these components are reconstituted allowing for the SWASVdetermination. A detection limit of 2.0 ng/mL Pb2+ was reported with a linear range 0 to 100ng/mL for a 120 s deposition time at -1.4 V.

Figure 6. Preparation and application of the paper disk integrated SPCE. Typically 10 μL ofbuffer with an internal standard were dropped on the filter surface and dried in the air; thepaper with pre-storage of reagents was left on the electrode surface; then a fixed volume of

sample (10 μL) was dropped on the paper for electrochemical detection. Reprinted withpermission from Tan S.N., Ge L., Wang W., Paper Disk on Screen Printed Electrode for One-Step Sensing with an Internal Standard. Anal. Chem. 2010, 82, 8844-8847. Copyright 2010

American Chemical Society.

The technique of cathodic adsorptive stripping voltammetry (CAdSV) with Bi modifiedSPCEs for the determination of metal ions such as Co [128] has also been studied. Here anex situ Bi coated SPCE was used in CAdSV of Co with dimethylglyoxime (DMG) ascomplexing agent. A series of soil extracts with varying Co concentrations were analysed,and the results obtained compared to those determined using ICP–MS. The results revealedthe suitability of stripping analysis for the determination of 0.1 µg/L levels of heavy metals insoil extracts.

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An interesting hybrid stripping voltammetric-colorimetric method has recently beenreported by [129] for the determination of Pb2+, Cu2+ and Cd2+. Screen-printed carbonelectrodes were modified in situ with Bi during the accumulation step for the co-depositionthe target metal ions, by the application of an applied potential of -1.2 V for Cd2+ and Pb2+

and -0.6 V for Cu2+. The modified electrode was then transferred from the sample solution toa second separate solution for the subsequent stripping measurement step to be performed, ina similar manner to that undertaken in previously reported medium exchange assays.However, in this approach, this second stripping solution contained the metal indicator dye,xylenol orange. Consequently, the metal ions generated in the electrochemical stripping step,react in solution with this dye, producing a coloured complex, the concentration of which canthen be determined via UV spectroscopy. The relatively high levels of Bi3+ ions generatedwere reported not to interfere with the spectroscopic analysis. Linear relationships with metalion concentrations and UV absorbances obtained at 575 nm for Pb2+ (acetate buffer) and Cu2+

(acetate buffer), 580 nm for Cd2+ (hexamethylenetetramine buffer), respectively. Limits ofdetection were reported as 10, 10 and 100 nM for Cd2+, Pb2+ and Cu2+ respectively. Analysisof waste water samples were successfully undertaken and good agreement was reported withthat gained by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES).

Some drawbacks with the use of Bi modified SPCEs have been highlighted by Serrano etal [130]. The stripping of the Bi film itself can result in narrowing of the potential range thatcan be successfully utilised, an affect that can be exacerbated by extremes of pH. However,such issues can also be said for Hg. These effects can interfere with the determination ofelements such as Cu and Hg. The presence of relatively large concentrations of Bi3+ insolution required for the in situ plating of the Bi film can also result in disruptions inspeciation of the target analytes. As with most thin-film techniques peak splitting can beobserved, but by correct optimisation the assay can be generally avoided. However, in theirrecent comparison of ex situ plated Bi electrodes, Serrano et al [130] have shown Bi SPCEsto be superior to Bi thin film glassy carbon electrodes, which exhibited splitting of the Cdstripping peak.

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Analyte Modifier Accumulation media Measurementtechnique

Linear range Detection limit Sample(s) Ref.

Pb2+ Bi thin film Acetate buffer pH 4.5 SWASV, -1.0V, 2 minutes

10-100 ng/mL 0.3 ng/mL, 3minutes

Drinking water [131]

Zn2+, Cd2+

Pb2+Chemicallysynthesized Binanoparticles

pH 4.5 0.1M acetate buffer SWASV, -1.4V, flow cellandconvectivecell

0.52 ng/mL Zn2+,0.45 ng/mL Cd2+,0.41 ng/mL Pb2+,(120 s)

Waste watercertified referencematerial, drinkingwater


Zn2+, Cd2+

Pb2+bismuth oxidemodified ink

0.1 M sodium acetatesolution containing 0.05 MHCl or 0.1 M HCl

SWASV, -1.2V

Cd2+ 10 – 150ng/mL, Pb2+

10 – 150ng/mL, Zn2+

40 to 150ng/mL

5, 10 and 30ng/mL

River water [133]

Cd2+ Microband ex situ Biplated

acetate buffer 0.2 M, pH 4.5 SWASV, -1.0V

5.6 ng/mL –45 ng/mL

1.3 ng/mL River watersample from amine area


Cd2+, Pb2+ bismuth oxidemodified ink

0.5M ammonium acetatecontaining 0.1M HCl (pH4.6)


20–300 ng/mL Pb2+ 8.0 ng/mL,Cd2+ 16 ng/mL

soil and watersamples


Zn2+, Pb2+ Ex situ depositedbismuth

0.01 M KNO3 andmaleic/maleate buffer at pH6.

DPASV, -1.5V, 60 s.strippingchronopotentiometry

Up to: Zn2+

250 ng/mL,Pb2+ 50ng/mL, Cd2+

600 ng/mL.

Zn2+ 3.5 ng/mLPb2+ 0.5 ng/mL,Cd2+ 3.9 ng/mL

Barcelona tapwater


Pb2+ Bi, 0.5% nafion 100 mM acetate 50 mM KClbuffer containing 500 mg/LBi

SWASV, -1.0V, 120 s

5 ng/mL - 80ng/mL

4 ng/mL Leachates fromMoroccanceramic tajines(cooking vessels)


Zn2+, Cd2+

Pb2+Dip coated hydrogelmodified Bi doped ink

Volatile metal speciesgenerated at roomtemperature by the additionof sodium tetrahydroborate(III) to an acidified solution.

SWASV, -1.2V

10–80 ng 1 ng (120 s) Metal vapours [138]

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Zn2+, Cd2+

Pb2+In situ plated Bi 1 M HCl SIA-ASV,

-1.4 V2–100 ng/mLPb2+ and Cd2+,12–100 ng/mLZn2+.

0.2 ng/mL Pb2+,0.8 ng/mL, Cd2+

and 11 ng/mLZn2+

Herbs [139]

Zn2+, Cd2+

Pb2+In situ plated Bi 1 M HCl SIA-ASV,

-1.4 V0 – 70 ng/mLPb2+and Cd2+,75 – 200ng/mL Zn2+.

0.89 ng/mL Pb2+

0.69 ng/mL Cd2+Drinking water [140]

Cd2+ Pb2+ In situ plated Bi 0.2 M, pH 4.6 acetate buffer SI-MSFA,-1.1 V

10 ng/mL –100 ng/mL

Cd2+ 1.4 ng/mLPb2+ 6.9 ng/mL

Water from a zincmining drainingpond


Zn2+, Cd2+

Pb2+In situ plated Bi 0.1 M pH 4.5 acetate buffer,

10-2 M KClSWASV 10 ng/mL –

100 ng/mLZn2+8.2 ng/mL,Cd2+ 3.6 ng/mL,Pb2+ 2.5 ng/mL

tap water andwaste water


Cd2+, Pb2+ bismuth oxidemodified ink

0.1M, pH 4.5 acetate buffer SWASV, -1.2V

20 ng/mL –100 ng/mL

2.3 ng/mL Pb2+,1.5 ng/mL Cd2+

River water [143]

Pb2+ In situ plated Bi Lab ona chip

0.1 M acetate buffer pH 4.5 SWASV, -1.2V

2.5 ng/mL –100 ng/mL

1.0 ng/mL (120 s) - [144]

Pb2+ SPCE modified withWhatman No. 1 filterpaper containingelectrolyte, Bi andinternal standard (Zn)salts.

0.1 M pH 4.5 acetate buffer,containing Zn (60 ng/mL) asinternal standard

SWASV, -1.4V

10 ng/mL -100 ng/mL

2.0 ng/mL (120 s) - [127]

Zn2+, Cd2+

Pb2+Sequential flowinjection in situ platedBi

1 M HCl SWASV, -1.2V, followingpre-concentrationat ME-1chelatingresin column

20–50 μg/LZn2+, 0–14μg/L Cd2+, 0–14 μg/L Pb2+

17 µg/L Zn2+, 0.3μg/L Cd2+ 0.05μg/L Pb2+

Drinking water [145]

SIA-ASV, sequential injection analysis-anodic stripping voltammetry, SI-MSFA, Sequential injection monosegmented flow voltammetry

Table 5. Bismuth modified screen-printed carbon electrodes for trace metal determination.

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3. Screen-printed Biosensors for Metal Ion Detection

Several very good reviews regarding the history and development of biosensor technologyhave already been given [21,146-151]. For the purposes of this review, biosensors have beendefined using a version of the definition given by Théavenot et al. [152] as analytical devicesincorporating some kind of biological material, such as tissue, microorganisms, organelles,cell receptors, enzymes, antibodies, nucleic acids, etc. These biological components areintimately associated with or integrated within a physicochemical transducer or transducingmicrosystem such as a SPCE. Such devices usually produce a digital electronic signalproportional to the concentration of a specific analyte. The more recent applications ofscreen-printed based biosensors have recently been reviewed [153]. The following sectiondetails with their recent applications to metal ion analysis in more detail.

Figure 7. Amperometric recording obtained at a: (a) urease/SPCE: (1) Addition of urea((urea) = 0.33M), (2–12) additions of 100 µL of a 10-4 M mercury (II) solution. (b)

urease/AuNPs/SPCE: Relation between ∆I vs. [Hg (II)]. Eap = -1.5V vs. Ag/AgCl, pH= 7.Reprinted from Talanta, 79, Domínguez-Renedo O., Alonso-Lomillo M.A., Ferreira-

Goncalves L., Arcos-Martínez M.J., Development of urease based amperometric biosensorsfor the inhibitive determination of Hg (II), 1306–1310, Copyright 2009, with permission from


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3.1 Enzyme and Amino Acid Modified Metal Ion Biosensors

The application of biosensor technology for metal ion determination is a more recentdevelopment; a number of examples are given in table 6. Recently, such an approach hasbeen employed for the determination of Hg2+ based on the inhibition of urease activity at agold nano-particle modified SPCE [154]. Urease was immobilized to the SPCE surface bycross-linking with bovine serum albumin and glutaraldehyde. Metallic gold nano-particleswere found to enhance the sensitivity of the sensor and were electrochemically deposited onthe working electrode surface, from a 0.1 mM solution of HAuCl4 in 0.5 M H2SO4. Figure 7ashows the resulting amperometric response of the sensor. A steady-state current wasobtainable in the presence of urea and additions of Hg2+ resulted in a current decrease whichwas shown to be proportional concentration (figure 7b). Using this approach a detection limitof 5.6 x 10-8 M was obtainable and the biosensor was shown to be able to determine Hg2+

levels of 1.0 µM in fortified human plasma samples.Sanllorente-Méndez et al [155] have recently determined As3+ at an acetylcholinesterase

modified SPCE. Arsenic inhibits acetylcholinesterase conversion of acetylthiocholine iodideto thiocholine iodide and acetic acid (eq.15).

Acetylthiocholine iodide + H2O → thiocholine iodide + acetic acid (eq. 15)

The former is electrochemically active and can, as in this case, be monitoredamperometically at an applied potential of +0.6 V. A corresponding drop in theamperometric signal is gained with increasing As3+ concentration. A detection limit of1.1x10-8 M with a corresponding linear range up to 1x10-7 M As3+ was obtained. Thedeveloped biosensor was capable of determining 1.0 µM As3+ concentrations in tap water.Further investigation on a certified As5+ water sample were possible following the addition ofsodium thiosulphate to reduce the acetylcholinesterase inert As5+ to As3+.

The interaction of arsenate with L-cysteine has been successfully utilised as the basis of abiosensor for the determination of As [156]. L-cysteine reduces arsenate to arsenite and isitself in process oxidized to L-cystine. The reaction involves electron transfer at the workingelectrode and can be monitored amperometically. By immobilising L-cysteine to the surfaceof the screen-printed carbon electrode, it was found possible to gain a limit of detection ofbetween 1.2 and 4.6 ng/mL. Interferences from other oxidising agents such as nitrate wereinvestigated, and no effects were reported for concentrations commonly present in drinkingwater.

The widely used glucose oxidase enzyme system has also been described for thedetermination of a number of metal ions including; Hg2+, Ag+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Co2+ and Ni2+

[157]. As part of a flow injection system the sensor was able to obtain detection limits in thelow µg/mL with Ag+ detection limits in the µg/L region.

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3.2 Bacteria Modified Screen-printed Metal Ion Biosensors

Shewanella sp. is known as a metal-reducing bacterium, involved in the cycling of iron,manganese, trace elements as well as phosphates. Prasad et al [158] have demonstrated theuse of this bacterium as the electron transfer material for electrochemical sensors for thedetermination of arsenite, hydrogen peroxide, and nitrite. A Shewanella sp. CC-GIMA-1bacterial suspension (prepared in 0.1 M, pH 7.4 phosphate buffered saline) was drop-coatedon the electrode surface and allowed to settle under room temperature for 1 h. This approachwas found to superior to growing bacterial biofilms on the electrode, reported to be laboriousand time consuming. Oxygen functional groups, known to be present on the electrodesurface, offer similar properties to humates which are a favourable environment for bacterialgrowth. The bacteria films were found to be able to utilise these functional groups aselectron acceptors for respiration. The effects of arsenite (50-500 µM), hydrogen peroxide(50 µM-2.5 mM) and nitrite (100-500 µM) were studied by cyclic voltammetry and thereduction peak current of the Shewanella sp. modified electrode was found to increase in thecase of As from ca. 6 µA to 10 µA for an addition of 500 µM arsenite. Additions of Fe3+

were also found to exhibit similar voltammetric behaviour.

3.3 Peptide Modified Screen-printed Electrode for Metal Ion Determination

Self-assembled peptide nanofibrils formed at screen-printed Au electrodes have beeninvestigated as a possible biosensor for the determination of Cu2+ ions [159]. Four differentcysteine containing variants of the octapeptide were investigated as nanofibrils; N-S-G-A-I-T-I-G (NS), N-C-G-A-I-T-I-G (NC), C-N-G-A-I-T-I-G (CN) and C-S-G-A-I-T-I-G (CS).The peptide nanofibrils were prepared from lyophilized peptide powders dissolved in double-distilled water and incubated for six days to allow the fibrils to form. The Au screen-printedelectrodes were modified by the addition of a 5 μL drop of a solution containing self-assembled nanofibrils was deposited on top of the metal working electrode, incubatedovernight at 4 ˚C. The electrodes were washed with double-distilled water prior to theelectrochemical measurements to remove any unbound nanofibrils. The functionalized goldelectrode was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry, impedance spectroscopy, energy dispersiveX-ray and atomic force microscopy. Copper ions were accumulated on the NC-modifiedgold electrodes at open circuit potential by immersing the electrode into 5 mL of an aqueoussolution of Cu2+ in 50 mM ammonium acetate (pH 6.8) and 50 mM NaCl for electrochemicalmeasurements by SWV. The pulse amplitude was 25 mV with a step of 4 mV and afrequency of 25 Hz. The SW voltammograms were recorded between -250 and 500 mV.After the measurement step, bound copper was eliminated from the NC-modified electrode atby applying a potential of +500 mV during 20 s in a 0.1 M HClO4. The biosensor was shownto give a linear response with Cu2+ concentration from 15 µM to 50 μM for a 2 minute opencircuit accumulation time. The possible interferences resulting from Ca2+ and Mg2+ werecommented upon but were not investigated in this report.

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3.4 DNA Modified Screen-printed Metal Ion Biosensors

Niu et al. [160] have utilised a DNA modified Au screen-printed electrode (SPGE)biosensor for the trace determination of Hg2+, gaining a detection limit of 0.6 nM (120 ng/L).The working electrode was modified with a self-assembled mono layer of the thiol-functionalized oligonucleotide, 5'-SH-(CH2)6-TTGCTCTCTCGTT-3' (P1) and a secondferrocene (Fc) substituted oligonucleotide, 5'-TTCGTGTGTGCTT-ferrocene-3' (P2). Asshown in figure 8a, in the absence of Hg, hybridisation does not occur between the twooligonucleotides due to the T–T mismatched bases. The flexibility of the singleoligonucleotide, P2 allows close enough contact with to the SPGE and hence a voltammetricpeak is recorded from interaction with the Fc. However, in the presence of Hg, (figure 8b)hybridisation via the thymine–Hg2+–thymine (T–Hg2+–T) complex can occur and theferrocene molecule is no longer able to interact with the SPGE and the voltammetric peakdecreases in proportion to the Hg concentration.

The developed biosensor showed a linear response for Hg2+ over the concentration range0.001-10 µM, and no interferences were reported for several metal ions including, Mg2+


Ba2+, Cu2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Na+ and K+ at 1 mM concentrations for the response gained for a 1 nMHg2+ solution.

Figure 8. Schematic of the electrochemical Hg2+ biosensor based on T-Hg2+-T induced DNAhybridization.


Insciences Journal | SensorsISSN 1664-171X

3.4 DNA Modified Screen-printed Metal Ion Biosensors

Niu et al. [160] have utilised a DNA modified Au screen-printed electrode (SPGE)biosensor for the trace determination of Hg2+, gaining a detection limit of 0.6 nM (120 ng/L).The working electrode was modified with a self-assembled mono layer of the thiol-functionalized oligonucleotide, 5'-SH-(CH2)6-TTGCTCTCTCGTT-3' (P1) and a secondferrocene (Fc) substituted oligonucleotide, 5'-TTCGTGTGTGCTT-ferrocene-3' (P2). Asshown in figure 8a, in the absence of Hg, hybridisation does not occur between the twooligonucleotides due to the T–T mismatched bases. The flexibility of the singleoligonucleotide, P2 allows close enough contact with to the SPGE and hence a voltammetricpeak is recorded from interaction with the Fc. However, in the presence of Hg, (figure 8b)hybridisation via the thymine–Hg2+–thymine (T–Hg2+–T) complex can occur and theferrocene molecule is no longer able to interact with the SPGE and the voltammetric peakdecreases in proportion to the Hg concentration.

The developed biosensor showed a linear response for Hg2+ over the concentration range0.001-10 µM, and no interferences were reported for several metal ions including, Mg2+


Ba2+, Cu2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Na+ and K+ at 1 mM concentrations for the response gained for a 1 nMHg2+ solution.

Figure 8. Schematic of the electrochemical Hg2+ biosensor based on T-Hg2+-T induced DNAhybridization.


Insciences Journal | SensorsISSN 1664-171X

3.4 DNA Modified Screen-printed Metal Ion Biosensors

Niu et al. [160] have utilised a DNA modified Au screen-printed electrode (SPGE)biosensor for the trace determination of Hg2+, gaining a detection limit of 0.6 nM (120 ng/L).The working electrode was modified with a self-assembled mono layer of the thiol-functionalized oligonucleotide, 5'-SH-(CH2)6-TTGCTCTCTCGTT-3' (P1) and a secondferrocene (Fc) substituted oligonucleotide, 5'-TTCGTGTGTGCTT-ferrocene-3' (P2). Asshown in figure 8a, in the absence of Hg, hybridisation does not occur between the twooligonucleotides due to the T–T mismatched bases. The flexibility of the singleoligonucleotide, P2 allows close enough contact with to the SPGE and hence a voltammetricpeak is recorded from interaction with the Fc. However, in the presence of Hg, (figure 8b)hybridisation via the thymine–Hg2+–thymine (T–Hg2+–T) complex can occur and theferrocene molecule is no longer able to interact with the SPGE and the voltammetric peakdecreases in proportion to the Hg concentration.

The developed biosensor showed a linear response for Hg2+ over the concentration range0.001-10 µM, and no interferences were reported for several metal ions including, Mg2+


Ba2+, Cu2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Na+ and K+ at 1 mM concentrations for the response gained for a 1 nMHg2+ solution.

Figure 8. Schematic of the electrochemical Hg2+ biosensor based on T-Hg2+-T induced DNAhybridization.

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Analyte Enzyme Immobilisationtechnique

Electrolyte Measurementtechnique

Linear range,mM

Detection limit,mM

Sample(s) Ref.

Cu2+, Cd2+

and Pb2+Urease Sol-Gel pH 7.0 0.02 mM

phosphate bufferconductometric 0.1- 10 - - [161]

Hg2+, Cu2+,Cd2+ and Pb2+

Urease Sol-Gel pH 7.5 5.0 mMimidazole-HCl buffer atroom temperature

conductometric Hg2+ 0.005-0.5,Cu2+ 0.02-1.0,Cd2+ 0.1-10,Pb2+ 0.9-10

Hg2+ 0.005, Cu2+

0.02, Cd2+ 0.1,Pb2+ 0.9

- [162]

Ag+ and Cu2+.Ag+, Pb2+,Sb3+, Cd2+,Co2+ and Ni2+


Urease Bio-compatibleink

5.0 mM phosphatebuffer composed ofequal amounts ofKH2PO4 and K2HPO4 in0.1 M KCl, containing10 mM urea.

potentiometric Cu2+ 0.001-0.1 Sub ppm - [163]

Hg2+, Cu2+

and Cd2+urease and the NADH–glutamicdehydrogenase system

alginate geland nafion

pH 8.0 Tris/HCl–KClbuffer

amperometric Hg2+ 0.075–1mg/L, Cu2+

0.05–1 mg/L,Cd2+ 1–50mg/L

Hg2+ 63.6 µg/L,Cu2+ 55.3 µg/L,Cd2+ 4.3 mg/L

Water, sedimentsand soils


Hg2+, Cu2+,Cd2+, Zn2+

and Pb2+

urease and the NADH–glutamicdehydrogenase system

Reactionundertakenin solutionand 100 µLadded toSPCEsurface

pH 8 Tris/HCl buffer(50 mM, 0.1M KCl)

amperometric,rhodinisedscreen-printedcarbon electrodefor NADHmeasurement

Hg2+and Cu2+

10-100 µg/L,Cd2+, Zn2+ 1-30mg/L. Noinhibition seenfor Pb2+

Hg2+ 7.2 µg/L,Cu2+ 8.5 µg/L,Cd2+ 0.3 mg/L,Zn2+ 0.2 mg/L

As mine leachate [165]

Ni2+, Cu2+ andCd2+

Acetylcholinesterase amperometric,TCNQ asmediator

Cu2+ 0.001–0.1 - - [166]

Table 6. Screen-printed Metal Ion Biosensors.

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5. Conclusions

The predominant analytical technique would still seem to be stripping voltammetry.However, notably since our last review, there has been marked increase in the volume ofwork reported on Bi modified SPCEs with a similar reduction the utilisation of Hg basedassays. We believe that this reduction in the utilisation of Hg will continue as legislationbecomes more stringent on its application. The number of reports focused on screen-printedion-selective metal sensors has stayed relative constant, presumably due to competingtechnologies, such as PVC membrane based electrodes [167-190].

The majority of reported work has focused on the heavy metal ions, Pb, Cd and Cu, butthere are increasing numbers of reports on the determination of other elements. A number ofbiosensors based approaches have been reported predominated by urease based systems andare generally less sensitive than approaches based on stripping voltammetry. However,recent studies with oligonucleotide based biosensors have shown comparable sensitivities[160]. The application of new technology such as nanoparticles, plastic electronics [191] andsynthetic biology [192] will become increasingly more important. Although outside thescope of this review, the utilisation of screen-printed electrodes in the stripping voltammetricdetermination of metal nanoparticle labels in immunoassays is an area we believe willcontinue to increase importance [193-196].

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Analyte Modifier Mediumexchange

Accumulation media Measurementtechnique

Linear range Detection limit(time)

Sample(s) Ref.

Cu2+ Cation exchanger,Dowex 50W-X8 (H+

form, 20 - 50 mesh)

Yes Phosphate buffer, 5mM pH 5.7, opencircuit (10 min)

DPASV -0.4 V (15s)

0 - 110 ng/mL(2 min)

0.5 ng/mL (10min)

Drinking water,groundwater


Pb2+, Zn2+,Cd2+, Cu2+

Hg thin film No 20 mM KH phthalate,0.1 M MgCl2

DPASV -1.4 (300 s) 10 -500 ng/mL [197]

Pb2+ 0-cresolphthlexon(OCP), Hg thin film

No OCP 1 µM, in 1 mMacetate buffer pH 4.0,0.0 V.

PSA constantcurrent -10 µA stopat -0.9 V

1 – 15 ng/mL(2 min)

40 pg/mL (2 min) Drinking water,human albumin


Pb2+, Zn2+,Cd2+, Cu2+

Hg coated microarray

No -1.2 V, 0.1 M pH 4.0acetate buffer

PSA, SWASV PSA = 2 – 25ng/mLSWASV = 10 –80 ng/mL

0.1 ng/mL Pb2+ (4min) PSA

Drinking water,wine


Pb2+ micro array No No supportingelectrolyte

LSASV 10 – 50 ng/mL 0.8 ng/mL blood [200]

Pb2+ Au coated No -0.7 V, 0.05 Macetate buffer pH 4.5.

PSA 0 -25 ng/mL (4min), 50 – 250ng/mL (30 s).

0.1 ng/mL (20min), 0.6 ng/mL(4 min).

Drinking water,urine


U Hg thin film No 5 mM pH 4.5 acetatebuffer, 5 mMcupferron. Adsorptionof uranium-cupferroncomplex at -0.05 V

PSA 0 – 35 ng/mL 0.2 ng/mL (5min)

Groundwater [202]

Cu2+ Cu-bis-cyclohexanoneoxaldihydrazone

No Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 50mM

Amperometric 1.91-19.1µg/mL

1.91 µg/mL - [203]

Pb2+ Palintest, Hg thin film No 2.5 % v/v DPASV 2.5 µg per sample Paint, soil,particulate anddust matrices


Pb2+ Palintest, Hg thin film No DPASV 1-2 ppb Filteredparticulates inworkplace air


Pb2+ Palintest, Hg thin film No DPASV Drinking water [208]Zn2+,Cd2+, Hg thin film No 120 mg/mL Hg2Cl2 DPASV 0 - 1000 ppb Zn2+ (55.71 water [209]

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Pb2+, Cu2+ 20 mM potassiumhydrogen phthalate,0.1 MgCl2


(71.64 ng/mL),Pb2+ (64 ng/mL),Cu2+ (123 ng/mL)

Cd2+, Pb2+,Cu2+

Hg thin filmgenerated from HgOincorporate in ink

No 0.1 M KNO3, 0.024M HCl, -1.2 V, 2minutes

LSASV Cd2+, Pb2+, 0-30 ng/mL, Cueffected bycarry over

Lake water [30]

Cd2+, Pb2+,Cu2+

Pre-plated Hg thinfilm

No SWASV 30 mMacetate buffer pH4.7.PSA 10 mM KCl and30 mM acetate bufferpH4.7.

SWASV, -1.0 V andPSA


(1.0 ng/mL), Pb2+

(0.4 ng/mL), Cu2+

(8.0 ng/mL) 3minutes.PSA Cd2+ (0.4ng/mL), Pb2+ (0.6ng/mL), Cu2+ (0.8ng/mL) 75 s.

Tap water [210]

Pb2+ Thin-film [Hg/Cu]ratio of 2

No 0.02 M acetate bufferpH 2

SWASV, -0.8 V 0-100 ng/mL 0.81 ng/mL (60 s) Ground, tap andseawater


Pb2+ Thin film Hg coatedarray. Cd internalstandard.

No hydrochloric acidsolution, containing 3mg/L and 50–100μg/L mercury andcadmium ions,respectively

PSA 20 -300 μg/L(50 s)

5 ng/mL (2.5minutes)

Blood [212,213]

Cd2+, Pb2+ Hg thin film No 0.01M HCl. SWASV 50 - 200 µg/L - - [214]Pb2+ Ag SPE No 0.1 M pH 3


SWASV, -0.5 V 5-80 ng/mL (60s)

46 pg/mL Pond water,ground water


Ag+ Unmodified SPCE,thin layer cell

No photographic fixersolution

SWASV -0.9 V andchronamperometry

SWASV 0.6-13mg/L,chronamperometry 0.25 g/L –5.0 g/L

- Photographicwaste solution


Pb2+ Unmodified SPCE No 0.1 M HCl DPASV, -1.4 V 6.3 ng/mL– 24 2.5 ng/mL (180 s) Pond water [217]

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ng/mL and 24ng/mL – 50ng/mL

Cu2+ Unmodified SPCE No 0.1 M malonic acid DPASV 8.0 ng/mL -450 ng /mL

8.2 ng/mL Bovine serum, tapwater, river water


Pb2+, Cd2+,Cu2+

Unmodified SPCEand Hg thin film

No 0.1 M KNO3 LSASV 10-6 M – 10-9 MPb2+

- - [219]

Pb2+ SPCE microarray No No supportingelectrolyte

LSASV (-1.2 V) 10 – 50 ng/mL 0.8 ng/mL (300 s) Water [220]

Pb2+ Hg thin film screen-printed microarray

No HCl SWASV Up to 100ng/mL

5 ng/mL (60 s) Blood [221]

Pb2+ Drop coated PAN Yes Accumulation mediapH 10 ammoniabuffer, open circuit,measurement 0.1 HCl

DPASV (-1.4 V) 0-700 ng/mLand 700-5000ng/mL

15 ng/mL Water [78]

Pb2+ Drop coatedcalix[4]arene

Yes Accumulation mediapH 10, ammoniabuffer, open circuit,measurement 0.1 HCl

DPASV (-1.4 V) 5 ng/mL – 100ng/mL

5 ng/mL River water [79]

Cd2+ Drop coatedcalix[4]arene

Yes Accumulation mediapH 10, measurement

DPASV 2.8 ng/mL –350 ng/mL

2.8 ng/mL River water [80]

Ni2+ Screen-printing inkdoped 5-20 % w/wdimethylglyoxime

No 0.1 M ammoniabuffer pH 9.2

DPASV 40 ng/mL – 200ng/mL

5 ng/mL River water [77]

Hg2+ Screen-printing inkdoped withSumichelate Q10R

No 0.5M NaCl, 0.1Macetate buffer, pH 4.5

DPASV 2.4 pg/mL – 2.0ng/mL and 2.0ng/mL – 8.0ng/mL

2.4 pg/mL (30minutes opencircuit)

Channel water [222]

Al3+ Screen-printing inkdoped with 5 %Alizarin

No pH 9 DPASV 18 ng/mL – 486ng/mL

5.4 ng/mL Soil, water [223]

Cr6+ Self-assembledmonolayer 4-(-2-mercaptoethyl)pyridinium

Yes Accumulation 0.15 MNaF, buffered at pH4.5, measurement0.15 M NaF bufferedpH 7.8

SWCSV, 5 minutesopen circuit

4.2x10-11M –5.4x10-10M

2.3x10-11M - [224]

Cr6+ 12.5%diphenylcarbohydrazide

No 0.1M NaNO3 solutionat pH 3

Potentiometricbatch and flow

static mode3.16×10−7 M -

static mode2.1×10−7M and

Leachates frommunicipal solid


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analysis 1.00×10−4 M,flow injectionanalysis1.00×10−6 M –1.00×10−4 M

flow injectionanalysis 9.4×10−7


waste landfills

Pb2+ Dithizone, nafionmembrane, nafionmembrane modifiedwith S,S’-methylenebis(N,N’-diisobutyldithiocarbmate

Yes Accumulation, opencircuit pH 11, 10minutes.Measurement 0.1 MHCl

SWASV (-1.0 V, 15s) or PSA

25-250 ng/mL(dithizone)

12 ng/mL(dithizone)

- [226]

Cu2+ Ion-selective No 0.1 M KNO3 Potentiometric <318 ng/mL - [227-230]

Hg2+, Se4+ anddimethylmercury alsoinvestigated

Au thin film No 0.05 M HCl Potentiometricstripping analysis

0-30 ng/mL Hg2+ 0.5 ng/mL - [231]

Appendix 1. pre 2003 applications of screen-printed electrodes for metal ion analysis.

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I would like to thank my fellow researchers whose work has been described in this review.I am grateful to the University of the West of England.


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