honolulu, a.uctione druggists;evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/37923/1/... ·...

fl Willi MiWn ijjjn "" o i V I'll: , !;,'. ) H i '. f i i I II P i 17 BW r M t VOL. IV.-- NO. 2(55. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY, JULY 13, 1885 PRICE 5 CENTS. Sbterfistmntts. THE DAILY ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. FOR SALE, A FINE HOUSE LOT. (RiSht of Komohlno on same for 18 years.) BURGESS,- - 81 King Street, Honolnln. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. AH kinds of jobbing attended to. BAGGAGE AND GENERAL EXPRESS. Draylng and Steamer Freight carefully and promptly handled. Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti Lemonade, Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best In the market. 84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS. 227 nov28 MAOFAELANE & CO-- , DEALERS AND EN. WHOLESALE in WINES and LIQUORS. No. IS Kaahnmantt Street, FOR S.JLE! THE Honolulu Almanac AND DIEECTOEY. AX OFFICIAL AND Business Directory of Honolulu, TOGETHER WITH FUEL Statistical k General Information Relating to the Haw'n Islands. For Sale by J.M.Oat, Jr., & Co AND AT The P.C. Advertiser Office. PRICE, FIFTY CTS. PER COPY Honolulu, January 27. 1S35. 65,000 Feet of Galvanized Iron Pipe and Fittings , , 1, 1M and M inch. foific Commercial Advertiser I; PUBLISHED Every Homing Except Sundays. arESCRIITIONsS: Xv?H: three months. 1 50 pu.l'pc'adv:rtmek,pt month 50 Ua!U . Vr year 5 00 J&tion, W. K 6 50 postal; i i PfljnM? Invariably in Advance. i 1 I advertisements. i Ukn Steamship Co. Xetv Koute to the Volcano, Via Koauliou. Ti -- teiimer KISAU, Kin? Commander, will e .. ' iinnr.iiiiit o n Tuevla v. J un e 23d, for Keau- - lon tiie "t'w Volcano landing, and thereafter. vru.'n the first Tupsday after the arrival of tht? I Aiaojiii aii'j ii"j- ju ucic in, -- - uf ea-- h month. SVe oflVr passnsers THROUGH TICKETS for .fcesiim of FIFTY COLLARS ALL CHARGES I'tlD allowing passengers twenty-fou- r hours' time at the Volcano House, and returning to H.,i).i:lu on Sunday morning. Oniy fourteen miles from the steamer to the Volcano, over a good road less than half the dis- use of any otlu-- r route. On ail 'rips e.vcpt Volcano trips, the KINATJ mil rjn hr regular time table, going to Hilo and rt'jrii!!ig to Honolulu at 10 a. ni. Saturdays. On Volcano trips, paMengers from Laupahoehoe cnitta'iP the steamer on up trips. Passengers can remain on board or stop over at Hilo until Fri-U- at 9 a. n. a they choose. AH further particulars given at the ollioe of Wilder's Steamship Co. Honolulu, June 12, 1553. 2C3 tf BANKING NOTICE. The undersigned have formed a co- partnership under the firm name of Claus .Spreckels & Co., for the purpose of carrying ou a Bank of Savings and Deposits, and for transa- cting a general Banking and Exc- hange business at Honolulu, and such other place in the Hawaiian Kingdom as may be deemed advisable. Claus Spreckels. AVm G. Irwin. Honolulu, April 13, ISSo. Referring to the above, we beg to inform the business public that our Banking establishment will be opened for the transaction of business on Monday, May the 4th, when we will be prepared to receive deposits in our Savings Bank. We w ill also be prepared to make loans, discount approved notes, and purchase exchr.nge at best market rates. We will receive deposits on open account, make collections and con- duct a general Banking and Exc- hange business. Our arrangements have been comp- leted, so that we can draw exchange on the principal parts of the world, tf Claus Spreckels & Co. Notice to the Public, t PLEASURE IX ANNOUNCING to Wastry vTPubUc lhat ia action to oar oeaAaf CONFECTIONERY business, we Ice Cream IParlor, fiSJTtSSS onsu,t the SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH. bllnT b.C 0f SUPERIOR QUALITY !: 7 J?,3 of Genuine Cream, a supply of Dairy rLirve soured from the Woodlawn 10 rJiraatP.K ples Wished us. we are able fciiowiM !e besi 1ualily of Ice Cream. The Ul turtiE" of Ice Creams and Sberberta lAY. APBlf 23TIIUr PemDg day BATC- HES 5REAMS-Vani- lla, Lemon, Chocolate. .nce AppIe strawberry, Coffee Ql&ce leTEHTS0range' Strawberry-es!deine?sP"pared4t- 0 furnia Ice Cream to m- - Our pLVnTm to customers at their T" be every day and ?,me oa Surdfcv ' BlV; thelr orders for the Crfmwui b v b?fore 9 o'clock P.M. The Aln S Z 10 eep bard e,hl hou". Uneof our hustn! 6 ' Pbe Patronage In" lhr libera.1 flvnef,and lhan"ns the public Peetlaliy, m e past, we remain SELLER & HALBE, ' ' "'Uf . T 1 1 T,.. ojock, litng street APEr- - BOOK, StAKILA, ETC. J. LIONS. t. 3. LEVEY. LYONS & !EVEY, A.uctione ers AND General Commission Merchantsf Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. of Furniture. Stock, Real Est a to Sales General Merchandise properly attended to Sole Agents for: Awican & European Merchandise. 372-tfw- tf BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 Pott Street, Near Kearny, Sun Tramvco. CmU (Send for Circular.) The Full Business Course includes Single and Double Entry Pook-keepln- g. as applle.l to ftll departments ot business; Commercial Arithmetic: Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; Business Correspondence; Leetures on Law; Business Forms, and the Science of Accounts; Actual Busi- ness Practice in Wholesale and Retail Mereban-di- s ng, Commission Jobnimr, Importing, Rail- roading, Kxpress Business, Brokerage, and Bank- ing; English Branches, including Heading, Spell-lug- , Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lan- guages, consisting of practical instruction in French, German and Spanish. Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman- ship, Higher Mathematics, surveying, Naviga- tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying, Short-Han- d, Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, etc. For full information address, E. P. HEALD A- - CO., 204-d2- 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising and JobJPrintlug at the Pacific Commercial Advertiser Office will from this date be presented for pay. merit monthly. Honolulu, March 2. 1885. FRANK CERTZ, pQjjmijorter ani Manufacturer Jj Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES VET Orders from the other Islands solicited. No. Ill Fort St., Honolulu. 37t?-tfw- tf JOHN TJTSCHIG, Fashionable Boot 3Iaker, No. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal. Will fill orders in his line at the shortest possible notice. Planters will find it te their advantage to call on MR. U1SCHIG before eoing elsewhere. 491 t&w M. PHILLIPS & Co., and Wholesale Dealers in Importers Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street. Honolulu, II. I. 36Ctf-w- tf JOHN COOK, Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea St., Will attend and contract for all kinds of work In his lin. REMOVING, RAISING or REPAIRING old or new buildings. Work to be paid for when complete. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Charges as low us the lowest in the town. Post Office box 135. 29-se- pt 30 BONE MEAL! BONE MEAL !! ! BONE MEAL ! The undersigned "are now. prepared to re ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Buck & Ohlandt San Francisco: The following is a report tLe compo- nent parts, as obtained by CLr'rcicul arulj-sis- : Water 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 23.13 " " Silicious Matter 4X5 ; Lime 31.70 " " Phosphoric Acid 23.11 " Oxide of Iron .85 " " Carbonic Acid 1.80 Alkali Salts 52 ' " 100. 00 Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Orders Received toil. JVu and Careful Attention. W. Gr. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islandi. mix Benson, Smith & Co., JOBBING AND RETAIL druggists; PROPRIETORS OFTTIE JVIaile Cologne, 113 AND 115 FORT STREET. 13-m- ar 27 -- 6m Burr & Finck, The Leading Fashionable Tailors OF SAX FRANCISCO. No. G20 Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel. Having already a large trade with Honolulu, they respectfully solicit further Island patronage, and are prepared to complete orders at one day's no- tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and the finest stoclc of latest goods constantly on hand. 491 tf&w S. L. STANXEY. JOHX 8PRr-ArC- Spriuincc, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS, 410 Front St., San Francisco. 473 tf fe w WM. McCANDLESS, .u. l u ecu Street, FISH MARKET. DEALER IN CHOICEST Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 276 tf FEED CO,, Queen & Edinburgh Streets, WHOLESALE Jl RETAIL Dealers l. HAY AXD OKAIX, Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. Island Orders Solicited. 36H t Pantheon Stables, Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets. LIVERY, BOARDING, AND SALE STABLES. Carriages for hire at all hours of the dry or night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties going around the Island. Excellent Saddle Horses for Ladies and Gentlemen. Guaranteed Gentle. Carriage Nos. 3, 24, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53. Double and single teams always to be had on livery at the most reasonable rates. Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur- sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply- ing at the office. The IiOng: Brancn Batbinff House can always be secured for picnic or excursion parties by applying at the office. Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. Telephone No. 34. JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. 398t( TELEPHONE 55 PNTERPRIS p PLANING MILL. ZZ! Alakea, near Qaeen St. C. J. HABDEE, Proprietor. Contracting Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAYS ON HAND. FOB SALE Hard and Solt Stovewood, Cut and Split. 377-t- f J". D. jVIarlin, Retail Dealer In Wines and Liquors, WAILUKU. MAUI. MARLIN BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT MR. is now prepared to open his house to the public, and will conduct the same as a thoroughly first-cla- ss establishment. A Refreshment Saloon and Lodging Accommodations connected with the premises, and no pains will be spared for the comfort of guests. A choice assortment of Ales, Wines. Liquors and Cigars constantly on hand. w I: l i - : i "7 t i i 1 V hi I t 1:i I i ( it fir m i - I ft : i t'- . i . 8 ' It ! if I n i CAPITA Li $ 10,000.000 UNLIMITED LIABILITY. 171 j re Insurance of all descriptions will be effected at Moderate Rates of Prr mi um, by the undersigned. WM. O. IRWIN & CO. 129-diw- tf Managers for Haw. Islands Commercial INSURANCE COMPANY, OF CALIFORNIA. FIRE AND MARINE. Capital, paid in full $200,000 00 Assets, December 31, 1S84 443,381 05 Losses paid since Company was organ- ized 1,133,534 80 C. O. BEEGEK, Resident Agent, Office No. 24 Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. TJ3r ION Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of Xew Zealand. CAPITAL., : : 1 0,000,000 Having Established an Agency at for, the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepm ed to accept risks against Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. Losses promptly adjusted & payable. 123-d- wtf WM. G. IRWIN & CO. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. HEAD OFFICE, oO WALL STREET, fS'KW i'OttK rritje above Company having estab- - JL lished an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa- iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept and write MARINE RISKS ON Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Commissions, and Hulls. At current Rates. WM. C. IRWIN & CO., 127-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands mi FIRE OFFIGE OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1710. EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total sum Insured in 1881 - - 318,599,310 Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., 353tf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. C. O. BERGrER, GENERAL AGENCY NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COv Assets $60,000,000 CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, (Limited). Capital ? 10,000 ,00 SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN- SURANCE CO. FlBE AND MABINE. Combined Capital f 20,000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., Assets 4,5OO,00O COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, FlBE AND MABIKE. Capital f200,00 MACNEALE A URBAN SV F IE S! Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. C. O. BEEGEE, 229 my29 HONOLULU, II. I. lu. M. TOTJSSAINT, Wishes to announce to the TRAVELING PUBLIC that he will open on Saturday, June 6, 1885, An Elegant Sample Parlor at HILO, where every- thing in the line of LIQUORS WILL BE KEPT IN STOCK. None but the best Wines. Liquor? and Cigars kept. Alto, ALES, BEERS, and all kinds of FANCY DRINKS served in best style. 228 d&wtf V LARGE AND ROOMY HOUSE, WELL supplied with water-pipe- s and running wajer from the mountain springs. Carriage-hous- e and other outbuildings. Blacksmith Shop and a full set of tools on same lot, and garden site. Just the place for a blacksmith and family, and located in the center of the BEAUTIFUL VILLAGE OF WAIOIIINU, Kau, Hawaii, and only three-quarte- rs of a mile from one of the largest plantations on Hawaii. Had, while smith wor&ed in shop last, a good run of trade. For further particulars address Deputy Sheriff of Kau, Hawaii. As this property must be sold within two months, It can be purchased very cheap. 234-tf-dfe- w SALMON ! SALMON ! Ex. W. H. DIMOND. A Hue Lot of Red Fisii. tJFOR SALE BY Castle & Cooke. 125-- tt (i. J. WALLER, BUTCHER, TO TIIE FRONT. A GREAT BOON TO THE IHEorioru.ru. Public ! Beef", Teal, Mutton, Fork and Fish kept for FOUR DAYS after being killed, by Bell-Colema- n's Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran- teed to keep longer after delivery than FRESH IIEEEI MEATS. feTTo be had in any of Mr. Waller's Markets. Metropolitan Market, On Uingr Street. MEAT FOR SALE ALL DAY. City Market. On Xmiann St. Hotel Street Market. , On Hotel Street. Eureka Market. At Fish Market. Hawaiian. Market. On Mannakea St. Chinese Market, On Meek Street. BEEF AND PORK ing the public for past favors, I so licit a continuation of the same. 397 tf G. J. WALLER. NOTICE. AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL OUR ON accounts will be rendered monthly Instead of quarterly, as heretofore. S. J. LEVEY & CO. Honolulu, Feb. 2nd, 1885. 497 t AVER SALOON NO. 1 FORT STREET. Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s EE. J. Noite, Propr. OFX TOM i A. M. TILL 10 P. St FIEST-CLAS- S LUNCHES, COFFEE, TEA, S0D1 WATER, GLVGE& ALE, Cigars and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant S&HCS & CO. BILLIARD TABLE on the Premises. The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a l.VNCU. A SMOKE, OR A GAME OF BILLIARDS. H. J. N0LTE. 3S6-- U HONOLULU.. 375-t- X H. HACKFELD & CO., COMMISSION AGENTS. GENERAL Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. V. BANNING. W. MAIRTEN8. P OPFEBGELT ED. HOFFSOHLAEGER & CO., fc Commission Merchants. Importers Honolulu, U. I. 368-t- f A. S. CLEGHOM & Co., 4 and Wholesale and Retail Importers General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 3f9-- t CLAUS SPRECKELS WM. Q. IBW1N. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., FACTORS and Commission SUGAR Honolulu, H. I. 364-tfw- tf THE CURRENCY ACT The New Gold Law. FEW COPIES OF THE WEEKLY A Pacific Commercial Advertiser of the 29th July. 1884, containing the FULL TEXT of the Currency Act, can be had on application to the P. C. Advertiser Office. Price 25 cents each. Publisher P. C. ADVERTISER WENNEH & 00. 93 Fort Street, Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate, Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing; in all its branches. 1& Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers. 577-mar9-- ly J. J. WILLIAMS No. 102 FORT STREET, Leaiins Plotograplier of Honolulu. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil, Photo. Colored, Ac The only Complete Collection of Island Views Ferns, Shells, Curiosities, &c. CHARGES MODERATE. 385tf ALYIN 11. BASEMAN, BOOK BINDER, Paper Ruler and Blank Book Manuiacturer. Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, 392tf MERCHANT STBEET. THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, No. 60 Nnuanu Street, ppposite Hollister fc Co Honolulu, H. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 382U - BEICKS ! BRICKS ! Ex. W. H. DlilONu. 39,000 Cal ifornia Hard Bricks. FOR SAIL BY Castle fc Cooke. 124- - For sale, at very low figures, by JAS. A. HOPPER, ETJEEKA ! We have received a consignment of the inogt Economical and "Valuable Feed for all kind3 of Stock, vis.: COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and Butter producer In use. Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nu tritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent. 100 lbs. ol this meal is equal to 300 Bs. of oats, or 318 Bs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran. For Sale in Lots to Suit. Also, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as our usual supply of the best kinds of Hny, Oats, . Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc. LAINE So CO. 373 tf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. Louis. Mo. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of Rook. News, Flat and Label Papers, Binders' Boards, Twines, Etc. WV G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT, 205 LeidesdorlT Street. Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. N. B.-Spe- cial Attention siven to Ear ere Contracts. 474 tf&w G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., A SWs Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., HONOLULU, H. I. Sole Asents for this Favorite Brand of HAMPAGNE, 470tfftw GASOLINE ! GASOLINE! IN TEN GALLON DRUMS, Ex MENDOTA, for sale by Castle & Cooke. 155-myH- -u 4 f 1 Hi I I f

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Page 1: HONOLULU, A.uctione druggists;evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/37923/1/... · 2015-06-02 · Double Entry Pook-keepln-g. as applle.l to ftll departments ot business;

fl Willi MiWn ijjjn "" o

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H i '.


i i I II P i 17 BWr




Sbterfistmntts.THE DAILY



(RiSht of Komohlno on same for 18 years.)

BURGESS,- -81 King Street, Honolnln.

CARPENTER AND BUILDER.AH kinds of jobbing attended to.

BAGGAGE AND GENERAL EXPRESS.Draylng and Steamer Freight carefully and

promptly handled.Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti Lemonade,

Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best In themarket.

84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS.227 nov28



No. IS Kaahnmantt Street,


Honolulu AlmanacAND


Business Directory of Honolulu,


Statistical k General Information

Relating to the Haw'n Islands.

For Sale by J.M.Oat, Jr., & Co


The P.C. Advertiser Office.PRICE,

FIFTY CTS. PER COPYHonolulu, January 27. 1S35.

65,000 Feet of

Galvanized Iron Pipe

and Fittings, , 1, 1M and M inch.

foificCommercial Advertiser


Every Homing Except Sundays.


Xv?H: three months. 1 50

pu.l'pc'adv:rtmek,pt month 50Ua!U . Vr year 5 00

J&tion, W. K6 50



PfljnM? Invariably in Advance.


1I advertisements.i

Ukn Steamship Co.

Xetv Koute to the Volcano,

Via Koauliou.

Ti -- teiimer KISAU, Kin? Commander, wille.. ' iinnr.iiiiit o n Tuevla v. J un e 23d, for Keau- -

lon tiie "t'w Volcano landing, and thereafter.vru.'n the first Tupsday after the arrival of tht?

I Aiaojiii aii'j ii"j- ju ucic in, ---uf ea-- h month.

SVe oflVr passnsers THROUGH TICKETS for.fcesiim of FIFTY COLLARS ALL CHARGESI'tlD allowing passengers twenty-fou- r hours'time at the Volcano House, and returning toH.,i).i:lu on Sunday morning.

Oniy fourteen miles from the steamer to theVolcano, over a good road less than half the dis-

use of any otlu--r route.On ail 'rips e.vcpt Volcano trips, the KINATJ

mil rjn h r regular time table, going to Hilo andrt'jrii!!ig to Honolulu at 10 a. ni. Saturdays. OnVolcano trips, paMengers from Laupahoehoecnitta'iP the steamer on up trips. Passengerscan remain on board or stop over at Hilo untilFri-U- at 9 a. n. a they choose.

AH further particulars given at the ollioe of

Wilder's Steamship Co.Honolulu, June 12, 1553. 2C3 tf


The undersigned have formed a co-

partnership under the firm name ofClaus .Spreckels & Co., for thepurpose of carrying ou a Bank ofSavings and Deposits, and for transa-cting a general Banking and Exc-

hange business at Honolulu, andsuch other place in the HawaiianKingdom as may be deemed advisable.

Claus Spreckels.AVm G. Irwin.

Honolulu, April 13, ISSo.

Referring to the above, we beg toinform the business public that ourBanking establishment will be openedfor the transaction of business onMonday, May the 4th, when we willbe prepared to receive deposits in ourSavings Bank.

We w ill also be prepared to makeloans, discount approved notes, andpurchase exchr.nge at best marketrates.

We will receive deposits on openaccount, make collections and con-duct a general Banking and Exc-hange business.

Our arrangements have been comp-leted, so that we can draw exchangeon the principal parts of the world,

tf Claus Spreckels & Co.

Notice to the Public,

t PLEASURE IX ANNOUNCINGtoWastry vTPubUc lhat ia action to oar

oeaAaf CONFECTIONERY business, we

Ice Cream IParlor,fiSJTtSSS onsu,t the


bllnT b.C 0f SUPERIOR QUALITY!: 7 J?,3 of Genuine Cream, a supply of

Dairy rLirve soured from the Woodlawn10 rJiraatP.K ples Wished us. we are ablefciiowiM !e besi 1ualily of Ice Cream. The

Ul turtiE" of Ice Creams and SberbertalAY. APBlf 23TIIUr PemDg day BATC-

HES 5REAMS-Vani- lla, Lemon, Chocolate..nce AppIe strawberry, Coffee Ql&ce

leTEHTS0range' Strawberry-es!deine?sP"pared4t-0

furnia Ice Cream tom-

- Our pLVnTm to customers at theirT" be every day and

?,me oa Surdfcv ' BlV; thelr orders for theCrfmwui b v b?fore 9 o'clock P.M. The

Aln S Z 10 eep bard e,hl hou".Uneof our hustn! 6 ' Pbe Patronage In"lhr libera.1 flvnef,and lhan"ns the public

Peetlaliy, m e past, we remain

SELLER & HALBE,' ' "'Uf .T 1 1 T,..ojock, litng street


J. LIONS. t. 3. LEVEY.

LYONS & !EVEY,A.uctione ers


General Commission Merchantsf

Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.

ofFurniture. Stock, Real Esta toSalesGeneral Merchandise properly attended to

Sole Agents for:

Awican & European Merchandise.372-tfw- tf


24 Pott Street,Near Kearny,

Sun Tramvco. CmU

(Send for Circular.)The Full Business Course includes Single and

Double Entry Pook-keepln- g. as applle.l to ftlldepartments ot business; Commercial Arithmetic:Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; BusinessCorrespondence; Leetures on Law; BusinessForms, and the Science of Accounts; Actual Busi-ness Practice in Wholesale and Retail Mereban-di- s

ng, Commission Jobnimr, Importing, Rail-roading, Kxpress Business, Brokerage, and Bank-ing; English Branches, including Heading, Spell-lug- ,

Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lan-guages, consisting of practical instruction inFrench, German and Spanish.

Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman-ship, Higher Mathematics, surveying, Naviga-tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying, Short-Han- d,

Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, etc.For full information address,

E. P. HEALD A-- CO.,204-d2- 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.


All accounts for Advertising and JobJPrintlugat the

Pacific Commercial Advertiser

Office will from this date be presented for pay.merit monthly.

Honolulu, March 2. 1885.

FRANK CERTZ,pQjjmijorter ani Manufacturer Jj

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOESVET Orders from the other Islands solicited.

No. Ill Fort St., Honolulu.37t?-tfw- tf

JOHN TJTSCHIG,Fashionable Boot 3Iaker,

No. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal.

Will fill orders in his line at the shortest possiblenotice. Planters will find it te their advantage tocall on MR. U1SCHIG before eoing elsewhere.

491 t&w

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,and Wholesale Dealers inImporters Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street.Honolulu, II. I. 36Ctf-w- tf


Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea St.,

Will attend and contract for all kinds of work Inhis lin.

REMOVING, RAISING or REPAIRING oldor new buildings.

Work to be paid for when complete.Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay.Charges as low us the lowest in the town.

Post Office box 135. 29-se- pt 30




The undersigned "are now. prepared to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer

from the manufactory of Buck & Ohlandt

San Francisco:

The following is a report tLe compo-

nent parts, as obtained by CLr'rcicul arulj-sis- :

Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 23.13 " "Silicious Matter 4X5 ;

Lime 31.70 " "Phosphoric Acid 23.11 "Oxide of Iron .85 " "Carbonic Acid 1.80Alkali Salts 52 ' "

100. 00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.

Orders Received toil. JVuand Careful Attention.

W. Gr. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islandi.


Benson, Smith & Co.,



JVIaile Cologne,113 AND 115 FORT STREET.

13-m- ar 27 --6m

Burr & Finck,The Leading Fashionable Tailors

OF SAX FRANCISCO.No. G20 Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel.

Having already a large trade with Honolulu, theyrespectfully solicit further Island patronage, andare prepared to complete orders at one day's no-tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and thefinest stoclc of latest goods constantly on hand.

491 tf&w


Spriuincc, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine

WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS,410 Front St., San Francisco.

473 tf fe w


.u. lu ecu Street,


Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 276 tf


Queen & Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers l.

HAY AXD OKAIX,Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

Island Orders Solicited.

36H t

Pantheon Stables,Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets.


Carriages for hire at all hours of the dry ornight; also, conveyances of all kinds for partiesgoing around the Island.

Excellent Saddle Horses for Ladiesand Gentlemen. Guaranteed Gentle.

Carriage Nos. 3, 24, 46, 47, 48, 49,50, 51, 52 and 53.

Double and single teams always to be had onlivery at the most reasonable rates.

Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur-

sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, canalways be secured by special arrangements.

Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply-ing at the office.

The IiOng: Brancn Batbinff Housecan always be secured for picnic or excursion

parties by applying at the office.

Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.Telephone No. 34.

JAS. D0DD, Proprietor.398t(



ZZ! Alakea, near Qaeen St.C. J. HABDEE, Proprietor.

Contracting Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOB SALE Hard and Solt Stovewood, Cutand Split.

377-t- f

J". D. jVIarlin,Retail Dealer In Wines and Liquors,


MARLIN BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THATMR. is now prepared to open his house to thepublic, and will conduct the same as a thoroughlyfirst-cla- ss establishment. A Refreshment Saloonand Lodging Accommodations connected with thepremises, and no pains will be spared for thecomfort of guests. A choice assortment of Ales,Wines. Liquors and Cigars constantly on hand.


I: li - :











( it



- I ft : i


. i

. 8

' It ! if I



CAPITA Li $ 10,000.000


171 j re Insurance of all descriptionswill be effected at Moderate Rates of Prr mi

um, by the undersigned.WM. O. IRWIN & CO.

129-diw- tf Managers for Haw. Islands




Capital, paid in full $200,000 00Assets, December 31, 1S84 443,381 05Losses paid since Company was organ-

ized 1,133,534 80

C. O. BEEGEK, Resident Agent,Office No. 24 Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I.

TJ3r IONFire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of Xew Zealand.CAPITAL., : : 1 0,000,000

Having Established an Agency atfor, the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepm ed to accept risks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

Losses promptly adjusted & payable.123-d- wtf WM. G. IRWIN & CO.




rritje above Company having estab- -JL lished an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa-iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to acceptand write

MARINE RISKSONMerchandise, Freights. Treasure,

Commissions, and Hulls.At current Rates.

WM. C. IRWIN & CO.,127-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands



EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum Insured in 1881 - - 318,599,310

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

The jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

353tf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.




Capital ? 10,000 ,00



Combined Capital f20,000,000


Assets 4,5OO,00O


Capital f200,00


SV F IE S!Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and

Burglar Proof.


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

C. O. BEEGEE,229 my29 HONOLULU, II. I.

lu. M. TOTJSSAINT,Wishes to announce to the TRAVELING

PUBLIC that he will open on

Saturday, June 6, 1885,

An Elegant Sample Parlor at HILO, where every-thing in the line of


None but the best Wines. Liquor? and Cigars kept.

Alto, ALES, BEERS, and all kinds of FANCYDRINKS served in best style.

228 d&wtf

V LARGE AND ROOMY HOUSE, WELLsupplied with water-pipe- s and running

wajer from the mountain springs. Carriage-hous- eand other outbuildings. Blacksmith Shop

and a full set of tools on same lot, and gardensite. Just the place for a blacksmith and family,and located in the center of the

BEAUTIFUL VILLAGE OF WAIOIIINU,Kau, Hawaii, and only three-quarte- rs of a milefrom one of the largest plantations on Hawaii.Had, while smith wor&ed in shop last, a good runof trade. For further particulars address DeputySheriff of Kau, Hawaii. As this property mustbe sold within two months, It can be purchasedvery cheap. 234-tf-dfe- w



A Hue Lot of Red Fisii.


Castle & Cooke.125-- tt

(i. J. WALLER,



IHEorioru.ru. Public !

Beef", Teal, Mutton, Fork and Fishkept for FOUR DAYS after being killed, by Bell-Colema- n's

Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran-

teed to keep longer after delivery than


feTTo be had in any of Mr. Waller's Markets.

Metropolitan Market,On Uingr Street.


City Market.On Xmiann St.

Hotel Street Market., On Hotel Street.

Eureka Market.At Fish Market.

Hawaiian. Market.On Mannakea St.

Chinese Market,On Meek Street.BEEF AND PORK

ing the public for past favors, I solicit a continuation of the same.

397 tf G. J. WALLER.

NOTICE.AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL OURONaccounts will be rendered monthly Instead

of quarterly, as heretofore.S. J. LEVEY & CO.

Honolulu, Feb. 2nd, 1885. 497 t


Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s

EE. J. Noite, Propr.OFX TOM i A. M. TILL 10 P. St



Cigars and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety



Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


on the Premises.

The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire al.VNCU. A SMOKE, OR A GAME OF


H. J. N0LTE.3S6-- U

HONOLULU.. 375-t- X



ED. HOFFSOHLAEGER & CO.,fc Commission Merchants.Importers Honolulu, U. I. 368-t- f

A. S. CLEGHOM & Co.,4

and Wholesale and RetailImportersGeneral Merchandise,

Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 3f9-- t


WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,FACTORS and CommissionSUGAR Honolulu, H. I. 364-tfw- tf



A Pacific Commercial Advertiserof the 29th July. 1884, containingthe FULL TEXT of the CurrencyAct, can be had on application tothe P. C. Advertiser Office.

Price 25 cents each.Publisher P. C. ADVERTISER

WENNEH & 00.93 Fort Street,

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate,Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY

A Specialty.

Repairing; in all its branches.1& Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.

577-mar9-- ly


Leaiins Plotograplier of Honolulu.WORK FINISHED IN

Water Colors, Crayon.India Ink, or Oil,

Photo. Colored, AcThe only Complete Collection of

Island ViewsFerns, Shells,

Curiosities, &c.CHARGES MODERATE.



BOOK BINDER,Paper Ruler and Blank Book


Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Gazette Building,392tf MERCHANT STBEET.


Manufacturing Jeweler,No. 60 Nnuanu Street,

ppposite Hollister fc Co

Honolulu, H. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 382U



Ex. W. H. DlilONu.

39,000Cal ifornia Hard Bricks.


Castle fc Cooke.124- -

For sale, at very low figures, by



We have received a consignment of the inogtEconomical and "Valuable Feed for all

kind3 of Stock, vis.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer In use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nutritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 lbs. ol this meal is equal to 300 Bs. of oats,or 318 Bs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual supply of the best kinds of

Hny, Oats, . Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc.

LAINE So CO.373 tf


St. Louis. Mo.

Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Rook. News,Flat and Label Papers,

Binders' Boards,Twines, Etc.


205 LeidesdorlT Street.Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

N. B.-Spe- cial Attention siven toEarere Contracts. 474 tf&w



Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.,HONOLULU, H. I.

Sole Asents for this Favorite Brand of




Ex MENDOTA, for sale by

Castle & Cooke.155-myH- -u

4 f1 Hi



Page 2: HONOLULU, A.uctione druggists;evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/37923/1/... · 2015-06-02 · Double Entry Pook-keepln-g. as applle.l to ftll departments ot business;


I causes some sellers to market their reorder, and the Judge's lips were seenChinese immigration are best underTHE DAILY TRIAL BY JURY. to move, but no sound emanatedstood and most strikingly demontherefrom. His voice was drownedstrated. It is a perversion of relieious

"The requirements for a Brandy likely to be of any medical use are all tiroby thesentiment hard to understand; butCHEERS FOR JUDGE AND JURY,Pacific Commercial Advertiser it is nevertheless more potential with

Which were heartily and honestlythe United States administration

by Messrs. J. E. Pellisson & Co." viae rumic ueaun. m that 5- -v

Uncolored, Unsweetened, Pure Old BrandBottled at Cognac, for Medicinal and Domestic Uses, as Auab


j We call the attention of all readers to the following extract from the i ...

The Acquittal of Adolph given with a fervor and unanimitythan the law itself, because the adunparalleled in any judicial records.ministration always falls back upon"Three cheers for the Judge," "three rtiMnirma nf th Prp?S : - P.f--rthe "religious sentiment" of New r -IS PUBLISHED B. Spreckels. Laboratorj. Gresham nouse,4 Ilolborn Vi 1cheers for tha jury," "three cheersEngland to sustain its nullification ' This brandy is a pure grape spirit, remarkably rich in fragrant ethers oontl '"ion. r

wnicu imparts to tine oll f,rs. .7. 3 aof tannin, derived from storing ia oak casksfor Adolph," who was then hoistedon high and carried out into the cor medicinal properties, and will be of the greatest value to the Physician in those nu'oue iuva ..

pure French brandy is the most useful of all medicines

EVERY MORNING. EDMUND 11. SOUTHUY, M.KCsThe ouly two qualities shipped "Seven and Ten Years Old" can be had ,i


"Ilf UCiZf.fl ,A Most Enthusiastic Scene in a FRjJbUJdL fc PEACOCKSan Francisco Court. 267 ddtwtf Sole Agents for the lit-- :o:-

The iellht of tlie Ciiizens-C'uee- rs

maining old crop sugars a little earlier,but has little effect upon the size of thecrop.

Porto Rico. Letters by the last mail

from reliable parties estimate the nextcrop at only 60 per cent of the presentyield.

Philippine Islands. Cable advices to

June 21st show 54,000 tons had sailed for

the United States since January 1st,

against 40,573 tons for the United Statesfor same time last year. Forty-tw- o thou-

sand six hundred and fifty-seve- n tons are

now afloat for the United States, against35,166 tons for same time last year.

Havana, June 20th. Owing to the dis-

parity between buyers' and holders' views,this market opened quiet, and only smallsales at irregular prices were reportedduring the first days of the week; but to-

wards the middle of same advices of amore favorable character having been re-

ceived both from London and New York,the demand gradually improved, and allthe parcels brought forward met readybuyers at a slight advance upon lastweek's closing quotations. Further onthe same good disposition having con-

tinued to prevail, holders have again en-

hanced their pretensions and the markeclosed io-da- y fairly active and stronglysupported for all descriptions. Accord-

ing to a tabular statement the sugar cropnow nearing its end ou this island, addsup 567,0S1 tons against 530,903 last year.


"The rise in the price of sugar has

for Judyre and Jury Hoisted onHi A Weary Walt Scenes

on the Street Fatherand Son.

ridors, down the stairs, and into thenarrow confines of Merchant street,where the cheering had alreadygathered an assemblage that blockedthe highway generally known as thepeculiar property of the police. Downtowards Montgomery street the ex-

cited throng surged in a humanmass a body guard for the Spreckelsboys, that it would have been diffi-

cult to break. Every old Hawaiianin San Francisco was there awaitingthe decision. Colonel Spreckels, whohad been summoned away only a fewminutes before the result was known,heard the cheering, and rushed upfrom Montgomery street. A way wascleared for him, and Adolph brokeloose from his brother John. Thenoccurred the meeting between

FATHER AND SON.It was indeed an effecting scene.

The overstrained fathei's feelingsgave way. Their arms were twinedaround each other's necks, the1 fatherkissed his beloved boy and the tears


Fer annum .. ?6 00

Six months- - 8 00

Per month-..- ,. .. 50c

9Nnrcriplioni Payable always InAdvance.

Communications from all parts of the Kingdomwill always be very acceptable.

Persona residing In any part of the United Statecan remit the amount of subscription due by PostOffice money order.

Matter IntpeJ for publication in the editorialcolumns she . :n:& w

EDITOH P.VUFIC COMMERCIAL, AtVEkTI9EB."Business communications and advertisements

should be addressed simply' P. C. AUVKRTISEK."

and net to individuals.

policy. When, however, the "yellowplague" strikes Boston and the man-ufacturing towns of New Englandthe tune will change, protests beingalready made against the employ-ment of French Canadians under con-

tract in New England factories, tothe exclusion of American labor.

We make these points to show howdifficult it is for a great and powerfulcountry even to enforce a policy oflabor exclusion when wealthy em-

ployers are combined to resist it.The Advertiser recently describedthe high-hande- d attempt made bypowerful transportation companies,in the interest of labor organizations,to trample on the restrictions placedupon Chinese immigration by thisGovernment. The question hencearises: What had best be done? Weare in full accord with our contempo-raries upon this question. The Ad-

ministration has given proof of itssincerity in the matter also. It nowremains for an intelligent publicopinion to demand the absolute ex-

clusion of all Chinese males withoutfamilies, who have no property inter-ests in this country, and depend infuture upon family immigration fromJapan, Europe and the United States.The Chinese are a non-assimilati- ve

race. They are, in their religion,politics and social habits a marvel-lous case of arrested development.Let them be kept away from theseIslands, and so permit the State to be

T II EPacific Commercial Advertiser rolled down his cheeks. Heads were J already affected consumption in England.

turned away and silence reigned j The increased consumption for the firstfive months in the United Kingdomwhere there had, a few seconds be

The readers of the Advertiserhave already learned the decision ofthe jury in the case of Mike DeYoung of the "Chronicle'' againstAdolph B. Spreckels. We received,however, the bare intimation thatthe jury, by an unanimous verdict,had found him not guilty. By theCity of Sydney we have received fullparticulars of the scenes in and nearthe Court, the special correspondentof the Advertiser having been de-

tailed for the purpose of supplyingour Islaud. readers with the fullestparticulars, as they are naturally sodeeply interested in the case whichis the outcome of the unjustifiableand malicious attacks that have beenmade upon U3 for years, with a viewto abrogate the treaty.

THE WEARY WAIT.His Honor Judge Toohey, having

dismissed the jury with his blessingand instructions before noon, theCourt was nearly deserted aud an ad-

journment made by most of theparties interested to adjoining saloons

fore, been such enthusiasm. In an j amounted to 90,978 tons, but the deliveriesinstant the two boys jumped into a ! for June have shown a decline. There- -


Is now for sale iaily at the Fallowing Places :

J. M. OAT & CO Merchant streetT. G. THRUM Merchant streetCRYSTAL SODA WORKS Hotel streetN. F. BUROESS King streetWOLF fc EDWARD. ..Cor King and Nuuanu stsMCCARTNEY Hotel street

Five Cent per Copy. tfAstor House Dining li

fore it is safe to say that if pricescontinue, even at the present figure,the consumption will decrease, and it isdoubtful whether the final increased con-

sumption at the end of the year will fig-

ure so large as it is at the present time.Those who figured a large increase in theconsumption of sugar in this country arealso going to be disappointed. The ex-

pected increase was placed at 70,000 tons,but in the half year almost, over the in-

crease amounts only to 5,831 tons overthat of last year."

built upon the underlying principlesof Western civilization, by the amal-gamation of races physically adapted

78 Hotel street, near Fort.

A GREAT NEWSPAPER. to the climate, amenable to law, and Llfot and Cold Lunches a iwlHjTee Weekly P. C. advertiskr is the best capable of social and intellectual evo

lution.and most complete paper published In the Kingdom. HaviDg been thoroughly remodeled in allIts departments, it will be found to be uniformly

and restaurants, for the purpose ofrefreshing: the inuer man the better

Try our meals in the new I'rivate li;

Room. Luxurious living.'li0-t- f GEO. CA V A X A (; 1 1 . Proprir.In another column we print the


Ex.' Mendota," " Oriente " and other late

arrivals, and for sale at

Lowest Market Rates,

A large and well selected assortment of

Wines, Spirits, Etc.,

bright, newsv and reliable. Being Intended specito withstand the fatal decision,

buggy and drove off hurriedly to con-

vey the good news to their motherand brother, who were awaiting themon the Mariposa. The joyful familymeeting was there repeated. TheColonel, witll his heart bursting withjoy at his boy's freedom and the vin-

dication of his own character ex-

pressed in the decision of the jury,turned to his friends and was justable to say, "Gentlemen, I thankyou; I thank you all." Many remem-bered the meeting, months ago, be-

tween father and son within the oldCity Hall, and all were delighted towitness this other meeting. Threemore cheers for Adolph were given ashe drove off, then three and a "tiger"for the Colonel.

SCENES ON THE STREET.No De Young was visible and none

of hi3 adherents, if he has any, savea sickly green-lookin- g youth with anote book. The brothers were notallowed to drive off without a cordialgreeting from Jimmy Gibbs, the mostrenowned compounder of cocktails inSan Franeisco. Regardless of health

ally for the family circle, it will contain nothing statement of receipts and expendi-tures of the Hawaiian Treasury foroffensive to morals or refined taste. Arrange whether 20 or con, according to the

wishes of those interested. A fewments have been perfected for giving a complete the quarter ending June 30, 1885. TheImportant to Sugar Makers.

"Bradstreet's," on June 27th, says:"The news process of sugar making dis-

covered by Frobach, of Berlin, if it provesdigest f the world's news up to latest date, In

PIONEERSteam Candy Factory


remained within the confines of theCourt or in its immediate vicin

gross receipts far the quarter, including a special loan of $80,000, was $295,addition to all the local and general news of the

Kingdom. Correspondence, detailing facts, is inity, anxious for the earliest news, or148 76: and after providing for theited from all parts of the Islands. Orders for

equal to all that is claimed for it, willcompletely revolutionize the sugar trade.

! For years it has been conceded that thefor any symptoms of agreement orsubscriptions should be addressed to the Manager.

The Weekly P. C. Advertiser is mailed tovarious public departments and oneor two small exceptional items of ex-penditure, there was a balance of

disagreement ou the part of the jury F. HORN", Practical fonfectioiifr,Pantry Cook and Bkk.

Hotel street. 117 tf Telephonysubscribers at f 5 per annum, payable in advance.Remittances may be made by P. O. Order. who held the fate of Adolph Spreckels

in their hands. The hands of the$5,481 46 in the Treasury to begin theclock had dragged tediously towardcurrent quarter with.

present method of extracting the sugarfrom the cane is defective and expensive.The new process dispenses altogetherwith crushing and pressing. The canebeing cut into strips, the water is first ex-

tracted by alcoholic vapor, the saccharinebeing left in the cane. This is then

MONDAY - - July 13th. 2 o'clock when the Judge was sentfor. Instantly, though the buildingLOCAL AND GENERAL.

LATE NEWS. FOR SALE,COXHKQUKXCE OP THK I'H?.EN7proprietor's intended departure freni itlx

seemed almost vacated, the old CityHall was crowded to its utmostSt. Alban't College closed last Friday for treated with liquid alcohol. It is assertedand personal safety, he rushed bare- -capacity. His Honor inquired if athe summer vacation.

Imarlaf? in frnr. nf the-- fa sr. ni no-- that this extracts all the saccharine.verdict had been arrived at, and, inThe foreign jury will be required to be inattendance at the Supreme Court this response to the "No" of the foreman,

asked their wishes, and was informedchestnut, risking his life to give his ! Afterward the sugar is extracted from the

Aloha to the boys. Further on were j&coho1 hJ beiuS filtered through lime

the proprietor, editor and staff of the and chalk. If this proves successful itmorning.The trial of the Harden Hand Grenade that they

WANTED SOMETHING TO EAT.I will at once add a third to the present


Doing a first-clas- s trade. The house is wtf

known as the only American in tit

city, that a detailed account is not necpssirr.To a suitable purchaser the terms of flym

will be made easy, if required. Tor further ptticulars apply to AVKItV fc P.UJJE8,

Real Estate Agents, or on thcpreiuiVs, Mstreet- - jvlOli

sugar, or at leastlast Saturday evening:, at the Esplanade, wasa complete success, giving satisfaction to all

production of cane1,500,000 tons."

Our news by the City of Sydney isinteresting". The popular ovation atthe conclusion of the trial of AdolphB. Spreckels was one of the most re-

markable as well as instructiveepisodes of these remarkable proceed-ings. Our report of it will doubtlessbe read with great satisfaction by alllovers of fair play and justice iu theIslands.

The foreign news is without specialinterest.

The special articles on sugar andrice are of great value.

The requirements of the inner manbeing duly supplied and washed

Coi pd-KX- l !nfpiri as follows :


Cases J. D. K. & Z., 20 bottles each.

Cases B; fc N., "Key" Brand, 20 bottles per case

do do do do in green cases.

do do do do in stone jugs.

do do Old Double Berried Hollands, inclear glass.

Cases C. Meijer & Co.'s Palm Tree."do Board & Son's "Old Tom."do Coates & Co 's celebrated riymouth' Gin.

do Cosmopolite, Royal Batavia, etc., etc.

BRANDIES.Cases Hennessy , and

do Bisquit, Dubouche & Co anddo Miller Freredo J. I'lessac & Co.

do J. E. Pellisson & Co.'s Uncolored, Un-

sweetened, Pure Old Brandy, 7 and 10 years old.Cases, flasks and half-flask- s various brands.


down with copious vinous libations,and their nervous sentiments beingduly soothed by fragrant Havanas,the waiters were compelled to followso worthy an example and again ad

"News Letter," who, one and all,looked pleased and happy. Adolph'sfriends then took possession of Mont-gomery street and dispersed to meetlater at the Colonel's house, of whichthey took forcible possession, andwhere they were royally received.No less than 1,500 friends came andwent during the evening, and a baudwas sent to serenade the family. Mrs.Spreckels received a few of her mostintimate friends, and at midnight thefamily were allowed to retire, afterundergoing a most trying and ex-

citing day, which was so satisfac-torily terminated.

journ to the corner groceries. Theminutes dragged wTearily alongand the hours seemed like days.


Mr. Bishop's, six rooms, kitcbtnielarge yard. Apply on premises from 10 tito clock. Can be rented for reasonable terms.



Hats on and smoking were permittedwithin the judicial portals; the cor

The Kiee Market.Recent telegraphic advices from Ch in

report disastrous floods in the Cantondistrict; immense fields of rice were de-

stroyed, and prices have in consequencebeen sharply advanced in the local market.China mixed is now in active demand at$4 454 50 per two mats; other descrip-tions of China are firm but less affected:the present stock of new mixed China riceis estimated at about 60,000 -- mats. Ha-

waiian is jobbing at 7c, no stock in firsthands. Two carloads, about 45,000pounds, Carolina rice were received iuSan Francisco by rail and sold readily at7c. cash. Several more carloads are onthe way and expected to reach there aboutthe time the next steamer will be duefrom the Hawaiian Islands.

ndors were crowded with the friendsof both pr jecutor and defendant,though the former were rather conspicuous by their paucity. Colonel

Islay Blend,

Stewart's Scotch,

Cutter No. 1,

White Rye.

Cases Glenlivet,

BurkeO. F. C. Sourmash,Kentucky Favorite,

NOTICE.THE SUGAR MARKET.Spreckels, Jo hn D., Adolph and theirhost of allies kept up a constant jocu

("Old Kentucky Bourbon, 8 years old.Ix Bpik-- J Golden Sheaf, 5 rs old.

Taylor's O. F. C, 4 years old.larity to relieve the tedium of theweary wait. One and all endeavoredto divert the attention of father and

Our San Francisco correspondentwrites that the New York sugar market iseasier on account of a decline in beets inthe London market. Owing to the holi

IROM 1ST OF JULY CHUXt CHAN rABa partner in the flrnn-- Tal ('&'

Co. C. Aklona & Chung Wal will rarry on

business under same firm name, and C. k'&will settle all debts due bv Chung ( ban.

310-jyl- Gsons irom tne matter so directly inday season in the United States there is jteresting and important to them. TREASURY STATEMENT.

The most unconcerned to all outvard Fine old Ports, Sherries, Madeira, etc., in cases

and casks, Kummel, Absinthe, Maraschino,Curacoa, etc., of the best quality.

Ladies' Hair Drew PAappearances was Adolph, yet nne Receipts and Expenditure. of theHawaiian Treasury for the ThreeMonths Ending: June 30,

Fort street, opposite JoM's SUbH

could tell the feelings that were work-ing in his breast. The suspensecould not last forever, aud at 5:30 p.m. the announcement that the jurywas coming was a signal for


Hundreds rushed to the doors forci

.$11,857 13A11J favorite brands of English, American and


but little to report, but we gather the fol-

lowing facts from our New York and Lon-

don exchanges of latest dates:NtW YOKE.

There ha3 been no disposition to sell,and holders' views do not appear to havebeen modified, but it is generally admittedthat business could only be resumed on alower basis of valuation. Refiners' stocks,which are ample for present requirements,have been increased by liberal direct im-

portations, and accordingly for the pres-

ent they can well afford to be indifferentspectators, particularly as present indica--

BECEIPTS.Balance from March 31, 1885. .From fines, penalties

and costs $14,975 41From Government

Regulations 233 32From Customs Re-

ceipts 121,273 55From Interior Depart-

ment 06,372 07From Hawaii Revenue


T ATE OF SAN FRANCISf O. IMS OPPja Ladles' Hair Dressing Parlor, whort

kept a line stock ot Hair Good, Toilet Arw

etc. Ladles waited on at their resident.sired- - Indies and children's Hairspecialty Gents' TonsorluJ Parlor in f

Won. l,Jci

bly pushing their way to a point ofvantage, if no seat were obtainable.

De Young was not there, neither FREET1I & PEACOCK,

present.The band concei t at Emma Square last

Saturday afternoon was well attended, andthe programme played in Berger's usualgood style.

The baseball clubs of the Royal and Fort-stre- et

schools played a match game last Sat-

urday morning on the Makiki grounds, theFort-stre- et nine winning the game.

In the appeal in the late Chinese gamingcase, the Chief Justice sustained the findingof the Police Magistrate, but reduced theimprisonment from end month to ten days.The fiae of $100 remains the same.

In the Intermediary Court last Saturdaymorning, the boy Jackson, found guilty intha Police Court of having unlawful posses-

sion of a horse and sent to the Reformschool, was discharged by the Chief Justiceafter a severe reprimand.

Engine Company No. 2 had a drill lastSaturday afternoon, and wet down con-

siderable of the area on the corner of HotelandAlakea, streets. Everything about theengine worked smoothly, and the boys wereprompt in all their movements.

His Excellency the Minister of the In-

terior entertained at dinner last Friday eve-

ning Mr. and Mrs. Hoffnung. There werealso present Mrs. Haalelea, Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Levey, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Levey, Mr. andMrs. J. Lyons and Miss Hoffnung.

Furser Ross, of the steamer C. II. Bishop,reports that the dead body of a Chinamanwas found floating at the mouth of Kahilistream, Kilauea, Kauai, last Wednesday.The body was recognized as that of a China-man living at Kilauea, who was a victim tothe opium habit.

The San Francisco "Herald of Trade"says: One effect of Adolph B. Spreckelsshot at De Young is to clear away the cloudsand wash away the path with which thatinfamous journal has shrouded and soiledthe charactsr of an honored citizen of Cali-

fornia for the past.thrce years.

By invitation of Mr. R. W. Irwin, H. H.M. Ccusul General to Japan, Mr. G. E. G.Jackson, who has done most of the hydro-graph- ic

surveying about these islands for theSurvey Department, took passage ou theYamashiro Maru, taking with him charts ofthe recent surveys made of ihe harbors ofMaui and Hawaii, to give Captain Mahl-ma- nn

of the steamer such information as hemight need on the trip.

The tiotting race last Saturday at theKapiolani track between Mr. Thomas' horseMack and Mr. J. McShane's horse Dick,which came off in the afternoon, was apleasant event. The race was for $100aside, mile heats, best three in five, andwas won by Dick in three straight heats.Mack came in ahead in the first mile, butthe heat was given to Dick on account of afoul. The time made was 3:11, 3:10?4 and3:1034. The judges were Messrs. J. Dodd,W. II. Corn well and C. Lucas. Time-keepers, C. Miles and S. Parker. The racewas a well contested one, and the time prettygood, though not quite so fast as was

were his lawyers a most noticeable accountFrom Loan Fundfact. The Judge caused them to be

23 iiiiaun Strect,'ll. I.M. S. Grinbaum & Co,


eiteral Merchandise ami 'B',Isummoned, but there was no response, tiong point to future purchases at lower From Japanese Fund,

nrices. The recent upward movement tp-- I rrom Revenue stamps

39 094,700 003,209 854,295 50

18 0027 00

80,000 00295,148 70

so the Court was convened. A death From Seamen's taxes.Telephone 40.2flfitfP O. Box 362.From Brands

From Special Loan . .like silence ensued in the brief secondthat elapsed between the Judge's

A local contemporary, when dis-

cussing the question of .Chinese im-

migration recently, suggested thatwe must do as the United States hasdone, and stop Chinese immigrationabsolutely. It took it for granted,because a law was passed by Congressrestricting Chinese immigration, thattherefore the object contemplated bythe enac' merit was accomplished.Such is not the case at all. It hasfallen out otherwise. The law hasbeen nullified by the late and presentadministrations, aud the Chinese areflocking into California and swarm-ing all over the United States pre-cisely as if the Treaty of Peking hadnot been ratified, or the Restrictionact had not been incorporated in theRevised Statutes. -

The truth is, that restriction doesnot restrict in the case of Chineseimmigration to the United States.The great railroad corporations andlarge employers of labor are deter-minedly opposed to any restrictionbeing placed upon Chinese labor im-

migration, which, if unlimited, isnecessarily ''cheap;'' and they set towork in various ways to influence theSecretary of the Treasury and theAttorney General of the United Statesto put constructions upon the Statuteat variance with the policy and in-

tent of the law. This was done bythese officials under PresidentArthur's administration, and theevil is being aggravated under Presi-dent Cleveland's.

The "religious sentiment of NewEngland" is a powerful factor in thecase also. It is strenuous in favor ofChinese immigration, and appears tobe complacently willing that thou-sands of American girls and boysshould become outcasts and thievesthrough lack of honest employment,ment, if thereby a chance beafforded the " Chinese Mission "in the States to "convert"some half-doze- n Mongolians, orteach the more intelligent amongthem to read and write English anaccomplishment of considerablemoney value to them. This is a hardthing to say, but it is the rigid truth,which is witnessed to by newspapersof every shade of opinion on thePacific Coast, where the operations of

!on Merchant, JIoIloIll,l,'No. 12-- California street, San Franri, O'

question to the jury and the fore $307,005 89 jyl-l- y

suited in the accumulation of heavystocks in London and the diversion oflarge shipments thither from cane-produci- ng

countries, and these influences,together with the absence of demand, hascaused holders to weaken. Local refinershave shown their lack of confidence in the

man's reply that a verdict had beenarrived at. This silence was stillmore entrancing, for in an instantwould be known Adolph's fate. Yet THE FINE Alhe sat, to all outward appearances, advance by the cautious manner in which

they have replenished their supplies, and JAPANESE STEAMERthis market has given a tardy response to

EXPENDITURES.Civil List S16.C31 00Permanent Settle-

ments 1,316 00Judiciary Department 14,310 20Foreign Office 22,671 52Interior Department. 110.172 55Attorney General's

Department 33,632 27Finance Department. 53,558 32Board of Education.. 18,577 90Board of Health 23,053 73Special Loan 1,914 00Hawaii Revenue Ac-

count 147 84Apprt'n for Queen

Emma's fnneral. 539 10-Bala- nce

cash in Treasurv

J. 3T. Oat, Jr., Co


Hawaiian Gazette Bloc-- 301,524 43

5,481 46 jloiioini27 Merchant St.,.r.29- -tl$307,005 89

John M. Kapeka,Minister of Finance.

Treasury Office, June 30, 1885.

unmoved. iis nanasome lace re-

mained passive, while that of hisbrother John blanched and his lip3trembled. "Not guilty!" The wordshad scarcely been uttered by the fore-man of the jury when every soul jnthe Court rushed frantically towardihe Spreckels. Chairs were over-turned or thrown into the air as theeasiest method of removing them;hats touched the ceiling and startledthe sleepy spiders, who were unpre-pared for so sudden annnvasion oftheir judicial quarters; the hands,arms aud leg3 of John and xdolphwere eagerly seized. Had they pos-

sessed a hundred or centipedes moreof these appendages there would nothave been arms and legs enough foreverybody to seize upon. This alloccurred in Jess time than it takes towrite. An ineffectual attempt wasmade to call the excited crowd to

the bullish temper-tha- t until within a fewdays, has prevailed everywhere else.


Pernambuco, Hay 23d. For the pastmonth there have been abundant rains,and the prospects are fair for the grow-ing crop, which is expected not to fallmuch below the present one.

Trinidad, June Gth. The wet seasonseems to have fairly set in. A few es-

tates are still grinding as weather per-mits. The crop ia the same as last year,say abont 72,000 hogsheads.

Beet crop. Mr. Licht's report is athand by mail confirming the cabled re-

port, and showing a strong statistical po-

sition on basis of supply and demand fornext twelve months. Cabled reports givemore favorable weather recently, which isrequired to recover the three weeks' back

Yamashiro Maru,"Will sail for Yokohama on or about July

15th, and will take cargo and passengersfor

Hongkong,Transhipping at Yokohama.

Passage from Honolulu to Hongkong,which includes all transhipping expenses,

House to Let and

turo for Sale.

The race between May D. and Rossi ta, atKapiolani Park to-d-ay, will come off at 5o'clock p. m., to enable business people, whoare interested in the turf, to be present. Asthe race will be an interesting trial of speedbetween two crack horses, there should be alarge attendance of spectators. The changeof hour from four to five was made at therequest of many gentlemen who otherwise

- tin

4 NICE, LARGE MODEK Bt ,Be JA. within- - ten minutes aJk y tAOffice, confining live roonx, v xwpand bathroom; furnished "foliKAWill be sold at a sacrifice on 8ff""ty

Address, "Furniture," box t--m ini Apply to1 tf WM. G. IRWIN & CO, Agents.

wardness of the crop, This evidently would have been debarred attending. lulu.


Page 3: HONOLULU, A.uctione druggists;evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/37923/1/... · 2015-06-02 · Double Entry Pook-keepln-g. as applle.l to ftll departments ot business;


Mvzxtl$mwt$iFOBEIM SEWS.lishmen. Field sent a cablegram toPresident Cleveland and received anappropriate response.

O S Alameda (Amii 11 G Morse, from SanFrancisco, due July 22

Am hrgtne Consuelo, K J3 Cousins, from .SanFrancisco, due July 21-- 20

Am brgtne Discovery, V It rcrr.aian, from SanFrancisco, due July 25-- 30

I M S .S Zealandia (Brit "Webber, from theColonies, en route for San Francisco, due August 2

Hawn bk Thomas R R Foster, F W liugg,from Fort Townsend, W T, due August 5 10


laud, have been re-elect- ed to Parlia-meu- t.

The Chancellor Cheered.Lord Ashbourne (the Right Hon.

Edward Gibson) formally took theoath of office as Lord Chancellor ofIreland. The new Lord Chancellorwas heartily received and cheered bypeople in the streets on his way bothto and from Dublin Castle, where theceremonies of installment took place.

They Won't Mourn.M. Waddington, the French Em-

bassador at London, and his wife,both refused to appear in mourningat the coin t ball, as prescribed by theQueen, because of the death of PrinceFrederick Charles of Germany. M.Waddington's refusal was officiallydeclared in a courteous note sent toHer Majesty. He expressed his per-

sonal regret at being unable to coin-pl- y

with the royal command, but saidhe could not disobey the orders of hisGovernment not to wear mourning atthe death of any enemy of France.

July 3d.A fight between the Yaquis and

Mexican troops took place, in which400 of the latter, with General Garcia,were killed. The report of a battlebetween United States troops and theApaches at Oputo, Mexico is con-

firmed.Unseasonable rains and thunder

storms have been experienced inCalifornia.

Patal Game of Baseball.May Sanders, a twelve-yea- r old girl,

was watching a game of baseball atHarrisburg, Or., when a hard-batte- d

ball struck her in tho abdomen. Itwas thought at first that the blowwas not serious, but inflamation setin, which finally produced death.

The Brunswick Succession.The Bundesrath confirmed the de-

cision of the Judicial Committee indeclaring that the succession of theDuke of Cumberland to the Duchyto Brunswick would be incompatiblewith the internal peace of the em-

pire.Canadian Oarsmen Beaten.

The Argonaut four-oare- d crew ofToronto, which had been practicingdaily for the Henley regatta, rowedin the third heat for the Visitor's cup.The Trinity Hall (Cambridge) crewcame in first and the Toronto crewsecond. Trinity Hall won easily.

The Gordon Memorial.The Gordon Memorial Committee

approved the resolution of the Princeof Wales in favor of establishing ahome for training poor boys for mili-tary and civil life Gordon's pet idea.The memorial fund amounts to

18,031.Kussia Threatening Herat.

In the Russian camp near Herat,sickness and great mortality are rife.The Russians are occupying thePenjdeh oasis. The Governor ofPenjdeh is dead. Popular rumor hasit that Russia is only. awaiting theautumn ta advance on Herat.Kins: Alfonso Visits one of the Cholera

InfectedKing Alfonso left Madrid in an

ordinary train for Aranjuez, travel-ing incognito. No person was awareof his intention to make the journey.On arrival at his destination hevisited the hospitals and their cholera-stricke- n

patients. In the meantimetho King's departure became knownin Madrid. The Senate and Chamberof Deputies suspended their sittingsand proceeded to the railway station,accompauied by the Queen, and wel-

comed him back. On alighting fromthe train he received a tremendous

begun by Lady Randolph Churchill(nee Miss Jennie Jerome, of NewYork), by driving a tandem teamthrough the main streets of the pic-

turesque old town. The Liberals re-

solved to meet their fair adversary onher own ground, and secured the ser-

vices of Misses King and Adams,lovely young graduates from Oxford.Lady Churchill lost none of her cour-age and euergy, but summoned re-

inforcements. She obtained twocharming Lieutenants, Lady Evelynand . Lady Edith Curzon, youugdaughters of the Earl of Howe, andsent them forth to dazzle the electors.The latter are getting more andsweeter blandishments than theyever dreamed of before, and are in adilemma a3 to which of their fairsuitors to favor. Grant is on theground working night and day in hiown interest. The Liberals claimthat they are already sure of the sup-port of a sweeping majority of 1,084voters in the registry list. The Toriesare nervous and impioriu Lord Ran-dolph to show himself to the electors.He has thus far proved obdurate, andhis inertness has strengthened the re-

port that he has bargained with hiswife that sho is to do all the workand have all the glory of his cam-paign. Lady.Churchill was victori-ous and her husband was elected.

July 1th.First Assistant Postmaster-Genera- l

Hay has resigned.Judge Lambert Free of Illinois has

been appointed American Minister toBelgium.

Three men were drowned by the fallof a freight train into a stream be-

tween Arcadia and Liberal, Mo., andfour persons were killed by being rundown by a train at Winthrop Junc-tion, Mass.

Baldwin's Verano won the mileand a quarter race for all ages atChicago.

Hanlan Defeats L.ee.Hanlan and Lee rowed three miles

with a turn at Sylvan lake, St. Law-rence county, for a purse of $1,000.Hanlan won easily iu 15:22. Therace was witnessed by a large crowd.

Victims of Cholera.Reports from the cholera districts

in Spain are as follows: Aranjuez, 89

new cases and 62 deaths; Valencia,city, 159 new cases and 109 deaths;Valencia, province, outside of thecity, 494 new cases and 237 deaths.

In the Soudan.General Wolseley will start for

England July 7th.On the completion of the railroad

from WTady Haifa to Alashish, on the15th instant, the British troops willoccupy the latter place.

Changed Temper of France.The French Government has with-

drawn its demand for a fixed dateupon which English troops shallevacuate Egypt, and offers to leavethe period to the discretion of theEnglish Government, if Lord Salis-bury will admit the principle ofevacuation. Waddington, FrenchEmbassador at London, has alsomade conciliatory overtures regard-ing the question of the control of theSuez Canal. This change of attitudeon the part of the French Govern-ment is attributed to the entente be-

tween Lord Salisbury and Prince Bis-

marck.A Disabled Steamer.

The steamship East Anglia, whicharrived at New York from the Med-iterranean, reports June 27th, in lati-tude 42 deg. 54 min., longitude 50 deg.32 min., spoke and took letters fromthe steamer Gallia, from New Yorkfor Liverpool, disabled, having brokenher third section shaft on the 22d ult.


1 -f'of, nil of the Civil- ''l"1.Kf.bv requested to

I-- "or r.;;a of" their affairs to' ;V,i:J c;:r b,forethe 2Qtb day

", for the year ewl- -

J;J i";- -upon

i i b- - lun.i-.he-

.. . ....r.f the Interior.; ,". si3-tfj-

JJ- -.ro--- '

1 '...rssorN Notice.

noIU 11,

'th- - undersigned,

f 'L-.- rf -- r , ew building

k . . Ml. !' L'. Piich week,1,'k-"- " .tV Ol-

. . t:;-.:.- u' the hours of 5

t-- ; r . . .: t.::r, of raving thein thfadis- -

V w tax-ti- on

I- . B.E 10 taxation are rcspeet- -

ft" ; as full, ex- -j :

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i.!"w1"'21 r'"!V"i ,.r uuMum for suchto whom and

t; Ff 'r:y ;, ,,, n- is any .no.-tsjg-e on

h"- - ZtV.i.' of worths'-- ,

$ -' '.vh..t ;t!,jli:it ro.rtagea. statejrir-- " to

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no app'-al- .

, i!;rret

?'I ,TTT.oNi,lM-r.-wit- drawn by theiti!A lr,.-- that no return is valid inf3"'vLr-.tol..-for.- the Assessor, Notary

authorized to admin.J., r ihtv.

f',, !,:,!, f nk returns can he" ;" f July on application

il t:;-- - !i !er-xne- d.

t""" Ki:i:i'.H.llAYELDEN.f Assessor of Taxes

p e PMrit of Honolulu. I.,Iand of Oahu.

trial t'0 1 "iremeii anil 3ioin-- f

b. rf Voliiiile r ( inp:uiieH.'J i'iv.-- s special notice to

I ;ir-nluJ!n:o:- :i'rs of volunteer companies

'i'v la.v app-- ar in person beforejTvii tht-;- cii,iticn from personal

eannot he allowed,.i,s,.rm--

j FPL1. H- - II AYSKLDUN,JUbtrictof Honolulu,i Tst -- .rfur

17,llsO-j.- -


Tat .sfs.or'i SpocinI Xoli-- .

j.. ur..!-"- -! gives noti.-- e to allr:-- ; cf Ihi.s- or any otherj:.

(!, K. "5il..in lntving balances of cashAick ;Ti.ru,'i M- -' hau ls in Honolulu tlisit they,'j.yi vIIit- - f'T ti.f same according to

irn return-- . mad- - l.y s.M bankers or agents toar.d the tax on the same must be

i-- u'Jic Ta( ':;.. 'r r-- Jli.nolulu.1KKI. H. ll.VVSKI.DF.N,

I Tix f' r Harriet cf Honolulu..(.oluIu.Juiie IT. 2l-jel7-C- w

iiason t" tie Mwon During J"ly

I). If. M.J aiuon 11 G 11 r. m.


3j KiniiiU nii-- Setting of tin Sun.k un riM t'l.iM.rnv.v mendng at 5:2'-- o'clock.3k'tisets tlii eVflittlg at 6:15 o'clock.


AKRIVALS.satckday, July 11.

pi&r Kinan, K u' . frmn Maui and Hawaii!;a.r l'avi. from Kahuluiand liana

:Erc H r,ihc'i, Mm ar.lay, from Kauaii!!nrInft!:i:ii.Kr-- t man. from Hamoa, Maui'uur Jaux's I iM.wseit, Smith, from a circuit ofi i.koi and Latiui, via l.ahainapanrMukclii, M. iii-- f ior, from a circuit of Molo- -

.v:h Uluiiu and l.anai:tnr Mok.jlii, Mr. ir-o- from Molokai

it!Lr Kai!..!aLi. fmni Kwaa.ti frn Eva. , 16 days from Eurekaviir Kawaiiatii. fn.in Koo'.auN -- r Ivih U.jy, i Koolau

svxday, July 12.r 51 s s City ,t Sydney (Am., Dearborn, 7 days

f a San Frai!ci--

;!;a.ri'lanttr, CaiK.-r.-n- . from KauaisVLrL-al.- i. (run. Kukaiuu

Koolau1vfr Ku M,,i' fro:n Kaiwlhihilahi

r Waiijrom Xlaiiko5sVr':tf Murri-f:o-


DEI'AKTl Rl'S.3 Chr Anim M..r-.,o.w.- . r- c - -. l-- , . ; " v.uiiu.u, iium oau rrancisco,

Ivk.v , Saturday, July 11.

brni.-euta.;r- .

yffvrsen for Hongkong

j ensiH iavins 'I'll in Iny.ii-1,,-' L;ivis' f0- - Kahului, liana, etc,fctpm 1 1,v-- 't, circuit of Molokai and Lanai,

rl?UK'" yu'r,TZT for a circuit of Molo- -

k"ae M ,J- -t Lebanon, Nelson, for Hong-jUbarkJu- iu

Foard, Bergman, for San Fran- -

f&Si:?,V.slX'i,L,boui'',orTcoiua, "W TI . v "J!.'.1 for Koolau

i ci 5'dhtol!:"Ut-'-"- . for Maliko

J fOMiux VEHSr7iAlx POBT.. I . a!trn Fva J w :..5 f'Miiun, from HumbolJt Bav,jrS-ris:a11Va:k'- ,1Iaw) Anderson, from

pan !:la;i:r, ra"u, Collier, from Yoka- -bar's J'--

Uy. For'1' A. from Depart.lBr--t bitne v.,iftont.' U Ltl,aon, C II Nelson, fromitera Jcr -

f 11 Urieiths, from San Fran- -hl1 Posa. Hay ward, from San Fran.

Jiicu-- b H X Turner, from San

A w"l Iron. reign lorts.,CJn'v.., :".v Turner.S pJ--- .i from Boston,0cSlba-- k iiirl" V':";1 ViverPxd, due Julv i 10

due37 vu.R.:f.artha ravis. F n n0, ,


ii,Julvi1-Mfr'- 11 JPaul, from San

bATF-Jun- e

! i a .from aa Francisco,

QlIeen' n, from San


Celebrating the Glorious Fourth-Opi- um


Kahului, July 10, 1SS5.

The American schooner Rosario,E. D. Swift, Master, arrived from SanFrancisco on the 3d instant with 200

bales of bags, and cleared at the Custom House this day for San Francisco on her return trip with 504,507

pounds of sugar, valued at $25,794 85,

and two passengers Mrs. P. G. Taylor and Mr. H. I. Taylor, her son.

The Rosario, in going out of theharbor, to-d- ay touched on the reef, butas she had very little headway on atthe time, she- - sustained no damage.She came to anchor and will remainin port until to-morr- ow morning,when she will make a fresh start forSan Francisco, wind and weather per--.mitting.

Kahului was all but deserted onthe Fourth of July, the only one leftto represent its foreign populationwas the well-know- n and everlastingGabriel Holmes. One portion left forHalekala by way of Ulupalakua; twopicnic parties left here one for Mak- -

awao and the other for Waihee; andthe balancet with the single exception before noted, left for the horserpces at Waikapu, which was wellattended. A few arrests were made,mostly for fast riding.

Hoxokaa, Hawaii, July 8, 1SS5.

"The Glorious Fourth" was nevermore gloriously celebrated than onlast Saturday in Honakaa. For sometwo weeks previous to the Fourth theemployees of the Honakaa SugarCompany were devoting all theirspare time and energies to getting upa series of entertainments and a dinner for that day, which in its magnitude surpassed anything of the kindever undertaken in a country placebefore. Some twelve large hogs andthree oxen, besides other eatables ofevery description, were prepared forthe guests. And it is needless to saythat the Manager, Mr. W. H. Rick-ard- s,

gave them every assistance andfacility for carrying out the programme of the day, which was partlyas follows, commencing at 10 o'clocka. m.:

The celebration opened by prayerfrom Rev. I. Goodall, after which

as read the Declaration of Inde-pendence by Wm. Horner, Esq., ofKukuihaili. Then followed selectionsby the brass band, and an oration byI. M. Horner, Esq., of which a moresuitable person could not have beenselected. The address was well worthgoing the whole length of the districtto hear. After a few lively airs fromthe baud, Mr. W. II. Rickard also delighted the audience with a very appropriate address, at the close ofwhich every one sat done to a bounti-ful repast. The remainder of theevening was devoted to sports of allkinds foot races, bag races, barrelraces, etc., but the crowning feat wasthe Japanese wrestling, which wasparticipated in by Japanese from sev-

eral plantations, ahl was really atreat, as it was something entirelynew to everyone present.

This wound up the day's sports.In the evening dancing was carriedon in a largo pavilion built for thepurpose. Altogether it was one of thepleasantest days Honokaa has seenfor a long time, and though therewere over 800 people present of differ-ent nationalities, there was not asign of drunkenness or bad behaviorduring the entire performance.

The thanks of the public are due tothe few men on the committee whoworked so hard to make the thing anentire success. May they long live tocelebrate the day which gave birth toone of the first nations on the face ofthe earth.

Our Deputy Sheriff, Mr. Luma-heihe- i,

has made three importantseizures of opium this week, whichcame in by the last trip of the Iwa-lani. Rumor places it at 180 tins. '


No. 6 Queen Street,


Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Efe.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 276 tf


Queen ; Edinburgh Streets,VmOLESALE A BKTAIL

Dealers la

HAY AXD GRAIN,Telephone No. 175.;

Goods delivered prompUy.

Island Orders Solicited.

8U v

A Brief Outline of

the British Govern-meii- f

s Policy.

Lady Churchill ConductsHer Husband's Cam-


Emperor William's Con-


Murderer Maxwell HandedOver to the St. Louis


King-- Alfonso Visits theCholera Infected


France Makes ConciliatoryOvertures to England.

Children Slaughtered for InsuranceMoney.

Kussla Threatens IZerat The Uordonmemorial A Baseball Accident

A Iiablel Steamer TlioISriiiitmiclc Succession

Americans in LoudouHaitian's Victories.

July 2d.Two engagements have taken place

between the troops and Indians inMexico, and over fifty of the rene-gades have been killed.

The public debt was reduced $8,-093,9- 93

75 during June.Five hundred and foity-on- e Mor-

mon converts arrived in one day atNew York from Europe.

Emperor William's Condition.The Emperor William took a short

carriage ride for the first time sincehis illness. lie also walked in thegrounds surrounding the palace andafterwards gave an audience to severalofficers and transacted official busi-ness.

Disastrous Storms.Twenty villages were ignited by

lightning and burned in storms nearVienna. Six men were killed whiletrying to extinguish the flames.Great damage was done to crops by ahurricane. A waterspout floodedPeth. The Danube Swimming Baths,full of people, became loosened andfloated down the stream. The peoplewere panic-stricke- n, but were allrescued.The Policy of the British Govern,

ment Urlelly Outlined.Lord John Manners, Postmaster

General, addressing a Conservativemeeting at .Leicester, said they wouldtry to bring order out of the presentchaos in Egypt and would endeavorto terminate the tension in Afghan af-

fairs which endanger India. LordArthur Hill, member for Down, Ire-land, and Comptroller of the Treasury,in an election speech referred to therecently proposed bill for the renewalof the Crimes act, and said suchmeasures were, in his opinion, need-less, as the ordinary laws were suf-ficiently ample for the governmentof Ireland. He said the present Landact was a failure, and that he wouldsupport the Land Purchase bill,which the Liberal Government hadproposed.

Churchill's Champion.Lady Churchill, the daughter of

Leonard Jerome of Xew York, is per-sonally engaging in the Woostockcanvass to secure the re-electi- on toParliament of her husband, LordRandolph Churchill. The Liberalsare very active in their efforts to ac-complish the defeat of Lord Randolphand to secure the election of Grant.The return of Lord RandolphChurchill is considered a very doubt-ful matter.

.Candidates Elected.The Parliamentary election in the

borough of Launctston, Cornwall, tofill the vacancy caused by the eleva-tion to the peerage of Sir HardingesGifTord, the new Lord High Chancel-lor, resulted ir the return of Mr.Webster, the Tory candidate, by amajority of forty-thre- e.

Lord John Manners, PostmasterGeneral, the Right Hon. Sir WrilliamHart Dyke, Chief Secretary for Ire- -


From Niihau and Kauai, per steamer Planter,Julv 12th: Hon YV II liice, Col J S Spalding, JSherman, J V Hahn, K Dowsett, A McBryde,Dr J K Smith, Misses Ilartwell (2), Mr Aliona, 2s

Jlolbert, and 40 deck passengers.From Hanalei and Waianae, per steamer C II

Bishop, July 11th: Mrs II A Ys'idemaun andAnnie Cleghorn, Master Charles Ber-ge- r,

L Ahuna, J Forest and wjfe. 3 Chinese and 2

deck passengers.From Kaiiului, Huel and liana, per steamer

Lehua, July 11th: Geo C Williams, Kev O 1 Era-erso- n.

Miss L. Alexander, T A Dickey, Parker JfMakee, II O Trvadway, S F Chillingworth, MissEmma Powers, W P A Brewer, wife, child andservant, one prisoner, and 73 deck passengers.

From Hamakud, per steamer Iwalani, July11th; Mrs W II Ilickard and son, Sirs L Bickard,Mrs J Marsden, E Dolan, W Couradt, J It Ilal-lida- y,

J Sproul, and 27 deck passengers.From Lahaina, Mahukora, Kawaihae Maalaea

and Hilo, per steamer Kiuau; Hon J L. Kaulu-kou.T- P.

Evans, A II Mitchell, PAAkau, W IIsdiipman, Miss A n hie A kina, II llopfe, (t Thecker,I' A Dias, J L Blaidsdell, Oeo Campton, C 1

Chapin,(wC Akina, G P Kamauoha, S Slumke,F H Austin, C Hnej-- d Kynnersley, G DFreeth,MrsCF Phelps, J Stupplebeen, K Kruger, S Ami, JAlau, C Jones, Mrs M Wilson and child, W FPvhoads and wife, II It Hitchcock ami wife, (1 KStUlman and wife, Dr F S Thompson, Mrs II Tur-ton,Mr-

Bima.Miss Mabel Suuter, H A Heen,T V Forsyth, and 172 deck passengers.

From Sau F rancisco, per steamer City of Syd-ney, July 12th; Miss M Chester, Miss A Tease.Mrs A Lathrop and maid, Mrs II .S Anderson, WE Spencer, C Nexd rir, and H i steerage passen-gers, including 5 Chinese.

From Humboldt Bay, Cal, per tern Eva, July11th: II 1) Wentworth and wife, I A Anderson,A G Brown and P Peterson.

DEPARTURES.The following passengers have already been

booked at the ctlice of W G Irwin fe Co, to leaveby the O s .S Mariposa of the loth instant: ProfMartin Kellogg, Win D Armes, Miss Lottie Alex-ander, A Uofl'nuns and wife, Miss lIofTiiung, II KHitchcock and wife, II X Castle, W A liowtn, CBroglie, T K Moore, W D Alexander, Jr. Miss MMuck, Mrs P. X Wnigute and two children , P VJones, Jr, Miss Ida Jones, Miss Mary Dowsett.Alex Dowsett. K C Washita, C W Baldwin, F I'Gross. C K CfUpin,Lyle I dekey, Miss A M Pay-so- n,

Mrs O Citwain, Mrs F" oediug and child, MrsJ M Griffith, Miss M lloyt and Mrs C D Kinney.

F'or the Colonies, per steamship City of Sydney,July 12th: C J E Cavcll, W Buck and live Chinesesteerage passengers.

MEMORANDA.Steamship Cit of Sydney, II. C. Dearborn,

Commander, sailed from San F'rancisco, July 5,133, and discharged pilot at 4:13 p. m. Expe-rienced light baffling winds and line weather dur-ing the voyage. Received pilot at Honolulu o:01p. in. Passengers for Honolulu, (i3, of which 56are Chinese; merchandise and papers, 8 packages,and 9 bags of mail. Through passengers for Auck-land Sydney, 100.


The F'rench bark Eouis IX sails forPuget Soundin ballast.

Purser J. V. C. Comfort of the P. M. s. 8. Cityof Sydney has gone East, and Purser E. J. Rich-

ardson came down to fill the vacancy.The steamer Kinau brought 2,."51 bags sugar,

C7 sheep, 20 tons old iron, 1 cow, 2 horses, l'i baleswool and 173 packages sundries from windwardports. Reports fine weather.

The American tern Eva, Captain J O Weikmau,arrived in port July 11th, 16 days from IlumboldtBay, California, with 2!)7,000 feet redwood lum-ber to Mrs. Allen & Robinson; had calms the lirstfour days, thence experienced northwesterlywinds for several days, after which encounteredwinds from southeast with squally weather, andmuch rain, thunder and lightning,

The American hark JulU 1'oard, Captain A.Bergman, sails at 10 o'clock this morning with13,0'Jl sacks sugar for San Francisco.

The American schooner Rosario, Captain K. D.Swift, sailed from Kahuhi for San Francisco onJuly 11th, with 3,853 bags sugar, valued at $25,-79- 4


The American soliooror Anna, Captain McCul-loc- h,

arrived at Kahului July 10th, 12.'i days fromSan F'rancisco, with a curgo of general werchandise.

The steamer Lehua brought 1 ,071 bags sugar, 2

horses and 90 bags potatoes from Kahului onJuly lltb.

The schooner Kawaihmi brought 420 bags riceand 2 calves; the schooner Manuokawai, SCO bagsrice and 215 bags paddy, and the schooner RobRoy 130 bags rice from Koolau July llth.

The steamer James I. Dowsett brought CO sheepand 10 head of cattle from Molokai July llth.

The steamer Mokolii returned from MolokaiJuly llth empty. Reports that Moauui sugarplantation finished grinding for the season lastweek.

The steamer C. R. Bishop brought 912 bagssugar, 11 tons old iron and 25 head of cattle fromKauai and Mokuleia July llth.

The steamer Iwalani brought 4.12S bags sugar,'4barrels tallow and 152 packages sundries fromIlamakua July llth. ller sugar was transferredto the Julia Foard.

The Hawaiian bark Thomas R. I'oster, CaptainW. F. Rugg, will leave Port Townsend some timethis month for this port, with a cargor of lumberfor Messrs. Lewers & Cooke.

The schooner Emma Claudina had not arrivedat Hilo when the Eteamer Kiuau left.

The steamer Planter brought 2,125 bags sugar,99 bags rice, 20 bags pia, 13 hides, 100 sheep and 1

horse from Kauai July 12th.


Saturday, July llth.Leong Pang was brought up for sentence

this morning for importing opium. liewas sentenced to pay a fine of $100, and tobe imprisoned at hard labor for ninemonths. The opium was, of course, con-

fiscated to the Government. Mr. nartwell,counsel for the defendant, noted an appealto the Intermediary Court.

Kaniaka (w) was found to be a commonnuisance, and fined S3 and S3 40 costs.

Kahele (w) was reprimanded for desertinsher husband, and discharged.

Frank Johnson was fouud guilty of assaultand battery on a Chinaman, and fined S10.

Band Programme.The Royal Hawaiian Band will gire a con-

cert this evening at Emma Square, com-

mencing at 7:30 o'clock. The following isthe programme :

March "Governor Dominis" MichielsOverture "Tancredi" HossiniChorus 'Lombardians" TerdiSelection "Marco Visconti" Petrella

"Pili Aoao," "Mahine Malamalama."Selection "Mascotte" AndranWaltz "Pkemembrance" WaldteufelPolka "Trumpeter" HammMarch "Secret Love" Eichberg

"Hawaii Ponoi."

The hot spell is very trying, and should itcontinue for any considerable length of timethe effect may not bo pleasant. The healthof the community is moderately good, butcontinued hot weather, without coolingrains, would tend to produce sickness. Itis to be hoped, therefore, that a change forthe better will very eoon take place in thewsather.

Marchant has just received a lot of thereal old-sty- le Nigger-hea- d tobacco, and Petcigarette tobacco, put up in neat package,besides other choice and favorite brands ofsmoking and chewiDg tobacco,

Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,

strength and wholosomnoss. More, economicalthan the ordinary kinds, and lcscM in c ora-petiti- o-i

vith tho multitudo cf low test, shortweight, alum or hosphato powders. Sold only IKCASS. ttOTAL &AKUTO I'OVPEH CO.. 1W WartfjN. Y.230 d-- w tf


of seven rooms, cheap rent, newly fur-nished, 'or sale. Immediate posrs.-iou-. Pres-ent roomers pay the rent. Two hundred dollarscash; note for balance. Apply at J. W. LL'NIXG'SEstate Agency, 38 Merchant street. Jyl3-3- t

notice ofUNDERSIGNED HEREBY GIVETFi; that they are in the

bakery business and coffee houst-- , under the nameof Love's Bakery, on Nuuatiu street, in Honolulu,Oahu. Residences ol both in Honolulu.

FANNY LOVE,For herselt ami as utmrdian.

FRED JOllNfeOV.Dated Honolulu, July 10, IsSj. Jyll

SMALL FURNISHED COTTAGE UYcouple without children. Nice loca

tion; stable attached. Apply to tho Aiveiitisf.rOffice. Jylltf



The price of meat has been reduced at the abovemarket as follows:Ribs Roast Beef, per lb 12 centsLoin of Beef I'i'ht "No. I Steak " .....".'lo'Round Steak ioBoil Beef . )Corned Beef V ioStew Beef )Veal n 12'aBreast or Stew Veal, per lb .......io'Mutton . i3


LOST.OX ALAKEA STREET, BETWEEX HOTELand KillC Streets n. n.'iir r,t trr., rr'tn-an- ...l.i.gold chain and run attached. Hip flni mm krewarded by returning same to residence ol DR.M'GREW. a-- otf

ITY SIIOF.IN't; Simp tv-1?- t . .- - - 'V7 OnnO&itCl TlOdil'H KfiiMou Ifr.rt,n,V, , l- - - " - w - iiuyi l ti 111

all its branches. Racing and fancy stock aspecialty. MR McDONALD received the di-ploma and highest ward at the Exhibition ofooi. a d iu3 rfusonarie. z

YOSEMITE ROLLER FLOUR.The undersnrned heir l

they are now manufacturingFAMILY AND BAKERS' FLOUR.

By the ENTIRE ROLLER PROCESS, and areprepared to fill rirdfra .....i- - i r- i. .vuiifirir; Diurraction. Our flours have trained :m pnvini.ia rnn.tation on the Pacific ( ,'OSlKt. Mild limine hulrur. unrlgeneral consumers are more popular that anyother. Address orders to

HPLIVALO & FORMA N,Jho. 415 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal.

a23JylO 3mos

"Cobdon Rouge9

miI i " !


84.423 C.JG. W. MACFARLAME & CO.,

Cor. Fort El Queoii.Sts.,. HO.VOLCXV, II. I.

Pole Ayr cutr. for this Favorite Brand ofi tvy" , rKT Tn, a --rv rr

tf & w

ovation from the vast crowd whichhad assembled. King Alfonso under-went tlfe usual disinfecting process atthe railway station on his return.

The total number of new casesof cholera reported in the infecteddistricts is 1,427, and the total num-ber of deaths 1S9. The epidemic isdecreasing in Murcia and Castellonde la Plana. In Valencia, however,there is little change observed.Slaughter of the Innocents, Who Are

Murdered for Money.The vital statistics of London show

a fearful mortality among insuredinfants. The books of the insurancecompanies show that the death rateamong infants who are insured ismuch greater than the general deathrate for the same ages as published inthe Government reports, which in-

clude, of course, both insured and un-

insured infants. If the two classescould be separated in the official re-

ports so that they could be compared,it is believed that it would be shownthat the mortality among the insuredis 50 per cent greater than among theuninsured. These facts strengthen thesuspicion into the conviction thatmany infants are deliberately mur-

dered for the sake of the insurance ontheir lives.

The note of alarm has been soundedby the actuaries of the more respect-

able insurance companies and echoedby many physicians. It has nowbeen taken up by several medical andlegal newspapers, which are implor-ing Parliament to devise some remedyfor the growing and horrible crime.


Between Fair and Aristocratic CSSlish I3dy Politicians.

The most picturesque canvass for aParliamentary election that has beenmade in England is in progress inthe tiny borough of Woodstock, overthe question whether Lord Randolph

I Churchill, the new Secretary forIndia, shall be re-elect- ed or shall giveway fo Carrie Grant, a young lawyerwhom the Liberals sent from Londonto oppose him. The campaign was

The Gallia was in tow of the steam-ship River Avon, bound for Seville.All were quite well and happy oaboard, and it was expected to havethe repairs completed by the 28th ult.and proceed without assistance. Theweather was exceedingly fine.

Sunday, July 5th.The Fourth of July celebration in

San Francisco was chiefly noticeablefor its twenty-fiv- e fire alarms.

At Chicago yesterday importantraces were won by Baldwin's Estrellaand Grismer and Porter Ashe's Alta.

The results of the Parliamentaryelections in England were so favora-ble to the Conservatives that theLiberals have become alarmed.

Queen Victoria will confer theOrder of Bath on Sir Peter Lumsden.

There is no abatement ofthecholeraepidemic in Spain.

Hanlan Again Beats Lee.Clayton, N. Y., July 4th. Han

lan and Lee rowed here this afternoon. Hanlan won by a length anda half In 21:03.

Maxwell, the Mnrderer.A cablegram from Auckland to the

Chief of Police at St. Louis announcesthe arrival of the messengers sentfrom here a month ago and acknowl-edgement of the requisition for Max-well, who is charged with the Prellermurder. The officers with Maxwellwill leave on the steamer which sailson the 21st instant. There were nolegal complications, and Maxwellwas turned over to the officers atonce.

Americans in Londou.Cyrus W. Field entertained United

States Minister Phelps at a dinnerlast evening. The other guests in-

cluded Senator Edmunds, ConsulGeneral Walter, the more prominentmembers of the American colony inLondon, the Duke of Argyle, LordsHoughton and North, John Bright,Right Honorable W. E. Forster anda large number of other noted Eng





Page 4: HONOLULU, A.uctione druggists;evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/37923/1/... · 2015-06-02 · Double Entry Pook-keepln-g. as applle.l to ftll departments ot business;


business (tnnls. Storfisranits. aWtrfisrmtnti



LEWIS & CO.,Wholesale and Retail Grocers,

67 and 69 Hotel street. P. O. Box 297. Old and New Telephone, 210.Asbford fc Ashford,





" MENDOTA," and Other Late Art

' Steam Navigation Co.ADVOCATES, ETC. Ex.NEW GOODS JrsT RECEIVED ON ICE. Fresh California Fruits. Fresh Calif ornla Fish ,

and a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge.Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the PostcO.ce. lS3-n2- 0

ivn SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 77 apl6 86ins(LIMITED.) From New York and San Francisco, a Large ami VariGeneral Business Offices 1 ssortaiiMerchandise, Suitable for at

CECIL BROWN, ATTOBKEY-AT-LA- W ANDPublic, Campbell's Block, Merchant

street. lS9-lym- io

STEAMER W. G. HALL,(MALULANI,) DISINFECT ! DISINFECT ! Plantations, Country Stores and I




-- CONSISTING IN PART OF--BATES......... Commander

Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Kona Carbolic Lcid, Carbolic Powder,and Kau, Hawaii.A. ROSA,ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY

with the Attorney General, AMoUnl Hale, Honolulu, H. I. mr2612-t- f P. O. BOX 315. TELEPHONE 172

Chloride Lime,Copperas, Surolrur.

Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test oil in the market VninBene? Oils, Lard Oil in barrels and cases, Sperm and Cylinder Oil c:?H

Plumbago, etc., Galvanized and Plain Cut and Wrought Trrm v'i acJC&1..

rugated Iron, Plain Iron and Basket Fence Wire, Plain and Terf :

Galvanized Wire Cloth, Centrifugal Wire Cloths' Centrif


(Established 1879.)

CAMERON --..Commander The following various branches of business will BUBNETT'S DISINFECTING SOLUTIONLeava every Tuesday at 5 p. m. for Nawiliwili, enable the public on the Islands and from abroad

to gain general information on all matters In the

Blake Pump Company Patent Rubber Valves and Sprin'

inch to 2 inch, 3 and 4 ply. Steam Packing, round, sqa''styles, Anvils, Vises, Hydraulic Rams, Jack Screws, Paris Steel Break' '1boss dIow vet: ilolisse Furrowing and Breaking Plnn-- c n ,: . 'DJwf

Kola. JDeele and Waimea. Returning, will leaveNawiliwUl every Saturday at 4 p. m.,arilving at following departments:Honolulu every Sunday at 5 a. m.




Real Estate in any part of theHf and Leased on Commission

Loans "g 1 uu l Legal Documents Drawn.

Real Cstate DepartmentHoes, Gang Pows, Planters' Hoes, our own make. 3: n



A large supply of the above disinfectants on hand at

HOLLI8TEE & CO.'sBuys and sells Real Estate in all parts of the JU0se ,v,Planters' Hoes. Shovels. Srjades. Bakes. Forks.STEAMER IWALANI, Kingdom.Values Real Estate and Property iu city and

' ' "U3U ocythts ,F rtl "I

Cane Knives, our own make and superior quality; Lawn Mowers pk

Cart Axles, Fairbank's Scales, three sizes; Grindstones allsuburbs.FREEMAN Commander

Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kufcui- -Xo. Rents and leases Houses, Cottages, Rooms andIIUIIAXT STREET,

i . 371 --tf Lands. Nnuarni Street. 66-ap- ii '86 Fort Street,haele, Honokaa and Paaubau. Hawaii. . Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Repairing and Pick and Ax Mattocks, Pick Axes, Horse Shoos, Machine B If .'

Collecting of Rentals. 'lengths, a full and superior line of Shelf Hardware. RniMiDraws legal papers of every nature Searchesi i'a.MiED noons.Titles, Records, Etc Locks, Buts, Screws, Hinges, Staples, Taoks, 'STEAMER C. R. BISHOP, Brads, etc., r arnJs ,.r ,.Employment Department Bailey's Patents, etc.. Machinists' tools of all k ti., utIN iO v LlIR'S YARD, CI AND 63 HOTEL

'let only one dollar house in Hono-lulu. Ioiiis i ei uiLt, 25 cents ; rooms perweek, $l. l$8-nl- 8

MACAULEY Commander Finds Employment in all branches of industry Psand Glass. "connected with the Islands.Leaves every Saturday at 8 a. m. for Waianae,

Oahti, and Hanalel and Kilauea. Kauai, Return-n- g,

leaves Hanalel every Tuesday at 4 p. m., and White Lead and Zinc, Rubber Paint, Boiled and Raw Oil Vft iGeneral Business Matterstouching at Waialua and Walauae Wednesdays, Keep Books and Accounts, collect Bills, loans THE HONOLULU IB0N W0BKS CO.Have completed and offer for sale tlie following: Boilers, viz:

ana arriving at Hoaolulu same day at 4 p. m. Turpentine, Patent Dryers, a large variety of small paints in Oils CU v

Lamps. Lanterns, a larce varietv. Stationery Tnks. Tin o tt,.uor invest Jiloneys. Penmanship, Engrossing and


TWO ENTRANCES. ELEGANTLYrooms. Spacious grounds and fine

location. Terms reasonable.200-n?- -' MRS. DAVID OXLEY.

all kinds of Copying done. - - --- - , iiuuuw arc v- -

Procures Fire and Life Insurance.Advertisements and Correspondence attended to,STEAMER JAMES MAKEE, 11TJATTJ "VrTJrVTT"V"r DmwtiT "DATT f Gallaw ay Boiler. 19ft. 61n.xCftInformation of every description connected X"X Jth jJJXLJ. OJL-LUJCj-

U J3UXJJ11iJ.VO Tubular Boiler 15ft. 61n.x6 ft.with the Islands coming from abroad fullyWEIR Commander answered.Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.BESTAVRAXTS. Custom House Broker. 1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. G in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., alsoTIrfhfintQ Will finrl thfa rionortmont a rtatfol

T. R. FOSTER, President. benefit to them, as I attend to entering goods

BLUE DENIMS, 8, 9 and lOTBz. at bottom rates.

FINE RED SALMON, iu barrels.


CRUSHED and GRANULATED SUGAR, in half barrel,,


New Goods Expected per .Steamship Alameda.

luruusu Duwer 01 Aiinrnpv nnri np ivrr n? tnoJ. Evi, Secretary. 53-ap7-

oiuue at a. swan commission.Soliciting A irent for tke "MUTUAL LIFE 1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.

UNSUKAISCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK,'the largest, grandest and soundest Insurance


Coffee Saloon and Restaurant. Cof-fee and Calces, 10 Cents; Meals, 25 Cents; Board

SO per week. 198-t- f

COSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT, 62 HOTELproprietor. The best coolc

In the city has opened the above restaurant.JCverythfng neat and clean. Table supplied with

the best the market afi"ord3. Wire gauce doorsmake the piece cool and fly proof. 221-t- f

3oo-je27-- Apply to The Honolulu Iron Works Co.Company in the world.OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO.AGENT for the BLAKE BOILER, FEED, LIGHT SERVICE and VACUUM PUMrs IX"Great Uiirliiiirton Railway Route,"

In AmprlCA- - TrAVOlera Innrnavlnlr Kir ra in140 tf

America will find this rmit th irr rrmfnrtAhiAand most delightful. The scenery is the grandest EL E. Mclntyre & J3ro.,


.ic u uaks ana gooa meals along tne trippolite attention from employees and reasonable fare nn rnnto nan dykuI tV. la tvttj n xr- - - - - k lilt . IfciMILLER, my Chief Clerk, specially attends to GrrocerieS) 3?xovisions and Feed.Will leave Honolulu and San Francisco on the mis LieuunnieDt.anu lorinmrmatmn. ?n do hnntsmaps, etc., he will extend every courtesy. EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.


Successors to nillluffham A-- 'o. and .Samuel 0.FIRST and FIFTEENTH of each month.

New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, resh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the

AGENT for theHonolulu Royal Opera House.PASSENGERS may have their names booked city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postomce Box No. "145

In advance by applying at the office of the Agents. Managers ot first-clas- s comnnnfps ahrnnrl will Telephone No. 92. 80ap21-SCin- s

uuira liitr lur terms, viv.PASSENGERS by this line are hereby notifiedthat they will be allowed 250 pounds of baggage


Steam Bakery,7i NUUANU STREET.

ROASTED AND OROUND.ClOFFEE Ship Bread executed at short notice.Old bread rebaked. Every description of plainand fancy bread and biscuits. Fresh Butter.Island onlrs promptly attended to.

COFFEE SALOON AND CHOP HOUSE inconnection. Cool, airy room, attentive waiters.Everythin first-clas- s, at reasonable rates.

197-no- 20

FREE by the Overland Railway when traveling


Double Purrow


East. DEPARTMENTS.EXCURSION TICKETS for round trip, $ 125.

Good to return by any of the Company's steamers Real Estate Broker.within ninety days. JOHN JNOTT,MERCHANDISE Intended for shipment by this

Light Steel Plows.line will be received free of charge, in the Com.pany'a new warehouse, and receipts issued forsame. Insurance on merchandise in the ware

Custom House Rroker.Money Rroker.

Fire ami Ufe Insurance Agent.Employment Ageut,

Railroad Agreut amiGeneral Business Agent,

'" They are the BEST DOUBLE FTJRRoW PLOWS wa pvpp a immw

house will be at owners' risk.WILLIAM O. IRWIN & CO.,

334-t- fA.UUllt I lilUlttllUU.

4 It Is the BEST BREAKING PLOW I pver iisp1 -- J. L. RIClIAr;i)SOX,Miiai.-r- !Plantation.

The VERY BEST BREAKING PLOW I evpr iisp.I in f hl nrADDRESS HORNER, fjihaina, Maul.J lft':- TilliiSi- :o:PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP (0 New Goods received ner Morninir Star " aiu! nthor latn nrriroio- - siiw...r M,.,nr...J. E. WISEMAN, Ranges and Tinware: Refrigerator.? and Ice f.'hpsts : limiw miuhtnrr titling I 'ti:ki At !irK

and Lanterns; Soap and Candles. Balance of oiiHignment of Clocks verv lctv.'133-myC-8-C HONOLULU, H. I


Skidgrate, Genuine Albany Cylinder. Luhrlcntiiiv. i.bM i'.iUi,.t. .,,i v.j..CONOVER BROSPIANOS,

Paint Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes. California Wind Mills, the best in use. A v

Hardware and Agricultural Implements. Correspondence solicited.5i52-ap7.,- y PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY, Umt7105 EAST 14TH ST., NEW YO RKPACIFIC MAIL Si. CO.

For San Fran else M. . W. McCHESKEY &fiTfjtii l it gvcaai ;:nl f

Australia .. On or about July 5thSTEAM BOOK AND JOB

PEINTINGr OFFICE At the Old Stand, No. 8 KaahumH? 5ot Honolulu,For Auokland and SjrLuvy: HAVE RECEIVEDCity of Sydney On or about July 11th

383-tfw- tf IMPORTER 8SD DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST IMPfiOVEDin prepared to do all kinds of May 8th. Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages;

StovesCommercial & Legal Work and Ran2JGS5 May 22d-P-er Alameda, 1,922 Packages ;

COBKECTXY AND YTITH DISPATCH. To ArrivePer Consuelo, 332 Packages,The most artistic Upright Pianos ever produced,

Granite Iron Ware, Plain and Nickel-Plate- d ; i Rubber Hose- -

Tin Ware, of all kinds; Galvanized Iron and Lead Pipe;Chandeliers; Sheet Lead and Copper;Lamps and Lanterns j iron-Ston- e Drain Pipe.Pumps ;

both for quality of tone and wonderful and elasticactions. The coming upright pianos of the world.Send for Illustrated catalogue, description andprices to

WILDERS STEAMSHIP CO., ASS0ETED GEOCERIIHaving just Received a Complete and NewAeaortment of

Job Types and OrnamentsLimltett;. F. W. SPENVEB & CO.,

Pacific Coast Agents, vPlnmlvmor Tin fAm. t. iTr. i

23 and 25 Fifth'Street. SAN FRANCISCO. ami oneet run vvorK, whichSTEAMER KEtfAU,(King, Commander), 475 tf&w

OF ALL KINDS, ATTENDE io.Leave Honolulu as per following schedule, Will be Sold at tlie Lowest Market BtoucUl dc at Lanalna, Juaalaea, uakena, Mana- -

"ONTARIO" A Variety of House Furnishing Goods, too various tn mention. ap2-37-o-

M. W. McChesney & SonIST3EVIJL,X.E & CO.,20 --my221y 42 and 44 Queen Htreet, USOLE JMJEXTS,


kona, KawaihaeLaupahoehoe, nuo and Keaubou;Tuesday, June 23, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, June SO, Ullo and way porta.Tuesday, July 7, HUo and way ports.Tuesday, July 14, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, July 21, IIHo and way ports.Tuesday, July 28, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, August 4, Hlto and way ports.Tuesday, August 11, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, August 19, HUo and way ports.Tuesday, August 25, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, Septernbet 1. Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, September 8, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 15, Hllo and way ports.Tuesday, September 22, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 29, HUo and way ports.PASSJENGER TRAINS will connect with the

Klnau at Mahukona.The Klnau "WILL. TOUCH at Honokaia and

Paauhau on down trips from Hilo for PassengersIf a signal is made from the share.


Of the Latest Styles, from the moBt Cele-

brated Fon n dries of the United States,atd employing' only Experienced

and Tiii-t- Worlcmen, we arelrepttrocl to turn-ou-


tetter Hearts.' Hill Heads,

CHvcu2ru8,STote Heads.

tatneut.Bills of Lading-- ,

Contracts,Mortarase Blanks,

Leases,Snipping Contracts,(In Hawaiian fe Esgllah)

Calendars.Rlank Checks,

Bonds.Stock Certificates,

Badness Cards,leal Cheeks,


WARRANTEDThe Best and most Durable Sail Duck MEBCHANT TAIIOI


Lumber and. Coal,IN THE WORLD.

For Sale in Honolulu.

Doors, Sash and Blinds. All kinds of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Paints, Us, Glass MaWCorrugated Iron, Portland ICement ; STEEL. NAILS, "much superior to Iron, and cost but littlemore. 'ly

STEAMER LEHUA.(Davles, Commander)

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 4 r. u. frKaunakakal, Kabului, every week; Huelo, Hanaand Kipahulu. Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu everyother week. Returning, will stop at the aboveports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,(Welsbarth, Commander),

Will leave regularly for Pa&uhau, Koholalcie,Ookala, Kukalau, Honohina, Lanpaboehoe, Haka-la- u

and Onomea.

STEAMER MOKOLD,(McGregor, Commander).

GAZETTE BUILDING,Has Just Re turned from Enrojw


New Goods and Materia'r-g-&4 W T-- j H COMMERCIAL WORKgri-Jl- J-- jjL'i 1 --ArtisticCohr Printing.

' -- t- If'ifftjt Si ENGRAVING j


Milk Tlekets,Bank Checks,


Marriage Certificates,


Blotting Pads,Cruggists Labels,Envelopes,

Shipping Receipts.Ball Programmes.

Theatre Programmes,And in fad everything which a First--

Class Office oan do.

Of 'the Latest Styles and Pattern?- -

GANDY'S PATENT23 353 Ij "27 X 3NT CSr ,

Made from the Very Best

Hard Wove Cotton Duck.



DRIVING BELT,Neither Heat or Dampness a fleet

tlieiu.Tliey Io not Stretch.

Stronger than Leather,Better than Rubber,


For Sale in Honolulu.155 --tf ray

Leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. m. forKaunakakal, Karualo, Pnkoo, Lahaina. Moanui,Halawa, Wailau, Pelekunu and Kalaupapa. Returning, leaves Pukoo Friday 6 a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning.

Which be is Prepared to fake up in the

L A. T E S T FASfl I5uV I


The Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baggage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for-mone- y or Jewelry unless placed incharge of the Purser.

All posalble care will be taken of Live Stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

BAM-L- . O. WILDER, President.8. B. ROSE, Secretory.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.23-- ly Mar 39



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