hope dread disappointment and elation from anticipation

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  • 8/12/2019 Hope Dread Disappointment and Elation From Anticipation


  • 8/12/2019 Hope Dread Disappointment and Elation From Anticipation


    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    on the website of www.megamillions.com many people were still willing to pay a few dollars to play

    it. With a few dollars, they bought hope, which allowed them to dream about what they would do with

    hundreds of millions of dollars. Dreaming about winning in the days between buying a ticket and

    learning the outcome of the lottery drawing may have brought more pleasure to the players than using

    a few dollars to buy a snack or a cup of coffee.

    Lottery buyers in the Mega Millions lottery experience more utility by anticipating a higher

    expected payoff from the lottery, because anticipating a favorable result is in itself a pleasurable

    outcome. This type of behavior is consistent with the theory of utility from anticipation, which is

    based on the assumption that people not only derive utility when experiencing an outcome but also

    from anticipating the outcome (Akerlof and Dickens 1982, Loewenstein 1987, Elster and Lowenstein


    However, anticipating a higher expected payoff may also result in more disappointment when a

    player does not win the lottery. Adopting the old saying, Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he

    shall never be disappointed is consistent with lowering anticipated expected payoff. The notion that a

    DM can subjectively change her anticipation level for an uncertain payoff has been studied

    extensively in psychology and behavioral science (Taylor and Shepperd 1998, Van Dijk et al. 2003,

    Carroll et al 2006). In all of these studies, scholars confirmed that people tend to lower their

    expectations or predictions for a self-relevant event as the event draws near. Van Dijk et al (2003)

    hypothesize that people lower their expectations to protect themselves from suffering a major

    disappointment when the uncertainty of a proximate self-relevant event is resolved.

    Thus there are two competing cognitive strategies that a decision maker (DM) might employ to

    increase her experienced utility: savoring a higher anticipated payoff before the uncertainty of the

    payoff is resolved or anticipating a less desirable payoff to avoid disappointment when the lottery is

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    resolved. These two competing strategies have been verified in experimental studies by Loewenstein

    and Linville (1986).

    In this paper, we propose a decision making model to capture the tradeoff between these two

    conflicting strategies that influence the DMs total experienced utility from an uncertain outcome paid

    in the future. Besides the behavioral findings reviewed above, our research is also closely related to

    the concept of disappointment (Bell 1985, Loomes and Sugden 1986, Jia et al. 2001). In these

    disappointment models, a DM anticipates that she will experience either elation or disappointment

    when the lottery is resolved and paid, depending on whether the realized outcome is superior or

    inferior to her reference point. The reference point against which the outcome is compared to form

    elation and disappointment is assumed to be either the mathematical expectation of the lottery (Bell

    1985, Jia et al. 2001) or the expected utility of the lottery (Loomes and Sugden 1986). However, these

    models do not apply to a decision maker who subjectively chooses to lower her expectation to avoid

    disappointment, as the expectations in these disappointment models are based on objective


    Our model is a special case of a model proposed by Gollier and Muermann (2010), hereafter the

    GM model, where a DM forms her expectation of the anticipated outcome based on her subjective

    probabilities. Before the uncertainty of the outcome is resolved, she can savor the anticipation; after

    the uncertainty is resolved, she experiences either elation or disappointment by comparing the realized

    payoff with a reference point determined by her subjective expectation. The GM model assumes that

    the DM chooses an optimal subjective belief to balance the tradeoff between savoring higher

    expectation and avoiding higher disappointment. This assumption in the GM model is related to the

    line of research on optimal beliefs in expected utility introduced by Brunnermeier and Parker (2005)

    and Brunnermeier et al. (2007). We allow for any possible anticipated payoff level in the decision

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    making process rather than assume the DM is capable of determining the optimal anticipation to

    maximize her utility. Savoring anticipation and avoiding disappointment may be only two of many

    considerations that influence how people form their beliefs about the future.

    Our model asserts a different process of forming an anticipated outcome to savor than GM,

    which results in different implications. For example, we show that in a portfolio choice problem our

    model is consistent with the empirical finding that optimism will lead to more investment in the risky

    asset relative to the risk free asset (Manju and Robinson 2007, Balasuriya 2010, Nosic and Weber

    2010). In contrast, the GM model conflicts with these empirical findings. This conflict is addressed by

    an extension of the GM model proposed by Jouini et al (2013). However, neither GM nor Jouini et al

    (2013) propose preference conditions for their models. In contrast, we also develop an axiomatic basis

    for our model with preference assumptions that can be evaluated for their reasonableness.

    We refer to the anticipated expected payoff based on a DMs subjective probabilities as the

    anticipation level. By changing her subjective probabilities over outcomes, the DM could change her

    anticipation level for a lottery. This anticipation level influences two types of utility derived from a

    lottery: utility of anticipation and anticipated experienced utility. Utility of anticipation is the

    pleasure or pain that the DM consumes before the lottery is resolved, where anticipation can be

    interpreted as a psychological state (Caplin and Leahy, 2001). Anticipated experienced utility is

    determined based on the DMs prediction of how disappointed or elated she will feel when the lottery

    is resolved. By incorporating these two types of utility into a unified framework, our model captures

    four different emotions we may observe in a risky decision context: hope, dread, elation, and


    While elation and disappointment have been modeled in disappointment theory (Bell 1985,

    Loomes and Sugden 1986, Jia et al 2001, Delqui and Cillo 2006), there are few studies that embed

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    hope and dread in a decision model. One exception is Chew and Ho (1994) who did model hope as

    the preference for the late resolution of the uncertainty in a recursive utility framework. Caplin and

    Leahy (2001) proposed a very general model that incorporates the utility derived from anticipatory

    feelings such as anxiety, hope, and suspense in the decision making process. However, they did

    not allow the anticipatory feelings to influence the decision makers reference point, thus emotions of

    disappointment and elation are not captured by their model. We model hope as the anticipation of a

    gain and dread as the anticipation of a loss consistent with Lowenstein (1987).

    The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we introduce a general model and

    show that a special case of this model is a Risk-Value model (Jia and Dyer 1996). We then make

    additional assumptions about the components of this general model and obtain a model similar to GM,

    which also contains Bells (1985) disappointment model as a special case. In section 3, we propose

    preference conditions to axiomatize the models discussed in section 2, while section 4 discusses the

    risk attitudes captured by our model that cannot be described by Expected Utility (EU) model and

    shows that our model can be used to interpret the coexistence of gambling and insurance purchasing

    without violating either stochastic dominance or transitivity; other existing models for the utility of

    gambling violate at least one of these conditions. In section 5, we apply our model to portfolio choice

    and the selection of the optimal advertising level to demonstrate the variety of factors that might affect

    preference that our model can accommodate. Section 6 concludes the paper. All the proofs are

    provided in the appendix.

    2. The model

    In this paper, we useto denote a lottery of payoffs and to denote an anticipation level. The

    bounded sets of payoffs and anticipation are denoted by and respectively. In general,

    the anticipation level depends on the lottery, which can be denoted by . Thus, is a function of

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    consistent with Caplin and Leahy (2001).However, when it is clear which lottery is associated with

    the anticipation level we will drop the subscript and simply use .

    We consider two periods in our model. In the first period, the DM chooses the anticipation level

    of the lotterywith monetary payoffs that is under consideration. She derives utility from before

    the lottery is resolved by savoring it. In the second period, the lottery is resolved and she experiences

    either elation or disappointment induced by comparing the received outcome of the lottery with a

    reference point determined by . Thus, the DMs evaluation of a lottery in the first period is based

    on a two attribute vector (, ). The total ex ante utility derived from this lotterywith an associated

    anticipation is evaluated by the DM according to the following model with ()> 0

    , = () +() () (1)

    The total ex ante utility , in this model is decomposed into two parts, the utility of

    anticipation()and the anticipated experienced utility (). Since the utility function is

    unique up to an affine transformation, we can rescale it such that (0,0)= 0, (0)= 0, and (0)=

    0. This rescaling leads to zero total ex ante utility for the DM when she both anticipates and receives a

    zero outcome. The function ()is a trade-off factor between the two components of the total ex ante

    utility. For a lottery, if the DM anticipates > 0, this positive anticipation creates hope for the

    DM; if the DM anticipates < 0, this negative anticipation creates dread. Since this anticipation is

    the outcome the DM anticipates before the lottery is resolved, the reference point used by the DM

    to form elation and disappointment should be influenced by this anticipation level. Specifically, we

    assume the reference point depends on the anticipation level through a function (). For any

    realized outcome , the DM experiences () and will be elated when > () and

    disappointedwhen < ().

    We do not address the psychological mechanisms that may form anticipation. Instead, we allow

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    the DM to form anticipation in many possible ways. If the DM forms her anticipation level by using

    her subjective probability over the possible future outcomes, then the anticipation level can be

    interpreted as the certainty equivalent of the lottery in a manner consistent with the interpretation

    of anticipation in the GM model. We also assume that this anticipation is bounded by the minimum

    possible outcome and the maximum possible outcome of a lottery, minand maxrespectively,

    which is consistent with the argument by Jouini et al. (2013). If the DMs anticipation level for is

    the mathematical expectation of the lottery, = , and she also chooses the anticipation level as

    the reference point when determining the elation and disappointment, i.e., ()= , our model is

    reduced to , = + . If we also assume () = (), our model

    (1) is reduced to a Risk-Value model (Jia and Dyer 1996). In this sense, our model (1) can be

    considered a General Risk-Value model where the risk is measured by the anticipated experienced

    utility from elation and disappointment, and value is measured by the utility of anticipation.

    Although model (1) can be obtained by assuming some weak preference conditions as we show

    in the next section, it is not a simple model to study and it is more general than other models

    considered in the literature. A more parsimonious model that captures the tradeoff between

    anticipation and disappointment can be obtained by assuming a constant tradeoff factor ()= 1and

    a linear reference point function ()= for some constant 0,1.

    , = () + (2)

    In Figure 1, we show that both of model (1) and (2) are special case of the GM model. The GM

    model and its extension proposed by Jouini et al (2013) assume that the DM always adopts her

    optimal belief: the anticipation level that maximizes the total ex ante utility derived from the lottery

    . In contrast, we do not assume that the DM is capable of optimizing her anticipation when facing a

    lottery . In this way, the anticipation level in our model may reflect the DMs optimistic or

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    pessimistic attitude toward the future as we discuss in subsequent sections.

    For model (2), if both and are linear and the DMs anticipation equals the mathematical

    expectation of the lottery = , this model reduces to the disappointment model proposed by Bell

    (1985). In another special case, if the DMs preferences are not affected by anticipation, elation, or

    disappointment, we have = 0and ()becomes a constant. In this case, model (2) reduces to the

    expected utility model. In Figure 1, we illustrate the relationships between our models (1) and (2) and

    other preference models in the literature.

    Figure 1. The relationship of models (1) and (2) with some existing models

    3. The preference conditions

    In this section, we discuss the preference conditions that imply models (1) and (2) in section 2.

    We assume that there is a risky preference over the two attribute space , which is represented

    , = ()+ () ()

    General Risk Value Model (1)

    , = ()+ Anticipation Disappointment Tradeoff Model (2)

    , = + Risk Value Model (Jia and Dyer 1996)

    , =Expected Utility Model

    , =+ Disappointment Model (Bell 1985)

    Gollier and Muermanns model (2010)

    = max()+ ,

    When = , = ,and()=

    When () =,() = 1

    When(, )= ()()and no max operation is applied to

    determine a

    When = 0() = 0

    When = , = 1,()= and

    ()= ; 0; < 0

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    by a von Neumann and Morgenstern utility function (,). Since the anticipation level can be

    interpreted as a psychological state which reflects DMs beliefs, this setup is consistent with the

    premise that people not only have preferences over payoffs but also over their beliefs about payoffs as

    proposed by Akerlof and Dickens (1982) and with the assumption that the DM could have a

    preference order over the psychological states as proposed by Caplin and Leahy (2001). The set of

    simple lotteries defined overis denoted by and different lotteries on the payoff space are denoted

    by, , and so on. Given these definitions, the preference condition leading to model (1) can be

    stated as follows.

    Assumption 1. (Shifted Utility Independence) For any, and any, , ,

    , implies that there exists a quantity (, ) such that + (, ), +

    (, ), .

    This assumption states that for lotteries resolved and paid in the second period, a DMs

    preference order over these lotteries is the same under different levels of anticipation if the lotteries

    payoffs are adjusted by a constant amount that depends on the two distinct anticipation levels. For

    instance, consider a gambler choosing between betting on a pair of horse races where she anticipates

    winning $100 for each bet. She may have the same risky preference over the two races if instead she

    anticipates winning $150 if all the possible payoffs are increased by an amount that depends on both

    $150 and $100. In a simple special case, for example, this increase could be $50=$150-$100 if

    preferences are linear in dollars. When the outcomes are dollars, the higher anticipation may be

    completely compensated by the increased payoff levels in the lotteries, and any possible

    disappointment and elation from each original lottery is kept the same in the transformed lottery.

    In general, there may also exist situations where the required adjustment quantity for the lotteries

    does not match the exact difference between the two levels of anticipation. However since the

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    adjustment is affected by the two different anticipation levels, we expect it to be a function of both

    and , i.e., (, )in Assumption 1. Figure 2 provides a graphical depiction of Assumption 1.

    Figure 2. Assumption 1: Shifted Utility Independence

    When (, )= 0 for any , , Assumption 1 is equivalent to the assumption that is

    utility independent of (Keeney and Raiffa, 1976). Utility independence implies that, for example,

    the utility function over when anticipation is is an affine transformation of the utility of when

    anticipation is , e.g. (, )= ()+()(,) (Keeney and Raiffa 1976). Similarly,

    Assumption 1 implies that (, )= () + ()( +(,),), since the preference order over

    , is strategically equivalent to the preference order over + (,), . Assumption 1 leads to

    the additive representation of model (1) when = 0and ()is defined to be () (, 0)

    (0,0). Therefore, we conclude that a utility function (,)representing risky preference over

    can be decomposed into model (1) under Assumption 1.

    Theorem 1. Assumption 1 holds if and only if the utility function (,)can be decomposed

    into (1)with (0)= 0, (0)= 0,and(0)= 0.

    As discussed in section 2, model (2) can be obtained as a special case of model (1) by assuming

    ()= 1and ()= for some 0,1. To state the preference assumptions for model (2), we

    denote (, ); (, )as a binary lottery that results in either (, )or (, )with even chances.


    (, )

    (, )

    1 ,

    (, )

    (, )


    + (, ),

    (+ (, ), )

    (+ (, ), )


    + (, ),

    (+ (, ), )

    (+ (, ), )




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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    Assumption 2. (Shifted Additive Independence) For any and ,there exists

    (, ) 0 such that(, ); (, )( (, ), ); ( + (, ), ).

    This assumption describes a situation that may happen if a DM is uncertain about her

    anticipation level. Caplin and Leahy (2001) adopted a similar assumption in their anticipatory feeling

    model. In our paper, we can consider a DM who has an even chance to obtain lottery or on day

    2 and the lottery she receives will be resolved and paid two weeks later. In this case, the DM will form

    her anticipation level for each lottery and begin to savor it when she learns which lottery she will

    receive on day 2. But, on day 1, the DM is uncertain about her anticipation level. If the DM also

    forecasts that her anticipation levels will be and forand respectively, the lottery she evaluates

    on day 1 is , ; , . If we assume there exist and such that , (, )and

    , (, ), the lottery faced by the DM can be written as (, ); (, ), which is the lottery

    discussed in Assumption 2.

    Specifically, Assumption 2 assumes that the DM faces two such lotteries (, ); (, )and

    (, ); (, ). Since and , (, ) is a lower payoff associated with a higher level of

    anticipation and (, ) is a higher payoff associated with a lower level of anticipation. Thus, the

    lottery produces either a large disappointment or a large elation. The second lottery (, ); (, )

    yields either a lower payoff associated with lower anticipation or higher payoff associated with higher

    anticipation, which produces neither high disappointment nor high elation. Put another way, the level

    of anticipation and the outcome received are negatively correlated for lottery 1 and positively

    correlated for lottery 2.

    If the DM is correlation seeking in the sense defined by Eeckhoudt et al. (2007) in the payoff-

    anticipation space, she may feel like playing it safe: (, ); (, )(, ); (, ). This situation

    happens when the utility function has the property of (,)/ 0 , the condition for

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    disappointment aversion (Gollier and Muermann, 2010). As a result, if the attractiveness of the second

    lottery can be reduced by some amount, it is possible that the DM is indifferent between the two

    lotteries. This can be achieved by spreading out the outcomes of the preferred lottery on the payoff

    attribute while holding the mean constant (i.e., a mean preserving spread). More formally, there may

    exist (, )such that (, ); (, )( (, ), ); ( + (, ), )as illustrated in Figure 3.

    This preference condition was proposed by He et al (2013) to axiomatize a habit formation and

    satiation utility function for intertemporal choice.

    Using Assumption 2, we conclude that the trade-off factor in model (1) is equal to 1. To obtain a

    linear reference point function ()= so that model (1) reduces to model (2), we also need the

    following technical assumption.

    Figure 3. Assumption 2: Shifted Additive Independence

    Assumption 3. (Linear Shifting Quantity) For any , there is a unique(, )which

    depends on the difference betweenand, namely(, )= ( )0 , ,satisfying the

    condition in Assumption 2.

    Under Assumptions 2 and 3, we can conclude that the utility function (,) can be

    decomposed into model (2) as formally stated in Theorem 2.

    Theorem 2. Assumptions 2 and 3 hold if and only if the utility function(,) can be

    decomposed into(2) with 0,1, (0)= 0, (0)= 0.



    + (, )

    (, )

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    4. Risk Attitude

    4.1 Optimism, pessimism, and risk attitude

    When facing an uncertain outcome, a DMs attitude toward the future outcome may be classified

    into two categories, optimistic or pessimistic. When a DMs anticipation level increases, we say that

    she has become more optimistic which also means that she has become less pessimistic, and vice

    versa. Intuitively an optimistic DM believes better outcomes are more likely to occur and therefore

    may take more risks than a DM who is pessimistic. This positive relationship between optimism and

    risk seeking behavior has been modeled and tested in the literature (Misina 2005, Anderson and

    Galinsky 2006, Dillenberger and Rozen 2011). However, there may be situations where pessimistic

    people are more risk seeking; for instance, desperate people may take more risky actions (Lybbert and

    Barrett, 2011). In another study, Mansour et al (2008) found that pessimism is positively correlated

    with risk tolerance, implying that more pessimistic people are more risk seeking. In this paper, we call

    these two types of interaction between anticipation and risk attitude increased risk seeking behavior

    due to optimism (pessimism), respectively, and show that our model (2) can be used to describe both.

    Following convention, we define the risk attitude by comparing the expected utility of a lottery

    with the utility of its expectation. From this section on we denote the anticipation level as to

    emphasize that the anticipation level is associated with a particular lottery, . If E, >


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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    In the economics literature (e.g. Bnabou and Tirole 2002, Epstein and Kopylov, 2007),

    optimism (pessimism) is defined by assigning higher subjective probabilities over better (worse)

    outcomes. If the DMs anticipation is interpreted as the certainty equivalent for the lottery based on

    her subjective probabilities as in GM, then the optimism and pessimism defined here are consistent

    with the concepts commonly used in the literature.

    In Proposition 1, we use , , and to denote the derivatives of , , and, respectively. Theproposition states that, in our model, more optimism about a lottery (a higher level of anticipation)

    could either increase or decrease the risk premium of that lottery. So, our model is consistent with

    increased risk seeking behavior due to optimism (pessimism).

    Proposition 1. Under the assumptions of model (2), for a given lottery when the DM

    anticipates, the risk premium()fordepends on in the following ways:

    i. If () 0, then() 0. The DM exhibits increased risk seekingbehavior due to optimism .

    ii.If ( ) 0, then ( ) 0. The DM exhibits increased risk seekingbehavior due to pessimism.

    When the risk premium ( )is positive, the DM is risk averse and case idescribes a situation

    where more optimism leads to less risk aversion. Since being less risk averse implies that the DM is

    getting closer to risk seeking behavior, we refer to this as increased risk seeking behavior due to

    optimism. When () is negative, the DM is risk seeking and case i describes a situation where

    more optimism leads to more risk seeking as | increases. The results of case ii can be

    interpreted in a similar way.

    This proposition states that whether a DM exhibits increased risk seeking behavior due to

    optimism or pessimism is determined by the comparison between the marginal utility of anticipation

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    and the marginal anticipated experienced utility. When ( ) , the utility from the

    increase in anticipation derived by the DM is larger than the utility loss from the increase in

    disappointment, and thus the DMs increased risk seeking behavior is due to optimism.

    Case iin Proposition 1 may be common for the Mega-millions lottery players discussed in the

    introduction. The lottery ticket buyers derive more utility from a higher anticipation than they lose

    from disutility due to the potential disappointment. This is consistent with the observation that many

    people purchase a lottery ticket as a way to acquire hope. Proposition 1 predicts that for DMs that

    gamble and buy lottery tickets, high levels of optimism are associated with more risk seeking

    behavior. This also explains why lottery companies spend money on advertisements that depict people

    winning the lottery to increase the anticipation level of the public such that they might become more

    risk seeking and buy more chances to win.

    Similarly, in case iiof Proposition 1 a DM worries more about the possible disappointment. If

    she is more pessimistic, her anticipation will be lower. Therefore, she will be less worried about the

    possible utility loss from a larger disappointment associated with higher anticipation. This is

    consistent with the empirical finding that a negative emotional state may cause people to become

    more risk seeking (Zhao 2006, Chuang and Lin 2007), because they value the chance of elation from

    receiving a better than anticipated lottery outcome that would improve their negative emotional state.

    Case iicannot be explained by the EU model because shifting probability mass from the bad outcome

    to the good outcome will increase the expected utility of a lottery. Thus, more optimistic always

    implies less risk averse behavior in the EU model.

    4.2 Wealth effect on risk attitude

    By allowing the DM to choose the level of anticipation, our model can also capture how the

    DMs anticipation mediates the wealth effect on her risk attitude. For any anticipation level chosen

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    by the DM for lotteryat wealth level , there is a unique certainty equivalent that solves the

    equation ( + , + )= + , + . For a given , this certainty equivalent is a

    function of . In this subsection, we use ()/to denote the derivative of with respect to

    wealth to emphasize this point. However, we also use the notation to indicate this function for

    simplicity when no derivative of the function is taken. Under model (2), the equation that defines the

    certainty equivalent above can be written as

    ( + ) + + ( + )= ( + ) + + ( + ) (3)

    We can investigate how the certainty equivalent is affected by the wealth level at different levels of

    anticipation by taking the derivative with respect to on both sides of (3), and solving for ()/



    = (+ ) ( + ) + (1 ) + ( + ) + ( + )

    ( + ) + (1 )

    + ( + )

    Under the standard assumptions that > 0and > 0, the sign of ()/is determined by

    the numerator. Thus, we have the following proposition about the sign of ()/.

    Proposition 2. When = 1, ()0, we have:()/ ()0if and only if

    (); when 0,1),we have:

    i. If





    (1 ) + implies

    ()/ 0.

    ii.If 0, 0, 0, and (1 ) + implies()/ 0.iii.If 0, 0, 0, and(1 ) + implies()/ 0.iv.If 0, 0, 0, and(1 ) + implies()/ 0.Moreover, if we replace 0 with 0 and () with (), the sign of

    ()/is unchanged.

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    When = 1 , the DM uses the anticipation as the reference point to predict the level of

    disappointment and the sign of ()/ is determined by the sign of . If we assume

    0 , a relatively optimistic DM who anticipates becomes more risk averse with an

    increase in wealth, ()/ 0 ; and a relatively pessimistic DM who anticipates

    becomes less risk averse with an increase in wealth, ()/ 0.

    When 1, the sign of ()/not only depends on the sign of but also depends

    on the sign of (1 ) + , as summarized by Proposition 2. These four cases

    demonstrate that our model has the descriptive power to capture many different ways that optimism

    and pessimism can mediate the wealth effect on risk aversion. For instance, in case ii of Proposition 2,

    and(1 ) + implies (risk seeking). So, in this case, a DM who is

    relatively pessimistic ( ) and risk seeking ( ) will become more risk seeking at a

    higher level of wealth ()/ 0. Among these four cases, cases i and iii are of special

    interest, as they describe two seemingly conflicting empirical observations that people with lower

    levels of wealth can be either more risk averse or more risk seeking (Caballero 2010, Vieider et al


    For case i, it is straightforward to show that implies both

    and . By combining these two inequalities, we obtain (1 ).

    Recognizing that case ican be obtained from , we can conclude that a DM with an

    anticipation level lower than the certainty equivalent of the lottery and exhibiting risk averse

    behavior will become more risk averse when her wealth level decreases, i.e., ()/

    0. This is consistent with the observation that people with lower levels of wealth are often more

    risk averse than people with higher levels of wealth and are therefore less likely to participate in high

    risk/return investment activities, resulting in the poverty trap (Mosley and Verschoor, 2005, Yesuf

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    and Bluffstone 2009).

    Similarly, if the condition is satisfied then using the result of case iii, we can

    conclude that a DM with an anticipation level higher than the certainty equivalent and

    exhibiting risk seeking behavior will become more risk seeking when her wealth level is

    decreased, i.e., ()/ 0. The result of this case matches the observation that DMs with

    lower levels of wealth may be more involved in gambling than DMs with higher wealth levels

    (Lesieur 1992). When gambling, people may anticipate favorable results; in our terms, gamblers are

    optimistic about the payoff of a lottery, i.e., . Thus, the certainty equivalent of a lottery for a

    high wealth gambler is smaller than that for a low wealth gambler, which results in relatively less

    gambling for high wealth DMs. Bosch-Domenech and Benach (2005) found that people with lower

    levels of wealth are more risk seeking than people with higher levels of wealth when facing lotteries

    with large absolute payoffs. This empirical finding may also be explained by case iii, since a lottery

    with large payoffs is more likely to induce a high anticipation leading to more risk seeking behavior

    for people with lower levels of wealth.

    4.3 Utility of Gambling

    In this subsection, we discuss a widely recognized puzzle in decision theory which is the

    coexistence of gambling and insurance purchasing, implying that people are simultaneously risk

    seeking and risk averse (Friedman and Savage 1948). This puzzling problem can be traced back to the

    work of von Neumann and Morgenstern who believed that gambling behavior is inconsistent with

    expected utility theory (von Neumann and Morgenstern 1944, p. 28 and Bleichrodt and Schmidt

    2002). Only a few studies have axiomatized the utility of gambling (e.g. Diecidue, et al. 2004), and

    typically the utility of gambling is modeled by appending an extra utility term to the standard

    expected utility model or by applying different utility functions to non-degenerate and degenerate

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    lotteries (Fishburn 1980, Conlisk 1993 Schmidt 1998, Diecidue et al. 2004). A common weakness of

    these studies is that they do not provide a psychological explanation for why people would use

    different utility functions to evaluate risky lotteries and certain outcomes.

    Insurance purchasing behavior is consistent with a risk averse expected utility function, which is

    a special case of our model. Gambling behavior is consistent with the increased risk seeking behavior

    due to optimismcaptured by our model as discussed in subsection 4.1. When people gamble, the high

    anticipation associated with taking the wager can make them become more risk seeking (less risk

    averse) such that their risk attitude switches from risk aversion to risk seeking.

    To illustrate this, we consider a special case of model (2) with = 0, but a similar result can be

    obtained for 0. Suppose a simple lottery ticket which induces a large payoff with small

    probability and a zero payoff with probability 1 is available for purchase at its expected payoff

    . According to our model, a DM that anticipates the nonzero payoff will buy the lottery when the

    following condition holds

    () + () + (1 )(0)> () + ()

    which is equivalent to

    () ()> () () (4)

    The left hand side of (4) is the utility difference from anticipation and the right hand side is the utility

    difference from anticipated experienced utility. The DM may gamble because the utility difference

    () () may not be very large. However, when is large and is small, the difference

    () () could be very large. In other words, anticipating a large prize from a lottery may

    produce much more marginal utility than anticipating the certain payoff of the expectation of the

    lottery; () () () ()= () () + (1 )(0) . Therefore, in our

    model, the behavior of gambling is interpreted as a product of the high anticipation level which

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    outweighs the dread the DM might derive from the risk of losing.

    Beyond providing intuition, our model also avoids violating stochastic dominance and

    transitivity which is not true for most models capable of explaining this phenomenon (Fishburn 1980,

    Schmidt 1998, Diecidue et al 2004). Bleichrodt and Schmidt (2002) propose a context dependent

    model that does not violate stochastic dominance, but it does violate another desirable property:

    transitivity of preference (Luce 2000, MacCrimmon 1968). Stochastic dominance or transitivity is

    violated by these models in part because they apply different utility functions to represent the unique

    preference order on a set including both risky and riskless alternatives (see Bleichrodt and Schmidt

    2002, Table 1). In our model, under the appropriate assumptions, the violation of both stochastic

    dominance and transitivity can be avoided.

    By definition (Bleichrodt and Schmidt 2002, Diecidue et al. 2004), a preference order satisfies

    stochastic dominance if for any degenerate or non-degenerate lottery , any two certain outcomes

    , , and any (0,1, if , then + (1 ) + (1 ) . Under model (2), the

    preference relation is represented by () + ( ) () + ( ) . Since both

    functions ()and ()are monotonically increasing, we know . Compounding lotterywith

    will have a total ex ante utility greater than or equal to that from compounding lottery with in

    many cases, but it will depend on how a DM forms her anticipation for the compound lotteries. In

    Assumption 4, we describe a situation where the larger the payoff compounded with a lottery, the

    higher the anticipation formed by the DM. This assumption implies that when an outcome of a lottery

    is improved the anticipation level should not decrease, which seems to be reasonable.

    Assumption 4. (Consistent Compounding) A DM is said to be consistently compounding in

    anticipation if for any and , her anticipation levels for the compound lotteries +

    (1 )and + (1 )satisfy the condition() () .

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    Proposition 3 states that under Assumption 4, the preference in our model satisfies stochastic

    dominance when is small enough, i.e., the DM is not very sensitive to the potential disappointment.

    Proposition 3. Under Assumption 4, there exists , such that when 0, , +(1), () + (1 ), () for any and any .

    A smaller indicates that the gambler is not sensitive to disappointment, which may be true in

    practice. A gambler may be driven by the hope created by a large anticipated outcome. If the effect of

    disappointment is also strong (large ), the utility of anticipation could be reduced by the

    disappointment, which would further reduce the motivation for gambling. Since we observe many

    people repeating gambling activities, we may infer that is small for these DMs.

    Finally, by introducing the anticipation level in the choice set, our model can avoid the problem

    of intransitivity encountered by Bleichrodt and Schmidt (2002). This is apparent since the total ex

    ante utility (,) is a representation of a transitive preference order defined on the two attribute

    space .

    5. Decision making models

    5.1. Portfolio selection decision

    The portfolio choice problem we study involves the following choices. A decision maker has

    initial wealth denoted by . She selects to invest in the risky asset which has a random

    gross return . Her remaining wealth is invested in a risk free asset which has a gross return .

    The objective is to select an optimal to maximize her utility from holding both the risky and risk

    free assets.

    In the GM model, for any given level of the allocation to the risky asset, the DM selects her

    anticipation level so that her total ex ante utility is maximized. Thus, this optimal anticipation level is

    a function of the allocation to the risky asset. Then, under the assumption of optimal anticipation, the

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    DM optimizes the allocation to the risky asset to maximize her total ex ante utility. By solving a

    problem set up in this way, GM obtained the result that optimism is negatively related to allocation to

    the risky asset, which seems to be counterintuitive. They acknowledged that their result is somewhat

    surprising and that it conflicts with the results predicted by optimal expectations models

    (Brumnermeier and Parker 2005, Gollier 2005). Empirical studies have also confirmed that more

    optimistic investors tend to hold more risky assets (Manju and Robinson 2007, Balasuriya 2010,

    Nosic and Weber 2010). In the extended GM model (Jouini et al. 2013), the feasible domain of the

    anticipation level is modified to show that the GM model can be consistent with empirical studies on

    the relationship between optimism and investment in the risky asset. In this paper, we provide an

    alternative explanation and propose that the surprising result in the GM model may occur because of

    the optimal anticipation assumption.

    We acknowledge that a DM may adjust her chosen anticipation level for a lottery when she tries

    to increase her total ex ante utility, but this may not be a general rule that applies to all situations. The

    belief of a DM, which we model as the anticipation level, may be influenced by the context of the

    decision. For instance, in a bear market, no matter how optimistic an investor may be, she may not be

    able to form an optimistic anticipation level for money invested in stocks. Moreover, as we discussed

    above, the GM model assumes that a DM can forecast how the allocation decision will influence the

    total ex ante utility through the optimal anticipation. In our development we relax this demanding

    requirement that the DM will be able to optimize her anticipation level intentionally when facing such

    a portfolio selection problem.

    We allow the anticipation level to be influenced by contextual factors and set up the portfolio

    decision model as follows. Influenced by the economic environment, the DM forms anticipation

    for the random risky return, which is bounded by the minimum and maximum possible outcomes of

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    , i.e, min, max . Then, her anticipated total wealth is given by ( ) + = +

    ( ). The utility of anticipation is ( + ( ))and the anticipated experienced utility is

    ( ) + ( ) + = (1 ) + ( ). Utilizing

    these components in (2), the DM optimizes the allocation of her wealth to risky asset by solving the

    following problem

    max ()= ( + ( )) + (1 ) + ( ) (5)

    If we assume that both and are concave functions, () is also a concave function of as

    the sum of concave functions is still concave. Under these assumptions we can obtain the following


    Proposition 4. The optimal investment in the risky asset in (5) is > (=, < 0)if and only if

    ()( )() >(=, 0; otherwise the investor would not choose to invest in the risky

    asset. In this case, we can rewrite the optimal investment condition in Proposition 4 as > 0if and

    only if()


    . Since the risk premium of the risky asset, , is positive and

    0,1, when the anticipated return is low, i.e. when < ,

    is always negative. In

    this case,()


    always holds as and are both positive. Recall that the

    anticipation level can be interpreted as a certainty equivalent of the lottery based on subjective

    probabilities. Thus, under the assumption of concave , < when the subjective probabilities

    become close to the objective probabilities. The above results imply that if the DM has beliefs that are

    close to the objective probabilities, she will always invest in the risky asset.

    If the anticipated return is relatively high, e.g. > ,

    is always smaller than one. If

    the marginal utility ratio ()

    () is always larger than one, then > 0 and the DM always

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    invests in the risky asset. In this case, the inequality > can be explained as the result of

    optimistic beliefs that deviate significantly from objective probabilities. Thus, this result implies that

    when a DM is very optimistic, she will invest in the risky asset only if the marginal utility she derives

    from anticipation is large enough to counter the potential disappointment.

    Now, we treat the anticipated return as a parameter and analyze how it influences the optimal

    investment level which we will denote as ( ).

    Proposition 5. There exists a such that

    0 if and only if ( + (

    )) .

    This proposition states that when the marginal utility from anticipation is large enough at the

    optimal investment level, i.e., ( + ( ))> , the DM will invest more given a higher

    anticipation level. This is a very intuitive result. The DM will only increase the investment in a risky

    asset when the marginal utility she derives from anticipation is large enough to offset the utility loss

    from the potential disappointment.

    Besides being consistent with the empirical finding that more optimistic DMs will invest more in

    the risky asset, our model can also be employed to explain the equity premium puzzle, which can be

    described as follows: In order to explain the much higher available returns of risky assets (stocks)

    compared to riskless assets (bonds), investors must have extremely high levels of risk aversion. GM

    noted that the literature on optimal expectations (Brunnermeier and Parker 2005, Gollier 2005)

    assumes the DM always optimizes her beliefs and selects a risker portfolio, reinforcing the equity

    premium puzzle, while their model implies that optimism of a DM is negatively related to the

    investment in a risky asset, reducing the equity premium puzzle. However, empirical studies suggest

    that a more optimistic DM will invest more in the risky asset (Manju and Robinson 2007, Balasuriya

    2010, Nosic and Weber 2010). Thus, although the GM model is consistent with the equity premium

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    puzzle, it conflicts with both our intuition and the empirical finding that optimism should induce more

    risk taking behavior and more investment in the risky asset.

    Our model can explain the equity premium puzzle without conflicting with the finding that

    optimism leads to increased investment in the risky asset. As shown by Proposition 4, our model can

    be used to represent preferences with either ( )/ 0or ( )/ 0 depending on

    the functional form used to model utility from anticipation. To be consistent with the empirical

    finding on the relationship between optimism and risk taking, we should assume preferences exhibit

    ( )/ 0. To explain the equity premium puzzle, we propose that if DMs in the financial

    market are generally pessimistic, i.e., anticipate a lower level of , our model implies a decrease in

    the demand for the risky asset, which increases the equity premium. Finally, we should emphasize that

    this descriptive flexibility comes from the relaxation of the optimal anticipation (belief) assumed by

    other models in the literature (Brunnermeier and Parker 2005, Gollier 2005, Gollier and Muermann


    5.2. Optimal advertising decision

    In this section, we explore the optimal advertising level for a marketer facing a consumer who

    trades off the utility of anticipation and the utility from anticipated disappointment consistent with

    model (2). We will model the consumers decision to purchase or not to purchase a single unit of a

    product. Further, we assume that the customer will not know the quality of the product until after it is

    purchased and model the predicted quality as a simple lottery defined on a bounded payoff set

    of quality measures for the product. However, we assume that the consumer has some

    knowledge about the probability distribution of this uncertain quality level. Before purchasing the

    product, the consumer anticipates the quality of the product min , max . Under the

    assumption of model (2), the total ex ante utility derived from purchasing one unit of this product is

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    given by ( ) +( )while the total ex ante utility from not purchasing the product is 0.

    Following the convention in the economics literature (e.g. Shogren 1994), we assume the

    consumer has additive utility over wealth and her consumption of the product, i.e., (, )= () +(). The consumers willingness to pay (( )) is determined by solving equation (6)

    ( ) + + ( ( ) )= () (6)

    where ()is the utility function over her wealth.

    For this problem, we can show that the maximum willingness to pay is obtained at an interior

    level of the anticipation in the domain min , maxunder some standard assumptions.

    Proposition 6. Under some standard assumptions, > 0, 0, 0, 0 ,

    min min > 0 and max max < 0, there exists an

    interior optimal anticipation min ,maxsuch that ( )is maximized.

    This proposition states that if a consumer derives utility from both anticipation and the

    anticipated experienced utility, the optimal level to anticipate should be neither too high nor too low.

    Now, we consider a seller who is attempting to sell a new product to a group of consumers, each

    with a concave willingness to pay function ( )due to the tradeoff between high anticipation and

    high disappointment. To model the heterogeneity of the consumers in the market, we assume the

    willingness to pay of each customer is given by ( )= ( ) + , where is a mean zero

    random variable with cumulative density function that captures the uniqueness of a consumers

    preferences. If the seller sets the price of the product at , the consumer will buy the product if

    ( ) + . Therefore, the response function is given by (, )= 1 ( ),

    which depends on both the price and anticipation . Further, the seller can influence the

    anticipated quality of the product through her advertising effort, , measured in dollars. We assume

    that the consumers anticipated quality of the product is positively related to the advertising effort

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    and is given by the linear relationship = + , where 0, with = (max )/,

    which is the effort level that will cause the consumer to anticipate the highest possible quality. In this

    linear relationship, is the base anticipation level of the consumer when no advertising effort is

    exerted; and is the increase in anticipation produced by one marginal unit of advertising effort. This

    assumption of a positive relationship between the anticipated quality of the product and the

    advertising effort has been documented by Deighton (1984). Kirmani and Wright (1989) also verified

    that the perceived advertising expense has a positive relationship with consumers expectation of

    product quality in a laboratory setting.

    Goering (1985) and others have argued that increasing the expected quality of a product can

    increase the demand for the product and that advertising is a way to increase the consumers quality

    expectation and therefore product sales (Simon and Arndt 1980, Bagwell 2005, Erdem et al. 2008).

    However, as we show in Proposition 7, the response function in our context is maximized at an

    appropriate level of advertising effort < , because a high anticipation level of product quality

    produced by advertising effort can also induce high anticipated disappointment, decreasing the

    consumers willingness to pay. In other words, advertising can raise a consumers expectation so high

    that she would prefer not to purchase the product for fear of being disappointed with its actual quality.

    Proposition 7. For fixed price , the response function is maximized at an advertising effort

    level = , when < (>), (, )> (

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    attains its maximum at = , we know that the optimal advertising effort to maximize the

    total profit is < , so that (+ )=( ) (+ )

    >0. Therefore,

    we have the following proposition.

    Proposition 8. For fixed price , the profit is maximized at an advertising effort level that is

    lower than the effort level maximizing the willingness to pay, < .

    This result implies that sellers of a product should not always seek to increase consumers

    willingness to pay. When willingness to pay is above (+ ) , the marginal cost of the

    advertising effect the unit cost in our model outweighs the marginal contribution to the profit

    produced by the increase in willingness to pay, which further reduces the total profit. Again,

    increasing the anticipated quality level of a product via advertising can reduce sales when customers

    grow concerned that their high expectations cannot be satisfied and choose to abstain from a purchase.

    6. Conclusion

    In this paper, we propose preference conditions for a decision making model which incorporates

    both the utility of anticipation hope and dread and the anticipated experienced utility elation and

    disappointment in a decision making process. This model captures optimism and pessimism by

    allowing the DM to choose to anticipate any outcome of a lottery being evaluated. The level of

    anticipation serves two roles in our model: it is the source of the utility of anticipation in the period

    before the lottery is resolved as well as the reference point used to form elation and disappointment

    after the lottery is resolved.

    We show that our model can account for how optimism could influence both the DMs risk

    attitude as well as the wealth effect on that risk attitude. This optimism can explain the coexistence of

    gambling and the purchasing of insurance without violating stochastic dominance and transitivity.

    Finally, we discuss the applications of this model in both finance and marketing contexts. In a simple

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    setting with one risky and one risk-free asset, we show that our model can capture the widely

    observed behavior that an investors optimism is positively correlated with her investment level in the

    risky asset. It also provides an explanation for the equity premium puzzle that is consistent with this

    empirical finding. In a marketing context, we show that using advertising to increase the customers

    anticipation level of product quality with the intent to increase her willingness to pay does not always

    increase the demand for a product. This result conflicts with the intuition that product demand is

    increasing with advertising, and should be studied in more detail with controlled experiments.


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  • 8/12/2019 Hope Dread Disappointment and Elation From Anticipation


    Appendix for Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from

    Anticipation in Decision Making

    Ying He

    , James S. Dyer

    , John C. Butler

    Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management

    Department of Finance

    McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712

    [email protected],[email protected],[email protected] 1. Assumptions 1 holds if and only if the utility function (,)can be decomposed into

    , = () +() () (1)

    with (0)= 0, (0)= 0,and(0)= 0.

    Proof: Sufficiency: by Assumption 1, we have (, )= () + ()( + (, ), )=() + ()( + (, ) (0,0) + (0,0), ) , since (, ) and ( +(,),) are

    strategically equivalent to each other. Let = 0 and define () (, 0) (0,0), (): =() , and (): = ( + (0,0), 0) in (, )= () + ()( + (, ) (0,0) +(0,0), ), we have (1). By definition of (), we have (0)= 0. Since utility function is unique up

    to affine transformation, we can rescale the utility function (, )such that ((0,0), 0)= 0and(0)= 0. Thus, we have (0)= 0and (0)= 0.

    Necessity: for any, and any , if , , , from model (1) we have,

    , = () + () () () + () () = ,

    which implies () () . For any , since , ()> 0 , this

    inequality is equivalent to

    () + ()+ () () () () + ()+ () () ()

    Define (, )= () (), so we have + (, ), + (, ),

    Theorem 2. Assumptions 2 and 3 hold if and only if the utility function (,)can be decomposed


    , = () + (2)

    with 0,1, (0)= 0, (0)= 0.

    Proof: Sufficiency: Assumption 2 implies (, ) + (, )= ( (, ), ) +

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    ( + (, ), ). Let = 0, = 0and rescale (, ) such that (0,0)= 0, we have (, )=( (, 0), 0) + ((, 0), ) . Define () (, 0) , () ((, 0), ) , and () ( (), 0), we have (, )= () + ().

    Now, we prove ()is linear. According to Assumption 2, for any and , wehave (, ); (, )( (, ), ); ( + (, ), ) . Expressing this condition in term of(, ), we have

    (, ) + (, )= ( (, ), ) + ( + (, ), )Let = + (, ), the above equation is equivalent to

    (, ) (, )= ( (, ), ) ( (, ), )Similarly, we have for

    (, ) (, )= ( (, ), ) ( (, ), )( (, ), ) ( (, ), )= ( (, ) (, ), ) ( (, ) (, ), )Thus, we have

    (, ) (, )= ( (, ), ) ( (, ), )

    = ( (, ) (, ), ) ( (, ) (, ), )According to Assumption 3, this (, ) is unique which is a function depends on the difference

    between and , namely (, )= ( ) is unique. Thus, from the uniqueness of this (, ),we have

    ( ) = ( ) + ( )By setting = 0 in above equation, we have () () = ( ) . Let = , we

    have () + ()= ( + ), which is a Cauchy functional equation (Aczl 2006). The solution tothis equation is ()= for . Because Assumption 3 states that ( )0, for , we have 0,1. Since we defined () (, 0)= (), we have ()= . Finally,from (0,0)= 0, () ((, 0), ), and () ( (), 0), it is easy to conclude

    that (0)= 0and (0)= 0.Necessity: given (, )= () + ( ), we have

    (, ) + (, )= () + ( ) + () + ( )

    = () + ( + ( ) ) + () + ( + ( ) )

    = ( + ( ), ) + ( + ( ), )

    Define (, ): = ( ) , since 0,1 , we know there exits (, )= ( )

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    0, such that Assumption 2 holds. This also proves (, )0, in Assumption 3.Finally, to prove the uniqueness of (, )stated in Assumption 3, suppose there exists another

    (, )= + (, )such that (, ) + (, )= ( (, ), ) + ( + (, ), )=

    ( (, ), ) + ( + + (, ), )Let (, )= , we have

    ( (, ), ) ( (, ), )= ( + + (, ), ) ( + (, ), )

    = ( + + (, ) (, ), ) ( + (, ) (, ), )

    = ( + , ) (, )= (, ) ( ,)Since , are arbitrary, , are also arbitrary. Denote utility function (, )by(). The

    last equation above is equivalent to

    ( + ) ()= () ( )for any

    , . Taking

    derivative with respect to , we have() ( ) = 0. Then, taking derivative with respect to, we have( ) = 0, which implies()= (, )is a linear function in . This violates thelaw of diminishing marginal utility. Thus, the (, )is unique.

    Proposition 1. Under the assumptions of model (2), for a given lotterywhen the DM anticipates

    , the risk premium( )fordepends on in the following ways:

    i. If ( ) 0, then( ) 0. The DM exhibits increased risk seekingbehavior due to optimism .

    ii.If ( ) 0, then ( ) 0. The DM exhibits increased risk seekingbehavior due to pessimism.

    Proof: According to the definition ( ) = | , ( ) 0( 0) if and only if|

    0( 0). By definition and model (2),

    | ,

    | =

    , = ( ) + , we have | + (1 )| = ( ) + . Thus, we


    | + (1 ) (1 )| |

    = ( )

    It is easy to verify that|

    0( 0)if and only if () 0( 0).

    Proposition 2. When

    = 1,


    )0,we have:

    ()/ (


    if and only if




    when 0,1),we have:

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    i. If 0, 0, 0, and(1 ) + implies()/ 0.ii. If 0, 0, 0, and (1 ) + implies()/ 0.iii.If 0, 0, 0, and(1 ) + implies()/ 0.iv. If 0, 0, 0, and(1 ) + implies()/ 0.Moreover, if we replace 0 with 0 and () with (), the sign of()/is unchanged.

    Proof: From (3) in the text, we know

    () =

    ()() ()()()()


    = 1, since

    > 0, the sign of


    is determined by the comparison between



    When 0,1). We only show case ihere. The other cases can be obtained by following the sameidea. When 0, 0, 0 , from 0 , by Jensens inequality, we can conclude

    + ( + ) + ( + ) . From 0 , (1 ) +

    implies + (1 ) (1 ) + (1 ). Thus, we have

    + ( + ) + ( + )

    + ( + ) + ( + ) 0

    Moreover, from 0 and , we have (+ ) ( + ) . Therefore, we can

    conclude the numerator of the above equation is positive. Since we also assume > 0and > 0,we conclude that ()/ 0in this case.

    Proposition 3. Under Assumption 4, there exists , such that when 0, , +(1

    ), () + (1 ), () for any and any .

    Proof: Since the lotteryis the common part for both compounding lotteries considered here,we simply denote the anticipation by ()indicating that the anticipation depends on , which is the

    certain payoff compounded with. Stochastic dominance requires that when :

    + (1 ),()= () + () + (1 ) ()

    () + () + (1 ) () = + (1 ), ()

    Under the assumption of consistent compounding in anticipation, we have

    () ()

    for any , namely ()= ()/ > 0, stochastic dominance is satisfied by our model when

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin

    + (1 ),()/ > 0, which is equivalent to the condition

    ()() + ()1 () (1 ) () ()> 0

    Without loss of generality, we assume that marginal utility is bounded, i.e., ,.Then, let solves the following equation

    ()() +1 ()=(1 )()

    = ()() +

    + (1 )()> 0

    when () > 0, () > 0, and () > 0.

    Then, we have for any 0, ,


    () +




    () +1

    ()=(1 )()>(1 ) () ()

    which implies that the stochastic dominance holds.

    Proposition 4. The optimal investment in the risky asset in (5) is > (=,< 0)if and only if()( )() >(=, (=, (=,< 0), which leads to the result.

    Proposition 5. There exist a such that

    0if and only if( + ( )) .

    Proof : When no derivative of ( ) is taken, we keep using for simplicity. By

    differentiating the first order condition for (5) with respect to , we can solve for

    as follows

    = () ()()() ()



    where we define two functions ()= (1 ) + ( )and ()= +( ) to simplify the expression above. Under the assumption that < 0and < 0, the

    denominator of the right hand side is negative. Therefore, a negative numerator is equivalent to a

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    He, Dyer, and Butler:Hope, Dread, Disappointment, and Elation from Anticipation in Decision MakingThe University of Texas at Austin


    . A negative numerator is equivalent to the condition:

    ( )() +()< () + ( )()

    Define = ( )() +() ( )() , wecan get the result in the proposition.

    Proposition 6. Under some standard assumptions, > 0, 0, 0, 0, min min > 0and max max< 0, there exists an interior optimalanticipation min ,maxsuch that ( )is maximized.

    Proof: Note that the consumers willingness to pay is a function of her anticipation for this one

    unit of the product. Differentiating both sides of (6) with respect to ,( ) + + ( ( ) )= () (6)

    we find ( )=

    . When > 0, min min > 0, and

    max max< 0 , we have min> 0 and max< 0 . If we

    take the derivative of (6) with respect to twice, we can solve for

    ( )=

    ( )

    Under the assumption of 0, 0, and 0, we can verify that ( ) 0. Thus, wecan conclude the result stated in the proposition.

    Proposition 7. For fixed price , the response function is maximized at an advertising effort level


    , when < (>), (, )> ( 0, we know from the proof of

    Proposition 6 that when + < , ( + )> 0, and (, )> 0, sales are increasing

    with ; when + > , ( + )< 0and (, )< 0, sales are decreasing in .