hopes .. ne-~.~~~~ for ltws ltvitw statiorr·greenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/gnr19760226.pdf ·...

Pqe 4 SCHOOLS cont'd from p. 1, Stellleclre pointed out, ''Let's be- Jin a program, and then build on IL" Superintendent C&rl Hasael abo reminded the board 'thaf a school cannot be staffed until there is an Indication of Interest by virtue of Uv&nced sign-up. "We can't em- P.,Y teachers without students." Dr. Allen Chotiner, central area lftiP8I'Intendent, noted that In ot'- der for students to take high level IC!ence and math courses, they must have the required prerequl- llltea In junior high schooL This t;Jpe of prograin will take years to baUd up. -1. 400 (orlglnall7 200 In the Steln- d& resoultion) spaces be reserved fcllo students wanting to transfer bt, In accordance with present board policy on transfers. (Stu- dents may transfer In to · either 1111 compreherudve or techiilcal following regular pro- oidune,) 6. The lloaDcJarlel lor lleUor RcaeTelt Senior lllgh will be ten· tatlveJy tbole In Plan n of the Saperintendent'a revised propoaal of January 29, 18'16. (Thla means tbat aome 8118 10th and lJlth srade preeent17· attending DuVal, an.d Parkdale Including Greenbelt atudenta would be ICD- daled to attend Eleanor Roosevelt all&t ;rear,) . 1. Another public hearing wiD be be1d, (on February 211) after proper noWication of cltiaena In· eluded In the SuperintendeM'a or- flrlnal boundary propoaaL The El· _, Rooeevelt boundary may be ..sJuate4 to Include more atudenta after that public lleariJI&, The ended at 10:30 p.m. J!lleanor Rooaevelt IIChool concept wu the only Item d!Jcuaaed on a long apnda. But both the board &ad the audience breathed a algh of relief, packed up and went home. .._,.._. After the meetlna the Greenbelt dty council and civic leaders ex· preued their general aatlsfactlon With the outcome.. 'Die city had tabn the poeltlon that the aohool lbould open In September 1878 ·aa a comprehenalve school with ftxed boundaries with an eveMual tech· nlcal component. The oouncll wu oppoaed to open enroll· Jnent. Pl!bllc preaaure had been build- lac · up on the achool board all week to reaolve the lalue. N-a- paper acoounta ot the prev!OUII llll!etlng of Jan. 29 appea.rlac In tile WMIIIIIctea ._. &ad the Prlaee CJewaoft fiJeaMIIIII were un· llatterlng to the board'• pollcy·lllll- ldng &bllltlea. llemben of tbe State delegation to Annapolla exp..-ed th.elr con- cern. Del DIJ\'Un wrote: "' lilian the ·c1eep 0011cern of the elecSed IIIOYei'IIJIIeDt ot u.. Qty of Greenbelt, clYU leaden u4 · all of the cltiaena of that clty -'Out three din wtdah eei!llljult over .......... : "a. Upplac of tbe b&llnce In -raJ achoola; · "b. the coat of open eaiollment •e. the cbaoa which wiD lnevl- tabb' reault from tbe continuation Of a "ao pollcJ" atUtude on the part ot the achool Stata Senator Edward T. Cmuoy uepd the boly'd ''to make a llnal aa to w1lo .... 1 ettand Roolevell Rllb SchooL lll). the veey leaaf, llna1 boulldarl• iiound the comprehenalve porUon #if Roosevelt need to be decided. it the ataft' wiU have time to pre- JPre for a 1111ooth opelllac." ·;Delep.te Leo Greta nltenlted ... plea for opealq the IIChool Oil lchedule In september &ad Del- r. Lorralne M. Sheehan. re- 10pporttr ot· llilar4'l poll- cte.. explained her dlllloult poal- t.lon: "We ct.JIIIIIt tllat we aataat lfve local bot.rda more onr conatructlon of aohoola If a lllud new aohool .... -..use of the lllake a declalon." . · ' ; · County councilman Frank P. Ca- llUla ..., urpl the board ........ ..... ,. ............. lila, •. " Clllilt.lontd. · "laftdlllty 00111pftoete UJt' Ja• •w & need to open RooeeYelt Rip u llllll II!Jiool wttll .. ........... IJa die .w .. ,. .. .... , te.opea .. doalillll .... ........ 0011" ............ ....................... ( a ... Thursday, February 19, 1976 cnei.nbelt Vlewa llurlel Wetdenfelcl, chairman of Greenbelt CWsena for Eleanor Roosevelt, uf'llld the board to rlae above any parochial views. ''It Ia understs.ndable." 'alie said, "that board members who are elected, aa you are, from districts are under pressure to take a parochial view. Nevertheless, your combined respon- slbiUty Is to administer the 11)'1- tem as a whole and to act to In· sure the best lnterrtts of educa• tlon for .the entire county." Another civic group to push hard for plnn!ng down. the concept or Eleanor Roosevelt waa the Greenbelt Center School PTA. "The Board must conalder all the stud· enta 'In Prince George's County and open this new school on time, with fixed boundaries, 6Dd with a atrona compreherudve program .•.. Other concepts for the echool. whe- ther they be curriculum or student population, are not poa.tlble at this late date without Irreparable dam· 11111 to those atudenta who wiU cel'- taln)J attend the aohoo1 • • Kan:v odaer IIChool8 In the county can benellt from l'tooaevelt'a prompt openJna. But Rooaevelt muat open with a clear, weD-plan· 11ed concept and a· au!lkent popula· tlon. The quality of Ita education cannot be compromised by unclear, Qllplalllled, untested concepti which are 'llow belq thruat Into Ita ldm· tlty." Chili Dinner The Howatt Kethodlat Adult J'ellOWIIhlp will $0ntOr a chill dinner, Sat., Feb 21, from • to 8 p.m. Advance tlcketa are available. Call Shirley Pitcher, '74-70M. GREENBJ!lLT: BUY OF '1\Hlll WIEJ!lK: $211,1100. 2 Beclroolll . Den Studio Style ToWllboule With 2 large Beclrooma ud attllched P.· race. Remodeled JatCilen with Waaber, Dryer, A!r Condltllllllq Wall to wall car- peting all Included In thla Prl· ced Rl&ht Townhouae. Walk to aboppina, TNnaportatlon, and Elementary School, Abo 1 BeclrOolll ZD4 Frame· Town· ma.. Ia 'IIUOdlld - with laqe patio In larp backyard. Thla TG'trlllloule II belac aoJ4 below appralaed price nD,OOO. ao.e to Olater, Need more IOOIIl? 2 iBedroom lllnd Jl'rame Townhouae with addltiMI. Bellina for Apprala- ed price ns.eiJO. Jl'or the Sale Price ol t:J,8,000. A I JCad .rra- with home beclred up to Waoy. Interior tre.h· ly painted. l!lxterlor t!» be painted lly llllllen, A muat to aee. An exoaUent buy of t:l .. OOO. for this 2 Bedroom In quiet court with the picket fence you have dreamed a• bout w. haft W'OIIdllrful ...... tlon of a Bedroom ll'nlme End or lnlddle unltl Raaonabb' ptlced, Come In to aee one of our ex- .1&1.111J180Ple who will allow yoll' these homes 1111d tell :vou.how much caah you would need to pul'lfaaae one of theae homee 'l1here are no aetUe- ment ·f-. ll'laallolnl' II av•. allable. Call now. We ar. .,.,.., .... ,.. I. a Bedroom MMoney and Brick TuwallcluMe elole to the Center are avaHahle to be ahown now. Pleaae call for an &IJPOin--. -We aell * Gteenbelt Town· houaea qutckb'. It 700 are In· teNited to Mb your home, 11&11 Ill tia4 .. aC ....... people will oome to JOUr hoale to .u.ou. .. .... .... .,_ 1'ownlloule. If :rou .,. looldlll for llome, i:r:l ':l'J'W := bollltol,_, ..... NO'nCE TO BIDDERS - f' PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENf ,. The bid opening date for ibis purchase has been postponed from February. 26, 1976 to March 11, 1976 at 2:00 P.M. Speci- fications may be obtained at the City Manager's office, 25 Crescent Road. Greenbeh Carry-out I'BOTIXlT YOUR 'llAIILJI WlTII A OOLDilN lOll L&BilL Sat. & Sun.· Royal Steak Sub --·-·----85c- Specials for the week · Carton Drinks 16 oz. orange, grape, 7-up, Sugar Free 7·up, Sugar Free Dr. Pepper 12 oz., only 99c a carton. Coca Cola or RC $1.19 a carton 107 CENTIRWAY 474-4998 REAL ESTATE OWICE of GREENBELT HOMES, INC. Hamilton Place o-llelt, 1llai7IIDIJ OFI'ICJE ()l'lgN 'f DAYS A WEEil We have an aceUent selection ot. 1, 2 A 8 bed-- room propertl• from which )'011 oan 1elect your nezt home! · For a atatter hoille - we have llatlid a lovely aecond ftoor, one bedroom frame apartment - owner wllllnc to neaottate on bla price - can be occiJ)IIed almott tmmedtately! Now that you're started In that rental apartment paylnc rental payments and accumulatlna rent teoelpta - why not pul'Chaae a two bedroom towD- holllle r Put your hard-earned dollara to work and buy now! Thla two-bed-. eorner frame home for ns.ooo haa many nloe Improvements plua an excellent area. Outgrown your preaent r•ldence? We have juat the type houae you need nest . . . 8 cood lllled bedroome and bath on aec. lloor .•. ·and a . fuiHIIed llvlnl room; · aeparate dlnlnc room, kitchen• nicely equipped, \i bath ·on 1st floor, pJ1111, added room 8J!d otlaer Jmprovementa throqh- out - ezcellmt loc&tton; $82,000.00 Karch occ. OVR SALliS BrAFF WILL DISCUSS Btr.flNG A CO-OP TOWNHOUSE AND THE ASSETS INVOLVIIID IN SUCH A PURORASE. YOUR 11178 INVES'f'KmNT OOULD BE ONlll OF YOUR BEST! FOR INJ'OIUIATION CALL NOW ... 4'f .... 181 .7..... W :Mary m. Dixon,' Broker SPICW.· Introductory Prices OUr New location "Let the hltwcry Put You In Orbit'' 'l'ht> ANn alld 11.- (lomplete AM<J 8ervlee Dept. '76 GREMLIN$ $50 '76 PACER $4089 W...aalnlltoa'• with air at no acldltlonaJ oVer J!'aolorJ coet <Ftm 111 Bolt!> Auto., 2158 eqlne, p.s., AX $3717 2158' Jil\llne, ·auto., p.a., AM raclla, . whltewaila 1'1111 price delivered <211 x.tA4on In Stock to choae from> radio, wheel covera, Full prloe delivered (M Pacen In Stock to Chooae From) '76 sPORTAIOUT <811 Sportallouta In 1tock to chooae from) $3526 fuU price delivered "* 1-. Jle&dquuten '76 Jftp CJ5 $4199 Rear bilmperettea, .Sde · view dra_w bar and full price deUvered AJ(C BU,er 1 UG Jeepa In !!took to · Plan t Chooae From) LOU TOLLISON'S - KASH'S . BOlE IOMIENTS OPEN HOUSE! From 1 'tU I this Sunday at 4--H Crescent Road Greenbelt Be aure to - this Larre End home wtth at- tached garage. Completely re- modeled kit and bath with many appliances In excellent condi- tion. New wood cablneta tn kit, washer, dryer, lge. ref. w/ Ice-maker. _20,000 BTU A/C pllD other extraa. Don't confuae thlll home with a amaller home. 'l'hla one haa the ¥r. and lllra. c!Oaeta In muter BR plua larger LR and Din. Rm. Oame one - all If you - -.led In )'OUr present Greerrbelt Home. ThiJ wiD be the move Of your life- time! Clote to Center School, Greenbelt Library, and Shopplac · at the Greenbelt KaiL To top It off, there II a larce end yard P8,1100.· tADWooor oPiN ko'VBii 1 'til D Sundq 2 Oranae Court. We have one of the veey llneet homes In Lakewood with VA ap- pralaal ordered. U ;y,ou buy thlll one you wtll have INDEPEM- OENCI!I HALL under your 1111- certlpl. - Here It Ia! • BR I batha (one off master BR) aep. din. rm. An absolutely Incom- parable rec. room With BAR alona with a fuJI:v Improved blmt Of COIU'Ie It haa CAC and a fabulous yard. All of tbll In top-notch condition! Man, other Improvement; to nlimerout to mention. Thla home haa a Jarce addlton that Is quaUty bunt! So, do not walt, buy 110'111' tcl9,000. Choice of tei'IDL PIWlffiS UdAfiiWI' til would jump at tbe opportunity to bll( tbls 2 BR CAC . 1200 square 'ft. condo In' Can be bought with aaaumptlon terma. No new Joan to cet. Look at t1tue dlmenalonal LR lbl.U, DR 12x1U, kit. lO.Sx&e, Muter BR 111.1x11.8 With walk-In Ux7, 2nd BR 12.8xl1, bathl, Family Room 11.8x10. Waaher, dryer, dlapoaer, dllhwaaher, pllD W /W carpetlnc. IJDmeclate oc- CIJ)Iancy! $83,900. U you think your place Ia larae you should aee thle one today. C&ll 2151 ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT. litlTTON, BiiTfON, WiiOIIM tbe GulneU to elgn up for thlll fabulous 1 BR apartment with \ many Improvement. that lnolude a waaher 1 .yr. old plua W/W oarpet throuch-out. dinette. F,.ly painted and II on the END w!th private en- trance.. Yard with wooda Ill baoJL Juat. rllht Ule alacle and! or the bellnnlnl llllll'l:lada or Kom and/or Dad.. Juat rllbt for you and youn! Call Mli- 2151 anytime day or nl1ht for this barp.!Ji at $11,800. \ diiXBtE8 tJXBk6tL OF CU: ROLLTON . would be proud to 111(11 on the· deClaration to buy thla line 8 BR 114o bath CAC home In Carrollton with all of the . appllan0811 .' you ciould wlah for. Waaher, dryer, dlahWIIIh- er, plus W /W carp. Fabulous rec. room! All for U8,000. WYrHE ALL THE QUJ!lSTIONI GllORGE! You should- this perfect 2 BR home with many line lmprovementa, that Include F/F ref. 2 yean old, wuher, 2 A/C:. W tW carpet throucll- out. In back; woodl In back for quiet planround for your children. Pmta. $1110. after (Je. dwn. pmt. $18,800 ap- pr&!led price. IF YOU .. NOUQH MONEY TO BUY THF. FIRST ONE Wll.J..tAM. sec thl• 2 BR mND frame home with not so many Improvements but 11 well worth the money. ,u,ooo. .SAMUEl, WILL uCilA!IE" you, a long wny' t<> buv h home of this calibre for this price. tl!la rancher with eat-In kit. pllaa mAny 'Other lmptOYIIIDenta. nev Greenbelt · .-.1100. IASIIINC., · ·1haiY ....... IIWe ...... ,\\Ill, .345-2151 -·----- ...... :..: lrttnhelt ltws ltvitw AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Volume 39, Number 15 GREENBELT; MARYLAND 'lbursday, Tebruary 26, 1976 ·citr Coa1eil Departs From B·ate• ·lnil, Bat Pro¥81 E•tertaiai•c AGENDA REGUW MEEnNG OF CITY COUNCIL Monday, Man:h I, 1976 I:OQP.M. hy Rob MeGee . ' U you haven't done so lately, you re&lly ought to make- a point of turning out for one of the regular meetings of your Greenbelt City Council. They are generally interesting, enter- taining, therapeutic-its amazing the amount of steam that;s let ott 8lld educational. For instance, did you lmow that there's an old •Indian burial ground somewhere over on the "Golden Triangle"? Or that dog turds (perhaps Is more descrip- tively apt) constitutes Greenbelt's biggest pollution problem? Oh yes, I learned all of that at the regular meeting for Monday, February 23-and lots more-like what's happening with the housing tor the elderly project, and whether or nOt to have a Bicentennial Trail. ·· - l ORGANIZA.TIOif L Call .. Qrcfer ' 2. Rail Call a. Kedlaatlola PWp ol Mitii•Me to tilt.,.. The Indian burial around lnfor· 11111Uon came out In a fairly heated dllculalon centertna on a propoa- al 117 the Greenbel£ Bicentennial Ooaunlttee to build a hlatorlcal path, appropriately 11111rked, which wuald ldeDilfy vartoua lanclmarka of Greenbelt aa one of tile lint planned oommunJUee In the Unl· ted state.. The heat aroae, Jlll't ot the trail would 1r0 tbrouah :lfaplewooo Oourt and . man:v real- cJag of Lakeelde ·oould not aee wbere tlw.t atrlotly residential area had &eythlng to do. With hlatory ucf Wby It llllould be subjected to a Jot of outalde tralllc. VIola . Keer didn't think that there wu an:vthlll&' all that hlator- la.l to mark, except the burial IJOU!Id. and Georre Loutach thuuaht lilat It would not be of Juttna bene!lt and the markers would be aubject to vandalism. "'f :vou lnalet· on ependlll&' money," .he 11!1\. .......... It tl!t IlK up tile pjO. atouncl the lAke and plant · a ,_ of U.. In the park 110 t11ere wm be -•thine or 1aat1ac wlue to the reetdenta of Green· iNit." Waver oli Trail The whole matter waa turned back to the Bicentennial Commit- tee for a revleed llfCII*&I, atter & -.ocillll ll7 OOUIICIIman Richard Oaataldl - to carry out a •hor· tar, IIIOdl!led vendon of the trail · - 1oat by voice vote. -Oaataldl and X.,W Weldenfeld favored a oom- praaalae veraton that would not e&I'I'J' the trail throqh the Lake- area. Councilmen Charles lchwan lAd TlloiiiiU Wblte sup- ported the orlgl"al propoeal, and oouncllman Richard Pllskl was op- poaed to the concept In any form. Animal Wuta The animal proltlem, wbloh waa ralaed aa a reault of the Park and Recreation Advlaory Board Report 1-78 for a leaah law and more Intensive enforcement, wu rraphlcally Illustrated by Wil- liam Clarke. He stated that Green- belt dop, alone, depoalted over 300 tons of feces In the course of a year, and that much of th11 was In play areaa used by little chi!· dren, wtlere the pooslblllty for dls- eue tl'61lamlulon waa heightened. Numerous people In the audience spolcc of their frustrations with free roaming animals and with their Inability to cet any aatlsfac- tlon under the · preaent atatu!es. The crucial problem seems to ·be that one muat aa- aln•t the dog bwncr, who Is likely to be a nelfhbor, and people are reluctant to do this. Other mea- au.-. auch as re)ylnc on the doa- · .catcher or pollee do not aeem to be aatlafactory. Council requested the city man- ager, James Gleae, and the city eo- lloltor to dmw up a propoaed or- Mnallce enoompiiUIInr the PRAB reodmmendationa. · lloullq' tor the JJ:Ideltf An admlnlltfatlve report waa p,_..ttid by Giese on prorreu on the atudy on houatna for tbe , .a..Jy. He reported that tile State 11114 Prince Georcea aouney are re- qlllltlq the Department of Houa• 1111 and Urban Development (lltJ'D) to allocate tile 100 -unlta to the State of :Maryland for admlnlatra· tlon of the program'. thua almpll- f71nlr the procedjare for allocating the unlta to Greenbelt. When thla Is done the city will have time to llle a preliminary application. The city · alao entered Into a ooopera- tlve arranpment With the Unlvel'- alty of· llaryland School of Archi- tecture to undertake feaatblllty atudlea and atudlee of alternate altea aa projecta. A tMm of upper level claaameu, under Profeeeor Mavll, haa com· pleted theee atudles, p111pared a report whldl waa pNiented to council and variOUII members of the teaiD made verbal presents· tiona at the meet1n1. The Unlver- alty of Maryland atudenta drew· •. lllnutee of Recular Keet- lac of February 28, 11171 Ooanollmen 8J!d llanaa'er n. (l())D('UNICATIONB e. Petltlo111 &ad ReQueata T. Aclmlnlltratlve Reporta I.Commlltle .... mOLBBU8INBIIS 9. A Reeolutlon to Tranafer Fundll Within Depart- - saoo Elecond ReadJnir .I 10. Jarcee Club Hollft Leaae accolades from V&rloua IDembers · of council and the audience for tbe :W. NEW thoroqhneaa with wlleh thOJ re- IHrched the project aa web aa V. ... for the obv!OUII IIIMrelt . :a 'Laaitnli_. t'GtOIIect Tu · comlnunlty pnerally. Under the proddlac ol council· By an 8-1 vote, County Council man Pllakl and members of the enaotecl emerpnq Jeclllatlon re- audlence who participated 'In de- q ulrlnl landlords to make .t. "10011 veloplng a petition to 1 put this faith effort'' at colleotlna the con- matter to referendum, eouneU de- trcweralal two tax from clded to bold a aPeolal work sea- their tenanta. CB-28 requlrea •lon on Wednesday, March 3, to landlorda to ahow the)' have notl- come to eomo dellnlte declalon ae fled all tenants ot their obllptlon to where It Ia and ahould be go- to-. pay tbe tax, and of their de- Ina With thle project. Unquent tax blll. At the aame Other Hatten time, l1111dlorda muat try to cet In other ttema of Interest. coun _ tcnanta unw.llUntr to pay the tax ell authodsed uae of public land to declare their declalon. areaa adjacent to the Municipal The bill becomea effective lliune- Servloe Bulldlna and . the old city dlately upon Executive algnature landllll for &arden plota for anoth- and prollably will have Ita ftrat teit er :vear under supervlalon of the with renta collected Ia March. A Greenbelt Garden Club. 'lbey ac· majority of county tenanta haven't cepted $338.110 donated to the City been paylna the tax and, In aome for the purchase of equipment for caaea, landlords· have been holdln 1 the Sprln&hlll .Lake Recreation Center, the remaining lunda In the the till< checlu for months before treaaury of the Springhill Lake forwardlnc them to the county. Civic Auoclatlon which has db- CB-21 levlea a penalty on land- banded. lords who don't remit the tax· to Council alao went on record as the county monthly. oppoalng Maryland Senate bill SB fllO which provides for uniform etatewlde building codes, but wan- ted to make It clear that they were not opposed to .the application of a state code to areas not presently ly covered by a code, but opposed the State preemptlni any exletlni codes, because, generally, the ntan- darda for Pr!nce Georges ·county would be higher than could be In- cluded In any statewide tlons. In Greenbelt Nat1 Park N&turtl Hllree ' Feb. 28 - 1 - Camp1round Entrance Station. Feb. Ill - 1 p.m. - Dcawood Na- ture Trail. NEWS REVIEW CARRIERS Girl• and bOya wlahlnc to aerve aa subetltute carrlera for the G_ .... Newa Review, . pleaae wrlta to Clroulatlon Kan- -.er. Newa Review, Box ea, . Greenbelt, lid. JO'I'JO. <Pleaae hicludt .tun nAIIIe, -cu . addreae, telephlllle no.) · NEW PEPCO RATES New rates for Potomac Electric Power Co.'s Maryland customers went into etlect Feb. . 20 to the m9 million rate lncreaae granted the utility Feb. 11 by the Maryland Public Ser- Commlaelon. For the averqe Maryland rell- dentlal cue1omer ualnc 8110 klle>- watt-houra the new rate• will mean an lncr- In the monthly bUI "f $1.80 over the old ratea which In- cluded a Wmporary 1urchar1e. The commlaalon had approved a tem- porary IUrch•ra-e laat September to allow PIIIPOO to recover aome of Ita hl1her Coat. while hearlnce were held on the company'a rate requei't. Sing-Aiono at: Center acbool w1ll h()ld a mualc- ln-our lchoOI oil Thura., )(arch 4, at·l:.O p.m. An open Invitation Ia extended to parenta and tile community to v1a1t Center for a procram and alq.ct.lonc with atudenu. t'H!. C. .';. CiiUNTY MaiM ...... 6 7b ::3 j /; . I 1, ,, .. ,c,JIT. ROAD Y .·. :i . MARYLAHII - ,.,_ .... Hopes .. For Greeribeft ·Metro· Statiorr· . Greeni:ielt ,llq)p011erl Of a ·Ki:TBo U. that WGUI4... n 1s near Greenbelt lbd 1114 tbe B&O raDioad ... COUl'liement from -. actlaD of tbe Prillc- Gearpl eDIIiltj __. on TueldaT, February 17. '!'be lrlept Ita..-,. opa,. the "E" llDe by favortq·two ,.,_.., · · · UotU recently, It had aenerall;p ment alre&d1 haa fadlelted It Will beep, uaumed that the original .. Adopted Reatonal System <ARS> Ill lntent&te .flmtll ,... aJipmeDt wu de&4. Thla route milked ftw *'e- roal'a · II .._ would have run aJoq 1M .u.lQ Georpa falll to lllaciMt trackl to a terminal near Oreell- .t.11amaeat Wltllaat • ...... _. belt Rd. and the BeJtwa,J, ud I_. &ad· the QaPtal wouJd have lncJucfed atatkm.• lerV- OllaiiW ...... _ ...... _ ,..,... llllr Oolltre PRk anil OrwnbeJt. 111act1..a aloq tile llaO ltillreid The GreeaWt clt:7 baa .... wiiJ 1le ... ICIIIIr ........ loq tleen Ill faWI' ot the ARB > ... tllla. at M alll(lllllellt, 8ll*laD7 with a .,_ . illil oa til loa - · mlnal lle&r Greetlbelt Raa4. Ill a "- ....... poll taken of Ule ettte.... wllo CouJIGII• " til( ... - 0 \OOted Ill the .._ber QrNDbeJt & ........ ., ......... .. electlaa, Tt pet'Cellt of tbole re- :Sent .. ltadlill' dMf;.._ ... IPIIIIdlac favored the G-wt 'lllllte a Pitnoa ..... RoacJ route. 11 JIIII'Cftt ·"Tile .._, ,._. _.. ...... and 10 peroent were Ulldeolcf!MI, At IP.=IIl till& If tiM· J111e ,.._., llida the -. ttme. percellt .c au, a ·'ftllil lit a& the I_. route, 21 pereellt f.t.\'ond, hi& J111t 1niNt diit .• and 21 peromt had no opbdaa. , t1tat o1 OIIIIMia. Vliflr tile AM o.-lleH., ............. t.lle ........... ..... But COUllty extcatlve WlnfteJd II. · r- the Dlltrlct Jllle til & P,dnee Kellt Ita revival CJeorpa l'fua ltatlan, .. ... three ftelal 110 ud COUDellman aJcar Raate ue <mut-Wcil& .,..._ Francia W. White laat pve _..,, to NOh tilt B 1r 0 · illltoM hla support to thllr route. 011 a traoka \'Ia eltber & C111f11tnio.. 11 1 vote with on11 oounollman tlaa under Roate- tlO ·or 1a ..., Fraiik CUula DPPOIIIac. thll allp- . tunnel oon.-ruetiOIII llllder . q... ment wu Ueted aa a (IC&IIbllltoy CIJapel &ad to the ....... , , of aloq ,th a State-preter,ed -u Route 1, w...,. .. the ....... welt of Ule Unlvenltf a(. K&r7- 'trllllld carve euteifT Ia eutla'-- . land campu that would ten111aate nel aOIIItrtlotlon 1011tJs cif. Alflloa near I_. and Street. . · lntei'Challp. Counofl'a deofllan to .... - tile Kelly fawn_ the GNenllilt. RoacJ · 11 &'OlD 0 tbe ,Qe1M111 lila ... tenaln• beoauae the - - ma4e 1a liD,. a. .. IJI- be 4eveJoped and beaollle a - . ao llllorma&bl wQ1 11e ....u.Me . of tax rev811ae. He l8kl that thla - .WJQTA . aould not be 4blll It the I-llllllller- . tlon 1114 w ., ..... : .. ch1111p were tbe tenaln.ua. · . u1ar ellrori•· .._ ..... --. f T- .... 11 DeiQ are aoourateJr ........ u4 .. In the caae. ot. either elirllmeDt, pultiJe ooiUniiDt haa Ilea Wll county councU Ill aaklnl for a WllaD''Itha 0ener11 'JIIIID .... , te weelr delar before -.nlttill&' It- · ........ _...__ . · · . " . 'die · · · flrlllt wli.t Ji8 out certafll IOuttnr ::U. llciW DDdenriJ, • . ..p .u pi'OIIIema lt'm laced In the 1nore . .. ana1yalt o1 . • urban!Rd areu. Nevertheleea, related Ill ee not now county lectataton Indicated that · u . . , · the coanty'a preference 11 centered · A111nM8 ._.. · on .the orlclnal AJtS al .... aent, The aecond aurn-t 110 be -.. lint mapped In 18e8 when the rapid aldered II _the .at.-preterred path rail ll)'ateill waa ooncelved. Council, that lncladel a lltatlon Ill "retaiD- at the aame time, 11 eeeklq an lac cut'' -.truot1on - Bell- lndloaUon from federal and atacie oreet 11114 Toledo lto&da 110 IIUVO sovemmenta on their wtwnan.. Jirlnce Oeorce'• PJaa,· tunat1 - to endone the oount:v 10\'0rNaent'e atructlon. l'lllllliq llllder .w.lplll I-811 allcnment throqh ·-e of the Road to a IIIICOIId et&tlon ..-.,. o1 Arrlcultural a-ch Center. Stadium Drlvor tG urve tilt u.hwr- A ftnal council dl!cllalon on whloh atty ot. Jlaryland. ·'Die allpment will be aent to General etatJoa wiU be built In Plan won't eome until early Karch. Boulevard'• medlua etrlp. 'l'lle Durlna the next two weeka, tbeD would . ....a • t.- oounty 10\'ernDUIIlt will be .Ollcltn- mlnalltatlon In the vfclnlty ol I_. Inc a deolalon from the Jlaryland and Ule c.pJta1 s.JhNI, either In Department of Tranaportatlon on tuuel ooutructloa V.. fundlna one of the General Plan ventty'• operatlac IQif count ... aUcnment atudlea. Accordlna to betWeen the Buck Uld OF current Waahlftlrton :Metropolitan Iere Park Wooda aulMihiMolll, or .\rea Tranalt Authority <WMA T A:) aerial ollllatraotlon throaP tbe · policy, one aet of General Plana U.S. Alrrfcultural ReMarch Oeotet on a •ln1le alll(llment Ia prepared further eaat The latter ·oouatruc- at the coat.. Council ea- tlon would foil- an exlattDI eer- tlmated a 1econd sot of General vice 1'014. . Plans will colt approximately OouM:v oouncll Ia detel'llllned to mlnlmbre Ketro'• Impact on Oollee The St!!'te Transportation Depart- Park Wooda and reteareh aotlvltles Bike Riders Needed Sunday, April •. baa been pro- claimed aa "ltlde a Bike for the Retarded Day". April 11 hu been desl1nated a.i the ralndate. Par- ticipants secure pled1es from spon- sors for the mllcqe they cover. The fundi collected will help the retarded citizens of :Maryland. A route in Greenbelt Ia . belna planned. For. more lntormatlon write: R!de a Bike, c/ /0 Prince Georce'a County "-latlon for Retarded Cltl&ena, 42111 - Ave., Marlow Hcl1hta,' Karyland 20081, Suite 808. or call the Ride a Bike ni'Mh•r belac conduoted on the South farm of the reaearoh center. At the aame Ume, the U.S. Depart- ment of Acrfculture and the Ns- tlonal Oapttal Plannlftlr alon muat live their okays td aerial construction throu1h the retenrch Ol'nter. . CouncUmm Alnonett, Solley, aula lind Gleildenlnl voted aplnat the I-BG &llcnment,. while Collncll-- membera Hartlove, J'ranoola, Koonce, Darlene White, Jrrancla White and Wllloll voted favorably. Franco II alone With a numbel'- of hi• coUeecue•. noted 'that .bfa vote doe1n't commit him to votlac favorably on the line In later -- slona. G.H.I. Members. A Special Meetin& ot the Board of Direotors is scheduled for Thursdaf, M:ll'dl 4, 1976 at 8 p.ln, hi the am Boi.rd' Rooi'n'; . the aubject o.f the agenda is SHEDS. I I '" '·. /'

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Page 1: Hopes .. Ne-~.~~~~ For ltws ltvitw Statiorr·greenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19760226.pdf · explained her dlllloult poal ... kit, washer, dryer, lge. ref. w/ Ice-maker. _20,000

Pqe 4

SCHOOLS cont'd from p. 1 , Stellleclre pointed out, ''Let's be­

Jin a program, and then build on IL" Superintendent C&rl Hasael abo reminded the board 'thaf a school cannot be staffed until there is an Indication of Interest by virtue of Uv&nced sign-up. "We can't em­P.,Y teachers without students." Dr. Allen Chotiner, central area lftiP8I'Intendent, noted that In ot'­

der for students to take high level IC!ence and math courses, they must have the required prerequl­llltea In junior high schooL This t;Jpe of prograin will take years to baUd up.

-1. 400 (orlglnall7 200 In the Steln­d& resoultion) spaces be reserved fcllo students wanting to transfer bt, In accordance with present board policy on transfers. (Stu­dents may transfer In to · either 1111 compreherudve or techiilcal ~ent following regular pro­oidune,)

6. The lloaDcJarlel lor lleUor RcaeTelt Senior lllgh will be ten· tatlveJy tbole In Plan n of the Saperintendent'a revised propoaal of January 29, 18'16. (Thla means tbat aome 8118 10th and lJlth srade ltu~ preeent17· attending DuVal, an.d Parkdale Including Greenbelt atudenta would be ICD­daled to attend Eleanor Roosevelt all&t ;rear,) .

1. Another public hearing wiD be be1d, (on February 211) after proper noWication of cltiaena In· eluded In the SuperintendeM'a or­flrlnal boundary propoaaL The El· _, Rooeevelt boundary may be ..sJuate4 to Include more atudenta after that public lleariJI&,

The m~ ended at 10:30 p.m. J!lleanor Rooaevelt IIChool concept wu the only Item d!Jcuaaed on a long apnda. But both the board &ad the audience breathed a algh of relief, packed up and went home. .._,.._.

After the meetlna the Greenbelt dty council and civic leaders ex· preued their general aatlsfactlon With the outcome.. 'Die city had tabn the poeltlon that the aohool lbould open In September 1878 ·aa a comprehenalve school with ftxed boundaries with an eveMual tech· nlcal component. The oouncll wu ~ oppoaed to open enroll· Jnent.

Pl!bllc preaaure had been build­lac · up on the achool board all week to reaolve the lalue. N-a­paper acoounta ot the prev!OUII llll!etlng of Jan. 29 appea.rlac In tile WMIIIIIctea ._. &ad the Prlaee CJewaoft fiJeaMIIIII were un· llatterlng to the board'• pollcy·lllll­ldng &bllltlea.

llemben of tbe State delegation to Annapolla exp..-ed th.elr con­cern. Del ~ DIJ\'Un wrote:

"' lilian the ·c1eep 0011cern of the elecSed IIIOYei'IIJIIeDt ot u.. Qty of Greenbelt, clYU leaden u4 rirfu~ · ~ all of the cltiaena of that clty -'Out three din ~ wtdah eei!llljult over .......... :

"a. Upplac of tbe ~ b&llnce In -raJ achoola; ·

"b. the coat of open eaiollment

•e. the cbaoa which wiD lnevl­tabb' reault from tbe continuation Of a "ao pollcJ" atUtude on the part ot the achool ~·

Stata Senator Edward T. Cmuoy uepd the boly'd ''to make a llnal d~W~nh!atlon ~t aa to w1lo .... 1 ettand Roolevell Rllb SchooL lll). the veey leaaf, llna1 boulldarl• iiound the comprehenalve porUon #if Roosevelt need to be decided. it the ataft' wiU have time to pre­JPre for a 1111ooth opelllac." ·;Delep.te Leo Greta nltenlted ... plea for opealq the IIChool Oil lchedule In september &ad Del-

r.Lorralne M. Sheehan. re­~~.&j!III.W,haa

10pporttr ot· llilar4'l poll­cte.. explained her dlllloult poal­t.lon: "We ct.JIIIIIt • tllat we aataat lfve local bot.rda more &ll~y onr conatructlon of aohoola If a lllud new aohool ~: ~- .... -..use of the board'&.-..·~ lllake a declalon." . · ' ; ·

County councilman Frank P. Ca­llUla ..., urpl the ~ board ........ .....,. ............. lila, •. " Clllilt.lontd. · "laftdlllty 00111pftoete UJt' ~ Ja• •w & need to open RooeeYelt Rip u • -~ llllll II!Jiool wttll .. ~ ........... ~. IJa ~eid.1t die .w .. ,. .. ...., te.opea .. doalillll .... ........ Oolaa~ 0011" ............ ....................... ( a ...

Thursday, February 19, 1976

cnei.nbelt Vlewa llurlel Wetdenfelcl, chairman of

Greenbelt CWsena for Eleanor Roosevelt, uf'llld the board to rlae above any parochial views. ''It Ia understs.ndable." 'alie said, "that board members who are elected, aa you are, from districts are under pressure to take a parochial view. Nevertheless, your combined respon­slbiUty Is to administer the 11)'1-tem as a whole and to act to In· sure the best lnterrtts of educa• tlon for .the entire county."

Another civic group to push hard for plnn!ng down. the concept or Eleanor Roosevelt waa the Greenbelt Center School PTA. "The Board must conalder all the stud· enta 'In Prince George's County and open this new school on time, with fixed boundaries, 6Dd with a atrona compreherudve program .•.. Other concepts for the echool. whe­ther they be curriculum or student population, are not poa.tlble at this late date without Irreparable dam· 11111 to those atudenta who wiU cel'­taln)J attend the aohoo1 • • Kan:v odaer IIChool8 In the county can benellt from l'tooaevelt'a prompt openJna. But Rooaevelt muat open with a clear, weD-plan· 11ed concept and a· au!lkent popula· tlon. The quality of Ita education cannot be compromised by unclear, Qllplalllled, untested concepti which are 'llow belq thruat Into Ita ldm· tlty."

Chili Dinner The Howatt Kethodlat Adult

J'ellOWIIhlp will $0ntOr a chill dinner, Sat., Feb 21, from • to 8 p.m. Advance tlcketa are available. Call Shirley Pitcher, '74-70M.

GREENBJ!lLT: BUY OF '1\Hlll WIEJ!lK: $211,1100.

2 Beclroolll . ~d Den Studio Style ToWllboule With 2 large Beclrooma ud attllched P.· race. Remodeled JatCilen with Waaber, Dryer, d~ A!r Condltllllllq Wall to wall car­peting all Included In thla Prl· ced Rl&ht Townhouae. Walk to aboppina, TNnaportatlon, and Elementary School,

Abo 1 BeclrOolll ZD4 Frame· Town· ma.. Ia 'IIUOdlld - with laqe patio In larp backyard. Thla TG'trlllloule II belac aoJ4 below appralaed price nD,OOO. ao.e to Olater,

Need more IOOIIl? 2 iBedroom lllnd Jl'rame Townhouae with addltiMI. Bellina for Apprala­ed price ns.eiJO. Jl'or the Sale Price ol t:J,8,000. A I ~ JCad .rra­~ with home beclred up to Waoy. Interior tre.h· ly painted. l!lxterlor t!» be painted lly llllllen, A muat to aee.

An exoaUent buy of t:l .. OOO. for this 2 Bedroom ~ In quiet court with the picket fence you have dreamed a• bout w. haft • W'OIIdllrful ...... tlon of a Bedroom ll'nlme To~ • End or lnlddle unltl Raaonabb' ptlced, Come In to aee one of our ex­perl~nced .1&1.111J180Ple who will allow yoll' these homes 1111d tell :vou.how much caah you would need to pul'lfaaae one of theae homee 'l1here are no aetUe­ment ·f-. ll'laallolnl' II av•. allable. Call now. We ar. ·~

.,.,..,....,.. I.

a Bedroom MMoney and Brick TuwallcluMe elole to the Center are avaHahle to be ahown now. Pleaae call for an &IJPOin--.

-We aell * Gteenbelt Town· houaea qutckb'. It 700 are In· teNited to Mb your home, 11&11 Ill tia4 .. aC ....... people will oome to JOUr hoale to .u.ou. .. .... .... .,_ 1'ownlloule. If :rou .,. looldlll for • llome,

i:r:l ':l'J'W := bollltol,_, .....


The bid opening date for ibis purchase has been postponed

from February. 26, 1976 to March 11, 1976 at 2:00 P.M. Speci­

fications may be obtained at the City Manager's office, 25

Crescent Road.

Greenbeh Carry-out I'BOTIXlT YOUR 'llAIILJI WlTII A OOLDilN lOll L&BilL

Sat. & Sun.· Royal Steak Sub --·-·----85c-Specials for the week ·

Carton Drinks • 16 oz. orange, grape, 7-up, Sugar Free 7·up, Sugar Free Dr. Pepper 12 oz., only 99c a carton. Coca Cola or RC • $1.19 a carton

107 CENTIRWAY 474-4998


Hamilton Place o-llelt, 1llai7IIDIJ

OFI'ICJE ()l'lgN 'f DAYS A WEEil

We have an aceUent selection ot. 1, 2 A 8 bed-­room propertl• from which )'011 oan 1elect your nezt home! ·

For a atatter hoille - we have llatlid a lovely aecond ftoor, one bedroom frame apartment -owner wllllnc to neaottate on bla price - can be occiJ)IIed almott tmmedtately!

Now that you're started In that rental apartment paylnc rental payments and accumulatlna rent teoelpta - why not pul'Chaae a two bedroom towD­holllle r Put your hard-earned dollara to work and buy now! Thla two-bed-. eorner frame home for ns.ooo haa many nloe Improvements plua an excellent ~Urroundlnc area.

Outgrown your preaent r•ldence? We have juat the type houae you need nest . . . 8 cood lllled bedroome and bath on aec. lloor .•. ·and a

. fuiHIIed llvlnl room; · aeparate dlnlnc room, kitchen• nicely equipped, \i bath ·on 1st floor, pJ1111, added room 8J!d otlaer Jmprovementa throqh­out - ezcellmt loc&tton; $82,000.00 Karch occ.


FOR INJ'OIUIATION CALL NOW ... 4'f .... 181 47~ .7.....W

:Mary m. Dixon,' Broker

SPICW.· Introductory Prices OUr New location

"Let the hltwcry Put You In Orbit'' 'l'ht> ANn ~ alld 11.- (lomplete AM<J 8ervlee Dept.

'76 GREMLIN$ $50 '76 PACER $4089 W...aalnlltoa'• ~ with air at no acldltlonaJ oVer J!'aolorJ ~voice coet

<Ftm 111 Bolt!> Auto., 2158 eqlne, p.s., AX

'7~.MATADOR $3717 2158' Jil\llne, ·auto., p.a., AM raclla, . whltewaila

1'1111 price delivered <211 x.tA4on In Stock to

choae from>

radio, wheel covera, Full prloe delivered

(M Pacen In Stock to Chooae From)

'76 sPORTAIOUT <811 Sportallouta In 1tock

to chooae from)

$3526 fuU price delivered "* 1-. Jle&dquuten

'76 Jftp CJ5 $4199 Rear bilmperettea, .Sde · view mirror~~- dra_w bar

and avbur~~aaettel full price deUvered

AJ(C BU,er Pr~>tectlon· 1

UG Jeepa In !!took to · Plan t Chooae From)



. BOlE IOMIENTS OPEN HOUSE! From 1 'tU I this Sunday at 4--H Crescent • Road Greenbelt Be aure to -this Larre End home wtth at­tached garage. Completely re­modeled kit and bath with many appliances In excellent condi­tion. New wood cablneta tn kit, washer, dryer, lge. ref. w/ Ice-maker. _20,000 BTU A/C pllD other extraa. Don't confuae thlll home with a amaller home. 'l'hla one haa the ¥r. and lllra. c!Oaeta In muter BR plua larger LR and Din. Rm. Oame one -all If you - -.led In )'OUr present Greerrbelt Home. ThiJ wiD be the move Of your life­time! Clote to Center School, Greenbelt Library, and Shopplac · at the Greenbelt KaiL To top It off, there II a larce end yard P8,1100.· tADWooor oPiN ko'VBii 1 'til D Sundq 2 Oranae Court. We have one of the veey llneet homes In Lakewood with VA ap­pralaal ordered. U ;y,ou buy thlll one you wtll have INDEPEM­OENCI!I HALL under your 1111-certlpl. - Here It Ia! • BR I batha (one off master BR) aep. din. rm. An absolutely Incom­parable rec. room With BAR alona with a fuJI:v Improved blmt Of COIU'Ie It haa CAC and a fabulous yard. All of tbll In top-notch condition! Man, other Improvement; to nlimerout to mention. Thla home haa a Jarce addlton that Is quaUty bunt! So, do not walt, buy 110'111' tcl9,000. Choice of tei'IDL PIWlffiS UdAfiiWI' til would jump at tbe opportunity to bll( tbls 2 BR CAC . 1200 square 'ft. condo In' G~nbrl&r. Can be bought with aaaumptlon terma. No new Joan to cet. Look at t1tue dlmenalonal LR lbl.U, DR 12x1U, kit. lO.Sx&e, Muter BR 111.1x11.8 With walk-In e~IOiet Ux7, 2nd BR 12.8xl1, ~o bathl, Family Room 11.8x10. Waaher, dryer, dlapoaer, dllhwaaher, pllD W /W carpetlnc. IJDmeclate oc­CIJ)Iancy! $83,900. U you think your place Ia larae you should aee thle one today. C&ll ~ 2151 ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT. litlTTON, BiiTfON, WiiOIIM tbe GulneU to elgn up for thlll fabulous 1 BR apartment with

\ many Improvement. that lnolude a waaher 1 .yr. old plua W/W oarpet throuch-out. P~t dinette. F,.ly painted and II on the END w!th private en­trance.. Yard with wooda Ill baoJL Juat. rllht ~ Ule alacle and! or the bellnnlnl llllll'l:lada or Kom and/or Dad.. Juat rllbt for you and youn! Call Mli-2151 anytime day or nl1ht for this barp.!Ji at $11,800.


diiXBtE8 tJXBk6tL OF CU: ROLLTON . would be proud to 111(11 on the· deClaration to buy thla line 8 BR 114o bath CAC home In Carrollton with all of the . appllan0811 .' you ciould wlah for. Waaher, dryer, dlahWIIIh­er, plus W /W carp. Fabulous rec. room! All for U8,000. WYrHE ALL THE QUJ!lSTIONI GllORGE! You should- this perfect 2 BR home with many line lmprovementa, that Include F/F ref. 2 yean old, wuher, 2 A/C:. W tW carpet throucll­out. Floodltgh~ In back; woodl In back for quiet planround for your children. Pmta. $1110. after (Je. dwn. pmt. $18,800 ap­pr&!led price. IF YOU DO~~nT~.~ .. ~P~A~CA"''''E"-­NOUQH MONEY TO BUY THF. FIRST ONE Wll.J..tAM. sec thl• 2 BR mND frame home with not so many Improvements but 11 well worth the money. ,u,ooo.

. SAMUEl, WILL uCilA!IE" you, a long wny' t<> buv h home of this calibre for this price. s~· tl!la rancher with eat-In kit. pllaa mAny 'Other lmptOYIIIDenta. nev Greenbelt · .-.1100.

IASIIINC., ~TORS · ·1haiY ....... IIWe ...... ,\\Ill,





Volume 39, Number 15 GREENBELT; MARYLAND 'lbursday, Tebruary 26, 1976

·citr Coa1eil Departs From B·ate• ·lnil, Bat Pro¥81 E•tertaiai•c



Monday, Man:h I, 1976


hy Rob MeGee .

' U you haven't done so lately, you re&lly ought to make- a point of turning out for one of the regular meetings of your Greenbelt City Council. They are generally interesting, enter­taining, therapeutic-its amazing the amount of steam that;s let ott 8lld ""~~ educational. For instance, did you lmow that there's an old •Indian burial ground somewhere over on the "Golden Triangle"? Or that dog turds (perhaps "t~· Is more descrip­tively apt) constitutes Greenbelt's biggest pollution problem? Oh yes, I learned all of that at the regular meeting for Monday, February 23-and lots more-like what's happening with the housing tor the elderly project, and whether or nOt to have a Bicentennial Trail. · · -


L Call .. Qrcfer '

2. Rail Call

a. Kedlaatlola PWp ol Mitii•Me to tilt.,..

The Indian burial around lnfor· 11111Uon came out In a fairly heated dllculalon centertna on a propoa­al 117 the Greenbel£ Bicentennial Ooaunlttee to build a hlatorlcal path, appropriately 11111rked, which wuald ldeDilfy vartoua lanclmarka of Greenbelt aa one of tile lint planned oommunJUee In the Unl· ted state.. The heat aroae, ~uae Jlll't ot the trail would 1r0 tbrouah :lfaplewooo Oourt and . man:v real­cJag of Lakeelde ·oould not aee wbere tlw.t atrlotly residential area had &eythlng to do. With hlatory ucf Wby It llllould be subjected to a Jot of outalde tralllc.

VIola . Keer didn't think that there wu an:vthlll&' all that hlator­la.l to mark, except the burial IJOU!Id. and Georre Loutach thuuaht lilat It would not be of Juttna bene!lt and the markers would be aubject to vandalism. "'f :vou lnalet· on ependlll&' money," .he 11!1\. .......... It tl!t IlK up tile pjO. atouncl the lAke and plant

· a ,_ of U.. In the park 110

t11ere wm be -•thine or 1aat1ac wlue to the reetdenta of Green· iNit."

Waver oli Trail The whole matter waa turned

back to the Bicentennial Commit­tee for a revleed llfCII*&I, atter & -.ocillll ll7 OOUIICIIman Richard Oaataldl - to carry out a •hor· tar, IIIOdl!led vendon of the trail

· - 1oat by voice vote. -Oaataldl and X.,W Weldenfeld favored a oom­praaalae veraton that would not e&I'I'J' the trail throqh the Lake­~de area. Councilmen Charles lchwan lAd TlloiiiiU Wblte sup­ported the orlgl"al propoeal, and oouncllman Richard Pllskl was op­poaed to the concept In any form.

Animal Wuta The animal ~ proltlem,

wbloh waa ralaed aa a reault of the Park and Recreation Advlaory Board Report 1-78 for a leaah law and more Intensive enforcement, wu rraphlcally Illustrated by Wil­liam Clarke. He stated that Green­belt dop, alone, depoalted over 300 tons of feces In the course of a year, and that much of th11 was In play areaa used by little chi!· dren, wtlere the pooslblllty for dls­eue tl'61lamlulon waa heightened.

Numerous people In the audience spolcc of their frustrations with free roaming animals and with their Inability to cet any aatlsfac­tlon under the · preaent atatu!es. The crucial problem seems to ·be that one muat pre~~~ char~r•s aa­aln•t the dog bwncr, who Is likely to be a nelfhbor, and people are reluctant to do this. Other mea­au.-. auch as re)ylnc on the doa- · . catcher or pollee do not aeem to be aatlafactory.

Council requested the city man­ager, James Gleae, and the city eo­lloltor to dmw up a propoaed or­Mnallce enoompiiUIInr the PRAB reodmmendationa. ·

lloullq' tor the JJ:Ideltf An admlnlltfatlve report waa

p,_..ttid by Giese on prorreu on the ~ItT• atudy on houatna for tbe

, .a..Jy. He reported that tile State 11114 Prince Georcea aouney are re­qlllltlq the Department of Houa• 1111 and Urban Development (lltJ'D) to allocate tile 100 -unlta to the

State of :Maryland for admlnlatra· tlon of the program'. thua almpll­f71nlr the procedjare for allocating the unlta to Greenbelt. When thla Is done the city will have time to llle a preliminary application. The city · alao entered Into a ooopera­tlve arranpment With the Unlvel'­alty of· llaryland School of Archi­tecture to undertake feaatblllty atudlea and atudlee of alternate altea aa c~111 projecta.

A tMm of upper level claaameu, under Profeeeor Mavll, haa com· pleted theee atudles, p111pared a report whldl waa pNiented to council and variOUII members of the teaiD made verbal presents· tiona at the meet1n1. The Unlver­alty of Maryland atudenta drew·

•. lllnutee of Recular Keet­lac of February 28, 11171

S.~to~ll7 Ooanollmen 8J!d llanaa'er


e. Petltlo111 &ad ReQueata

T. Aclmlnlltratlve Reporta -·

I.Commlltle ....


9. A Reeolutlon to Tranafer Fundll Within Depart­~ent. - saoo Elecond ReadJnir .I

10. Jarcee Club Hollft Leaae

accolades from V&rloua IDembers · of council and the audience for tbe :W. NEW ~ . · thoroqhneaa with wlleh thOJ re-IHrched the project aa web aa V. ~liS ... for the obv!OUII penon&;~ IIIMrelt .

:ee~~~e~:W:: :a ·~-:r::-:t: 'Laaitnli_. t'GtOIIect Tu · comlnunlty pnerally.

Under the proddlac ol council· By an 8-1 vote, County Council man Pllakl and members of the enaotecl emerpnq Jeclllatlon re­audlence who participated 'In de- q ulrlnl landlords to make .t. "10011 veloplng a petition to 1 put this faith effort'' at colleotlna the con­matter to referendum, eouneU de- trcweralal two pe~"C~~nt tax from clded to bold a aPeolal work sea- their tenanta. CB-28 requlrea •lon on Wednesday, March 3, to landlorda to ahow the)' have notl­come to eomo dellnlte declalon ae fled all tenants ot their obllptlon to where It Ia and ahould be go- to-. pay tbe tax, and of their de-Ina With thle project. Unquent tax blll. At the aame

Other Hatten time, l1111dlorda muat try to cet In other ttema of Interest. coun _ tcnanta unw.llUntr to pay the tax

ell authodsed uae of public land to declare their declalon.

areaa adjacent to the Municipal The bill becomea effective lliune­Servloe Bulldlna and . the old city dlately upon Executive algnature landllll for &arden plota for anoth- and prollably will have Ita ftrat teit er :vear under supervlalon of the with renta collected Ia March. A Greenbelt Garden Club. 'lbey ac· majority of county tenanta haven't cepted $338.110 donated to the City been paylna the tax and, In aome for the purchase of equipment for caaea, landlords· have been holdln1 the Sprln&hlll .Lake Recreation Center, the remaining lunda In the the till< checlu for months before treaaury of the Springhill Lake forwardlnc them to the county. Civic Auoclatlon which has db- CB-21 levlea a penalty on land­banded. lords who don't remit the tax· to

Council alao went on record as the county monthly. oppoalng Maryland Senate bill SB fllO which provides for uniform etatewlde building codes, but wan­ted to make It clear that they were not opposed to .the application of a state code to areas not presently ly covered by a code, but opposed the State preemptlni any exletlni codes, because, generally, the ntan­darda for Pr!nce Georges ·county would be higher than could be In­cluded In any statewide rr~tuln­tlons.

In Greenbelt Nat1 Park N&turtl Hllree '

Feb. 28 - 1 ~.m. - Camp1round Entrance Station.

Feb. Ill - 1 p.m. - Dcawood Na­ture Trail.

NEWS REVIEW CARRIERS Girl• and bOya wlahlnc to

aerve aa subetltute carrlera for the G_.... Newa Review, . pleaae wrlta to Clroulatlon Kan­-.er. '~ Newa Review, Box ea, . Greenbelt, lid. JO'I'JO. <Pleaae hicludt .tun nAIIIe, -cu . addreae, telephlllle no.) ·

NEW PEPCO RATES New ~l•ctrlc rates for Potomac

Electric Power Co.'s Maryland customers went into etlect Feb.

. 20 to reft~ct the m9 million rate lncreaae granted the utility Feb. 11 by the Maryland Public Ser­vic~ Commlaelon.

For the averqe Maryland rell­dentlal cue1omer ualnc 8110 klle>­watt-houra the new rate• will mean an lncr- In the monthly bUI "f $1.80 over the old ratea which In­cluded a Wmporary 1urchar1e. The commlaalon had approved a tem­porary IUrch•ra-e laat September to allow PIIIPOO to recover aome of Ita hl1her Coat. while hearlnce were held on the company'a rate lncre~ requei't.

Sing-Aiono at: Center Cen~r acbool w1ll h()ld a mualc­

ln-our lchoOI d~ oil Thura., )(arch 4, at·l:.O p.m. An open Invitation Ia extended to parenta and tile community to v1a1t Center for a procram and alq.ct.lonc with th~ atudenu.

t'H!. C. :;-~.;.<:\ .';. CiiUNTY MaiM ...... ·~ 6 7b G~(· ::3 j :j~~ilCH /; . I

1, ,, .. ,c,JIT. ROAD Y .·. :i . ~~~~HB£1.1, MARYLAHII - ,.,_ ....

Hopes .. Ne-~.~~~~ For -~ Greeribeft ·Metro· Statiorr·

. Greeni:ielt ,llq)p011erl Of a ·Ki:TBo U. that WGUI4... n 1s near Greenbelt lbd 1114 tbe B&O raDioad &neb.~ ... COUl'liement from -. actlaD of tbe Prillc- Gearpl eDIIiltj __. on TueldaT, February 17. '!'be ~ lrlept Ita..-,. opa,. the "E" llDe by favortq·two ,.,_.., · · ·

UotU recently, It had aenerall;p ment alre&d1 haa fadlelted It Will beep, uaumed that the original ~lthhold app~ .. ~ Adopted Reatonal System <ARS> Ill lntent&te ~ .flmtll ,... aJipmeDt wu de&4. Thla route milked ftw *'e- roal'a · II .._ would have run aJoq 1M .u.lQ Georpa Coon~ falll to lllaciMt • trackl to a terminal near Oreell- .t.11amaeat Wltllaat • ......_. • belt Rd. and the BeJtwa,J, ud I_. &ad· the QaPtal ~· wouJd have lncJucfed atatkm.• lerV- OllaiiW ......_ ......_ ,..,... llllr Oolltre PRk anil OrwnbeJt. 111act1..a aloq tile llaO ltillreid

The GreeaWt clt:7 ·-u~ baa .... wiiJ 1le ... ICIIIIr ........ loq tleen Ill faWI' ot the ARB > ... tllla. at ~ M alll(lllllellt, 8ll*laD7 with a .,_ . illil oa til loa - · mlnal lle&r Greetlbelt Raa4. Ill a "-~ ....... poll taken of Ule ettte.... wllo CouJIGII• ~ " til( ... -

0 \OOted Ill the .._ber QrNDbeJt & ........ ., ......... ..

electlaa, Tt pet'Cellt of tbole re- :Sent .. ltadlill' dMf;.._ ... IPIIIIdlac favored the G-wt 'lllllte a Pitnoa .~ ..... RoacJ route. 11 JIIII'Cftt ~ ·"Tile .._, ,._. _.. ...... and 10 peroent were Ulldeolcf!MI, At IP.=IIl till& If tiM· J111e ,.._., llida the -. ttme. • percellt opa-ec~ .c au, a ·'ftllil lit ~ a& the I_. route, 21 pereellt f.t.\'ond, hi& ~ J111t 1niNt diit .• and 21 peromt had no opbdaa. , t1tat o1 OIIIIMia. Vliflr tile AM o.-lleH.,............. ~ t.lle ........... .....

But COUllty extcatlve WlnfteJd II. · r- the Dlltrlct Jllle til & P,dnee Kellt ~ Ita revival CJeorpa l'fua ltatlan, .. ... three ftelal 110 ud COUDellman aJcar Raate ue <mut-Wcil& .,..._ Francia W. White laat ~eek pve _..,, to NOh tilt B 1r 0 · illltoM hla support to thllr route. 011 a traoka \'Ia eltber & ~ C111f11tnio.. 11 ·~. 1 vote with on11 oounollman tlaa under Roate- tlO ·or 1a ..., Fraiik CUula DPPOIIIac. thll allp- . tunnel oon.-ruetiOIII llllder . q... ment wu Ueted aa a (IC&IIbllltoy CIJapel &ad to the ......., , of aloq ,th a State-preter,ed -u Route 1, w...,. .. the ....... welt of Ule Unlvenltf a(. K&r7- 'trllllld carve euteifT Ia eutla'--

. land campu that would ten111aate nel aOIIItrtlotlon 1011tJs cif. Alflloa near I_. and ~ Capltal1te~ Street. . · lntei'Challp. Counofl'a deofllan to ....- tile

Kelly fawn_ the GNenllilt. RoacJ · 11 &'OlD 0 tbe ,Qe1M111 lila ... tenaln• beoauae the - ~ - ma4e 1a liD,. a. .. IJI­be 4eveJoped and beaollle a - . ao llllorma&bl wQ1 11e ....u.Me . of tax rev811ae. He l8kl that thla - .WJQTA ~.......,

. aould not be 4blll It the I-llllllller- . tlon 1114 ~.-. w .,.....: .. ch1111p were tbe tenaln.ua. · . u1ar ellrori•· .._..... --. f

T-....11 DeiQ are aoourateJr ........ u4 .. In the caae. ot. either elirllmeDt, pultiJe ooiUniiDt haa Ilea Wll

county councU Ill aaklnl for a tw~ WllaD''Itha 0ener11 'JIIIID ...., te weelr delar before -.nlttill&' It- · ........ _...__ . · ·

~fa:.:n~ ~~~~~ . m:;~:~·, " . 'die ARS~t...-.; ~ · · · .:C:l..~- flrlllt

wli.t Ji8 wo~. out certafll IOuttnr ::U. llciW DDdenriJ, • . ..p .u pi'OIIIema lt'm laced In the 1nore . .. ana1yalt o1 ~~me~* . • urban!Rd areu. Nevertheleea, related Ill ee not now ~ county lectataton Indicated that · u . . , · the coanty'a preference 11 centered · A111nM8 ._.. · on .the orlclnal AJtS al .... aent, The aecond aurn-t 110 be -.. lint mapped In 18e8 when the rapid aldered II _the .at.-preterred path rail ll)'ateill waa ooncelved. Council, that lncladel a lltatlon Ill "retaiD­at the aame time, 11 eeeklq an lac cut'' -.truot1on - Bell­lndloaUon from federal and atacie oreet 11114 Toledo lto&da 110 IIUVO sovemmenta on their wtwnan.. Jirlnce Oeorce'• PJaa,· tunat1 -to endone the oount:v 10\'0rNaent'e atructlon. l'lllllliq llllder .w.lplll I-811 allcnment throqh ·-e of the Road to a IIIICOIId et&tlon ..-.,. o1 Arrlcultural a-ch Center. Stadium Drlvor tG urve tilt u.hwr-

A ftnal council dl!cllalon on whloh atty ot. Jlaryland. ·'Die ~ allpment will be aent to General etatJoa wiU be built In Unlwn~Q' Plan won't eome until early Karch. Boulevard'• medlua etrlp. 'l'lle

Durlna the next two weeka, ~ tbeD would . ....a • t.­oounty 10\'ernDUIIlt will be .Ollcltn- mlnalltatlon In the vfclnlty ol I_. Inc a deolalon from the Jlaryland and Ule c.pJta1 s.JhNI, either In Department of Tranaportatlon on tuuel ooutructloa ~the V.. fundlna one of the General Plan ventty'• operatlac IQif count ... aUcnment atudlea. Accordlna to betWeen the Buck ~ Uld OF current Waahlftlrton :Metropolitan Iere Park Wooda aulMihiMolll, or .\rea Tranalt Authority <WMA T A:) aerial ollllatraotlon throaP tbe · policy, one aet of General Plana U.S. Alrrfcultural ReMarch Oeotet on a •ln1le alll(llment Ia prepared further eaat The latter · oouatruc­at the ayatem·~ coat.. Council ea- tlon would foil- an exlattDI eer­tlmated a 1econd sot of General vice 1'014. . Plans will colt approximately OouM:v oouncll Ia detel'llllned to ~4110,000--$800,000. mlnlmbre Ketro'• Impact on Oollee

The St!!'te Transportation Depart- Park Wooda and reteareh aotlvltles

Bike Riders Needed Sunday, April •. baa been pro­

claimed aa "ltlde a Bike for the Retarded Day". April 11 hu been desl1nated a.i the ralndate. Par­ticipants secure pled1es from spon­sors for the mllcqe they cover. The fundi collected will help the retarded citizens of :Maryland. A route in Greenbelt Ia . belna planned. For. more lntormatlon write: R!de a Bike, c/ /0 Prince Georce'a County "-latlon for Retarded Cltl&ena, 42111 - Ave., Marlow Hcl1hta,' Karyland 20081, Suite 808. or call the Ride a Bike ni'Mh•r 4?!1-~110.

belac conduoted on the South farm of the reaearoh center. At the aame Ume, the U.S. Depart­ment of Acrfculture and the Ns­tlonal Oapttal Plannlftlr ~la­alon muat live their okays td aerial construction throu1h the retenrch Ol'nter. .

CouncUmm Alnonett, Solley, ~ aula lind Gleildenlnl voted aplnat the I-BG &llcnment,. while Collncll-­membera Hartlove, J'ranoola, Koonce, Darlene White, Jrrancla White and Wllloll voted favorably. Franco II alone With a numbel'- of hi• coUeecue•. noted 'that .bfa ·~· vote doe1n't commit him to votlac favorably on the line In later -­slona.

G.H.I. Members. A Special Meetin& ot the Board of Direotors is scheduled for

Thursdaf, M:ll'dl 4, 1976 at 8 p.ln, hi the am Boi.rd' Rooi'n'; .

the aubject o.f the agenda is SHEDS.

I I '" '·.


Page 2: Hopes .. Ne-~.~~~~ For ltws ltvitw Statiorr·greenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19760226.pdf · explained her dlllloult poal ... kit, washer, dryer, lge. ref. w/ Ice-maker. _20,000

Page 2

Potential Conflagration To the~:

... you ain't seen nothlni yet! ...

. . until you see the 11aoke 81ld steam rlalng from the state • Senate II:Jis In Annapolll.

The propoeed State Senate Bill 160, IJ!troduced by Senator Levi­tan <ilontcomei"J County) 18 the prime cauae of the poteuilal con­dN"ration.

Thl8 conllacratlon Ia beiJ!g at­tacked In Ita Incipiency b7 joint etforta of all lire aerrice orcanba­tiona In the state to defeat thl8 bill at the committee level and before it gets to the Ooor of the State Legislature.

Only one single benefit has come from thla poorly conceived bill; It has unified the Fire Pre­Vention, Fire Protection and Fire Suppression forces (both paid & \'oluntcerl into a singular team effort to e><tingulsh this highly hazardous piece of legislation.

This Bill, If adoptl.'d, would or eould: - -

1. Establish a 15 man !appointed by the Govemorl council to devel­ep and administer a Uniform State­wide Building Code which Includes atructural, electrical, mechanical and plumbiJ!g provl81ona.

2. Pi!H!mpt existing and more adeqUate codea such as In Prince Georp'a, :Mont10mei"J and In the larcer majority of all counties In the atate.

~- R"'Julre these counties to re­<luce their present life-safety codee 10 a 1tate le\'el.

4. Neaate any county or local municipality action to lltrensthen their building, fire, electric and plumblq codea.

6. Neaate present requirements for automatic aprlnklera, Ore de­t.ectlon and alarm syatems In nura­IJ!g homea, public bouaiJ!g and schoola u well u requirements for proridlng smoke detectors In dwei­JIDp.

e. Allow a "proponent" to preaent bll own veralon of technical data to thla Council; not neceuarily data provided- by a widely recog­nized testing authority.

T. Kake Ineffectual, many ezlst­Jnr lire prevention and inlpectlou .alclals In code entoi'Celllent by placing enforcement under a Building Depaltment.

8. m.tab11lh another bureau with­In t, bureau at atate level to dupli­cate eslltilllr code enforcement and amendment procedurea.

1. Provide for code violations to ~ the ollender a mere (JDW­meanor l $GOO - too cheep a price 1o IJDpose for a license to kill . . .

We urp you to contact your IIUite Jegillatlve representative and help .JOUr Fire Servtcea In the eatiD­gulabment of thl8 potential Ufe­aafety and ftre basanl


&ern llwi•& Ce11111 lllaator lldward T. Conroy

Q).a p .0.) IIIIJI01IJIC8CI a potter oaBtut aponiOI'ed 111 the Mary· Jall4 J11DerD PolloJ Ollce for pub­lo lltmmtal')',, jualor 111111 and -lllor lllch 80IIool lltll4entl tJuouCh­eut Mt,l')'land The theme of the -t.lt 18 _..,. aonaenUIOD In aD areu • lnllln-. inCIUiti"J, real· -ual, ~etc.

PrbM .tn · be awarded to lint 8114 1100114 piMe wlliDeN ~ tiM. ...... tarJ. junior ta~~~.·-s .... IDr hiP CllteiOrleL A tiiO •Yilllr' ..- will ro to tile. tnt plaoe wblnenl 8114 • • ....... b<md .............. tlilt-t ol tu11 will be a..rde4 aa a puul prise to the beat entl')' -a

P'or additional Information ple&lit toll the MUJiand Jllllel'IJ PoUC, ... • (toll flw) I .... -·


. Donahue - Hillier Evelyn Marie Donahue, daugb·

lcr of Mr. and llrs. William E. Donahue of Greenbelt, and Henry Dale Hillier, son of Mr. and Mnt. James Crouch were married on Saturday, February 14 at Our Lady of Pearl Harbor Chapel, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The couple will reside In Hawaii. ·

Lutheran Church C~ncert The Choir of Concordia College,

Ann Arbor, Michigan, will pretent :< concert at Holy Croaa Lutheran Church on Thursday, Karch 4, at 8 p.m. Music from the 18th century through early American compaaers will be featured. A freewiU offer­ing will be received; The publlc Is Invited.

Holy Cross Lathem Church - a.-bel& Rd.

Wonhtp Men .....


•=• ud n:1a A.M.

!'lunda, SMool liM A.M. ·

W~ NUMQ .......

... - 11111 A.M.

.............. 11 Edward 0. ~. f'IIMw

Thursday, February 26, 1976

Community Support Praised To thP Editor:

I ·"l.St wePk's News ~vl~w repor· ted .that the School Board had On· ally reached a decision on Eleanor Roosevelt High School~ It will be a comprehensive school with a tech­nical component and fixed bound­aries.

I ho~ all residents realize bow much effort, bow much time, how much careful research on the part of a handful of citizens contributed to this happy outcome. In partlcu· Iar Muriel Weldenfeld and Elaine ~kolnlk worked to the utmost. Ms. Weidenfeld spoke before the Board no Jess than elgbt Umea urging a sensible sofution to the probleQa, one that would. meet the needs of the County's youth. not merely the demands of a small prellaure group.

W r should also · be grateful to the News R<Mew reporters, partic­ularly Mary Lou Williamson, llar­bara Llkowskl, & Sandra Barnes, who stayed so late at so many meetings, attending again and a­gain, driving forth In sleet, pound ing rain, and cold to give Green· belt some Idea of the temper of the Innumerable Board mee!lngs and of the actions of the Board.

Finally as a teacher elnce 1949. I would like to suggest to all cltl· zens that any teacher Is grateful fM community support. If the cit­izens demand a good school with high standards not only of scholar­ship but also of behavior. If they demand a school that Is to strive for excellence and not just fulfill· merit of State requirements for graduation, they will be able to help get that school. Teachers and supportln' ·stair can't do It alrln~ without community support. I would hope that Eleanor Roose­velt wiD live up to Its name and give Its future students extraor· diMry education - and It will, with community support.

llat.herllln Keean

MOVING? ll'lllt Rate or Hourl7

t;xl"'rll!ftlled Ill Drpendable


.... 1 •


GRflNBHT COMMUNITY CHURCH CUnlte4 Church of Christl.

Hlllalde and Cr-nt :Roads - Phone '74-8171 ·cmomlngsl 8un., - 11 a.m. Wonhlp l!lerYiee and ~ 8oheol

Infant Care at li-B Hlllllde 7 p.m. HYD1n Slq.

Wed., Mar. a, 10 a.m. Bible &.u4.r - OCllpfll of 1lladl,

Rev. 8llel7)o TaJior and Rev. llan7 'hflor ......._

Twi• Pi•• Saviqs & L011 la1. I \ Greenbelt, Maryland


· Maryland Savinas-Shore Insurance Cotportdion Insures each account to $40,000.00

5%~ .Regular SaviDga .._ tar "' ....... "-




MON thru THURS. 8to8



SATOBDAY 8 to 12

I .. ,, }If.., ...... &ftlllllle (fna ...............

x..- ...... .. ....... ~ ......... . ·- ..,able quaaVrlJ

Parkdale Orchestra C.ncert Tbe Parkdale Senior High School

Symphcuiy Orchestra and the win­ners of the Greater Laurel Plano Teacher's Concerto Competition will present a combined concert on March 2 at Northw._tern HIP School Auditorium In Hyattavllle at 8 p.m. There will be an adml&­llon fee with free admiallon for _!'enjor citizens and prHchoolers.

')ft Wel~m• at Hymn Sing On Sun., Feb. 29 at 7 p.m. there

will be. an old fashioned "Hymn Sing" at Greenbelt Community Church w.lth a coffee hour to fol­low. Everyone Is Invited to join In the singing and good fellowship.

Mishkan Torah News Services at the Mlshk811 Torah

on Friday, Feb .. 27, at 8 p.m.. will be ·inte'llreted In algn languare by Robeit Chandler of Gallaudet Col­lege. A panel will also dlscuu ''Concerns of the Jewish Deaf In the Washington Area."

Dov Barnlr will speak on ''The Israeli Society of the Yom Kippur War'' on Sat., Feb. 28 at 9:30 a.m. An euaylst and joumallst, Bamlr Is the founding member of ·Kibbutz Eln Hachoresb and a member of the First Kne18et. He Ia a aenlor lecturer at the · Afro-Allan IDstl­tute In Tel Aviv. The community is lnvlted1

UNITED METHODIST CHURCH C Mowatt Memorial 41 Rldp Rd.. OI'Mlbelt, MIL ''II-MIII

Chorda flcll8ol 8:10 AX (For ALL A&etl MOI'IIinr Wonhlp - 11:01 A.M.

Children'• Sermon: lkepoulblllty1 For Tour Faee

Sennoa: "The Blatnr Tkle CJf ~ Nursery Care for Infanta Through Klnderprten Ret-. CllftGn D. Oalmlllrham (t7...all 47..-uOI

The t is God'• plus sign. It says,

God plu1 your life can make a difference.

Let Him pu~ the plus In your life!


Billie 8lalb' fw Ill ... (llaa)

s.Ma7 Wonlllp ......- llel'fiDe (W ... )

1141-UitO - A 7180 .-

7:10 paa

For bus tranaportatlon. call church office S:So-12:30 weekda)'ll

MISHKAN TORAH Rabbi Kenneth Berger Cantor Don' Weisman

P'rl., Feb. 27, 8 p.m. "C.o!UI8rll8 of tbe Jewish Deaf ·tn the Wasblllr&on ArM"

Sat., Feb. 28, 9:80 a.m. bov Barnlr. essayist & journalist, "The IuUu Society of the Yom Klppar War"


For memberahlp • pro!ffamt call 474-4228 Rldre & Wutway Rdl., Greenbelt

OFFICIAL NOTICE Twin Pines Savings and Loan

Association 19th Annual Meeting of the Members Tuesday, March 23, 1976, 8:00 PM ·Council Chamben, City Offlce Bldg.,

25 Crescent Rd., Greenbelt, Md.

--------------------------------· AGENDA: •

•Reports by President, TreBBurer, Member Relations Committee, Nominations & EleoUons Committee, and Loan Com111lttee.

eAnnual Elections. ' · .. e Vote on proposed amendments to By-Law•.

--------------------------------OANDIDATES FOR 1\LJl(l'JION: (Nominated by committee unl-otberwlse noted.l ·

Board of Dlreo~ <Four are to be elected, three for S year• and one for 1 year.) Nominees: William J. Fern, Henry R. Fisher, Donna J. Hardman•,

Thomas J. Martin, William P. Morin, Edwin S. Spielelthal, Peter J. Watters. • Nominated by petition

Melbber Relaltou ClommiUietl <Three are to be elected, two for 2 years and one for 1 year.) Nominees: Michael T. Jones, Patricia A. Savage, Joseph R. TIJDet.

Nomlnatlona and ElecJUODI Committee (Two are to be elected for ll-year terma, plua ~wo alternatea for 1-year terms.> Nomlnee1: Sonia G. Garin, Robert H. McGee, Lowell D. Owen.,

Charlea A. Tompkins.

--------------------------------AMENDMENTS TO BY-lAWS: , The followlq prop011ed amendments to the By-Law• wlll be voted upon: L Add the following text to the end at Article XXIX:

''Such propoaal or petition muat be received by the Secretary of the AlsoclatiOn at least 211 daya prior to the meeting at which It will be voted upon."

I. Inaert Into Article V, Section 3, af\er the· Item which readl, "An annual atatement concernlq tho financial condition of the b­•oclatlon'', the additional Item: "A report from the Kember Relallona Committee."

8. Change the lut paragraph of. Article V, Section 8 to rsad as tollowa: ''The Mel!lber Relation• Committee may place ltema of bualn­other than amendaents to the 'By-Law• 11n the apnda of &111 meeting of the memben, In adclltlon, an ·~ttm o1 llllllln• odMr thut amencllllenta to the By.-Lawa 1hall be placed 011 ~ ..-. .t &nJ meeting 'of the member. upon pre~en~tlon of a petition llpe<l by 11 or more members. Such ptUtlon mutt be reoeln<l by the ... ......,. o1 the A.lloolation at least 21 da,• prior· to thl

....UIIf, ancl m111t lnolucle an explanatory at.tement."


Thqnday, February II, 1178 ..... Bicentennial Activities

Cu S..a· Paek .. , -746- "1iltll ..... ·l. f."t.-'.J'Wit .......... c. ~•••-N~=--~~n:: a:L::.:::~ .... ..; '.;.,· '•a.ifn~,.,·· ',.>.J Champion troplQ' at 111e -t _. •J . .,,, IIi~ ~-~Ja :'~t.~~ ~ ~ .u ...... u .......... tbe PriiD PN!IM.r- .. ~1!' .....

...,.._.. Ololpa ......_._ ............ _ __, ~ -~ ..., - .... aters made b7 are. Vwda, DaYJ4 P-tPolled~~tlleQ'i: 4ueted tbe • Jc. at a..._ ...

b!l Stephen Pola.tchik Plnnln and MJcliael W.,u - Ora ~ pJ'OJeot, bat It 414 ~ wttla ~ II- OrW • Wh lint, leOond .tnd third In the lll&ht take up the IUbdiYidaa plU for tile 8 ~ &.41 nilltlft t.

a~ can you, ~ an individual Greenbelt resident, do to Year' Old clau while tbote lllade by Goldea. Trlanale-the ,_ tnOt ~· ~ .l.Atla-­make this 200th Anniversary year meaningful? The following Danllo -r:anez. .John ReDDeaan, 81111 bounded 111 Greeallelt Rd., Capital edcan atadlea In tbe Gelllt at .. are a few suggestions: Keith LanJon cam• In 11rst, 1800Dd Beltw&J, 81111 rc.aa-tb Ave brarlel 8114 bill~. A., rtt

t. Register to vote and vote 1n CIJY NO and third iiJ the Nine Year Old In r8lpOII8e to -Piallltl 1IJt the tile fllpea wiD be ..,..S • .... tble ;,ear's national election You TIS ola.u. The Ten Year Old olul 'WII cieveloper'1 .....,_tattve,- Kameth ' Ill .tile ~ m.tQq Colleoaala .. iil - regllter by mall by caJU~g the Spveral CARES staff members won by Douglu Newaann In flnt lOcbael, .that ·tbe -altlou Jla.. the Ulllvenlty of Teal Ia ~ Board of Eleot10111 at Upper Marl· thl8 place with Douclaa Bayno lecOnd poad b7 the PlanDJDa' Board ·wilaJd GIWpp. U a ldlrarlu, 1111 ...... · boro on 627·28U for an application. met week with Charles Colllna, and Sam Falk third have bound him 'to 811 lnfiiKI1ile IIJised .1&1-Latlll ........_; .... If .JOil *· auld like to visit the his- principal of Greenbelt .Junior m.h The car made by Keith Lanon plan, the Board moclllled Ita _... .tJace Ull at. Tulue ~ ~ Schpo~ to dlecuss the group aea- j d · ...- "" torte County Sellt you can regl8ter Ilona to be offered at the ICbool wu u led by the adulta present tiona to require 8ite plan mtew New Orrau., at tbe An!IU-:WMI!r

~~~ ~~::a:::.;m:- ;~~::. =sth;0~rectl~~~~ G=~~!~ ~ebem:~~~ an':~~!~~ =· ~~::'n~ :U:~ :':011~ :S X:.:": at the Board of Elections oillce, The group will be comprlaed of ,_lng car was made by Danllo Yanez sltion was that It wanted to llee an IIJ!IIIIY• uul at the ,._ ........ 1U« Main, Street, Upper l{arlboro, ninth grade atudenta who wiU be while Brlap Dies captured the ovel'-all plan of deVelopment. Jll- Ualon In WUblqtoa, D. c .. ~ D learning technlquea on develaplni = wo~kmanshlp ribbon with hill ~·· poaltlon wu that tbl8 would .-t recent ~

Your vote this year will help de- better COIIlJiltmicatlon aklna. r. elth Lanon allo 'fOn the "e made It IJDpoalble for him to ~" CIIDP . •A. *ermiJ!e America's future during Dr. Lea Schiller of CARES and ribbon for the beat paint job on bls undertake developlllellt aa be mast ~ of 1AI!IIl. . -- ... tile next hundred years, ' ,Councilman Charles Schwan repre- red white and blue derby ent..,. bP able to m~ atte. to meet the ocrallblel p~ Ill . . . •

I. Invest In an American Flag sented Greenbelt on Feb. 18 at The ribbon for the beet decelenl:- spec111c requlrementa of lndlvldu· J'i!IW In .,_ at tba ~ kit and fly the Oag as often as ......... the Maryland House of Dele-•ea . tor was won- by JAred Ro&l'a ftrst al Plll'Cbuera. . :Prell In New Je~~~~r. - ''iiJII; --.

1 ..-- .. ~ racer. . ..,_...., __ to .,_ .. _ .. , Doro. t!Jy, In 1-. tutro4llce4 11011-

•u e In 1976, eapeclally on State bearing on Bill #T68 concemln.. ,._......., ...._. "'"--d N

-•J a1 H 1

... These ear• will_ be on dl-lay at AI an -·-pie M1 ._ __ 1 1 em •-T praotl- Ill Slo ·I"IUI. an ""on el days. Let our State Funding fo1 Youth Services Greenbelt Center In the n-;ar fu- ted. he w,;;;;r~g 0°u....,t a "'tendla"!: Brul1, reorlanblni_ · the ~ •e~hbors and visitors see Green· 1 Bureau programs. , t "' ,-- Collep Lib anc1 •-""'--llelt s outward expression of love • Recently the Golden Age Club ure. proval for the Capital CadiiJac A· 1'ftrT - • for Am

1 Awatdi earned· recently by mem- l'l!ncy But the ·-"-ent .;... oourae for llbrarlanl M·· . .

· er ca. members had their blood pressure bers of Ute pack dnclude: bobcat tied to the develop;;;;;;; all~ aponaonblp -~ tbe ~-, . -I. Plant a tree, shrubs or flowers checked free of charge. This ser- bll;dlfe _ Jolin Kerr; ,rold arrow- In the tnlot as the ·-- did not cation ·of the State of Sao . •

aa a living coilunemoratlon of our vice was provided at the Youth Cen- 1 f t · tl --·¥, 108

f l po nt or en elec ves, John Miller; went to be In an laolated lltu· years o liviJ!g n a democracy, ter by Health Department volunt- silver arrow point for ten addition- atlon. , - ·---- -

4. Study the history of Greenbelt, teers. al electives, Paul Miller. In Ita rullni, the Plannlni Board Prince Georges County, '"d Mary- Last week the pedestrian under- Webel011 awards were made to .stipulated that site plana aa IUb-

Sllnl'l \. -l laad to gain a' greater understand- passes were cleaned and crushed John Jordan In elrht dllferent ar- mltted should be related to other lq of the people and activities that ·IInne was applied to a walk along' cas, Sam Falk. In two areas plus approved alte pl&ns for the tnlot have brought us to our present Crscent Rd. from Greenhill Rd. to a denner cord, Kevin Weiner In two In order to,pNvent uaes that might standard of life. VIsit as many of St. Hugh's School. Leaves were plus an assl1tant denner cord, Dou- be ciet, rlm~ntal from occ111'1Da. , the historical sites and places In . removed from the park on the rlas Haynes, craftanian award; and


-.DISCOUNI' PIUCIS Jlaryland, D.C. and Virginia as you south side of Crescent Rd. acrou Peter Williamson, outdool'lllllan a- . - ) · 1

ean to better visualize what hap- from the shopping center. The w.ard. Gree-L .. ] · ter m~- L-_ , Beltway Plaza · pened there. During your vacation sandblasting material was cleaned • IIUCI Wlnw WJIIIt ..,. to visit historical sites In other from the shopping center. The Greenbelt Tennis Elect. ion t'O~· HeYHOD PJiy.en· . III'OtiDd the OOniG' ~---~· owner of the ~ulldlngs will relm- f• .,....

11 Partl 1 f The Greenbelt TelJnla Aesoola-. c pate In functions spon- burse the city or the time spent. tion's elelltlon. or otllcers meeting Wublngton'a Hexaaon . Players

MeltoAlan ereuu. ~. Sp~"\ 174-11188 M-F 10-t' Siat. 'tq t

10red by the Greenbelt Bicentennial The r~fuse crew has been on Is scheduled for Wed., March 8· at will preHJit their ·~t annual aa­Oommlttee: Cal Acquaint yourself schedule although there Is still ~ 8 p.m. In the conference room of tlrlcal mulcal revue In Karch, and 'll'lth tha historic ~arkers; (b) Walk manpower shortage. Last weelU' the Youth Center. this year'• produatton, ''Barba and the GreenbelaTrilll when It Is es- paper colleetlori netted live tons ' larry w. F<ii'IIM Snlpea Forever," will Include •onp.

-~.-.-.... ..... ...,....._:..... _..,....,,.:. ........

Orndorff. & Spaid~ • tabllshed; <*"'Attend the Blcenten- and 610 Jbs. ~retary GTA by Greenbelter Dorothy Sucher. alai Ball on Saturday night, .Tune

1----------..;... _______ ....;;::.;;;:__ Mra. · Sucher, a psychotherapist, 18

I and attend .Greenbelt Day actlvl-. ..a. T. _· T E N' T 1 O N . ·' also a lof91., WUtor oe tbe o- ,,. , • Ue~ oq_,TUile :e. .(d)· Attend l!le 4th " •·~ ~'- belt Newa &view and writer of

Bealdentlal • OonuDerebll • Indulltn.l . ot July program at the Greenbelt NORm. END t'l t'ML'UT any PTA a humorou• .column. "Point of

Center Mall at 4 P.m. and the Band l;ld;IQL.I111U\ VIew." She writes son- under Oonoeit and . nl'eWorkl . at the ' ....

• Greenbelt La~e In the evening. (e) N rth I . ·her malden name-of Dorothy Olan-

o End E ementary will hold Ita Tuesday, March· 2, PTA Take part In the Ethnic Dinners meetlna: at John Carroll Elements~ School In Washington Heights. manTh. ·

New Rooftnr, Reroollnr A Bepaidna'

., e Hexagon revue Is a Wash~ llld Entertainment programs that The meetlna: will start at 8:00 p.m. preceded by a refreshment period 1 gt 1 u 11'111 be held on a monthly basis In starting at 7:80 p.m.. The proa:ram wiU be a choice of two out of •~oo on 1111 tutlon, which baa raised . DT8. (fl Work with and •ttend th · .., ,000 for loeal charities. This Ill Labo D& il'estiVal m . ree workshops, Ullderllandlnc the MeC;rlc System, Problema of year, all proceeds 10 tO Seoond . e r Y which pro- , llolln«, Rpecllll Pupil Rttnteee. Genesis, a drug counseling center. •• to be th' best yet, Tb -"" 1 h · 011e v=P e wla Ina: to 1r0 In a caravan to John Carroll should P'lrst lady Betty Ford Is currently

meet at North End by T:15 p.m. A route map will be sent home Hexagon's honofJI.I')' cm.trman. · Licensed • Bonded • lnluret •

Kd, D.C,, Va.

licenf:ennial Contest: with the children this week. ''Barbs and Snipes Forever'' will

Deadlin• Extended The Prince Georgea a;unty

Jeautiftcatlon Comllllttee announ-­oed that the clcelng date In their ~eRutify for the Bicentennial Con­teet• Ia' belq extended until May II. The exte,nslon wu made to IICCOmmodste the Increased num­ber of applications, and to enoom­JIUI the spring planting aeuon.

The City of Greenbelt hu aub­•Jtted aeveral entries, which In­clude plans for renovation of their mal~ which was constructed In mr and was one of the earliest malls In the area. The city also has planned sev,..al patriotic plant­lnp, Including one which spellll out "USA-200" In red, white nnd b:11r Oower1.

Tours of Historic Airport Free toura of the historic College

Park Airport, Including the pre--





.... weekdaya; 1-1 Sa&. Open 'til • p.m. '1'1111ft.



t~~tatlon of historic ftlms, wilt be U Moatlll II lloo .. ·-!Wd Sat., Feb. 28, from 10 a.m. to .,.. S p.ln., u part of the Bicentennial Amount Monthlr '!'cftll lllntbJJ Total ~am ot!erad b7 The Karyland- of. Loan ' Pqment ~ ~~t IDtentt tfational Capital 'Park and. Plan- SUOG tta.N t!IUI ... 11 ' tiU.ft

i, g Comml8alon Department of $2,001 tl.ll 101.11 e4.18 101)8

Ill and Recreation. Prince. Gear- $1,800. UUO I&UO M.M 18'7.Jt County. l'or tu~ lnM-- "'"' ll7.... . 101.11 . - 4M.M

· tlon call Jllll Powell II\~ , ..... ,._.18; .... prblolptl 11!111; .......... U at 1,. .,; lfeollere Park .Airport talbe old-- · ..... 1111 tilt u,atcl'llalaa•- t.•-. af1Mt·~~.11....._ Ule IIIIU-- · ·' alrpoit In the UniUd ltatel, • .,.. ... - ·-

rJtln& llno•. 1~ •t till& tiJM for lllllllle llonower• at .110 ...._.. .... le"'"h4 u the 111te ot"Wftllu•·alid .. ·-•·r ,.-.... ·

le Wright BrotlreN' flnt Ar- -- -

Aviation training .ahool. Tbe CREDIT UN.ION ti"J'• earliest aeronautl.r ell-menta were bel4. ·at _... 1ltl ~... _a_ 1, "·· "., , .. 1 . , . cb I• looate4 1lOtdl Cll Cllv-.t '-· _ ac,.,..~ ~· ....... . . d betWeen the Unlveralty of Oredlallt, lriL ..,... , i'bOM: " .....

c1 and Kenll1irol'th Avenue. llllura: D&DJr: 1-1 e ....._,.: w

cl:;l:=a:~=•~t ••~..-. . a1 transportation, prollcleney, ~ API'ODft'IIIIM' QAL8DAft

-~--abe·--~"·. ------llliiiii!I ............ ___ ~ _ _,

be presented March 5-20 at th.,.. Trinity Theatre 88th and 0 Streets, N.W. Tickets are availa­ble at the box otllce and through 'rloketroD.



Hamilton Place oil Rldp Boa4.



Can you Imagine that $211,1100.00 will buy a well­construoted 8 br. corner brick tQwnhouse; ex­ceptionally large fence-enclosed yard, beautifully landscaped all around I Plus that, you can ap­preciate the modem kitchen which Includes •Ide/ by;alde refrg;freeser; wuber/dryer;new r&nl'l!; air cond. le carpeting. Location near library, ahopplng, bua and recreation faollltlea. SEE IT NOW!

While ahopplq, aee thla extra nice 2 br. corner townhouae - nicely redecorated and •elllng fM a law '15,182. - WOOded area adjaoebt to thlt property. Imm. oco.

More apace required - we have extremely nice a iledroom fl'allle townh0\1184. fl'l/a .15,8110 to tl8,048. Large yardl; nlce loil&tlona; lmprove>­menta. Ooo. lmm. .to Bprlq.-



Jtltt ~ CALL NOW •• ·. ,.,... - ' ' "........ 'f+.aU

K4rY a m-, llloter

.. :.

l ! l .·~

-~ .1·. 4


.,'. . '·

Page 3: Hopes .. Ne-~.~~~~ For ltws ltvitw Statiorr·greenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19760226.pdf · explained her dlllloult poal ... kit, washer, dryer, lge. ref. w/ Ice-maker. _20,000

P_a.;,g•--'-------- -::---:::---::-:----....:G;:REENB=::,::::EL:;:T.:....:N:!E::,:W:,:S::...::RE::!V:::IE::,:W!,.. _______ ,..... ___ ...;T!.!h!::ursday, February 26, 197i

Lura Gunn Prize Winner Ttel Tn11l lltneas roliu llotter 1- Parkdale Sci f • This will be the sixth IIWDIIler II . ence aJr tltat the Board of Education of

Greenbelter Laura Gunn was the Prince Georges OJunty has span­Grand Prize winner at Parkdale sored European and Ruulan study Senior High School's Science Fair progr&IIIJI for atudenta In the sen­on Feb. 11. Laura, who won in the ior high schools. The four-week Botany clttegory with "Freezing study and travel not only eam1 Seeds II", will entrr her project In credits, but has been a \-ery sue­the 28th annual Prince George's c<'8Sful experience. Area Science Fair at the Unlvrr- The Ruulan Procram will depart .lity of Maryland March 27-29. from New York July 12 and return

Laura is the daught<•r of Mr. and Aurust 8. Du~ the 28 daya stu­Mrs. Charles Gunn. Three years dents will be U~. studying, and 810 her brother Steve was Park- explo~ amo~ the people of dale's Grand Prize Winner. They Ruuia and Europe. The trip will are the first brother-sister win- include London, Leningrad, Ma.-ners Parkdale has had. cow, Kiev, Prag\Je, and Paris.

Other Science Fair winners The Western European Program were: Medical Sclencrs. 2nd place. will depart from Washington. D.C. Ahmed Abutal<'b; 3rd, Jesse Owen on July 7 and return August 3. III; Physics. 3rd place. Allen Thill trip will' include: The Royal Clute. Honorable mention. Andrew Palace In Madrid, Romr. <with the Linstrom; Zoology. 2nd place, Paul Vatican and St. Peter's.) Swluer­Smith; Beet Pl'1'9etltatlon. J- land and London. Owen in; Best fttosearch Project. Further lnformatlpn. brochures, Ahmed Abutaleb; and Best Teach- and registration forms are avalla­lng Aid, Daniel Weller. ble. Call George McGarry at 431-

Cover Design winners were: lat. 0062 during the c\•rnlng or Tee Robert Jone., 2nd. Wchael Peeb-· llurnrlt at 894-0718. ler. and 3rd Humbert Escalante. '

MNCPPC Update The Maryland-National. Capital

Park and Planning CommiBion in Prince Georgee County Is updatl~ ita l1Bt of community groups In the county.

Citizen's orpn\latlons are asked to send the name and addreu of their prealdenta or their orpn\la­tion's nam~ and post ofllce box address If applicable, to Communi­ty Relations Office, M-NCPPC, 8800 Kenilworth Avenue Riverdale, ~r­yland. 208ro.

Kenilworth Interchange Pla:ming and emergency work

on tht: interchanges at Greenbelt Rd. and Kenilworth Ave. schedul­"d for, the neXt llacal year, will be postponed unless the Maryland Department ' of TranlportaUon (D()T) reeelves additional revenue from new taxee.

State Secretary ot Transporta­tion Harry R. Hughes told the House Ways and Ileana Commit­tee Frlda7 that If hi• department proceeda with COilStructlon of rap.. id traJWt In Baltimore and other ftve year capital propama opera-

l--' d a • Sclt 1 ted by the DOT, S2'17 million ill wuuce rr•ce ' Luncltes a11 that wlll be available for high-A new Prince Georges County WQt In the next five yean.

IChool policy ralle.o the maximum The SecretarY• dec~on drew family lnCOIIle level needed to qual- • prompt ftre from Greenbelt's Del­If)' for free or reduced price lun- c-pte to the General Assembly cbes for student. and parenu. A G•rard F. Devlin, <D-PG) a mem~ conMentlal application Ia avallabl~ bt>r of th1• Ways and Mean• Com­from th" tiChool prlnclptOI'a oftlee mlttfte. "Tide \1 almply ahockiJII," tD dt>tcrmine eligibility; parenb h• IIJlld. "How long mu1t Green-11187 applv at any time during the IK>It wBit for this needed lmprove->.::bool )"Par. ~ •n t ?"


Report :~i=l5 on GNMA Defernl Mooies to be Used for Heat CoDSemtion Programs

Total Funds Available Less; Authorized Payments to nate

Balance of Funds

Interest Earned on tunds Less: Cost of Nntl!'Ps


$12,150 213

Location: Equitable Trust Company:

Certificates of neposit Savings

Total u above

Repayment Funds:·

Collected thru December 111'16 11711 Collec:tiona Interest Earned on Funds


Leeadla: ............... a.ltr

c.rtlbtea ol;Dis*lt "'Sn1DIJ

' ..




$150,000 4,209


$101,81111 111,8311



$IJO,ooo ae


EJcht breaking It enterlngs were reported .during the week.

Ofllcer Brumie)r apprehended an 18 year old ftllldent and charged blm with unauthorised \IBe of u motor vehicle, follow!~ the theft of an auto on Hlllalde Road. The defendant was Incarcerated in lieu of $200 bond

Oftlcer Duprat, observing a mo-• tor vehicle being operated In an

erratic manner, cbarged the oper­ator, a 28 year old male from Now Carrollton, with four traftlc vio­lations and transporting a hand­gun without a permit. The defend­ant was Incarcerated on $700 bond.

Thirty-two cases of vandaUsm were inveeUgated during the week. In one Instance mall boxee In ~n apartment building were set a­blaze. In another, the tlreo on tw<:~~ty-four autos parked along Lakeside ·and Lakecreat Drives were slashed.

Oftlcer Bishop apprehended and charged a nineteen year old male with carrying a concealed deadly weapon. The defendant was Incar­cerated in li~Jl of ~100 bond.

Reereatioa Renew 1ftn Topkw

Notice: Due to ~he lack of snow at Ski Liberty, the Teen Club trip scheduled for Sat.. Feb. 28, has been cancelled.

There has been a teen dane<> scheduled for Sat., March 6, 8 - 11 p.m. at the Youth Center. 'Menagerie', a popular local band wiD provide the miiBic for thiB dance. All teens are encouraged to attend. Kite Flyint <Jonte.t

The Ree. Dept.'s Annual Kite Flyl~ Contest ill only two weeks away. Kites wlll be judged on Braden Field, Sat., March 13, a[ noon. Watch the Newa Review for more detalla. ~ A Glrhl' (1ub EquipmMt TurD-In

lllvery Tue1. and Thurs., from 7-9 p.m., the Youth Center Equip­ment Room wlU be open for turn· In of eq11ipment. Anyone who has

· any okl unlforma at home Is as!Ud to brtmr them In at thNe tlmee.

Relief in Drug Prices According to State Senator Ed­

ward T. Conroy <Dem. P.GJ, Mary­land's new mandatory dr11g pric­Ing bill. which went Into effect Jan. 1, should make It easter for consumen to 11nd the lowelt prices for druga, do more Intelligent com­parison shopping and encourage price competition among drug stores themselves. Now atoree must post their 100 m01t commonly prescribed prescription drup (ex­dudlng controlled dangero\18 sub­stances) by name manufacturer or dlstrlbuton, strength and quantity, and miiBt Include both the brand name and the generic name of each drug piiiB Ita price.

Conroy Ur1•• Cily Zoning Cont:rol.'

In lerlllation Introduced thl• week, Senator B:dward T. Conroy <Dem. P.GJ Is calllnl for addi­tional zoning controla for munici­palities In Prince George~ within a one mile boundary of their muni­cipal bouildariee.

At the preeent time any 10nl~ change applied for within the boundaries of a munlalpaJit7 iD Prince George~ and JIDntiO!Dery C'.ounty would require the Qount7 Council to have a twe>-thlrda <extra ordinary 1 majority to bvercome recommendations agaln.t the aon­lng change by the munJct.pallty.

Torch House Restaurant 6408 Kenilworth Ave., Riverdale 277-9520

60 oz. Pitcher Michelob Beer Daily 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. .... ooly $1.50

Try Our AU· YOU.CAN·EA T Specials


fiSh or Spaghetti only $1.89

Chicken .... only $2.49

Serv.cl with salad, potato or vegetable and Texaa Toast

N. Y. Strip reg. $3.00 now 20% off with this U.

THE Slug ilasters Needs You.

Enjoy ...

~om pete




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public, anytime.

(Sorry, discounts for metnbers only).

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Iring tltis Certiffcate and enloy all

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at the "Cabaret" . . . IAMiiN®tS·

• • .·the PIZZA people

... IZSS Kenilworth Ave., Riverdale • 277-2600,

.. , ... · 'l'hursday, February 26, 11176 GREENBELT NEW$ REVIEW Pap I


DIAL TRUTH . ~ . . .


. . !:,r.'


Recorded music and inspiration] by tele.pf.one f.


Page 4: Hopes .. Ne-~.~~~~ For ltws ltvitw Statiorr·greenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19760226.pdf · explained her dlllloult poal ... kit, washer, dryer, lge. ref. w/ Ice-maker. _20,000

I, t


I p- . ---~.:::aa:s

.-... - .: '

Thursday, February 26, 11'78



Qd.·~ ... if!

Thursday, February 26. 19'76 GIIINBILT DWS'JJ:VJIW

C_LASSIFIED· 0M.114JI*M.u 11Jj~~n~~'l: $1.ll0 lor a 1~word minimum, 10c T • vice <IRS> ta&paJer retunl. · for for eacll lllldltkhlal w6td ~ubllllt JIJieiDe Skolalk - •7....._ 111711 IDolude qllfttlolul on ralcleDce ada in wrl~. accomPiuued b;y Belt wlab.es for a IIJieedy recov- Intended to provide lUI accurate casb papnent, either to the Newe er;y to Ruth Reuben, ~ Rl~e. bull for equitable 411trlbutlon uf '"'"lew Gl!lce at 111 Parkway before who II back home after r~ent hoa- pneral revenue llbarlnl fundi, ac~ 10 p;m. ot the ,Tuelda;y preaediDa pltalllatlon. cordlq to the 0111ce of Reven11e pllbliclatlon, or to the Twin l'lnes County COUDcllman Francll 8lwtq ·(()ItS) Df the U. S. T,._ SaVIn .. and Loan ollloe, White of Greellbelt, repre~entatlve IUtJ Depart. Thrre Ill no' C!baqre for advertlllq for the put three · :Yeate on the SUeh tunda are tetume4 b;y theo · !tem1 that are found KetropolltaJ:t Area Tranllt Author- l'edenl penullellt to State and -:-:-::-::-:=~--:-...._,;,· =--:-=,- lt;y, wu okQtd u tile 1qlllatlve 1oc11 pllel'al-pupole pernmentl, C~WELL'S WASHER SlllRV- bod;y'a ·voice on the Metropolitan l1iilh u Greeallek, llllder terllll of ICE. ·AU makes expert~)' repaired.. Waahlqton COunoll ot Govern- J'edenl revenue lllarfq law. The Au~zed WblrlJlOIII deale.. ~~. meat, Tbe 'lloard d«* r._lonal , amCIIIDt each pvei'DIIIent receives •-5~. . : . traf\.SportaUon planUIJJI for Nor- 11 blled, 1n part, on popul&tlon PlAJIJO 'l'UNING AND llllPAIR - tllern Vlrclnla. Dlm.l~t of Qolum- and per capita 'I'IIM!ne eetl-tel Expewt and Reliable Piano Servlfe bla and MontBomer;y and Prince made by the ·Bureau at the Cep-to a-belt 111nce 1810 Benjalufn Georges counties. ' aua, u. s. Depart. of ep~. BerMfall7 47~ • LNlfe 1'. 'Kaon, 1 Lakeview C4'- The lnformatlotl fiOIIl ._ Nji-'J'fPiiWkii'lik KllPAII( JdLECO cle wu named to the Dean's ~ dence queatlona wQ.l be U.ecs b;y the TRJC, STANDARD AND PORTA· for the ftnt -tllter !If the our- Bll._, ,af ,~ ile1111111 to •• BLIIB Call t7...a rent acadeDIIo ~ '* Buolm~ blelllllal pOplitatloil and per cap~ ~ taiml· lit aid- Unlven!t;y. LeiUe II a junior. Income •tlqll4ea n~ed to IDIUte nee, 1J s\nr17 J'lel4. Bind, B)l Itl a boy for Kr. IUid · Mn. WI!- that StitH iiitd iilit!Ununltles re-

.tepe' ~ am.enator,. Be- = Y~::-w"';;' =-:b~~ . ~~=· ~o~~~~~tolfr:t: r~v:;

.mn- - AdftlleiCJ f7HIIII. wejplq 7 1111. 111\i oa. He jolna are entitled, ~ ~ '!IJid ANTENNA PROBLEMS

s.a." 8lnloe lla)lrt antllllla IDIUI wiD

l11atall ne-w/repair aDteDIIa tor

AHic or Outdoors 474-5530

LlGill' HAULING, w/ plok-up Truell. Call Ml~• after 4:30, 41._

i40l,c==-=="='-=== <llAIUB'S POODLE GROOMING> malle JOur appointment~! todiJ. Call 4'H-8111.

PIANO JJIISSONS: Peabody Oon­•ervaklr;y Graduate. Bectnnen­Advaneed. 47Ul122. DntihFf ;your tli1Diture - f&lldo oeleetlon - Free B:atlmate - Quality work - Prompt service. TKID UP­HOLBl'JilRY SHOP "-1-JOal. . ourrXR Li1ii10N8 b:y &irmer ulil­vemt;y lutructor of elal:lllcil CUI­tar. AD at;yl• of pla;ylnr ~Uiht to a1l .,... Fred 47._1848.

a 11f0UIIt J~ . . to provide the Information u lUI 1 Catherine Webb, 7-P' Orucent, 1111f1tanee to their .l(atH . ud

"ttalned an bono~ roU re.tlnl for· communltl.., The ~etnal Revenue the fall quarter at Utah Btlte Ual- <'..ode authorized a ftne to be lm­veralt:y. Catherine Ia majoring In poeed for failure to provlcle the roucatlon. residence data, unlea r-neble

Mr. IUid Mn. Daniel Loplbo, cause 11 abO\VJI for IUob failUre. 12-D Hlllalde .. ~nounce the arrival of a son. Brendan, . their. .lint child, arrived Jan. 20; and tipped the acalea at 8 lbs. 10% oz.

Joann anO Willey . H'rle;y, 7706 Hanover Pkwy., are the proud par­ents of a aon. Aaron Andre wu born Jan. 31 weighing 7 lba. 2 oz.

Dou't forfit to save JOUr papetl and magazines - Paper collection days are either on Wednesdays or Thurada;ya.


l'liiP,II .. etaflllnall will .... .,....,........_ ........ .._ ~ - Willi peaoldq, -... ... .. -'-* abode .... )'11'11 .suue.. Call ....,.._,


Reaidenll Asked To Rec)'cle Aluminum

Re;ynoldl Alumlllum Rec;ycllnr Company encourace.a ever;y911e to ree;ycle all aluminum. Aluminum beverage can1 may )!e ldentllled by their .light welrbt, no IIIIID 9n 1lde and ihln;y recealed bottom.

Fifteen cellb per pound w!U be petd ·for alt-alulllhlum be\rHqe cana IUI4 other cleap boue~bold, llumlnum aucb u· foil, pie pUll, frozen food IUid dinner tra;ya, clip an• aeat and· P\lll4IIW contalnetl . Certain ~· ~ of aluminum ma;y 11e redeemed at t. lower price .

The Rerndldl IIIOblle lllllt will bl looattd I& 4ilo ..., J'lMa OD Karch 10:10 u:ao a..:

Call the tki..._, anytlt,). 552-1059

11pee111 ~t tor llealor au- • 1, -*· ' . ...

WIIDDING PBOTOGIUPHY at . low laMe; peckqee from $d. Call ======-====j N-31111 tor appt, · . P,.....t This C~n ;. ~::;:loot-Ad~ seat;i' ook lf&kery

GrMltlltt . . -~ nHm l'.UIL1Ii Wl'l'll .& ~ 1011 IABJiL

IMOOJOfTAJCJWUIIII PriPaJed. · f b_. n....: '1! .. ' _ 3. ~. t7Hl'll, ' • ..,... TROMB&fi 'i'IUiitPifi' and N~ • No ~ .. VOICI: LII880NS, Prof-'onal Added - We q,e all Veplable mu81e~~m w1111 c~epee. ., ...... · ~ OJQ..\'

VACtJUK CLIIIANlllR RBlPAIR • 0ome 111 an4 tey 'our 1re1b. All b ...... an4 t)'Jiel, Call 47..aoao. ......... ,...,_, pill ... 'FEDilRAL 1: STATE Tu retul'lla aooldell, ~~ pv" ~ a prepand In ;your home 0a11 Kr. FRill: eup VI "ffef' ooftee Glnlblqr 924-2888. to 10 wid!' ,.ur ~·

IROOidl fiX R1Pi't1lm8 prepered 577•901:! _. . b' NIIRO revenue agent. Reuo11- Oft abl,e ..... ~ MII-88M, , , , I

SCfuBA GlllA:R - U.S. Diver~ tank, "" •ertsr letllft ... noll: PfiCII:. regulator, we!Jht belt, SeUNok ....._ O,!ldier neftr been used. Mli-7147. · olr:er I9Qd l'llll. 1o MAR. 1117&

INCOME TAX Federal and a1l Btatel


Preparation done In ;your home, If de1lred TED PRITZKl!lR lll-D Ridge Roed


RICJ'RIGIIlRA TOR - 10 cu. ft. Make ..-111ble otrer. 8411-MM. liXPmumNCib SlllCRETARY wlahel . to t;ype at home. Rluon· able ratee. Call l!Ci2·2877. LMi' CAT - ten year Old grey neu· tered male Red collar • Greenbelt ter #13. Last· seen Feb 14 • Lake· akle Dr. Formerly of Laurel Hill Rd. Pleue call 474·0803. Reward.

FREE KIT'i'JilNs . 10 wkl. old • male - black, gray 1: white. Call Ull-74111.

- Clip This Coupon .,.... FOR 8ALBl • 1974 ·Datlun 710 atl· tlon wBJOn, a/c, auto. ahl(t. w.w. t1re1, radio, heater, 4800 mi. $2'7110. Oall Mli-11827 after II p.m. WILL PICK UP any unwiUited Items. No cheqre quick 1ervkle. Oall 414-42118. • INOblbll fAX Iii ,our iome, rea­IOnllble~ BID FeUer, "._"*' FOR RENt - 8 bf., §I; ii&tJii, townhouse • completely redtcotl­ted. Imm. occ. Call ~ after 5:30 p.m. \ FOUND • 4 or 8 month old puppy, moatly black with white paWl, ~ of tall, otre&k on snout Jl'8Y un­derneath. Call 4.74-aGII. B6AT fuR IWJl - 1aW BtarOrift <llbeqrlua), 1811 H.P. 11Mnru4e, Ioiii tloaller, a1l .-orles Inc. Ready for water. CIUI be 1een In Collere Park .. UII-788S. 2111 Airline oolor 'i'.\1'. ••S: @i'tBi

FOR SALE - 1888 Oldl Cutlua. evenlnra .. Good runnllll' condition, radio, hea- ;G;;Iti=:lllNB;;;;IIlLi;;r.T;;-·-::w.l=u:k:-;;t4';:-;o0en;:;;;tAr:; ter. air condltloner, priced r!Jht. from 8 bedroom end brlck . wllh 47'-111011. · tarrs yard. Newly palnt,.S exter­l!II.Jilt'i'Rttf STAIR lilt tor liOilie lor and Interior renova:ted batll· .wrw, • plup In 110 circuit. room &;nd klteben1p ~ppllanoe1,

... _'INI · air oondiUonen. iJD,D . 114&-110te. Jllvea, ...- . • or:-r ·- """" ~ ClJIIANlN(tf ftiQ• • "'....,_,.,, ~..:=naT Call me. ll'red~ P:TAINTINO..U.III'Ii!llr':-. -:exti::r.:;~rt;;;orrn_ on:ftlJiiV'.-. ~catl&lll

r.:'tb:r.) Baluoh. 474·9408. Dick Bt~rt tor Mtlmate. Uf-'Nit. lliOTiiiiil will b•b;y~lt In her home. PI'OJ1'8lllllled lAamlna' at 7011r own

... USIMO.' · convenience II dUierent VOII!AI, PI-

0- • free Introductory 1-. Lllaure

MA'l"UR!l WOiilAN wanted :: o:: Learning Centen. 474•UOO. '

::a.~:~~. ':~1 4T4·~'* rotor~ ~~~:.:~~n-' ~ .

• . . I

lal· • ·--· .............. : .... ; ........................... : ... ~Sc 1'"'',, ~-... •. ·/I

. · Sun; '• toe. Pwerom • lonus Steal

Sochl $pl.clala • 7 .. ~ l6 oz ............ -.-':fe · · ' . $119 ~oca Cola or R.C, .. :............................................... · .

··a·· .... ' . ' "· ~-.:.

.·.'. ·:·~. -~ : I ... ~ ,

~ . , .. ,. •. ;· ...... ~


... ,

' ,,


Page 5: Hopes .. Ne-~.~~~~ For ltws ltvitw Statiorr·greenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19760226.pdf · explained her dlllloult poal ... kit, washer, dryer, lge. ref. w/ Ice-maker. _20,000

Pa~e 8

WSSC Stadia lew Prepeul for lreen•riar Sewage lispaal

hy Elaine Skolnik For many months Greenbriar Associates has been unsuccess­

ful in il• attempts to abandon the Greenbriar interim sewage treatment plant serving the Greenbriar co.ndominium apartments. The Washington Subur~ Sanitary Commission (WSSC) has repeatedly turned down the developer's request to transfer Green­briar waste water directly into the permanent regional Western Branch treatment plant without waiting for its expansion to 15 million gallons a day - (mgd) now slated for the end of August 1976. According to WSSC the plant is operating' satisfactorily and is maintaining an extremely high quality effiuent.

Both Greenbriar Auoclat.ee and the Prince Georges Environment Coalltlon have contended that there wu addltiOD&I capac:IQ' at W altern Branch due to the Intro­duction of chemical treatm~nt whlcb . lncreued the plant'a capa­elt7 fi'Om & mgd. to 8 mgd. About ~ of tbe lncrealed capacltJ !lad been earmarked for reeldeatlal de­veJopmenU, and Greenbriar wu the only oae of fourteen projeot.e con­sidered by WSSC read7 for Im­mediate COIIDectlon to llbe publlc 1178teD.

Tile dt, of Greenbelt allo aup­ported llnmedlate hook-up, PGUtt-1~ out that the occupancy of the project wu a traction of both the ultimate total <1,193 UJib) ad the desJcn capacity of thJ plant.

NeW l'ropoMI J.l'nwtrated In their attempta to

cll.lcaatlnue the operation ot the plant, Greenbriar ~ em ll'ebruuy 18 aubmlttecl 1111 alteraate piOpOial which would ut111ae the Interim plan u a bolcnn. tank. Senp wwJd be pumped to the W.tma Branch .cmJy dllliDa thoee houn wileD the public plant wu ope~ under eapaclt, - from 2 to 8 a.m.

Greenbrie.l' ~ Dr John Coolraon advlaed ~ that the

· Greenbriar plant would have a tour- to ftve-da,y holdln& capacity by October 11178 The plant'• tank eapaclty Ia 448,000 aallollll and .. of February 1, only 111,000 pUoaa of -ace were belq treated. At the preaent operatl~ level the plant baa a holdlq ~ of ~~~ ~ Dr. Oooluon Aid the aer­ator ll78lem would be a.,_~ while tbe lewaa'e wu belq held to prevent odon 811d to keep HW­age from becomtq eeptlo.

WMC s- Prollll!al. Wssc atatr aald that It would

be dllllc:ult to predict when the We~~t.m Branch would have the capacity to receive the a-briar ..wap - speelall)o since there Ia a lhw hoar IIIP ~ Ule time ....,. leavea the Greenbriar plant ad the time It arrive& at Wutem llrUich. 'lbq were --.~ t11at

. the "llow from • Ilea.,. rain ltart-

·~ after tile -ace wu m.­dlarpd would reach the Weetem lkach at the -· time." Cook-110ft told the Newa lle9lew It wu poulble to avoid web a oontln­aenc:v lllnce the ftow from rainfall would not lnlluence the We11tern Branch until 24 boura later.

The Greenbriar propoeal aleo in­cluded the provlalon for re.torlng tbe plant to operation ·if for 110111e

unanticipated reuon, the w .. tem Branch could not abeorb the Green­briar sewq•. Dr Machla of WSSC Indicated that once tbe operatoro were dl~raed, It would be dUll­cult to bring them back to Green­briar

The propoaal was taken undr.r advlftment. wasc abo directed Ita .taft' to explore the ponlbill­ty of diverting the Greenbriar sew­age, via tbe Beld Hill branch line, to the Blue Plaine plant whlcll haa been operatlq below capacity. Re­ported~)', -.p Ia PreHIIU, be­Ing diverted from Wet1tem Branch to Blue Plalna.

OtiJer .,..._ Rhea Coben ·In a letter to the

eonunlufon, u!pd thet Ol'l!enbrl­ara HWIP dow be d1Yerte4.to the W•tem llranoh. llbe wu concern· ed that ''tiM critical hlah· teJnpera­ture• 1111d low IInam ftowt of aum­- I!OIIId laoraue the public ........ rliiJ-· dUe to u.. dllllllarge ot,...Jy .............. _t."

'fllldlw .... wltll ,., ••

... JIOt --- a.t .. .,.. JIG ,....._. _....., Jt Wllettm

....... ,. .......... 1111111 ........ .............. ot ... 'CifNIIIIrl;. ...... , f/1 .. .......... "Nw-- ...... ......... ~=--iit'lllit

the preaent Greenbriar ftow." Mrs. Cohen recommended that It the commlulon accept. the holding tank proposal that (1) no new hookupe ehould ~ permitted to the Greenbriar plant (2) a quail­fled operator should be on site ar­ound the clock, and <a> all oper­ation and 11181ntenance ooate should be bome by the developer.

Jlrs. Cohen noted that lhe pre­ferred the land application meth­od of dlapoelng of Greenbriar's eenge and eavt.loned Ita 111e In agricultural projecta on the Belta­viUe Aarfoultural Reeearch <lenter. She Aid "a Joint WSSC/Karyland State/U.S. Ellvlronmental Protec­tion Apncy/U.S. Department of Agriculture demo1111tration project would soon pe.:v Ita way with cuh crope of p»Jpwood, ftber plant., IIOd, or cerlatn food end fonlif! plant..•

St. Hugh's CYO Yootlls Receive Natioaal Awards

The Freecloma Foundation at Valley Forge, Pa., hu anMunced the eeleotlon of tbe ''CYO Young Amerlca111" of St. Hup'a Church, Greenbelt 81 reclplonte of tbe Val­ley Forp Honor Certificate for UITG Community Progr&~~~~. The award Ia &rMented to the CYO Young Americana for their out­standing accompllahment In help.. lng to achieve a better under­lltandlq of the American Way of Life.

The CYO Young Americana, made up of youngsters ~ In qe from 8 to 14 years, have presented their 18 minute Bicentennial pro­gram "America's Story Retold" be-. fore · 1115 lchoo... clubl and orpnl­zatlolll alnce December 11174. Their audlenctll total over &1,000 people.

Kollt of the bo:v• realde In Green­belt. They are: Edward Cook, Kenneth CoRa, Hartin Evans, Paul Evan.a, Timothy Gard•, .TORJlh Grqtano, Jell H&we~, Jam.., Hawk, Richard Kollman; Robert Lauer, lllchael Northt\utt. steven Northcutt, PhiUp Puccio, llldward Stratdlko, 8teYen lltratchko. Tho­- Toutlanant, Jam• White.

The group ... under the direc­tion of Robert Rectn, Director of Program Development for the CYO of the Archdloceee of Washington.

5 Greenbelt Ruooers in Jaycee Marathon Race

Five Greenbelters finished the 26 mile marathon race on Feb. 1~

· at the nearby National Agricul­tural Farm oponoored by the Green­belt JAYCEES. It will the third largest mal'llthon on the eut 00111t lncladlng the Boeton Marathon. There were 408 runnera, men, w~ men' and children, the lar~ot field In the Ul year hlatory of thla event.

Bllt O'Brien, a atudent at Syra­cuee Unlver.lty, won In 2:28:40. Tbla WBI his flrat marathon and hr defeated a clau runner in Bemlr AD6n from, England .who aet two loop records In this three loop courao but fell apart at 22 miles. The Greenbelt run nets were: Alex­ander Bernea, 87, In 2:1115:47; Martv Greenbaum, 1118 In 3:,17:44; Bill Clarke, 185 In 3:80:21; Lawrt!nce Wenzel 244 In 3:51 and William Xol)onnell 212 In •:81:111. ONen­belt hu at Jeut 12 active naara­thonera, unuual for a city thl. ll1e, but oome were elc\k with tiM ...

Dl\m1nlc W&e.l'l of WMblftitn, 1'1;, llnlah4 In 8:N to Win tilt ~ JJfiT awarlled ., tile o-w 1.,_ to the 8l'lt J.,.... ..... llll4tr ........ - the' .... for .the ftflll. Onellllelter ., ,_ the -1.,...; 1ft. a,.... tt.e. n.. ..........................


Thursday, Febl'\181}' 28, 1978

Did You Know? lrtt .. elt •na, I••· Tbe Prince Georges County Pub­

lic Schools have tbe large.t Volun­teer P~ of Ita kind In the country. This year more than 15,000 persona are serving an aver­age of 10 bou111 a week aa volun­teer workel"llln 200 acbools through­out the county. About 110% of the volunteers are parent., but lltu­dente, (mainly working In crou­qe tutor!~>. eenlor cltlze1111, re­tired men and WOIIlen, and c»llege otudente a1110 eomprlee the IIIII8JI army which contribute time and aid toward a better edUcation for our :vo~ people.

Need Home Improvements?

Call John ~ Ill Onmlc 'l'IJe lllld

Kltobea Fl-., l!icle'nlb, PU­

... ~ .. M~

1&1-748'1 or IID-10111.

Bel Franklin

Greenbelt CARES, Inc., Citizen'• Board Is seeklq Interested citi­zens to attend the nest board meeting wblcb 11 ecbeduled for Monday, .March 8, at 8 p.m. at t!te Youth Center Building.

The purp:>se of tbla aeetlq Ia to Inform the COIIllllunlty of the lll8DY service. o1fered and pro\'lded by Greenbelt CARES Youth Ser­vices Bureau.

For additional Information, eon­tact Barbara or Rick Barber at 47~. In the evenlnp.

Follow the

Crowds ...

Come to See Come to Browse Come to Acquire

the IITIQIES You've Sought the world over



at Greenbelt Road

and Kenilworth Avenue

Shop In Ollf heated mall

With 70 Grea& l!iCiore.! I

"The ltardware ltore witlt Pertonallzed Sewice" 8lllm:NG '1'1111 GUIINBU4' ARM

Yotla a.urrs IIARD\1(~ Nlllll8


Windows & screens repaired Glass cut to size Pipe cut & threaded Key & Lock supplies

Electric & .Plumbing Supplies Glidden paint, sekrete products

Open weekdays 8~:ao, Sat~ 8~, Sunday 1o-1

1 0502 Baltimore Blvd., Beltsville 937-4141


~ SA VIliS & LOA I


Certificates up to 7,75~ yleldlnt 8.17~

All certificates $1,000.00 minimum Federal~y rnsurecl

rhera " a aubltaDtlal ptllaltJ • .-r~y wttll­drawal of aU otrWioata

llllll1'WA.Y l'l..&b IIIIOPPDIO CIIN'1'III\ IIA!tn.ARD .• ., .....

111M We-. MIIIJIIII .... 1141l

K.ASH'S . HOlE IOI&ft'S.


Gl!lOBGE, OLYMEB In the car quick and come down to Kula Realtor· at Unlv. Blvd .Ad Rhode Ialand Ave. to see ~ S1'IIAL OF THE WEEK BUY CRAC­KY! We have a very llae I BR rancher near Greenbelt on a 80 x 157 lot with Garaael It J011 are looklq for a low pdced home-thla Ia the ·one for "JOUI On VA/Oonv. te.........u~D WITH A FULL BASB:XIINT! ARE YOU lUCADY? $311,848.

oJOSIAJI BABTLil'rl'- y.,_ can "pear'' your budpt with tbla very ftne 2 BR home that Ia .,... llel4 . CJIMlll llaiiJIIII}' ,_ 1 'UI &. 1..-.s at 11-1!: Bldp ROIIoll IJIIIT - blaek ,._ the Greenbelt Sbopplq Center. On a beautiful open eettlng. Prloed to sell at i1.,500. --------"TAYLOR IIIADJ!l" George, ..... for you end you Will acme w1lea you aee this fabtilout 4 BR CA.C rambler In Berwyn HeJpt. with all of the furnllhlnp' you would ever wam. Immaculate kit. With beautiful stove, like new dlab­wuher, dlapoeal ud of -W !W carpet!~ of top grade. It baa a FIREPLACE IN Ll\ that wlll burn lop but doea have 181 lop now, Rec. -11 beautiful! Allo, hu a new gu furnace! many other fea­tures. Olrered on all term•. $47,900.

YOU ABE ALL "HART" lORN to call 34~1&1 and find out the detalla on tbla 2 BR home wttia wooda In bulL Redeelped ldt., paneled llv. rm. LarCI...~ cloleta very tastefully decora~ !l'hlli Is the one for you! Appi'alaed at $18,600. \


. Vanolltoll! And 10 will 7011 It you see thla 8 BR bMatltul Weetbrlar Rambler (Jwd to get) with 1% bathe. It hu CA.C, dllhwuher, wuber, dryer, W/W carpet and Ia located on a very quiet 1treet. Olrcred on all terms $48,000.

BENBMINE, "BU811" IN HEBE and see thla new and beautiful 2 BR 2 bath Condo In ORBIENBRIAR. Large mer dern kit. family room. lt!P· din. rm. beth otr muter BR. walk-In cla.et (large u IOID8

BR'a). W /W carpet throUgh­out. belt grade! Al110, wuher &: dryer! Beautiful asaumption at low lntere.t rate. No new loan to get! $38,900.


THIS ONE IS FOR YOU SAM! See thla one BR apt, (end no Jess) that Is beautifully decora­ted and has a 1 yr. old waaher, W /W carp. throughout, window

· A;C. Many other fcatUrCII au,ch 81 new ll&'ht fixtures, awltcbea, etc. Only $11,800. Beautiful yard!

THIS ONE IS FOR VOU IOHN and Ia downatalral lt' a equip­ped wltb wuher and A/C very nice yard. Ptioed to ~U>II at $11,110b. '

WILLIAM ELLERY, your wife will be QUEEN In thla fabulous 4 BR 2 bath home with bar. Many, many Improvement. In­cluding waahcr, dryer, W /W carpet, 2 A/C'•. P01elble good auumptlon here wit}\ $'1500. But, al1o olfered ·on all term• VA/FHA etc. 841,800. I .

USII'INC., REALTORS Ua1Y ....... ~JIIIIIi4&,._·

~lG-2151 ,..._ ___ ..

<' <! •• -·;;--;

