hoppy the happy green frog iii

III HOPPY, THE HAPPY GREEN FROG Today was turning out to be a very good day for Hoppy. School was out for a holiday. He swam and played with his friends in the cool, mossy green water. Days like this were his favorite. Since his friends attended school and he didn't, days like this were rare.

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Hoppy gets advice from Grandpa Frog and hears a story that will change his life.


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Today was turning out to be a very good day for Hoppy. School was out

for a holiday. He swam and played with his friends in the cool, mossy green

water. Days like this were his favorite. Since his friends attended school and he

didn't, days like this were rare.

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His friends loved to play leap frog with him. He was always happy so that

he made them happy too.

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They held races to see who was the fastest frog. Hoppy always won,

because he had more time to exercise and be out in the fresh air and sun. He

had very strong leg muscles. But, he did not brag, so the others felt all right

about him winning.

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Sometimes, they sat on the bank and sang froggie songs. They even had

quartet contests. Hoppy was a member of an especially fine quartet group.

They were in demand to perform at parties.

They were very accomplished frogs. They were all good friends.

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Hoppy liked one thing even more than he liked to play. He liked to to talk

to Grandpa Frog.

"Har-umph!" Grandpa would call when he had something important to

talk about with Hoppy.

Hoppy would swim over to Grandpa and climb out of the water. Then, he

would wait for Grandpa Frog to talk. Sometimes, Hoppy would have to wait a

long time before Grandpa was ready to tell him what he wanted.

Today, Grandpa spoke up right away.

"Hoppy, what are you going to do when you grow up?" said Grand pa

with a very serious tone in his voice.

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Hoppy sat very still,

trying to think of a good

answer to give Grandpa.

Then he said, "I play

best of all. I think I will PLAY

when I grow up!"

Grandpa Frog did not

say anything at first. He sat

very still. Then, he closed his


Hoppy thought maybe Grandpa had gone to sleep. He began to feel a

little nervous.

Then Grandpa said, "Playing is all right for little frogs, but BIG frogs have


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Hoppy gave a little excited hop. Then he said, "I don't know what 're-pin-

ball' means, Grandpa. Are you angry with me?"

Hoppy gave another excited little hop.

"Harumph!" began Grandpa…"Responsible! Responsible! Responsible,

Hoppy. Then, he told Hoppy a story.

"When I was a very young frog, I swam in the cool, mossy green pond just

like you do…every day, day after day."

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"I did not like to sit in school either, just like you. In fact, you are so much

like I used to be, it makes me proud to tell everyone that you are my grandson!"

Hoppy got a lump in his throat—a great big lump of happiness.

Grandpa settled more comfortably on the grass, then went on with his


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"One day, a great BIG IMPORTANT FROG came to our pond."

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"When he saw me, he was very impressed with my large size, my shiny

green skin, by how high I could jump and how fast I could swim. I was always a

super winner."

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"He stayed with us all day. He showed us lots of fabulous things. He

taught us to study things out and understand them. He encouraged us to

always do our BEST!."

"At the end of the day, He was hopping up on the highest bank to make

his farewell speech, when his glasses fell off and broke!"

"All the frogs gasped in shock." .

"All the frogs started jumping up and down, croaking with anxiety. No

one knew what to do. Finally, Mr. Big Important Frog called to me."

"He said, 'Bill Frog, you are so very accomplished, that I want you to come

up here and read my farewell speech for me,' smiling with the expectation that I

would do a great job."

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Grandpa paused for a moment, remembering. "I lifted my hands up,

expressing my inability to accept his invitation. He looked at me and raised his

eyebrows and asked me why."

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Grandpa paused for a moment remembering. "I turned red with


I hung my head and said in a low croak, 'I play best, but I don't read best!

In fact, I can only read kindergarten books!' " (Hoppy could tell Grandpa still felt

some of the embarrassment.)

Hoppy began to feel sorry for the little frog that Grandpa once was.

"I hung my head down and wished I could dive to the bottom of the

mossy cool, green pond."

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"Then, Mr. Big Important Frog said, 'I'm mighty sorry to hear that, Bill

Frog! Because, if you can't read and write fluently,--and your writing is probably

kindergarten level too-- you will NEVER reach your potential!' "

Grandpa said, "I was so uncomfortable, I felt like crawling under a lily pad

and hiding."

"Then. Mr. Big Important Frog went on talking to me. He said, 'It will be

hard for you to be a responsible citizen! But, I think so much of you, that I'm

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going to be very disappointed in you if you don't quit playing all day and begin

doing your math, reading, spelling and other school studies!' "I looked up at

him wondering what he would say next."

Grandpa paused so Hoppy could take in what he said next. "Mr. Big Important

Frog told me something that helped me want to do work instead of always

playing. I'm going to share it with you now."

At this point, Grandpa smiled, remembering. "Mr. Big Important Frog

went on to say, 'Bill Frog, I like you so much that I'm going to tell you my secret

for being truly happy!' At this point, Mr. Big Important Frog leaned over until he

was looking me straight in the eyes. "

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"Then he told me, 'Here is my secret: You will find that WORK is lots

more fun and satisfying than playing all day, if you try it!' "Then, he patted me

on the head and took the next Bluebird Express heading west. I never saw him

again. He died the next year, honored by all, but his advice stayed with me."

Grandpa stopped.

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Hoppy waited, then he hopped up and down. "What happened next?

What happened next?!" Hoppy was afraid Grandpa was going to sleep without

finishing his story. But, he hadn't. He was just thinking and remembering.

Grandpa finally spoke up. "It wasn't easy at first; I was used to playing

and liked a good time too much! I was even afraid to try to work!"

Hoppy saw that Grandpa Frog really understood things, especially, when

he gave him a big wink.

"Finally, my mother told me she'd help me be my very best, if I would try

to be my very best, but it would mostly be up to me! She could not do my

thinking for me or make my choices for me! She could not move my hand and

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do my writing for me,"

"So, I finally decided to try. I read a page a day with my mother's

help…Then, a chapter a day. Pretty soon, I was reading a book a day

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My mother and father let me know they were very proud of me!" "I

asked my mother to help me with my drawing and writing.

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I asked my father to help me with my math, since he was a carpenter

and knew how to measure.

I got my mother to help me understand money, because I could not tell if

I was getting the right change when I hopped to the store to buy a treat!"

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"My mother began to smile all the time, instead of looking worried about

me. Especially, when I asked my Dad to help me saw boards and pound nails to

build stuff."

"In fact, we stopped living on a lily pad and built a little house!"

"I became a great success, and my parents were proud of me!"

Hoppy gave a GREAT big hop, because he was so excited. "How do I start,

Grandpa! I want to begin RIGHT NOW!"

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But Grandpa said, "Hold on there, Hoppy. We have to have an

agreement! Shake my hand and promise me that you'll be good. NO temper

tantrums; I do not want my time wasted! I did not tantrum because my mother

told me it is not right to behave badly when you are learning good things that

will help you with your life!"

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So, Hoppy shook hands with Grandpa and agreed to always try to be

good, Grandpa looked so kind and happy, that Hoppy was glad he had agreed.

To his great surprise, Hoppy found that once he started, he did not want

to quit or ever tantrum.

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Grandpa showed him how to swim the alphabet in cursive. All of his

froggie friends came to watch. Soon, they were ALL swimming the alphabet in


So, Hoppy found out for himself that WORK IS MORE FUN than playing all

the time. But, he still enjoyed playing too.

He found that he was happiest when he could work and THEN play…so he


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Grandpa watched him with great pride, because he saw himself in Hoppy.

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He knew Hoppy would also be a GREAT SUCCESS!