horizon 2020 the european union's programme for research and innovation aviation unit european...

HORIZON 2020 The European Union's programme for Research and Innovation Aviation Unit European Commission DG Research & Innovation Open to the world! First EU-Canada Aeronautics Coordinated Call Ouvert au monde ! Bienvenue Welcome Premier appel de recherche à projets aéronautiques coordonnés Canadá-UE

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Page 1: HORIZON 2020 The European Union's programme for Research and Innovation Aviation Unit European Commission DG Research & Innovation Open to the world! First

HORIZON 2020The European Union's programme

for Research and Innovation

Aviation Unit

European Commission

DG Research & Innovation

Open to the world!First EU-Canada

Aeronautics Coordinated Call

Ouvert au monde !

Bienvenue Welcome

Premier appel de recherche à projets aéronautiques coordonnés Canadá-UE

Page 2: HORIZON 2020 The European Union's programme for Research and Innovation Aviation Unit European Commission DG Research & Innovation Open to the world! First

PolicyPolicy Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

Horizon 202077 b€ for 7 years (2014-2020)

Excellent Excellent sciencescience

Industrial Industrial EnablingEnabling

Societal Societal challengeschallenges

The new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Open to the World !

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PolicyPolicy Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

• Health, demographic change and wellbeing

• Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy

• Secure, clean and efficient energy

• Smart, green and integrated Transport:

• Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials

• Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies

• Secure societies 3

WHAT is Horizon 2020 ?

Pillar: Societal Challenges

"Mobility for Growth" topics include Aviation

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Research and Innovation

…OPENING (normal calls) ....................................……… SUPPORT ACTIONS (as CANNAPE, ERACAN+)... COORDINATED CALLS …..………….

− Co-definition = areas of mutual benefit− Co-evaluation = peer review from both sides− Co-participation = balanced consortia − Co-funding = each-side-pays-its-nationals− Co-securing higher success rate

Increasing Scale & Scope RECIPROCITY

More More focused focused

& & balancedbalanced

HOW to cooperateinternationally ?

Why Coordinated Calls ?

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Research and Innovation

Mobility for Growth 2015

Coordinated Calls(three WP topics)

• MG.1.8 - 2015. International cooperation in aeronautics with Japan

• MG.1.9 - 2015. International cooperation in aeronautics with Canada

• MG.1.10 - 2015. International cooperation in aeronautics with China

16 M€: Total EU contribution for the three

( MG 1.8+MG 1.9+MG 1.10 ).

Scheme: Research and Innovation Actions (RIA).

At least 3 projects per third country expected to be retained.

Indicative expected EU grant per project: 1.3–1.8 M€.

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Research and Innovation


Four specific areas of common interest identified for 2015

• Reducing environmental impact through advanced design of novel aircraft configurations

• Reducing noise through novel materials design & application on engines and/or airframes

• Resource-efficient high-performance advanced-materials product development & manufacturing

• Reducing energy consumption through more electrical aircraft & systems integrationEU Funding available

+ Equivalent amount from Canada

for at least 3 coordinated projects in different areas

to be retained in 2015.

H2020 EU-Canada Coordinated Call

Mobility for Growth Aviation (2015)

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Research and Innovation


• Reducing environmental impact through advanced design of novel aircraft configurations.

In order to decrease fuel consumption and the environmental footprint of aviation, the efficiency of future aircraft should be increased.

Different aircraft configurations can be explored in comparison to the standard tube-and-wing concept.

Research work should aim at new and enhanced methods in design to enable advanced and novel aircraft configurations with reduced overall emissions.

Among others, novel multidisciplinary optimisation tools can be complemented with analytical and numerical research. Experiments on specific advanced technologies can be also included.

H2020 EU-Canada Coordinated Call

Mobility for Growth Aviation (2015)

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Research and Innovation


• Reducing noise through novel materials design & application on engines and/or airframes

For achieving noise reduction goals, a better understanding of the complex phenomena associated to the absorption of acoustic energy is needed together with advanced technologies to further reduce the noise from the airframe and the engines.

Research work should aim at new designs and new application of materials with a potential of achieving next step reductions in airframe and/or engine noise, with the lowest negative impact on performance, weight and cost.

Research can include proof-of-concept experiments to validate the understanding of noise reduction mechanisms.

H2020 EU-Canada Coordinated Call

Mobility for Growth Aviation (2015)

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Research and Innovation


• Resource-efficient high-performance advanced-materials product development & manufacturing

The increasing use of advanced materials in aircraft together with the demand for sustainable production requires new advanced technologies for the aeronautical industry.

Research work should aim at more efficient product development and manufacturing in terms of use of resources, time and costs.

Among others, research could include aspects related to green materials and processes and manufacturing automation.

H2020 EU-Canada Coordinated Call

Mobility for Growth Aviation (2015)

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Research and Innovation


• Reducing energy consumption through more electrical aircraft & systems integration

Electrically-driven systems are increasingly used in aviation, aiming at increasing propulsion efficiency and reducing environmental impact and costs.

Research work should aim at development and optimised integration of electrical systems in future aircraft to minimise overall energy consumption.

Among others, research could include aspects related to highly integrated systems, incl. health monitoring.

H2020 EU-Canada Coordinated Call

Mobility for Growth Aviation (2015)

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Research and Innovation

• Organisers – one contact point on each sideEur. Commission/INEA, Industry Canada/CARIC

• Potential Participants – any legal entity e.g.Canada: Companies, NRC, Universities, …Europe*: Companies, R&T Centres, Universities,…(* Min. 3 participants from EU or H2020 Associate Member States).

• Facilitators (e.g. for preparatory meetings/WS):- CANNAPE network, CARIC, ERA-CAN+, … e.g. CARIC events; H2020 events; AirShows; …

EU-CA Aviation Coordinated


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Research and Innovation

• European* and Canadian participants prepare a common Description of Work, addressing one of the topic-areas, showing:

- A comprehensive research plan properly involving coordinated research activities between Europe and Canada, ensuring genuine cooperation and added value to activities.

- Balanced effort between Europe and Canada.

• European* And Canadian participants prepare a draft Coordination Agreement on their working modalities. (Indicative checklist available)

• Each side submits the forms in accordance with each side's financing sources procedures.

*European understood as from EU Member State or State associated to H2020.

EU-CA Aviation Coordinated


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Research and Innovation

CA Grant agreement

H2020 Grant agreement

European Commission

CA financing source(s)

European Participants (co-fund)

Example per EU+CA project retained


• Indicative expected EU grant per project: 1.3–1.8 M€, but other amounts requests possible

………………….. Remember max. 70 pages.

EU-CA Aviation Coordinated



WorkCanadian Participants (co-fund)

Coordination Agreement





In the Horizon 2020 aviation coordinated calls the 3rd country participants will not sign Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement. They will sign the Coordination Agreement with the European participants.

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Research and Innovation

In addition to the General Horizon 2020 Eligibility and admissibility conditions:

•Proposals that do not include coordination with corresponding third-country activities will be considered ineligible.

•Proposals will only be selected on the condition that their corresponding coordinated third-country activities will be funded.

•Participants in the EU actions are required to conclude a coordination agreement with the participants in the corresponding coordinated third-country activities. A final draft of these agreements has to be provided with the proposal.

H2020 Aviation Coordinated


How? Eligibility on EU side

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Research and Innovation

Proposal Xcopy 1

Proposal Xcopy 2

Proposal Xcopy 3

IAR(Individual Assessment


expert 1

IAR expert 2

IAR expert 3

Consensus meeting



Note: There may be more than 3 experts as evaluators per proposal.EC intends to invite Canadian evaluators and a Canadian Gov. Observer to EU evaluation.

Individual evaluationMay be “remote”

Consensus scores & comments

Evaluation Procedure on EU side

(independent experts)

How evaluated on EU side?

EU-CA Aviation Coordinated


-> Register as independent expert: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/experts/index.html

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Research and Innovation

EU Evaluation Criteria and Scoring

How evaluated? (on EU side )




EU-CA Aviation Coordinated



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Research and Innovation

Evaluation Criteria of Horizon 2020 Applicable to Research and Innovation Project Proposals

ExcellenceThe following aspects will be taken into account,

to the extent that the proposed work corresponds to the topic description in the work programme:

ImpactThe extent to which the outputs of the project should

contribute at the European and/or International level to:

Quality and Efficiency of the Implementation

The following aspects will be taken into account:

Clarity and pertinence of the objectives;

Credibility of the proposed approach;

Soundness of the concept, including trans-disciplinary considerations, where relevant;

The expected impacts listed in the work programme under the relevant topic

Enhancing innovation capacity and integration of new knowledge;

Strengthening the competitiveness and growth of companies by developing innovations meeting the needs of European and global markets; and, where relevant, by delivering such innovations to the markets;

Any other environmental and socially important impacts (not already covered above);

Effectiveness of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR), to communicate the project, and to manage research data where relevant.

Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources;

Complementarity of the participants within the consortium (when relevant);

Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including risk and innovation management.

Balanced effort between Europe and Canada

A comprehensive research plan properly involving coordinated research activities between Europe and Canada, ensuring genuine cooperation and added value to activities.

How evaluated? (on EU side )

EU-CA Aviation Coordinated


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Research and Innovation

Indicative TimelineEU CA

•Indication in H2020 Q4 2013•Call Publication: July 2014 Oct 2014•Submission opening Dec 2014 Oct 2014

•Submission closure: 23 April 2015 •Evaluations on each side: Q2 2015

- Results & Grant Preparation -•Project start: Q1 2016

Transport Info Day on 2 Feb 2015 in Brussels http://ec.europa.eu/research/transport/index_en.htm

When?EU-CA Aviation

Coordinated Call

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Research and Innovation

H2020 Participant PortalResearch & InnovationEuropean Commissionhttp://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html

-> H2020 Aviation Canada call link:


Call Ref.:

H2020-MG-2015_SingleStage-A ( M.G.1-9 )

Overall H2020 European Commissionhttp://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/


More info on H2020 ?

Where to Apply on EU side ?

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Research and Innovation

• The Commission services do not intervene at proposal level, other than to clarify any general question on the process or to facilitate contacts - in case potential proposers express interest in a topic and agree to be contacted.

• On EU side, Networking/coaching can be facilitated by the network of National Contact Points in Transport / Aeronautics (ETNA+, http://www.transport-ncps.net/).

• CARIC VP is the National Contact Point for Canada.

Remarks from EU Commission

EU-CA Aviation Coordinated


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Research and Innovation

• DG Research & Innovation / Directorate “Transport” / Aviation unit (H3)http://ec.europa.eu/research/transport/air/index_en.htmIntn'l Coop: [email protected]

FP7/FP6 Aeronautics Project Books (Synopses and Contacts): http://ec.europa.eu/research/transport/more_info/publications_en.cfm

Partner search: https://cordis.europa.eu/partners/web/guest

Networks of National Contact Points (NCPs):

- In EU Member States to facilitate connections & activities.- In Third countries to aid participation in FP7: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/third-countries_en.html- Transport incl. Aviation NCPs (ETNA+): http://www.transport-ncps.net/

CANNAPE network https://connect.innovateuk.org/web/cannape

www.caric.caFor overall EU-CA R&I support: www.era-can.net

Aviation Research & Innovation Contacts

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Research and Innovation

Collaborative R&I+

International Cooperation+


Better Planes for a Better Planet

H2020 Aviation


Good cooperation

&Thanks !


Merci &

Bonne cooperation