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1 Service Trust Respect Innovation Hornsby West Side Precinct Councillor Workshop – 13 February 2013 Service Trust Respect Innovation Present the results of community consultation Presentations from economic, traffic and urban design consultants Gather feedback prior to finalising the draft Structure Plan Purpose

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Service Trust Respect Innovation

Hornsby West Side Precinct

Councillor Workshop – 13 February 2013

Service Trust Respect Innovation

Present the results of community consultation

Presentations from economic, traffic and urban design consultants

Gather feedback prior to finalising the draft Structure Plan



Service Trust Respect Innovation

Community Consultation

Service Trust Respect Innovation

Survey responses

660 respondents

Most aged between 35 & 75

Most visit the West Side almost every day, including weekends

Most live more than 1km away

Most either travel by car and/or walk to the West Side

Visit – for shopping, dining/eating, catch the train, leisure activities

Like – RSL, Odeon Theatre, character, streetscape, cafes, restaurants

Don’t Like – Appearance/condition, Traffic

Community Consultation


Service Trust Respect Innovation

Survey responses (cont’d)

Important aspects of any redevelopment Pedestrian friendly Convenient access to shops Open space and landscaping

Most support for Improved pedestrian links Market space/town square Community markets More retail shops More parking (and least support for less parking)

Community Consultation

Service Trust Respect Innovation

Survey responses - heights

Community Consultation


Service Trust Respect Innovation

Property owner workshop

22 attendees

Current planning controls hinder development

High level of enthusiasm and support for change

Scepticism that anything will happen

Many landowners ready to develop if feasible controls adopted

Community Consultation

Service Trust Respect Innovation

Property owner workshop

22 attendees

Current planning controls hinder development

High level of enthusiasm and support for change

Scepticism that anything will happen

Many landowners ready to develop if feasible controls adopted

General view that heights need to be increased to make development feasible

Community Consultation


Service Trust Respect Innovation

Economic - Hill PDA

Planning Studies

Hornsby West Precinct Mixed Use Feasibility Assessment

Esther Cheong (Principal, Land Economics & Valuations) Hill PDA


St George Leagues Club Strategic Asset Management

Presentation Overview

Hornsby West Precinct - Feasibility Assessment

St George Leagues Club Strategic Asset Management

Hornsby West Precinct - Feasibility Assessment

Site 1Park Edge

Site 2Council CP

Hornsby West Precinct - Feasibility Assessment


St George Leagues Club Strategic Asset ManagementHornsby West Precinct - Feasibility AssessmentHornsby West Precinct - Feasibility Assessment

Service Trust Respect Innovation

Traffic – Bitzios Consulting

Planning Studies


Hornsby Westside Traffic and Parking Study

Councillor Presentation

13 February 2013

Study Objectives

Review existing road capacity and traffic conditions

Identify traffic management works for future development Analyse existing and projected parking conditions


Where are we now?

Review all data and information supplied by Council

AM and PM peak site inspections Prepare a Paramics micro-simulation model of AM and PM peak periods

Prepare an Existing Conditions report

Work closely with Urban Design (JBA) and Economic (Hill PDA) consultants Develop future road network options

Analyse existing and future parking conditions Use the Paramics model to test the future development yields and road network

Recommend road network improvements, parking policy and parking arrangements

Existing Parking Assessment - Summary

Average utilisation rate by restriction type:

− 1/4P 65%− 1/2P 75%

− 1P 64%

− 2P 68%− 3P 43%

− UNR 62% Low utilisation rate in Nursery Street (about 35%), and Ashley Street west (44%),

probably due to distance from station and shops


Modelled Network


fic H






William St

High St

Dural StBurdett St

Edgeworth David Ave

Bridge Rd


ey S

t Nor



ay P







ey S


Base Model Development


AM peak period example

(show AM peak video clip)

AM Maximum Queue Lengths

7am to 8am 8am to 9am


Key Issues in Existing Network

AM peak

− Pacific Highway/Bridge Road (northern approach)− Bridge Road/Jersey Street North (northern approach)

− Pacific Highway/Coronation Street (northern approach)

PM Peak

− George Street/Bridge Road (eastern approach)− Westfield car park exit at George Street/Pacific Highway

Future road network


Challenges and trade-offs

Good urban design principles maximise pedestrian and cyclist amenity

Implies narrow roads, limited lanes, kerb extensions, “tight” geometry Traffic capacity requires multiple lanes at intersections, and catering for turning


Aim to have one continuous lane for ‘through’ traffic movements (as opposed to turning movements)

Need to minimise actual through traffic (external to external) Encourage through traffic onto the George/Bridge/Jersey route

Cater for ‘genuine’ purpose trips within the precinct, especially train station drop off/pick up

Recommended changes to key intersections

George Street/Bridge Road

− Make Railway Parade left in/left out only, and remove Railway Parade phase.− Railway Parade through and right turn traffic will be displaced to Miller Street

(assuming new signalised offset T-intersection with Bridge/Hunter).

− Assume Railway Parade through traffic will use Miller then Hunter Street, while right turn traffic would use Miller then Bridge.

Pacific Highway/Bridge Road

− Make southbound lane 1 exclusive left turn lane− Allow this left turn movement in the phase that services westbound traffic in

Bridge Road.


Service Trust Respect Innovation

Urban Design – JBA Planning

Planning Studies

HORNSBY WEST SIDE PRECINCTDraft Structure Plan Council Presentation

13 February 2013



Opportunities and Constraints

Draft Structure Plan

Public Domain Concepts


The traditional ‘Heart’

Civic, retail, commercial, entertainment, education

Constrained between railway and residential area

Low scale – 2/3 storeys

Fine grain street pattern

Buildings define streets




Proximity to transport

Good parking

Good street network

Cenotaph / Hornsby Park

Prominent sites

High level district views


Poor pedestrian amenity

Isolated open space


Fragmented land ownership


Westside has the fundamental elements of a good place“Good bones” - connected streets, transport, fine grain buildings

Keys to ‘unlock’ potentialBetter public domain, more people, retail purpose, commercially viable redevelopment, convenient movement

Where is the ‘heart and soul’ of Westside?Making a memorable place where the people are

Transition from highway to high streetTake advantage of downgraded road

Traditional town centre experienceHeritage items may be constraint but conservation of high streetexperience is key to creating a unique place

Getting the circulation rightClear, convenient movement network including parking. Optimising foot & car traffic = passing trade

Key Ideas

Draft Structure Plan

“Highway to Main Street”

1,000 new apartments

30,000m2 of non-residential floor space (in total)

Heights up to 25 storeys

High quality public domain


Building Height

25 storeys for icon site

20 storeys on key gateway sites

10 – 15 storeys

Balance between viability with urban design / impacts

Consistent with similar centres


Generally 0m

Block edge form

Promote street front activities



Active frontages along primary streets and lanes

Capitalise on the movement economy

Fine grain shop fronts Awnings

Active Frontages

2-3 storey street wall

Pedestrian scaled street environment

Establish a similar street wall height as the parapet line of existing buildings

Street Wall


Street Wall

Retain significant heritage items where possible

Encourage adaptive reuse

Retain high quality facades where possible

Heritage & Facade Retention


Move Station Street / Pacific Highway junction

Modify existing Station Street as multiuse space

Pedestrianise portion of Dural Lane

Formalise lane access

Street Network

No net loss of car parking across the precinct

Two sites provide Council with options to redevelop / consolidate

Optimise on-street parking

Public Car park Options


Promote walkability

Pedestrian priority

Encourage outdoor dining, seating and active uses to streets

New civic space – Cenotaph Plaza

Retain / improve on-street parking opportunities

Public Domain Concepts

Adaptable community space

Enhance civic / memorial elements

Connect plaza to the town

Realignment of existing bus / taxi way

Cenotaph Plaza


Outdoor dining, seating and active uses

Pedestrian priority crossings

Traffic calming

Regular street tree planting

Main Street

HornsbyWest SidePrecinct

Highway to Main Street


Service Trust Respect Innovation

Next Steps

Planning controls and key principles diagrams prepared

May/June 2013 - Revised Planning Proposal with planning controls reported to Council

July/August 2013 - Submit to DP&I for revised Gateway Determination

Second half of 2013 - Public Exhibition