horror film poster

Horror Film Poster - A Step by Step Guide

Upload: broganmain

Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Horror Film Poster - A Step by Step Guide

Page 2: Horror film poster

Step 1 – Main Image First, I selected my main

image. I had a small photoshoot with the main character from the film and selected what I thought was the most appropriate image from this for the poster.

I felt that this was the best because she was not using a direct mode of address, instead, looking at something which seemed to be behind the camera which leaves the audience with a feeling of unknown making them want to know what is behind. It could make the audience feel on edge as it may make them feel like something is behind them too.

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Step 2 – Image Effects The next thing I did was to add

some effects to the image as I wanted to make it seem like it was a still taken from a poor quality video so first I decreased the saturation, this took away the intensity of the colours.

Next, I added a gradient map which went from black to white with a green tinge which made the overall colour of the image more like that of a poor quality camera.

Lastly I added noise to the image by rendering clouds and altering the opacity and blending options to make it more and less visible. This made the quality of the image appear worse.

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Step 3 – Create Viewfinder (Authentic recording look)

The next step was to make it look authentic by adding a viewfinder to the image, making it appear to be taken directly from a still of a video recorder. I tried to find a pre-existing image to use for this but instead decided to create my own to best suit my own preferences.

I created one corner of the view finder and then copied it three times so I could be sure each side was exactly the same after aligning it correctly.

I then added the battery to add to the authenticity.

After this I added a slight glow effect to it to make it appear as if it was from the LCD screen and would be lighting up on the camera and also to stand out over the image.

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Step 4 – More Authenticity, adding scanlines

Next I added some scanlines across the image which would make it appear to have less quality, again adding to the authenticity.

After that I added a small “REC” sign with a red ‘light’ next to it to make it look like it was from a camera, recording.

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Step 5 - Titles Next I added the film title using

the BASE 02 font I had previously downloaded in preparation. I added a blur effect to this to soften the appearance and then a drop shadow effect to increase how much it stood out.

To add to this, I then created two more copies of the title and placed them slightly offset behind this first title and decreased the opacity of each. This gave the impression they were reflecting it or more shadows but added to the eerie effect of the poster.

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Step 6 – Institutional Information

I then used the Men In Black Credits font to type up the institutional information to go at the bottom of the poster. I used the conventions I had found from pre-existing products in this element and tried to create it to be as realistic as possible.

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Step 7 – Extra Text Next I added the review

comment and placed it underneath the title in contrast to my plan where I had placed it at the top. I felt it looked better and more appropriate where it is now.

I then added a “COMING SOON” to the bottom underneath the institutional info, this was something which ran throughout every poster I looked at during research and so knew I had to involve in mine.

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Step 8 – Production company logos

Adding production logos adds to the realism of the poster as it is something you would typically find on a real product.

I chose paramount, dreamworks and film4 as they are highly acclaimed companies, and then I added rogue pictures as it is a lesser known but still successful company. I then added the rating and the dolby digital logo to make it look professional.

Finally, I added a slight drop shadow and a outer glow to all of the logos to fit in with the theme and appearance of the poster and to make them stand out more against the background.

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Step 9 - Producers

Another thing I had seen on a lot of posters was previous work of actors or producers and so I added some text at the top which noted previously successful and popular horror films. This is put in to attract audience as if they have seen these films, they are likely to want to come and see something else by that producer.

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Step 10 – The Unknown The final thing I added to the

poster was the mask. I tried to blend this into the

background as much as possible. Although the mask could be perceived as to be there next to her or not, it could also be perceived as a face coming behind her. This is a part of the film as it is something from the “monster” and on the poster it gives a fear factor and a sense of unknown and leaves the ausience wondering what it is and what significance it has and therefore wanting to see more.

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Final Poster

Overall, I am very happy with how my poster has turned out. I feel it fits completely with horror poster codes and conventions and matches great with my film and synergises well with the rest of my promotional package.