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Journal of the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages


Portal from St PeterÕs church in Osor, Croatia, detail/reconstruction

Hortus Artium Mediev. Vol. 19 p. 1-492 May 2013 ZAGREB-MOTOVUN, CROATIA


Journal of the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages




Hortus Artium Mediev. Vol. 19 p. 1-492 May 2013 ZAGREB-MOTOVUN, CROATIA

S. Bully, M. Jurkoviæ, Chr. Sapin,

S. Lebecq,

T. OÕCarragain

A. Dubreucq,

M. Riera Rullan,

Y. Codou,

D.Istria, Ph. Pergola,

R. Belcari,

S. Gioanni,

N. Uroda,

I. Fiskoviæ,

S. Gelichi, C. Moine,

M. Agazzi,

M. Èauševiæ-Bully, S. Bully

M. Bradanoviæ, D. Cikoviæ,

J. Æus-Rukoniæ,

M. Jurkoviæ,

N. Reveyron, Vita sancti Hugonis abbatis

E. Cirelli

Gian Pietro Brogiolo,


M. A. Cau, C. Mas Florit

S. Gutierrez Lloret, J. Sarabia Bautista Eio

K. Filipec

4 Hortus Artium Mediev. Vol. 19 p. 1-492 May 2013 ZAGREB-MOTOVUN, CROATIA

Ch. Gaillard

P. de Vingo

M. Èauševiæ-Bully, I. Mariæ, S. Bully, M. Jurkoviæ

M. Bleèiæ Kavur, B. Kavur,

J. Terrier, M. Jurkoviæ, I. Mariæ,

M. Mignozzi

F. Guti e«rrez Ba–os

E. Carrero Santamar’a

B. Kavur,

N. Jakšiæ,

M. L. Mezzacasa, corpus


Vrbes Extinctae · Archaeologies of Abandoned Classical Towns (Matko Matija Marušiæ)

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M.-C. Comte, Les reliquaires du Proche-Orient et de Chypre ˆ la pe«riode protobyzantine (IVe-VIIIe si cle) Formes, emplacements, fonction, cultes (Anne-Be«ne«dicte Me«rel-Brandenburg)

D. Barbet-Massin, LÕenluminure et le sacre«. Irlande et Grande-Bretagne, VIIe-VIIIe si cles (Pascale Chevalier)

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Medievalia 15, 2012 (Raquel Alonso çlvarez)

Flavia De Rubeis, Veneto · Belluno, Treviso, Vicenza, Inscriptiones Medii Aevi Italiae (saec. VI- XII), 3 (Chiara Lambert)

Le plaisir de lÕart du Moyen åge: commande, production et re«ception de lÕÏuvre dÕart. Me«langes en hommage Xavier Barral i Altet (Maria Alessandra Bilotta)

Therese Martin, Reassessing the Roles of Women as ÔMakersÕ of Medieval Art and Architecture (Silvija Juraiæ)

A. Erlande-Brandenburg, La Re«volution Gothique (Valent Pavliæ et Sara Dukiæ)


351M. Bleèiæ Kavur, B. Kavur: The Amphora from Osor

The Amphora from Osor


The paper presents the amphora from Osor discovered during the research excavations in the monastery and church of St. Peter in Osor. It is an urn in the form of an amphora lacking closer comparisons in the adjacent Late Bronze and Early Iron Age cultural groups, but exhibits similarities with the urns of the continental Late Bronze Age, especially the Ruše cultural group. Due to its formal and stylistic characteristics, as well as the results of the radiometric dating, it was attributed to the beginning of the Early Iron Age in Kvarner – in to the second half of the 10th century BC. It was interpreted as the case of individual or burial of the close members of the family which, due to the circumstances buried their dead according to their traditional customs forming a burial that could be recognized as one of the elements demonstrating the growing intensity of the influences from the Urnfield culture to the area of Kvarner. Consequently the amphora from Osor could be comprehended as a symbolic subject of a specific burial rite which indubitably confirms the cognitively clearly recognizable semiotic value in the interaction of the Northern Adriatic and the territory of the continental Urnfield culture at the end of the last prehistoric millennium.

Keywords: Cres-Lošinj archipelago, Osor, Early Iron Age, Osor type amphora, incineration burial rite, long distance contacts, Ruše type amphora, Urnfield culture, Late Bronze Age

Fig. 1. Aerial photography of Osor with indicated locations of prehistoric cemeteries and individual graves ( ) and with the marked location of the monastery and church of St. Peter ( ) (Source: GoogleEarth 2011; produced by M. Bleèiæ Kavur).


Fig. 2. Ground plan of the excavated part of the sector VI with marked positions of both urns (completed after Mariæ et al. 2009, f. 2; 8).

353M. Bleèiæ Kavur, B. Kavur: The Amphora from Osor

Fig. 3. Front and back view of the amphora from Osor (Archeological collection Osor, inv. nr. 1874; photo: M. Bleèiæ Kavur).

Fig. 4. Reconstruction of the amphora from Osor (Archaeological collection Osor, inv. nr. 1874; Scale 1: 3, drawing: M. Bleèiæ Kavur).


Fig. 5. Results of the radiocarbon dating of the sample from the urn from Osor and the results plotted against the calibration curve(supplemented after Mariæ et al. 2009, f. 5).

355M. Bleèiæ Kavur, B. Kavur: The Amphora from Osor

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de Cres, Croatie): quatri me campagne dÕ e«tudes arche«ologiques Le monast re Saint-Pierre dÕOsor (”le de Cres) : quatri me campagne dÕe«tudes


Le monas t re Saint-Pierre dÕOsor (”le de Cres) : quatri me campagne dÕe«tudes arche«ologiques

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Die Ausgrabungen auf Ossero Isole del Quar-nero .

eljezno doba na Kvarneru

Liburnska grupaStanje istra ivanja prapovijesti na kvarnerskim otocima,

356 Hortus Artium Mediev. Vol. 19 351-356 M. Bleèiæ Kavur, B. Kavur THE AMPHORA FROM OSOR



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