hospice power point lecture

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  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


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  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    It is designed to give supportive care topeople in the final phase of a terminal illnessand focus on comfort and quality of liferather than cure.

    GOAL: To enable patients to be comfortableand free of pain, so that they live each dayas fully as possible.

    PHILOSOPHY: To provide support for thepatient's emotional, social, and spiritualneeds as well as medical symptoms as part oftreating the whole person.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    Palliative care is an approach that improvesthe quality of life of patients and theirfamilies facing the problem associated with

    life-threatening illness, through:

    the prevention and relief of suffering by means

    of :

    Identification of pain

    Impeccable assessment and treatment of pain

    Identification, assessment and treatment of

    physiological, psychosocial and spiritual problems

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    Palliative care for children is the active total care ofthe child's body, mind and spirit, and also involvesgiving support to the family.

    It begins when illness is diagnosed, and continuesregardless of whether or not a child receivestreatment directed at the disease.

    Health providers must evaluate and alleviate a child'sphysical, psychological, and social distress.

    Effective palliative care requires a broadmultidisciplinary approach that includes the familyand makes use of available community resources; itcan be successfully implemented even if resourcesare limited.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    It can be provided in tertiary care facilities,

    in community health centers and even in

    children's homes.

    PALLIATIVE CARE- is designed to givesupport and comfort rather than cure of the

    illness or problem.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    Current licensure in the state of practiceMinimum of one year of clinical practice

    in nursing.



    Home care experience are prepared

    Knowledge of pathophysiology and disease

    progressionUnderstanding of pain and symptom


  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    Excellent assessment communication skills

    Ability to work within and contribute to an

    interdisciplinary team

    Ability to assist the patient and family incoping with emotional stress

    Understanding of an aptitude for

    organization and communication with

    patient, family and team members

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    Capacity to manage physical , psychological,social and spiritual problems of dying

    patients and their families

    Ability to coordinate the extended and

    expanded component1s of hospice service Acquisition of counseling, managing,

    instructing, caring and communicating skills

    and knowledge.

    Ability to balance the nurses self-care needswith the complexities and intensities of

    repeated encounter with death.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    Affirms life and regards dying as a normalprocess

    Neither hasten nor postpones death

    Provides relief from pain and other

    distressing symptoms Integrates the psychological, ethical, legal

    and spiritual aspects of care

    Offers a support system to help patients live

    as actively as possible until deathOffers a support system to help patients

    families to cope during the patients illnessand in their own bereavement.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    1.) Effective Communication

    COMMUNICATION- is the essential process bywhich individual share something of them,whether it is thoughts, feelings, opinions, ideas,

    values, or goals.

    1. Principles of human communication Its multidimensional The content of the message sent (true or false, sensible

    or non-sense or undecipherable) Emotional content / feelings that modify the message

    (grief, anger, joy, confidence, peace, boredom, etc..) Relationship aspect- refers to how the message is

    received given the perceived social positions of thecommunicants.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    Perception is selective Only a part of the information sent is perceived.

    The idea that what is perceived is not precisely what

    actually is.

    It is an interactive and continuous process

    The sender is also a receiver of information

    The receiver is also a sender of information, during

    the communication process

    Its inevitable

    It is impossible not to communicate, (it is essential for

    health providers to be aware that even when words

    are not used or spoken, communication is occurring.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    Culture influences communication pattern

    It is critical for health provider to recognize their own

    cultural conditioning in order to explore the impact it

    has in their communication with those of another

    cultural background.

    Culture involves customs, beliefs, values, andrelationship patterns, prescribed behaviors (dress,

    food preferences and time consciousness).

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    2. Importance of good communication at theend of life

    Honest communication increases the likelihood

    that the dying experience will be one through

    which all the participants can grow emotionally

    and spiritually

    Families are better prepared for the final death

    event and have better bereavement experiences.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    3. Barriers to good communication

    patients and families

    death is considered a taboo subject

    Common reactions are withdrawal from the patient or

    situation, denial of the reality of a terminal diagnosis,

    or avoidance of behavior, such as telling jokes or

    changing the subject.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    health care provider using the dying person's name throughout the


    making eye contact

    holding the person's hand

    placing one's hand on a shoulder or arm



    leaning forward

    caring in what the person is saying (or not saying) and

    feeling. Asking specific questions such as, "Can you help me

    understand?" as well as open-ended questions such as,"What is it that you need to do now?" are veryimportant, as is being comfortable with silence.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    Depth of the physicianpatient relationship: Health CareProviders (HCPs) may develop strong bonds with patient

    and family, whether they have known them for years or

    just a short time. These bonds may make breaking bad

    news or discussing issues around end-of-life care difficult

    since they may find it difficult to contemplate losing a

    patient they care for deeply.

    Personal experiences of illness and death: May affect

    their ability to care for a person who is at the end of life.

    Physical, emotional and psychological stress anddepletion: May affect ability to communicate caring,empathy and compassion.

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    Fears of confronting own mortality and fears of death:

    Caring for someone who is dying leads to physiciansconfronting their own mortality and fears of death.

    Lack of training and poor role models: A lack of training androle models results in poor communication skills and either alack of awareness of patients feelings and reactions orinability or fear of discussing these emotions.

    Fears of emotional outbursts: HCPs are often not taught howto show empathy and caring and may fear emotionaloutbursts.

    Fears of appearing weak or unprofessional for displayingemotions: Many HCPs have been taught that displayingemotion is a sign of weakness or unprofessional. These HCPsmay have difficulty in discussing end-of-life issues for fear offeeling or displaying emotion.

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    Guilt and self-blame due to iatrogenic complicationsresulting in poor quality of life, increased severity ofillness and/or death: When illness is due to or has beenexacerbated by iatrogenic complications, HCPs may be

    consumed with self-blame and guilt which may affect their

    ability to consider the patients situation.

    Communication Problems: Inconsistent approach to theissues, differences in language can lead to confusion (the

    perception of mixed messages) and misunderstandingswith patients and families.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    health care system

    fast pace modern health care system,

    inadequate time to discuss important matters such as


    Unclear who is responsible for initiating and providingfollow-up-end-of life conversations?

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    Practical aspects of communicating at theend of life

    Understand oneself and speak honestly (self-awareness)

    But remember that the key to talking to dyingpersons is to focus on their needs, rather than ones


    Consider the timing of communication ( ask is this

    a good time to talk)

    Provide a setting for open communication arrange the environment and how to adapt their

    own behavior to facilitate conversation

    avoid sense of arrogance

    maintain eye contact

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    Practical aspects of communicating at theend of life

    Allow the patient to guide the communication process;

    patients personal autonomy and control should be


    Use open ended questions (e.g. what is it that

    you need to know?)

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    Practical aspects of communicating at theend of life

    Make no assumptions about what the patientknows; a patient who has not told of their

    diagnosis might be aware that they are


    ask and listen, listen and ask, the mostimportant general rule in the end-oflife

    setting is to listen more and to talk less

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    yes or no questions are helpful initially to broach a

    difficult subject, (e.g. have you experienced the

    death of a loved one before.. followed by do you

    feel like talking about it

    attentive listening means no interruption, but listening

    patiently until there is a pause in the conversation

    before speaking

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    use understandable terms

    ask patient what they want

    use silence liberally

    support varying emotional response accept denial , usually

    accept symbolic language

    encourage patient to tell their life stories tell people what to expect

    at the very end of life, assume that hearing

    is still intact

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    4. Breaking bad news

    -- All the communication skills discuss applyto the very difficult task ofbreaking bad


    Factors that add to the distress of the

    situation: Fear of being blamed for the bad news Fear of not knowing all the answers

    Fear of showing emotions

    Fear of being reminded of ones own mortality

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    NOTE:it is often the doctors responsibilityto break the bad news but it is helpful to

    be present when the bad news is initially

    shared, that is to understand the realsituation/condition of the patient.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    5. Assessing suicide potential

    Requisite skills for end-of-life care is the abilityto identify depression and assess for suicidal


    Depression A psychiatric disorder characterized by an

    inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss ofappetite, anhedonia, feelings of extremesadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness,and thoughts of death. The condition is alsocalled clinical depression.

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    NOTE: Anhedonia: Loss of the capacity toexperience pleasure. The inability to gain

    pleasure from normally pleasurable

    experiences. Anhedonia is a core clinical

    feature ofdepression, schizophrenia, and

    some other mental illnesses.

    Subtypes of Depression: Major depression severe, lasts for at least 2 weeks

    (decrease energy, feeling of worthless, guilty)

    Dysthymic depression less severe (lasts for 2 years

    or more).

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    General appearance of a depressed person



    Apathy Hopelessness

    Or may become cheerful when decision come

    to end suffering

  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture


    For assessment of suicide potential a directapproach is recommended. Eg. Have things gotten so bad that you are thinking

    of killing yourself.

    Risk factors for SUICIDE: S Sex (more female attempts suicide but

    more malescommits).

    U Unsuccessful previous attempt. I Identification with a family member who

    committed suicide.

    C Chronic I Illness Ex. CancerD depression/dependent personality A age (18-25 and 40 above) and alcoholism L Lethality of previous attempts/looses.

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  • 8/3/2019 Hospice Power Point Lecture
