hospital equipment planning


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Equipment Planning, Inc. recommends that at the outset of each project, that we sit down with the client and identify project goals, including clinical priorities, budget, schedule and phasing (if any). Equipment planning services offered in this phase include: Initial Strategy and Program Meeting Develop Equipment Master Plan. Addressing Clinical Priorities, Budget, Schedule and Phasing Technology Assessment Develop Overall Equipment Plan


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Mr.Mahboob Ali Khan


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A Good equipment planning includes careful Attention to fixed and movable equipments that will be needed in operations

The lack of planning will resultWastage of millions of rupeesReduced Operational efficiency Lower standards of patient care

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WHOM RESPONSIBILITY? (a) It is the responsibility of Hospital

consultant (OR Hospital Administrator in case H. consultant not engaged) to determine all the items of equipments necessary, & then write their specification, recommended bids (tender) & purchase according to hospitals policy. (Expendable, non-expendable & capitals equipments)

(b) The Architect is responsible for the Built in equipments.

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(i) Equipments planning is done Early in design dev. Stage. This planning involves.(a) A series of Meetings of

Medical staffHODs & Other Staffs

to discuss the needed equipments

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(b) Preparing Room by Room Equipment List

(c) Review of this list by Administrator Medical staffDepartmental headsAnother detailed Equipments

planning is necessary at final FURNISING & while actually EQUIPPING the hospitals

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A set of black line points of working Drawing (Floor Plans only) should be secured from Architect and marked up in advance all Gross equipments shown to scale & identified

It is done in designing phase

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It is an extensive and exhaustive work because it involves not only the degree but a variety of technical knowledge.

There are innumerable expandable items, which should be procured and stoked in sufficient quantities.

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There is no preformed procuring system in the new hospitals (if compared with an old existing running hospital)

The problem is compounded by installing equipments apart from purchasing them. Important considerations are-Timing of delivery Warehousing UnpackingAssembling

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IMPORTED EQUIPMENTScreates more complex problems like

(a) Needs, approvals and licenses.(b) Bureaucratic hurdles needed to

be crossed (c) costly items (d) Lead time is longer.(e) Delay can cause losses in


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COSTING In a Modern General Hospital the equipping cost is around 40% of total project cost.(a) 20% is invested on mechanical and electrical installations

(b) 20% is invested on medical equipments

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(a) Built- in Equipments

(b) Depreciable equipments (Non-expandable)

(c)Non-depreciable equipments (Expandable)

(d) Capital Equipments

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BUILT IN EQUIPMENTS It’s the Architect’s Responsibility Included in construction contracts List includes

Cabinets & counters in PharmacyLaboratoryOther parts of hospitals

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Fixed kitchen Equipments.(lines) & (Channels)Elevators Dumb waiters Sterilizers, Boilers Incinerators.Air Conditioning/Deep freezers Surgical lighting etc

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OR Depreciable EquipmentsDef: The Equipments that have a life of 5

yrs of > 5 yrs are k/a Non-Expendable equipments

These equipments are not purchased through construction contracts

These large items of furniture and Equipments have a reasonable fixed location in the hospital building but are capable of being moved

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(i) Surgical Apparatuses (ii) Diagnostic & Therapeutic Equipment (iii) Lab & pharmacy Equipment . (iv) Office Equipment

Typewriter, Intercoms Computers/Electronic exchanges

(v) General use surgicals RefrigeratorPhysiotherapy equipments Suction machines

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(vi) Diagnostic and Therapeutic Eqpts. Like Sw diathermy, X-Ray machine Cutlery, ECG machine Respirators, Incubators Monitoring Eqpts Ultra sound machine Respirators

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(C) EXPENDABLE (NON-DEPRECIABLE) EQUIPMENTS These Equipments have life span < 5 yrs Recurring in use & low cost equipments. These equipments are purchased through other than

construction contracts. Examples are

Kitchen utensils Chinaware Table ware Surgical instruments Catheters Linen, sheets, Blankets Lamps, Wastebins etc.

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PREPARING THE EQUIPMENT LIST The list of expandable and non-expandable

items is prepared by H. consultant & H. Administrator

Steps in preparing the list are (i) consider each Room as a separate Eutily in

the plane (ii) Make a compressive Room by Room


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Detailed specifications must be given During design stage Should test the space needed for each item

of the eqpts on the list in drawings

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IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION Hospital interest lies in purchasing minimum needed Equpts & Hospital consultant can help in it.

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SELECTING THE EQUIPMENTS Selection of Technical, Scientific and

Medical Eqpts requires careful Analysis of the needs of each department and conscientions study that will result in selection of needed equpts.

The present day High-tech medical eqpt. is mind-boggling to even medical experts that the H. consultant and H. Admi. may be easily stumped out

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Departmental heads satisfied with the Type & should be fully satisfied with the Type & Quality of eqpt. So they should consulting before selections of equpts.

Indiscrimnatory procurements of eqpts. may be a wastage and liability to the hospital.

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TIMING OF PURCHASE, ORDER & DELIVERY Are exceedingly important (i) Delivery Instructions should be keyed

to the building completion schedules (ii) H. Adm may ask a central General

store space & adjoining room form temporary storage of eqpts from contractor 6 months before opening & 3 months before completion schedule

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(iii) These spaces can be used as work center for equipping operation.

Time schedule and Performance Agreements will be helpful in their concern

If there is Delay in construction, the supplier should be notified to delay supplies.

The storage places should be protected from weather, Theft and damage but should not obstruct the construction

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SYLLABUS Preparing eqpts list for the new

hospitals (a) Building equipment (In built eqpts)(b) Non expendable (Depreciable)

Locally available Imported

Expendable equpt (no depreciable)Capital equipments – CT scan/MRI

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EQUIPMENT PLANNINGHospitals planning include careful Attention to Fixed and immovable eqpts that will be needed in operation

Lack of planning's can involveWastage of lakhs of rupees Reduced operative efficiency & Low standards of pt. care

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RESPONSIBILITY OF It is the Responsibility of Hospital consultant

(OR H. Administrator in case H. Consultant not engaged) to determine all the items of eqpts necessary, write their speciation, recommend bids & the purchase accerding to hospital policy. The domains of hospitals consultant/Adm. Is expendable, non expandable & capital eqpts.

The Architect is responsible for the Built in equipments

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WHEN THE PLANNING IS DONE First Equipment planning is dore early in the

design development stage. The planning involves (i) A series of meetings medical staff, HODs &

other staff to discuss the needed equpts (ii) Preparing Room by Room eqpt list (iii) Review of this list by Administrator medical &

departmental staff. Another detailed equipment planning in

necessary at Actual Furnishing & equipping the hospital

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DESIGNING THE EQUIPMENT A set of black line points of working drawings (floor plans only) should be secured from Architect & market up in advance, All Gross shown to seale & identified

Done in Designing phase

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NATURE OF EQUIPPING WORK It is an exhaustive work because it involves

not only degree but a variety of technical knowledge.

There are innumerable expendable items which should be procured & stocked in sufficient Quantities

No well procuring system in a new hospital (c/f purchasing in an running hospital)

This problem is compounded by timing of delivery, ware housing, unpacking Assembling & installing eqpt apart from purchasing

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IMPORTED EQPTSPoses more complex problem (a) Needs Approvals & license (b) Burecratie hurdles needed to be

crossed (c) Costly items (d) lead time will be longer(e) Delay can cause loss in lakhs

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