hot climates

Climate Location Temperature. Precipita tion. Vegetation HOT Equatorial The equatorial climate extends roughly either side of the equator. It is located on the Amazon, central Africa and Indonesia. Temperatures are high and constant so there is only 1 season. The annual temperature range is very small (2-3ºC) This occurs because the sun during all the year shines from a very high angle in the sky. This causes that all the days have 12h of light and 12h of night and that day and night change abruptly. The average temperature is 25ºC. Precipitation s are abundant during all the year. 2000 mm a year. So there is just 1 season. Most of this precipitation occurs on the afternoon because the evaporation of water in the morning due to the high temperatures causes thunderstorms in the afternoon. Luxuriant vegetation. Very tall trees 40m high that fight for light. These trees are always green because they have a continuous growing season. Leaves have drip tips and are flexible to shed the heavy rainfall. As trees are very tall for taking all the light they form a canopy so that very little light reaches the floor. This is the reason why some plants attach and climb trees for reaching light. Plants in the floor have very big leaves for taking all the little light that reaches the floor. There are 5 layers in these forests that contain 1/3 of the world vegetation. Examples of plants: teck, orchids, moss, vines and carnivore plants with abundant smells and colours. Humid This climate is near the Temperatures are remained high There is less precipitation Tropical forests are very similar to equatorial forest.

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Hot climates

Climate Location Temperature. Precipitation. Vegetation



The equatorial climate extends roughly 5º either side of the equator. It is located on the Amazon, central Africa and Indonesia.

Temperatures are high and constant so there is only 1 season. The annual temperature range is very small (2-3ºC) This occurs because the sun during all the year shines from a very high angle in the sky. This causes that all the days have 12h of light and 12h of night and that day and night change abruptly. The average temperature is 25ºC.

Precipitations are abundant during all the year. 2000 mm a year. So there is just 1 season.Most of this precipitation occurs on the afternoon because the evaporation of water in the morning due to the high temperatures causes thunderstorms in the afternoon.

Luxuriant vegetation. Very tall trees 40m high that fight for light. These trees are always green because they have a continuous growing season. Leaves have drip tips and are flexible to shed the heavy rainfall. As trees are very tall for taking all the light they form a canopy so that very little light reaches the floor. This is the reason why some plants attach and climb trees for reaching light.Plants in the floor have very big leaves for taking all the little light that reaches the floor.There are 5 layers in these forests that contain 1/3 of the world vegetation.Examples of plants: teck, orchids, moss, vines and carnivore plants with abundant smells and colours.

Humid tropical.

This climate is near the equator between 10 degrees shout and 25 degrees north.

Temperatures are remained high and constant all around the year. We can only appreciate some differences in day and night. The average temperature is 27ºC and the annual range is (6ºC).So there is 1 season in temperature.

There is less precipitation than in equatorial climate however the precipitations are still very high 1500 mm. In humid tropical climates there is a very long wet season and a very shot dry season.

Tropical forests are very similar to equatorial forest. The only difference is that trees aren’t so high and that there aren’t so many species.Another difference is that leaves are smaller but as in equatorial forest they are evergreen.As trees and leaves are smaller, trees don’t form such a dense canopy and more light reaches the floor. So there are much more plants in the floor of humid tropical forest than in the floor of Equatorial forests.Ex: Coconut trees, oaks and some orchids.

The savannah climates is located between latitudes 15º and 30º north and south the

Temperatures are very high during all the year around 18ºC.However we find that we can appreciate a

The savannah has a mild very dry season that coincides with dry prevailing winds.

The savannah landscape is a transition between the hot dessert and the tropical rainforest. In it we can find grassland 5m tall with few scattered trees that have to adapt to a very