hot pitchers spark play - torrance · nd on hanon's single. ben- elt knocked another...

SUNDAY CONCERT HOME OF THE W MIGHTIEST OUT! PIPE ORGAN Ni and Talk of the Town, NITE CAPPERS TRIO —featuring TONY PERRY , i- VOCALIST i FRI. & SAT. NITES ^_ 9 till 1:30 ' r (D&&. STEAK II01 Si; < 15520 S. Crenshaw , Near El O'amlno Hot Pitchers Spark Play (Motors Race At Carrell iiB re- Amroco to Try For Upset Harvey Win Soli ha|| Amroco, bpn.itIIIK, a single Win in Its scoring column, should have its hands full with Har- vey, who has split four tries so far this season. Amroco's lone win whs a- spectacular push past the Ijovelady- Hardware nine.' ' ' . Y .Nat'ional Kiel-trie. . rd for tniiight's Class A tussles under . trie s scir.ling promptly Bt 7 p,m. In Municipal ••ay' for a nlnglr-- thr- only ame H Ton I ah t Prom Minded Squad Brings Date Switch Are-llght mnli>reyp|, turns Id fam-ll Rp< ni'ori-ow niijilil as a field nf fifl yele ace? hit- the half mile oval In a stellar. Id-event prriernm. The first niKht rnce of »hf yenr has drawn many of the West, coast's leading Iwo-wheel- el' Jockeys Into the Vleld, Trophy laiih iiition heads off the card at with a 20-lap nmin'top- liill. TORRANCE HERALD JUNE S, 1952 of thi gan Only counter for (hi- Tl Ma was turned In hy Don Ouy In .thr ..second. alter IIP was walked, ssertlleed liy Ray "Ar- mnhtri to Mvnnd'. stole third and .I'lime horn.' on a pussi-d ball. ' FIISST CLASS BA-TTKRy Classy .National Electric, spark- ed liv an oiilsland HB liattery nf Hal NYliiis and I'-anli S.-limitlt. is the only unhea en A I.e.iKiic outfit. The Mirllai tl linhliei- in pie M crew droppc I another this week, but boasts' a .pair of hro- ari hard tr beat, ith Dick \vn SON sor Jim WlNon elonbeml out thi run nf Hie mj.-|it ttn he- poundpd .1 triple in i IIP MTnnd for Love lady, senrlns Al Sweat. Wilson, (Andy Anderson and Bndty Knhn I*-' 01 crodil- lor the only rims of '"J^ n '"'" fov <»'''" ('''''W. ''"', '"" *< "">»>'' ectrio,Na- ( '""''.' S|1 1'I 11 - V »la»slilpr, 0-0 for 1 !'.',1 ' l " m' ' ."' ' e S he Rave up four i' 1 "^ ?"" ' vtj'-"^ 12 "< .the pinto; NallpnnJ Supply Hot off to a WK liang In -the first hy push- 7,,, s turned on cam. and with some red iiiKKl K .by first baacman 'iiltoi and second sacltor f''l'i.\ . turned down the .dj^tJ^fj^V^rc'yo";! A" rehash of Monday's tiffsf Bil i^G° en^ot elory «8 the «wrt KM mn».r >- phy.lcnl pawn"'"'* I.ovelady Hardware hold--big scorer or the evening with oUBERii-J'^i.^^l' 1;!',/'!1:. ^..^ {° r. t ^\ i L^ r ° f n...nd a pair of 1 "I** 1* to *'« »°« »«» *ln>. i tl. H»M*.,.new M in llfo. ihlttei BEXEl SPECIAL FORMULA ~,,,,"',' ondrrfrtl now In thi ' .popped a burner out left .fielil Al ^Coast loaned a one- to Kitiile Iiis'hovs Into a ihortKlop Dale Arm-|(fc lll'll kl .h^rs^ Dow With New POTENCY GUARANTEED You U o Juil ONK naay o-nwnllnw lleMl p.Ulc B ,l,y. and ( nil; It <-o.M.i u only about »'i»7 . . . « liny prlfc pny lo pro- ell Tot 1327 EL PRADO It Finishes June 6th Judge Biggins Vacation Traffic Safety Contest , The judges will post wiiinen June 13th. $150 in Government Bonds 4 prizes to winners donated by: Builders Material Co. E-T Electric Co. Egerer's Bakery Metlox Mfg. Co. '— O'Briens Market Clarence P. Taylor ..100 word essay contest on how to "Make This Vacation a Safe One." Open to 3rade and high school students. MAIL YOURS NOWI Ideal for Sport Wear *nd dress. |N«vy - Grey - Tan) ALL WOOL FUNNEL SUITS Drops 3-2 Tiff The. Dow Diamonds, sporting flashy new uniforms, roared in- to home field ,.., 1(m af, a | nst Star-Klst Tuna of San Ppdro Tuesday. niKht, but ''dropped ft holly contested ball name 3-2 afler Star-Klst hopped' out : home mn , n (hp SOVPntt) to , (them 'an edge. 1 A first frame tally by thi visitors was wiped' from thi .si-oi-P books after thp Torrahcc outfit claimed .a double play was completed before the SP runner crossed the plate and therefore the tlnrd out was consumated. National Nlleball league offic- in Is from lMn K Beach checked I lie hooks and said that the iin was a no counter. Next home tramp is slated for June 13 when the Lon* Beach outfit In- ades the Torrance Park at 8-- shuffling in Her. LeaKUPifl-fl ove Kames for the week puts Ihel p i(l.|, Walterla Merchants and the lx)-!||,,. u . cal 14M outfits on tap for the hits ai opener tonight at McMastcr tU,,. n h ( Park, Marling promptly at 1 |,it Fishing Rod Expert To Meet With Group .1. 10! Harter. representing a ' irm wjlil ' h "' "nil'aclurcs fish- it mils, will he guest speaker Park n Harte :30 t the McMastPr n huilding. how colored fish- ' v lailn-|r|px' rods are made and I heir proper use. Members a* pounded out three wr |i as those interested In Join- Hxth, hut were best. |,, K | ho (. hlh ,.,, .im.|| r d to at- tramp by Hlrpseon. tend Ith four. Ma- ' - . took the M/VYFLOWER YOUNG ANG1.EB . . . Junte Duffum donneil her ntraw hat, grabbed her pop'» flnlilng rod and wl and look off for thn luirhor over the holiday week-end to try her bund at fishing 'out of the blue Pacific. She had lot* of fun, hut didn't catch a thing. Fishing from Inland-hound craft, however, ha« lM-en tops with .vellowtail being taken regularly. 30 p.m. Score by Inning, Torrance ... 002 000 000- - ;&an Pedro .000 010 110-3 B ,, E Rotary Club Continues Win Streak Chance for Two Free Y Outings Offered Boys Two boys will be given op- portunity to spend a summer session at the YMCA Boys' Camp high In the San Bcrnardl- r.o mountains at no cost what- soever, It was rcvealod this week. A letter .statlrf; "Why I want :L go to "Y" Camp" should be written by any boy who would like to have the opportunity to po to the camp, sponsored by Tan Delta .Omega, All letters must be received by TDO by June 14. Address is 1000 Reynosa Dr., Torrance. An outing at a "Y" camp, here hoys live, work in t h FISHIN' FACTS Barracuda fishinp held up well ifter the delude of holiday fish- ermen In the Island areas but at local banks, anglers were slngliiR the blues, accord ing to reports from . tang Beach's Plerpolnt Landing and Port Orange Fishing docks. White sea bass again were starting to come In. Yellowtai fishing Is listed as excellent Ir local waters with a big catch taken Saturday afternoon. Down Port Orange way, an 18 pound yellowtall was hauled In to cop" the record, for the ith most averaging 14 pound: the Mi i-y Club continued on ways Tuesday night 'led out a 14-3 win f'lni) al MeMax- ilh ha- noh s in the top of ihe sixth for i-ietors, lint didn't rnmc of the Hnhf through in the final when It e .Tuninr.Reninr leally counted.- niannna eve-i. He turned away Islpr, chopped ! off, Ralph Claver's hit at first eri repelled I hoi base, and fed Hud Sharp a throw tune of "14 lojwhlch he knocked to shortstop >n the flr«t|and was out at first. : to Hocidc t>, Bnhh-ft Hurt champion A heflrt-hreaklm; chain ofj- event H In the sixth virtually » [gave the giinip lo Str. scon. With -.nvji from Dave Ek and .hie Ilei'iiande/. each >ht f|pMer;|)ounilljig owl singles, and Ala-1 TOKHANCK Imiel f.until aMllng to first via'yiy .yfc rTADATC PA |a walk, John Mcndoz clouted aiVAN AND STURAOC CO. j high-flyer to right field where| ,.[,! I Hoy1 Fredrickson stuck out ell's blow brought in Ron' l'aw" " nd hobbled It.. ' lied Schonert .and Dal-1 « m**-m~~.~-m I!MK BORDER AVG. I'hone Tormiice 1S05 or 2477 Aufil; Bob I.ehmstci nd on Hanon's single. Ben- elt knocked another four-baser the fourth and drove In Ha- again.. Business Men's chucker H. L. Griffith gave up seven hits dur- 'ng the ir.iy, .three of- them In he fiftli -.i.-niza.-ThH was nrlf- 'Ith's b.vl lound as he walked hree ctnd five runs were hanged n. IMrt Big Batter Merchant;;' hnrler Bill Hart was bl-i? ha'.ter for nisi aggrega- tion, whooping out two hits and leathering up an equal number of tallies. ' In the second Vond'ay go. ftrescon retained ,th"i.' unbeaten nark when they came through n their >'h.a! batting chance with Tour beautiful runs to poll ahead liOBERXy Junior Alley Man to Roll A Junior Traveling League from Lynwood will bowl here against n squad, thn name of which has not been revealed, next. Sunday afternoon at the Torrance Bowling Academy. The Lynwood squad, made up of boys not over 18 years of age, Includes Clarence Rode, na- tional Individual scratch cham- pion. During the past year thi trophic scratch squad here. In an attempt to start bowl- ing Interest among the younger bowlers, the outfit, sanctioned by the American Junior Bowl- ing Congress, will roll on thn lo- cal alley. has won more than BO 1800 SABTOIU IN TOKKANCK Till US - FRI - SAT - SUN ROBERTS QE UAUTY SWEET WINE ) LABr:i, PORT BLACK LABEL SHERRY FAr MUSCATEL •klf'' TOKAY 58 HFTH KKNWOOD STKAHJIIT BOURBON 4 Y WHISKEY SA29 Old A 80.« Proof Full Filth ^ RITZGIN 100% Grain Neutral Spirit* 80 Proof Full Hflh RKfi. or DRIP COFFEE FOLGKR-S, HILLS BROS. 79 GRADE "A" "Guaranteed Fresh" MEDIUM 4t4fc,. EGGS 39 OPKN SEVK.N DAYS A WEEK » A.M. TO » P.M. ' "'eh knoi-king ,H,I t| n lor his winning squad. .And. the Lions Club knocked- out a 1 -B victory ov pran men in the second game of I Hi, evening. Walt Si-hade,- and Drvillp Smith shared scoring high 'lonoi-s for the winners with Standings Tin i ra,i wild In the first |.Nl"v i. banging In four in' M,, and piling up six' sc with the first op tin trabbed parly last week. Ip In the .Iuiie-(;runt Lakes area of the High Sierra fishing the la Hi f,w days has hit Its curly-Hummer stride"with ,i .lime, Gull, Silver and (Irani ' Lnkrn all re|Hirllng good ang- ling. Snow In gone, weather i Ideal anil all rondn are now op*n. At Grant, fish are running i.-i ii'nlce size, in the 12-14 Inch class. 4 2| w|(h (he (rollers bringing In the ' ""'jhcst 22 SAVE HERE ON GAS1 TKTKA ETHYL P.KK fiAI. We Give S&H Green Stamps CARlSsTANCOCK SERVICE 3319 ARLINGTON AVE. Arrow Shirts Stetson and Adam Hats Cooper Underwear * Interwoven Hose Arrow and Holly Vogue Ties Hart Schaffner &. Marx Clothes 1,325 SARTORI AVENUE * TORRANCE Open I rldrt.v Mien 'III 0 P.M. WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES —For-RAGS—WASTEPAPER METALS Small or Large Quantities TORRANCE METAL PRODUCTS 1890 TORRANCE BLVD. Torrance 2292 2293 Nev. 6-2619 B LEAGUE hy Innings Mi-Mtalr HI-ShMr TORRANCE BOWL l!)5!l 4'arson i: s < it o w s i: it v i r i<: TORRANCE ESCROW GUARANTY CO.. Licented and Bonded 1(14 CRAVENS AVE. APPROVED TO HANDLE STATE O.l. PURCHASES HR(. I TO t INCL. SAT. TORRANCC J»M WEEK END SPECIALS! . FULL SIZE s< HI:I:> noons. I.4M. OIL OPEN SUNDAYS TILL NOON 1 75 GAL. JOSLIN LUHBER co IPWWMMIII l-IIONb 475 NOW TO JULY 19 J RACES DAILY thrilling thoroughbred RACING fn/oy a day at btautilul HOLLYWOOD PARK Sr« Amfrlo,,', f| nfsi tl,oro,, Rhbr<-dt .nd S^rrrai'trtt itmlagl ntxt Saturday, Jv», J s )..i..,. .. 520,000 Addlll now hi nitn»J italil You may pun h»>p rrtcrvrd srat> In advancr for any ilavi nf Ilin mrtlmg. Phnnc ORrgon . 8-1181 nr ondurd 7-71,M...iik "Fes-" ' - " P«»l«|[ AVINU1 AT CENTURY IIVB., INCIIWOOO

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Post on 26-Dec-2019




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Page 1: Hot Pitchers Spark Play - Torrance · nd on Hanon's single. Ben- elt knocked another four-baser the fourth and drove In Ha-again.. Business Men's chucker H. L. Griffith gave up seven




Ni and

Talk of the Town, NITE CAPPERS

TRIO —featuring


i FRI. & SAT. NITES ^_ 9 till 1:30 '

r (D&&.STEAK II01 Si;

< 15520 S. Crenshaw ,Near El O'amlno

Hot Pitchers Spark Play (Motors Race At Carrell

iiB re-

Amroco to Try For Upset Harvey WinSoli ha||

Amroco, bpn.itIIIK, a single Win in Its scoring column, should have its hands full with Har­ vey, who has split four tries so far this season. Amroco's lone win whs a- spectacular push past the Ijovelady- Hardware nine.' ' ' .


.Nat'ional Kiel-trie. .rd for tniiight's Class A tussles under . trie s scir.ling promptly Bt 7 p,m. In Municipal

••ay' for a nlnglr-- thr- only

ame H Ton I ah t

Prom Minded Squad Brings Date Switch

Are-llght mnli>reyp|, turns Id fam-ll Rp< ni'ori-ow niijilil as a field nf fifl yele ace? hit- the half mile oval In a stellar. Id-event prriernm.

The first niKht rnce of »hf yenr has drawn many of the West, coast's leading Iwo-wheel- el' Jockeys Into the Vleld, Trophy laiih iiition heads off the card at with a 20-lap nmin'top-



of thi gan Only counter for (hi- Tl Ma was turned In hy Don Ouy In .thr ..second. alter IIP was walked, ssertlleed liy Ray "Ar- mnhtri to Mvnnd'. stole third and

.I'lime horn.' on a pussi-d ball.'

FIISST CLASS BA-TTKRy Classy .National Electric, spark­

ed liv an oiilsland HB liattery nf Hal NYliiis and I'-anli S.-limitlt. is the only unhea en A I.e.iKiic outfit. The Mirllai tl linhliei- in pie M crew droppc I another this week, but boasts' a .pair of hro-

ari hard tr beat, ith Dick

\vn SON sorJim WlNon elonbeml out thi

run nf Hie mj.-|it ttn he- poundpd .1 triple in i IIP MTnnd for Love lady, senrlns Al Sweat. Wilson,

(Andy Anderson and Bndty Knhn I*-' 01 crodil- lor the only rims of '"J^ n '"'" fov <»'''" ('''''W.

''"', '"" *< "">»>'' ectrio,Na- ( '""''.' S|1 1'I 11 -V »la»slilpr, 0-0 for

1 !'.',1 ' l "m ' ' ."' ' e S he Rave up four i' 1 "^ ?"" 'vtj'-"^ 12 "< .the pinto; NallpnnJ Supply Hot off to a WK liang In -the first hy push-

7,,, s turned oncam. and with some red iiiKKl K .by first baacman 'iiltoi and second sacltor f''l'i.\ . turned down the

.dj^tJ^fj^V^rc'yo";! A" rehash of Monday's tiffsf Bil i^G° en^ot elory «8 the «wrt KM mn».r >- phy.lcnl pawn"'"'* I.ovelady Hardware hold--big scorer or the evening with oUBERii-J'^i.^^l'1;!',/'!1 :. ^..^ {°r. t̂ \ iL^r °f n...nd a pair of1 "I** 1* to *'« »°« »«» *ln>. i tl. H»M*.,.new M in llfo. ihlttei

BEXEl SPECIAL FORMULA ~,,,,"','ondrrfrtl now In thi

' .popped a burner out left .fielil

Al ^Coast loaned a one- to Kitiile Iiis'hovs Into a

ihortKlop Dale Arm-|(fc lll'll kl.h^rs^ Dow With New

POTENCY GUARANTEEDYou U o Juil ONK naay o-nwnllnwlleMl p.Ulc B ,l,y.and ( nil; It <-o.M.i u only about t« »'i»7 . . . « liny prlfc pny lo pro-

ell Tot1327 EL PRADO

It Finishes June 6th

Judge BigginsVacation Traffic Safety Contest ,

The judges will post wiiinen June 13th. $150 in Government Bonds — 4 prizes to winners donated by:

Builders Material Co.— E-T Electric Co.— Egerer's Bakery— Metlox Mfg. Co. '— O'Briens Market— Clarence P. Taylor

..100 word essay contest on how to "Make This Vacation a Safe One." Open to 3rade and high school students.


Ideal for Sport Wear *nd dress.

|N«vy - Grey - Tan)



Drops 3-2 TiffThe. Dow Diamonds, sporting

flashy new uniforms, roared in­ to home field ,.., 1(m af,a |nst Star-Klst Tuna of San Ppdro Tuesday. niKht, but ''dropped ft holly contested ball name 3-2 afler Star-Klst hopped' out : home mn , n (hp SOVPntt) to ,

(them 'an edge.1 A first frame tally by thi visitors was wiped' from thi

.si-oi-P books after thp Torrahcc outfit claimed .a double play was completed before the SP runner crossed the plate and therefore the tlnrd out was consumated.

National Nlleball league offic- in Is from lMnK Beach checked I lie hooks and said that theiin was a no counter. Next

home tramp is slated for June 13 when the Lon* Beach outfit In­ades the Torrance Park at 8--

shuffling in Her. LeaKUPifl-fl ove Kames for the week puts Ihel pi(l.|, Walterla Merchants and the lx)-!||,,. u . cal 14M outfits on tap for the hits ai opener tonight at McMastcr tU,,. n h ( Park, Marling promptly at 1 „ |,it

Fishing Rod Expert To Meet With Group

.1. 10! Harter. representing a ' irm wjlil ' h "' "nil'aclurcs fish- it mils, will he guest speaker

Park n Harte

:30 t the McMastPr n huilding. how colored fish-

' v lailn-|r|px' rods are made and I heir proper use. Members a*

pounded out three wr |i as those interested In Join- Hxth, hut were best. |,, K | ho (. hlh ,.,, .im.|| rd to at- tramp by Hlrpseon. tend

Ith four. Ma- ' - .took the


YOUNG ANG1.EB . . . Junte Duffum donneil her ntraw hat, grabbed her pop'» flnlilng rod and wl and look off for thn luirhor over the holiday week-end to try her bund at fishing

'out of the blue Pacific. She had lot* of fun, hut didn't catch a thing. Fishing from Inland-hound craft, however, ha« lM-en tops with .vellowtail being taken regularly.

30 p.m.Score by Inning, Torrance ... 002 000 000- -

;&an Pedro .000 010 110-3

B ,, E

Rotary Club Continues Win Streak

Chance for Two Free Y Outings Offered Boys

Two boys will be given op­ portunity to spend a summer session at the YMCA Boys' Camp high In the San Bcrnardl- r.o mountains at no cost what­ soever, It was rcvealod this week.

A letter .statlrf; "Why I want :L go to "Y" Camp" should be written by any boy who would like to have the opportunity to po to the camp, sponsored by Tan Delta .Omega,

All letters must be received by TDO by June 14. Address is 1000 Reynosa Dr., Torrance.

An outing at a "Y" camp,here hoys live, work in t h


Barracuda fishinp held up well ifter the delude of holiday fish­

ermen In the Island areas but at local banks, anglers were slngliiR the blues, accord ing to reports from . tang Beach's Plerpolnt Landing and Port Orange Fishing docks.

White sea bass again were starting to come In. Yellowtai fishing Is listed as excellent Ir local waters with a big catch taken Saturday afternoon.

Down Port Orange way, an 18 pound yellowtall was hauled In to cop" the record, for the ith most averaging 14 pound:

the Mi

i-y Club continued on ways Tuesday night 'led out a 14-3 win

f'lni) al MeMax-ilh ha- noh

s in the top of ihe sixth for i-ietors, lint didn't rnmc

of the Hnhf through in the final when It e .Tuninr.Reninr leally counted.-

niannna eve-i. He turned away Islpr, chopped ! off, Ralph Claver's hit at first

eri repelled I hoi base, and fed Hud Sharp a throw tune of "14 lojwhlch he knocked to shortstop >n the flr«t|and was out at first.

: to Hocidc t>, Bnhh-ft Hurtchampion A heflrt-hreaklm; chain ofj-

event H In the sixth virtually » [gave the giinip lo Str. scon. With -.nvji from Dave Ek and .hie Ilei'iiande/. each >ht f|pMer;|)ounilljig owl singles, and Ala-1 TOKHANCK

Imiel f.until aMllng to first via'yiy .yfc rTADATC PA |a walk, John Mcndoz clouted aiVAN AND STURAOC CO. j high-flyer to right field where|

,.[,! I Hoy1 Fredrickson stuck out ell's blow brought in Ron' l'aw" " nd hobbled It.. '

lied Schonert .and Dal-1 « •—m**-m~~.~-m——

I!MK BORDER AVG. I'hone Tormiice 1S05 or 2477

Aufil; Bob I.ehmstci nd on Hanon's single. Ben-

elt knocked another four-baser the fourth and drove In Ha-

again..Business Men's chucker H. L.

Griffith gave up seven hits dur- 'ng the ir.iy, .three of- them In he fiftli -.i.-niza.-ThH was nrlf- 'Ith's b.vl lound as he walked hree ctnd five runs were hanged n.

IMrt Big Batter Merchant;;' hnrler Bill Hart

was bl-i? ha'.ter for nisi aggrega­ tion, whooping out two hits and leathering up an equal number of tallies. '

In the second Vond'ay go. ftrescon retained ,th"i.' unbeaten nark when they came through n their >'h.a! batting chance with Tour beautiful runs to poll ahead


Junior Alley Man to Roll

A Junior Traveling League from Lynwood will bowl here against n squad, thn name of which has not been revealed, next. Sunday afternoon at the Torrance Bowling Academy.

The Lynwood squad, made up of boys not over 18 years of age, Includes Clarence Rode, na­ tional Individual scratch cham­ pion. During the past year thi


scratch squad here.In an attempt to start bowl­

ing Interest among the younger bowlers, the outfit, sanctioned by the American Junior Bowl­ ing Congress, will roll on thn lo­ cal alley.

has won more than BO







SA29OldA80.« Proof

Full Filth ^

RITZGIN100% Grain Neutral Spirit*

80 Proof Full Hflh

RKfi. or DRIP


GRADE "A""Guaranteed Fresh"

MEDIUM 4t4fc,.


' "'eh knoi-king ,H,I t| n lor his winning squad. .And. the Lions Club knocked-

out a 1 -B victory ov pran men in the second game of I Hi, evening. Walt Si-hade,- and Drvillp Smith shared scoring high 'lonoi-s for the winners with


Tin i ra,i wild In the first |.Nl"v i. banging In four in' M ,,

and piling up six' sc

with the first op tin trabbed parly last week.

Ip In the .Iuiie-(;runt Lakes area of the High Sierra fishing the la Hi f,w days has hit Its curly-Hummer stride"with ,i .lime, Gull, Silver and (Irani ' Lnkrn all re|Hirllng good ang­ ling. Snow In gone, weather i Ideal anil all rondn are now op*n.At Grant, fish are running

i.-i ii'nlce size, in the 12-14 Inch class. 4 2| w|(h (he (rollers bringing In the ' ""'jhcst



We Give S&H Green Stamps



Arrow Shirts • Stetson and Adam Hats Cooper Underwear * Interwoven Hose

Arrow and Holly Vogue Ties Hart Schaffner &. Marx Clothes

1,325 SARTORI AVENUE * TORRANCEOpen I rldrt.v Mien 'III 0 P.M.



METALS Small or Large Quantities


1890 TORRANCE BLVD.Torrance 2292 2293

Nev. 6-2619


hy Innings



TORRANCE BOWLl!)5!l 4'arson

i: s < it o w s i: it v i r i<:TORRANCE ESCROW GUARANTY CO..

Licented and Bonded1(14 CRAVENS AVE.





1 75GAL.



thrilling thoroughbred

RACINGfn/oy a day at btautilul HOLLYWOOD PARKSr« Amfrlo,,', f|nfsi tl,oro,,R hbr<-dt .nd

S^rrrai'trttitmlagl ntxt Saturday, Jv», J

s )..i..,. .. 520,000 Addlll

now hi nitn»J italilYou may pun h»>p rrtcrvrd srat> In advancr for any ilavi nf Ilin mrtlmg. Phnnc ORrgon

. 8-1181 nr ondurd 7-71,M...iik "Fes-" ' - "