hotliner - december 2011

1 Clwyd Area Scouts Hotliner ALSO INSIDE Hikes Away Jamboree Hotliner+ Scouts Speak Up Facebook Two Amazing Cubs Xchange NEW AREA COMMISSIONER meet Gordon Richardson News & information for everyone in Clwyd Scouts - Issue 25: December 2011 Hotliner

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Page 1: Hotliner - December 2011

1! Clwyd Area Scouts Hotliner


Hikes AwayJamboreeHotliner+Scouts Speak UpFacebookTwo Amazing CubsXchange


COMMISSIONERmeet Gordon Richardson

News & information for everyone in Clwyd Scouts - Issue 25: December 2011Hotliner

Page 2: Hotliner - December 2011

2! Clwyd Area Scouts Hotliner

I hope that by now it’s not news that I have taken over from David Jones as Area Commissioner for Clwyd. With his District teams, David has successfully built up the Area to over 2,100 young people, circa 500 Leaders and Supporters, and a further 400 Occasional Helpers. This is going to be a difficult act to follow.

Before I go any further, I want to thank David for everything he has done to make the Area a success; but he’s not leaving us. I’m grateful that he has agreed to be the Area Treasurer.

As the new kid on the block, our Young Spokespersons have seized the chance to give me a grilling with regards to what I’m going to do differently. What a challenge… to be questioned by the people who matter… the young people we support. Read their questions & my answers opposite.

So what’s been happening in my first two months as Area Commissioner..?

I’ve attended the Scouts Wales’ Area Commissioners’ meeting. We discussed the following:

Assistant Chief Commissioner (ACC) Events & ACC Youth Involvement – We still need to fill these vacancies. Please let me know if you with to be considered.

Welsh Language Scheme - We’re looking at creating a uniform badge so that Welsh Speakers can be readily identified.

All Wales Activity Weekend - All Sections, Groups, Districts and Areas are being encouraged to plan a weekend of adventurous activities during the 6th & 7th October 2012. Engaging activities that take place on the 7th October may attract an additional participant; the Chief Scout – Bear Grills. More information to follow.

I’ve had an informal meeting with the four District Commissioners to look at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with the Area. This information will go towards creating an Area Improvement Plan. Please let your DC know if there are things that you feel could be done differently at an Area level.

XChange 2012 - XChange 2011 was such a success that we’re going to do it again on 7th-8th July 2012.

In the next few weeks I hope to have a structure chart available so that

everyone in the Area can see who does what, along with role descriptions. I’m also looking at trying to finalise the 2012/13 budget for the Area. This is in consultation with the Area Team (Assistant Area Commissioners, Managers and District Commissioners) and the Area Treasurer, and will need to be formally agreed by the Area Executive Committee.

I’ve started a blog on the Clwyd Website and my aim is to update it at least once per month. If you would like to comment on anything I blog about, please feel free to provide feedback.

All that’s left to do (for now) is to thank you for all of your help, support and hard work in delivering Scouting within Clwyd during 2011, and to wish you all the best for 2012.

I’m aware that there are several religious festivals taking place during December, some sombre and some celebratory. I hope that you enjoy their significance. For those of you who celebrate Christmas, I wish you a wonderful Christmastime.

Gordon [email protected]

From the AC...

He’s gonna be wizard!

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3! Clwyd Area Scouts Hotliner

What are your plans to improve the Area? The Area is in a good shape thanks to the work David Jones did, but we should always be looking at trying to make things even better.

The initial areas I want to look at improving are: I want us to be an Area and not just four separate Districts. We can make best use of everyone's time by sharing activities and resources, so hopefully improving the programmes we offer.

Moz and I have agreed that Hotliner will come out every December, April & August. For those of you who have internet access, we will be sending out a monthly electronic version, Hotliner+. In addition, I've started a blog on the Clwyd Scouts web site.

Following feedback from the District Commissioners, I've started to put an Area Improvement Plan together. I will publish this early in 2012 but if you have any thoughts on how we can work together to improve the Area, please let me know.

How do you get your funding for the Area? Primarily Area membership fees (£2.75 per member/associate member), but if there is something specific that's required, we look for grants. As it stands, our income for operational costs is just over

£4,000. Hotliner costs just under £2,000 per year and adult leader training around £1,700 per year. This is the reason why I'm introducing budget forecasting to make sure we know how much we need to raise going forwards.  Why did you want to do the role? "Want to do the role" is probably the wrong phrase. I was asked if I would consider becoming Area Commissioner with David Jones wanting to stand down. It was quite a difficult decision to make as I was only appointed Deputy District Commissioner for Wrexham at the beginning of this year, and I was working with Sue Lister (DC for Wrexham) & Jill Lewis (the other DDC) to support Wrexham District. My experience of being a District Explorer Scout Commissioner from 2002, and the short period I was a DDC, should help me understand the needs of Scouting within the Area. In addition, I've been a Pack Helper, Assistant Scout Leader, Scout Leader, Explorer Scout Leader, Training Advisor, Campsite Warden and have sat on several sub-committees. I hope that having experienced these roles, they will help me make the right decisions for the Area.

What is your favourite aspect of Scouting? I enjoy getting out there and doing Scouting, and seeing others enjoy the experiences it has to offer. It's also great seeing people achieving. As a Leader and a volunteer, I find it rewarding when young people achieve their Chief Scout Award, or the Queen's Scout Award. Putting my Commissioner hat on, it's also great when I see Leaders achieve their Wood Badge. It's worth noting that typically they will have completed 18 training modules and spent time getting each one validated. So not only do they spend time programme planning and running evening, all voluntary, but they also spend time away from their families attending courses and being validated to ensure they know what they're talking about.

 What is your favourite food? I think it has to be a roast dinner or fish & chips, Mexican, Italian, Thai, 'Southern' Indian, 'British' Indian,

Chinese & Lebanese.I don't like food with 'funny eyes' or tentacles i.e. shrimps, prawns, snails, muscles, crabs, lobsters...

What is your favourite pie? Cheese & onion! You've probably had a Ginster's cheese & onion pasty but if you've had a proper cheese & onion Pie - just cheese and onion as the filler, no potato - then you'll know what I mean.

Thanks to members of the Clwyd Scouts Media Team for posing the questions!

YSP grilling

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4! Clwyd Area Scouts HotlinerScouts from 1st Bistre on the Flintshire District Scouts hike

How often does your Section get out into the great outdoors?

Recently almost 100 Scouts & Explorer Scouts from across Flintshire took to the Clwydian range for a 16 mile District hike in the glorious weather. The hike was spread over 2 days, starting at Llanarmon Yn Lal and ending at Llandegla with an overnight stop at Bryn Orsed, near Corwen in between.

In the next edition of Hotliner, we’re hoping to give you some ideas for Hikes Away for all Sections - but we need your help...

We want people to share with us where they take their Beavers on nature trails, Cubs & Scouts on hike, and Explorers & Network on expeditions.

Email your routes to [email protected]


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5! Clwyd Area Scouts Hotliner

Back in June, we reacted to feedback that Hotliner wasn’t regular enough by launching a monthly email bulletin to keep people up to date with what’s happening in between editions of the regular Hotliner.

Hotliner+ is emailed out to everyone who holds an appointment in Clwyd Scouts if they have provided their email address when they filled in their Form AA or OH, or have updated the Membership Database since.

If you haven’t been receiving Hotliner+ it’s either because you never gave us your email address when you joined, or you’ve changed your email and haven’t updated the database.

For those that haven’t received it, Hotliner+ is a really brief email with bullet point stories that you can click on to find out more if you want.

It’s not about what’s happened, it’s about what you need to know or things that will help you in your role.

A longer PDF version is available online with a selection of news stories.


MISSING...?There’s a selection of still current stories from recent editions of Hotliner+ throughout this edition marked with a big

Membership Fees

Further to the Area Executive Committee,

last Monday, 26th September, we can now confirm that the Membership fees for 2012 will be: HQ: £21.00 minus 50p rebateScoutsWales: £7.50, Clwyd Area: £2.75. District Fees will be added to this amount.

It was agreed that Membership numbers, for Groups and Districts, must be completed on line by SUNDAY 19TH FEBRUARY AT THE VERY LATEST.

It was also agreed thatall monies must be in the hands of the Area Treasurer by MONDAY 2ND APRIL 2012, absolute latest.

District Treasurers will need to receive fees 2 weeks before this date, though Districts may set an earlier date for collecting fees from Groups.

Hotliner+Are you receiving us?

NOT GETTING IT?If you’ve not yet received an email that looks like this...

...then it’s either because we don’t have your correct email address, or because it’s gone in your spam box.

You can check we’ve got your email address by logging in at and checking your profile. If you have any trouble logging in, phone 0845 300 1818 (lots of people have tried to get their password sent to them, but as the system doesn’t have their email address it doesn’t know where to send it! Best to phone)

If your email is correct and you’re still not getting Hotliner+ then you need to check your spam box - if you find it there, then you can usually select “not spam”.

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6! Clwyd Area Scouts Hotliner


Last summer 24 Explorer Scouts and 3 Leaders from Clwyd became part of the Mad Fluffy Dragons World Scout Jamboree Unit. They travelled via Denmark to Sweden for the most important Scout Camp there is.

Explorer Scout Sion Davies wrote all about it, and here’s extracts from that excellent account...

Our adventure began on Saturday, 24th of July 2011 in Llangollen where a lot of us met the Scouts from the Caribbean for the first time, whilst others had

been providing them home hospitality for their stay in Wales. When we arrived at Manchester Airport the only thing you could see was Scouts! When I was walking around the airport in my uniform, I felt very proud, honoured and privileged to be part of something so special. Most of the passengers on the plane were Scouts, all singing Scout campfire songs at the top of there voices! When we arrived in Copenhagen, all you could see was even more Scouts! There were many buses taking us all to the drop-off zone in the middle of Copenhagen.

The next day we got up early, carried our bags to the Sports

Centre, and then had a long wait for the bus to Sweden. When the bus finally came, everybody's faces lit up. We were going to the Jamboree! After crossing over the Oresund Bridge and a 2 hour bus drive, we finally arrived at the World Scout Jamboree!

After having some free time to explore the Jamboree, it was time for the opening ceremony.

When we finally arrived, all you could see was a huge wave of Scouts! I felt so proud to be a part of this! After every country was on the stage, Bear Grylls came on the stage, in a very Scouting way! He abseiled down from top of

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7! Clwyd Area Scouts Hotliner

the stage set and then when he reached the stage he did a front somersault to get his microphone. He then gave a short speech about how proud he was being Chief Scout of the UK before officially handing over the World Scout Jamboree to Sweden.

There were four main activities in the Jamboree. The four main activities were Global Development Village, Dream, Quest and People. In Global Development Village you could go to many mini activities. The mini activity my patrol went to was all about human rights. I really enjoyed this mini activity because I learnt a lot about how badly some people are treated. In Dream you learnt all about life, from birth till death but in reverse order. This was definitely my favourite activity. Quest was made up of mini activities. There was a maze, an assault course and much more. In People you learnt about other Scouts in your patrol through fun games. I learnt a lot about my own patrol.

In the Jamboree, you met hundreds of new people every day. You met people in activities, queues and some were your next door neighbours! With most of them,

you become good friends. I now

have friends from Trinidad and Tobago, Czech Republic, France, Sweden, Finland and lots more. One of the hardest things at the end of the Jamboree was saying goodbye to your new friends.

Camp in Camp was a traditional Swedish Scout Camp and was limited to be only a maximum two hours from the Jamboree site. We learnt many new skills such as making a fire without matches. We also went swimming and canoeing in the lake.

Culture Day was an amazing day. We made Welsh cakes for everyone. Every Scout group made traditional activities or foods. There was a Swedish Scout Group who dug out a hole, filled it up with ice cold water and threw in a Swedish Scout. For some unknown reason I decided to dive in.

After packing up our bags ready for our early departure the next morning, it was time for the closing ceremony.

When we were walking down to the stage we noticed we

were going to a different stage to the opening ceremony and culture day. This was an open air stage.

We ran to the front of the stage to get the best view of the show. The headliners of the night were

Europe and when they sang 'The Final Countdown' everybody began jumping up and down despite it pouring it down with rain.

We then heard from the Japanese Contingent about the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Japan.

The Jamboree gave me a wonderful experience and made me appreciate how lucky we are in Great Britain. It has made me realize how big the Scout movement is and also what a privilege and honour it is to be a Scout!

I will definitely apply to become an IST member in Japan in 2015!

The next World Scout Jamboree is from July 28th to August 8th 2015 in Japan.

If you have Cubs or Scouts who will be between the ages of 14 and 18 at the start of that Jamboree they will be eligible - please tell them about it NOW!

If you’d like a visit from the Mad Fluffy Dragons to find out about their trip email [email protected]

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Does your Group use Facebook?Have you ever considered setting up a website for your Group but either didn’t have the technical knowledge, or got someone else to set it up and then never got round to updating it?

If so, Facebook could be the answer. The social networking site allows users to set up Groups or Pages. It’s easy to set one of these up for your Scout Group and then invite parents or young people to join.

Facebook Groups can be made private and you can use this to post details that only members can see - a useful way to keep in touch with parents.

Facebook Pages are public areas that can be used to promote your Group to the wider public.

If you have either of these, or would like advice on how to set one up, email [email protected] and we’ll promote your Group or Page.

Know any gobby14 year olds!?We’ve got an amazing team of Young Spokespersons, but some are getting a bit old! We need new blood.

Young Spokespersons are Explorer Scouts who are the face of Scouting. Working with Media Development Managers they give TV and radio interviews, give a young take on things and help to ensure that Scouting looks great in the media.

If you know someone who’s 14 or 15 and a bit gobby, they might be ideal!

There’s a training weekend coming up in February so we need to know names soon. Again, please email [email protected]

Area Exec NewsThere was a meeting of the Area Executive Committee on the 22nd November. The key points of the meeting are below but please note, my account has not been approved by the Area Executive and may be subject to change, but here goes: Finance - The Area Treasurer asked that we discuss re-investing an agreed amount, to obtain better interest. He outlined the benefits offered by Scout Investment Services, and by Scottish Widows. It was agreed that we would look at investing in a bond with Scottish Widows for a period 12 months as this would bring in a higher rate of interest.Payment of membership fees for Area Appointments Membership fees are to be paid against the member’s primary role i.e. the role that is closest to Group level. Where a leaders also holds an Area appointment, the Area have agreed to pay back £15 to the level at which the membership fee is paid. This is only applicable to the following roles: Area Advisors &

Assessors, Assistant Area Commissioners, Area Training Manager & Manager for Adventurous Permit Scheme.Where an individual only hold an Area appointment, the Area will pay for that member.XChange Following the success of this year’s event, XChange will happen again in 2012, but will then be alternate years. The date for 2012 is the 7th and 8th July.Hotliner Hotliner is currently the Area’s biggest expense. As an important Area communications tool, especially for those who are not on email, it goes out three times per year to all adults involved in Scouting (Occasional Helpers, Section Leaders, Supporters and Commissioners). How would you prefer to receive Hotliner? Please let your District Commissioner know.Area Video Camera A suggestion was put forward by our Media Team that the Area invest in a video camera so that Groups can use it to record their activities, which can then be included on the website as promotional material. The feeling of the meeting was that the Media Team, headed up by the Media Development Manager, should look at identifying a grant to purchase the required equipment. The Area will fully support any grant application providing it is not on a ‘Match funding’ basis and that only members of the Media Team operated the equipment. If anyone would like a copy of the minutes of the Area once they have been approved, please let May Castrey (Area Secretary) know.

Gordon Richardson

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9! Clwyd Area Scouts Hotliner

Last July a seed was planted. A small, but

happy band of Leaders met at Cox Wood

campsite for a weekend without the kids!

Yes, that’s right: nothing to worry about; no

moaning; no homesickness; no arguing. Just

a chance to do what they wanted to do,

when they wanted to do it.

There was a chance to have a go at the

activities, with canoeing, climbing, shooting,

archery, pioneering and backwoods cooking

on offer. Chance to learn new skills and best

of all, chance to let their hair down, have an

amazing barbecue, have a chat round the

campfire, and have a laugh.

Then they staggered to their tents, and after

a good nights sleep did it all again before

departing having had a really good


Does that sound good? Well, if you missed

it, then you’ve got the chance to join in next

summer when XChange returns. Put the

date in your diary now - 7th/8th July 2012.

Hopefully next time the seed will have grown

into a big tree!

Don’t miss next year’s

XChange7th -8th

July!!XChange ideas

XChange skills

XChange gossip

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10! Clwyd Area Scouts Hotliner

Branding mattersHow often have you told a Scout off for having their badges in the wrong place, or having their necker looking like an old bit of sack round their neck?

How we look is important, but it’s not just our uniform that matters - just as important is how we look on paper, on signs and on websites.

When you send out a letter do you make sure it’s as smart as you’d expect a young person’s uniform to be?

Here’s some things to look out for:

- use the correct logo (the swoosh logo not the arrowhead one, and did you know it should now be just one colour)

- don’t distort the logo to make it fit, if you make its height smaller, it’s width must shrink proportionately

- use pictures of adventures to make us look active

- use the right tone of voice: challenging, friendly, peer to peer

For more info see

A brave Cub Scout has been awarded a prestigious honour after fighting back from serious illness. Last summer 10-year-old Henry Knew was struck down with glossopharyngeal neuralgia - a condition which causes severe pain in the tongue, throat, ear, and tonsils. Henry, from 6th Wrexham Scouts, spent more than 10 weeks at Alder Hey children's hospital in Liverpool, including two weeks in intensive care.  His Akela, Peter Williams, decided to nominate him for the Chief Scouts Commendation for Meritorious Conduct because of the courage he had shown throughout his illness. Henry has now made a full recovery and says he is looking forward to lots of fun activities now he is back at Cubs

A Cub Scout from Saltney in Flintshire has been awarded with a special medal for bravery.

Eight-year-old Nathan Chesters, who attends Saltney Ferry Scout Group, was presented with the Medal of Meritorious Conduct after battling a mystery illness last year. The award, for meritorious conduct of an exceptionally high standard, was presented by District Commissioner Pat Royle on behalf of Chief Scout Bear Grylls.

In June 2010 Nathan had what appeared to be a headache, but was later rushed into hospital. A blood clot was found on his brain, and he lost total consciousness. For two months he was kept alive on machines at Alder Hey hospital.

His mum Helen said, “His recovery is down to his love of life, courage, determination and his ability to conquer anything he sets his mind to.”

Two Amazing Cub Scouts!

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6-8 Frostbite tour

10 Wxm SLs 10 Wxm YL Mod H

12 Mod 1 S&A

21 Flints Campfire

28 Flints Night Hike

19 Mod 3 S&A

4 Wxm SAS dinner

6 Wxm BSLs 4-5 Scouts Speak Up

8 Area Team13 Area Exec 17-19 Wxm

Frost Camp14 Wxm YL Mod A

18 Mod 1 Wxm

22 Wxm CSLs 25 Mod 3 Wxm

25 Wxm St David’s Festival25 Wxm St David’s Festival25 Flints Creative Chall

3-4 Wxm Sleepover

3 Mod 9&14 Wxm

3 Flints Activity Afternoon

4 Flints Monopoly Run

4 Mod 5,7 & 12 Wxm

11 Wxm 6-a-side

13 Wxm SLs 13 Wxm YL Mod TBA

4 Flints Safeguarding

24-25 DC/GSL conference

24 Wxm Spring Hike

23 Flints Quiz

30 Wxm - Final booking deadline for Drayton Manor30 Wxm - Final booking deadline for Drayton Manor

17 Area Exec 6-9 National Network Gathering

22 Wxm St George’s Day Lunch

21 or 22 Wxm St George’s Day Great Orme21 or 22 Wxm St George’s Day Great Orme

18 Mod 1 Wxm

22 Flints St George’s Day

28 Wxm St George’s Day Drayton Manor28 Wxm St George’s Day Drayton Manor

24 Flints 7-a-side

25 Mod 3 Wxm

28 Flints Tweenie camp28 Flints Tweenie camp 29 Flints Orienteering


Is this the last Hotliner?Tell us what you think of Hotliner - do you value a printed copy, or should we move to email? YOUR VIEW COUNTS. There’ll be a survey via our Facebook page, on our website - or you can write to Hotliner, 55 Bradley Road, Wrexham, LL13 7TG

Area Calendar

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12! Clwyd Area Scouts Hotliner© Clwyd Area Scouts 2011

Hotliner is edited by Moz, AAC Communications


Area Commissioner Gordon Richardson 07970 140004 [email protected]

Area Training Manager

Pat Royle 01244 543920 [email protected]

AAC Cubs Nicola Gamlen 01244 543374 [email protected]

AAC Communications David Morris (Moz) 07779 272340 [email protected]

AAC International David Morris (Moz) 07779 272340 [email protected]

Activity Permits Mike Dawson [email protected]

Area Chairman Vacant

Area Secretary May Castrey [email protected]

Area Treasurer David Jones 01244 570122 [email protected]

Field Commissioner Clive Bracewell 01352 714789 [email protected]

Development Officer Mark Winson 07825 632500 [email protected]


Flintshire Pat Royle 01244 543920 [email protected]

Llangollen Roger Cragg 01978 861593 [email protected]

Vale of Clwyd Andy Collin 01745 330551 [email protected]

Wrexham Sue Lister 01978 754231 [email protected]


Gladstone Eric Gardner 01244 533046 [email protected]

Coxwood Brian Doyle 01978 290380 [email protected]

Cae Llwyd Gerry Kellett 07930 103090 [email protected]

Rowallan Val Butterworth 01978 769053 [email protected]

Chirk Bunkhouse Hilary Roberts 01691 773758 [email protected]


Scout Information CentreScout Information Centre 08453001818 [email protected]

Wxm Scout Shop & Resource Centre

Uniform, clothing, equipment, publications, badges & programme materialOpen Weds 6.30-8.30 Wrexham Scout HQ, Station Approach, WrexhamUniform, clothing, equipment, publications, badges & programme materialOpen Weds 6.30-8.30 Wrexham Scout HQ, Station Approach, WrexhamUniform, clothing, equipment, publications, badges & programme materialOpen Weds 6.30-8.30 Wrexham Scout HQ, Station Approach, Wrexham

Clwyd website