hough 2008 - the expression & perception of space in wayana - ebook

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Bgroh Nfuen

Jgg, nojg`â gpscb æhcpghgbjgtpæ`âboh wobg`âmgc, ̀ fjo bf`o`g ngpfh. Gpscb tæpghgbjgc æmg. bg`âhghfj,

otæ obg`âho âtæ obg`âtfp6 _npgb gptgf Bg`cpfhf buhongb tæwâtæwâ Ugmghg jo tg`ghjo tf`fpætfj.

Âjo`â tf`fpætfj Ugyghgjo. Jgscbo chgjf`f unpgbgtfhfj tæpghgbjgc omgno jæu ngpfh bgtfp, jæu

ngpfh tæpghgbjgc omgno tæbgc chgjf`f, onoptâtfp wg`gju`ucjâ jæu tæbgc. Jâ`ânohjgtft buhongb

jgscbo poptg bujgbgcjâpf buhongb jâ`â tæbgc obg`âhghfj. Jgscbo ohonohjgtft, tæpfhâpno omgno

‐ohonohjg, ngbætâc ohotfnjo‚ tæbgctft. Jgg, tâbâtso`op bujgbgcjâ, poptg wowo bujgbgcjâ, poptg, poptgjo`g`op poptgjo`g`op`âboh tâbâtso omgno, Ugmghgmg, `fjo tæpâ`âpno tæpâ`âpnotft. Jgscbo tâ`otgc-

tft, ânopætæhg`op gbâthghfj, `fjo o`otgbfjfntgf tæpuhgcjâc jâ`â`â bgtæp tâtæ`âjâc. Jæmg`â gbâtænotft

tâbâtso`op, tâ`otgctft tæpâ`âpno. Jf`fchâ jæmg`â`o tætæ`âjâc. Jæmg`â tâbâtâjâc omgno`op. Jg`g`â tæpâ`âpno-

tft tâ`otgctft jâ`â`â bgtæp tâtæ`âjâc, âhgbâtæ`gtft pâtubu tâtæ`âjâc. Jg`fhjo jâ`gptgf tujâbno tubu-

ctfj, tubuc tujâbno ohonono, tæbgc. Jâ`â tæpghgbjgc omgno bgwâhg tæp tfwfjctgo tftftftftftf tæbgc

bujgbgcjâpfhg. Jgscbo tâno`obgptgctft jjjjjj  tubuctfj tujâbno. ‐Æwgptgf‚ tæbgc tubuctfj,jâbmg tæpfmcptâc. Ughjg nojo`o ghtgpob hgc cjhg wghjg jætfbfwgcjâmgtgc tæbgctft. ‐Ojhg hgbâtmgc

gnpo`g‚ tæbgctft. ‐âjânob! gbâtbâ!‚ Jg`g`â tubuctfj tujâbno jg`g`â ânopætâhg Ugmghgtfj. Yâbâtso

omgno, gpâhg`ghjg, tâbâtso o`otg`ghjg tâbâtso

tâbâtso. Ygpscb tâtæno otæ mu`utfj tâtæno gpâhg-

`g tubuc tâbâtso`âboh. Jf`fchâ tâno`opno

wowo bujgbgcjâ tfwfjctgc= ‐âbâ ‚ tæbgc,

‐âbâ ‚ tæbgc. Gpâhg`g tubuctfj gbâtæpâb, jâb-

 mg bgtæpæ`g. Jg`fhjo gscjngb gwfjc tâwâtæno nojo`o tæhâ`âpno`o tfwfjctgc ‐âbâbâ ‚ tæbgc, ‐âbâbâ ‚

tæbgc, ‐âbâbâ ‚ tæbgc. ‐ Ggggn‚ tâwâtunjfc bujgbgcjâtpâ.Yubucmg tâbâtso. Jg`fhjo cwâtunjftænwâ

tghæjno tutumg, jâb`âmg tghæjno cwâtunjftænwâ. \ffffj, tfhgjno. Jf`fchâ tupcno omgno, tupcno

omgno, tupcno omgno, wghjg âhoho`g. Ngwo`o ghujg`â bfbfpscb tæpghgbjgcjâc tutumg ‐tfhtfhtfhtfh‚

upgb tghæjno jâb`âmg, tâjoho ngpfh.  Jjjj  tâhonojo`o omgno. Cpfbohjg jæu ngpfh. Jg`fhjo

jâ`âbâtft Bg`cpfhftfj tâtghfpnotft tæbgc obg`âhghfj tâtghfpnotft, ânjo`â tâtghfpno ânjo`â tf`fpæ-

tfjo tâtætfpbfjo. Jf`fchâ jgbgtft tâtæno. Jf`fchâ ghujg`â bfbfpscb gptgf ânjo`â tætâctft tghub-

tgctft, ânjo`â jgbg, jâbpg`âjotft tâtæno tf`fpætfjo, tæbgc obg`âhghfj. Jgscbo pâtu`ohjg pâtu`otft

 pâtu`ohjg jâ`âbfjbo mcwâtghfpætpætfj tæbgc obg`âhghfj unpgb gptgf. Yuwg`â`ghjg æu `fjo obg`â-

tfp`âboh tæpghgbjgc æmg gpscb`âboh tænu`o`g jgh jâ`â obg`âtfp. Ugmghgjo`g tâng`âctft, tf`fpætjotft

tâtænotft, Ugmghgjo`g tâtænotft, ânjo`â jângjbfjobâboh, bæmgpfbftfjo`âboh, ânjo`â buhf`ftfjo

âhæbmgjbfjo`âbohtft tâtæno tæbgc obg`âhghfj. Yg`ghjo gnpo

tgghjo gnpo`g, mf`fb octfp jâ`â, mf`fb âtutfp, ghujngbâhjg.

Jgscbo jâ`â bgtæp`âboh jæh obg`â- tfp gpscb`âboh. Bf`o`g. Jgbg.

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\ciostfho [ross G how eohorgtcfh fd [ua`csnche

 Sfu gro rogiche g du`` vorscfh fd tncs affb, dfr droo!

Yncs affb cs pgrt fd tno \ciostfho o-`cargry wnoro jfst fd fur

pua`clgtcfhs gro du``y gllossca`o dfr droo. Dfr glloss tf jfro

droo affbs vcsct= www.sciostfho.lfj/`cargry

Ifwh`fgi Du`` [ID

Tcsct tno \ciostfho o-`cargry tf arfwso fur o-affbs. Dfr g jchcjg`

doo yfu lgh purlngso g du``y duhltcfhg` [ID ghi ay ifche sf, yfu

no`p tf boop fur `cargry ruhhche.


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Bgroh Nfuen

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Bgroh Nfuen

 Ynoscs tf fatgch tno ioeroo fd Jgstor fd [nc`fspny ch Gjorchicgh \tuicos gt tno_hcvorscty fd @ocioh. 1;;>.

\uporvcsfrs=Ir. Octnho Lgr`ch[rfd. Ir. Uc``oj Gio`ggr

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Lfpyrcent 1;;> Bgroh Nfuen

C\AH= 35>-3;->>3;-;;4->

[ua`csnoi ay \ciostfho [ross, @ocioh.www.sciostfho.lfj\ciostfho roecstrgtcfh hujaor= \\[1513;;;7

 Ynoscs tf fatgch tno ioeroo fd Jgstor fd [nc`fsfpny ch Gjorchicgh \tuicos gt tno_hcvorscty fd @ocioh, 1;;>.

Lfvor pnftfergpny ay Bgroh Nfuen2 lfvor iosceh ay Bgroh Nfuen & \ciostfho [ross. Yno toxt fh tno drfht lfvor lfjos drfj tno hgrrgtcvo Bujgbgcjâ  tf`i ay Bu`opojgh chGpotchg, Doarugry 1;;5. Ct wgs rolfrioi, trghslrcaoi ghi trghs`gtoi ch lf``gafrgtcfhwctn Bu`opojgh ghi Ir. Octnho Lgr`ch ch Gpotchg ghi usoi lfurtosy fd Ir. Octnho

Lgr`ch. Yno pnftfergpn fh tno aglb lfvor snfws tno Ygpghgnfhc Qcvor ghi iue-futlghfos usoi igc`y ay tno Ugyghg.

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@cst fd C``ustrgtcfhs vGaarovcgtcfhs ghi \yjaf`s vcc

[rodglo & Glbhfw`oieojohts  xc 

7 Chtrfiultcfh  7 7.7 Chtrfiultcfh <7.1 \trulturo fd tnoscs 97.< Yno Ugyghg ?

7.<.7 Ugyghg @gheugeo 57.<.1 _npgb „`fhe gef– ghi nojg`â „tfigy– 57.<.< Lfsjf`fey 71

7.<.9 [rovcfus \tuicos 7?

1 Ynofrotclg` \ottche  75 1.7 Chtrfiultcfh 731.1 Ncstfry fd iovo`fpjohts ch spgtcg` tnchbche 73

1.1.7 Yno [rchlcp`o fd @cheucstcl Qo`gtcvcty 1;1.< \pgtcg` frcohtgtcfh 17

1.<.7 Yno pnohfjohf`feclg` acgs 111.<.1 Drgjos fd rodorohlo 11

1.9 \pgtcg` `gheugeo 19

1.9.7 Yfpf`fey 1?1.9.1 Yfpfhyjy 1?1.9.< Iocxcs 1?

1.? Dchg` rojgrbs 14

< Jotnfif`fey  15 <.7 Chtrfiultcfh 13<.1 Ojpcrclg` rosogrln <;<.< Jotnfif`fey <1

<.<.7 Yno lf``oltcfh fd `cheucstcl igtg <1

<.<.7.7 Eohorg` lfhvorsgtcfh ghi o`clctgtcfh <<<.<.7.1 Yno Yfpf`feclg` Qo`gtcfhs [clturo \orcos <<<.<.7.< [orsfhg` stfrcos <<<.<.7.9 Lf``oltcfh fd frg` trgictcfhs <9<.<.7.? [nftf-famolt jgtlnche tgsb <9

<.<.1 Yno lf``oltcfh fd lfehctcvo ghi otnhfergpncl igtg <4<.<.1.7 Qolg`` jojfry tgsb <4<.<.1.1 Otnhfergpncl igtg <5

<.9 Lfhl`uscfh <>

9 @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs  <3 9.7 Chtrfiultcfh 979.1 [fstpfsctcfhs 97

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9.1.7 [fstpfsctcfhs ch Ugyghg= chtrfiultcfh 979.1.1 \pgtcg` [fstpfsctcfhs 97 Jfrpnf`fey fd spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs 9< @flgtcvos 999. Icroltcfhg`s 959.1.1.7.< [rfhfjchg` prodcxos 939. Qod`oxcvo prodcxos ? [fstpfsctcfhs, ohl`ctcls ghi jgrbors ?1 Iorcvoi spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs ?99.< @flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s ??

9.<.7 Eohorg` @flgtcvo= -pf = eohorg`, surdglo ?49.<.1 Lfhtgchor `flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s ?5

9.<.1.7 -mgf = chtorcfr ?59.<.1.1 -(n)tgf = lfhtgchor 4;9.<.1.< -hgf = afuhi`oss lfhtgchor 479.<.1.9 b(u)wgf = `cquci 419.<.1.? -`fptgf = ioop chtorcfr 4<

9.<.< Aoscio `flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s 4<9.<.<.7 obgtgf = „aoscio– 499.<.<.1 chg = „gt tno scio fd– 4?9.<.<.< gwftgf = rca 4?9.<.<.9 gwfpf = „lrfsswgys– 44

9.<.<.? gnjftgf = „l`ogr spglo– 459.<.9 „Ch jcii`o fd– `gjhgf   459.<.? „Ch g`cehjoht wctn– pf`o   439.<.4 Lfhtglt `flgtcvo= -pâb(â)   5;9.<.5 \uporcfr ghi chdorcfr `flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s 57

9.<.5.7 opfc = suporcfr, hf lfhtglt 579.<.5.1 unpf = suporcfr, lfhtglt 519.<.5.< gnpf = „fh tno aglb fd– 5<9.<.5.9 fpchâ = chdorcfr 5<9.<.5.? fpcbgc = chdorcfr 59

9.<.> Ghtorcfr ghi pfstorcfr `flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s 5?9.<.>.7 oj(æh)pgtgf = „dglche– 5?9.<.>.1 wg`cbtgf = „aonchi– 54

9.<.3 Ohvcrfhjohtg` ̀ flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s 559.<.3.7 gbtunpfc = „upstrogj– 5>9.<.3.1 gjotgc = „ifwhstrogj– 5>9.<.3.< otgtfpf = rcvoraghb 539.<.3.9 tg`ænhgf = „futscio– >;

9.<.7; Gt tno agso fd= jctgf   >;9.<.77 Grfuhi= wg`g   >7

9.<.71 [or`gtcvos >79.<.7< \furlo= -châ   >19.<.79 Oxprosscfhs fd tcjo ><

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9.9 Yncri porsfh prfhfuhs ghi iojfhstrgtcvos >99.? @flgtcvo givoras >>

9.?.7 Jftcfh givoras 3;9.4 Dchg` rojgrbs 3;

? Yno [orloptcfh fd \pglo ghi @ghislgpo ay tno Ugyghg  3< ?.7 Chtrfiultcfh 3??.1 Drgjos fd Qodorohlo 3??.< Dchiche fho–s wgy 3>?.9 Lgtoefrczgtcfh 7;7

?.9.7 [fstpfsctcfhs ghi \pgtcg`cty 7;1?.? @ghislgpo 7;4

?.4 Ugyghg ch hgtcfhg` spglo 7;3?.5 Lfhl`uiche rojgrbs 77;

4 Lfhl`uiche Qojgrbs  77< 

Gppohiclos  775 Qodorohlos 773 [nftf-Famolt Jgtlnche Ygsb 71?

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Jgp 7.7 @flgtcfh fd tno Gjorchicgh Erfups fd \urchgjo 4 

Dceuro 1.7 \ojghtcl sua-dco`is ch spgtcg` `gheugeo 19 Jgp <.7 @flgtcfh fd Gpotchg, \urchgjo 13Dceuro <.7 Mfngh <1Dceuro <.1 Oxgjp`o drfj Yfpf`feclg` Qo`gtcfhs [clturo \orcos <<Dceuro <.< Oxgjp`o drfj Yfpf`feclg` Qo`gtcfhs [clturo \orcos <<Dceuro <.9 Bu`opojgh ghi Ir. Octnho Lgr`ch gt wfrb <9Dceuro <.? Oxgjp`o fd `gyfut fd dceurchos iurche tno pnftf-famolt

jgtlnche tgsb<?

Dceuro <.4 Qolg`` jojfry tgsb - ghcjg`s-ch-g-rfw <4

  Yga`o 9.7 \pgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs ch Ugyghg 91 Yga`o 9.1 Jfrpnf`feclg` strulturo fd spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs 9< Yga`o 9.< \tgtcvo `flgtcvos ohiche ch -f   99 Yga`o 9.9 \tgtcvo `flgtcvos ohiche ch -pf   99 Yga`o 9.? \tgtcvo `flgtcvos ohiche ch -c   9? Yga`o 9.4 \tgtcvo `flgtcvos ohiche ch -g   9? Yga`o 9.5 \tgtcvo `flgtcvos ohiche ch -â   9? Yga`o 9.> Icroltcfhg`s ohiche ch -b(â)  ghi -hg   95 Yga`o 9.3 Ohiches fd `flgtcvo ghi icroltcfhg` pfstpfsctcfhs 9>

 Yga`o 9.7; [rfhfjchg` prodcxos dfr pfstpfsctcfhs 93 Yga`o 9.77 [grgicej dfr `fptgf „ioop chscio– 93 Yga`o 9.71 [grgicej dfr obgtgf „aoscio– 93 Yga`o 9.7< [grgicej dfr -pf  „ch, fh, gt– 93 Yga`o 9.79 [grgicej dfr chg „hoxt tf– ?; Yga`o 9.7? Qod`oxcvo prodcxos dfr pfstpfsctcfhs ?1 Yga`o 9.74 Yncri porsfh prfhfuhs ghi iojfhstrgtcvos >? Yga`o 9.75 @flgtcvo givoras >> Dceuro ?.7 Qolg`` jojfry tgsb= ghcjg`s ch g rfw 34

Dceuro ?.1 Jgp fd slnff` ghi lnurln 35Dceuro ?.< Ygpghgnfhc Qcvor, Gpotchg 33 Yga`o ?.7 @flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s usoi tf ioslrcao spgtcg`

frcohtgtcfh drfj tno vc``geo7;;

Dceuro ?.9 Icroltcfhs drfj tno vc``geo 7;7 Yga`o ?.1 \pgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs ch Ugyghg 7;1-7;<Dceuro ?.? [fsctcfh fd tno lo`ostcg` aficos 7;<Dceuro ?.4 Gorcg` pnftf fd Gpotchg 7;9Dceuro ?.5 Bgtg`c „lgrryche agsbots– 7;? Yga`o ?.< @flgtcvo givoras 7;5

  Yga`o 4.7 @flgtcvo givoras 77? 

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gltche fh

∝ rfft

7 7st porsfh

1 1hi porsfh

1[F\\  1hi porsfh pfssosscvo

< <ri porsfh

<LFQOD  <ri porsfh pfssosscvo lfrodorohtcg`

<[@   <ri porsfh p`urg` 

<[F\\  <ri porsfh pfssosscvo

gim.@FL  gimgloht `flgtcvo

GHG  ghgpnfrcl

GHCJ  ghcjgto

G\\OQY   gssortcvo

AOH  aohodgltcvo

LG_\  lgusgtcvoLOQY   lortgchty

LF@@   lf``oltcvo

LFHY .@FL  lfhtgchor `flgtcvo

LFHYGLY .@FL  lfhtglt `flgtcvo

LFQOD  lfrodorohtcg`

LSL  lyl`cl

IOO[.CHY .@FL  ioop chtorcfr `flgtcvo

IO\CI  iosciorgtcvo

ICJ  icjchutcvo 

ICQ  icroltcfhg`

IC\L  icslfurso

IC\Y .[\Y   icstght pgst

I[  iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuh

I[.GHCJ.GHG  iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuh ghcjgto ghgpnfrcl

I[.GHCJ.IC\Y   iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuh ghcjgto icstg`

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I[.GHCJ.JOI  iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuh ghcjgto joicg`

I[.GHCJ.[QF^  iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuh ghcjgto prfxcjgto

I[.CHGH.GHG  iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuh chghcjgto ghgpnfrcl

I[.CHGH.IC\Y   iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuh chghcjgto icstg`

I[.CHGH.JOI  iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuh chghcjgto joicg`

I[.CHGH.[QF^  iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuh chghcjgto prfxcjgto

OJ[N  ojpgntcl

DGL\  dglscjc`o

DGL\.HFJ  dglscjc`o hfjchg`czor

DQ_\Y   drustrgtcvo

EFG@   efg`NO\CY   nosctght

CHGH  chghcjgto

CHD.@FL  chdorcfr `flgtcvo

CH\Y   chstrujohtg`

CHY .@FL  chtorcfr `flgtcvo

CHYOH\  chtohscdcor

@CW.@FL  `cquci `flgtcvo

@FL  `flgtcvo

@FL.GIT.IC\Y   `flgtcvo givora icstg` uhspolcdcl

@FL.GIT.IC\Y .\[  `flgtcvo givora icstg` spolcdcl

@FL.GIT.JOI  `flgtcvo givora joicg` uhspolcdcl

@FL.GIT.JOI.\[  `flgtcvo givora joicg` spolcdcl

@FL.GIT.[QF^  `flgtcvo givora prfxcjgto [email protected].[QF^ .\[  `flgtcvo givora prfxcjgto spolcdcl

JOI  joicg`

JCI  jcii`o

HLOQY   hfh-lortgchty

HOE  hoegtcvo

HOE.[QYL@   hoegtcvo pgrtcl`o

HD  hfh-dchctoHFJ  hfjchg`czor

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HFJ.[@   hfjchg`czor p`urg`

[OQ@   por`gtcvo

[@   p`urg`

[F\\  pfssosscvo

[F\\.[@   pfssosscvo p`urg`

[[  pfstpfsctcfh

[QO\  prosoht tohso

[QF^  prfxcjgto

[\Y   pgst tohso

W  quostcfh

W.GHCJ  ghcjgto quostcfhW.CHGH  chghcjgto quostcfh

QOD@   rod`oxcvo

\F_  sfurlo

\_[.LFHYGLY .@FL  suporcfr lfhtglt `flgtcvo

\_[.@FL  suporcfr `flgtcvo

 YOQJ  torjgtcvo

 YJ[.HFJ  tcjo, jghhor, p`glo hfjchg`czor

 YQ  trghsctcvo

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[rodglo &Glbhfw`oieojohts

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  Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


 Yncs tnoscs ngs aooh wrcttoh gs pgrt fd jy dchg` gssossjoht ch frior tf fatgchjy J[nc` ch Gjorchicgh \tuicos gt tno _hcvorscty fd @ocioh. C lfjjohloi tnoAG lfurso „@gheugeos ghi Lu`turos fd Hgtcvo Gjorclghs– iuo tf ghuhoxp`gchga`o dgslchgtcfh dfr tno Chlg ruchs Jgllnu [cllnu sctugtoi ch [oru. Ctwgs iurche jy solfhi yogr tngt jy spolcg`czgtcfh lngheoi slcohtcdclg``y drfj

gh ghtnrfpf`feclg` ojpngscs tf fho ch otnhf-`cheucstcls ghi eofergpnclg``ydrfj tno Ghios tf @fw`ghi \futn Gjorclg, ghi \urchgjo ch pgrtclu`gr.Unotnor C snfu`i tnghb fr lurso Ir Octnho Lgr`ch dfr nor lfhtgecfusohtnuscgsj dfr \urchgjo, ghi tno Yrcf ch pgrtclu`gr, cs stc`` suamolt tf julnioagto. Nfwovor, tncs ohtnuscgsj wgs tf `gtor `ogi jo tf tno vc``geo fd Gpotchgch Doarugry, 1;;5, wnoro C lfhiultoi dco`iwfrb fh tno oxprosscfh ghiporloptcfh fd spgtcg`cty ch ghi ay tno Ugyghg, wncln dfrjs tno dfuhigtcfh fdtncs tnoscs.

Hf fho lgh ovor propgro yfu dfr yfur dcrst dco`iwfrb sosscfh, pgrtclu`gr`y cd ct

tgbos yfu tf gh csf`gtoi vc``geo ch tno ioptns fd tno Gjgzfh rgchdfrost. Iurchetno igys `ogiche up tf jy iopgrturo drfj [grgjgrcaf C wgs lfhdrfhtoi wctnnfw juln wo tgbo dfr erghtoi, noro ch tno Uostorh wfr`i. \uiioh`y C wgsdfrloi tf tnchb gafut „nfw `fhe wfu`i g lghi`o `gst–, „nfw juln tfc`ot pgporifos fho uso ch g woob– ghi „wngt gj C efche tf ogt iurche tno hoxt 1 jfhtns6–- C hovor bhfw wngt C wght tf ogt tfigy hovor jchi p`gh < jog`s g igy dfr tnodf``fwche 1 jfhtns. Dchg` effiayos g`sf hooioi tf ao jgio wctn tno nfjo drfhtovfbche g doo`che tngt C wfu`i hovor roturh tf tno wfr`i C bhow, ghi ch jghywgys C hovor ici. Lfhiultche dco`iwfrb ch suln rojftohoss ghi ch suln gicddoroht ohvcrfhjoht lngheos yfur porloptcfh fd tno wfr`i dfrovor, ovoh gdtor

 must 1 jfhtns.

Gs cs icslussoi ch soltcfh <.1 ct wgs tf tgbo g lfup`o fd woobs aodfro C wgsgll`cjgtczoi tf jy how surrfuhiches ghi ct soojs gs tnfuen C `ogrht jfrogafut jyso`d tngh tno Ugyghg `gheugeo iurche tncs porcfi. Nfwovor, gs tnowoobs pgssoi jy bhfw`oieo fd Ugyghg ghi jy suasoquoht glloptghlo chtf tnovc``geo erogt`y chlrogsoi, gs ici jy ohmfyjoht.

Gdtor gpprfxcjgto`y sovoh woobs, C `odt tno vc``geo fd Gpotchg tf roturh tf[grgjgrcaf ghi tnorogdtor nfjo. C `odt wctn g doo`che fd sgihoss ghi oxlctojoht.

\gihoss gs C wgs `ogvche g p`glo wnoro tno pofp`o ngi glloptoi jo chtf tnolfjjuhcty ghi wnoro C ngi `guenoi sf juln jy stfjgln jusl`os nurt ghioxlctojoht gt tno prfspolt fd roturhche tf jy fwh sohso fd nfjo ghi tno tgsbtngt `gy gnogi fd puttche jy dchiches fhtf pgpor.

 Yno pgtn tgboh ch tno mfurhoy fd lfhiultche dco`iwfrb ghi tno suasoquohtwrctche fd g tnoscs cs hovor trgvo``oi g`fho ghi tnoro gro sovorg` pofp`o wnfj Cwcsn tf tnghb dfr tnocr gsscstghlo g`fhe tno wgy. Dcrst ghi dfrojfst C gj ioop`ychioatoi tf tno vc``geo fd Gpotchg wnf wo`lfjoi jo chtf tnocr lfjjuhcty ghigsscstoi jo ch tno `ogrhche ghi uhiorstghiche fd Ugyghg. Ch pgrtclu`gr C wcsn

tf tnghb tno Erghjgh, Hfwgno, dfr erghtche jo porjcsscfh tf stgy ch tnovc``geo2 tno Bu`uwgygb Dfuhigtcfh dfr jy gllfjjfigtcfh ch tno Bu`uwgygblfjjuhcty nfuso ghi ospolcg``y Mfngh dfr g`` tno nfurs no spoht no`pche jo

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wctn tno Ugyghg `gheugeo2 Mfngh= cpfb jgsg`g ! G`sf g spolcg` tnghbs tf \gjfodfr g`` ncs gsscstghlo iurche jy stgy ch Gpotchg, chl`uiche tno sohiche fd oxtrgdffi ghi tno uhdfreottga`o ojgc`s drfj nfjo. Ftnor vc``geors C wcsn tfsopgrgto`y johtcfh dfr tnocr vgryche `ovo`s fd gsscstghlo. Ch hf frior fdjohtcfhche= _`ubwghc dfr nor lfhtgecfus sjc`o ghi gac`cty tf jgbo jo `guen

ovory jfrhche2 Buhc dfr jgbche tno igc`y trcps tf tno rcvor uhdfreottga`o2 Ioppcdfr must aoche Ioppc2 Jgrcus dfr ncs lfhtchufus mfbos ghi ncs wcdo dfr tnoio`clcfus poppor-wgtor2 ghi fd lfurso Gtæ, Jg`gwg, Mgbg`cbg, Qfhhco, Mfngh ghitnocr dgjc`cos. G`sf g spolcg` johtcfh tf Grhf`i dfr ncs hovor-ohiche gac`cty tfsjc`o, ncs lu`chgry io`cents ghi must aoche ga`o tf bhflb fh ncs iffr ghytcjo dfrg lnct-lngt. Dchg``y ghi hft `ogst, tnghb yfu tf g`` tno pc`fts gt JGD dfr d`ychejo sgdo`y tf ghi drfj Gpotchg.

G vory spolcg` tnghbs tf Ir. Octnho Lgr`ch dfr nor gjgzche suppfrt,ohtnfuscgsjo ghi lfhstrultcvo dooiaglb iurche tno prfloss fd wrctche tncs

tnoscs2 aut jfro cjpfrtght`y, tnghb yfu dfr tno ovohches spoht ch Gpotchgpnc`fsfpnczche fvor `cdo, rosogrln ghi tno Ugyghg ghi must dfr aoche gs ace g„a`ffiy oomct– gs C gj. Giictcfhg``y tnghbyfu dfr erghtche jo porjcsscfh tf uso yfur jgps fd \urchgjo (ld. soltcfhs 7.< <.7.).

Fh tno nfjo drfht, C wcsn tf tnghb g`` jy dgjc`y ghi drcohis dfr uhiorstghichetngt C ngi tf `ogvo tnoj dfr sovorg` jfhtns wctnfut lfhtglt ghi tngt fh roturhC hooioi tf `flb jyso`d gwgy dfr woobs fh ohi ch frior tf wrcto tncs pgpor. Ynghb yfu dfr toglnche jo tf ao so`dcsn ghi g spolcg` tnghbs tf @og ghi Aolbydfr g`wgys aoche tnoro ghi tno lfuht`oss lups fd lfddoo. G pgrtclu`gr johtcfh tf

jy scstor Aoo wnf p`gloi jy dco`iwfrb ch cts prfpor porspoltcvo jgbche jo lrywctn `guentor ch tcjos fd drustrgtcfh, gs fh`y sno lgh (ld. soltcfh <.<.7.?).

Gt tno _hcvorscty fd @ocioh C wfu`i `cbo tf tnghb [rfdossfr Uc``oj Gio`ggr dfrncs suppfrt ghi g``fwche jo tf df``fw jy lnfsoh pgtn, ghi fd lfurso tf Ir.Octnho Lgr`ch. G`sf tnghbs tf tnfso gt tno Dglu`ty fd Grlngof`fey wnf ngvogifptoi jo gs tnocr fwh ghi tnocr lfhstrultcvo lrctclcsjs iurche tutfrcg`s. Chpgrtclu`gr Mcjjy dfr uhiorstghiche wngt ct cs tf lfhiult dco`iwfrb ch tnojcii`o fd \urchgjo. C gj g`sf ergtodu` tf tno @ocis _hcvorsctocts Dfhis dfrerghtche jo g suastghtcg` erght ch frior tf lfhiult suln spolcdcl rosogrln ch

suln gh csf`gtoi grog.

Dchg``y, ghi ay hf joghs `ogst g vory spolcg` tnghb yfu tf Nohircb dfr ncsuhicvcioi `fvo, suppfrt ghi pgtcohlo ghi ospolcg``y dfr ao`covche ch jo ch gjghhor C wcsn C lfu`i2 ghi must dfr aoche ncjso`d. Yncs tnoscs wfu`i hft ngvoaooh pfssca`o wctnfut tno suppfrt fd g`` tnfso johtcfhoi. Dfr ghy fho C ngvodfrefttoh jy utjfst gpf`fecos ghi gegch cpfb jghgc !

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7 Chtrfiultcfh 

Hftnche ovor aoechs. Ynoro cs hf dcrst jfjoht2 hf sche`o wfri fr p`glo drfj wncln tncsfr ghy ftnor stfry sprches. Yno tnrogis lgh g`wgys ao trgloi aglb tf sfjo ogr`cor tg`o,ghi tf tno tg`os tngt proloioi tngt2 tnfuen gs tno hgrrgtfr–s vfclo roloios tnolfhholtcfhs wc`` sooj tf erfw tohufus, dfr ogln geo wc`` wght tno tg`o tf`i gs cd ct worocts fwh jgbche. (Agrbor, 7333= ?)

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  Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


7.7 Chtrfiultcfh

 Yno erfuhiwfrb fd tncs pgpor `cos wctnch tno lrfss-icslcp`chgry dco`i fd otnhf-`cheucstcls, g sua-ifjgch fd ghtnrfpf`feclg` `cheucstcls wncln p`glos `gheugeoch g wcior sflcg` ghi lu`turg` drgjowfrb. Gs ioslrcaoi ay Df`oy (7335= <)=

Ghtnrfpf`feclg` `cheucstcls vcows `gheugeo tnrfuen tno prcsj fd tno lfroghtnrfpf`feclg` lfhlopt, lu`turo, ghi, gs suln, soobs tf uhlfvor joghche aonchi tnouso, jcsuso fr hfh-uso fd `gheugeo, cts icddoroht dfrjs, roecstors ghi sty`os. Ct cs ghchtorprotcvo icslcp`cho poo`che gwgy gt `gheugeo tf dchi lu`turg` uhiorstghiches.

\chlo tno ohi fd tno 73tn  lohtury ghtnrfpf`fecsts ghi `cheucsts ngvo aoohlfhlorhoi wctn tno ro`gtcfhsncp aotwooh `gheugeo ghi lu`turo, ghi gs ch jghyslcohtcdcl dco`is tnoro cs g icvcscfh aotwooh ro`gtcvo ghi uhcvorsg` tnfuent. Chghtnrfpf`fey ro`gtcvo df``fwors ao`covo tngt lu`turo ghi `gheugeo snfu`i ao

stuicoi ghi ioslrcaoi wctnch tnocr fwh torjs, rgtnor tngh ourf-lohtrclg``y,wnc`st uhcvorg`csts ojpngsczo tngt pgh-nujgh, chhgto, acf`feclg` uhcvorsg`siotorjcho nfw lu`turg` lfhlopts gro porlocvoi ghi oxprossoi. Ct cs, nfwovor,cjpfssca`o tf ecvo g scjp`o iodchctcfh gs tnoro gro jghy hughlos glrfss tnovgrcfus slcohtcdcl icslcp`chos.

Drghz Afgs7 wgs fho fd tno jfst prfjchoht dceuros lfhlorhoi wctn tno ogr`ytnofrcos fd ro`gtcvcsj. Drfj tncs, tno suasoquoht Afgscgh trgictcfh ojoreoi,wncln wgs tf erogt`y chd`uohlo tno Gjorclgh slnff` fd strulturg` `cheucstcls ghightnrfpf`fey. Nfwovor, ovoh tno jfst oxtrojo df``fwors fd ro`gtcvcsj ao`covoi

ch sfjo uhcvorsg` prfportcos fd tno jchi, ospolcg``y ch tno ifjgch fd spgtcg`cty(Caci2 7335= 11>). Fho fd tno ogr`cost ghi jfst chd`uohtcg` tnofrcos ojorechedrfj tno Afgscgh trgictcfh wgs tno sf-lg``oi \gpcr-Unfrd nypftnoscs wnclnl`gcjoi tngt=

 Yno strulturo fd g ecvoh `gheugeo wc`` gddolt tno wgy ch wncln spogbors fd tngt `gheugeotnchb. Yno cjp`clgtcfh fd tncs cs tngt pofp`o wnf spogb icddoroht `gheugeos wc`` tnchbicddoroht`y. (Agrhgri ghi \pohlor2 1;;1= 933-?;;2 ld. soltcfh 1.1.7)

Ch tno 739;s tno \gpcr-Unfrd nypftnoscs wgs eohorg``y romoltoi gs tno dflus fd`cheucstcls swctlnoi jfro tfwgris tno lfrro`gtcfh aotwooh `gheugeo ghiwfr`ivcow. Yurhche gwgy drfj tno ciog tngt fur porloptcfh fd tno wfr`i wgsiotorjchoi ay fur `gheugeo strulturo, ghtnrfpf`feclg` `cheucsts aoegh tflfhlohtrgto fh df`b `cheucstcls1, wnoroay tno stuiy fd nfw lu`turg` erfupsl`gsscdy tnocr wfr`i ghi wncln tgxfhfjcos tnoy usoi, aolgjo pfpu`gr. (Caci21;;1= <14)

7  Lurroht`y tno wfrb fd Afgs ngs aooh rochtorprotoi ghi cs gegch pfpu`gr gjfhe `cheucsts ghightnrfpf`fecsts g`cbo.1 Df`b `cheucstcls cs tno stuiy fd nfw spogbors vcow tnocr fwh ̀ gheugeo (Agrhgri ghi \pohlor, 1;;1= <14).

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Lngptor 7= Chtrfiultcfh


Df``fwche tno ciogs fd Lnfjsby<, iurche tno 73?;–s, jghy otnhf-`cheucstssncdtoi drfj Unfrd–s `cheucstcl ro`gtcvcsj tf uhcvorsg`csj. Lnfjsbyprfpfsctcfhoi g uhcvorsg` `cheucstcl lfjpotohlo ‐tno uhcvorsg` nujgh gac`cty tfeohorgto ghi uhiorstghi ergjjgtclg` uttorghlos‚  (Caci2 <1?). Fho fd Lnfjsby–slrctcls wgs Io`` Nyjos9 wnf ao`covoi tngt `gheugeo ghi lu`turo gro chtrchsclg``y

chtorwfvoh ghi tngt `gheugeo snfu`i ‐ao uhiorstffi drfj wctnch cts fwhlu`turg` ghi `cheucstcl lfhtoxt‚  (Noeojgh, 733>). Nyjos iod`oltoi drfj stuiychechiceohfus l`gsscdclgtcfh systojs ghi lfhlohtrgtoi chstogi fh icslfursoao`covche, gs sovorg` ghtnrfpf`fecsts if, tngt gs chicvciug`s hooi lu`turg`bhfw`oieo tf uhiorstghi tno lfhtoxt ghi joghche fd ghy icslfurso, ct justtnorodfro ao lu`turg``y ojaoiioi (Agrhgri ghi \pohlor Ois, 1;;1= <1?).

Jghy ftnor ghtnrfpf`fecsts, `cheucsts ghi ghtnrfpf`feclg` `cheucsts suln gs\gn`chs, @uly, Effiohfuen, @ogln ghi @ãvc-\trguss, tf hgjo aut g dow, ngvostuicoi tno chtrchscl ro`gtcfhsncp aotwooh lu`turo ghi `gheugeo. Nfwovor,

wctnch tno dco`i fd psylnf- ghi ghtnrfpf`feclg` `cheucstcls tnoro gro jghylfhtrfvorscg` ioagtos lfhlorhche wnotnor `gheugeo sngpos lu`turo fr lu`turo`gheugeo. @gheugeo ghi lu`turo gro sopgrgto ohtctcos wncln gro chtrchsclg``yro`gtoi, fho lghhft oxcst wctnfut tno ftnor ghi wnc`st tncs pgpor snfws tncsro`gtcfhsncp ct ifos hft pgrtclcpgto ch tno gdfro-johtcfhoi ioagto. Qgtnor, tnodflus fd tncs pgpor cs tf c``ustrgto nfw spgtcg`cty cs oxprossoi wctnch tno Ugyghg`gheugeo ghi nfw ct ecvos us g erogtor uhiorstghiche fd tno lu`turo ghipnc`fsfpny fd tno Ugyghg, roegriche lfhlopts fd spgtcg` oxporcohlo chpgrtclu`gr. Unotnor porlocvoi tnrfuen strulturg`csj, lfehctcfh, ro`gtcvcsj fruhcvorsg`csj jghy stuicos, gs johtcfhoi gafvo, ngvo pfrtrgyoi tngt tno

`cheucstcl lngrgltorcstcls, ergjjgr ghi vflgau`gry fd g spfboh `gheugeo rod`olttf g erogt oxtoht tno lu`turo ghi wfr`ivcows fd cts hgtcvo spogbors. Ynorodfro,`feclg``y spogbche, ch frior tf du``y uhiorstghi g `gheugeo ghi cts `cheucstclstrulturos ct cs jghigtfry tf stuiy tno lu`turo fd cts spogbors ghi ch pgrtclu`grtf try tf uhiorstghi tnocr wfr`ivcows. Yno chvorso cs g`sf truo.

7.1 \trulturo fd tnoscs

Gs provcfus`y johtcfhoi, tno dflus fd tncs pgpor cs tf prosoht gh fvorvcow fhnfw spgtcg`cty cs oxprossoi ghi porlocvoi ay tno Ugyghg. Yno suamolt fdspgtcg`cty cs ospolcg``y chtorostche gs=

\pgtcg` tnchbche cs ioop`y ojaficoi ch fur ovory igy `cvos ghi fur uhiorstghiche fdspglo ghi spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh gro duhigjohtg` dfr nujgh gltcfh ghi chtorgltcfh (\ohdt,7331= 1).

Df``fwche fh tno ciogs tngt `gheugeo ghi lu`turo gro chtrchsclg``y ro`gtoi, Cgttojpt tf pfrtrgy nfw tno oxprosscfh fd spgtcg`cty ch Ugyghg g``fws us g

< Lnfjsby wgs gh Gjorclgh `cheucst wnf prfpfsoi twf uhcvorsg` ergjjgr typos= tno lfhloptug` ghi tnolfjputgtcfhg` systoj. Yno dfrjor systoj rodors tf joghche wnc`st no `gttor cs lfhlorhoi wctn tno dfrjg`lfhlopts ghi ru`os fd ergjjgr systojs (Df`oy, 7335= 13).9  Aodfro rotcrojoht Io`` Nyjos, Lfjjfhwog`tn [rfdossfr fd Ghtnrfpf`fey Ojorctus tguent @cheucstclGhtnrfpf`fey, Hgtcvo Gjorclgh Jytnf`fey, Otnhf-pfotcls, Hgtcvo Gjorclgh [fotry gt tno _hcvorscty fdTcrechcg. No ngs pua`csnoi jghy affbs roegriche ̀ cheucstcl ghtnrfpf`fey.

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  Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


e`cjpso chtf tno pnc`fsfpny ghi wfr`ivcow fd cts spogbors lfhlorhche nfw tnoyporlocvo spgtcg` lfhlopts.

 Yno df``fwche lngptor, Lngptor 1, icslussos tno tnofrotclg` sottche uhior wnclntncs pgrtclu`gr tnoscs ghi rosogrln dg``s. Ch tncs tno stuiy fd spgtcg`cty, wncln

igtos aglb tf Grcstft`o, cs oxp`froi ghi p`gloi ch cts ncstfrclg` lfhtoxt. Ynorogdtor, tno lurroht ioagtos roegriche ro`gtcvcsj ghi uhcvorsg`csj wctnchspgtcg` frcohtgtcfh gro icslussoi.

Lngptor < ioslrcaos tno jotnfif`fey gpp`coi ch tno dco`i ch frior tf fatgch tnolfrpus fd `cheucstcl igtg, fh wncln tncs stuiy cs agsoi. Ynoso igtg gro ghg`yzoich Lngptor 9 wncln ecvos g iotgc`oi, `cheucstcl ioslrcptcfh fd tno tno oxprosscfhfd spgtcg` hftcfhs ch Ugyghg. G`tnfuen g du`` ergjjgr fd tno spgtcg` `gheugeodfuhi ch Ugyghg cs hft ecvoh, g iotgc`oi gllfuht fd tno spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs,`flgtcvo givoras, iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuhs ghi tncri porsfh porsfhg` prfhfuhs

cs prosohtoi.

 Yno porloptcfh fd spglo ay tno Ugyghg cs oxp`froi ch Lngptor ? ghi tnoroayp`gloi wctnch tno otnhfergpncl lfhlopt fd `ghislgpo. Yno `cheucstcl igtg ecvohch Lngptor 9 cs durtnor ghg`yzoi ghi p`gloi wctnch g lu`turg` lfhtoxt,gttojptche tf snfw nfw tno porloptcfh ghi oxprosscfh fd spgtcg`cty ch Ugyghggro chtorro`gtoi.

 Yno dchg` ghi lfhl`uiche lngptor, Lngptor 4, icslussos tno pfsscac`ctcos fddurtnor rosogrln wctnch tno ifjgchs fd aftn spgtcg`cty ghi tno Ugyghg cheohorg`. Aodfro iovo`fpche fh tnoso ciogs g arcod chtrfiultcfh tf tno Ugyghg cshooioi.

7.< Yno Ugyghg

 Yno Ugyghg?  gro g sjg`` Gjorchicgh erfup lurroht`y `cvche ch tno iohsotrfpclg` rgchdfrosts fd \urchgjo, Drohln Eucghg ghi hfrtnorh Argzc`. G`tnfuentnoro gro jghy vgrcgtcfhs ch tno hujaor fd spogbors rojgchche tfigy ct soojsglloptga`o tf prosujo tngt gpprfxcjgto`y 71;; `cvo ch tno gdfro-johtcfhoigrogs.

 Yno hgjo Ugyghg, ay wncln tnoy gro bhfwh tfigy, cs ch rog`cty g lf``oltcvohgjo dfr sovorg` otnhcl erfups wnf gro ao`covoi tf ngvo joreoi ch tno 7>tn lohtury. Yncs prfaga`y fllurroi tf chlrogso tnocr lnghlos fd survcvg` iuo tfwgrdgro ghi tno sprogi fd Ourfpogh icsogsos dfr wncln tnoy ngi hf luro.Iospcto tno jghy icslropghlcos wctnch tno wrcttoh sfurlos, gs tf wncln erfupsgro tf ao chl`uioi wctnch tncs gjg`egjgtcfh (ld. Nurgu`t, 734>2 Afvoh ot g`.1;;72 Lgjgref, 1;;?), ct cs gssujoi tngt tno tnroo `greost erfups chl`uioi tno_pu`uc, Fpgewghg(c) ghi tno Bubu(c)yghg, tno Dcro-d`y [ofp`o, wnf gro bhfwhgs tno ‐frcechg`‚ Ugyghg (Afvoh, 1;;4= ?3).

?  Otnhfhyjs dfr tno Ugyghg ghi tno Ugyghg `gheugeo chl`uio= G`ubuyghg, Eugyghg, Fgyghg, Fcghg,Fyghg, Qfulfuyohho, _gcghg, _puruc, Ugmghg ghi Ugyáhg.

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Lngptor 7= Chtrfiultcfh


 Yfigy tno Ugyghg `cvo g`fhe g tftg` fd dcvo rcvors, wncln gro cjpfrtght sfurlosdfr dffi, wgtor ghi sghctgtcfh, ghi wncln giictcfhg``y dfrj cjpfrtght `chbswctn nuhtche erfuhis, egriohs ghi ftnor vc``geos. Gpprfxcjgto`y 1;; Ugyghglfhtchuo tf roscio ch hfrtnorh Argzc` drfj wnoro tnoy frcechgto, g`tnfuen tnoyhfw sooj, dfr tno jfst pgrt, tf ngvo joreoi `cheucstclg``y wctn tno Gpg`gc. Ch

Argzc` tnoy `cvo ch tno stgto fd [grç, g`fhe tno aghbs fd tno Mgrê ghi [gru Qcvors2tno `gttor fd wncln dfrjs tno stgto afrior aotwooh Gjgpç ghi [grç.

Iospcto tnocr Argzc`cgh frcechs, tno `greost hujaor fd Ugyghg spogbors lgh aodfuhi g`fhe @ctghc ghi @gwg Qcvors, tno `gttor fd wncln pgrtcg``y dfrjs tno\urchgjo-Drohln Eucghg afrior. Ch tno chtorcfr fd \urchgjo gpprfxcjgto`y9;; Ugyghg lfhtchuo tf `cvo g`fhe tno Ygpghgnfhc Qcvor (soo Jgp 7.7) wnorotnoy ngvo roscioi schlo tno jci 73tn lohtury. Noro tnoy gro lfhlohtrgtoi ch tnovc``geos fd [g`ujou ghi [æ`âucjâ (Gpotchg4), tno `gttor fd wncln cs tno dflus fdtncs pgpor.

4 Yncs jgp ngs aooh tgboh drfj tno Gt`gs fd tno @gheugeos fd \urchgjo (Grohis & Lgr`ch Ois. 1;;1) wctnbchi porjcsscfh drfj Ir. Octnho Lgr`ch. Gpotchg cs hft jgrboi fh tno jgp aut cs sctugtoi g`fhe tno

 Ygpghgnfhc Qcvor, ifwhstrogj drfj [g`ujou.

Jgp 7.7= @flgtcfh fd tno Gjorchicgh Erfups ch \urchgjo\furlo= Grohis & Lgr`ch Ois= Gt`gs fd tno @gheugeos fd \urchgjo (1;;1)

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  Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


7.<.7 Ugyghg @gheugeo Yno Ugyghg `gheugeo cs g jojaor fd tno Lgrcagh `gheugeo dgjc`y5, wnclnohlfjpgssos aotwooh <3 ghi 4;>  `gheugeos glrfss \futn Gjorclg (drfj tnoLf`fjacgh Ghios tnrfuen tf tno Eucghgs ghi Argzc`). G`tnfuen sovorg` fd tnoso`gheugeos gro oxtchlt, iuo tf tnocr ro`gtcvo csf`gtcfh3  drfj tno Uostorh wfr`ighi tno suasoquoht prflossos fd gllu`turgtcfh, jghy gro stc`` gltcvo`y spfbohtfigy. Yno chvorso cs truo fd tno lfgstg` erfups fd tno Eucghgs, ghi \futnGjorclg ch eohorg`, wnfso `gheugeos tfigy gro juln `oss prosorvoi iuo tftnocr ogr`y lfhtglt ghi chtohso trgiche wctn tno Ourfpoghs schlo tno 74tn lohtury. Lurroht`y tno oddolts fd e`fag`csgtcfh fh chiceohfus `gheugeos ghilu`turos gro aolfjche chlrogsche`y vcsca`o gjfhe tno erfups fd tno chtorcfr. Yncs uhgvfciga`o prfloss wgs stgrtoi ay tno chtrfiultcfh fd how effis ghiciogs arfuent ch drfj, ghi ay, dfroceh erfups tnrfuen trgio. Yncs ngs rosu`toich `oxclg` afrrfwche ghi `cheucstcl gigptgtcfh. Iospcto tnoso trohis tno Ugyghg`gheugeo lfhtchuos tf ao gltcvo`y spfboh tfigy ghi ct rojgchs tno ifjchght`gheugeo ch Gpotchg, wnoro jghy Ugyghg gro stc`` proifjchght`y jfhf`cheug`.

 Yno Lgrcagh dgjc`y cs wo`` bhfwh ch tno `cheucstcl wfr`i iuo tf cts uhcquoFamolt-Tora-\uamolt sohtohlo lfhstrultcfh, tnfuent provcfus`y hft tf oxcst ch`gheugeos (Lgr`ch, 1;;1= 95). Durtnorjfro tno Lgrcagh `gheugeo dgjc`ylfhtgchs jfrpnf`feclg``y lfjp`ox, gee`utchgtcvo `gheugeos wncln=

\ngro g lfjjfh `oxclg` stflb gs wo`` gs gh chvohtfry fd ergjjgtclg` jfrpnojos tngtoxncact icddoroht stgeos fd iovo`fpjoht rosu`tche ch vgst ergjjgtclg` icddorohlos (Caci).

 Yno Ugyghg `gheugeo cs tnorodfro rcln ch jfrpnf`fey ghi jfrpnf`feclg`prflossos. Ergjjgtclg` duhltcfhs gro oxprossoi tnrfuen tno uso fd gddcxos,prcjgrc`y ch tno dfrj fd suddcxos, rgtnor tngh sopgrgto wfris gs ch jghyOurfpogh `gheugeos. Ynoso gddcxos hft fh`y oxpross duhltcfhs gs porsfh, tohsoghi tfpf`feclg` ro`gtcfhs tf hgjo aut g dow aut g`sf gs hfjchg`czors ghivorag`czors g``fwche tno pfsscac`cty fd iorcvche voras drfj hfuhs ghi vclo vorsg. Ynrfuen tncs, ogln wfri cs lgpga`o fd ojafiyche g lfhsciorga`o gjfuht fdchdfrjgtcfh ghi ch turh oxpghis tno `oxclfh fd tno Lgrcagh `gheugeoslfhsciorga`y (Caci= ?4). Yno dflus fd tncs pgpor `cos proifjchght`y ch tno rclnpfstpfsctcfhg` systoj oxprossche tfpf`feclg` ro`gtcfhs.

7.<.1 _npgb „`fhe gef– ghi nojg`â „tfigy– Ynoro gro sovorg` icddoroht gpprfglnos ghi porloptcfhs tf tgbo chtf gllfuhtwnoh rolfhstrultche ncstfry, ospolcg``y tngt fd chiceohfus erfups wctn hf frdow wrcttoh rolfris. Yncs vory suamolt cs tno lguso fd gh fhefche ioagtoaotwooh ghtnrfpf`fecsts ghi ncstfrcghs tfigy ch wncln ghtnrfpf`fecsts glluso

5 Yno chtorhg` l`gsscdclgtcfh fd tno dgjc`y ngs hft yot aooh gioqugto`y iotorjchoi.>  Yno vgrcgtcfhs ch hujaors, iopohis upfh tno `cheucst rospfhsca`o dfr tno l`gsscdclgtcfh. Ynoro cs julnlfhtrfvorsy ch wnotnor `gheugeos scjc`gr tf fho ghftnor snfu`i ao l`gssoi gs sopgrgto `gheugeos fr gsicg`olts.3 Yno vc``geos fd tno chtorcfr gro fh`y gllossca`o ay afgt fr p`gho, `ogvche tnoj dgcr`y csf`gtoi drfj tno futsciowfr`i. Yno lfhstrultcfh fd rfgis wfu`i lngheo ovorytnche lfhsciorga`y. Tcsctfrs tf tno vc``geos just g`sfngvo porjcsscfh drfj tno ru`che „erghjgh– tf ao g``fwoi tf ohtor ghi stgy ch tno vc``geo.

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Lngptor 7= Chtrfiultcfh


ncstfrcghs fd aoche otnhflohtrcl gs tnoy iohy ghi cehfro tno wfr`ivcows,porloptcfhs ghi frg` ncstfry fd tno vory pofp`o tnoy gro stuiyche (Afvoh, 733>=<). Ch oddolt g ju`tc-icslcp`chgry gpprfgln cs hooioi, gs g`` sfurlos lfhtrcauto tfg du``or uhiorstghiche fd chtorprotche tno pgst. Yno stuiy fd frg` trgictcfhs7; cs,nfwovor, lfjp`clgtoi. Jcschtorprotgtcfhs lgh ogsc`y grcso iurche tno prfloss fd

trghs`gtcfh iuo tf tno oxtohscvo uso fd jotgpnfrs ch frg` trgictcfhs, ghi iuo tftno icddorche pnc`fsfpncos ghi porloptcfhs fd lfhlopts, suln gs tcjo, aotwoohtno hgrrgtfr ghi rosogrlnor. Yncs cs g`sf truo fd Gjgzfhcgh frg` trgictcfhswnoro tno pgst ghi prosoht gro hft icslroto`y sopgrgtoi ghi wnoro, lu`turo-norfos ghi hocenafurche erfups gro fdtoh pfrtrgyoi gs ghcjg`s. Yncs g`sfg``fws us gh chscent chtf tno trghsdfrjgtcfhg` wfr`i fd tno Gjgzfhcgh erfups(ld. soltcfh 7.<.<). Ao`fw df``fws g arcod ioslrcptcfh fd tno ncstfry fd tno Ugyghg.

[rcfr tf tno grrcvg` fd tno Ourfpoghs ct cs ao`covoi tngt tno Ugyghg frcechgtoi77 drfj tno hfrtnorh roecfhs fd tno Gjgzfh Io`tg. Iurche tncs tcjo tno trfpclg`

`fw`ghis fd \futn Gjorclg woro chngactoi ay hfjgicl erfups fd dfrgeors wctndow torrctfrcg` l`gcjs (Lgr`ch ghi Afvoh, 1;;1= 77). G`` erfups sngroi g scjc`grlu`turo ghi `cdosty`o agsoi fh suascstohlo gltcvctcos suln gs dcsnche, nuhtche,ghi tno lf``oltche ghi erfwche fd p`ghts (io Efomo, 7397= 59). Gt tncs tcjoUgyghg vc``geos woro sjg`` ghi wciosprogi ghi woro gaghifhoi wnoh `flg`hgturg` sfurlos aolgjo oxngustoi fr gdtor tno iogtn fd fho fd tno `ogiors. Ynoro wgs juln chtorgltcfh aotwooh tno Ugyghg ghi hocenafurche erfups wnfworo porlocvoi gs aftn drcohi ghi dfo.

_p tf tno jci 7>tn lohtury tno Ugyghg woro rohfwhoi dfr aoche wo`` freghczoi

jgstors ch wgrdgro ghi tno spolcg`czgtcfh fd  mgpftf   „jc`ctgry `ogior– wgs vorycjpfrtght wctnch tno Ugyghg lfjjuhcty. Ugrdgro lfhstctutoi g duhigjohtg`pgrt fd tno Ugyghgs– sflcg` ghi lu`turg` `cdo gs ct wgs usoi tf fatgch wfjoh,soob rovoheo ghi sott`o trgio icsputos (Lgr`ch ghi Afvoh, 1;;1= 11). Gllfrichetf frg` trgictcfhs Bgc`gwg, g `oeohigry  mgpftf „jc`ctgry `ogior–, wgs rospfhsca`odfr tno vory survcvg` fd tno Ugyghg ghi tnocr suasoquoht ovf`utcfh drfj dfrostiwo``ors tf rcvor iwo``ors (ld. Afvoh= 1;;4= 4?). Ct wgs g`sf Bgc`gwg, wnfovohtug``y iodogtoi tno „wgtor-jfhstor–, Yu`opo, wnf ngi provohtoi tnoUgyghgs– ogr`cor jcergtcfh hfrtnwgris71  (ld. Caci= 4>-43). Ynorogdtor, tnoUgyghg aoegh tnocr jcergtcfh hfrtnwgris chtf \urchgjo ghi Drohln Eucghg,

wncln lfrrospfhioi wctn tno grrcvg` fd Ourfpoghs ch tno io`tg roecfh fd HfrtnArgzc` ch tno 7>tn lohtury. G`tnfuen tno Ugyghg ngi hf icrolt lfhtglt wctn tno

7; Frg` trgictcfhs gppogr ch vgrcfus dfrjs suln gs hgrrgtcvos, jytns, spcrct sfhes ghi lorojfhcg` icg`feuo,ghi lfhtchuo tf lfhstctuto tno agscs dfr uhiorstghiche, ghi pcolche tfeotnor, tno lu`turos ghi ncstfrcos fdjghy chiceohfus sflcotcos tfigy. Ynoy gro pgssoi fh frg``y drfj eohorgtcfh tf eohorgtcfh ghi gro fd vctg`cjpfrtghlo tf chiceohfus erfups gs tnoy to`` fd ghi oxp`gch lrogtcfh, tno erfup–s ncstfry, lu`turg` trgcts ghitno ro`gtcfhsncp fd tno pofp`o tf tnocr hgturg` surrfuhiches. \flcg` jojfry agsoi fh frg` trgictcfhs csiyhgjcl ghi hgrrgtcvos lngheo gllfriche tf tno lfhtoxt ghi rogsfh dfr wncln tnoy gro tf`i ghi wnf tnohgrrgtfr cs. Tgrcoty aoche sf juln jfro cjpfrtght tngh trutn ch nor (hgrrgtfr–s erghijftnor) fpchcfh. Jfroro`cga`o sno sgys. Yrutn lngheos. Tgrcoty rojgchs lfhstght (Jo`vc``o, 7335= <).77  Yncs cs gssujoi tnrfuen tno chdfrjgtcfh dfuhi ch sovorg` sfurlos chl`uiche tno Ugyghg–s fwh frg`trgictcfhs. Yno jgmfrcty fd tno Ugyghg tfigy stc`` bhfw ghi lgh hgjo tnocr ghlostfrs wnf frcechgtoi g`fhetno Mgrc ghi [gru Qcvors fd hfrtnorh Argzc` (Afvoh, 733>= <).71 Yu`opo ngi provohtoi tno Ugyghg lrfssche tno [gru Qcvor wncln suasoquoht`y rostrcltoi tnocr jcergtcfhhfrtnwgris (ld. Afvoh, 1;;4= 43).

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  Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


Ourfpoghs gt tncs tcjo, tnoy woro chicrolt`y gddoltoi ghi woro dfrloi tf d`oodrfj tno vfrglcfus gttglbs drfj tno hocenafurche Ugyìpê, wnf ngi aooh grjoiay tno [frtueoso ch frior tf lgpturo s`gvos. Ovoh tno jc`ctgry suprojgly fd tnoUgyghg wgs hf `fheor suddclcoht tf lfjpoto gegchst tnoj (Afvoh, 733>= ?). Aytno ohi fd tno 73tn lohtury tno spolcg`czgtcfh fd mgpftf  ngi logsoi tf oxcst ghi ct

cs hf `fheor bhfwh ay tno Ugyghg tfigy.

Qoglnche \urchgjo tno Ugyghg woro lfhdrfhtoi wctn g how ohojy, hgjo`y tno Yrcf erfups. Yno Yrcf woro g`sf hfjgicl ch hgturo ghi ngi ohtoroi \urchgjovcg tno Yujulnujgl Jfuhtgchs drfj \gjuwgbg7<. Gllfriche tf tno frg`trgictcfhs fd aftn tno Ugyghg ghi Yrcf tnoro ngi aooh juln lfhtglt aotwoohtnoj, wncln wgs rogsfh ohfuen tf wgeo sovorg` agtt`os. Gt tncs tcjo tnoUgyghg ngi erogt`y iol`choi ch hujaor iuo tf tno gdfro-johtcfhoi wgrdgrowctn tno Ugyìpê (Lgr`ch ghi Afvoh, 1;;1= 11). Nfwovor, tncs iol`cho chpfpu`gtcfh wgs g`sf lgusoi ay ftnor dgltfrs, suln gs icsogso. Ch tno lfgstg`

roecfhs tnoro wgs juln chtorgltcfh ghi trgiche aotwooh tno Ourfpoghs ghitno lfgstg` Gjorchicghs, wnf ngi suasoquoht`y dfrjoi g auddor aotwooh tnoOurfpoghs ghi tno erfups fd tno chtorcfr. Nfwovor, tnrfuen trgio jghyOurfpogh chd`uohlos ngi g`rogiy dc`toroi sfutnwgris chtf tno Gjgzfh,uhdfrtuhgto`y tncs g`sf chl`uioi icsogsos tf wncln tno chiceohfus erfups worohoctnor roscstght hfr ngi g luro dfr.

Ct cs ao`covi tngt tno Jgrffhs, wnf ngi provcfus`y oslgpoi drfj tnop`ghtgtcfhs, aoegh chtohscvo trgiche wctn tno Gjorchicgh erfups fd tno chtorcfrfd \urchgjo drfj tno 75tn  lohtury fhwgris79. Ch frior tf ohnghlo

lfjjuhclgtcfh, ghi tnus chtohscdy trgio, tnoy iovo`fpoi g trgio pciech agsoifh tno `gheugeos fd tno Ugyghg, Bgr–chg ghi Hyiubg7?. Yncs wgs `gtor rop`gloiay \rghghtfhef. Yno chstctutcfh fd trgio wgs agsoi fh jutug` trust gsropgyjoht ch effis lfu`i tgbo up tf g yogr, ghi aoche g  pgwghg   „trgio-pgrthor– chvf`voi erogt rospfhscac c̀ty. Yfigy tno torj pgwghg  lfjjfh`y rodorstf tno chstctutcfh fd drcohisncp, wncln cs g`sf tgboh vory sorcfus`y ghi lfjoswctn jghy rospfhscac`ctcos ghi lfjjctjohts, aut g`sf wctn erogt nfhfur (Caci=14). Grfuhi 7>4? tno Hyiubg Jgrffhs chvctoi tno Ugyghg tf `cvo g`fhe tno[g`ujou ghi Ygpghgnfhc Qcvors, suasoquoht`y tno Ugyghg sott`oi tnoro,wnoro tnoy stc`` `cvo tfigy (io Efomo, 7397= 5<).

Drfj tno jci 1;tn  lohtury fhwgris, jghy iovo`fpjohts lngheoi tnoGjorchicgh wgy fd `cdo dfrovor. Afrior ghi gijchcstrgtcfh pfsts woro sot upg`fhe tno Ygpghgnfhc ghi @gwg Qcvors, archeche wctn tnoj jfro wnctogijchcstrgtfrs df``fwoi ay jcsscfhs ghi joiclg` dglc`ctcos (Afvoh, 733?= 9). Ynojcsscfhgrcos fd tno Uost Chicgh Jcsscfh aoegh tf lfhlohtrgto tnocr oddfrts fhtno erfups fd tno chtorcfr, ghi ostga`csnoi tno vc``geo fd Bgwojngbgh g`fhe tno

7< \gjuwgbg wgs g vc``geo ch tno [grç stgto fd Argzc` wnoro tno Fbfjfyghg, Grgjgyghg, [ærâuyghg, Jgrgsf,Grgjcsf, Yæræyf ghi tno Gbæmf erfups jot tf icsluss tnocr duturo survcvg` ghi wnoro tno iolcscfh wgs jgiosopgrgto ghi jcergto hfrtnwgris ch sogrln fd aottor lfhictcfhs (Lgr`ch ghi Afvoh, 1;;1= 11).79  Ynoro gro dow rolfris drfj tncs porcfi fd tno erfups fd tno chtorcfr fho lgh fh`y euoss tngt trgichelfjjohloi grfuhi tncs tcjo.7? Yno Hyiubg g`sf lrogtoi g trgio pciech agsoi fh tnocr fwh `gheugeo ghi tngt fd tno Yrcf erfups.

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Lngptor 7= Chtrfiultcfh


@gwg Qcvor ghi pf`yl`chcls ghi slnff`s g`fhe aftn scios fd tno \urchgjo-Drohln Eucghg afrior (Caci).

_htc` tno 73?;s tno jgmfrcty fd tno Ugyghg lfhtchuoi tf `cvo ch sjg`` vc``geospfpu`gtoi ay gpprfxcjgto`y <;-?; chngactghts. Yncs rgpci`y lngheoi gdtor gh

chd`uohzg opciojcl rgvgeoi tnrfuen \urchgjo iurche tncs porcfi. JghyGjorchicghs woro gddoltoi, lgusche tnoj tf jfvo tf tno jcsscfhgry vc``geos chsogrln fd joiclg` gci. \chlo tno 73?;s-4;s tno Ugyghg ngvo `cvoi ch ghigrfuhi tnoso vc``geos iuo tf tncs gvgc`ga`o joiclg` lgro. Yncs jcergtcfh gltug``ygcioi tno jcsscfhgrcos, gs ct dglc`ctgtoi tno prfloss fd Lnrcstcghczgtcfh, aut ctg`sf ngi jghy sflcg` cjp`clgtcfhs suln gs igc`y lfhd`clts. Ynoso lfhd`clts ngvodroquoht`y rosu`toi ch tno sopgrgtcfh fd dgjc`cos ghi tno suasoquohtostga`csnjoht fd sjg``or lgjps grfuhi tno `greor vc``geos.

 Yno luttche fd gcrstrcps74 wctnch tno vclchcty fd vc``geos jgio tno chtorcfr jfro

gllossca`o ghi gcioi tno jcsscfhgrcos ch ostga`csnche jfro jcsscfhs ghidglc`ctcos. Iospcto g`` tncs, tno \urchgjoso efvorhjoht stc`` ngi hf fvorvcow fdwngt wgs ngppohche ch tno chtorcfr, hfr ici ct ngvo tno lgpglcty tf fvorsoo ghyiovo`fpjohts tnoro. Ovorytnche rojgchoi ch tno nghis fd tno jcsscfhgrcos uhtc`tno Ugr fd tno Chtorcfr arfbo fut ch tno 73>;s wncln rosu`toi ch tno ro-csf`gtcfhfd Gjorchicgh vc``geos ghi tnocr rosfurlos. Jghy erfups, chl`uiche tnoUgyghg, d`oi tf Drohln Eucghg gt tncs tcjo. Gs ioslrcaoi ay Lgr`ch ghi Afvoh(1;;1= <5-<>)=

 Yno Gjorchicghs aolgjo g pgwh ch tno pfwor struee`o75… tno Ugr fd tno Chtorcfr wgs

fho fd tno jfst dutc`o ovohts ch tno ohtcro ncstfry fd \urchgjo chvf`vche tno a`gtghtjcsuso fd Gjorchicghs wnf ngi gh ovoh jfro chdorcfr pfsctcfh ch hgtcfhg` pf`ctcls tnghtno chsureoht Jgrffhs.

 Yfigy tno chtorcfr fd \urchgjo cs stc`` eohorg``y hoe`oltoi ay tno \urchgjosoEfvorhjoht wnf, wnc`st lo`oargtche g ju`tc-otnhcl ghi ju`tc-lu`turg` sflcoty,dgc`s tf eohorgto lfhlroto efvorhjohtg` pf`clcos portgchche tf chiceohfuspofp`os (ld. soltcfh ?.4).

Oiulgtcfh dglc`ctcos dfr tno Gjorchicghs fd tno chtorcfr gro jfro fr `oss

hfhoxcstoht g`tnfuen roloht, fdtoh lfjjuhcty-agsoi, prfmolts gro cjprfvche fhtncs. Ch Gpotchg prcjgry slnff` oiulgtcfh dchg``y lfjjohloi ch Fltfaor 1;;4ghi ch Fltfaor 1;;5 tnoy lo`oargtoi tno fpohche fd tnocr how slnff` auc`ichewncln wgs rog`czoi ay tno Lfjjuhcty Iovo`fpjoht Duhi \urchgjo (LID\).\lnff`s gro fd erogt cjpfrtghlo gs tnoy prfvcio g joghs dfr tno Gjorchicghs tflfjo chtf lfhtglt wctn tno Iutln `gheugeo ghi tnoroay tno pfsscac`cty tf `ogrhct7>. Aoche tno fddclcg` `gheugeo fd \urchgjo, tno Gjorchicghs rolfehczo tno

74 Yncs prfloss wgs lg``oi Fporgtcfh Ergssnfppor.75  Yncs pfwor struee`o wgs aotwooh tno jc`ctgry, `oi ay Iosc Afutorso ghi tno Muhe`o Lfjjghifs `oi ayQfhhco Aruhswclb (Lgr`ch ghi Afvoh, 1;;1= <5).7> Yno prcjgry slnff` ch Gpotchg cs lurroht`y iovo`fpche gh giu`t prfergjjo prfvciche tno f`ior eohorgtcfhglloss tf oiulgtcfh.

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  Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


hooi tf lfjpronohi ghi spogb Iutln ch frior tf ao ga`o tf uhiorstghi ghipgrtclcpgto ch hgtcfhg` pf`ctcls (Caci= <3).

 Yno sctugtcfh ch Drohln Eucghg cs icddoroht tf tngt fd \urchgjo gs tnoefvorhjoht ngs jfro dgvfurga`o pf`clcos roegriche chiceohfus pofp`os ghi

sflcg` solurcty aohodcts. Ynoso icddorohlos gro lgusche gh futwgri jcergtcfhdrfj \urchgjo tf Drohln Eucghg ghi wnc`st hgtcfhg` afriors provcfus`y ngi`ctt`o fr hf scehcdclghlo tf tno Ugyghg (Dchi`gy, 7357), tncs porloptcfh cslurroht`y lngheche iuo tf hgtcfhg` pf`ctcls. Yncs cs icslussoi ch jfro iotgc` chsoltcfh ?.4.

 Yno chtruscfh fd Argzc`cgh ghi Jgrffh `feeors ghi ef`i iceeors g`fhe tno afriorfd \urchgjo ghi Drohln Eucghg cs g`sf rospfhsca`o dfr tno roloht futwgrijcergtcfh tfwgris Drohln Eucghg. Yno prfa`ojs ghi lfhsoquohlos fd tncsohlrfglnjoht gro ch tnojso`vos wfrtny fd gh oxtohioi stuiy. Yno duhigjohtg`

prfa`ojs gro hft scjp`y tno chtruscfh fh, ghi tno suasoquoht `fss, fd `ghi autg`sf tno ohvcrfhjohtg` cjp`clgtcfhs wncln df``fw. Ynoso chl`uio hft fh`y tnolfjjfh prfa`ojs fd iodfrostgtcfh ghi sfc` orfscfh aut, jfro sorcfus`y,jorlury pfcsfhche. Jorlury, wncln cs usoi iurche jchche prflossos,lfhtgjchgtos tno `flg` dffi lngch rosu`tche ch jghy c``hossos, suln iodfrjctcosgt acrtn ghi Jchgjgtg icsogso. Yno chd`ux fd wfrbors chtf tno grog cs g`sflgusche sflcg` prfa`ojs, jgch`y rosu`tche drfj prfstctutcfh ghi tno suasoquohtchlrogso fd soxug``y trghsjcttoi icsogsos, suln gs NCT. Yncs ch turh cs lguschesflcg` icschtoergtcfh.

Fh g jfro pfsctcvo hfto, \urchgjo cs rgpci`y chlrogsche ch pfpu`grcty gs gtfurcst iostchgtcfh, pgrtclu`gr`y gjfhe olf-tfurcsts73. Lurroht`y tno vc``geos fd[g`ujou ghi Gpotchg ngvo olf-`fieos fddorche tno vcsctfr g rgheo fd hgturg` ghilu`turg` gttrgltcfhs. Uctn tfurcsj g ag`ghlo hoois tf ao dfuhi aotwooh tnohoois fd tno tfurcsts, `flg` lfjjuhcty ghi tno lfhsorvgtcfh fd tno ohvcrfhjohttf ohga`o suln prfmolts tf ngvo g lnghlo fd survcvg`. Nfwovor ch [g`ujouicslfhtoht cs erfwche wctnch tno `flg` lfjjuhcty gs tnoy ngvo hf lfhtrf` fvortno tfurcst trgio. G`tnfuen tno olf-`fieo fddors sfjo ojp`fyjoht tf tnoUgyghg ghi Yrcf erfups ch [g`ujou, tno dchghlcg` aohodcts rojgch jchcjg` gsncenor duhltcfhs gro dc``oi ay pofp`o drfj [grgjgrcaf ghi, jfro cjpfrtght`y,

g`` prfdcts roturh tf tno tfur-fporgtfrs ghi gcr lgrrcors, \@J ghi JOY\ rgtnortngh tf tno `flg` lfjjuhcty (www.surchgjo.woii.io, 1;;5). Iospcto prfjcsosjgio ay JOY\ tf rochvost ch tno vc``geo, uhtc` hfw ghy iovo`fpjohts jgiongvo aooh sf`o`y dfr tno aohodct fd tno tfurcsts rgtnor tngh tno chngactghtstnojso`vos.

G scjc`gr prfmolt cs roglnche lfjp`otcfh ch Gpotchg, fddorche tno Ugyghg ghg`torhgtcvo tf tno ohvcrfhjohtg``y iostrultcvo fllupgtcfhs fd `feeche ghi tnotrgio fd wc`i ghcjg`s. Yncs prfmolt ngs sot up ay tno vc``geo dfuhigtcfhBu`uwgygb wnf wgs gwgrioi g suastghtcg` erght dfr tfurcst iovo`fpjoht ay

73 C gj usche tno torj olf-tfurcsj tf icddorohtcgto ct drfj ftnor dfrjs. Nfwovor ct cs g torj tngt cs jcsusoi ayjghy ghi iospcto g`` tno aost chtohtcfhs, puro olf-tfurcsj lgh hovor oxcst.

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Lngptor 7= Chtrfiultcfh


tno _hctoi Hgtcfhs Iovo`fpjoht [rfergjjo (_HI[). _h`cbo ch [g`ujou, tnogcj fd tno Gpotchg tfurcst prfmolt cs tf ohsuro tngt tno lfjjuhcty rotgchs jfrofd tno eohorgtoi prfdct tnrfuen fddorche cts fwh sorvclos, lrogtche jfro chlfjodfr tno `flg` lfjjuhcty. Yncs chlfjo cs tf ao rochvostoi ch duturo lfjjuhctyagsoi prfmolts suln gs tno durtnor iovo`fpjoht fd oiulgtcfh.

_hdfrtuhgto`y tfurcsj gs g dfrj fd sustgchga`o iovo`fpjoht rgro`y sulloois,aut aongvos jfro `cbo g Yrfmgh nfrso. Ciog``y tfurcsj hoois tf rojgch sjg``-slg`o ch frior tf provoht tno jgxcjczche fd tno sflcf, lu`turg` ghiohvcrfhjohtg` lgrryche lgpglctcos wncln `ogis tf tno suasoquoht iotorcfrgtcfhfd gh (olf-)tfurcst iostchgtcfh. G`tnfuen lu`turos gro iyhgjcl ch hgturo ghisfjo dfrj fd gllu`turgtcfh cs uhgvfciga`o, tno Ugyghg hooi tf jgchtgch tnocrfwh ciohtcty ghi ohvcrfhjoht. Cd tnocr lu`turo ghi ohvcrfhjoht icsgppogr, tnotfurcsts wc`` tff. Yfurcsj rojgchs g rcsby trgio gs tfurcst iostchgtcfhs grosusloptca`o tf jghy oxtorcfr dgltfrs futscio tno lfhtrf` fd tno vc``geo. Iospcto

tno rcsbs ct cs lurroht`y tno jfst dcttche fppfrtuhcty dfr Gpotchg tf lrogto g howdfrj fd chlfjo. Nfpodu``y, uh`cbo ch [g`ujou, olfhfjcl `ogbgeo snfu`i rojgchjchcjg`.

 Yno `gst lohtury soojs tf ngvo arfuent tno erogtost lngheos gjfhe tnoUgyghg. Yno trghsctcfh drfj g hfjgicl tf soiohtgry oxcstohlo joghs tnoyso`ifj jfvo ghi gs g rosu`t egjo cs aolfjche chlrogsche`y slgrlo grfuhi tnovc``geos. Hft fh`y gro tnoy dfrloi tf nuht durtnor ghi durtnor upstrogj aut g`sftnocr egriohs hooi tf ao lfhstrultoi durtnor drfj tno vc``geo iuo tf sfc`oxngustcfh ghi orfscfh. Yno iopohiohlo fh jfiorh chdrgstrulturo `cbo joiclg`

lgro, oiulgtcfh, jfhoy ghi wostorh effis ngs erogt`y chlrogsoi, gs ngs tnogwgrohoss fd tno Ugyghg roegriche tnocr fwh sctugtcfh. Iovo`fpjoht cspgrg``o`oi wctn gllu`turgtcfh ghi tno quostcfh rojgchs wnotnor tncs csu`tcjgto`y lfhstrultcvo fr iostrultcvo dfr tno Gjorchicgh pofp`os.

7.<.< Lfsjf`fey Yno Gjgzfhcgh wfr`i, ghi tnus tngt fd tno Ugyghg cs g lfjp`ox fho lfhscstchefd sovorg` icddoroht rog`ctcos ghi lfsjf`feclg` `gyors oxcstche scio ay scio ghichd`uohlche ogln ftnor. Ogln lfsjf`feclg` `gyor cs chngactoi ay nujghs, spcrctsghi ghcjg`s tf wncln tno sgjo sflcg` strulturos ghi lu`turos gro gttrcautoi gsnujghs2 dfr oxgjp`o tnoy g`` `cvo ch âutâ   „vc``geos– ghi ghcjg`s lgtoefrczo ghispohi tnocr `cvos gs nujghs if2 hgjo`y nuhtche, dcsnche, ghi tno `cbo. Ynoporloptcfh fd lu`turg` ctojs icddors glrfss tnoso lgtoefrcos gs wngt nujghs soogs a`ffi, cs pchogpp`o fr jgczo aoor tf tno mgeugr, ghi juiiy wgtornf`os tfnujghs gro porlocvoi gs lorojfhcg` nfusos ay tno tgpcr (Tcvocrfs io Lgstrf,733>= 95>).

Uctnch tno porloptcfh fd nujghhoss, tno wfri wo trghs`gto gs g ‐nujgh aoche‚g`sf rod`olts tno icddorohlos aotwooh fur wostorh tnfuent ghi tngt fd tnoUgyghg, ghi nfw wo ogln lgtoefrczo tno wfr`i. Gs ioslrcaoi ay Tcvocrfs ioLgstrf tno Gjorchicgh wfris wo trghs`gto gs ‐nujgh‚ gltug``y ‐if hft iohftonujghcty gs g hgturg` spolcos…Raut rodorsZ rgtnor tf tno sflcg` lfhictcfh fd porsfhnffi‚  (Caci= 954). Yrghs`gtche suln lfhlopts gs ‐nujgh aoche‚ pfrtrgys

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  Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


fur fwh otnhflohtrcl acgs roegriche nujghcty, tnus cehfrche tno lfrroltiodchctcfh ghi lfhloptug`czgtcfh wctnch Gjorchicgh `gheugeos. Ch UgyghgBg`cpfhf 1;  iohftos „Gjorchicghs– ch eohorg` ghi cs fdtoh usoi ch frg` trgictcfhstf ioslrcao tno Ugyghg pofp`o tnojso`vos, hft gs g spolcos aut gs g pofp`o=

7.7) bg`cpfhf pâho-mf bgcjf-tg-tpâpofp`o pcrghng-LF@@   iogi.egjo- YOQJ-[\Y  tno [crghng pofp`o–s dfrjor bc``che fd tno pofp`o (Ugyghg)(Afvoh, 733?= <;)

( 7.1) unpgb gptgf17   bg`cpfhf t-âhgtbg-c o-mgogr`y wnoh pofp`o LFQOD-bc``-HD   <-EFG@ 

  iurche `fhe gef no bc``oi tno pofp`o (Ugyghg)(Caci= <;)

Ct lgh ao sgci tngt bg`cpfhf  duhltcfhs jfro gs g lf``oltcvo prfhfuh tngh gs gprfpor hfuh. Gs ch ftnor Gjorchicgh `gheugeos11, ct iohftos g erfup sfjotcjos`greor tngh tnocr fwh, wnoro tno jojaors ojafiy oqug` pnysclg` ghi lu`turg`gttrcautos. Gs icslussoi gafvo ghcjg`s ghi spcrcts sngro tno sgjo prfportcos gsnujghs wctnfut ghy `cheucstcl icddorohtcgtcfh. Df``fwche tncs, tno torj bg`cpfhf  lgh g`sf ao usoi ay ghcjg`s ghi spcrcts wctnch so`d-iodchctcfh schlo tnoyporlocvo tnojso`vos tf ao nujgh aoches fh aftn g pnysclg` ghi lu`turg` `ovo`(Caci).

 Yno hujorfus spcrcts oxcstche wctnch tno Ugyghg lfjjuhcty gro ga`o tf

jghcdost tnojso`vos ch ghy ghcjgto dfrj. Yncs hft fh`y ‐chlrogsos tno vcrtug` pfpu`gtcfh fd tno wfr`i‚   (Lgr`ch ghi Afvoh, 1;;1= 71) aut g`sf snfws gegch,tngt gppogrghlos lgh ao ioloptcvo. Gs glbhfw`oieoi ay [otor Qcvcîro aut `gtoricslussoi ay Octnho Lgr`ch ‐US\C(H)USE (Ungt yfu soo cs (hft) wngt yfu eot)ch Gjgzfhcg‚ (Qcvcîro, 73392 Lgr`ch, 1;;1= 93). Yno sngjgh ghi jojaors fdtno sgjo lgtoefry gro tno fh`y „pofp`o– wnf gro ga`o tf porlocvo spcrcts, ghcjg`sghi nujghs gs wnf tnoy tru`y gro. Yno sngjgh cs ga`o tf `ffb tnrfuen tnotrghsdfrjgtcfhg` futor `gyor, porlocvoi gs l`ftnche, ghi soo tno sfu` fd tnoaoche wncln rojgchs lfhstght. Yncs sfu` dfrjs tno ossohlo fd g`` aoches ghilgh tnorodfro hft uhioref trghsdfrjgtcfh. Yno sngjgh cs tnorodfro tno

joicgtfr aotwooh tno icddoroht lfsjf`feclg` `gyors ghi pfpu`gtcfhs.Lfjjuhclgtcfh wctn tno spcrct wfr`i cs vctg` dfr sullossdu` nuhtche ghi tnonog`che fd sclbhossos wncln gro ao`covoi tf rosu`t drfj ghery spcrcts. Ct cs tncsicslropghly aotwooh gppogrghlo ghi rog`cty tngt cs oxprossoi ay tno dglscjc`o - jo  ( 7.<) ch Ugyghg.

1; Yno wfri Bg`cpfhf cs iorcvoi drfj tno Lgrca wfri Bg`c , wncln cs ao`covoi tf ao tno lfjjfh p`glo fd frcech.Ct cs prfaga`o tngt Bg`cpfhf  wgs tno frcechg` hgjo fd tno Lgrcagh pofp`os (ld. Afvoh, 1;;4= 9<-99, g`sf dfr tnoioagtos surrfuhiche tncs lfhlopt).17  C ngvo gigptoi tno frcechg` spo``che fd upgb gptgu  ay Bgrch Afvoh tf unpgb gptgf , df``fwche tno spo``che Cginoro tf tnrfuenfut tncs tnoscs.11 Dfr oxgjp`o ch Yrcf tno rospoltcvo torj cs wætftf , ghi ch Jgbuhg jgsg .

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Lngptor 7= Chtrfiultcfh


( 7.<) obâjhâ-pscb Ugmghg-jo t-âtæ-no bgcbuc`gtor-ICJ  Ugyghg-DGL\ LFQOD-aolfjo-HD  mgeugrg `ctt`o `gtor tno mgeugr aolgjo (lngheoi chtf) `cbo tno Ugyghg(Afvoh, 733?= <>)

_h`cbo fur vcsug``y-dflusoi sflcoty ch wncln wo eohorg``y porlocvo fh`y tgheca`oghi pnysclg``y vcsca`o famolts tf oxcst, wctnch Gjorchicgh sflcotcos, ghi hftga`ytnfso fd Gjgzfhcg, tno fppfscto cs truo. Unc`st tno Ugyghg ghi ftnorGjgzfhcgh erfups ciohtcdy g agscl uhcdfrj afiy ct cs tno icddorohlos ch aficosfr futor l`ftnche wncln scehcdcos tno icddorohlos ch porloptcfh gs ioslrcaoigafvo. Gjorchicghs porlocvo g uhcty fd lu`turos ghi g ju`tcp`clcty fd hgturoswnc`st tno fppfscto cs truo ch tno wostorh wfr`i wnoro wo porlocvo g uhcty fdhgturo ghi g p`urg`cty fd lu`turos (ld. Ioslf`g, 7334). G scehcdclght icddorohloaotwooh wostorh ghi Gjorchicgh lfsjf`fecos cs pfrtrgyoi noro= wctnch tnopnc`fsfpny fd tno wostorh wfr`i tno afiy cs uhcdfrj wnc`st tno sfu`

icddorohtcgtos, wnc`st wctnch tno pnc`fsfpny fd tno Gjorchicghs tno fppfscto cstruo2 tno afiy icddorohtcgtos wnc`st tno sfu` cs tno jgmfr chtoergtfr (Tcvocrfs ioLgstrf2 733>= 953). \f wnc`st ch tno 74tn  lohtury tno \pghcsn bhow tngtGjorchicghs woro nujgh aoches (gllfriche tf fur iodchctcfh fd tno wfri) tnoyworo lfhtostche wnotnor tnoy ngi g sfu`2 tno Gjorchicghs bhow tno \pghcsnngi g sfu` aut quostcfhoi cd tnocr afiy wgs tru`y nujgh.

 Yno ju`tcp`o wfr`is fd tno Ugyghg gro g`wgys prosoht, chtorgltche wctn tnoprosoht igy, vcsca`o wfr`i. Gs porlocvoi ay Fvorche (733?= >9)=

 Yno ju`tcp`o wfr`i `ghislgpo cs rgtnor vgeuo wctn hf roegri tf tcjo ghi spglo. Ct csogsc`y d`uci ch tngt aoches stc`` pohotrgto ftnor tcjos ghi p`glos, aut ch g trghsdfrjoiwgy. 

 Yncs lfhlopt fd trghsdfrjgtcfh p`gys g scehcdclght rf`o wctnch Ugyghg frg`ncstfry ghi lu`turo ghi ct cs fd pgrgjfuht cjpfrtghlo tngt suln lfhlopts grolfrrolt`y lfjjuhclgtoi ay tno spogbor tf ncs `cstohors. Yno archeche glrfss fddg`so chdfrjgtcfh quostcfhs tno chtoercty ghi ro`cgac`cty fd tno spogbor ghi chturh ncs/nor pfsctcfh wctnch tno lfjjuhcty. Yncs chdfrjgtcfh cs ergjjgtclg``yohlfioi ch Ugyghg, wncln ngs g systoj fd vorag` ghi hfjchg` jgrbches usoi

tf oxpross rog`cty, trutn ghi tno bhfw`oieo fd tno spogbor, rosoja`che tno‐ovciohtcg`cty, trutn ghi bhfw`oieo‚   systoj, pfstu`gtoi ay Octnho Lgr`ch chsovorg` fd nor pua`clgtcfhs roegriche tno Yrcf1<. \ullossdu` lfjjuhclgtcfh, ghitnus ngrjfhy wctn fho–s surrfuhiches ghi lfjjuhcty, lgh fh`y ao glncovoi cdtno spogbor lfhvoys tngt wngt no cs to``che tf ao du``y trutndu` ghi tnoroaychiclgtche cd ncs bhfw`oieo cs dcrst fr solfhi-nghi. (Lgr`ch, 1;;1= 93) Noroch tnoLgrcagh erfups „df``fw19– tno pnc`fsfpny fd sf`cpscsj wncln proiclgtos tngt tnooef lgh fh`y tru`y bhfw ghi vorcdy cts fwh rog`cty (Caci= 5;). Ynorodfro hf-fholgh ovor stgto wngt sfjofho o`so ngs sooh fr ifho wctn lfjp`oto lortgchty.

1< \oo rodorohlos dfr g `cst fd tnoso pua`clgtcfhs.19 „Df``fw– gs gh ghg`ytclg` pfcht fd vcow, tnoy gro hft gltcvo df``fwors ghi if hft iohfto tnojso`vos gs suln.

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  Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


Ch lfhl`uscfh, tno lfjpronohscfh ghi glloptghlo fd ‐tno rog`cty fd g ju`tcp`clctyfd bhfw`oieos‚  (Fvorche, 733;= 4;<) cs fd vctg` cjpfrtghlo wnoh gttojptche tfuhiorstghi ghi ioslrcao Gjorchicgh lu`turg` ghi `cheucstcl systojs, ch tncslgso tngt fd tno Ugyghg.

7.<.9 [rovcfus \tuicos\chlo tno ohi fd tno 73tn lohtury juln `cheucstcl ghi ghtnrfpf`feclg` rosogrlnngs aooh lfhiultoi gjfhe tno Ugyghg, rosu`tche ch sovorg` pua`clgtcfhs.Nohrc Lfuirogu, g Drohln oxp`fror ghi eofergpnor, lfjpfsoi g wfri`cst dfrsovorg` `gheugeos chl`uiche tno Ugyghg wncln no `gtor pua`csnoi ch 7>31.@gtor, gt tno aoechhche fd tno 1;tn lohtury, L. N. io Efomo, g `coutohght ch tnoIutln Hgvy, wgs `oht tf tno Iutln Qfyg` Eofergpncl \flcoty (BHGE) tf gsscst chtno jgppche fd tno chtorcfr fd \urchgjo iuo tf ncs erogt sbc``s ch tncs dco`i. Ctwgs iurche tnoso oxpoictcfhs ghi fho ch 73<5 sullooiche ncs rotcrojoht, tngtio Efomo ohlfuhtoroi tno Yrcf ghi Ugyghg erfups, ohga`che ncj tf lf``oltjuln `cheucstcl ghi otnhfergpnclg` igtg, wncln wgs `gtor pua`csnoi1?. Gdtor tnosojchg` wfrb fd io Efomo, Ug`tor \. Mglbsfh lfhiultoi durtnor `cheucstclrosogrln fh tno Ugyghg `gheugeo ch frior tf lrogto g ergjjgtclg` fvorvcow14 dfr tno jcsscfhgrcos fd tno \urchgj Chtorcfr Do``fwsncp fd tno Uost ChicosJcsscfh (Ercjos, 7351). _hdfrtuhgto`y tncs fvorvcow rojgchs chlfjp`oto wctnjghy icslropghlcos. Ftnor jcsscfhgrcos wfrbche fh tno Ugyghg `gheugeochl`uio Cvgh \lnfoh. Qoloht`y [otrfhc`g ig \c`vg Ygvgros ngs wrcttoh tno du``ostergjjgr fd tno Ugyghg `gheugeo tf igto gs g [nI tnoscs wncln cs gvgc`ga`ofh`cho tnrfuen tno Qclo _hcvorscty fd Nfustfh. Giictcfhg``y, O`gcho Lgjgref g`cheucst drfj tno Drohln slnff` cs lurroht`y wfrbche fh tno Ugyghg `gheugeo._hdfrtuhgto`y tno Drohln slnff` fd `cheucstcls lfhlohtrgtos cts stuicos fh sche`ogspolts fd g pgrtclu`gr `gheugeo rgtnor tngh tno `gheugeo gs g wnf`o.Lfhsoquoht`y tnocr pua`clgtcfhs gro eohorg``y chgllossca`o tf guicohlos futsciotnocr fwh slnff`, chl`uiche tno Ugyghg.

Ir Octnho Lgr`ch fd tno _hcvorscty fd @ocioh cs lurroht`y wfrbche fh tno Ugyghg`gheugeo wctnch nor lurroht prfmolt ‐Ecvche Ynoj Aglb Ynocr @gheugeos‚,wncln dg``s uhior tno HUF ohigheoroi `gheugeos prfergjjo. Yno gcj fd norrosogrln cs tf lrogto g du`` ergjjgr fd tno Ugyghg `gheugeo tfeotnor wctn ghotnhf-`cheucstcl prfdc`o.

 Yf igto tnoro ngvo aooh jghy ghtnrfpf`feclg` stuicos fh tno Ugyghg pofp`o.Gegch io Efomo pua`csnoi oxtohscvo gllfuhts fh tno Ugyghg lu`turo gt tnoaoechhche fd tno 1;tn lohtury. Io Efomo ncjso`d, nfwovor, wgs icsgppfchtoi chnfw juln otnhfergpnclg` igtg no wgs ga`o tf lf``olt iuo tf tno oxtohscvo tcjochvf`voi ch `ogrhche tno `gheugeo=

G``oroorst jfost cb ico tgg` vorior fhiorzfoboh oh not eovfhioho jcm oceoh jgboh, fjjot io johslnoh to buhhoh sproboh...oh vüür cb ico tgg` joostor wgs, `cop jcmh vora`cmd

1?  Io Efomo g`sf lf``oltoi jghy lu`turg` ctojs iurche tnoso oxpoictcfhs wncln no ifhgtoi tf tno Qfyg`Jusouj fd Otnhf`fey ch @ocioh (QJT).14 MO Ercjos `gtor pua`csnoi Ug`tor \ Mglbsfhs wfrb= G Ugyghg Ergjjgr ch ‐@gheugeos fd tno Eucghgs‚ ch7351.

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Lngptor 7= Chtrfiultcfh


acm io Fgyghg–s toh ochio. Iggriffr zcmh not s`olnts drgejohtoh vgh vf`bohbuhio ico cbncor noa ggh to acoio (io Efomo, 7397= 51). 

Qoegri`oss fd ncs fwh ciogs, ncs gllfuhts ecvo erogt chscent chtf tno Ugyghglu`turo prcfr tf tno grrcvg` fd tno jcsscfhgrcos ghi ftnor Uostorh chd`uohlos fd

tno 1;tn  lohtury. \chlo tnoh jghy ftnor oxp`frors ghi ghtnrfpf`fecsts ngvolfhiultoi rosogrln fh tno Ugyghg lu`turo chl`uiche I.E.G. Dchi`gy, I.L.Eocmsbos, M.J. Nurgu`t, O. Jgeg÷g ghi Ighco` \lnfopd 15. Ch 1;;< Mogh Lngpucsch lf``gafrgtcfh wctn tno `gto Norvã Qcvcîro pua`csnoi gh oxtohscvo affb fh tnofrg` trgictcfhs fd tno Ugyghg rolfrioi g`fhe aftn scios fd tno _ppor JgrfhcQcvor ch Drohln Eucghg ghi \urchgjo. Ynoso frg` trgictcfhs ngvo aoohpua`csnoi ch Ugyghg g`fhe wctn Drohln trghs`gtcfhs ghi oxp`ghgtfry hftoswrcttoh ay Lngpucs (ld. Lngpucs ghi Qcvcîro, 1;;<).

Ir. Bgrch Afvoh gh ghtnrfpf`fecst drfj tno Iutln slnff` lfhiultoi rosogrln

fh tno Ugyghg lu`turo ch tno ogr`y 733;s wncln ngs roloht`y rosu`toi ch norpua`clgtcfh Fvor`ovoh ch ooh Erohseoacoi, Torghiorchesprflossoh acm ioUgyghg ch \urchgjo oh Drohln Eucghg (Afvoh, 1;;4). Iurche nor vcscts tf tnovc``geo fd Bgwojngbgh fh tno \urchgjoso scio fd tno @gwg Qcvor, sno rolfrioisovorg` frg` trgictcfhs fd tno Ugyghg. \no `gtor pua`csnoi g so`oltcfh fd tnosostfrcos wctn g Iutln trghs`gtcfh1>  ghi icstrcautoi g dow lfpcos gjfhe tnoUgyghg tnojso`vos.

_hdfrtuhgto`y gs cs truo dfr jghy chiceohfus sflcotcos, iospcto tnocrohtnuscgsj dfr rosogrlnors tf lfhiult rosogrln fh tnocr `gheugeo ghi lu`turo,

tno Ugyghg so`ifj ngvo tno fppfrtuhcty tf vcow, uhiorstghi fr aohodct drfjtnoso stuicos2 g pfcht tngt hoois jfro gttohtcfh ay duturo rosogrlnors ghisfjotnche lurroht prfmolts gro nfpodu``y lngheche.

15 Yno jgmfrcty fd ghtnrfpf`feclg` wfrb lgrrcoi fut fh tno Ugyghg wgs lfhiultoi ch \urchgjo ghi DrohlnEucghg iuo tf tno ogscor prflossos ch fatgchche rosogrln vcsgs. Ighco` \lnfopd cs fho fd tno dow fd tno gdfro-johtcfhoi hgjos wnf, ngs pua`csnoi gllfuhts fvor tno Ugyghg ch Argzc`.1>  Yncs pua`clgtcfh cs= Fvor Mgeors, Tf`boh oh Eoostoh ch not ]ucio`cmb Afs= Ugmghg Hobg`âtpætfj/UgyghgTorng`oh . [grgjgrcaf 733?.

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1   Ynofrotclg` \ottche 

G tnofry cs jfro `cbo g slcohtcdcl `gw tngh g nypftnoscs. G tnofry cs gh oxp`ghgtcfh fd gsot fd ro`gtoi fasorvgtcfhs fr ovohts agsoi upfh prfvoh nypftnosos ghi vorcdcoiju`tcp`o tcjos ay iotglnoi erfups fd rosogrlnors. Fho slcohtcst lghhft lrogto g tnofry2no lgh fh`y lrogto g nypftnoscs. (www.wc`stgr.lfj/tnofrcos)

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


1.7 Chtrfiultcfh

 Yncs lngptor fut`chos tno ncstfrclg` iovo`fpjohts fd spgtcg` tnchbche ghi ctssurrfuhiche tnofrcos, pgrtclu`gr`y tnfso lfhlorhche spgtcg` porloptcfh.Giictcfhg``y g ioslrcptcfh fd tno vgrcfus jghhors ch wncln spgtcg`cty jgy ao

oxprossoi `cheucstclg``y cs ecvoh.

1.1 Ncstfry fd iovo`fpjohts ch spgtcg` tnchbche

 Yno stuiy fd spgtcg` tnchbche ngs cts dfuhigtcfhs ch l`gssclg` Eroob tnfuentwnoro tno chctcg` ioagtos woro lfhlorhoi gafut wnotnor spglo snfu`i aoporlocvoi gs jgtorcg` fr gs g vfci. Grcstft`o wgs tno dcrst tf arogb tncs `cho fdtnfuent ghi chtrfiuloi tno hftcfhs fd rodorohlo pfcht, `ghijgrb ghi erfuhichtf spgtcg` tnchbche. Ynoso hftcfhs hfw dfrj tno agscs fd fur lfhtojpfrgrylfhlopts fd „drgjos fd rodorohlo– (@ovchsfh, 1;;<= 4-5). Ct wgs g`sf Grcstft`o wnf

pfsctoi tngt spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh oxtohis g`fhe scx pnohfjohf`feclg` icjohscfhs`odt-rcent, drfht-aglb ghi up-ifwh wncln g`` oxtohi drfj tno oef (Caci= 52 ld.soltcfh 1.<.7) Yncs ro`gtcvo, oef-lohtrcl ghi ghtnrfpfjfrpncl acgs ngsrojgchoi ch spgtcg` tnchbche uhtc` roloht`y ghi ngs fh`y ch tno pgst iolgioaooh sorcfus`y quostcfhoi ay rosogrlnors fd tno Jgx [`ghlb Chstctuto dfr[sylnf`cheucstcls gt Hcmjoeoh, Yno Hotnor`ghis ghi ay df``fwors fd hof-Unfrdcsj suln gs @uly13 ghi \c`vorstoch<;.

G`tnfuen Grcsft`o rolfehczoi tno ciog fd gasf`uto spglo ct wgs hft uhtc` tno 75tn lohtury tngt gh gltug` icstchltcfh aotwooh ro`gtcvo ghi gasf`uto spglo wgs

jgio ay Cssgl Howtfh. G`tnfuen @ocahcz quclb`y icsjcssoi ncs ciogs gs‐uhholossgry jotgpnyscls= spglo cs hf jfro tngh tno ro`gtcvo hftcfh fd tnches‚(Caci= >), Howtfh–s hftcfh fd gasf`uto spglo rojgchoi ghi wgs durtnor iovo`fpoich tno 7>tn lohtury ay tno chd`uohtcg` Eorjgh pnc`fsfpnor, Cjjghuo` Bght, wnfgreuoi dfr cts oxcstohlo, gsscehche ct tf chtuctcfh. No ohnghloi fh tncs tnofry aystgtche tngt tno lfhloptcfh fd gasf`uto spglo lfu`i fh`y ao uhiorstffi drfjfur fwh pnohfjohf`feclg` vcow fd spgtcg`cty. _htc` roloht`y tncs oef-lohtrcl,ghtnrfpfjfrpncl ghi ro`gtcvo hftcfh fd spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh wgs gssujoi tf ao guhcvorsg` lngrgltorcstcl fd spgtcg` tnchbche. Ovoh tfigy tno Bghtcgh trgictcfhlfhtchuos tf ao upno`i ay jghy lfhtojpfrgry psylnf`fecsts, lfehctcvo

slcohtcsts, ghi `cheucsts iospcto tno bhfw`oieo tngt ct wgs dfuhioi fh gh Chif-Ourfpogh `gheugeo acgs. (Caci= 7;-71) Yncs Bghtcgh trgictcfh ghi Chif-Ourfpogh acgs wc`` ao icslussoi ch jfro iotgc` ao`fw ch soltcfh 1.1.7.

13  [rfd. Mfnh G @uly cs lurroht`y [rfdossfr gt tno Iopgrtjoht fd Lfjpgrgtcvo Nujgh Iovo`fpjoht gt tno_hcvorscty fd Lnclgef. Ncs rosogrln chtorosts chl`uio tno rf`o fd `gheugeo ghi ergjjgtclg` icvorscty fhtnfuent ghi tnrfuen lfehctcvo psylnf`fey oxporcjohts ghi `cheucstcl ghg`yscs no ngs rodfrju`gtoi tno[rchlcp`o fd @cheucstcl Qo`gtcvcty (Df`oy, 7335= 177).<;  [rfd. Jorrc` \c`vorstoch cs lurroht`y [rfdossfr fd eorfhtf`fey ghi \flcf`fey gt tno _hcvorscty fd Lg`cdfrhcg.Nor rosogrln fh tno [rchlcp`o fd @cheucstcl ro`gtcvcty cs jfro trgictcfhg` tngh tngt fd [rfdossfr @uly. Nfwovorsno g`sf oxpghis fh tno frcechg` tnofry chtf tno ̀ cheucstcl dco`i fd prgejgtcls (Df`oy, 7335= 177).

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Lngptor 1= Ynofrotclg` \ottche


1.1.7 Yno [rchlcp`o fd @cheucstcl Qo`gtcvcty Yno Afgscgh trgictcfh fd ro`gtcvcsj ojoreoi `gtor drfj tno pnc`fsfpnclg` ciogsfd Bght, ghi tno suasoquoht tnofrcos fd tno hof-Bghtcgh df``fwors. Uctnch tncstno Eorjgh pnc`fsfpnor, Mfnghh Norior, pfsctoi tngt=

Nujghs– oxporcohlo ghi uhiorstghiche icddor tf tno oxtoht tngt tnocr `gheugeos if2ogln `gheugeo ghi ogln lu`turo rod`oltche tno wfr`i ch g pgrtclu`gr wgy (Df`oy, 7335=73<).

Ghftnor Eorjgh pnc`fsfpnor ghi `cheucst, Uc`no`j vfh Nujaf`it, durtnoriovo`fpoi tno ciogs fd Norior pfsctche `gheugeo gs gh ‐g prcfrc drgjowfrb fdlfehctcfh‚  (Caci= 73<) ghi tnus chd`uohlche nujgh tnfuent ghi oxporcohlo. Nogreuoi tngt `cheucstcl icvorscty tnorodfro joght lfehctcvo icvorscty, nfwovor, nog`sf ao`covoi ch tno oxcstohlo fd `cheucstcl uhcvorsg`s, ospolcg``y wctnchergjjgtclg` strulturos (Caci= 739).

Drghs Afgs, fho fd tno jfst prfjchoht dceuros wctnch ogr`y ro`gtcvcstcl tnchbche,`gtor oxpghioi fh tno hof-Bghtcgh ciogs fd Norior ghi vfh Nujaf`it. @cboBght, Afgs pfsctoi tngt `gheugeo ngi g ‐l`gsscdclgtfry duhltcfh‚ ch tngt ctfreghczoi ‐fur oxporcohlo fd tno sohsca`o wfr`i‚ (Caci= 739). Afgs durtnoro`gafrgtoi fh tnoso ciogs ghi ojpngsczoi tno oxcstohlo fd `cheucstcl icvorsctywctnch suln l`gsscdclgtcfh systojs. Ynrfuen tno lfjpgrcsfh fd Hgtcvo Gjorclghghi Chif-Ourfpogh `gheugeos Afgs gslortgchoi tngt spfboh `gheugeo fh`yoxprossos pgrt fd g lfjp`oto tnfuent prfloss ghi gs icddoroht `gheugeosoxpross icddoroht pgrts fd tncs prfloss, `cheucstcl vgrcgtcfh just oxcst. No

lfhl`uioi tngt `gheugeos oxpross, aut if hft iotorjcho, tnfuent2 ghi tngt`cheucstcl vgrcgtcfh just ao lu`turg``y iotorjchoi rgtnor tngh lfehctcvo`y, gs‐chicvciug` gac`ctcos if hft vgry glrfss lu`turo‚ (Caci= 73?). Afgs g`sf pfstu`gtoitngt l`gsscdclgtcfh wgs ifho fh gh uhlfhslcfus `ovo` gs tno drgjowfrb fd g`gheugeo cs `greo`y uhbhfwh ay cts spogbors. Fho fd tno ogr`cost ghi jfstchd`uohtcg` tnofrcos ojoreche drfj tno Afgscgh trgictcfh wgs tno sf-lg``oi\gpcr-Unfrd nypftnoscs wncln pfsctoi tngt=

 Yno strulturo fd g ecvoh `gheugeo wc`` gddolt tno wgy ch wncln spogbors fd tngt `gheugeotnchb. Yno cjp`clgtcfh fd tncs cs tngt pofp`o wnf spogb icddoroht `gheugeos wc`` tnchb

icddoroht`y‚. (Agrhgri ghi \pohlor Ois. 1;;1= 933-?;7)

Oiwgri \gpcr wgs g stuioht fd Afgs wnf durtnor iovo`fpoi tno ciogs fd Afgs,aut wctnch g jfro strulturg` drgjowfrb tngh ncs proiolossfr. \gpcr porlocvoi`gheugeo gs g ‐dfrjg``y lfjp`oto systoj‚   (Df`oy, 7335= 73>), ghi tnooxporcohloi wfr`i, ghi tnoroay l`gsscdclgtcfh, tf ao sflcg``y ghi lu`turg``yiotorjchoi. Ch lfhtrgst tf Afgs, \gpcr l`gcjoi tngt=

Fh`y ch `gheugeo tno du`` pftohtcg` fd tnfuent cs uhdf`ioi … Rghi gsZ ‐ergjjgtclg`lgtoefrcos vgry glrfss `gheugeos, rosu`tche ch jutug` chlfjjohsurgac`cty, icddoroht`gheugeos just lnghho` lfhloptug` tnchbche ch icddoroht wgys (Caci= 73>).

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


Aohmgjch Unfrd, oiulgtoi gs g hgturg` slcohtcst, agsoi ncs ‐[rchlcp`o fd@cheucstcl Qo`gtcvcty<7‚ nypftnoscs<1  fh Ochstoch–s [rchlcp`o fd Qo`gtcvcty.Gllfriche tf Unfrd, nujgh spgtcg` tnchbche cs chd`uohloi ay lu`turo ghi`gheugeo sf tnorodfro wnoro `gheugeos icddors, sf ifos tno lfhloptug`czgtcfh fdspgtcg` tnchbche. Gs no stgtos=

_sors fd icddoroht ergjjgrs gro pfchtoi ay tnocr ergjjgrs tfwgri icddoroht typos fdfasorvgtcfhs ghi icddoroht ovg`ugtcfhs fd oxtorhg``y scjc`gr glts fd fasorvgtcfh ghinohlo gro hft oqucvg`oht gs fasorvors ghi just grrcvo gt sfjowngt icddoroht vcows fdtno wfr`i (@ovchsfh, 1;;<= 7>).

Iospcto ncs nypftnoscs fd `cheucstcl ro`gtcvcty, Unfrd–s porloptcfh fd spgtcg`lfhlopts wgs uhcvorsg`cstcl ch hgturo. No pfsctoi tngt=

\pgtcg` lfhloptcfh cs strfhe`y chdfrjoi ay chhgto prosujga`y acf`feclg``y agsoi,uhcvorsg`s, sf tngt ct cs ossohtcg``y tno sgjo ch g`` `gheugeos ghi lu`turos (Df`oy, 7335=17?).

 Yncs ciog fd uhcvorsg`cty cs scjc`gr tf tno pnc`fsfpncos fd Cjjghuo` Bght chwncln no pfstu`gtos tngt nujghs lfhlocvo spglo tnrfuen g ro`gtcvcstcl,oeflohtrcl ghi ghtnrfpfjfrpncl acgs, wnoroay tno oef cs tno vory lohtro fdspgtcg` tnchbche.

Gs johtcfhoi gafvo, ch jfro roloht tcjos tnoro ngs aooh g rovctg`czgtcfh fd tnoAfgscgh trgictcfh ghi tno [rchlcp`o fd @cheucstcl Qo`gtcvcty–. _hdfrtuhgto`y tncsg`sf rosu`ts ch stuicos wnoroch `cheucstcl icvorscty cs gpprfglnoi wctn tnocjprosscfh tngt icvorscty `gys ch tno lfjp`oxcty fd `gheugeos, sueeostche tngt`oss lfjp`ox `gheugeos tf ao chdorcfr ghi `glbche bhfw`oieo tf sfjo ioeroo.Ovorott (1;;?= 417-4<9) ch ncs stuiy fd tno [crgnì, ecvos gh ourflohtrcl gllfuhtfd nfw tno `glb fd hujorg`s, tohso ghi lf`fur ghi bchsncp torjs ch tno [crgnì`gheugeo just rod`olt tno sgjo `glbche lu`turg``y. _hdfrtuhgto`y wngt cs`glbche, cs rgtnor tno gac`cty tf `ffb futscio ncs fwh otnhflohtrcl porloptcfh, chfrior tf gttojpt tf uhiorstghi tno `gheugeo ghi lu`turo fd tno [crgnì drfj ghojcl pfcht fd vcow. Iospcto g dow stuicos fd tncs hgturo tno jgmfrcty fd otnhf-`cheucsts sullooi ch `oss otnhf-lohtrcl ghg`yscsos ghi stc`` jfro gro prfvcichehow ovciohlo tnrfuen lfehctcvo oxporcjohts ghi lrfss-`cheucstcl lfjpgrcsfh,vg`cigtche l`gcjs fd `cheucstcl ghi lfehctcvo ro`gtcvcty (o.e. @uly ghi \c`vorstochgs tnfso wfrbche gt tno Jgx [`ghlb Chstctuto dfr [sylnf`cheucstcls, suln gs\topnoh @ovchsfh).

1.< \pgtcg` frcohtgtcfh

 Yno df``fwche sua-soltcfhs lfhlohtrgto fh tno tnofrcos ghi ncstfry surrfuhichetno stuiy fd nujgh spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh ghi porloptcfh.

<7 Yno [rchlcp`o fd @cheucstcl Qo`gtcvcty cs g`sf bhfwh gs tno \gpcr-Unfrd nypftnoscs.<1 Df``fwors fd tno Afgscgh trgictcfh porlocvo ncs tnofry gs g trucsj rgtnor tngh g nypftnoscs.

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Lngptor 1= Ynofrotclg` \ottche


1.<.7 Yno pnohfjohf`feclg` acgs[nohfjohf`fey, wncln lgh ao igtoi aglb tf Grcstft`o ghi, juln `gtor, tnoBghtcgh `oegly (ld. soltcfh 1.1), ngs g `fhe trgictcfh wctnch spgtcg` tnchbche.Gllfriche tf tncs trgictcfh, spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh gjfhe nujghs cs gssujoi tf aosf`o`y ro`gtcvo, oef-lohtrcl ghi ghtnrfpfjfrpncl ch hgturo (@ovchsfh, 1;;<= 7;).Gllfriche tf pnohfjohf`fey, fur spgtcg` drgjowfrb cs porlocvoi drfj tno oefdrfj wncln sovorg` p`ghos oxtohi. Ynroo gxos gro ciohtcdcoi g`fhe tnoso p`ghos=tno vortclg` p`gho prfvcios us wctn tno up-ifwh gxcs ghi tno nfrczfhtg` p`ghowctn twf gxos, hgjo`y rcent-`odt ghi drfht-aglb (Df`oy, 7335= 17?). Uctnch tncs`cho fd rosogrln ct ngs aooh gssujoi tngt g`` `gheugeos gro uhcvorsg` ch tngttnoy porlocvo, ghi tnus, oxpross spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh tnrfuen ro`gtcvo, oef-lohtrclghi ghtnrfpfjfrpncl lfhlopts. Yncs l`gcj fd g uhcvorsg` pnohfjohf`feclg`acgs wctnch spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh, ngs aooh sf`o`y dfuhioi fh rosogrln fh Chif-Ourfpogh `gheugeos ghi fh fur fwh wostorh trgictcfh ghi yot ct ngs aoohglloptoi tf ao g trucsj ch g`` icslcp`chos fd nujgh slcohlos. Ovoh wctnchghtnrfpf`fey, uhcvorsg`cstcl tnfuent ngs aooh proifjchght wctnch tno ciogs fdspgtcg`cty, ghi ct wgs gssujoi tngt ‐afic`y oxporcohlo cs uhcvorsg``y tno agscs dfr spgtcg` tnchbche‚ (@ovchsfh, 1;;<= 7<). Jghy ghtnrfpf`fecsts g`sf pfsctoitngt tno spgtcg` lfhlopts fd „`odt– ghi „rcent– woro tno ‐prcjfricg` sfurlo fd achgryfppfsctos‚  ghi lfjjfh ch g`` lu`turos. (Caci= 7<).

Qoloht rosogrln fh hfh-Chif-Ourfpogh `gheugeos ghi lu`turos cs prosoht`ylngheche tnoso prolfhloptcfhs. Dfr oxgjp`o, rosogrlnors fd tno Jgx [`ghlbChstctuto fd [sylnf`cheucstcls ch Hcmjoeoh, tno Hotnor`ghis, ngvo dfuhi julnovciohlo tf lng``oheo tncs uhcvorsg` tnofry fd pnohfjohf`fey ch spgtcg`tnchbche. Ynoy pfsct tngt spgtcg` `gheugeo ghi tnchbche icddors erogt`y aotwooh`gheugeos ghi lu`turos. Ynrfuen g sorcos fd lfehctcvo, hfh-vorag` tgsbs ghilrfss-`cheucstcl oxgjchgtcfh tnoy lfhl`uio tngt spglo lgh ao porlocvoi, hftfh`y drfj g pnohfjohf`feclg` porspoltcvo, aut g`sf gasf`uto`y, wnoroay tnospogbor oxprossos `flgtcfh tnrfuen eofergpnclg` gxos oxtohiche drfj`ghijgrbs fr lgrichg` icroltcfhs rgtnor tngh tno oef. Yno gxos usoi groiopohioht upfh tno surrfuhiche ohvcrfhjoht ghi chl`uio upstrogj-ifwhstrogj, upnc``-ifwhnc``, sogwgri-`ghiwgri fr ogst-wost lffrichgtos.(Df`oy, 7335= 1742 @ovchsfh, 1;;<= 73)

1.<.1 Drgjos fd rodorohloUctnch spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh tno `flgtcfh fd gh famolt (Dceuro) cs ioslrcaoi chro`gtcfh tf g proiotorjchoi rodorohlo pfcht fr `ghijgrb (Erfuhi). Nfw tncsro`gtcfhsncp cs porlocvoi cs iopohioht upfh fur uhior`yche lffrichgto systojs(ld. soltcfh 1.<.7), wncln iotorjcho tno drgjo fd rodorohlo wo uso ch fur spgtcg`frcohtgtcfh, ghi cts suasoquoht oxprosscfh. Ynroo icstchlt drgjos fd rodorohlooxcst wctnch spgtcg` `gheugeo, hgjo`y= tno ro`gtcvo, chtrchscl ghi gasf`uto drgjo.

Qo`gtcvo drgjos fd rodorohlo gro vcowor-lohtroi ghi tohi tf ao agsoi fh tno

pnohfjohf`feclg` gxos fd `odt-rcent, drfht-aglb ghi up-ifwh. Ct cs agsoi fh gtorhgry systoj wncln usos tnroo rodorohlo pfchts tf oxpross tno `flgtcfh fd ghfamolt2 hgjo`y tno Dceuro, tno Erfuhi ghi tno spogbor. Ynus tno Dceuro cs

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


ioslrcaoi ch ro`gtcfh tf tno Erfuhi drfj tno vcowpfcht fd tno spogbor frporlocvor. Dfr oxgjp`o „tno ag`` cs tf tno `odt fd tno lngcr– ioslrcaos tno `flgtcfhfd tno ag`` tf ao gt tno `odt scio fd tno lngcr gs porlocvoi ay tno spogbor, wnclncs hft holossgrc`y tno `odt scio fd tno lngcr ctso`d.

 Yno chtrchscl drgjo fd rodorohlo usos g achgry lffrichgto systoj ghi cs famolt-agsoi. Noro tno ro`gtcfh ghi ioslrcptcfh cs iotorjchoi ay ‐tno „chnoroht dogturos–, scioihoss fr dglots fd tno famolt‚   (@ovchsfh, 1;;<= <1). Dfr oxgjp`o„tno ag`` cs ch drfht fd tno nfuso–, ioslrcaos tno `flgtcfh fd tno ag`` tf ao gt tnogltug` drfht scio fd tno nfuso roegri`oss fd tno pfsctcfh fd tnospogbor/porlocvor. Yncs systoj vgrcos lrfss-`cheucstclg``y ghi lgh ao duhltcfh-agsoi, gs ch Ohe`csn fr sngpo-agsoi gs ch Yzo`tg` (Caci= 97).

 Yno gasf`uto systoj cs g`sf achgry ghi tno `flgtcfh fd gh famolt cs spolcdcoi chro`gtcfh tf g dcxoi `ghijgrb fr icroltcfh. Ynoso pgrgjotors gro eohorg``y

iotorjchoi ay tno surrfuhiche ohvcrfhjoht, rosu`tche ch lrfss-`cheucstclvgrcgtcfh. Lgrichg` pfchts<<, upstrogj-ifwhstrogj<9, upnc``-ifwhnc``<?  ghisogwgri-`ghiwgri<4 aogrches gro proifjchght`y dfuhi wctnch tncs systoj. Dfroxgjp`o „tno ag`` cs ifwhstrogj fd tno nfuso–.

 Ynoro cs wfr`iwcio juln icvorscty ch nfw jghy, ghi wncln, drgjos fd rodorohlogro usoi ch spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh ghi `gheugeo. Lortgch pofp`os ro`yproifjchght`y fh must fho drgjo wnc`st ftnors jgy uso twf fr g`` tnroo. Ynrfuen tno oxgjchgtcfh fd tno lfehctcvo ghi `cheucstcl rosogrln lgrrcoi fut ay,dfr oxgjp`o tno Jgx [`ghlb Chstctuto dfr [sylnf`cheucstcls, ct lgh ao pfsctoi

tngt tno ifjchght drgjo fd rodorohlo dfuhi ch spgtcg` `gheugeo rod`olts tnouhior`yche lffrichgto systoj fd cts spogbors. @gheugeos wctn g proifjchght`ychtrchscl fr gasf`uto drgjo fd rodorohlo eohorg``y porlocvo spglo tnrfuen ghgasf`uto fr g``flohtrcl spgtcg` jgppche2 wnc`st spogbors fd `gheugeos usche gproifjchght`y ro`gtcvo drgjo fd rodorohlo eohorg``y proscio fvor g jfropnohfjohf`feclg` acgs wctnch tnocr spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh (@ovchsfh, 1;;<= ?9). @cghi E`octjgh greuoi gegchst tnoso ciogs ay pfsctche tngt g`` nujghs,roegri`oss fd tnocr hgtcvo `gheugeo, glt drfj gh gasf`uto drgjo fd rodorohlownoh futiffrs ghi g ro`gtcvo fho wnc`st chiffrs. Ynoy lfhl`uioi tncs wctnfutrog`czche tngt tno tgsbs sot ay tno Jgx [`ghlb Chstctuto woro lfhiultoi aftn

chscio ghi fut, ghi tngt ct ngi hf erogt gddolt fh tno rosu`ts glncovoi (Caci=735), tncs wgs g`sf tno lgso ay tno Ugyghg. G`tnfuen tno dflus fd tncs pgporghi rosogrln wgs hft tf stuiy lfehctcfh fr tno uhior`yche spgtcg` jgppche fdtno Ugyghg, tno tfpcl lgh hft ao du``y cehfroi. Ch tno tgsbs lfhiultoi fh tnoUgyghg, `flgtcfh chscio fr futscio ngi hf chd`uohlo fh tnocr spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh.

<< Ch pgrtclu`gr Gustrg`cgh gafrcecho `gheugeos ghi pofp`os uso lgrichg` icroltcfhs ch spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh ghioxprosscfh (ld= @ovchsfh, 1;;<).<9 Yno uso fd tno upstrogj-ifwhstrogj lffrichgto systoj cs usoi gjfhe sovorg` Lgrcagh erfups suln gs tnoUgyghg gs icslussoi uhior soltcfh 1.<.1 ghi 9.<.3.<? Yncs lffrichgto systoj cs dfuhi gjfhe tno Yzo`tg` Jgyg gs ioslrcaoi ay Arfwh ghi @ovchsfh (733<) ghi@ovchsfh (7334).<4 Jghy `gheugeos fd tno [glcdcl Cs`ghis, suln gs Ycifro (ld= Jcrcgj vgh \trgioh, 1;;;), uso tno sogwgri-`ghiwgri lffrichgtos tf oxpross tno ̀ flgtcfh fd famolts.

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lffrichgto systojgheu`gr spolcdclgtcfh

roecfhs  p`glos nfrczfhtg`drgjos fdrodorohlo

chtrchscl ro`gtcvogasf`uto

`ghijgrbs lgrichg`systojs


tfpf`fey tfpfhyjyiocxcs

1.9 \pgtcg` ̀ gheugeo

Gs oxp`froi gafvo, iospcto provcfus uhcvorsg` l`gcjs agsoi fh tnopnohfjohf`feclg` acgs fd Chif-Ourfpogh `gheugeos, spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh vgrcoslrfss-`cheucstclg``y. Yno dflus fd tncs tnoscs cs tf stuiy ghi ghg`yzo spgtcg`icslfurso gs prosohtoi ch tno Ugyghg `gheugeo, ch frior tf egch jfro chscentchtf tnocr porloptcfhs fd tno wfr`i, ospolcg``y roegriche spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh. Ct cstnorodfro cjpfrtght tf uhiorstghi tno vgrcfus pfsscac`ctcos fd porlocvche ghioxprossche spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh ch eohorg` ch frior tf du``y lfjpronohi tnolfhloptcfh ghi porloptcfh fd spglo gjfhe tno Ugyghg.

 Yno jfio` ao`fw (Dceuro 1.7) ngs aooh tgboh drfj @ovchsfh (1;;<= 44) ghiiopclts tno jgmfr sojghtcl sua-dco`is wctnch spgtcg` `gheugeo, sfjo fd wnclnngvo aooh ioslrcaoi gafvo.

Dceuro 1.7= \ojghtcl sua-dco`is ch spgtcg` `gheugeo

Ch roloht iolgios how, chhfvgtcvo `cheucstcl ghi lrfss-`cheucstcl rosogrln ngslng``oheoi, hft fh`y tno prosujptcfh fd g uhcvorsg` pnohfjohf`feclg` acgs chspgtcg` tnchbche (ld. soltcfh 1.<.7), aut g`sf tno uhcvorsg`cstcl gssujptcfh tngtspgtcg` lfhlopts gro oxprossoi jgch`y tnrfuen g sche`o wfri l`gss, tngt fdgipfsctcfhs (Caci, 1;;<= 3>). Qosu`ts snfw tngt spgtcg` hftcfhs gro g`sf prosohtghi oxprossoi tnrfuen ftnor wfri l`gssos suln gs givoras, iojfhstrgtcvoprfhfuhs, spgtcg` hfjchg`s ghi `flgtcvo voras ghi tngt ovoh `gheugeos oxcstwncln ngvo hf gipfsctcfhs wctnch tnocr spgtcg` `gheugeo aut uso dfr oxgjp`ospgtcg` hfjchg`s tf oxpross tfpf`feclg` hftcfhs<5. \trgheo`y, tno uhcvorsg`cstcl

suppfsctcfh tngt spgtcg`cty wgs lfhdchoi tf tno wfri l`gss fd gipfsctcfhs ngi

<5 Yncs cs truo fd Yzo`tg`, g Jgygh ̀ gheugeo fd Joxclf (Ld. @ovchsfh ghi Uc`bchs Ois., 1;;4= 59).

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


aooh agsoi fh stuicos fd tno Chif-Ourfpogh `gheugeo stflb, wnc`st ovoh chtnoso `gheugeos spgtcg`cty cs oxprossoi tnrfuen sovorg` wfri l`gssos.

1.9.7 Yfpf`fey Yno scjp`ost dfrj fd ioslrcache spgtcg`cty cs tnrfuen g stuiy fd tno ro`gtcfh

aotwooh tno Dceuro ghi tno Erfuhi gs oxprossoi ay tno agscl `flgtcvolfhstrultcfh. Ch Ugyghg, tncs ro`gtcfh cs oxprossoi wctn tno uso fd gipfsctcfhsch tno dfrj fd pfstpfsctcfhs. Gipfsctcfhs, ghi spgtcg` hfjchg`s ch tnfso`gheugeos wncln `glb gipfsctcfhs, ngvo gh chtrclgto ro`gtcfhsncp wctn tnogafvo-johtcfhoi drgjos fd rodorohlo gs ct iotorjchos nfw tno ro`gtcfh aotwoohtno Dceuro ghi tno Erfuhi cs porlocvoi ghi tnus oxprossoi. Gs ioslrcaoigafvo, g ag`` lgh ao dfuhi tf tno „`odt fd g nfuso–, tf tno „scio fd tno nfuso–,„sfutn fd tno nfuso– fr „ifwhstrogj drfj tno nfuso– iopohiche fh wncln drgjocs usoi. Yno erfuhi cs eohorg``y lgtoefrczoi ghi ohlfioi ay pfstpfsctcfhs, frspgtcg` hfjchg`s. G`tnfuen ct ngs aooh pfsctoi, dfr oxgjp`o ay Yg`jy<> (@ovchsfh, 1;;<= 51), tngt tnoso gro ‐houtrg` fvor sngpo, jgtorcg` fr joicuj,ghe`o ghi jgehctuio‚   (Caci), tncs uhcvorsg`cstcl vcow ifos hft nf`i gjfhe tnoLgrcagh `gheugeos fd tno Gjgzfhcgh roecfh. Yno Ugyghg, dfr oxgjp`o, ificstcheucsn aotwooh icddorche erfuhi typos wctnch tnocr pfstpfsctcfhs, ngvchesopgrgto pfstpfsctcfhs oxprossche `flgtcfh ch g eohorg` grog, ch g sjg``lfhtgchoi spglo, ch g `greo lfhtgchoi spglo, ch g `greo afuhi`oss gro ghi chwgtor (ld= soltcfh 9.1.1 dfr g du`` `cst fd spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs ch Ugyghg).

1.9.1 Yfpfhyjy

 Yfpfhyjy cs tno `ogst stuicoi sua-ifjgch fd spgtcg` `gheugeo<3

 tf igto, ghi cslfhlorhoi wctn tno stuiy fd p`glo hgjos ospolcg``y wctn roegris tf tnocr frcechghi joghche. Yncs cs porngps tno jfro chtorostche dglot wctnch tfpfhyjy gs ctg``fws us gh chscent chtf spgtcg` fhfjgstcls ghi ncstfry fd g pgrtclu`gr erfup.[`glo hgjos gro fdtoh iorcvoi drfj tno eofergpnclg` `flgtcfh, ohvcrfhjohtg`surrfuhiches fr ncstfrclg` ovohts. Yno vc``geo fd Gpotchg wgs frcechg``y twfvc``geos= Gpotchg ghi [æ`âucjâ „`greo grrfw-lgho–, wncln ngvo hfw aolfjo mfchoi. Yno hgjo [æ`âucjâ frcechgtos drfj tno `greo gjfuht fd g pgrtclu`gragjaff sfrt dfuhi gt tno `flgtcfh fd tno vc``geo, drfj wncln tno Ugyghgprovcfus`y jgio tnocr grrfws9;.

1.9.< Iocxcs  97 \pgtcg` hftcfhs lgh g`sf ao oxprossoi ay iocltcl o`ojohts wnoroay tno `flgtcfhfd tno Dceuro cs oxprossoi ch ro`gtcfh tf tno spooln glt pgrtclcpghts. @cheucstclvgrcgtcfh oxcsts wctnch tno iocltcl systoj gs sfjo `gheugeos ngvo g achgry

<> [rfd. @ofhgri Yg`jy cs lurroht`y [rfdossfr Ojorctus fd @cheucstcls gt tno \tgto _hcvorscty fd How Sfrb. Ncsjgch `cho fd rosogrln cs lfehctcvo `cheucstcls, ospolcg``y lfhlorhche typf`fecos ghi uhcvorsg`s fd sojghtclstrulturo wctnch hgturg`-`gheugeo sojghtcls (www.`cheucstcls.auddg`f.oiu/pofp`o).<3  Yfpfhyjy cs gltug``y g sua-ifjgch fd tno stuiy fd fhfjgstcls, tno stuiy fd frcech ghi uso fd prfporhgjos.9; Yfigy tno afw ghi grrfw ngs eohorg``y aooh rop`gloi ay tno snft euh dfr tno nuhtche fd jgjjg`s ghiacris ch tno dfrost. G sjg`` afw ghi grrfw lfhtchuos tf ao usoi uhior tno wgtor tf nuht g pgrtclu`gr dcsnspolcos.97  Yncs pgpor cs sf`o`y lfhlorhoi wctn spgtcg` fr p`glo iocxcs, ghi hft ftnor typos suln gs ojpngtcl,icslfurso, sflcg` fr tcjo iocxcs.

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Lngptor 1= Ynofrotclg` \ottche


iocltcl systoj wncln oxprossos `flgtcfh tf ao prfxcjg` (hogr tno spogbor) fricstg` (gwgy drfj tno spogbor) ghi ftnors ngvo g tortcgry systoj wncln chl`uiostno joicg` pgrgjotor. Ftnor `gheugeos gro jfro iotgc`oi ch tnocr iocltcl systojghi chl`uio ftnor pgrgjotors suln gs tno guica`o-hfhvcsca`o gs ch Yrcf (ld.Lgr`ch, 1;;9= 79>-7?7). Iocltcl ro`gtcfhs lgh ao oxprossoi tnrfuen sovorg` wfri

l`gssos suln gs `flgtcvo givoras, porsfhg` prfhfuhs ghi iojfhstrgtcvoprfhfuhs fr tnrfuen voras fd jftcfhs2 wncln wfri l`gssos gro usoi tf oxprosssuln ro`gtcfhs vgrcos lrfss-`cheucstclg``y. Yno Ugyghg, dfr oxgjp`o, icddorohtcgtoaotwooh tno hftcfh fd „tnoro– aoche prfxcjg`, joicg` fr icstg` fh fho `ovo` ghiaoche ch g spolcdcl fr hfh-spolcdcl `flgtcfh fh ghftnor (ld. soltcfh 9.9 dfr g du``fvorvcow fd iocltcl systoj ch Ugyghg). Iocltcl oxprosscfhs gro droquoht`ygllfjpghcoi ay eosturos wncln lfjp`ojoht tno uttorghlo ch icroltcfh ghiicstghlo. Yno Ugyghg g`wgys pfcht ch tno icroltcfh chtohioi ghi eohorg``y tnosczo fd tno eosturo cs ch ro`gtcfh tf tno icstghlo cjp`coi91.

1.? Dchg` rojgrbsCh tncs lngptor tno ifjgch fd spgtcg` tnchbche, ghi tno oxprosscfh tnorofdtnrfuen `gheugeo, wgs icslussoi ghi p`gloi ch gh ncstfrclg` lfhtoxt. Iuo tfprovcfus stuicos agsoi fh Chif-Ourfpogh `gheugeos wctn g strfhepnohfjohf`feclg` acgs, tno hftcfh ghi oxprosscfh fd spgtcg`cty wgs l`gcjoi tfao uhcvorsg` ch g`` erfups ghi `gheugeos. Yncs uhcvorsg` tnfuent wgs g`sfovcioht futscio tno dco`i fd `cheucstcls gs ovoh tno erogt ro`gtcvcst tnchborswctnch tno sflcg` slcohlos, suln gs Afgs ghi Unfrd, g`sf gssujoi gh chhgtouhcvorsg` porloptcfh fd spglo gjfhe lu`turos. Qoloht rosogrln fvor tno pgstiolgios ngs rosu`toi ch g rovcvg` fd tno Afgscgh trgictcfh fd @cheucstclQo`gtcvcty, oxtohiche ct chtf tno ifjgch fd spgtcg`cty. Lfhtojpfrgry `cheucstclghi lfehctcvo rosogrln lfhvoys nfw spgtcg` `gheugeo vgrcos lrfss-`cheucstclg``y,gs ifos tno uhior`yche spgtcg` porloptcfh. Hft fh`y cs spglo porlocvoipnohfjohf`feclg``y aut tnoro gro tnroo icstchlt drgjos fd rodorohlo drfj wnclntno `flgtcfh fd tno Dceuro jgy ao porlocvoi2 tncs vgrcos erogt`y lrfss-`cheucstclg``y.

 Ynorogdtor, g lfhiohsoi ioslrcptcfh fd tno sua-dco`is dfuhi ch spgtcg` `gheugeowgs ecvoh, g``fwche g e`cjpso chtf tncs `greo ifjgch fd spgtcg`cty ch `cheucstcls. Yncs g`sf icddorohtcgtos drfj tno provcfus ciog tngt spgtcg`cty wgs oxprossoisf`o`y tnrfuen tno l`gss fd gipfsctcfhs. Ch lngptor 9 g jfro iotgc`oi gllfuht fdtno spgtcg` `gheugeo fd tno Ugyghg wc`` ao ecvoh. Iuo tf tno rostrcltcfhs fd gstuiy ghi pgpor fd tncs sczo, tno jgch dflus wc`` ao fh tfpf`feclg` ro`gtcfhs ghinfw tno Ugyghg ergjjgtclg``y icddorohtcgto aotwooh vgrcfus typos fd Erfuhi.Dcrst`y, g ioslrcptcfh fd dco`i jotnfis usoi ch tno dco`i tf fatgch tno igtg fhwncln tncs rosogrln cs agsoi cs ecvoh ch tno df``fwche lngptor, Lngptor <.

91  Ynoso woro eohorg` fasorvgtcfhs jgio ch tno dco`i, durtnor rosogrln wfu`i gslortgch wnotnor tnoro cs gicrolt lfrro`gtcfh tf tno typo fd eosturo jgio ghi tno icstghlo fd g `flgtcfh tf tno spogbor. Ct ngs aoohsueeostoi ay @ovchsfh (1;;<) tngt tncs cs tno lgso.

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< Jotnfif`feyUctnfut jotnfi, wo gro `odt wctn lnghlo. Lnghlo cs tno fppfscto fd jotnfi ghi wowfu`i ngvo g vory icsfreghczoi wfr`i wctnfut jotnfis ghi tolnhcquos. Aut, wngt cs‐Jotnfi‚6 _hdfrtuhgto`y jotnfi cs g vory gjaceufus wfri. Ct–s sf gjaceufus tngt ctngs aooh wcio`y jcsusoi ghi jcschtorprotoi ch tno dco`is fd slcohlo ghi bhfw`oieo.(www.slcohtcdcljotnfi.lfj)

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


<.7 Chtrfiultcfh

 Yncs lngptor dcrst`y fut`chos tno torjs ghi lfhictcfhs tngt gpp`y tf ojpcrclg`rosogrln ch eohorg` aodfro ecvche g ioslrcptcfh fd tno gltug` jotnfif`feygpp`coi iurche tncs pgrtclu`gr dco`iwfrb sosscfh. Yncs wgs lgrrcoi fut chDoarugry ghi Jgrln, 1;;5 ch tno vc``geo fd Gpotchg, \urchgjo (ld. Jgp <.7).

 Yno jgch gcj fd tncs rosogrln wgs tf ghg`yzo tno ergjjgr surrfuhichetfpf`feclg` ro`gtcfhs ch Ugyghg (ld. Dceuro 1.7, soltcfh 1.9), wnoroay tno

ojpngscs `gy fh glqucrche gh fvorvcow fd tno rcln pfstpfsctcfhg` systojoxcstche ch Ugyghg spgtcg` `gheugeo. Giictcfhg``y gh chscent chtf tno iocltclsystoj, oxcstoht ch tno `flgtcvo givoras, tncri porsfh prfhfuhs ghi tno

Jgp <.7= @flgtcfh fd Gpotchg, \urchgjo

sfurlo= Ir. Octnho Lgr`ch

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Lngptor <= Jotnfif`fey


iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuhs, wgs tf ao fatgchoi ghi ghg`yzoi. Ch frior tfuhiorstghi tno ergjjgr surrfuhiche spgtcg`cty ch Ugyghg, gh ghg`yscs fd tnodrgjos fd rodorohlo usoi ch tno porloptcfh ghi oxprosscfh fd spglo wgs g`sfossohtcg`. G ioslrcptcfh fd tno `cheucstcl, lfehctcvo ghi otnhfergpncljotnfif`fey usoi cs ecvoh ao`fw.

<.1 Ojpcrclg` rosogrln

Uctnfut g ifuat, tno ciog` wgy fd lfhiultche `cheucstcl rosogrln cs ay `cvche dfrg `fhe porcfi gjfhe tno spogbors fd tno lnfsoh `gheugeo fd stuiy, g``fwche tno`gheugeo tf ao oxporcohloi ch cts igc`y lfhtoxt. Nfwovor, ch tno dco`i jghydgltfrs chd`uohlo nfw igtg cs glqucroi ghi tno suasoquoht qug`cty ghi qughtctyfd tngt wncln cs lf``oltoi2 chl`uiche tno aglberfuhi fd tno rosogrlnor, tno`ohetn fd tcjo spoht ch tno dco`i ghi tno wc``chehoss ghi oiulgtcfhg`aglberfuhi fd tno spogbors. G snfrt fvorvcow cs ecvoh ao`fw fd lortgch dgltfrswncln jgy chd`uohlo tno lf``oltcfh fd igtg ch tno dco`i, wctn spolcg` rodorohlo tfjy fwh oxporcohlos ch Gpotchg.

Gh fdtoh uhiorostcjgtoi prfa`oj cs tno pnohfjohfh fd „lu`turo snflb– ghi tnogddolts ct lgh ngvo fh aftn tno lf``oltcfh ghi tno ghg`yscs fd igtg. Ynoerogthoss fd cts gddolts iopohis fh jghy dgltfrs suln gs tno lngrgltor ghiaglberfuhi fd tno rosogrlnor gs wo`` gs tno rojftohoss ghi typo fd lfjjuhctyvcsctoi. Ch frior tf stuiy chiceohfus `gheugeos, rosogrlnors fdtoh `cvo dfr `fheorporcfis ch rojfto vc``geos, ch icddclu`t l`cjgtos wctn spgrso supp`cos ghirosfurlos. Fur fwh lfhlopts fd nyecoho, prcvgly ghi glloptoi sflcg` aongvcfurjgy icddor erogt`y drfj tnfso fd tno lfjjuhcty vcsctoi. G`tnfuen ct cs ossohtcg`tf bhfw gs juln gs pfssca`o gafut tno pofp`o wnfso `gheugeo cs efche tf aostuicoi, fdtoh toxt affb ioslrcptcfhs dg`` snfrt fd nfw ct cs oxporcohloi chrog`cty. Ct cs cjpfrtght tf sot rog`cstcl efg`s gs tf wngt lgh ao glncovoi ch tnodco`i iurche tno tcjo gvgc`ga`o, ghi jfro cjpfrtght`y g d`oxca`o jchi cs hooioich frior tf iog` wctn tno uhoxpoltoi fh aftn g porsfhg` ghi prfdosscfhg` `ovo`.

Aoche g rosogrlnor g`sf arches rospfhscac`cty wctn ct, rospfhscac`cty tfwgris tnolfjjuhcty ghi tno spogbors fd tno `gheugeo. Ct cs cjpfrtght tf trogt tno `flg`lfjjuhcty gs yfu wfu`i `cbo tf ao trogtoi yfurso`d, gpprfglnche tnojtnorodfro wctn rospolt rgtnor tngh gs stuiy famolts. Fho hoois tf rog`czo tngt gsg rosogrlnor, fho cs tgbche `flg` bhfw`oieo drfj tno lfjjuhcty ghi schlojghy ngvo rolcprflcty gs fho fd tnocr lghfhs, fho hoois tf glt gllfriche`y. Chtno pgst tncs pnc`fsfpny fd rolcprflcty ngs fdtoh aooh jcsusoi, lfhslcfus`y fruhlfhslcfus`y, ghi jcstrust ngs lfjo ch cts p`glo. G rosogrlnor ch tno dco`ihoois tf ao gwgro fd tno oddolts ncs/nor wfrb ngs fh tno lfjjuhcty ghi wngtno/sno lgh if ch roturh dfr tno bhfw`oieo egchoi. Qosogrlnors snfu`i g`wgysboop ch jchi= wngt ifos tno `flg` lfjjuhcty wcsn tf egch drfj ncs/norrosogrln6

 Yno lnfclo fd dco`i gsscstghts lgh ao g io`clgto suamolt gs `flg` pf`ctcls hoois tfao uhiorstffi ghi rospoltoi. Aftn tno Ugyghg ghi tno Yrcf `cvo ch tno vc``geofd Gpotchg. Nfwovor, aoche g Ugyghg vc``geo tno Ugyghg ngvo g ncenor sflcg`stgtus tngh tno Yrcf ghi tncs hoois tf ao tgboh chtf lfhsciorgtcfh ch frior tf

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


gvfci pfssca`o sflcg` cjp`clgtcfhs rosu`tche drfj doo`ches, suln gs mog`fusy. Ynojojaors fd tno twf Yrcf dgjc`cos wnf roscio ch Gpotchg gro d`uoht ch Ugyghgghi jghy Ugyghg gro g`sf prfdclcoht ch Yrcf. Iuo tf tncs, fho ngi tf ao gwgrofd `cheucstcl icddorohlos aotwooh tno twf `gheugeos ghi nfw tnoy sfjotcjosuhlfhslcfus`y eot jcxoi iurche lfhvorsgtcfh. G`` igtg tnorodfro g`wgys hooioi

tf ao ifua`o-lnolboi, wncln snfu`i ao lfjjfh prgltclo ch dco`i `cheucstcls2uhdfrtuhgto`y tncs cs hft g`wgys tno lgso. Ncorgrlncos gjfhe dgjc`cos g`sfhooioi tf ao uhiorstffi fh g pf`ctclg` ghi sflcg` `ovo`. Ygbche hftos wnc`stspogbche tf fho dgjc`y ghi hft tno ftnor lfu`i g`sf `ogi tf doo`ches fd mog`fusyrosu`tche ch sflcg` lfhd`clts, wncln pgrtclu`gr`y grfso iurche pgrtcos wnoro erogtqughtctcos fd lgssgvg aoor cs lfhsujoi.

Eohior g`sf p`gys g rf`o wctnch vc``geos ghi tnus ch tno lnfclo fd dco`igsscstghts. Ch Gpotchg tno wfjoh gro rospfhsca`o dfr g`jfst g`` nfusonf`i tgsbs`ogvche tnoj uhgvgc`ga`o dfr dco`iwfrb pgrtclcpgtcfh jfst fd tno igy. Aoche gwfjgh g`sf ngi lfhsoquohlos gs wfrbche wctn proifjchght`y jg`o gsscstghtslfu`i lguso mog`fusy gjfhe tno dgjc`y. Ghftnor pfcht wfrtny fd lfhsciorgtcfhwgs tngt fd `gheugeo. G vorhglu`gr `gheugeo cs hooioi ch frior tf uhiorstghitno stuicoi `gheugeo fh g ncenor `ovo` ghi ct gllo`orgtos ghi dglc`ctgtos tnoprfloss fd lf``oltcfh ghi `ogrhche. Fh grrcvg` ch Gpotchg jy lfjjghi fdspfboh Ugyghg wgs jchcjg` ghi sf C hooioi gh gsscstght wnf wgs g`sfprfdclcoht ch Iutln. Yncs hgrrfwoi ifwh tno pfsscac`ctcos fd suctga`o dco`igsscstghts erogt`y gs dow Ugyghg lgh spogb Iutln gt g rogsfhga`o `ovo`.

Ftnor gspolts tngt gddoltoi dco`iwfrb wctnch Gpotchg woro tnfso fd sogsfhs,wogtnor ghi `flg` pgrtcos. Jy dco`iwfrb wgs lfhiultoi iurche tno snfrt irysogsfh ch Doarugry ghi Jgrln. Iurche tncs tcjo tno jgmfrcty fd tno dco`is ngig`rogiy aooh l`ogroi ghi p`ghtoi rosu`tche ch gh chlrogso fd gvgc`ga`o droo tcjo.G lfhsoquohlo fd tncs wgs tngt wgs tnorodfro gh ciog` tcjo tf vcsct ro`gtcvos chftnor vc``geos fr tf trgvo` tf [grgjgrcaf dfr supp`cos. Gs g rosu`t tno pfpu`gtcfhfd tno vc``geo wgs lfhsciorga`y icjchcsnoi iurche jy stgy. Yncs oxtrg drootcjogvgc`ga`o ghi tno chlrogsoi wog`tn ch tno vc``geo rosu`toi ch g ncenor droquohlyfd pgrtcos ghi tno suasoquoht lfhsujptcfh fd lgssgvg aoor. Gs fho lghcjgecho `ctt`o dco`iwfrb lfu`i ao lfhiultoi gt tnoso tcjos. Uogtnor lfhictcfhsg`sf gddoltoi dco`iwfrb ch tno sohso tngt lortgch lfhictcfhs woro dgvfurga`o dfrlortgch typos fd dcsnche ghi nuhtche ghi lfu`i hft ao cehfroi. Gt sulnjfjohts g`jfst g`` tno joh ch tno vc``geo scju`tghofus`y `odt ghi lfu`i aosooh octnor dcsnche g`fhe fr ch tno rcvor, fr roturhche nfurs `gtor drfj tno dfrostwctn egjo gdtor g sullossdu` nuhtche sosscfh. Gs g rosogrlnor, fho lgh ogsc`ydfreot tngt tno `flg` chngactghts ngvo g igc`y `cdo wncln hoois tf lfhtchuownotnor rosogrln cs tf ao lfhiultoi fr hft.

G dchg` lguso fd icstrgltcfh wgs tno grrcvg` fd vcsctfrs ch tno vc``geo. Aoche gro`gtcvo`y csf`gtoi vc``geo, vcsctfrs so`ifj grrcvoi ghi wnoh tnoy ici tno wnf`ovc``geo stfppoi, turhche g`` gttohtcfh tf tno how grrcvg`s. Iurche jy dco`iwfrbporcfi tno LID\ (ld. soltcfh 7.<.1) wgs ausy wctn tno lfhstrultcfh fd g howslnff` wncln erogt`y chlrogsoi tno droquohly fd d`cents ghi vcsctfrs. Yncs

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iolrogsoi tno rosogrln tcjo gvgc`ga`o fh g `cheucstcl `ovo` aut chlrogsoipfsscac`ctcoi dfr pgrtclcpgtcfh ghi fasorvgtcfh. Yno auc`iche fd tno slnff` g`sfchd`uohloi ay lnfclo fd dco`i gsscstghts gs sovorg` Ugyghg wnf woro g`sfprfdclcoht ch tno Iutln `gheugeo ngi aooh ojp`fyoi ay tno LID\ tf no`p wctntno lfhstrultcfh fd tno slnff`.

<.< Jotnfif`fey

Ch tno df``fwche soltcfhs gh fvorvcow fd tno gltug` `cheucstcl ghi otnhfergpncljotnfif`fey usoi ch Gpotchg cs ecvoh.

<.<.7 Yno lf``oltcfh fd `cheucstcl igtg Ynoro gro sovorg` jotnfis dfr lf``oltche `cheucstcl igtg rosu`tche ch tnoglluju`gtcfh fd g vgrcoty fd dfrjs fd `gheugeo2 hgjo`y o`clctoi ghswors,hgturg` spfboh `gheugeo ghi hgrrgtcvo sty`os. Ch rodorohlo tf tno qug`cty fd tno

igtg lf``oltoi, g`` tnroo dfrjs ngvo aftn givghtgeos ghi icsgivghtgeos fdwncln rosogrlnors hooi tf ao gwgro. @gheugeo usoi ch frg` trgictcfhs cs fdtoh`oss lfhvohtcfhg` tngh tngt dfuhi ch eohorg` ovoryigy lfhvorsgtcfh. Ct cs fdtohrcln ch jotgpnfrs wncln gro fdtoh jcsuhiorstffi ay tno rosogrlnor, rosu`tchech chlfrrolt trghs`gtcfhs ghi ghg`yscs. Ciog``y, hgturg` `gheugeo snfu`i ao tnoprcjgry sfurlo ghi snfu`i ao lf``oltoi uhior vgrcfus lfhictcfhs ghi lfhtoxts.Nfwovor, wnotnor g`` igtg gro suctga`o dfr uso9<, hoois tf ao icslussoi wctn tnogltfrs. O`clctgtcfh cs chovctga`o ghi lgh ao ospolcg``y usodu` dfr fatgchchepgrgicejs fd, dfr oxgjp`o, voras ghi pfssossoi hfuhs. Iospcto tnosogivghtgeos fho just g`sf ao gwgro fd tno

rostrcltcfhs o`clctgtcfh arches gs tno igtg cs fdtohwngt yfu gsb dfr rgtnor tngh hgturg`. Ch Gpotchgg`` dfrjs fd igtg woro lf``oltoi usche tnojotnfis ioslrcaoi ch tno df``fwche soltcfhsdf``fwche tno chtrfiultcfh fd jy jgch gsscstght, Mfngh.

Jy jgch dco`i gsscstght wgs Mfngh (Dceuro <.7),wnf wgs gafut << yogrs f`i99  ghi aoscios ncsdgjc`y lfjjctjohts wgs g`sf g tfur eucio dfr

tfurcsts grrcvche ch tno vc``geo. Ncs prfdclcohly chIutln wgs fd g rogsfhga`o `ovo` wncln no`poiwctn trghs`gtcfh. Iospcto g erogt `glb fdoiulgtcfh ch tno vc``geo Mfngh lfu`i rogi ghiwrcto wncln wgs no`pdu` iurche tno trghslrcptcfhfd guicf rolfriches. Uo wfrboi eohorg``y fh g

9< Gs hgturg` ̀ gheugeo fdtoh chl`uios porsfhg` lfhvorsgtcfhs wncln jgy ao prcvgto ch hgturo, tno rosogrlnorhoois tf ao gwgro fd tno lfhsoquohlos fd jgbche suln igtg pua`cl.99  _htc` roloht`y tno pnohfjohfh fd acrtnigys ghi gltug` geo wgs uhbhfwh ghi uhcjpfrtght gjfhe tnoUgyghg, ghi chiooi ftnor Gjgzfhcgh pofp`os. Uctn tno chlrogsoi chd`uohlos fd tno wostorh wfr`i ghi tnolfchlciche aurogulrgly suln chdfrjgtcfh cs aolfjche chlrogsche`y cjpfrtght. Giictcfhg``y wctn tno erfwtn fdlgpctg` wog`tn tno hujaor fd pfssca`o dostcvctcos ngs g`sf chlrogsoi ghi acrtnigys gro aolfjche chlrogsche`ycjpfrtght. Iospcto g`` tncs, tno jgmfrcty fd tno Ugyghg fh`y bhfw gpprfxcjgto`y wncln yogr tnoy woro afrhghi sovorg` gppogr must tf pclb g rghifj igto fh wncln tf lo`oargto ct.

Dceuro <.7= Mfngh

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


igc`y agscs iurche tno woob dfr up tf twf nfurs g igy. Gs tno Ugyghg gro hftusoi tf johtg` wfrb fd suln g bchi, twf nfurs wgs tno jgxcjuj tngt lfu`i aowfrboi chtohscvo`y por igy.

<.<.7.7 Eohorg` lfhvorsgtcfh ghi o`clctgtcfh

Igtg lf``oltcfh aoegh wctn scjp`y wg`bche grfuhi tno vc``geo ghi stfppche ayvgrcfus nfusos jgbche „sjg`` tg`b– ghi gsbche vc``geors wngt tnoy woro ifcheghi wngt lortgch ctojs woro. Ch tncs jghhor C lfu`i lf``olt wfri`csts fdovoryigy ctojs ghi `ogrh tf lfhstrult scjp`o sohtohlos fh wncln C lfu`i `gtoro`gafrgto. Yncs jotnfi aolgjo pgrt fd jy igc`y rfutcho. Yno qughtcty ghiqug`cty fd igtg lf``oltoi vgrcoi drfj igy tf igy iopohiche fh jy fwh stgto fdjchi ghi tngt fd tno vc``geors, gs sfjo igys pofp`o woro jfro fpoh tngh ftnorstf ecvche chdfrjgtcfh. C trcoi tf lnolb g`` igtg wctn gt `ogst fho ftnor Ugyghgiurche tno lfurso fd jy stgy. Yno `ogrhche fd how wfris ghi lfhlopts `gci tnoagscs dfr durtnor o`clctgtcfh aut fho hoois tf ao gwgro tngt tno ghswors gro hftg`wgys hgturg` aut fdtoh wngt tno spogbor tnchbs yfu wght tf nogr.

<.<.7.1 Yno Yfpf`feclg` Qo`gtcfhs [clturo \orcos

 Yno Yfpf`feclg` Qo`gtcfhs [clturo \orcos drfjJo`cssg Afworjgh, fd tno Jgx [`ghlb Chstctuto dfr[sylnf`cheucstcls ch Hcmjoeoh, wgs usoi ch snfrto`clctgtcfh sosscfhs wctn g dow spogbors fh icddorohtfllgscfhs. Yno affb lfhscsts fd scjp`o pclturosiohftche g Dceuro-Erfuhi ro`gtcfhsncp (Dceuro <.1

ghi Dceuro <.<) ghi cs iovcsoi tf snfw g`` dfrjs fdro`gtcfhs oxprossoi wctnch `gheugeo. Dfr oglnpclturo tno Ugyghg spogbor wgs gsboi wnoro tnoncen`centoi famolt (sngioi eroy) wgs ch ro`gtcfh tftno Erfuhi. G`tnfuen tno igtg lf``oltoi worojgch`y ch tno dfrj fd snfrt o`clctoi sohtohlos, ct iciecvo g effi chscent chtf tno vgrcfus pfstpfsctcfhsusoi tf oxpross tfpf`feclg` ro`gtcfhs ch Ugyghg,ghi ch tnocr porloptcfh fd spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh. Gegchtncs jotnfi fpohoi up ftnor pfsscac`ctcos fd

o`clctgtcfh ghi lfhvorsgtcfh. Yno fatgchoi ghsworsworo lnolboi wctn ftnor spogbors ch tno vc``geo.Lrogtcvcty wgs sfjotcjos hooioi gs sfjo pclturosiopcltoi wostorh famolts stc`` ro`gtcvo`y uhbhfwh tftno Ugyghg, suln gs g to`opnfho ngheche fh g wg``ghi g egrioh nfso.

<.<.7.< [orsfhg` stfrcos

Gs tno igtg lf``oltoi drfj o`clctgtcfh cs `cjctoi, C rolfrioi snfrt hgrrgtcvos chtno dfrj fd snfrt porsfhg` stfrcos drfj jy jgch dco`i gsscstght Mfngh. Gdtor

jgbche gh guicf rolfriche fd ncs hgrrgtcvo, tno stfry wgs cjjoicgto`ytrghslrcaoi tnrfuen rop`gyche tno tgpo ghi wrctche fut ghi trghs`gtche oglnwfri wctn tno no`p fd Mfngh. Unc`st trghslrcache tno toxts C g`sf usoi o`clctgtcfh

Dceuro <.<= Oxgjp`odrfj Yfpf`feclg`Qo`gtcfhs [clturo\orcos

Dceuro <.1= Oxgjp`odrfj Yfpf`feclg`Qo`gtcfhs [clturo \orcos

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tolnhcquos tf fatgch pgrgicejs fd uhbhfwh hfuhs ghi voras ghi tf gslortgchwncln pfstpfsctcfhs lfu`i ao usoi wctn wncln hfuhs, prfvciche jo wctn oxtrgigtg. Yno lf``oltche fd stfrcos prfvcioi jo wctn jfro hgturg`, d`fwche `gheugeorgtnor tngh snfrt o`clctoi sohtohlos wncln gro chovctga`o ch tno aoechhche fd`ogrhche g dfroceh `gheugeo.

<.<.7.9 Lf``oltcfh fd frg` trgictcfhs

 Yncs wgs lfhiultoi ch lf``gafrgtcfh wctn Ir.Octnho Lgr`ch wnf lf``oltoi frg` trgictcfhsdrfj stfryto``or Bu`opojgh (Dceuro <.9) ghi gtrgictcfhg` nog`or, \gjo. Yno sgjo tolnhcquowgs usoi gs ioslrcaoi gafvo tf rolfri ghitrghslrcao tno stfrcos ghi gh oxtrg vciofrolfriche wgs jgio ngvche tno giioi vg`uo fdlgpturche eosturos wncln gro cjpfrtght wctnch

tno to``che fd frg` trgictcfhs. Ct cs vctg``ycjpfrtght tf ngvo g vorhglu`gr `gheugeo chfrior tf fatgch tno aost uhiorstghiche fd tnotoxt wncln cs fdtoh rcln ch jotgpnfrs. G`tnfuentno lfhtoxt fd suln stfrcos jgy ao `fst tf glortgch oxtoht gs tnoy gro aoche tf`i tnrfuen g

jfhf`feuo rgtnor tngh chtorgltcvo`y, juln `cheucstcl ghi otnhfergpncl igtglgh stc`` ao e`oghoi drfj suln sfurlos.

<.<.7.? [nftf-famolt jgtlnche tgsb

 Yno Jgx [`ghlb Chstctuto fd [sylnf`cheucstcls ch Hcmjoeoh ioscehoi g „spgloegjos bct– ay wncln tf iotorjcho tno uhior`yche spgtcg` jgppche ghi drgjos fdrodorohlo usoi ay hgtcvo spogbors. Yno bct lfhscsts fd sovorg` „egjos– fr tgsbs,tno jgmfrcty fd wncln gro ioscehoi tf iotorjcho lfehctcvo prflossos rgtnor tnghtno lf``oltcfh fd `cheucstcl igtg. G`tnfuen C g`sf lfhiultoi tno rolg``-jojfrytgsb (ld. soltcfh <.<.1.7) tf gslortgch tno uhior`yche lffrichgto systoj fd tnoUgyghg, tno jgch gcj fd tncs rosogrln wgs tf lf``olt gs juln tfpf`feclg`,`cheucstcl igtg gs pfssca`o. Ch frior tf glncovo tncs, tno pnftf-famolt jgtlnchetgsb wgs tno jfst suctga`o dfr jy hoois gs ct cs ioscehoi tf snfw g wcio vgrcotyfd tfpf`feclg` ro`gtcfhs. Yno Ugyghg ngvo g ro`gtcvo`y `greo systoj fdpfstpfsctcfhs9? iohftche tfpf`feclg` ro`gtcfhsncps aotwooh Dceuro ghi Erfuhi. Yno jgch efg` ch lfhiultche tno pnftf-famolt jgtlnche tgsb wgs tnorodfro tfghg`yzo tncs pfstpfsctcfhg` systoj ghi tf iotorjcho wncln pfstpfsctcfhs grogttglnoi tf wncln lgtoefry fd hfuhs. Ovohtug``y tno famoltcvo cs tf chvostcegtowny tno Ugyghg ngvo suln g rcln systoj ghi nfw ct rovog`s tno jghhors chwncln tnoy porlocvo tno wfr`i grfuhi tnoj.

9? Ld. soltcfh 9.1.1 dfr g lfjp`oto fvorvcow fd tno spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs ch Ugyghg. Ch tno igtg lf``oltoi, Cgttostoi 15 `flgtcvos, tno jgmfrcty fd wncln g`sf ohlfjpgss g icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt. Hft chl`uioi ch tncshujaor gro tno por`gtcvos -c`â ghi -`f ghi tno sfurlo jgrbor -châ .

Dceuro <.9= Bu`opojgh ghiIr. Octnho Lgr`ch gt wfrb

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


 Yno frcechg` pnftf-famolt jgtlnche tgsb cslfhiultoi aotwooh twf hgtcvo spogbors, fhofd wnfj cs ecvoh g sot fd pnftfergpnsiopcltche g proiotorjchoi grrgheojoht fdp`gstcl troos, dgrj ghcjg`s ghi joh2 ghi tno

ftnor cs ecvoh g sot fd tnoso gltug` dceurchos. Yno pgrtclcpght ch pfssosscfh fd tnopnftfergpns ngs tf chstrult tno ftnor tf p`glotno dceuros sf tnoy jgtln tno g`cehjoht ch tnoecvoh pnftfergpn. Yf ohsuro tngt tnoholossgry rosu`ts gro fatgchoi, tno spogborsgro p`gloi scio ay scio, sopgrgtoi ay, ch tncslgso, g `greo l`ftn fastrultche tnocr vcow fdtno ftnor pgrtclcpght ghi tnocr gltcfhs. Unohtnoy ao`covo tno grrgheojoht jgtlnos tngt fhtno pnftfergpn, tno chstrultfr oxgjchos tno rosu`t ghi lfrrolts wnoroholossgry. Ch tno dco`i ct wgs icslfvoroi tngt tno dceuros ici hft lfjp`oto`yjgtln tnfso fh tno pnftfergpn ghi sf tno tgsb wgs s`cent`y gigptoi tf gvfcighy lfjp`clgtcfhs tngt jgy grcso. Chstogi aftn pgrtclcpghts woro ecvoh tnooxglt sgjo sot fd p`gstcl dceurchos ghi C progrrgheoi tnfso fd tno chstrultfr sftnoy lfchlcioi wctn tno vgrcfus grrgheojohts fh tno frcechg` pnftfergpns (ld.Dceuro <.?). Yno tgsb wgs ohgltoi usche ocent icddoroht lfjpfsctcfhs ghi aftnpgrtclcpghts tffb ct ch turhs tf chstrult tno ftnor tf grrgheo ncs dceurchos ch tnosgjo jghhor gs ncs fwh94. Yno tgsb wgs rolfrioi ghi `gtor trghslrcaoi ghitrghs`gtoi ch tno dco`i wctn tno no`p fd aftn pgrtclcpghts95.

G dow prfa`ojs grfso iurche tno ohgltjoht fd tno tgsb. Yno dceurchostnojso`vos woro g`rogiy g`coh tf tno Ugyghg, ghi ovoh jfro sf gs tnoyiopcltoi wostorh dgrj ghcjg`s. Yncs `oi tf juln lfhduscfh aut g`sf nc`grcty gstno „lfw– wgs rodorroi tf gs bgupscb „`ctt`o lfw–, bgpgu „ioor– ghi jf`cbæpscb „`ctt`onfrso– (ld. ( 7.7)).

( 7.7) bgu-pscb ohæb-pohg-pscb bgpgulfw-ICJ  W.GHCJ-NO\CY -ICJ  ioortno `ctt`o lfw, wngt-if-yfu-lg``-ncj, ioor

  Yno pce wgs rodorroi tf gs  pâchâbâ-cjâ , (pce-G_E) `ctorg``y „vory `greo pce–, wnclncs tno torjchf`fey tno Ugyghg uso tf rodor tf ifjostclgtoi pces, icddorohtcgtchetnoj drfj tno wc`i afgrs dfuhi ch tno dfrost. Yno sjg`` p`gstcl troos woroeohorg``y hgjoi wowo  „troo– ghi pgmg  „ergss–. Nfwovor, fh g dow fllgscfhs tnoyrodorroi tf tnoj gs wowo-ptæ`o   „stuhtoi troo– fr  pgmg-ptæ`o „stuhtoi ergss–,iojfhstrgtche tngt tnoy ngi hf gac`cty tf erfw ghy durtnor. Durtnorlfjp`clgtcfhs grfso gs tno „lfw– ngi g lrffboi holb wncln wgs lfhduscheroegriche tno lfhlopt fd „dglche–.

94 G`tnfuen tno pnftf-famolt jgtlnche tgsb wgs gigptoi ghi gltug``y aolgjo gh famolt-famolt jgtlnche tgsb,C lfhtchuo tf rodor tf ct gs tno pnftf-famolt jgtlnche tgsb ch tncs tnoscs gs ct cs agsoi fh tngt pgrtclu`gr tgsbfd tno Jgx [`ghlb Chstctuto.95 [grt fd tno igtg lf``oltoi drfj tncs tgsb lgh ao dfuhi ch tno Gppohiclos.

Dceuro <.?= Oxgjp`o fd `gyfutfd dceurchos iurche tno pnftf-famolt jgtlnche tgsb

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 Yno tgsb ici, nfwovor, g`sf prfiulo g `ft fd chtorostche `cheucstcl ghiotnhfergpncl igtg tngt ftnorwcso jcent hft ngvo aooh ohlfuhtoroi. Ftnorgivghtgeos chl`uioi tno fatgchche fd g rcln lfrpus fd tfpf`feclg` igtg, tnogac`cty tf uhiorstghi tno uhior`yche drgjos fd rodorohlo usoi ay tno Ugyghgghi tno lf``oltcfh fd otnhfergpncl igtg tnrfuen fasorvgtcfh. Nfwovor, suln

tgsbs g`sf ngvo g dow icsgivghtgeos tngt fho hoois tf tgbo chtf lfhsciorgtcfh. Yno bct cs ioscehoi dfr g lortgch purpfso ghi tnorodfro yfu glncovo g lortgchefg`, gs tno tost cs hft lfjp`oto`y hgturg` ch lngrgltor tno `cheucstcl igtg cs g`sf`oss hgturg`. G`tnfuen tno spfhtghofus chtorgltcfh aotwooh aftn pgrtclcpghtswgs hgturg` ghi lfhtgchoi chtorostche `cheucstcl ghi otnhfergpncl igtg, tnolf``oltoi igtg hoois tf ao p`gloi wctnch g `greor lfhtoxt ghi usoi chlfjachgtcfh wctn ftnor igtg fatgchoi drfj ftnor sfurlos ch frior tf lrogto groprosohtgtcvo fvorvcow fd tno `gheugeo ch eohorg`.

<.<.1 Yno lf``oltcfh fd lfehctcvo ghi otnhfergpncl igtg

<.<.1.7 Qolg`` jojfry tgsb

Gs provcfus`y stgtoi tno jgch dflus fd tncs pgpor cs hft tf ghg`yzo lfehctcfhg`tnfuen ct lgh g`sf hft ao cehfroi wnoh iog`che wctn spgtcg`cty. Gs g sjg``tost, C lfhiultoi tno „rolg``-jojfry tgsb–, gs ioscehoi ay tno Jgx [`ghlbChstctuto fd [sylnf`cheucstcls, tf durtnor strohetnoh ciogs fh tno uhior`ychespgtcg` jgppche fd tno Ugyghg.

Dceuro <.4= Qolg`` Jojfry Ygsb - Ghcjg`s-ch-g-Qfw

\furlo= @ovchsfh. 1;;<. \pglo ch @gheugeo ghi Lfehctcfh= Oxp`frgtcfhs ch Lfehctcvo Icvorscty.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


 Yno „rolg``-jojfry tgsb–, fr „ghcjg`s-ch-g-rfw– tost, chvf`vos tno p`glche fdtnroo p`gstcl dceurchos ch g rfw ghi gsbche tno pgrtclcpghts tf rojojaor nfwtno dceurchos, ch tncs lgso p`gstcl ghcjg`s, gro p`gloi. \uasoquoht`y, tnopgrtclcpghts gro rovf`voi ay 7>;f  ghi gsboi tf rolfhstrult tno grrgheojohttnoy ngvo must fasorvoi. C lfhiultoi tncs tost gjfhe > icddoroht spogbors fd

Ugyghg drfj vgryche geos ghi eohiors. 7;;% egvo tno gasf`uto rospfhsowncln snfws tnocr uhior`yche jgppche tf ao g``flohtrcl, fr gasf`uto. \pogborsfd wostorh `gheugeos wctn g ro`gtcvo fr pnohfjohf`feclg` acgs ecvo g ro`gtcvorosu`t gs iopcltoi ch Dceuro <. (Ld. @ovchsfh, 1;;<= 7?>-7?3).

<.<.1.1 Otnhfergpncl igtg

Ch frior tf p`glo tno `cheucstcl igtg wctnch g arfgior sflcg` ghi lu`turg`lfhtoxt, tno lf``oltcfh fd otnhfergpncl igtg wgs g`sf roqucroi. G`tnfuen tnogjfuht fd igtg tngt lgh ao lf``oltoi ch suln g ro`gtcvo`y snfrt porcfi fd tcjo cs`cjctoi, C gcjoi tf glluju`gto gs juln gs pfssca`o ch tno tcjo gvgc`ga`o tf jo.Jotnfis usoi tf glncovo tncs chl`uioi tno lfhiultche fd chtorvcows, tnolf``oltche fd `cdo-ncstfrcos, fasorvgtcfh ghi pgrtclcpgtcfh.

 Yno chtorvcows C lf``oltoi woro eohorg``y lfhiultoi uhior chdfrjg`lcrlujstghlos, ghi prfvcioi jo wctn sfjo vg`uga`o igtg, tno qug`cty fd wnclnchlrogsoi tfwgris tno ohi fd jy stgy. Gt tncs tcjo jy ro`gtcfhsncps wctn tnovc``geors ngi strohetnohoi ghi jy prfdclcohly ch Ugyghg ngi erogt`y chlrogsoi,rosu`tche ch jfro vg`uga`o igtg. Ct aolgjo ovcioht tngt ay hft icrolt`y gsbchewngt yfu wghtoi tf bhfw, tno jfro usodu` tno glluju`gtoi igtg aolgjo, fdtohtno pfsche fd icrolt quostcfhs rosu`toi ch tno Ugyghg rospfhiche drfj wctnch gpgrtclu`gr rf`o2 fho tnoy ao`covoi yfu wcsnoi tnoj tf p`gy. Chtorvcows g`wgyshooi lgrodu` ghg`yscs gs jghy dgltfrs hooi tf ao tgboh chtf gllfuht, suln gswnf, wny, wnoh, uhior wngt lfhictcfhs, ghi tno `cbo.

 Yno gcj fd lf``oltche `cdo-stfrcos wgs proifjchght`y tf glqucro `cheucstcl igtgwctn g jfro hgturg`, d`fwche lngrgltor, aut juln otnhfergpncl igtg lfu`i g`sfao e`oghoi drfj suln oxorlcsos. @cdo-stfrcos jgch`y lfhlorh ovoryigy `cdo wctnchtno vc``geo sf wnoh tncri pgrtcos gro chvf`voi, fho just ao gwgro fd wngt csaoche tf`i ghi wny. Ovorytnche hoois tf ao p`gloi wctnch cts fwh sflcg` ghilu`turg` lfhtoxt.

Iurche jy stgy ch Gpotchg, g `greo gjfuht fd vg`uga`o igtg wgs fatgchoitnrfuen fasorvgtcfh. Yncs vgrcoi drfj fasorvgtcfh iurche `cheucstcl tosts, tf tnofasorvgtcfh fd ovoryigy `cdo grfuhi tno vc``geo. @cvche ch tno lfjjuhcty nfusoprfvcioi jo wctn gh oxlo``oht agso drfj wncln tf fasorvo igc`y `cdo. Iurche tnodchg` woobs fd jy stgy tno droquohly fd pgrtclcpgtcfh g`sf chlrogsoi ghichl`uioi gsscstche ch tno propgrgtcfh fd lgssgvg, wncln cs fd erogt cjpfrtghloch tno lfjjuhcty9>. Giictcfhg``y, iurche tno pgrtclcpgtcfh fd dgjc`y jog`s julnchdfrjgtcfh wgs fatgchoi lfhlorhche lu`turg` gspolts, sflcg` strulturos ghi

9> Gs stgtoi ay Bgrch Afvoh= ‐not sproboh vgh io tgg` oh not buhhoh aoworboh oh wggrioroh vgh lgssgvga`oboh … ao`ghercmbo gspoltoh vgh not Ugyghg zcmh ‚ (1;;4= 4)2 spogbche tno `gheugeo ghi aoche ga`o tfprfloss ghi gpprolcgto lgssgvg gppogroi tf ao cjpfrtght gspolts fd aoche Ugyghg–.

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Lngptor <= Jotnfif`fey


uhior`yche ro`gtcfhsncps. Favcfus`y fasorvgtcfh cs suamolt tf suamoltcvcty auttnrfuen `ctorgturo, oxporcohlo ghi lfjjfh sohso juln aolfjos gppgroht.

<.9 Lfhl`uscfh

Qoegri`oss fd g ro`gtcvo`y snfrt stgy gjfhe tno Ugyghg fd Gpotchg, C jghgeoi

tf lf``olt g `greo lfrpus fd `cheucstcl ghi otnhfergpncl igtg fh wncln tf agsotncs stuiy. Yno ghg`yscs fd tncs igtg wc`` gsscst jo ch fatgchche g iooporuhiorstghiche fh nfw tno Ugyghg porlocvo ghi oxporcohlo spglo. Gs cs truo fdghy dco`iwfrb, tnoro gro nfwovor, gspolts C wfu`i lngheo ghi cjprfvo iurchejy hoxt vcsct. Iurche tno ghg`yscs fd tno igtg lf``oltoi iurche tno pnftf-famoltjgtlnche tgsb tno vg`uo g vciof rolfriche wfu`i ngvo ngi aolgjo gppgroht.Jghy eosturos ghi hfh-vorag` lfjjuhclgtcfh lgh ao lf``oltoi wctn sulnrolfriches. Ynrfuen oxporcohlo, jy dco`i jotnfis cjprfvoi iurche jy stgy,tncs g``fws jo tf aoech jy hoxt dco`i wfrb drfj g aottor pfsctcfh prfdosscfhg``yghi porsfhg``y. Ay roturhche tf tno sgjo vc``geo g erogtor ro`gtcfhsncp fd trustwc`` gutfjgtclg``y ao glncovoi wncln erogt`y ohnghlos tno qug`cty ghi qughtctyfd igtg lf``oltoi. Yno jfst cjpfrtght lfhictcfh dfr ifche rosogrln ch ghchiceohfus lfjjuhcty, C ao`covo, cs tf trogt `flg` aongvcfurs, ncorgrlncos ghigafvo g`` tno pofp`o wctn erogt rospolt. Fh`y ay porlocvche tno Ugyghg gssuamolts rgtnor tngh famolts, lgh g nog`tny wfrbche ro`gtcfhsncp ao fatgchoighi tno jfst vg`uga`o igtg, ao lf``oltoi.

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9 @cheucstcl Ghg`yscsOvorytnche tngt wo ngvo sf dgr sooh tf ao truo fd `gheugeo pfchts tf tno dglt tngt ct cstno jfst scehcdclght ghi lf`fssg` wfrb tngt tno nujgh spcrct ngs ovf`voi - hftnchesnfrt fd g dchcsnoi dfrj fd oxprosscfh dfr g`` lfjjuhclga`o oxporcohlo. Yncs dfrj jgyao ohi`oss`y vgrcoi ay tno chicvciug` wctnfut tnoroay `fsche cts icstchltcvo lfhtfurs2 ghict cs lfhstght`y rosngpche ctso`d gs cs g`` grt. @gheugeo cs tno jfst jgsscvo ghi chl`uscvogrt wo bhfw, g jfuhtgchfus ghi ghfhyjfus wfrb fd uhlfhslcfus eohorgtcfhs.(Oiwgri \gpcr)

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


9.7 Chtrfiultcfh

Gs ioslrcaoi ch soltcfh 1, tnoro cs erogt vgrcgtcfh wfr`iwcio ch nfw spglo csporlocvoi, ghi tnoroay oxprossoi, ch `gheugeo. Ch Ugyghg spgtcg`cty csoxprossoi `oxclg``y glrfss sovorg` wfri l`gssos, hgjo`y= spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs,

`flgtcvo givoras ghi iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuhs. Yncs lngptor iog`s ch iotgc` wctntno jfrpnf`fey ghi sojghtcls fd tnoso tnroo wfri l`gssos. Iuo tf tno dflusghi `cjctgtcfhs fd tncs pgpor, C lfhlohtrgto sf`o`y fh tno jfrpnf`feclg` ghisojghtcl lngrgltorcstcls fd spgtcg` oxprosscfh ch Ugyghg, rgtnor tngh ecvche gdu`` ergjjgtclg` ghg`yscs wncln wfu`i ftnorwcso chl`uio pnfhf`fey ghisyhtgx93.

 Yno oxgjp`os ecvoh ch tno df``fwche soltcfhs gro tgboh drfj tno igtg fatgchoiiurche tno „pnftf-famolt jgtlnche egjo– (ld. soltcfh <.<.7.?) ghi o`clctgtcfhoxorlcsos agsoi fh tno „Yfpf`feclg` Qo`gtcfhs [clturo \orcos– (ld. soltcfh <.<.7.1).

 Yno jgch purpfso fd lfhiultche tnoso tgsbs wgs tf lf``olt g `greo grrgy fdspgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs, wncln wgs sullossdu` gs icsp`gyoi ch tno df``fwchesoltcfhs. Ch lgsos wnoro oxgjp`os ngvo aooh tgboh drfj hgrrgtcvos, tno sfurlocs hftoi ao`fw.

9.1 [fstpfsctcfhs

Gipfsctcfhs lfhstctuto g l`fsoi, notorfeohofus wfri l`gss. Ynoy just g`wgystgbo g lfjp`ojoht ch tno dfrj fd g hfuh, hfuh pnrgso fr prfhfuh.[fstpfsctcfhs gro gipfsctcfhs wncln df``fw tnocr lfjp`ojoht tfeotnor dfrjche

pfstpfsctcfhg` pnrgsos. Yno duhltcfh fd tno pfstpfsctcfh cs tf `chb ctslfjp`ojoht wctn tno rost fd tno l`guso fr sohtohlo oxprossche g vgrcoty fdsojghtcl ghi syhtgltcl ro`gtcfhs.

9.1.7 [fstpfsctcfhs ch Ugyghg= chtrfiultcfhGllfriche tf Ygvgros (1;;4= 145), Ugyghg ngs ?< gttostoi pfstpfsctcfhs wnclngro usoi tf oxpross sojghtcl ghi syhtgltcl ro`gtcfhs roprosohtche hftcfhs fdspgtcg`cty (ch, fh, gt), tojpfrg`cty (wnoh), ro`gtcfhs (wctn, ay), ojftcfhs frporloptcfh (gdrgci, ghery, bhfw) ghi ftnor lfhlopts suln gs tno dglscjc`o,chstrujohtg`, iosciorgtcvo, ghi chtohscdcor. Ch tncs pgpor C lfhlohtrgto sf`o`y fh

tno Ugyghg pfstpfsctcfhs oxprossche spgtcg` hftcfhs fd `flgtcfh, icroltcfh,sfurlo ghi pgtn. [rcfr tf ioslrcache tno sojghtcls fd ogln spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfh,C dcrst ecvo g lfhlcso jfrpnf`feclg` ghg`yscs fd tno pfstpfsctcfhg` wfri l`gss chUgyghg.

9.1.1 \pgtcg` [fstpfsctcfhsG`tnfuen tno jgmfrcty fd tno spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs (ld. Yga`o 9.7) ch Ugyghg grolfjp`ox?;  ch hgturo C trogt tnoj, ch pgrtclu`gr tno `flgtcvos, gs g wnf`otnrfuenfut tncs tnoscs.

93 Dfr tnfso rogiors wcsnche tf egch gh chscent chtf ftnor gspolts fd Ugyghg, soo tno ergjjgtclg` fvorvcows fd Mglbsfh (7351) ghi Ygvgros (1;;4).?; \cjp`ox pfstpfsctcfhs gro tnfso lfjpfsoi fd fho jfrpnojo wnc`st lfjp`ox pfstpfsctcfhs gro lfjpfsoi fdsovorg` jfrpnojos duhltcfhche gs fho lfhlopt.

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs



-pf @FL  eohorg` `flgtcfhfh/ch/gt


-mgf CHY .@FL  lfhtgchoi ch sjg``

iojgrlgtoi grog


-(n)tgf LFHY .@FL  lfhtgchoi ch `greoiojgrlgtoi grog


-hgf @FL  lfhtgchoi ch `greo,afuhi`oss grog


-b(u)wgf @CW.@FL  lfhtgchoi ch`cquci


`fptgf ioop.CHY .@FL  lfhtgchoi ioopchscio, hfh-vcsa`o


obgtgf aoscio.@FL  aoscio obgtgb(â)

chg gim.@FL  gt tno scio fd,gimgloht tf


gwftgf rca.@FL  gt tno rcas gwftgb(â)gwfpf lrfsswgys.@FL  lrfsswgys gwfpfhggnjftgf l`ogr.spglo.@FL  l`ogr spglo gnjftgb(â)`gjhgf jcii`o.@FL  ch tno jcii`o fd `gjhgb(â)pf`o g`ceh.@FL  ch g`cehjoht wctn pf`o-pâb(â) LFHYGLY .@FL  uhsuppfrtoi


opfc \_[.@FL  gafvo= hf lfhtglt

unpf \_[.LFHYGLY .@FL  gafvo= lfhtglt unpfhggnpf aglb.@FL  fh aglb fd gnpfhgfpcho CHD.@FL  aohogtnfpcbgc CHD.@FL  aohogtnoj(æh)pgtcf dglo.@FL  ch drfht fd/dglche oj(æh)pgtgb(â)wg`cbtgf aonchi.@FL  aonchi wg`cbtgb(â)gbtunpfc upstrogj.@FL  upstrogj gbtunpfhggjotgc ifwhstrogj.@FL  ifwhstrogj gjotgb(â)otgtfpf aghb.@FL  fh rcvoraghb otgtfpfhgtg`ænhgf futscio.@FL  futscio tg`ænhgb(â)

jctgf agso.@FL  gt agso fdwg`g grfuhi.@FL  grfuhi

-c`â [OQ@   g`fhe, tnrfuen --`f surdglo.[OQ@   g`fhe, fvor --châ \F_  sfurlo -

Yga`o 9.7= \pgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs ch Ugyghg

Giictcfhg``y, Ugyghg ngs g hujaor fd iorcvoi pfstpfsctcfhs, tno jgmfrcty fdwncln lfhscst fd tno `oxclg`czgtcfh fd tno pfstpfsctcfh wctn cts hfjchg`lfjp`ojoht (ld. Ygvgros, 1;;4= <9>)=

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


otgtf + pf  otgtfpf   fh tno ftnor scio fd tno rcvorojæ + pgtg + pf   ojpgtgf dglche

_hdfrtuhgto`y tnoro rojgch sovorg` lgsos wnoroay tno frcech rojgchs uhl`ogrrosu`tche ch `oxclg`czoi dfrjs suln gs=

obgtgf aoscio, hoxt tff`gjhgf ?7  ch tno jcii`o fd

Frtnfergpnclg``y, wnotnor pfstpfsctcfhs gro wrcttoh gttglnoi tf tnocr nfst fr gsg sopgrgto wfri iopohis fh tno spogbor ghi ncs/nor `ovo` fd oiulgtcfh. \ovorg`Ugyghg fvor tno geo fd <? ngvo ngi agscl slnff`che. Nfwovor, iurche tno Ugrfd tno Chtorcfr, wncln rgeoi drfj 73>4-7331, tno jgmfrcty fd slnff`s ch tnochtorcfr woro l`fsoi, `ogvche tno suasoquoht eohorgtcfhs wctnfut oiulgtcfh. ChFltfaor 1;;4, tno prcjgry slnff` wgs ro-ostga`csnoi ch Gpotchg ghi g``

lnc`iroh gafvo tno geo fd dfur gttohi dcvo jfrhches g woob. Jghy Ugyghg tgbotno frtnfergpny fd tno aca`o tf ao tno lfrrolt dfrj fd wrcttoh Ugyghg, nfwovor,g systojgtcl wrctche systoj cs yot tf ao iovo`fpoi ghi df``fwoi ay g`` spogbors.Ch tno oxgjp`os ecvoh ch tno df``fwche soltcfhs, icslropghlcos jgy grcso ch tnowrctche fd tno pfstpfsctcfhs. Ch g`` lgsos C ngvo df``fwoi tno frtnfergpny fd tnospogbor drfj wncln tnoy lfjo.

Jghy spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs ch Ugyghg jgy ao chd`oltoi dfr porsfh, rod`oxcvctyghi lf``oltcvcty, ghi jgy g`sf tgbo ftnor jgrbors oxprossche `flgtcfh, hoegtcfh,drustrgtcfh ghi chtohscdclgtcfh (ld. soltcfh ghi Ygvgros, 1;;4= 195->).

Gh fut`cho cs ecvoh ao`fw fd tno jfrpnf`fey fd tno spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs ghi Yga`o 9.1 ecvos gh fvorvcow fd tno frior ch wncln gddcxos ghi ohl`ctcls jgy fllurfh spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs, gs dfuhi ch tno gvgc`ga`o igtg.

Yga`o 9.1= Jfrpnf`feclg` strulturo fd spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs Jfrpnf`fey fd spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs

 Yncs df``fwche soltcfh ecvos gh fvorvcow fd tno jfrpnf`fey fd tno spgtcg`pfstpfsctcfhs ch Ugyghg. Dcrst`y tno jfrpnf`fey fd tno gltug` pfstpfsctcfh csc``ustrgtoi, df``fwoi ay g jfrpnf`feclg` ghg`yscs fd nfw pfstpfsctcfhs jgy aochd`oltoi dfr porsfh, hujaor ghi rod`oxcvcty. Dchg``y gh fvorvcow fd tno oxtrgjfrpnf`fey ch tno dfrj fd gddcxos, pfstpfsctcfhs ghi ohl`ctcls oxprossche gvgrcoty fd lfhlopts, cs ecvoh.

?7 Gllfriche tf Ygvgros, ct cs pfssca`o tngt `gjhgf   cs iorcvoi drfj `gjc   „ao``y– ghi hgf   „afuhi`oss lfhtgchor`flgtcvo.





HOE  G\\OQY  DQ_\ fh`y

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs

99 @flgtcvos

\tgtcvo `flgtcvos lfhscst fd twf pgrts= g jfrpnojo oxprossche tno `flgtcfh typosdf``fwoi ay tno stgtcvo ohiche. \tgtcvo `flgtcvos jgy ohi ch jgy ohi ch - f, -pf, -c, -g, -â ghi -o , wctn tno jgmfrcty ohiche ch -f gs ecvoh ch Yga`o 9.<. Ynodcrst dfur `flgtcvos -mgf , -(n)tgf , -hgf ghi -b(u)wgf iohfto tno dfur agscl `flgtcvo

icstchltcfhs wctnch Lgrcagh `gheugeos, hgjo`y lfhtgchjoht ch g sjg``iojgrlgtoi grog, ch g `greo iojgrlgtoi grog, ch g afuhi`oss, fpoh grog ghi chwgtor (Ioraysncro, 7333= 9<).

Yga`o 9.<= \tgtcvo `flgtcvos ohiche ch -f  

 Yno df``fwche tga`o (Yga`o 9.9) snfws tno dcvo pfstpfsctcfhs ohiche ch -pf .\ojghtclg``y, tnoy oxpross `flgtcfh „fh– g d`gt surdglo ghi/fr „ch– g eohorg` grog,rgtnor tngh ch g lfhtgchoi spglo ghi tnoy icddor jfrpnf`feclg``y drfj tno`flgtcvos ohiche ch must -f , gs wc`` ao iosrcaoi ch tno df``fwche soltcfhs (ld. sua-soltcfhs uhior soltcfh Ynoy sooj tf dfrj tnocr fwh sojghtcl ghijfrpnf`feclg` lgtoefry wctnch tno `flgtcvos.

Yga`o 9.9= \tgtcvo `flgtcvos ohiche ch -pf  

@flgtcvos ohiche wctn tno jgrbor -c , oxpross eohorg` `flgtcfh ch g spolcdcl

icroltcfh suln gs gbtunpfc   „upstrogj–, gjotgc   „ifwhstrogj– ghi opfc   „gafvowctn hf lfhtglt– ghi fpcbgc   „aohogtn– (ld. Yga`o 9.?). Ct cs pfssca`o tngt tncs


-mgf CHY .@FL  lfhtgchoi ch sjg`` iojgrlgtoi grog-(n)tgf LFHY .@FL  lfhtgchoi ch `greo iojgrlgtoi grog-hgf @FL  lfhtgchoi ch `greo, afuhi`oss grog-b(u)wgf @CW.@FL  lfhtgchoi ch `cquci`fptgf ioop.CHY .@FL  lfhtgchoi ioop chscio, hfh-vcsa`oobgtgf aoscio.@FL  aosciogwftgf rca.@FL  gt tno rcasgnjftgf l`ogr.spglo.@FL l`ogr spglo`gjhgf jcii`o.fd.@FL  ch tno jcii`o fdoj(æh)pgtcf dglo.@FL  dglchewg`cbtgf aonchi.@FL  aonchitg`ænhgf futscio.@FL  futsciojctgf agso.@FL  gt tno agso fd


-pf @FL  eohorg` `flgtcfh fh/ch/gtunpf \_[.LFHYGLY .@FL gafvo= lfhtgltgnpf aglb.@FL  fh aglb fdgwfpf lrfsswgys.@FL  gt lrfsswgys drfjotgtfpf aghb.@FL  fh tno (fppfscto) rcvoraghb

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


jgrbor cs pgrt fd g por`gtcvo dfrj gs tno sojghtcls fd tncs erfup lfu`i trghs`gtogs g `flgtcvo fr por`gtcvo.


gbtunpfc upstrogj.@FL  upstrogj

gjotgc ifwhstrogj.@FL ifwhstrogjopfc \_[.@FL  gafvo= hf lfhtgltfpcbgc CHD.@FL  aohogtn

Yga`o 9.?= \tgtcvo `flgtcvos ohiche ch -c

Fh`y twf spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs woro gttostoi wctn tno stgtcvo jgrbor -g   (ld. Yga`o 9.4).


chg gim.@FL  gt tno scio fdwg`g grfuhi.@FL grfuhi

Yga`o 9.4= \tgtcvo `flgtcvos ohiche ch -g  

Gegch, fh`y twf pfstpfsctcfhs woro dfuhi wctn tno stgtcvo ohiche -â (ld. Yga`o9.5).


 pâb(â) LFHYGLY .@FL uhsuppfrtoi lfhtgltfpchâ CHD.@FL  uhiorhogtn

Yga`o 9.5= \tgtcvo `flgtcvos ohiche ch -â  

 Yno dchg` -â fd tno pfstpfsctcfh -pâb(â) „uhsuppfrtoi lfhtglt– cs irfppoi wnoh -  pâb(â)  cs wfri dchg`. Unoh ftnor jfrpnf`fey cs giioi, ct fllurs gs cts du`` dfrj. Yncs dfrj fd roiultcfh cs lfjjfh wctnch tno Lgrcagh `gheugeos (ld. Lgr`ch,1;;9= 7>?). Dchg``y, must fho `flgtcvo wgs gttostoi wctn tno ohiche -o = tno`flgtcvo -pf`o „ch g`cehjoht wctn–. Hf `flgtcvos woro dfuhi ch tno igtg ohiche fh-u fr -æ. 

 Ygvgros (1;;4) icvcios tno `flgtcvo pfstpfsctcfhs chtf tnroo lgtoefrcos=lfhtgchjoht, surdglo ghi gwgy. Yno suddcx -wâ  cs pfsctoi gs tno agscl `flgtcvoohiche iohftche lfhtgchjoht2 wncln gllfriche tf Jocrg, cs otyjf`feclg``y tnosgjo o`ojoht gs -f  (Jocrg, 1;;4= <75). Ygvgros g`sf icstcheucsnos tno surdglopfstpfsctcfhs gs jfrpnf`feclg``y icddoroht tf tno lfhtgchor `flgtcvos. Nfwovor,sno pfscts tngt tnoy fllur wctnfut gh oxtrg `flgtcvo ohiche, tnus jgrbche tnojwctn -þ (Ygvgros, 1;;4= 155). Nor lgtoefrczgtcfh fd wngt sno oxprossos gs „gwgy–pfstpfsctcfhs, lfrro`gto wctn tnfso C jfrpnf`feclg``y icstcheucsn gs ohiche wctn-c. Gllfriche tf Ygvgros tno „gwgy– pfstpfsctcfhs gro dfrjoi wctn tno ohiche -mo(Caci). Nfwovor, ch tno igtg lf``oltoi gjfhe tno Ugyghg fd Gpotchg tnoso

suddcxos gro usoi sf`o`y ch wnoh oxtrg jfrpnf`feclg` igtg cs tgboh fh ay tnostoj pfstpfsctcfh rgtnor tngh aoche tno stghigri spgtcg` suddcx. Ch tno igtglf``oltoi C lfu`i fh`y dchi oxgjp`os fd -wâ  wnoh `flgtcvos wnoro df``fwoi ay tno

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


hoegtcfh jgrbor -`g   ( 9.7) ghi ( 9.1) ghi tno sfurlo pfstpfsctcfh -châ ( 9.<). Ct cs`cbo`y tngt tno -mo ghi -wâ ohiches hftoi ay Ygvgros gro tno dfrjgtcvo dfrjs fdtno -c ghi -f ohiches, rospoltcvo`y, dfuhi ch jy igtg.

( 9.7) wowoVpscb c-`gjhgf bgtæp c-`gjhgf-wâ-`gV`op

trooV ICJ  <-jcii`o.@FL  `cbo <-jcii`o.@FL-@FL-HOE V DQ_\ `cbo ch tno jcii`o tno `ctt`o troo, hft lfjp`oto`y ch tno sjcii`o

 ( 9.1) âw-obgtgf ngpf-h tææ-bâ âw-obgtgf-wâ-`gV`op

1-aoscio.@FL  `cbo-HFJ  if-CJ[  1-aoscio.@FL-@FL-HOE V DQ_\  yfu put tnoj `cbo fho aoscio yfu, hft lfjp`oto`y aoscio yfu!

 ( 9.<)?1 topu-o`æ t-âho-c?<  bghgwg-mgf-wâ-châ

rflb-tfp LFQOD-soo-HD  afgt-CHY .@FL-@FL-\F_ tnoy lgh soo Yopu Yfp drfj chscio tno afgt

  Ynoro gro hf gttostoi lgsos fd -wâ  fllurrche wctn ftnor spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs,dfr oxgjp`o wctn tno por`gtcvo -c`â = „ay afgt– bghgwg-c`â *bghgwg-wâ-c`â . Ct csprfaga`o tngt tno -wâ  ohiche frcechg``y lfhstctutoi tno du`` dfrj fd tno `flgtcvopfstpfsctcfhs ghi tngt ct ngs hfw aolfjo roiuloi tf -f . Ct gppogrs tngt -wâ  csfh`y usoi tfigy wnoh tno stgtcvo `flgtcvos gro df``fwoi ay lortgch gddcxos, rgtnortngh duhltcfhche gs g stghigri `flgtcvo suddcx jfrpnojo gs pfsctoi ay Ygvgros.

 Ygvgros gttrcautos tno sgjo prfportcos fd -wâ tf tno suddcx -mo  iohftche gwgy,wncln cs otyjf`feclg``y tno sgjo gs -c . Ch tno igtg lf``oltoi ch Gpotchg tno fh`y

oxgjp`o dfuhi fd tncs pgrtclu`gr suddcx wgs ch lfjachgtcfh wctn tno sfurlosuddcx -châ   ( 9.9). Gs ch tno gafvo oxgjp`os tno „gwgy– jfrpnojo johtcfhoi ay Ygvgros (Ygvgros, 1;;4= 15>) gppogrs tf ngvo aolfjo `oxclg`czoi. Ynoro gro hfftnor oxgjp`os wctn ftnor pfstpfsctcfhs tf vorcdy cd tno hoegtoi dfrj fd gbtunpfc  wfu`i ao *gbtunpf-mo-`g. 

( 9.9) þ-ujâbâ-jâ-mg-c gbtunpf-mo-châ bghgwg-c`â  7<.7 YQ-lfjo-LSL-[QO\-LOQY   upstrogj.@FL-@FL-\F_ afgt-[OQ@  

C lfjo aglb drfj upstrogj ay afgt.

 Yno tncri icstchltcfh jgio ay Ygvgros cs tngt fd surdglo pfstpfsctcfhs wnclntgbo tno spgtcg` suddcx -þ . [fstpfsctcfhs wncln dg`` uhior tncs lgtoefry gro, dfroxgjp`o, -pf  „eohorg` surdglo `flgtcvo–, gnpf  „suporcfr aglb `flgtcvo– ghi iorcvoipfstpfsctcfhs ohiche ch -pf , suln gs obgtfpf „fh rcvor aghb–. Chiooi tnoso

?1 Yncs oxgjp`o wgs tgboh drfj g hgrrgtcvo tf`i ay Mfngh roegriche tno igc`y prfergjjo wncln cs sot fut dfrtfurcsts vcsctche Gpotchg.?<  Yno t-∝-c   lfhstrultcfh dfrjs pgrt fd tno ovciohtcg`cty systoj ch Ugyghg. G spogbor just g`wgys stgtownotnor wngt no cs sgyche cs dcrst-nghi fr solfhi-nghi chdfrjgtcfh. Gs tncs cs ergjjgtclg``y jgrboi, rgtnortngh sojghtclg``y, ct lfhvoys nfw cjpfrtght tncs pnc`fsfpny cs ch tno Ugyghg wfr`i. Yncs pnc`fsfpny dcts chtftno „trutn ghi bhfw`oieo systoj– gs pfsctoi ay Ir. Octnho Lgr`ch ch sovorg` fd nor pua`clgtcfhs (ld. GppohicxA= rodorohlos, dfr g `cst fd tnoso pua`clgtcfhs). Yno Yrcf `gheugeo ngs g scjc`gr lfhstrultcfh, nfwovor tnoro ctcs fh`y usoi gs tno pgst hfh-wcthossoi, ovciohtcg` dfrj. Ch Ugyghg tncs cs g`sf tno lgso ghi ct cs droquoht`yusoi wctnch frg` trgictcfhs ghi ftnor hgrrgtcvos. Nfwovor, tno sgjo lfhstrultcfh g`sf duhltcfhs gs gropfrtgtcvo ghi lgh tnorodfro ao usoi ch tno solfhi porsfh wctnfut ghy oxtrg chd`oltcfh. Dfr durtnorchdfrjgtcfh soo g`sf Lgr`ch (73332 1;;12 1;;9).

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


pfstpfsctcfhs tgbo hf oxtrg suddcx jgrbches wnoh oxtrg jfrpnf`fey cs giioi, gssooh ch oxgjp`o ( 9.?). Ynoso pfstpfsctcfhs lfrro`gto tf tnfso dfuhi ch Yga`o 9.9wncln dfrj tnocr fwh lgtoefry jfrpnf`feclg``y ghi sojghtclg``y gjfhe tno`flgtcvos.

9.?) jgscbo jâ`â-pf-þ-châ jâwcnhâ-hf pâbâhg  tnorodfro I[.CHGH.JOI-@FL-@FL-\F_ tngt.scio-HFJ g`fho

tnorodfro, drfj ct, tno fho fh cts fwh, fh tngt scio Icroltcfhg`s

 Yno jgmfrcty fd tno `flgtcvos oxp`gchoi ch tno gafvo soltcfhs ngvo g icroltcfhg`lfuhtorpgrt wncln iohftos jfvojoht fd tno Dceuro chtf, fhtf fr tf tno Erfuhi,iopohioht fh cts hgturo. Yno icroltcfhg`s g`sf lfhscst fd tno agscl jfrpnojooxprossche `flgtcfh typo, df``fwoi ay g icroltcfhg` ohiche. \pgtcg` `flgtcvosfllurrche wctn tno stgtcvo ohiche -pf   tgbo tno icroltcfhg` ohiche -hg.  Ynfso

ohiche ch -f , tgbo tno icroltcfhg` ohiche -b(â), wncln cs roiuloi tf -b wnoh wfridchg`. Cd tno icroltcfhg` ohiche cs df``fwoi ay durtnor jfrpnf`fey, tno du`` dfrj - bâ cs usoi ( 9.4).

( 9.4) jâ`â g`â-bâV`oVpscb c-`gjhg-bâVpscbV`âboh  I[.CHGH.JOI tgbo-CJ[ V CHYOH\ V ICJ <-jcii`o.fd-ICQ V ICJ Vfh`y  tgbo ct g `ctt`o, fh`y g `ctt`o tf tno jcii`o

 Ynoso twf icroltcfhg` dfrjs snfw g eohorg` jfrpnf`feclg` ghi sojghtclicstchltcfh (ld. Yga`o 9.>).

Yga`o 9.>= Icroltcfhg`s ohiche ch -b(â) ghi -hg


-mgf CHY .@FL  -mgb(â)-(n)tgf LFHY .@FL  -(n)tgb(â)-hgf @FL  -hgb(â)-b(u)wgf @CW.@FL  -b(u)wgb(â)`fptgf ioop.CHY .@FL  `fptgb(â)obgtgf aoscio.@FL  obgtgb(â)gwftgf rca.@FL  gwftgb(â)

gnjftgf l`ogr.spglo.@FL

  gnjftgb(â)`gjhgf jcii`o.fd.@FL  `gjhgb(â)oj(æh)pgtcf dglo.@FL  oj(æh)pgtgb(â)wg`cbtgf aonchi.@FL  wg`cbtgb(â)tg`ænhgf futscio.@FL  tg`ænhgb(â)jctgf agso.@FL 

-pf @FL  -pfhgunpf \_[.LFHYGLY .@FL  unpfhggnpf aglb.@FL  gnpfhg

gwfpf lrfsswgys.@FL  gwfpfhgotgtfpf aghb.@FL  gtgtfpfhg

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


G sujjgry fd tno `flgtcvo ohiches ghi tnocr icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrts ngs aoohp`gloi ch Yga`o 9.3 ao`fw.

`flgtcvo icroltcfhg`

-Tf -Tb

-pf -pfhg-o -o-â -â-g -g

Yga`o 9.3= Ohiches fd `flgtcvo ghi icroltcfhg` pfstpfsctcfhs

Fd tno erfup fd `flgtcvos ohiche ch -c , tnoro gro hf oxgjp`os ch jy igtg fd gicroltcfhg` dfrj dfr opfc „gafvo– fr fpcbgc „aohogtn–. Ygvgros ngs fho oxgjp`ownoro opfc  tgbos tno icroltcfhg` -hg= Ygjff tææno muputpææ opfhg „(No/\no) p`gloi

ncs nghis gafvo jy nogi.– (Ygvgros, 1;;4= 1>5)   Yno ohvcrfhjohtg`pfstpfsctcfhs iohftche upstrogj ghi ifwhstrogj ogln tgbo icddorohticroltcfhg` ohiches. Gjotgc  „`flgtcfh ifwhstrogj– tgbos tno icroltcfhg` ohiche - b(â)  gs gjotg-b(â) 2 wnc`st gbtunpfc  „`flgtcfh upstrogj– df``fws tno pgttorh fd tno-pf   typo surdglo `flgtcvos, rosu`tche ch gbtunpf-hg . Gs oxpoltoi tno stgtcvo`flgtcvo ohiche -c  cs rop`gloi ay tno icroltcfhg` ohiches.

 Ynoro cs hf oxgjp`o fd g icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt fd fpchâ „uhiorhogtn ch tnoigtg, nfwovor, -pâb(â) „lfhtglt `flgtcvo– tgbos tno icroltcfhg` jgrbor -hg . Ynodu`` dfrj cs usoi wctn tno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt ( 9.5).

( 9.5) nochâ-hf pgmg-pâbâ-hg c-wono t-âtæ-notncs.scio-HFJ  ergss-LFHYGLY .@FL-ICQ  <[F\\-ghus LFQOD-aolfjo-HD 

bfpæhæ-tgbausn-ICQ tno fho fh tncs scio, ncs ghus aolfjche tf tfulnche tno ergss, tf tnoausn

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh  pf`o   „ch g`cehjoht wctn– gppogrs tf ngvo tno sgjo dfrj dfr

aftn tno `flgtcvo ghi icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrts gs tno icstchltcfh cs fh`y vcsca`ogt g sojghtcl `ovo` rgtnor tngh jfrpnf`feclg` fho. Nfwovor, l`fsor ghg`yscssnfws tngt tno pfstpfsctcfh  pf`o cs por`gtcvo ch hgturo wnoh usoi wctn voras fdjftcfh ( 9.>).

( 9.>) tæ-pgtg-pf`o tæ-tâ-c<LFQOD-vc``geo-g`ceh.ICQ  LFQOD-ef-HD no woht gt rcent ghe`os tf ncs vc``geo(Bu`opojgh, Gpotchg 1;;5)

 Ynoro gro gs yot hf gttostoi oxgjp`os fd icroltcfhg`s dfr tno rojgchche `flgtcvosohiche ch -g 2 hgjo`y chg „gt tno scio fd– ghi wg`g „grfuhi–.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  

93< [rfhfjchg` prodcxos

 Yno prfhfjchg` prodcxos dfuhi fh pfstpfsctcfhg` jfrpnf`fey gro ciohtclg` tftnfso usoi tf oxpross pfssosscfh fh hfjchg`s. Yno icddoroht g``fjfrpns wctnchtno pgrgicej gro iotorjchoi ay porsfh ghi wnotnor tno pfstpfsctcfh cs L-chctcg` (ld. Yga`o 9.77) fr T-chctcg` (ld. Yga`o 9.71)2 g sujjgry fd tno du``pgrgicej cs ecvoh ao`fw ch Yga`o 9.7;. Fh`y tnroo pfstpfsctcfhs gro chd`oltoiwctn o- duhltcfhche gs tno porsfhg` prodcx dfr tno tncri porsfh ghi tâ- wctn tnolf-rodorohtcg`. Ynoso gro -pf  „eohorg` `flgtcfh ch, fh, gt–, pf`o  „ch g`cehjoht wctn–ghi wg`g  „grfuhi– (ld. Yga`o 9.7< ghi Ygvgros, 1;;4= 157).

[orsfh L-chctcg` T-chctcg` [`urg`

7 æ- m-1 â- âw- -no< c-/o- þ- -no

Lfrod tæ- t- -no7+1 bu- b- -no7+< ojhg c- ojhg þ-

Yga`o 9.7;= [rfhfjchg` prodcxos dfr pfstpfsctcfhs 

[orsfh L-chctcg` [`urg`

7 æ-`fptgf1 â-`fptgf â-`fptgf-no< c-`fptgf c-`fptgf-noLfrod tæ-`fptgf tæ-`fptgf-no7+1 bu-`fptgf bu-`fptgf-no7+< ojhg c-`fptgf

Yga`o 9.77= [grgicej dfr `fptgf „ioop chscio–

[orsfh T-chctcg` [`urg`

7  m-obgtgf1 âw-obgtgf âw-obgtgf-no< þ-obgtgf þ-obgtgf-noLfrod t-âbgtgf t-obgtgf-no

7+1 b-obgtgf b-obgtgf-no7+< ojhg þ-obgtgf

Yga`o 9.71= [grgicej dfr obgtgf „aoscio–

[orsfh L-chctcg` [`urg`

7 æ-pf1 â-pf â-pf-no< o-pf o-pf-noLfrod tâ-pf tâ-pf-no7+1 bu-pf bu-pf-no7+< ojhg o-pf

Yga`o 9.7<= [grgicej dfr -pf  „ch, fh, gt–

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


[fstpfsctcfhs gro chd`oltoi wctn porsfhg` prodcxos wnoh tno pfstpfsctcfhg` famoltfr porsfh cs hft spolcdcoi tnrfuen g hfuh fr prfpor hgjo. Unoh tnopfstpfsctcfhg` famolt cs fvort`y prosoht, hf porsfhg` jgrbches gro hooioi. Yncsfllurs aftn wctn ghcjgto ghi chghcjgto pfstpfsctcfhg` famolts. Lfjpgro tnodf``fwche oxgjp`os=

( 9.3) Bgh pgbf`f-h jgh wowo wg`cbtgfEfi nfuso-[F\\ <.ao.[QO\ troo aonchi.@FL

  tno lnurln cs aonchi tno troo

( 9.7;) uwg jæmg`â tææ-bâ c-wg`cbtgfHOE.[QYL@   gegch if-CJ[ <-aonchi.@FL

  hf, gegch, put ct aonchi ct! 

( 9.77) wowo jâcnhâ jâb`â wâ`cs-chg

troo tngt.scio I[.GHCJ.JOI  wfjgh-gim.@FL tno troo fh tno ftnor scio, hoxt tf tno wfjgh

 ( 9.71) no`â wænhâ â-chg tææ-bâ bgpgu  I[.CHGH.[QF^ scio  1-gim.@FL if-CJ[ ioor

put tno ioor fh tncs scio hoxt tf yfu!

Hft g`` pfstpfsctcfhs jgy gltug``y tgbo g`` tno prfhfjchg` prodcxos ecvoh ch tnotga`os gafvo ghi sfjo jgy tgbo hfho gt g``2 tncs cs iotorjchoi ay tnosojghtcls fd tno pfstpfsctcfhg` stoj. [rfhfjchg` prodcxos, oxlopt tno tncri

porsfh, jgy fh`y ao usoi ch lgsos wnoro pofp`o lgh gltug``y duhltcfh gs tnoErfuhi2 dfr oxgjp`o m-obgtgf „aoscio jo–, þ-unpf  „fh tfp fd ncj– ghi â-chg „hoxttf yfu–. Yno pfstpfsctcfh chg   „hoxt tf– gppogrs tf chd`olt gllfriche tf tno L-chctcg` pgrgicej rgtnor tngh tno T-chctcg` fho (ld. Yga`o 9.79). Uctnch jy igtg, â- chg   „hoxt tf yfu– ghi bu-chg   „hoxt tf us– rgtnor tngh tno oxpoltoi *ow-chg  ghi*b-chg , gppogr droquoht`y. Yno g``fjfrpns dfr tno 7st ghi <ri porsfh ngvo aoohtgboh drfj Ygvgros (1;;4= <1>), aut tnoro gro hf gttostoi dfrjs woro chg tgboscs chd`oltoi dfr tno lf-rodorohtcg`. Nfwovor, fho lgh prosujo ct wfu`i ao tæ-chg .

[orsfh L-chctcg` [`urg`

7 æ-chg1 â-chg â-chg-no< c-chg c-chg-noLfrod tæ-chg tæ-chg-no (uhgttostoi dfrjs) 7+1 bu-chg bu-chg-no7+< ojhg c-chg

Yga`o 9.79= [grgicej dfr chg „hoxt tf–

 Ynoro gro g lfup`o fd pfstpfsctcfhs wncln jgy hft ao chd`oltoi wctn porsfhg`prodcxos. Ch tnoso lgsos, g porsfh cs uhga`o tf duhltcfh gs tno Erfuhi famolt

wncln cs sojghtclg``y ohlfioi wctnch tngt pfstpfsctcfh. Ynoso pfstpfsctcfhsfllur sf`o`y wctn g so`olt erfup fd hfjchg`s2 dfr oxgjp`o tno `cquci `flgtcvo - b(u)wgf   ghi tno `flgtcvo -hgf iodchche `flgtcfh ch g afuhi`oss grog. Ch tnoso

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


lgsos g porsfh lgh hft ao l`gssoi gs g „`cquci– fr g „afuhi`oss grog–, ghi tnusporsfhg` prodcxos lghhft ao usoi. Nfwovor, -b(u)wgf jgy fllur wctn tno tncriporsfh prodcx wnoh tno pfstpfsctcfhg` famolt cs chghcjgto, wnc`st -hgf  lgh hovorfllur wctnfut g hfjchg`.

 Ygvgros l`gsscdcos -tgf gs oxprossche „porjghoht `flgtcfh– ghi ao`fheche tf tnoerfup wncln tgbo hf porsfhg` prodcxos (Ygvgros, 1;;4= 15<). Nfwovor sno pfscts-tgf  ghi -ntgf  tf ao twf icstchlt pfstpfsctcfhs wnc`st tnoy gro sojghtclg``y ghijfrpnf`feclg``y scjc`gr (tncs cs oxp`gchoi ch erogtor iotgc` ch soltcfh 9.<.1.1ao`fw). Hfto tngt tno pfstpfsctcfh -(n)tgf lgh ao trghs`gtoi gs gjfhe. G`tnfuenC ngvo hf gttostoi oxgjp`os ch jy fwh igtg, gllfriche tf Ygvgros, ch tncs lgsoct jgy tgbo porsfhg` prodcxos ghi jgy ao trghs`gtoi gs, dfr oxgjp`o, „gjfhe yfu g``– gs ch tno lgso fd â-ntgf-no „gjfhe yfu g``–.

Gllfriche tf Ygvgros (Caci) tno pfstpfsctcfh - mgf   „chtorcfr `flgtcvo– jgy tgbo

porsfhg` prodcxos gs tno porsfh jgy duhltcfh gs g lfhtgchor. _hdfrtuhgto`y snoecvos hf oxgjp`os fd tncs ghi C ngvo hf oxgjp`os ch tno igtg lf``oltoi chGpotchg.

G sjg`` erfup fd pfstpfsctcfhs duhltcfh `cbo -b(u)wgf  gafvo, suln gs `gjhg „chtno jcii`o fd–. Ynoso pfstpfsctcfhs jgy fh`y fllur wctn tno tncri porsfhprodcxos ghi gro tnorodfro uhga`o tf tgbo ftnor porsfhg` prodcxos. Gllfriche tf Ygvgros (1;;4= 151-<) tno pfstpfsctcfhs ‐gnjftg „ch tno grog aoscio,– b(u)wg „chwgtor,– gbtunpf „up rcvor2 hfrtn,– ghi gjotg „ifwh tno rcvor2 sfutn–‚  fh`y fllurch tncs jghhor. Ynoro gro tff dow gttostoi oxgjp`os tf iotorjcho tncs tf ao tno

lgso, tnus durtnor rosogrln cs hooioi.

G`` ftnor spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs jgy ao chd`oltoi wctn g`` porsfhg` prodcxos gstnoy tgbo aftn ghcjgto ghi chghcjgto pfstpfsctcfhg` famolts. Giictcfhg``y, g``pfstpfsctcfhs wncln lgh ao chd`oltoi ay porsfhg` prodcxos jgy g`sf tgbo tnolf``oltcvo suddcx -no , oxlopt wnoh rodorrche tf tno dcrst porsfh scheu`gr gs tngtlgh hft ao lf``oltcvczoi gs suln ( 9.7<) ghi ( 9.79). Qgtnor, tno Ugyghg ngvo twfjghhors dfr oxprossche fur lfhlopt fd „wo–. Unoh „wo– oxprossos fh`y tnospogbor ghi tno `cstohor(s), ct cs oxprossoi gs 7+1 ghi tno gpprfprcgto prodcxosgro usoi (b(u)-[[-no ). Unc`st, cd „wo– chl`uios tno spogbor ghi g <ri pgrty tno 7+<

p`urg` jgrbches gro usoi (ojhg c-/o-/þ- ).

( 9.7<) c-`gjhgf-no ngpf-h bgtæp t-ææ-no<-jcii`o.@FL-[@   `cbo-HFJ  `cbo LFQOD-if-HD  yfu sot tnoj `cbo fho, ̀ cbo ct cs ch tno jcii`o fd tnoj

 ( 9.79) þ-obgtgf-no ngpf-h châ`â

<-aoscio.@FL-[@   `cbo-HFJ I[.GHCJ.GHG  fho `cbo tngt fho aoscio tnoj Qod`oxcvo prodcxos\ovorg` pfstpfsctcfhs jgy g`sf tgbo tno rod`oxcvo fr rolcprflg` prfhfuhs wnohtno suamolt fd tno l`guso cs tno sgjo gs tno famolt fd tno pfstpfsctcfhg` pnrgso

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


( 9.7?) ghi ( 9.74). Yno dfrjs fd tno rod`oxcvo jgrbors fh pfstpfsctcfhs gro ecvohch Yga`o 9.7? ao`fw. @cbo tno porsfhg` prfhfuhs, tno dfrj fd tno rod`oxcvoprfhfuhs cs pnfhf`feclg``y iotorjchoi gllfriche tf wnotnor tno pfstpfsctcfh csL-chctcg` fr T-chctcg`. Yno T-chctcg` pfstpfsctcfhs gro durtnor suaicvcioigllfriche tf dfrj fd tno chctcg` vfwo`. [fstpfsctcfhs tgbche rod`oxcvo prodcxos jgy

g`sf tgbo tno lf``oltcvo suddcx -no .

L-chctcg` T-chctcg`(o-)

T-chctcg`?9 (g-/f-/u-)


âno- ân- ât- -no

Yga`o 9.7?= Qod`oxcvo prodcxos dfr pfstpfsctcfhs 

( 9.7?) âno-pf`oV`âboh jâcnhâ-hf jg`orod`-g`cehVfh`y tngt.scio-HFJ  g`sf

 must ch g`cehjoht wctn ogln ftnor fh tngt scio g`sf

( 9.74) jgg, wowo-ptæ`o ghæj-bâ ân-obgtg-b tææ-bâIC\L troo-stuhtoi `cdt-CJ[  QOD@ -aoscio-ICQ  `cdt-CJ[ sf, `cdt tno stuhtoi troos ghi put tnoj aoscio ogln ftnor! [fstpfsctcfhs, ohl`ctcls ghi jgrbors

\pgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs jgy g`sf ao df``fwoi ay tno=- hoegtcvo jgrbor -`g  ( 9.75) ( 9.73) ( 9.11)

- oxl`uscfh ohl`ctcl V`âboh ( 

9.7>) ( 

9.1;)- drustrgtcvo ohl`ctcl V`op ( 

9.75)- gssortcvo ohl`ctcl V`â ( 9.1;)- chtohscvo ohl`ctcl V`o ( 9.73) ( 9.11)- icjchutcvo ohl`ctcl Vpscb ( 9.7>)- ojpngtcl jgrbor -n ( 9.11)- hfjchg`czor -hf ( 9.17)- sfurlo pfstpfsctcfh -châ  ( 9.1<)- por`gtcvo pfstpfsctcfh -c`â  ( 9.19)

9.75) âw-obgtgf ngpf-h tææ-bâ âw-obgtgf-wâ-`gV`op1-aoscio.@FL  `cbo-HFJ  if-CJ[  1-aoscio.@FL-@FL-HOE V DQ_\ put tnoj `cbo tno fho aoscio yfu, hft lfjp`oto`y aoscio yfu!

 ( 9.7>) jâ`â g`â-bâV`oVpscb c-`gjhg-bâVpscbV`âboh

I[.CHGH.JOI tgbo-CJ[ V CHYOH\ V ICJ <-jcii`o.fd-ICQ V ICJ V FH@S

  tgbo tncs g act, must g act tf tno jcii`o fd tnoj!

?9 Yno rod`oxcvo prfhfuh ât-  ngs aooh tgboh drfj Ygvgros (1;;4= 159) gs C ngi hf oxgjp`os ch jy fwh igtg. Ynoro ngvo aooh hf â- /c-   fr æ- chctcg` pfstpfsctcfhs gttostoi ch ghy fd tno gvgc`ga`o igtg, chl`uiche tngt fd Ygvgros (Ygvgros, 1;;4) ghi Mglbsfh (Mglbsfh, 7351).

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


( 9.73) o-pf`oV`o-`g, nţwì<-g`cehV CHYOH\-HOE  `cbo.tngthft oxglt`y ch g`cehjoht wctn ncj, sf ct cs

( 9.1;) uwg pâchâbâ-cjâ pf`oV`âV`âboh

HOE.[QYL@  afgr-G_E  g`cehV G\\OQY  Vfh`y  hf2 rog``y, fh`y ch g`cehjoht wctn tno pce

( 9.17) nowcnhâ-hf-mg bgjcsg-chg-hf-mgscio-HFJ-EFG@   `fchl`ftn-gim.@FL-HFJ-EFG@

tf tno fho fh tncs scio, tf tno fho gt tno scio fd tno `fchl`ftn

( 9.11) pâchâbâ â-mg ngpf-h jâ-ngj-pf`o-nV`o-`gafgr 1-efg` `cbo-HFJ  <[QF-GHCJ.[@ -g`ceh-OJ[N V CHYOH\-HOE

tno pce `cbo fho tf yfu, hft oxglt`y ch g`cehjoht wctn tnfso fhos

( 9.1<)?? tuhg-bwgf-wâ-châ þ-ujâbâ-jâ-þ-c ânojg-c`â  wgtor-@CW.@FL-@FL-\F_ 7<.7 YQ-lfjo-LSL-[\Y -LOQY pgtn-[OQ@  

C lgjo fut drfj tno wgtor ghi woht g`fhe tno pgtn

( 9.19)?4  tuhg-bwg-c`â wæ-tâ-mg-cwgtor-@CW.@FL.@FL-[OQ@  7<.7 YQ-ef-[QO\-LOQY

C swcj ch (tnrfuen) tno wgtor

Gs icslussoi ch soltcfh, tno `flgtcvo suddcxos -wâ ghi -mo  proloio tno

hoegtcvo jgrbor -`g  ( 

9.75) ghi tno sfurlo jgrbor -châ ( 

9.1<). Nfwovor, ct justao hftoi tngt tncs fh`y ngppohs wnoh tno jgrbors -`g  ghi -châ fllur icrolt`ygdtor tno spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfh2 ftnorwcso tno spgtcg` suddcxos gro hft gttglnoi.\pgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs jgy g`sf ao hfjchg`czoi. Ch suln lgsos tnohfjchg`czgtcfh jgrbor df``fws icrolt`y gdtor tno stoj, ghi jgy tnoh ao df``fwoiay hfjchg` jfrpnf`fey. ( 9.1?) ghi ( 9.14)

( 9.1?) nowcnhâ-hf-mg bgjcsg-chg-hf-mgscio-HFJ-EFG@   `fchl`ftn-gim.@FL-HFJ-EFG@

tf tno fho fh tncs scio, tf tno fho gt tno scio fd tno `fchl`ftn

( 9.14) wowo gbfh pâbâ-hf c-pghg-tfj t-ongtobjg-c.troo ghftnor LFHYGLY .@FL-HFJ <[F\\-ogr-<[@ LFQOD-tfuln-HD

  ncs ogrs tfulnche tno fho gt tno ftnor troo

 Yno lfhtgchor-typo pfstpfsctcfh ohiche ch -gf tgbo -`æ rgtnor tngh -h(f) gs ghfjchg`czor ( 9.15). (ld. Ygvgros, 1;;4= 139 ghi Mglbsfh, 7351= 4>)

?? Yncs oxgjp`o lgjo drfj o`clctgtcfh.?4 Yncs oxgjp`o lgjo drfj o`clctgtcfh.

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


( 9.15) wowo c-`gjhg-`æ-pf`oV`âV`âboh g`â-b â-mgtroo <-jcii`o.@FL-HFJ-g`cehV G\\OQY  Vfh`y tgbo-CJ[ 1-EFG@ 

  tgbo ct must tf tno fho oxglt`y ch g`cehjoht wctn tno troos! Iorcvoi spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs

\fjo fd tno spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs gro l`ogr`y iorcvoi drfj afiy pgrt torjs.Iurche tno „pnftf-famolt jgtlnche tgsb– (gs ioslrcaoi ch soltcfh <.<.7.?) tno`flgtcvo gwftgf   ghi cts icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt gwftgb   woro droquoht`y usoi( 9.1>). Ynoso pfstpfsctcfhs, iohftche `flgtcfh tf tno scio fd gh ghcjgto famolt,gro prfaga`y iorcvoi drfj tno wfri dfr rcas= âwftbg`gh „yfur rcalgeo–.

( 9.1>) jf`f-châ bgpgu gwftgf  @FL.GIT.JOI.\[-\F_   ioor rca.@FL 

tnoh tno ioor gt ncs scio

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh oj(æh)pgtgf  „dglche–  ( 

9.13) cs iorcvoi drfj tno afiy pgrt ojpgtg„dglo, `ct= p`glo fd tno oyo–, gs cs g`sf tno lgso ch Yrcf (Lgr`ch, 1;;9= 774).G`tnfuen Ygvgros stgtos tngt sno fh`y ngi oxgjp`os fd ojpgtgf  „dglche–, ghi ctsicroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt oj(æh)pgtgb, wctn ghcjgto famolts, ch tno igtg lf``oltoich Gpotchg, chghcjgto famolts wncln gro porlocvoi gs ngvche g drfht scio, sulngs auc`iches, g`sf tgbo oj(æh)pgtgf/oj(æh)pgtgb   tf oxpross „ch drfht fd, `ct=dglche–. \oo ( 9.<;). G`tnfuen tncs wgs lf``oltoi tnrfuen o`clctgtcfh oxorlcsos, tnosgjo ghswor wgs ecvoh ay g`` tnroo spogbors gsboi. Yno GLY auc`iche wgssctugtoi ch drfht fd tno slnff`, tgbche tno iffr tf ao sctugtoi gt tno drfht scio,gs ch jghy ftnor lu`turos.

( 9.13) bgpgu âw-ojæhpgtg-bV`op jgh `fjo wcmf-jghioor 1-dglo-ICQ V DQ_\  <.ao.[QO\ aut lrffboi-DGL\.HFJ

 c-pæjæ<[F\\-holbtno ioor ct cs dglche tf yfu (ch vgch) aut cts holb cs g lrffboi fho

( 9.<;) GLY ?5  pgbf`f-h ojpgtgf jgh scbf`f  GLY nfuso-HFJ dglo.@FL  <.ao.[QO\ slnff`  tno slnff` cs dglche tno GLY auc`iche

 Yno suporcfr `flgtcvos unpf „fh tfp fd– ( 9.<7) ghi gnpf „fh tno aglb fd– ( 9.<1)gro g`sf iorcvoi drfj afiy pgrts. Yno pfstpfsctcfh unpf cs iorcvoi drfj upu„nogi, ghi gnpf drfj gpæ „aglb–, df``fwoi ay tno eohorg` `flgtcvo -pf.

( 9.<7) ngpf?>  jgh unpfngt <.ao.[QO\ \_[.LFHYGLY .@FL

  tno ngt cs fh tfp (fd ncs nogi)

?5  GLY cs tno gaarovcgtcfh dfr Gjgzfh Lfhsorvgtcfh Yogj, gh Gjorclgh freghczgtcfh tngt ngs cts fwhauc`iche ch Gpotchg ghi tngt ojp`fys g sjg`` hujaor fd vc``geors tf pgrtclcpgto ch tnocr prfmolts.?> Yno wfri ngpf „ngt– cs g `fgh drfj tno Drohln lngpogu  „ngt–.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


 ( 9.<1) jf`f jgh pgbf`f gnpf bgwâ  @FL.GIT.JOI.\[ <.ao.[QO\ nfuso aglb.@FL ncen

tnoro no cs, ncen fh tfp fd tno nfuso

 Ygvgros stgtos tngt tno pfstpfsctcfh `gjhgf „jcii`o fd– cs `cbo`y tf ao iorcvoidrfj `gjæ  „ao``y– (Ygvgros, 1;;4= <9>), wncln cs ncen`y prfaga`o g`tnfuen C ngvohft yot gttostoi tno wfri `gjæ ch jy igtg.

\no g`sf pfscts tngt tno pfstpfsctcfhs  ponhg   „ch tno grog fd tno dfronogi– ghijætg „ch tno grog fd tno jfutn– gro iorcvoi drfj tnocr rospoltcvo afiy pgrts(Caci). Nfwovor, hoctnor fd tnoso pfstpfsctcfhs gro usoi fr bhfwh gjfhe tnoUgyghg fd Gpotchg.

 Ynoro gro g`sf g hujaor fd iorcvoi pfstpfsctcfhs wncln ngvo aooh iorcvoi drfj

hfjchg`s ftnor tngh afiy pgrts, (ld. soltcfh 9.1.1)2 g`tnfuen tno sfurlo hfuh cshft l`ogr ch g`` lgsos2 gs provcfus`y johtcfhoi dfr obgtgf „aoscio– ch. Ftnorpfstpfsctcfhs tngt gro pfssca`y iorcvoi chl`uio wg`cbtgf „aonchi–, gbtunpfc„upstrogj–, gjotgc „ifwhstrogj– ghi `fptgf „ioop–. G `greor `oxclg` lfrpus cshooioi tf gslortgch tno sfurlo hfuhs, g`tnfuen ct cs g`sf pfssca`o, tngt tnofrcechg` hfuhs gro hf `fheor bhfwh gs tnoy hfw fh`y gppogr ch tnocr iorcvoidrfj.

Ao`fw g jfro iotgc`oi ioslrcptcfh, fd tno sojghtcl ghi jfrpnf`feclg`prfportcos fd ogln fd tno spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs dfuhi ch Ugyghg, cs ecvoh.

9.< @flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s

Ugyghg ngs g rcln systoj fd `flgtcvo gipfsctcfhs, ospolcg``y lfjpgroi tf Chif-Ourfpogh `gheugeo suln gs Ohe`csn wnfso systoj fd propfsctcfhs cs dgcr`y agscl(ch, fh, gt). Mglbsfh l`gsscdcos tno `flgtcvos chtf dcvo erfups icstcheucsnche „ch–,„ch wgtor–, „fh–, „dc``oi wctn– ghi „lfhtglt– (Mglbsfh, 7351= 45). Ygvgros icvcios tnoUgyghg `flgtcvos chtf tnroo erfups= „lfhtgchor–, „surdglo– ghi „gwgy–pfstpfsctcfhs, gllfriche tf nor jfrpnf`feclg` ghg`yscs fd tno suddcx ohiches - wâ , -þ   ghi -mo , gs oxp`gchoi ch soltcfh \chlo tno lnfclo fd`flgtcvo cs eohorg``y iotorjchoi gllfriche tf sojghtcl lrctorcg, C ngvo lnfsoh chtno df``fwche soltcfhs tf erfup tno spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs gllfriche tf sojghtcliotorjchghts rgtnor tngh jfrpnf`feclg` fhos. C stgto „eohorg``y–, gs tnoro grog`sf lortgch lgsos wnoro lu`turg` gspolts g`sf iotorjcho tno lnfclo fdpfstpfsctcfhs, dfr wncln C rodor tno rogior tf soltcfh 9.<.1.<.

 Yno agscl `flgtcvo icstchltcfhs fd jfst Lgrcagh `gheugeos, ghi tnus g`sfUgyghg, gro= eohorg` `flgtcfh, `flgtcfh ch g lfhtgchoi spglo, ch gh fpoh spglo,ch wgtor fr fh g d`gt surdglo (ld. Icxfh ghi Gcbnohvg`i, 7333= 912 Lgr`ch (1;;9=751)). Ao`fw, C ngvo durtnor sua-icvcioi tno `flgtcvo pfstpfsctcfhs chtf tnodf``fwche= eohorg` `flgtcfh, lfhtgchjoht, spolcdcl `flgtcfh, suporcfr/chdorcfr,ghtorcfr/pfstorcfr ghi `flgtcfh gllfriche tf ohvcrfhjohtg` `ghijgrbs. Ogln

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


`flgtcvo cs icslussoi ch turh ao`fw wctn g ioslrcptcvo, sojghtcl ghg`yscs ghiwnoro hooioi oxtrg jfrpnf`feclg` chdfrjgtcfh.

9.<.7 Eohorg` @flgtcvo= - pf = eohorg`, surdglo

 Yno `flgtcvo -pf „fh, ch, gt– iohftos `flgtcfh fd gh famolt fh fr gt g eohorg`

`flgtcfh lngrgltorczoi ay ngvche g ro`gtcvo`y d`gt surdglo ghi ch gh „fpoh– spglorgtnor tngh g „lfhtgchoi– spglo. Oxgjp`o ( 9.<<) ngs aooh tgboh drfj Afvoh(733?= <;) ghi oxgjp`o ( 9.<9) drfj eohorg` lfhvorsgtcfh.

( 9.<<) t-âho-c o-mg-no tâpu-pf-châLFQOD-soo-HD <-EFG@ -[@  rflb-@FL-\F_  tnoy sgw ncj drfj up fh tno rflb

( 9.<9) pgu-pf jghcs`ghi-@FL  <.ao.[QO\ 

no cs fh tno cs`ghi

 Yno lngrgltorcstcl fd tno Erfuhi aoche g d`gt surdglo cs durtnor oxojp`cdcoi gstno `flgtcvo -pf  cs g`sf usoi tf oxpross `flgtcfh gt eofergpnclg` `flgtcfhs ( 9.<<)ghi ( 9.<9). Ct fllurs gdtor p`glo hgjos tf spolcdy `flgtcfh pgrtclu`gr lfuhtry,vc``geo, lcty, ghi tno `cbo (ld. Lgrjgref, 1;;;= 4).

( 9.<?)?3 Erghig Dutu-pf bgjpu t-âhcb-noErghi Dutu-@FL  lgjp LFQOD-s`oop-HD tnoy s`oop gt tno Erghi Dutu lgjp

( 9.<4)4; F`ghi-pf jghHotnor`ghis-@FL <.ao.[QO\

  no cs ch tno Hotnor`ghis

 Yno suddcx -pf g`sf fllurs wctnch vorag` jfrpnf`fey duhltcfhche gs g lgusgtcvoch sfjo lgsos ghi gs g holossctgtcvo ch ftnors. Yno lgusgtcvo -pf cs gnfjfpnfhfus jfrpnojo wncln duhltcfhs gs g lgusgtcvo fh trghsctcvo voras.Noro, tno suamolt lgusos tno famolt tf if tngt wngt cs oxprossoi ay tno vora (ld. Mglbsfh, 7351= ?52 Ioraysncro, 7333= 992 Ygvgros, 1;;4= 1?4). Yno df``fwcheoxgjp`o cs tgboh drfj Afvoh (733?= 1;).

( 9.<5) jâ`â unjf-pf-tfpf-hpæ-pf, t-âtæ-no æjâI[.CHGH.JOI  dg``-LG_\- YJ[.HFJ-[\Y -@FL LFQOD-aolfjo-HD  egrioh

 poptg`greofh tno p`glo wnoro sno icoi (`ct= wgs lgusoi tf dg``), g `greo egrioh lgjochtf aoche

?3 Yncs oxgjp`o wgs e`oghoi drfj g hgrrgtcvo tf`i ay Mfngh roegriche tno igc`y prfergjjo wncln cs sot futdfr tfurcsts vcsctche Gpotchg.4; Yncs oxgjp`o ngs aooh tgboh drfj hgturg` lfhvorsgtcfh.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


G solfhi duhltcfh fd -pf, ch vorag` jfrpnf`fey, cs gs tno holossctgtcvo. Mglbsfhpfscts tngt -pf fh`y fllurs wctn ‐stojs tngt iohfto afic`y duhltcfhs‚  (7351= ?5)suln gs  m-æhæb-pf-mg-c   „C gj s`oopy–. Yncs cs syhfhyjfus tf tno lfrrospfhichesuddcx ch Yrcf, wncln ngs fh`y aooh gttostoi wctn tno voras tf s`oop, tf urchgtoghi tf iodolgto (ld. Lgr`ch, 1;;9= 75?)=

( 9.<>) ââhæ-pf wgo   C gj s`oopy( 9.<3) suntg-pf wgo   C hooi tf urchgto

Lgr`ch lgtoefrczos tno -pf noro gs g ergjjgtclg`czoi gspolt jgrbor (Caci). Ygvgros lng``oheos Mglbsfh–s l`gcj ay stgtche tngt ftnor chtrghsctcvo vora stojsjgy g`sf tgbo -pf. Nfwovor, tno oxgjp`os ecvoh ay Ygvgros if hft gltug``y du``ysuppfrt nor greujoht gs tno -pf  gppogrs tf ao duhltcfhche gs ghftnor jgrbor(ld. Ygvgros, 1;;4= 14<). Ch tno df``fwche oxgjp`o ( 9.9;) tgboh drfj Ygvgros(Caci) tno -pf gltug``y duhltcfhs gs tno lgusgtcvo trghs`gtche gs „C lgusoi jyso`d

tf aurh– rgtnor tngh „C g`jfst aurhoi jyso`d–=( 9.9;)  w-ân-owg`u-pf-þ C g`jfst aurhoi jyso`d (Caci)

Durtnor uso fd tno pfstpfsctcfh -pf ch tojpfrg` lfhstrultcfhs cs icslussoiao`fw ch soltcfh 9.<.79 ao`fw.

9.<.1 Lfhtgchor ̀ flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s Ynoro gro dcvo lfhtgchor `flgtcvos ch Ugyghg2 hgjo`y

- -mgf chtorcfr ̀ flgtcvo - -(n)tgf lfhtgchor `flgtcvo - -hgf afuhi`oss lfhtgchor `flgtcvo - -b(u)wgf `cquci `flgtcvo - -`fptgf ioop chtorcfr `flgtcvo 

Gs oxp`gchoi ch soltcfh tnoso `flgtcvos jgy g`` tgbo sfjo fdtno porsfhg` prodcxos oxlopt tno `flgtcvo -hgf . Yno `cquci `flgtcvo -b(u)wgf lghfh`y fllur wctn tno tncri porsfh `flgtcvo gs tno Erfuhi ct rodors tf csspolcdclg``y `cquci wncln cs porlocvoi gs aoche chghcjgto ch hgturo.

G`` fd tno gafvo `flgtcvos tgbo tno icroltcfhg` dfrj -b(â) , tno du`` dfrj cs usoiwnoh tno icroltcfhg` cs hft wfri dchg`.

9.<.1.7 -mgf = chtorcfr

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh -mgf  cs g lfhtgchor `flgtcvo ghi cs usoi ch lfjachgtcfh wctn tno`greost lfrpus fd hfuhs fd tno lfhtgchor `flgtcvos. Ct eohorg``y oxprossos tngttno famolt cs sctugtoi ch g lfhtgchoi fr iojgrlgtoi spglo g`tnfuen ct cs hftholossgry dfr tno famolt tf ao lfjp`oto`y surrfuhioi ay tno ro`gtoi Erfuhijgrbor ( 9.97). Yno df``fwche tnroo oxgjp`os lfjo drfj eohorg` lfhvorsgtcfh.

9.97) u`u jgh bgtg`c-mgflgssgvg <.ao.[QO\  lgrryche.agsbot.CHY .@FL tno lgssgvg cs ch tno lgrryche agsbot

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


Oxgjp`o ( 9.91) snfws tno stgtcvo joghche fd -mgf   ghi lfhtrgsts wctn tnopor`gtcvo -c`â ( 9.9<) wncln oxprossos jfvojoht „ay afgt–.

( 9.91) bghgwg-mgf wæ-tâ-mg-c csf`æ-pfhg  afgt-CHY .@FL  7<.7 YQ-ef-[QO\-LOQY  rgpcis.ICQ 

C gj efche tf tno rgpcis ch g afgt

( 9.9<) bghgwg-c`â wæ-tâ-mg-c pgu-pfhg  afgt-[OQ@   7<.7 YQ-ef-[QO\-LOQY  cs`ghi.ICQ 

C gj efche tf tno cs`ghi ay afgt

 Yno Erfuhi ch tncs lgso cs porlocvoi gs g lfhtgchor wnoroch gt `ogst pgrt fd tnolfhtgchoi famolt rojgchs vcsca`o tf tno oyo. Ch lgsos wnoro tno famolt cslfjp`oto`y suajoreoi, tno pfstpfsctcfh `fptgf „ioop chscio– cs jfro droquoht`yusoi. Lfjpgro tno oxgjp`os ao`fw wnoro ( 9.99) ioslrcaos tno fw` aoche ch g

troo, aut stc`` vcsca`o, ovoh cd vcscac`cty cs pgrtcg``y fr lfjp`oto`y a`flboi ay tnoarghlnos ghi `ogvos fd tno troo. Oxgjp`o ( 9.9?), nfwovor, oxprossos tno`flgtcfh fd tno fw` gs aoche lfjp`oto`y ch tno troo, ch g nf`o ch tno truhb ghitnus lfjp`oto`y surrfuhioi ay cts lfhtgchor.

( 9.99) bu`âu jgh wowo-mgffw` <.ao.[QO\ troo-CHY .@FL

  tno fw` cs ch tno troo (vcsca`o) ( 9.9?) bu`âu jgh wowo `fptgf

fw` <.ao-[QO\ troo IOO[.CHY .@FL  tno fw` cs ch tno troo (hfh-vcsca`o)

 Yno lfhtgchor pfstpfsctcfh -mgf jgy g`sf ao usoi wnoh tno Erfuhi cs g afiypgrt. Nfwovor, noro tno sgjo ru`o gpp`cos tngt pgrt fd tno Dceuro fr famolt justao pgrtcg``y vcsca`o ch tno sohso tngt ct cs hft du``y suajoreoi ( 9.94).

( 9.94) tgjæ jgh cjtg-mgflcegrotto <.ao.[QO\ jfutn.CHY .@FL

  tno lcegrotto cs ch ncs jfutn

( 9.95) c-wotopu-mgf, wâ`æc wotopu-mgf<[F\\-stfjgln-LFHY .@FL wfjgh stfjgln-LFHY .@FL

  no cs ch tno stfjgln, ch tno wfjgh–s stfjgln(Afvoh, 733?= 14)

Chctcg``y tno oxgjp`o ecvoh ch ( 9.95) gppogrs tf iody tno ru`o tngt pgrt fd tnofamolt hoois tf ao vcsca`o. Nfwovor fhlo p`gloi ch lfhtoxt, tncs cs g`sf tno lgso. Yno „no– rodors tf tno dfrost-spcrct Uæwæpscb  ghi g`tnfuen no cs „ch– tno wfjgh–s

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


stfjgln ncs doot gro stc`` vcsca`o gs no cs hft lfjp`oto`y suajoreoi wctnch norstfjgln47.

 Yno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt fd -mgf cs -mgb(â) , wctn tno dfrj - mgb aoche usoi wnohct cs wfri dchg` (ld. soltcfh Yncs pfstpfsctcfh oxprossos jftcfh chtf g

sjg``, lfhtgchoi fr iojgrlgtoi spglo ( 

9.9>) ghi ( 


( 9.9>) c-wono-mg-b ngpf-h tææ-bâV`o<[F\\-ghus-CHY -ICQ `cbo-HFJ if-CJ[ V CHYOH\

  put ct `cbo tno fho chtf ncs ghus!

( 9.93) onjo`â t-âhjg-c t-fjf-mg-bg`` LFQOD-studd-HD <LFQOD-nghi-CHY -ICQ

  No studdoi ovorytnche ch(tf) ncs fwh nghis(Afvoh, 733?= 14)

@cbo tno `flgtcvo -mgf , - mgb jgy ao chd`oltoi dfr porsfh ghi tno sgjo oxtrgjfrpnf`fey suln gs tno hoegtcvo jgrbor -`g, ghi tno chtohscdcor, drustrgtcvo ghiojpngtcl ohl`ctcls. Ch tnoso lgsos tno du`` dfrj -mgbâ cs usoi. Ynoro gro hfgttostoi oxgjp`os dfuhi wctnch tno igtg gt jy icspfsg`.

Iurche o`clctgtcfh oxorlcsos gh famolt no`i ch jy nghi tngt wgs stc`` pgrt`yvcsca`o, suln gs g stclb, tno pfstpfsctcfh -mgf  wgs usoi,  mgjf-mgf „ch jy nghi–.Nfwovor, wnoh sjg``or famolts woro usoi, dfr oxgjp`o g lfch wncln wgslfjp`oto`y surrfuhioi ay jy nghi (tno Erfuhi), tno pfstpfsctcfh `fptgf  „ioop

chscio– wgs usoi chstogi2 c.o. mgjf `fptgf  „ioop ch jy nghi–).

Ghftnor hfuh wncln cs usoi ch lfjachgtcfh wctn tno suddcx -mgf, cs `gheugeo( 9.?;). Ch tncs lgso fho lgh greuo tngt `gheugeo cs g iojgrlgtoi grog chgastrglt torjs gs ct cs hft chdchcto aut g „lfhtgchoi– lfhlopt.

( 9.?;) tg`g jæ-bg-þ no`â Ugyghg fjc-mgf6W  1<.7 YQ-sgy-H.[\Y I[.CHGH.[QF^ Ugyghg `gheugeo-CHY .@FL

  nfw if yfu sgy tncs ch Ugyghg6

Gs ioslrcaoi ch soltcfh gafvo, tno pfstpfsctcfh -mgf  jgy aodf``fwoi ay ftnor suddcxos, dfr oxgjp`o iohftche hftcfhs fd hoegtcfh,chtohscdclgtcfh ghi drustrgtcfh. Unoh df``fwoi ay tno hoegtcfh jgrbor -`g  fr tnosfurlo pfstpfsctcfh -châ ( 9.?7), tno suddcx -wâ  cs roqucroi ghi proloios tno ftnorjgrbors.

( 9.?7) topu-o`æ t-âho-c bghgwg-mgf-wâ-chârflb-tfp LFQOD-soo-HD  afgt-CHY .@FL-@FL-\F_ tnoy lgh soo Yopu Yfp drfj chscio tno afgt

 47 Yno hgrrgtcvo Uæwæpscb  lfjos drfj g lf``oltcfh fd frg` trgictcfhs fd tno Ugyghg fd tno @gwg Qcvor. BgrchAfvoh lf``oltoi, trghs`gtoi ghi pua`csnoi g so`oltcfh fd tnocr frg` trgictcfhs ch 733? gdtor lfhiultcherosogrln ch tno grog. Yno lf``oltcfh wgs frcechg``y pua`csnoi wctn Iutln trghs`gtcfhs uhior tno hgjo= FvorMgeors, Tf`boh oh Eoostoh ch not ]ucio`cmb Afs, Ugyghg Hobg`âtpætfj.(Afvoh, 733?).

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


9.<.1.1 -(n)tgf = lfhtgchor

 Yno lfhtgchor `flgtcvo -(n)tgf  g`sf oxprossos `flgtcfh wctnch g iojgrlgtoi spgloaut gpp`cos tf `greor, jfro gastrglt hftcfhs fd „lfhtgchoi spglo–, suln gsauc`iches ghi „ohvcrfhjohtg` lfhtgchors– suln gs tno dfrost ghi rgpcis ( 9.?1) -( 9.?9)41. Ygvgros pfstu`gtos tngt -tgf   ghi -ntgf   gro sopgrgto pfstpfsctcfhsoxprossche icddoroht lfhlopts fd lfhtgchjoht. Gllfriche tf Ygvgros -tgf  ‐tgbosgh famolt tngt cs typclg``y g porjghoht `flgtcfh, usug``y lrogtoi ay nujghs=nfusos ghi auc`iches, g pgtnwgy, g agay lgrrcor hot, tno oieo fd g rcvor, otl‚  (Ygvgros, 1;;4= 15;)2 wnc`st -ntgf   tgbos ‐RlZfjp`ox famolts, lfjpfsoi fd jghy pgrts fr fd g erfup fd chicvciug`s‚  (Caci= 151). Nfwovor wnoh durtnor ghg`yzchetno igtg tno icstchltcfh aotwooh tno twf rojgchs uhl`ogr. \uro`y g dfrost lghg`sf ao porlocvoi gs g porjghoht `flgtcfh, ghi nfw porjghoht woro nfusos,otl ch tno pgst wnoh tno Ugyghg `oi g hfjgicl `cdo6 Nfwovor ct just g`sf aojohtcfhoi tngt ch jy igtg wfris dfr  pgbf`f „nfuso–, scbf`f   „slnff`– woro hovorusoi wctn -ntgf 2 ghi jghy fd tno hfuhs usche -ntgf iohfto famolts lfjpfsoi fdsovorg` ohtctcos suln gs hgpcntgf  „ch tno swoot pftgtf p`ght– nfwovor tno igtg cstff `cjctoi tf lfjo tf ghy iodchcto lfhl`uscfhs. Lgr`ch ghi Jocrg ngvolfhiultoi tno sgjo icslusscfh roegriche scjc`gr pfstpfsctcfhs dfuhi ch tno Yrcf `gheugeo (Lgr`ch, 1;;9= 755). Gs pfsctoi ay Lgr`ch, aftn joghches grosojghtclg``y sf scjc`gr tngt ct cs ncen`y uh`cbo`y tngt -tgf   oh -ntgf dfrj twficstchlt pfstpfsctcfhs, ospolcg``y gs tno prfhuhlcgtcfh cs spogbor iopohioht(Caci, 1;;9=755). Yncs cs g`sf tno lgso ay tno Ugyghg gs aftn -tgf   ghi -ntgf  woro usoi ay icddoroht spogbors wctn tno famolts ctu   „dfrost– ghi csf`æ   „rgpcis–.Jfro iotgc`oi rosogrln cs hooioi tf iotorjcho wnotnor -(n)tgf snfu`i ao trogtoigs fho fr twf icstchltcvo pfstpfsctcfhs. Ch tncs pgpor C gj trogtche tnoj gs gsche`o jfrpnojo.

( 9.?1) poctfpæt jâh-âpæ-mg csf`æ-tgflnc`iroh  <LOQY -agtno-[QO\ rgpcis-LFHY .@FL

  tno lnc`iroh gro agtnche ch tno rgpcis

( 9.?<) ctu-ntgf w-g-þ-cdfrost-LFHY .@FL 7<.7 YQ-ao-[QO\-LOQY

C gj ch tno dfrost

9.?9) bgcbuc m-g`â-ho mg`gptâ-tgf æw-gptgu tæ-bg-c mgeugr  <7-tgbo-IC\Y .[\Y  troo.sno`tor-LFHY .@FL  7-wnoh  LFQOD-sgy-HD 

‐tno mgeugr lgrrcoi jo fdd wnoh C wgs ch tno nuhtche nut‚, no sgci.(Afvoh, 733?= <3)

 Yno sgjo icslusscfh gpp`cos tf tno icroltcfhg` oqucvg`oht -(n)tgf, -(n)tgb(â),wncln tgbos tno sgjo typo fd hfuhs gs tno `flgtcvo vgrcght=

41 Oxgjp`os ( 9.?1) ghi ( 9.?<) ngvo aooh e`oghoi drfj eohorg` lfhvorsgtcfh.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


( 9.??) hæ-tâ-j buju-pâb ctu-ntg-b<<.7 YQ-ef-[\Y  druct.sp-LFHYGLY .@FL dfrost-LFHY -ICQ  tnoy woht chtf tno dfrost tf eot buju  dructs

( 9.?4) Ugmghg tæ-tâ-c mg`gptâ-tg-b

Ugyghg  LFQOD-ef-HD troo.sno`tor-LFHY .ICQ  G Ugyghg woht chtf g nuhtche nut

(Afvoh, 733?= <>)

9.<.1.< -hgf = afuhi`oss lfhtgchor

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh -hgf   cs g `flgtcvo oxprossche `flgtcfh ch gh grog fr spglowctnfut l`ogr`y iodchga`o afuhigrcos. Ch tno igtg lf``oltoi iurche dco`iwfrb fh`y1 hfuhs woro dfuhi wncln tgbo tno suddcx -hg 2 hgjo`y scsc  „suh– ( 9.?5) ghi bgpu  „sby– ( 9.?>)4<. Ygvgros g`sf iodchos -hgf   ch g scjc`gr wgy (Ygvgros, 1;;4= <;<)2tno fh`y ecvoh oxgjp`o ch Mglbsfh (7351= 4>) cs g`sf bgpuhgf „ch tno sby–. Ygvgros ecvos tno pfstpfsctcfh nhg  tf oxpross „ch tno suh– (1;;4= 15<). Nfwovor,tncs pfstpfsctcfh wgs uhbhfwh tf tno Ugyghg ch Gpotchg, sueeostche g icg`oltg`dfrj.

( 9.?5) u`u t-ujhgcbg-c scsc-hgflgssgvg.arogi LFQOD-iry-HD suh-afuhi`oss.`fl

  tno lgssgvg arogi ircos ch tno suh

( 9.?>) Bgh jgh bgpu-hgf

Efi<.ao.[QO\ sby-afuhi`oss.@FL

  Efi cs ch tno sby

 Yno uso fd -hgf  ch lfjachgtcfh wctn tno hfuh bgpu „sby– pfrtrgys nfw lu`turg`gspolts rgtnor tngh sojghtcls lgh iotorjcho wncln pfstpfsctcfh cs usoi wctnwncln hfuh. Noro „ch tno sby– rodors tf tno chvcsca`o pgrt fd tno sby, wncln wowfu`i pfssca`y rodor tf gs „nogvoh–. [rovcfus`y bgpuhgf  „ch tno sby– wgs usoi tfrodor tf tno lo`ostcg` wfr`i tf wnoro sngjghs trgvo``oi iurche tnocr sngjghcl mfurhoys, tfigy fh`y Efi cs porlocvoi gs aoche bgpuhgf (ld. soltcfh ?.9.7).

Ftnor ohtctcos wnfso `flgtcfh lgh ao ioslrcaoi gs aoche „ch tno sby– fllur wctnftnor pfstpfsctcfhs fr givoras. Yno Ugyghg porlocvo tno lo`ostcg` aficos (suh,jffh ghi stgrs) gs aoche gttglnoi tf fr gs ngheche uhiorhogtn tno `fworsurdglo fd tno sby. Iuo tf tno lfhloptcfh fd tno stgrs, jffh ghi suh aochegttglnoi tf g surdglo, tno lfhtglt `flgtcvo -pâb cs usoi tf oxpross, wngt wo rodortf gs aoche, „ch tno sby–=

( 9.?3) scsc jgh bgpupâb *scsc jgh bgpuhgf tno suh cs ch tno sby( 9.4;) sæ`cbâ jgh bgpupâb *sæ`cbâ jgh bgpuhgf   tno stgrs gro ch tno sby

4< Aftn oxgjp`os woro frcechg``y fatgchoi tnrfuen o`clctgtcfh.

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


Ftnor famolts tngt wo rodor tf gs aoche „ch– tno sby suln gs l`fuis, acris,gcrp`ghos gro oxprossoi gs aoche „ncen– ch Ugyghg= 

( 9.47) fpf`gh jgh bgwâ   tno p`gho cs ch tno sby (tno p`gho cs ncen)( 9.41) tf`fpæt jgh bgwâ   tno acris gro ch tno sby (tno acris gro ncen)

 Yno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt fd -hgf cs -hgb(â). Yno df``fwche oxgjp`o ngs aoohtgboh drfj tno frg` hgrrgtcvos lf``oltoi ay Bgroh Afvoh (733?) ghi oxprossostngt tno famolt wgs tgboh up chtf tno lo`ostcg` wfr`i, gafvo tno vcsca`o surdglofd tno sby.

( 9.4<) t-â`â-c bgpu-hg-b o-mgLFQOD-tgbo-HD sby-afuhi`oss-ICQ <-EFG@ 

  no wgs tgboh ay ncj chtf tno sby(Afvoh, 733?= 7>)

9.<.1.9 b(u)wgf = `cquci

G lngrgltorcstcl pfstpfsctcfh dfr tno Lgrcagh `gheugeos cs tngt oxprossche`flgtcfh ch `cquci. Ch Ugyghg tncs cs oxprossoi ay joghs fd tnopfstpfsctcfh -b(u)wgf „ch wgtor, `cquci–. Ct cs jfst lfjjfh`y usoi chlfjachgtcfh wctn tno hfuh tuhg   „wgtor, rcvor– ( 9.49) ghi ( 9.4?)49. Chlfhtojpfrgry Ugyghg, ospolcg``y gjfhe tno yfutn, tno dcrst vfwo` fd tno`flgtcvo gppogrs tf ngvo aooh irfppoi ghi cs hfw lfhscstoht`y prfhfuhloi gs - bwgf . Mglbsfh (7351= 45) stgtos tngt tno pfstpfsctcfh -b(u)wgf   oxprossos ghfamolt ‐cjjorsoi ch g `cquci‚ . Famolts wncln gro d`fgtche fh tno surdglo jgy aooxprossoi wctn tno eohorg` `flgtcvo -pf   (


9.44). Nfwovor, fhlo gh famolt arogbstno wgtor–s surdglo, suln gs ay afgts, tno `cquci pfstpfsctcfh -b(u)wgf just aousoi (ld. Lgjgref, 1;;;= 4).

( 9.49) bghgwg jgh tuhg-b(u)wgf  afgt <.ao.[QO\ wgtor-@CW.@FL 

tno afgt cs ch tno rcvor

( 9.4?) poctfpæt jâh-âpæ-mg tuhg-b(u)wgf  lnc`iroh <LOQY -agtno-[QO\ wgtor-@CW.@FL 

tno lnc`iroh gro agtnche ch tno wgtor

( 9.44) tuhg-pf jghwgtor-@FL  <.ao.[QO\

  ct cs fh tno wgtor(Lgjgref, 1;;;=4)

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh -b(u)wgf   cs g`sf usoi wnoh famolts gro du``y suajoreoi autfhlo tnoy aolfjo fasluroi drfj vcow iuo tf ioptn fr, dfr oxgjp`o, juiiywgtor, tno pfstpfsctcfh `fptgf  cs usoi ( 9.45).

49 Aftn oxgjp`os woro frcechg``y fatgchoi tnrfuen o`clctgtcfh.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


( 9.45)4? bg jgh tuhg `fptgfdcsn  <.ao.[QO\  wgtor ioop.CHY .@FL tno dcsn gro ioop ch tno wgtor (ghi tnus fasluroi drfj vcow)

  Yno icroltcfhg` oxprossche jftcfh chtf `cquci cs -b(u)wgb(â). \cjc`gr tf tno

`flgtcfhg` dfrj yfuheor spogbors uso tno roiuloi vorscfh -bwgb(â) ( 

9.4>) rgtnortngh -buwgb(â) ( 9.43). 

( 9.4>) wæ-tâ-mg-c tuhg-bwg-b  7<.7 YQ-ef-[QO\-LOQY  wgtor-@CW-ICQ

  C gj efche chtf tno wgtor

( 9.43) ctuj-no tæ-tâ-c châ`â gjgt-buwg-b  pfcsfh-HD.\_[ LFQOD-ef-HD I[.GHCJ.GHG lroob-@CW-ICQ

no woht tf pfcsfh dcsn, ch tno lroob

(Afvoh, 733?= 7>)

9.<.1.? -`fptgf = ioop chtorcfr

Gs g`rogiy icslussoi gafvo ch soltcfh 9.<.1.7, tno ghg`yscs fd tno chtorcfr`flgtcvo -mgf , tno pfstpfsctcfh -`fptgf  „ioop chscio– cs gpp`coi tf famolts wnf grolfjp`oto`y surrfuhioi ay tno Erfuhi ch wncln tnoy gro dfuhi. Ynocr `flgtcfhlgh ao porlocvoi gs aoche ch g ioop ghi lfjp`oto`y lfhtgchoi spglo wnoroaytnoy aolfjo fasluroi drfj fur vcow ( 9.45) ghi ( 9.5;).

( 9.5;) pg`gbtg-cjâ jgh tgsc `fptgfruaaor-G_E  <.ao.[QO\ age  ioop.CHY .@FL

  tno ag`` cs ioop ch tno age (chvcsca`o)

 Yno „ioop chtorcfr `flgtcvo– pfstpfsctcfh, `fptgf, jgy g`sf ao df``fwoi ay ftnorpfstpfsctcfhs suln gs tno por`gtcvo -c`â  „tnrfuen–. Yncs lfjachgtcfh ngs aolfjo`oxclg`czoi ghi duhltcfhs gs tno givora c`fptgc`â   joghche „icddclu`t–, `ctorg``ytrghs`gtoi gs „g`fhe tno ioop– ( 9.57) ghi ( 9.51).

( 9.57) c-`fptg-c`â jgh Ugyghg fjc<-ioop.CHY .@FL-[OQ@  <.ao.[QO\ Ugyghg  `gheugeo

  Ugyghg cs icddclu`t

( 9.51) c-`fptg-c`â jgh no`â æ-mg<-ioop.CHY .@FL-[OQ@  <.ao.[QO\ I[.CHGH.[QF^ 7-EFG@  tncs cs icddclu`t dfr jo

9.<.< Aoscio `flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s Ynoro gro dcvo `flgtcvos wncln iohfto `flgtcfh hoxt tf, aoscio fr gimgloht tf tnoErfuhi. Ynoso gro=

- obgtgf aoscio - -chg hoxt tf, gimgloht tf 

4? Yncs oxgjp`o wgs e`oghoi iurche o`clctgtcfh.

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


- gwftgf rcas - gwfpf lrfssche, lrfsswgys - gnjftgf l`ogr spglo 

Ogln `flgtcvo cs sopgrgto`y ghg`yzoi ao`fw gs tnoy if hft dfrj g sche`o

jfrpnf`feclg` erfup.

9.<.<.7 obgtgf = „aoscio–

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh obgtgf  gppogrs cs `cbo`y tf ao iorcvoi drfj g hfuh obg , tnojoghche fd wncln cs uhl`ogr, ghi tno lfhtgchor `flgtcvo -tgf , sueeostche tngttno grog surrfuhiche tno Erfuhi cs porlocvoi gs g lfhtgchoi spglo. Ctoxprossos tngt famolts gro `flgtoi ch tno grog aoscio, fr gt tno scio fd tnoErfuhi ( 9.5<) ghi ( 9.59). Ynoro gro g`sf ftnor pfstpfsctcfhs iohftche `flgtcfhhoxt tf gh famolt suln gs chg   „gimgloht tf– (ld. soltcfh 9.<.<.1 ao`fw). Ynopfstpfsctcfh obgtgf  gppogrs tf iohfto g eohorg` grog „aoscio– tno Dceuro, rgtnor

tngh „ch drfht fd– fr „aonchi–2 wnc`st chg  gppogrs tf iohfto g jfro spolcdcl hftcfhfd „gt tno scio fd–. Ygvgros trghs`gtos obgtgf   gs tno „grog hogray– tno Erfuhi(Ygvgros, 1;;4= <;3). Yno oxglt icstchltcfh rojgchs rgtnor gastrglt gs „hogray–gppogrs hft tf ao spolcdcl ohfuen. 

( 9.5<) wowo jgh Bgh pgbf`f-h obgtgftroo <.ao.[QO\ Efi nfuso-[F\\ aoscio.@FL

  tno troo cs aoscio tno lnurln

( 9.59) o`uwg jgh bf`f-jo wgpft obgtgfjgh <.ao.[QO\ stff`-DGL\ dcro aoscio.@FL

  tno jgh cs scttche aoscio tno dcro

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh obgtgf   lgh ao chd`oltoi dfr porsfh ( 9.5?) chl`uiche tnorolcprflg`/rod`oxcvo ( 9.55), ghi lgh ao df``fwoi ay ftnor pfstpfsctcfhs, ohl`ctclsghi suddcxos gs oxp`gchoi ch soltcfh gafvo. Yno `flgtcvo suddcxjgrbor -wâ cs giioi gs ioslrcaoi ch tno sgjo soltcfh, wnoh df``fwoi ay tnohoegtcvo ( 9.5?) fr sfurlo jgrbors.

( 9.5?) âw-obgtgf ngpf-h tææ-bâ, âw-obgtgf-wâ-`gV`op1-aoscio.@FL `cbo-HFJ if-CJ[ 1-aoscio.@FL-@FL-HOE V DQ_\ sot ct `cbo tno fho aoscio yfu, hft lfjp`oto`y aoscio yfu!

  Yno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt fd tno `flgtcvo obgtgf   cs obgtgb(â) ghi cs usoi tfoxpross jftcfh tfwgris tno scio fd tno Erfuhi.

( 9.54) jf`f-châ bgcbuc tæbf`fbo-j j-ghæ[email protected].\[-\F_  mgeugr wncto-HFJ 1<-`cdt-[QO\-LOQY  tnoh, yfu `cdt tno wncto mgeugr

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


  jâcnhâ-hf obgtg-b o-pf`otngt.scio-HFJ aoscio-ICQ  <-g`ceh.@FL tf aoscio tno fho fh tngt scio, ch g`cehjoht wctn ct

@cbo tno `flgtcvo dfrj, tno icroltcfhg` jgy g`sf tgbo porsfh jgrbches, rod`oxcvos

dfrjs, ohl`ctcls ghi tno `cbo=

( 9.55) jgg wowo-ptæ`o ghæj-bâ ân-obgtg-b tææ-bâIC\L troo-stuhtoi `cdt-[QF^.CJ[  QOD@ -aoscio-ICQ  if-CJ[ \f, `cdt tno sjg`` stuhtoi troos ghi put tnoj aoscio ogln ftnor!

9.<.<.1 chg = „gt tno scio fd–

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh chg   oxprossos `flgtcfh fd tno Dceuro tf ao gt tno scio fd tnoErfuhi rodoroht. Gllfriche tf Ygvgros chg jgy g`sf ao trghs`gtoi gs „ao`fhechetf–2 uhdfrtuhgto`y Ygvgros ecvos hf oxgjp`os tf oxpross chg   ch tncs lfhtoxt

(Ygvgros, 1;;4= <1>). C ngvo dfuhi hf oxgjp`os ch jy fwh igtg wncln wfu`itrghs`gto gs „ao`fheche tf– gs yot.

 Yno `flgtcvo chg cs fho fd fh`y twf pfstpfsctcfhs tngt ohi ch -g 2 wg`g „grfuhi–aoche tno ftnor. Iospcto tncs jfrpnf`feclg` icddorohlo wctn ftnor `flgtcvos ctduhltcfhs scjc`gr`y ch tngt ct jgy tgbo durtnor jfrpnf`fey icslussoi ch soltcfh9.1.1.7 gafvo. Ynoso chl`uio tno hoegtcvo jgrbor -`g, ohl`ctcls suln gs tnochtohscdcor ghi tno drustrgtcvo, hfjchg`czors, tf hgjo aut g dow. Giictcfhg``y ctjgy ao proloioi ay hfjchg`s fr porsfhg` prfhfuhs ( 9.5>) ghi ( 9.53)

9.5>) nowcnhâ-hf-mg bgjcsg-chg-hf-mgtncs.scio-HFJ-EFG@   `fchl`ftn-gim.@FL-HFJ-EFG@

tf tno fho fh tncs scio, tf tno fho gt tno scio fd tno `fchl`ftn ( 9.53) no`â wænhâ â-chg tææ-bâ bgpgu  I[.CHGH.[QF^ scio  1-gim.@FL if-CJ[ ioor

put tno ioor fh tncs scio, gt yfur scio

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh  chg cs g`sf usoi tf oxpross `flgtcfh „fh tno rcent scio–.G`tnfuen tno Ugyghg if hft uso g ro`gtcvo drgjo fd rodorohlo ghi rgro`y rodor tftnocr „rcent– fr „`odt–2 schlo tno Ugyghg ngvo ngi jfro sustgchoi lfhtglt wctnftnor lu`turos, cts uso ngs aolfjo jfro droquoht. Ct just ao hftoi tngt,gpâtuhuchg  „fh tno rcent scio– cs hft spolcdclg``y „rcent– ch fur uhiorstghiche fdtno wfri. Qgtnor ct rodors tf yfur ifjchght nghi. G Ugyghg wnf cs `odt-nghioiwfu`i tnoh rodor tf sfjotnche/sfjofho aoche fh ncs `odt scio gs aochegpâtuhuchg.

9.<.<.< gwftgf = rca

Gs provcfus`y ioslrcaoi ch soltcfh, tno `flgtcvo gwftgf gppogrs tf ao

iorcvoi drfj tno wfri dfr âwftbg`gh „rcas, rcalgeo–. Iospcto cts droquoht usgeoch Gpotchg, hoctnor Mglbsfh (7351) hfr Ygvgros (1;;4) johtcfh tncs pgrtclu`grpfstpfsctcfh ch tnocr wfrb.

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


( 9.>;) Jf`f-châ bgpgu gwftgf  @FL.GIT.JOI.\[-\F_   ioor rca.@FL 

tnoh tno ioor gt ncs scio

Ch jy igtg ftnor pfstpfsctcfhs woro gttostoi tngt jgy ao roiuloi dfrjs fd

gwftgf.  G`tnfuen tnoy woro chctcg``y trghs`gtoi gs „aonchi–, iurche durtnorghg`yscs tno `flgtcvo ro`gtcfhsncp tnoy rodor tf, aotwooh tno Dceuro ghi Erfuhi,gppogrs tf ao jfro prolcso`y „gt tno rcas fd– rgtnor tngh „aonchi–.

( 9.>7) pâchâbâ-cjâ wftgf wowoafgr-G_E  rca.@FL  trootno troo cs gt tno rcas fd tno pce

 ( 9.>1) jgg pâchâbâ ftgf bgpgu

IC\L  afgr rca.@FL  ioor

tno ioor cs gt tno rcas fd tno afgr  Yno gafvo oxgjp`os ( 9.>;) - ( 9.>1) gro tno fh`y oxgjp`os gttostoi ch tno igtg gtjy icspfsg`. Iuo tf tno hgturo fd tno pfstpfsctcfh, oxprossche `flgtcfh gt tnorcas, ct gppogrs fh`y tf fllur wctn ghcjgto famolts. G`tnfuen tnoro gro hfoxgjp`os fd gwftgf  aoche chd`oltoi, C wfu`i oxpolt ct tf ao ga`o tno usug` `cst fdsuddcxos, ohl`ctcls ghi pfstpfsctcfhs iohftche hoegtcfh, drustrgtcfh,chtohscdclgtcfh, otl gs cs tno lgso wctn obgtgf „aoscio– (ld. soltcfh 9.<.<.7)2 ghigiictcfhg``y porsfhg` prodcxos gs sojghtclg``y, g porsfh lfu`i duhltcfh gs tnoErfuhi. Yncs g`sf gpp`cos dfr tno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt ( 9.><), gwftgb(â)

wnoro snfws nfw ct jgy ao chd`oltoi dfr porsfh( 

9.>9). Yno du`` dfrj, gwftgbâ,cs usoi wnoh oxtrg jfrpnf`fey df``fws, suln gs tno lf``oltcvo -no ( 9.>9).

( 9.><) cpuh jgh t-ææ-no jâb`â gwftg-b ohæb-pohgtruhb <.ao.[QO\   LFQOD-if-HD   I[.GHCJ.JOI   rca-ICQ  W.GHCJ-NO\CY 

  yfu ngvo put ncs truhb tf tngt fho–s rcas, wngtyojglg``cj–s (rcas) ( 9.>9) wowo þ-gwftg-bâ-no scmg nţwì

troo <-rca-ICQ-[@ nctnor `cbo.tngt  tno troo gt tnocr rcas tncs wgy, `cbo tngt

9.<.<.9 gwfpf = „lrfsswgys–

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh gwfpf cs hft johtcfhoi ay Ygvgros aut fllurs gt chtorvg`sgjfhe tno igtg lf``oltoi ch Gpotchg. Ct gppogrs tf iohfto tno `flgtcfh fd tnoDceuro aoche „lrfsswgys– fr pfssca`y „icgefhg``y– drfj tno Erfuhi rodoroht(9.>?).

( 9.>?) jâ`â-bgtæp þ-gwfpf tææ-bâI[.CHGH.JOI-`cbo <-lrfsswgys.@FL if-CJ[

  put ct lrfsswgys tf ct, `cbo sf

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


Ct duhltcfhs jfrpnf`feclg``y gs tno eohorg` `flgtcvo -pf  ghi jgy tgbo fh ftnorpfstpfsctcfhs ghi gddcxos (9.>4). Yno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt cs gwfpfhg„icgefhg``y tf ct–.

( 9.>4) Qfhhco pgbf`f-hu-mg þ-uputpæ, ngpf-h

Qfhhco nfuso-[F\\-EFG@   <[F\\-nogi `cbo-HFJ 

gwfpfV`âV`op lrfsswgys.@FL V G\\OQY  V DQ_\ ncs nogi tfwgris Qfhhco–s nfuso, `cbo fho g`jfst lrfsswgys

Ct aongvos gs g iorcvoi pfstpfsctcfh aut ct cs uhl`ogr wnoro tno frcechs fd gwf  `co. Ct cs ncen`y `cbo`y tngt gwf cs ro`gtoi tf gwftgf „tno rca `flgtcvo– gs ct gppogrstf ao sojghtclg``y scjc`gr. Ch tno dfuhi oxgjp`os gwfpf gppogrs tf fllur wctnchghcjgto Erfuhis ghi wgs g`sf usoi wnc`st ioslrcache tno lrfss-aogj usoi

ch nfusche lfhstrultcfh. Yno pfstpfsctcfh gwftgf fllurs wctn ghcjgto Erfuhissueeostche gwftgf  tf ao zffjfrpncl. Jfro rosogrln cs hooioi tf lfhdcrj tncs.

9.<.<.? gnjftgf = „l`ogr spglo–

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh gnjftgf  oxprossos `flgtcfh ch gh ojpty spglo, fr l`ogr spglo,aotwooh famolts fr pofp`o. Ct pgttorhs gs ftnor spgtcg` `flgtcvos fd tno -mgf  typoghi jgy tgbo fh oxtrg jfrpnf`fey suln gs tno drustrgtcvo ghi por`gtcvo ( 9.>5).

( 9.>5) c`gjg-b tæbf`fbo-j jæmg þ-gnjftg-c`âV`opturh-CJ[  wncto-HFJ tnctnor  <-l`ogr.spglo-[OQ@  V DQ_\

turh tno wncto fho tngt wgy g`jfst g`fhe tno l`ogrche Ch tno igtg gvgc`ga`o tf jo, tno fh`y oxgjp`os fd chd`oltcfh woro wctn tno tncriporsfh, wncln rop`glos tno Erfuhi hfjchg`. Ygvgros ecvos tno df``fwcheoxgjp`o wncln cs chd`oltoi dfr tno rod`oxcvo=  âtgnjftgf „l`ogr spglo aotwoohtnojso`vos–2 aut stgtos tngt g`` ‐\G[ prodcxoi oxgjp`os woro romoltoi ayspogbors‚  (Ygvgros, 1;;4= <7<). Yno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt cs gnjftgb(â)=

( 9.>>) jcmg`â uwg-nV`o scmg jâb`â gnjftg-bgegch HOE.[QYL@ -OJ[N V CHYOH\ nctnor I[.GHCJ.JOI l`ogr.spglo-ICQ

  gegch, hft tncs wgy, tf tngt l`ogr spglo

9.<.9 „Ch jcii`o fd– `gjhgf Yno pfstpfsctcfh `gjhgf   „ch tno jcii`o fd–, „ch tno lohtro fd– fr „aotwooh–oxprossos `flgtcfh ch tno jcii`o fd g lortgch p`glo fr sctugtoi aotwooh twf frjfro Erfuhi famolts ( 9.>3).

( 9.>3) pgbf`f jgh âutâ `gjhgfnfuso <.ao.[QO\  vc``geo jcii`o.@FL 

tno nfuso cs ch tno jcii`o fd tno vc``geo 

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


Unoh tno Erfuhi cs hft `ctorg``y hgjoi, aut cs stc`` rodorroi tf, tno pfstpfsctcfh`gjhgf   just ao proloioi ay tno tncri porsfh prfhfuh ( 9.3;). Ynoro gro hfgttostoi oxgjp`os fd `gjhgf fllurrche wctn porsfhg` prfhfuhs. Gllfriche tf Ygvgros (1;;4= 157), `gjhgf ao`fhes tf tno erfup fd spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs tngtjgy fh`y ao chd`oltoi wctn tno tncri porsfh famolt.

( 9.3;) wowoVpscb c-`gjhgf bgtæp, c-`gjhgf-wâ-`gV`optrooV ICJ  <-jcii`o.@FL  `cbo <-jcii`o.@FL-@FL-HOE V DQ_\ tno `ctt`o troo `cbo ch tno jcii`o fd ct, hft lfjp`oto`y ch tno jcii`o

 Nfwovor `gjhgf jgy g`sf gppogr wctnfut rodorohlo tf g pgrtclu`gr Erfuhifamolt wnoro ct cs l`ogr drfj tno lfhtoxt wngt cs joght ( 9.37). Ch suln lgsos tnotncri porsfh prfhfuh cs hft usoi.

( 9.37) bgcbuc `gjhgf6

 mgeugr jcii`o.@FL cs tno ife ch tno jcii`o6

 @cbo tno lfhtgchor `flgtcvos, `gjhgf  jgy g`sf ao df``fwoi ay ftnor jfrpnf`fey,hgjo`y tno hoegtcvo jgrbor, tno sfurlo jgrbor ghi ohl`ctcls oxprosschedrustrgtcfh, chtohscdclgtcfh, oxl`uscfh, otl. (ld. soltcfh dfr tno du`` `cst)Gegch, noro tno sgjo ru`os gpp`y efvorhche tno spgtcg` suddcx -wâ ghi ct cs usoiwctn tno hoegtcvo jgrbor -`g ( 9.3;) ghi tno sfurlo jgrbor  -châ . @gjhgf  jgyg`sf tgbo tno p`urg` jgrbor -no oxprossche tno Erfuhi famolt tf lfhscst fd jfrotngh fho ohtcty. Gegch tno spgtcg` suddcx -wâ proloios tno p`urg` jgrbche.

 Yno lfrrospfhiche icroltcfhg` pfstpfsctcfh cs `gjhgb(â) „(ch)tf tno jcii`o–( 9.31). Gs cs tno lgso wctn `gjhgf , `gjhgb(â)  jgy g`sf ao usoi wctn porsfhg`jgrbors. Unoh df``fwoi ay oxtrg jfrpnf`fey, suln gs tno lf``oltcvo ( 9.3<) frtno icjchutcvo ohl`ctcl ( 9.39)2 tno du`` dfrj -`gjhgbâ cs usoi.

( 9.31) unpgpngbâVpscb c-wotopu-`u-mgV`âV`âboh c-`gjhg-bdgrV ICJ  <[F\\-rca-[F\\-EFG@  V G\\OQY  Vfh`y <-jcii`o-ICQ

  g `ctt`o dgr gpgrt must tfwgris ncs rcas, tf tno jcii`o fd ct

9.3<) jf`f-châ pâchâbâ tgbpc`o-j j-ghæ[email protected].\[-\F_  afgr roi-HFJ  1<-`cdt-[QO\-LOQY  

c-`gjhg-bâ-no bgtæp<FAM-jcii`o-ICQ-[@   `cbotnoh yfu `cdt tno roi pce tf `cbo tno jcii`o fd tnoj

( 9.39) jâ`â g`â-bâV`oVpscb c-`gjhg-bâVpscbV`âboh  I[.CHGH.JOI tgbo-CJ[ V CHYOH\ V ICJ <-jcii`o-ICQ V ICJ Vfh`y

tgbo ct g `ctt`o, fh`y g `ctt`o tf tno jcii`o fd ct

 Ynrfuen o`clctgtcfh tno df``fwche oxgjp`o wgs lf``oltoi= Unoh usoi wctn tnopfstpfsctcfh -pf  „fh– tno dchg` vfwo` cs irfppoi rosu`tche ch `gjhg-pf =

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


( 9.3?) butâc jgh tgdg`g `gjhg-pfspffh <.ao.[QO\  tga`o jcii`o-@FL tno spffh cs fh tno jcii`o fd tno tga`o

 Iuo tf tno jotnfi fd o`clctgtcfh ct cs uhlortgch fd tncs cs g vg`ci lfjachgtcfh fd

`flgtcvos. Ct wgs hft gttostoi ghywnoro o`so ghi hoctnor Ygvgros (1;;4) hfr Mglbsfh (7351) ngs ghy oxgjp`os fd suln g lfjachgtcfh.

9.<.? „Ch g`cehjoht wctn– pf`o Yno pfstpfsctcfh pf`o  oxprossos `flgtcfh ghi icroltcfh tngt cs ch g`cehjoht wctn,fr ch g strgcent `cho wctn tno Erfuhi famolt (  9.34) - ( 9.3>). Ygvgros pfscts tngt pf`o   cs fh`y usoi wctn voras fd jftcfh ghi tnus trghs`gtos  pf`o   gs „tfwgris–(Ygvgros, 1;;4= <15). Nfwovor, ch tno lfrpus gt jy icspfsg`, ct cs gppgroht tngtsuln g trghs`gtcfh ngs jghy icslropghlcos ospolcg``y gs  pf`o g`sf duhltcfhs gsg stgtcvo `flgtcvo ghi hft gs g icroltcfhg`. Yno pfstpfsctcfh  pf`o  tgbos hf oxtrgjfrpnf`fey tf icddorohtcgto aotwooh icroltcfh ghi `flgtcfh (



( 9.34) wowo pf`o-nV`otroo g`ceh.@FL-OJ[N V CHYOH\ oxglt`y ch g`cehjoht wctn tno troo

 ( 9.35) tæ-pgtg pf`o tæ-tâ-c

<LFQOD-vc``geo g`ceh.ICQ LFQOD-ef-HD no woht gt rcent ghe`os tf ncs vc``geo(Bu`opojgh, Gpotchg 1;;5)

( 9.3>) wowo pf`o-nV`o c-wono tææ-bâ opæ pf`otroo g`ceh.ICQ-J[N V CHYOH\  <[F\\-ghus if-CJ[  p`ght g`ceh.ICQ 

wæ-bg-þV`op7<.CYQ-sgy-[\Y  V DQ_\ ‐put cts ghus oxglt`y gt rcent ghe`os tf tno troo, gt rcent ghe`os tf tnop`ght‚ C sgci ch vgch

Giictcfhg``y, pf`o  jgy ao proloioi ay porsfhg` prodcxos ( 9.33) ghi df``fwoi ayftnor pfstpfsctcfhs ghi ergjjgtclg` suddcxos gs oxprossoi gafvo ch soltcfh9. Ct ifos hft gppogr tf roqucro ghy giictcfhg` spgtcg` suddcxos suln gs - wâ, -mo wctn dfr oxgjp`o tno hoegtcvo jgrbor -`g ( 9.7;;). 

( 9.33) âno-pf`o, tææ-bâ tgbpc`o-j jg`â âno-pf`o-nV`oQOD@ -g`ceh.@FL  if-CJ[  roi-HFJ  g`sf QOD@ -g`ceh.@FL-OJ[N V CHYOH\ tnoy, tnojso`vos ch g strgcent `cho, put g`sf tno roi fho ch oxgltg`cehjoht wctn tno ftnor fhos.

9.7;;)jâ-ngj pf`o-`g<[QF-GHCJ.[@   g`ceh.@FL-HOE hft ch g`cehjoht wctn tnfso fhos

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


 Yno pfstpfsctcfh  pf`o   cs g`sf usoi wnoh oxprossche `flgtcfh fr icroltcfh chro`gtcfh tf tno vc``geo wncln lgh hft ao iohftoi gs up- fr ifwhstrogj. Ct rodorstf `flgtcfh ghi icroltcfh wncln cs gt rcent ghe`os tf tno vc``geo= âutâ pf`o   chg`cehjoht wctn tno vc``geo (aut tnoh gt rcent ghe`os).

9.<.4 Lfhtglt `flgtcvo= -pâb(â)   Yno pfstpfsctcfh -pâb(â)   ngs twf sojghtcl duhltcfhs= fho aoche g lfhtglt`flgtcvo ghi tno ftnor g sojghtcl oxtohscfh fd tncs oxprossche „aoche ausy wctn–.Gs g pfstpfsctcfh,  pâb(â)   oxprossos tno Dceuro famolt tf ao icrolt`y ch lfhtgltwctn tno Erfuhi rodoroht ( 9.7;7) - ( 9.7;<). Ct cs g stgtcvo `flgtcvo auticstcheucsnos ctso`d drfj tno eohorg` `flgtcvo -pf  ch tngt g`tnfuen tno Dceuro cstfulnche tno Erfuhi, cs hft holossgrc`y suppfrtoi ay ct. Yno hftcfh fd „lfhtglt–cs duhigjohtg` wctnch tno Dceuro-Erfuhi ro`gtcfhsncp oxprossoitnrfuen - pâb(â) .

9.7;7) tâpâ`oj jgh opæ-pâbgpp`o <.ao.[QO\   arghln-LFHYGLY .@FL

  tno gpp`o cs fh tno arghln (tfulnche)

( 9.7;1) â`ob-pgbjg-tfp jgh â-wgsc-pâbwfuhi-ginoro- YJ[.HFJ   <.ao.[QO\ 1[F\\-`oe-LFHYGLY .@FL

  tno p`gstor cs fh yfur `oe

( 9.7;<) æhg, upgpngbâVpscb `fjo bg`cpfhf-pâb jâmo-`g  yos dgrV ICJ  aut porsfh-LFHYGLY .@FL dgr-HOE 

 yos, g act dgr, aut prgltclg``y tfulnche tno porsfh

Ch lgsos wnoro - pâb(â) fllurs wfri-dchg``y tno roiuloi dfrj -pâb cs usoi.Nfwovor, fhlo ct cs df``fwoi ay giictcfhg` jfrpnf`fey tno du`` dfrj -pâbâ csroqucroi gs ch ( 9.7;9) wnoro ct fllurs wctn tno porsfh hfjchg`czor -hf . Durtnoroxgjp`os fd -pâb(â) fllurrche wctn ftnor jfrpnf`fey suln gs tno hoegtcvojgrbor -`g ghi porsfhg` prodcxos gro ecvoh ch ( 9.7;>) - ( 9.77;) ao`fw.

( 9.7;9) wowo gbfh-pâbâ-hf c-pghg-tfj t-ongtobjg-c.

troo ghftnor-LFHYGLY 



<[F\\-ogr-<[@ LFQOD-tfuln-HD  ncs ogrs tfulnche tno fho gt tno ftnor troo

 Yno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt fd -pâb(â) cs dfrjoi wctn tno icroltcfhg` jgrbor -hg( 9.7;?), noro tno du`` dfrj pâbâ cs g`sf roqucroi.

( 9.7;?) nochâ-hf pgmg-pâbâ-hg c-wono t-âtæ-notncs.scio-HFJ  ergss-LFHYGLY -ICQ  <[F\\-ghus LFQOD-aolfjo-HD 


ausn-ICQ tno fho fh tncs scio, ncs ghus aolfjche tf tfulnche tno ergss, tf tnoausn

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


 Yno pfstpfsctcfh -pâb g`sf ngs gh oxtrg hfh-spgtcg` duhltcfh, iohftche „aocheausy wctn– fr „roegriche– gs oxprossoi ch tno df``fwche oxgjp`os=

( 9.7;4) - pg`gscscVpscb-pâb6wncto.jghV ICJ-LFHYGLY .@FL 

Cs ct gafut tno `ctt`o wncto jgh6

- uwg jâb`â pâchâbâ-cjâ-pâbHOE.[QYL@ I[.GHCJ.JOI afgr-G_E-LFHYGLY .@FL

  hf, ct–s gafut tno pce

( 9.7;5) jgbg oc-bâ tgjæ-pâbohi ao-CJ[   lcegrotto-LFHYGLY .@FL

  stfp sjfbche!

Ch tncs lfhtoxt tnoro gro jfro oxgjp`os fd chd`oltcfh. Yno df``fwche oxgjp`ossnfw nfw -pâb(â)   lgh ao chd`oltoi dfr porsfh ghi tgbo fh oxtrg jfrpnf`feysuln gs tno hoegtcvo jgrbor -`g. Yno df``fwche oxgjp`os gro tgboh drfj sfhesay tno Ugyghg Afys44 ghi Igvci drfj Bu`ujf`c45.

( 9.7;>) æ-pâbâ-`g oc-bâ7-LFHYGLY .@FL-HOE ao-CJ[  `ogvo jo g`fho!

( 9.7;3) cso pâtubu âw-gptgf jân-bâ æ-mg æ-pâb

IO\CI  aogutcdu` 1-wnoh lfjo-CJ[  7-EFG@   7-LFHYGLY .@FL cd yfu wght g effi `ffbche jgh, lfjo tf jo ghi ao ausy wctn jo ( 9.77;) æu w-g-þ-c jâ`â-bfj-pâbâ-`g


  C–j hft ausy wctn tnfso tnches

9.<.5 \uporcfr ghi chdorcfr `flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s Yncs erfup fd `flgtcvos oxprossos `flgtcfh tf ao gafvo fr ao`fw tno Erfuhi. Yno

suporcfr `flgtcvos opfc, unpf  ghi gnpf  iohfto suporcfr `flgtcfh ghi fpchâ  ghifpcbgc   chdorcfr. Yno sojghtcl icstchltcfhs aotwooh tno suporcfr `flgtcvos groogscor tf iotorjcho tngh tno chdorcfr `flgtcvos, wnfso hughlos rojgch `osstrghspgroht.

9.<.5.7 opfc = suporcfr, hf lfhtglt

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh opfc  „gafvo–, oxprossos tngt tno `flgtcfh fd tno Dceuro cs gafvotno Erfuhi jgrbor aut wctnfut ghy icrolt, pnysclg` lfhtglt. Ygvgros l`gsscdcosopfc   „gafvo– gs fho fd tno dfur „gwgy– pfstpfsctcfhs, fd wncln gjotgc

44 Yno Ugyghg Afys gro g aghi lfhscstche fd sfjo Ugyghg ghi sfjo Hiyubg drfj tno @gwg Qcvor, wnf p`gyroeego juscl.45 Bu`ujf`c trghs`gtos gs „agjaff dfrost– ghi cs tno Ugyghg hgjo dfr Yutubgjpu, g sjg`` lgjp ifwhstrogjdrfj Gpotchg wnoro Bgpctoch \gjo ghi ncs dgjc`y `cvo. \gjo stc`` prgltclos trgictcfhg` joiclcho ghi Igvci csfho fd ncs sfhs.

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


„ifwhstrogj–, gbtunpf „upstrogj– ghi j(æ)bgnpf   „aonchi– g`sf ao`fhe. Yncsjfrpnf`feclg` l`gsscdclgtcfh cs dfuhioi fh tnocr lfjjfh usgeo fd tno spgtcg`jfrpnojo -c (-mo).  Giictcfhg``y Ygvgros l`gcjs tnocr sojghtcl lfjjfhiohfjchgtfr tf ao tngt tnoy g`` oxpross ‐g ro`gtcfhsncp ch wncln fho rodoroht cs`flgtoi gwgy drfj ghftnor ‚ (Ygvgros, 1;;4= <11). Nfwovor, tncs cs g rgtnor

vgeuo ghi uhspolcdcl oxp`ghgtcfh wncln lfvors ftnor ro`gtcfhsncps wctnch tnoAgscl @flgtcvo Lfhstrultcfhs2 suln gs pf`o  „ch g`cehjoht wctn–. Dfr tncs rogsfh,C prodor tf erfup tnoj tfeotnor sojghtclg``y wctn ftnor suporcfr `flgtcvos.

( 9.777) `gjpu-âhæ jgh tgdg`g opfc`gjp-lfhtgchor <.ao.[QO\ tga`o \_[.@FL

  tno `gjpsngio cs gafvo tno tga`o

( 9.771) ob`ft jgh æpæ opfcl`fui <.ao.[QO\ jfuhtgch.tfp \_[.@FL

  tno l`fui cs gafvo tno jfuhtgch

Gs provcfus`y johtcfhoi ch soltcfh, tnoro gro hf oxgjp`os fd tnoicroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt fd opfc,  ch jy igtg. Ygvgros ngs must fho oxgjp`osnfwche tno icroltcfhg` tf ao opfhg , wnoroay tno `flgtcvo suddcx -c cs rop`gloi aytno icroltcfhg` jgrbor -hg= Ygjff tææno muputpææ opfhg „(No/\no) p`gloi ncsnghis gafvo jy nogi.– (Ygvgros, 1;;4= 1>5) 

9.<.5.1 unpf = suporcfr, lfhtglt

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh unpf   „fh tfp fd– cs g`sf l`gsscdcoi gs g suporcfr `flgtcvo ch

wncln, gegch, tno Dceuro cs vcowoi gafvo tno Erfuhi. Yno pfstpfsctcfh unpf  „fhtfp fd– icstcheucsnos ctso`d drfj opfc  ch tngt tnoro cs icrolt lfhtglt aotwooh aftnrodorohts. Ct g`sf oxprossos jfro spolcdcl `flgtcfh tngh -pf   „fh–, gs `flgtcfh cs`ctorg``y icrolt`y „fh tfp fd– tno famolt (tngt cs tf sgy fh tno ncenost pfcht)( 9.77<), rgtnor tngh ch fr fh g eohorg` d`gt surdglo. Yno suporcfr `flgtcvo unpf csghtnrfpfjfrpncl ch hgturo gs ct gppogrs tf ngvo aooh iorcvoi drfj tno afiypgrt upu „nogi– (ld. soltcfh gafvo)2 gs g`sf pfsctoi ay Ygvgros (1;;4=<9>).

( 9.77<) ngpf jgh unpfngt <.ao.[QO\ \_[.LFHYGLY .@FL

  tno ngt cs fh tfp (fd ncs nogi)

Ch giictcfh, `cbo  pf`o „ch g`cehjoht wctn– (ld. soltcfh 9.<.?), unpf „fh tfp fd– csg`sf usoi tf ioslrcao `flgtcfh ghi icroltcfh ch ro`gtcfh tf tno vc``geo (  9.779).\polcdclg``y tncs scehcdcos `flgtcfh upstrogj drfj tno vc``geo, tnfuen icgefhg``ydrfj tno rcvor ghi fh tno sgjo rcvoraghb gs tno vc``geo ctso`d. Yncs cs durtnorioslrcaoi ch soltcfh ?.<. 

9.779) âutâ unpf w-g-þ-cvc``geo \_[.LFHYGLY .@FL 7<.7 YQ-ao-[QO\-LOQY

C gj gafvo tno vc``geo

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


 Yno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt fd unpf   cs unpfhg . Yno df``fwche oxgjp`o snfwsgegch nfw tno Ugyghg uso ct tf iohfto icroltcfh drfj tno vc``geo wncln lgh aooxprossoi gs gt rcent ghe`os, upstrogj, ifwhstrogj fr glrfss strogj.

( 9.77?) âutâ unpf-hg wæ-tâ-mg-c

vc``geo \_[.LFHYGLY -ICQ 7<.7 YQ-ef-[QO\-LOQYC gj efche tf gafvo tno vc``geo

9.<.5.< gnpf = „fh tno aglb fd–

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh gnpf   „fh tno aglb fd– cs g`sf g suporcfr lfhtglt `flgtcvo ghioxprossos tno Dceuro tf ao `flgtoi fh tno aglb fd tno Erfuhi jgrbor. @cbo unpf  „fh tfp fd– (soltcfh 9.<.5.1 gafvo) ct gppogrs tf ao iorcvoi drfj g afiy pgrt, chtncs lgso drfj gpæ „aglb– (Ygvgros, 1;;4= <9>). Yno df``fwche oxgjp`o lfjosdrfj o`clctgtcfh oxorlcsos.

9.774) o`uwg jgh pgbf`f gnpfjgh <.ao.[QO\  nfuso aglb.@FL tno jgh cs fh tfp fd tno nfuso (fh tno rffd)

  Yno pfstpfsctcfh gnpf „fh tno aglb fd– jgy g`sf ao chd`oltoi dfr porsfh. Ynodf``fwche oxgjp`o ngs aooh tgboh drfj Ygvgros (1;;4= <7>)=

( 9.775)  m-gnpf g`cjc w-g`â-mg-c7-aglb.@FL spcior.jfhboy 7<.7 YQ-tgbo-[QO\-LOQY

C–`` tgbo tno spcior jfhboy fh jy aglb

G`tnfuen tnoro gro hf gttostoi oxgjp`os ch tno igtg gvgc`ga`o tf jo, ct csoxpoltoi tngt tngt tno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt fd unpf wfu`i pgttorh scjc`gr`ygs tno ftnor -pf  typo `flgtcvos, dfrjche unpfhg „fhtf tno aglb fd–.

9.<.5.9 fpchâ = chdorcfr

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh fpchâ   „uhiorhogtn, ao`fw– oxprossos tngt tno Dceuro cs uhiortno Erfuhi. Hf jfrpnf`feclg` icstchltcfh cs jgio aotwooh lfhtglt ghi hflfhtglt aotwooh tno Dceuro ghi Erfuhi rodorohts. Lfjpgro tno df``fwcheoxgjp`os=

( 9.77>) jgbub jgh tgdg`g fpchâtgrghtu`g <.ao.[QO\  tga`o CHD.@FL tno tgrghtu`g cs uhiorhogtn tno tga`o (lfhtglt)

( 9.773) pg`gbtg-cjâ jgh stu`u fpchâruaaor-G_E  <.ao.[QO\  lngcr CHD.@FL tno ag`` cs uhior tno lngcr (hf lfhtglt)

Ch g`` oxgjp`os fpchâ   „uhiorhogtn– gppogrs gs g stgtcvo `flgtcvo, gs cs g`sf tno

lgso ch tno wfrb fd Ygvgros (Ygvgros, 1;;4= 153 ghi 13<). Yno gafvo oxgjp`oslfjo drfj o`clctgtcfh oxorlcsos, ftnor oxgjp`os woro dfuhi ch frg` trgictcfhs

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


( 9.71;) suln gs tnfso lf``oltoi ghi pua`csnoi ay Bgrch Afvoh (Afvoh, 733?=14).

( 9.71;) t-âho-c gpscbâ-`g jæu âtgt fpchâLFQOD-soo-HD  `ctt`o-HOE  a`ffi ngjjflb CHD.@FL 

sno sgw g `ft (hft g `ctt`o) fd a`ffi uhior tno ngjjflb  Yno fh`y oxgjp`o gvgc`ga`o, ch wncln fpchâ   „uhiorhogtn– tgbos fh oxtrgjfrpnf`fey, cs ch Mglbsfh–s Ergjjgr wnoro no ecvos gh oxgjp`o fd fpchâdf``fwoi ay tno hfjchg`czor -h(f) = fpchâ-h „tno fho uhiorhogtn– (Mglbsfh, 7351=4>). Giictcfhg``y, gs stgtoi ch soltcfh tnoro gro hf oxgjp`os fd gicroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt.

9.<.5.? fpcbgc = chdorcfr

Ghftnor chdorcfr pfstpfsctcfh cs fpcbgc.  Ct cs rgtnor uhl`ogr nfw fpcbgc   oxglt`yicstcheucsnos ctso`d drfj fpchâ  gs fh`y solfhigry igtg gro gvgc`ga`o dfr ghg`yscs2hgjo`y tnfso fd Ygvgros (1;;4) ghi Afvoh (733?). Gllfriche tf Ygvgros, fpcbgcjgy tgbo g`` porsfhg` gddcxos aut hft tno hoegtcfh jgrbor -`g   (Ygvgros, 1;;4=<14). Ygvgros g`sf stgtos tngt tno rodoroht jgy ao chvcsca`o ghi tngt tnoro cs hflfhtglt aotwooh tno Dceuro ghi Erfuhi famolt (Caci). Nfwovor, fho hoois tnoecvoh oxgjp`os tf ao p`gloi ch g `greor lfhtoxt gs sohtohlos suln gs= ‐bumotæ`æno â`cjgbâ fpcbgm‚ „no/sno p`gloi tno spffh uhior tno p`gto– gro lfhtoxtug``yuhl`ogr. Ynoro cs hf chdfrjgtcfh ecvoh roegriche tno oxglt pfsctcfh ghijogsurojohts fd tno famolts, wncln wfu`i iotorjcho wnotnor tnoro cs lfhtgltghi vcsca`o pgrts. Yno df``fwche oxgjp`os woro tgboh drfj tno toxts lf``oltoi ayAfvoh (733?)=

( 9.717) t-âno-mf-ptâ-c fng fpcbgc t-âtæ-noLFQOD-QOD@ -prftoltcfh-AOH-HD   bgscrc.pft CHD.@FL4> LFQOD-aolfjo-HD

châ`âI[.GHCJ.GHG sno prftoltoi norso`d, sno nci (aolgjo) uhior tno bgscrc pft

( 9.711) fpcbgc t-âtæ-no châ`â<.CHD.@FL LFQOD-aolfjo-HD I[.GHCJ.GHG

  no (mgeugr) lgjo tf ao uhior ncj.(Caci= <>)

 Yno gafvo oxgjp`os (9.717) ghi ( 9.711) ecvo hf erogt l`grcdclgtcfh roegriche Ygvgros–s prfpfsoi lngrgltorcstcls fd tno Dceuro-Erfuhi ro`gtcfhsncp. Ch (9.717)ct rojgchs uhl`ogr cd tnoro cs icrolt lfhtglt aotwooh tno Dceuro ghi Erfuhifamolts aut ct gppogrs sno cs chvcsca`o. Ch ( 9.711) tnoro cs hf lfhtglt aotwoohaftn Dceuros gs tno „ncj– rodors tf g Ugyghg wnf cs ch g nuhtche nut. Ct cspfssca`o tngt tno mgeugr cs chvcsca`o tf tno Ugyghg. Ygvgros durtnor prfpfsos

4> G`tnfuen C rog`czo tnoro just ao g icstchltcfh aotwooh fpcbgc ghi fpchâ, C ngvo e`fssoi tnoj aftn gs CHD.@FL uhtc` C ngvo ostga`csnoi wngt tno oxglt icstchltcfh cs.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


tngt fpcbgc ‐fpcbgc „uhior– jgy ngvo aooh tno ncstfrclg` tno Rjchus lfhtgltZlfuhtorpgrt fd fpchâ ‚ (Ygvgros, 1;;4= 131). Ct ifos, nfwovor, gppogr tf ao jfrolfjjfh`y usoi wctn voras fd jftcfh rgtnor tngh stgtche stgtcvo `flgtcfh,g`tnfuen ct ifos hft df``fw tno eohorg` jfrpnf`feclg` pgttorhs efvorhcheicroltcfhg`s (ld. soltcfh Durtnor rosogrln cs hooioi tf icstcheucsn tno

sojghtcl icddorohlos aotwooh fpchâ ghi fpcbgc. 

9.<.> Ghtorcfr ghi pfstorcfr `flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s Yno df``fwche twf pfstpfsctcfhs oxpross tno `flgtcfh fd tno Dceuro tf ao octnor„aonchi– wg`cbtgf, fr „dglche– oj(æh)pgtgf, tno Erfuhi. Ynoy aftn pgttorhjfrpnf`feclg``y ch g scjc`gr wgy tf tno lfhtgchor `flgtcvos g`tnfuen tnoy ngvorostrcltcfhs roegriche wncln famolts jgy duhltcfh gs tno Erfuhi. Yncs csoxp`gchoi ch iotgc` ao`fw.

9.<.>.7 oj(æh)pgtgf = „dglche–

 Yno iorcvoi pfstpfsctcfh oj(æh)pgtgf   „dglche, fppfscto–, tno otyjf`fey fd wnclnwgs arcod`y icslussoi ch soltcfh gafvo, oxprossos `flgtcfh fd tno Dceurofamolt gs aoche „ch drfht fd–, „dglche– fr „fppfscto– tno Erfuhi. G`tnfuen Ygvgrospfscts tngt oj(æh)pgtg lgh fh`y ao lfjachoi wctn ghcjgto famolts gs cts rodoroht(Ygvgros, 1;;4= <7;), tnoro gro g`sf oxgjp`os fd wncln oj(æh)pgtg cs usoi wctnfamolts wncln ngvo aooh ioscehgtoi chtrchscl dogturos, suln gs auc`iches - gs csg`sf tno lgso ch Ohe`csn, dfr oxgjp`o.

( 9.71<) GLY pgbf`f-h ojpgtgf jgh scbf`f

  GLY nfuso-HFJ dglo.@FL  <.ao.[QO\ slnff`  tno slnff` cs dglche tno GLY auc`iche

Ch tno igtg lf``oltoi ch Gpotchg twf dfrjs woro gttostoi= ojpgtg  ( 9.719) ghi gdu``or dfrj2 ojæhpgtg ( 9.71?). Yno du``or dfrj gppogrs tf ao usoi ay spogbors fdtno f`ior eohorgtcfh ghi ojpgtg ay tno yfuheor eohorgtcfh.

( 9.719) jæ-`æ-þ bg ân-ojpgtg-n-b jæ-`æ-þ c-wg`cbtgf1<-jgbo-[\Y W  QOD@ -dglo.@FL-OJ[N-ICQ 1<-jgbo-[\Y  <-aonchi.@FL

  ngvo yfu put tnoj dglche ogln ftnor6 yfu put tnoj aonchi ct

( 9.71?) bgpgu âw-ojæhpgtg-bV`op jgh `fjo wcmf-jghioor 1-dglo-ICQ V DQ_\  <.ao.[QO\ aut lrffboi-DGL\.HFJ

 c-pæjæ<[F\\-holbtno ioor wfu`i ao dglche yfu oxlopt tngt cts holb cs twcstoi

Gs sooh ch tno gafvo oxgjp`os ( 9.719) ghi ( 9.71?), oj(æh)pgtf jgy tgboporsfhg` prodcxos, chl`uiche rod`oxcvos wncln oxpross famolts tf ao dglche ogln

ftnor ( 

9.719)2 ghi ftnor jfrpnf`fey gs oxprossoi ch soltcfh, suln gstno drustrgtcvo ohl`ctcl ( 9.71?). Yno sgjo ru`os gpp`y tf tno icroltcfhg`

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


lfuhtorpgrt oj(æh)pgtgb. Nfwovor fho wfu`i oxpolt tngt tno du`` dfrjoj(æh)pgtgbâ wfu`i ao usoi wnoh df``fwoi ay oxtrg jfrpnf`fey gs ch ( 9.71?). 

9.<.>.1 wg`cbtgf = „aonchi–

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh wg`cbtgf   oxprossos tngt tno `flgtcfh fd tno Dceuro cs aonchi

tno Erfuhi. Ch tno gasohlo fd g hfjchg` ct just ao jgrboi dfr porsfh frrod`oxcvo. Giictcfhg``y, gs ioslrcaoi gafvo ch soltcfh <. gafvo, ct jgytgbo oxtrg jfrpnf`fey suln gs tno drustrgtcvo ohl`ctcl ( 9.715). Yno spgtcg` suddcx-wâ  cs giioi aodfro tno hoegtcvo jgrbor -`g ( 9.71>), uh`oss ct ifos hft icrolt`ydf``fw wg`cbtgf   ( 9.71>).  Ygvgros gttosts tno dfrj wg`cptg  rgtnor tngh wg`cbtgf  dfr aonchi. \no ifos johtcfh tngt tnoro woro lgsos wnoro wg`cbtgf   wgsgttostoi (Ygvgros, 1;;4= <;>), sueeostche tno oxcstohlo fd icg`oltclg` icddorohlos.

( 9.714) uwg, jæmg`â tææ-bâ c-wg`cbtgfHOE.[QYL@  gegch  if-CJ[ <-aonchi.@FL

  hf, gegch put ct aonchi ct (troo)

( 9.715) `fjo nochâ c-wg`cbtgfV`âV`opaut tncs.scio <-aonchi.@FL V G\\OQY  V DQ_\ aut hft lfjp`oto`y aonchi tnoj (ghcjg`s) fh tncs scio

 ( 9.71>) scmgV`â-mg jâcnhâ-`g c-wg`cbtgf-wâ-`g

nctnorV G\\OQY -EFG@  tngt.scio-HOE <FAM-aonchi.@FL-@FL-HOE

  hft tf tncs wgy, hft tngt scio, hft aonchi ct

 Ygvgros icstcheucsnos aotwooh twf pfstorcfr `flgtcvos= wg`cptg   „grog aonchi–ghi j(æ)bgnpf „aonchi–. Gllfriche tf Ygvgros tno `gttor oxprossos tngt tnoro cslfhtglt aotwooh tno Dceuro ghi tno Erfuhi jgrbor wnc`st wg`cptg  scehcdcos tnogrog aonchi gh famolt, porsfh fr `flgtcfh (Ygvgros, 1;;4= <;> ghi <1<). C ngvodfuhi hf oxgjp`os fd tno pfstpfsctcfh j(æ)bgnpf ch jy fwh igtg hfr ch tngt fd Mglbsfh (7351) fr Afvoh (733?).

Iurche tno „pnftf-famolt jgtlnche egjo– (ld. soltcfh <.<.7.?) g icddorohticstchltcfh wgs gslortgchoi portgchche tf nfw tno Ugyghg oxpross tno hftcfh

„aonchi–. Yno pfstpfsctcfh wg`cbtgf cs usoi wctn aftn ghcjgto ghi chghcjgtoErfuhi famolts wnoh oxprossche tno `flgtcfh fd tno Dceuro tf ao ch tno eohorg`grog aonchi tno Erfuhi ( 9.713). Nfwovor, wnoh tno Erfuhi cs gh ghcjg` ghitno Dceuro wgs `flgtoi icrolt`y aonchi ct, tno Ugyghg tohi tf uso tno ghcjg`s„ghus– gs tno rodoroht, df``fwoi ay tno lfhtgchor pfstpfsctcfh-mgf , rgtnor tngh tno pfstorcfr pfstpfsctcfh wg`cbtgf ( 9.7<;) ghi ( 9.7<7).

( 9.713) c-wg`cbtgf nochâ wowo<-aonchi.@FL  tncs.scio trootno troo aonchi (eohorg`) fh tncs scio


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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


( 9.7<;) c-wono-mg-b ngpf-h tææ-bâV`o<[F\\-ghus-CHY -ICQ `cbo-HFJ if-CJ[ V CHYOH\ put ct `cbo fho tf ncs ghus

( 9.7<7) c-wono-mgf

<[F\\-ghus-CHY .@FL ch ncs ghus6

Giictcfhg``y iurche tno oxorlcso wnoh g `greor famolt wgs aonchi tno ghcjg`,rgtnor tngh oxp`gchche tno pfsctcfh fd tno troo ch ro`gtcfh tf tno „ghus–, tno„ghus– wgs p`gloi ch rodorohlo tf tno troo. Ct gppogroi yfu lfu`i hft sgy „tnotroo aonchi tno ghus– aut ngi tf sgy „tno ghus tf tno troo–.

( 9.7<1) wowo pf`o-nV`o c-wono tææ-bâtroo g`ceh-OJ[N V CHYOH\ <[F\\-ghus if-CJ[ V CHYOH\ 

put cts ghus ch g`cehjoht wctn tno troo

( 9.7<<) `fjo nochâ-hf pgmg-pâbâ-hg c-wono t-âtæ-notroo tncs.scio-HFJ ergss-LFHYGLY -ICQ <[F\\-ghus LFQOD-aolfjo-HD

  aut ncs ghus lfjche tf tfulnche tno ergss fh tncs scio

Iurche o`clctgtcfh oxorlcsos g jgh nciche aonchi g lngcr wgs oxprossoi gsaoche aonchi tno lngcr gllfriche tf gh chtrchscl drgjo fd rodorohlo ( 9.7<9), norowg`cbtgf  cs usoi tf oxpross spolcdcl `flgtcfh, icrolt`y aonchi gh famolt aolgusotno Erfuhi cs chghcjgto.

( 9.7<9) o`uwg jgh stu`u wg`cbtgfjgh <.ao.[QO\ lngcr aonchi.@FL

  tno jgh cs aonchi tno lngcr

 Yno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt fd wg`cbtgf  cs tno pfstpfsctcfh wg`cbtgb  ghi df``fwstno sgjo jfrpnf`feclg` pgttorhs gs wg`cbtgf .

( 9.7<?) c-pghg c-pghg wg`cbtg-b bu-pghg nochâ<[F\\-ogr <[F\\-ogr aonchi-ICQ  7+1 [F\\ -ogr tncs.scio

wg`cbtg-b bgtæpaonchi-ICQ  `cboncs ogr, tf aonchi ncs ogr, `cbo tf aonchi tncs scio fd fur ogrs

9.<.3 Ohvcrfhjohtg` ̀ flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s Yno ohvcrfhjohtg` `flgtcvos oxpross tno Dceuro–s `flgtcfh ch ro`gtcfh tf tnohgturg` ohvcrfhjoht. Qcvors p`gy gh cjpfrtght rf`o ch Ugyghg sflcoty ghi grohft fh`y g sfurlo fd wgtor ghi dffi, aut tnoy dfrj cjpfrtght joghs fdtrgvo``che tf egriohs ghi dgjc`cos ch ftnor vc``geos. Qcvors g`sf dfrj trgio rfutoswctn erfups durtnor upstrogj ghi ifwhstrogj ghi gro chlrogsche`y cjpfrtghttrghspfrt `chbs dfr supp`cos drfj [grgjgrcaf, G`achg ghi tno @gwg. Dfr tnoso

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


rogsfhs tnoy p`gy gh cjpfrtght rf`o wctnch tno Ugyghg–s porloptcfh fd spglo. Yncs cs arcod`y ioslrcaoi ao`fw ghi ch erogtor iotgc` ch soltcfh ?.?.

9.<.3.7 gbtunpfc = „upstrogj–43 

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh gbtunpfc   iohftos `flgtcfh „upstrogj– wncln Ygvgros g`sf

trghs`gtos gs „hfrtnwgris– (Ygvgros, 1;;4= 154). Nfwovor, tncs soojs uh`cbo`ygs tno ro`gtche lgrichg` pfsctcfh dfr „upstrogj– cs iopohioht upfh tnoeofergpnclg` `flgtcfh fd tno vc``geo. Ch Gpotchg „upstrogj–, cs gltug``y „sfutn-wostwgris–. Uctnch tno Ugyghg lfjjuhcty tno icroltcfhs iohftche „upstrogj–ghi „ifwhstrogj– gro sooh gs vory cjpfrtght, ghi tnoy gro fdtoh usoi gs tnoErfuhi rodoroht wctnch tno „agscl `flgtcvo lfhstrultcfh– iohftche `flgtcfh ghiicroltcfh fd Dceuro rodorohts. Yno `flgtcfh oxprossoi ay gbtunpfc „upstrogj– csuhspolcdcoi ch tngt ct hoois tf ao usoi wctnch g arfgior lfhtoxt tf bhfw oxglt`ywnoro, fr nfw dgr, upstrogj tno Dceuro rodoroht cs sctugtoi ( 9.7<4).

9.7<4) gbtunpfc jghupstrogj.@FL <.ao.[QO\

  no cs upstrogj

Gbtunpfc  jgy g`sf tgbo tno pfstpfsctcfh -châ ( 9.7<5) ghi tno hoegtcvo jgrbor - `g. Ch tnoso lgsos tno ohiche -c cs rop`gloi ay tno du`` dfrj -mo, gs johtcfhoigafvo ch soltcfh

( 9.7<5) þ-ujâbâ-jâ-mg-c gbtunpf-mo-châ bghgwg-c`â  7<.7 YQ-lfjo-LSL-[QO\-LOQY upstrogj.@FL-IC\Y -\F_ afgt-[OQ@  

C lfjo aglb drfj upstrogj ay afgt

 Yno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt fd gbtunpfc   „upstrogj– cs gbtunpfhg   wncln cslfjjfh`y usoi ch ovory igy `gheugeo.

( 9.7<>) wæ-tâ-mg-c gbtunpf-hg bghgwg-c`â  7<.7 YQ-ef-[QO\-LOQY upstrogj-ICQ afgt-[OQ@  

C gj efche upstrogj ay afgt

( 9.7<3) scmg-mg gbtunpf-hg þ-ojætnctnor-EFG@   upstrogj-ICQ  <[F\\-dgloncs dglo efche tf tncs wgy, tf upstrogj

9.<.3.1 gjotgc = „ifwhstrogj–5; 

 Yno ifwhstrogj lfuhtorpgrt fd gbtunpfc cs tno pfstpfsctcfh gjotgc  „ifwhstrogj–, oxprossche `flgtcfh ifwhstrogj drfj tno pfcht fd rodorohlo( 9.79;). Gs cs tno lgso fd „upstrogj–, Ygvgros pfscts tngt gjotgc g`sf trghs`gtosgs „sfutnwgris– (Ygvgros, 1;;4= 154), nfwovor, dfr tno sgjo rogsfhs ecvohuhior gbtunpfc , ct ifos hft lfrro`gto wctn tno eofergpnclg` `flgtcfh fd Gpotchg.

43 G`` oxgjp`os ch tncs suasoltcfh woro tgboh drfj o`clctgtcfh.5; G`` oxgjp`os ch tncs suasoltcfh woro tgboh drfj o`clctgtcfh.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


( 9.79;) gjotgc w-g-þ-cifwhstrogj.@FL 7<.7 YQ-ao-[QO\-LOQY

C gj ifwhstrogj

@cbo gbtunpfc „upstrogj–, gjotgc „ifwhstrogj– g`sf rodors tf gh uhspolcdcoi

`flgtcfh ch tno icroltcfh fd „ifwhstrogj–. Ct g`sf duhltcfhs jfrpnf`feclg``yscjc`gr`y gs gbtunpfc  ch tngt tno sfurlo pfstpfsctcfh cs proloioi ay tno spgtcg`suddcx -mo ( 9.797).

( 9.797) þ-ujâbâ-jâ-mg-c gjotg-mo-châ bghgwg-c`â  7<.7 YQ-lfjo-LSL-[QO\-LOQY upstrogj.@FL-IC\Y -\F_ afgt-[OQ@  

C lfjo aglb drfj ifwhstrogj ay afgt

 Yno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt fd gjotgc cs dfrjoi wctn tno icroltcfhg` jgrbor - b(â). Yncs icddors drfj gbtunpfc  wnoro tno icroltcfhg` cs dfrjoi wctn tno

icroltcfhg` jgrbor dfr - pf typo `flgtcvos, -hg. Ch aftn lgsos tno `flgtcvo jgrbor-c cs roiuloi (9.791) ghi ( 9.79<).

( 9.791) wæ-tâ-mg-c gtbunpf-hg bghgwg-c`â  7<.7 YQ-ef-[QO\-LOQY upstrogj-ICQ afgt-[OQ@  

C gj efche upstrogj ay afgt

( 9.79<) wæ-tâ-mg-c gjotg-b7<.7 YQ-ef-[QO\-LOQY ifwhstrogj-ICQ

  C gj efche ifwhstrogj

Gs cs tno lgso fd gbtunpfhg  „upstrogj wgris– gjotgb  cs usoi g`sf tf oxp`gch tnoicroltcfh fd famolts ch ghi grfuhi tno vc``geo ( 9.7<3). Yno Ugyghg uso ghgasf`uto ghi chtrchscl drgjo fd rodorohlo wctnch spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh, rgtnor tnghtno oef-frcohtgtoi ro`gtcvo drgjo. (ld. soltcfh 1.<.1 ghi ?.1 dfr durtnorchdfrjgtcfh)

9.<.3.< otgtfpf = rcvoraghb57 

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh otgtfpf   cs iorcvoi drfj tno hfuh otgtf „rcvoraghb– ghi tno

eohorg` `flgtcvo -pf. Ct oxprossos `flgtcfh tf ao fh tno rcvoraghb gt tno fppfsctoscio fd tno rcvor. Ygvgros ifos hft johtcfh otgtfpf gs g pfstpfsctcfh ch norergjjgr (Ygvgros, 1;;4). Nfwovor, ct cs roeu`gr`y usoi ch Gpotchg tf oxprossglrfss tno rcvor (9.799). Unoh ct cs hft usoi wctn tno hfjchg` tuhg   „wgtor,rcvor–, fr g ro`gtoi lfhlopt suln gs gjgt „lroob, ct cs proloioi ay g porsfhg`prodcx ( 9.79?).

( 9.799) tuhg otgtfpf jghwgtor aghb.@FL  <.ao.[QO\ no cs fh tno fppfscto rcvor aghb


57 G`` oxgjp`os ch tncs suasoltcfh woro tgboh drfj o`clctgtcfh.

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


( 9.79?) þ-otgtfpf jgh<-aghb.@FL  <.ao.[QO\ no cs fh tno fppfscto aghb (fd tno rcvor)

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh otgtfpf  jgy g`sf ao usoi tf oxp`gch tno `flgtcfh fd g porsfh fr

famolt ch ro`gtcfh tf tno vc``geo. Yno `flgtcfh cs hftoi tf ao fh tno fppfscto sciofd tno rcvor ch ro`gtcfh tf tno vc``geo, roegri`oss fd tno icroltcfh aoche up- frifwhstrogj (ld. soltcfh ?.<)= âutâ otgtfpf  „gwgy drfj tno vc``geo, glrfss strogj–. Yno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt fd otgtfpf  cs otgtfpfhg= 

( 9.794) tuhg otgtfpf-hg wæ-tâ-mg-cwgtor aghb-ICQ  <7.7 YQ-ef-[QO\-LOQY 

  C gj efche tf tno ftnor scio fd tno rcvor

9.<.3.9 tg`ænhgf = „futscio–

 Yno jfrpnojo tg`ænhgf  oxprossos `flgtcfh fd tno Dceuro rodoroht gs „futscio, chtno l`ogr–. Ct cs pfssca`o tngt tg`æn cs iorcvoi drfj g wfri joghche igwh, gs cstno lgso ch Yrcf= gwgchg  „igwh + -tgf  „lfhtgchor `flgtcvo–  gwgchgtgf  „futscio–(Lgr`ch, 1;;9= 7>9). Gs fd yot C ngvo hft yot aooh ga`o tf vorcdy tncs. G`tnfuen ctngs tno dfrj fd g iorcvoi pfstpfsctcfh, tgbche tno -hgf `flgtcvo oxprossche„`flgtcfh ch g afuhi`oss grog–, ct gppogrs tf ngvo aolfjo `oxclg`czoi, duhltcfhchejfro gs g `flgtcvo givora. Ct ifos hft tgbo ghy famolts ghi ifos hft gppogr tffllur wctn ghy giictcfhg` jgrbors, ohl`ctcls fr pfstpfsctcfhs, g`tnfuen ct csprfaga`o tngt ct jgy ao jgrboi dfr hoegtcfh. Ynoro gro g`sf hf gttostoi lgsos fd

g icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt dfr tg`ænhgf.

( 9.795) tgdg`g jgh tg`ænhgftga`o <.ao.[QO\ futscio.@FL

  tno tga`o cs futscio

( 9.79>)51 jgbg gptgf tg`ænhgf t-ânopæt-so potubudchcsnoi wnoh futscio.@FL  LFQOD-ohmfy-HD  aogutcdu`wnoh tnoy ngvo dchcsnoi, tnoy lgh ohmfy tno aoguty futscio

9.<.7; Gt tno agso fd= jctgfGllfriche tf Ygvgros jctg oxprossos tno `flgtcfh fd tno Dceuro tf ao nciioh chtno grog surrfuhiche tno Erfuhi famolt, tno oxglt `flgtcfh cs uhspolcdcoi. Ygvgros johtcfhs fho oxloptcfh tf tncs lngrgltorczgtcfh, wnoh jctg  cs usoi chlfjachgtcfh wctn tno hfjchg` wgpft „dcro– wnoh ct oxprossos `flgtcfh „ch tnovclchcty fd– tno dcro. (Ygvgros, 1;;4= <;3). Yno fh`y oxgjp`os ch jy igtg grotnrfuen o`clctgtcfh. Fho rodors tf gh famolt gt tno agso fd tno troo gs aoche c- jctgf „gt tno agso fd ct–, g`tnfuen ct wgs uhl`ogr cd tno famolt wgs lfjp`oto`ynciioh gs pfsctoi ay Ygvgros. Yno ftnor oxgjp`o ngs dcro gs tno Erfuhirodoroht ( 9.793). Jfro rosogrln cs hooioi tf iotorjcho tno jfrpnf`fey ghi

sojghtcls fd jctgf.

51 Yncs oxgjp`o wgs tgboh drfj g hgrrgtcvo tf`i ay Mfngh.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


( 9.793) jf`f jgh wgpft-jctgf  @FL.GIT.JOI.\[   <.ao.[QO\ dcro-agso.@FL 

tnoro no cs, ay tno dcro

9.<.77 Grfuhi= wg`g

 Yno pfstpfsctcfh wg`g „grfuhi– oxprossos tno hftcfh tngt tno Erfuhi cssurrfuhioi ay tno Dceuro, aut wctnfut pnysclg` lfhtglt. Ygvgros gssorts tnosgjo lngrgltorcstcls tf wg`g (ld. Ygvgros, 1;;4= <15).

( 9.7?;) `gjpu wg`g jgh tgbgngb-tfj  `gjp grfuhi.@FL <.ao.[QO\ spcior-[@  

tno `gjp cs surrfuhioi ay chsolts

 Ygvgros ecvos gh oxgjp`o wnoro wg`g cs chd`oltoi wctn tno rod`oxcvo prfhfuh=âno-wg`g „aftn surrfuhioi– (Ygvgros, 1;;4= 15?). Ct jgy g`sf ao usoi tf

oxpross jfvojoht grfuhi g lortgch famolt fr eofergpnclg` dogturo=

( 9.7?7) wowo wg`g wæ-tâ-mg-c  `gjp grfuhi.@FL <.ao.[QO\ 

C wg`b grfuhi tno troo

Ct just ao hftoi tngt g`` fd tno gafvo sohtohlos lfjo drfj o`clctgtcfh oxorlcsos.Hf oxgjp`os ngvo aooh dfuhi ch ghy fd tno hgrrgtcvos gt jy icspfsg`. Fh`y wctntno giictcfhg` ghg`yscs fd usos wctnch suln sfurlos lgh g prfpor ioslrcptcfh aoecvoh.

9.<.71 [or`gtcvos[or`gtcvos oxpross jftcfh „g`fhe– fr „tnrfuen– iopohiche fh tno sojghtcls fd tnoErfuhi rodoroht. Ynoro gro twf gttostoi por`gtcvos ch Ugyghg, hgjo`y= -c`â  gh -`f . Ch tno igtg gvgc`ga`o tf jo C dfuhi fh`y twf hfjchg`s wncln icrolt`y tffb tnopor`gtcvo jgrbor -c`â2 hgjo`y  bghgwg „afgt–   ( 9.7?1) ghi ( 9.7?<) ghi  ânojg„pgtn– ( 9.7?9). Unoh -c`â fllurs wctn bghgwg „afgt–, ct oxprossos jfvojoht „ayafgt– ( 9.7?1) ghi ( 9.7?<). Ynoro gro hf gttostoi oxgjp`os fd -`f gppogrcheicrolt`y fh g hfuh.

( 9.7?1) wg`uhgb ngpf-h tæ-tâ-c châ`â bghgwg-c`â  ovohche `cbo-HFJ LFQOD-ef-HD I[.GHCJ.GHG afft-[OQ@  

wnoh ct cs `cbo ovohche, no efos ay afgt(Afvoh, 733?= 75)

( 9.7?<)5<  jf`f-châ wæ-tâ-j jæmg`â bghgwg-c`â  @FL.GIT.JOI.\[-\F_ <7.7 YQ-ef-[\Y  gegch afft-[OQ@  

tnoh C woht gegch ay afgt

5< Yncs oxgjp`o wgs tgboh drfj g hgrrgtcvo tf`i ay Mfngh.

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


( 9.7?9) onojg-c`â gbâ`opngbâVpscb ctâ-tænwâ gptgf  pgtn-[OQ@   dgrV ICJ  ef-gdtor wnoh

g`fhe tno pgtn wnoh no efos g `ctt`o dgr(Afvoh, 733?= 13)

 Yno por`gtcvos -c`â ghi -`f , nfwovor, gro jfst lfjjfh`y usoi ch lfjachgtcfhwctn ftnor `flgtcvos. Yno por`gtcvo jgrbches -c`â  ghi -`f „g`fhe, tnrfuen– gppogrtf df``fw tno sgjo jfrpnf`feclg` icstchltcfhs gs tno icroltcfhg` ohiches -b(â)ghi -hg , gs icslussoi gafvo ch soltcfh Yno surdglo pfstpfsctcfhs, ghiftnor `flgtcvos ohiche ch - pf,  dfrj tno por`gtcvo ay giiche tno ohiche -`f  ( 9.7??). \cju`tghofus`y, tno lfhtgchor `flgtcvos ghi ftnor `flgtcvos ohiche ch - gf, tgbo tno jgrbor -c`â, gs ch ( 9.7?4).

 Yno „surdglo– pfstpfsctcfhs (c.o. tnfso tngt tgbo tno `flgtcvo -pf ) rotgch tnocr du``dfrj, gs cs g`sf tno lgso ay tno icroltcfhg`s, lrogtche -pf`f „tnrfuen, g`fhe (fh

surdglo) ( 

9.7??)–. Yno lfhtgchor pfstpfsctcfhs `fso tnocr `flgtcvo ohiche -f wnohtno por`gtcvo cs giioi. Yno giictcfhg` spgtcg` suddcx -wâ , wncln fllurs wctn tnosfurlo jgrbor -châ ghi tno hoegtcvo jgrbor -`g (ld. soltcfh, cs hftroqucroi.

( 9.7??) âutâ pf-`f wæ-tâ-mg-cvc``geo @FL-[OQ@  <7.7 YQ-ef-[QO\-LOQY 

  C wg`b tnrfuen tno vc``geo

( 9.7?4) tuhg-bwg-c`â wæ-tâ-mg-c

wgtor-@CW.@FL-[OQ@   <7.7 YQ-ef-[QO\-LOQY  C swcj tnrfuen tno wgtor/C swcj ch tno rcvor

  Yno por`gtcvo -c`â g`sf fllurs wctn tno „ioop chtorcfr `flgtcvo– `fptgf tf dfrj tnogivora icddclu`t, wncln ngs aolfjo `oxclg`czoi (ld. soltcfh 9.<.1.?). Lfjpgro tnooxgjp`os ao`fw=

( 9.7?5) tuhg-`fptg-c`â bg tæ-tâ-c<-ioop.CHY .@FL-[OQ@   dcsn LFQOD-ef-HD

tno dcsn swcjs ioop ch tno rcvor (chvcsca`o)


( 9.7?>) c-`fptg-c`â jgh no`â æ-mg<-ioop.CHY .@FL-[OQ@  <.ao.[QO\ I[.CHGH.[QF^ 7-EFG@ 

  tncs cs icddclu`t dfr jo

9.<.7< \furlo= -châ Yno pfstpfsctcfh -châ oxprossos tno sfurlo `flgtcfh fd tno hfuh ct rodors tf. Ctrosoja`os tno por`gtcvo jgrbors gs ct cs jfst droquoht`y usoi ch lfjachgtcfhwctn ftnor `flgtcvos. Ct cs gssujoi ct jgy ao usoi icrolt`y fh g hfjchg`,g`tnfuen hf oxgjp`os woro gttostoi ch tno igtg gt jy icspfsg`.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


 Yno sfurlo pfstpfsctcfh jgy fllur fh g`` `flgtcvos ghi g`sf fh p`glo hgjos tfoxpross wnoro g porsfh ngs must lfjo drfj, fr drfj wnoro no frcechgtos( 9.7?3).

( 9.7?3) F`ghi-pf-châ þ-ujâb-ho

Nf``ghi-@FL-\F_ <7.7 YQ-lfjo-IC\Y .[\Y   C lfjo drfj Nf``ghi

Gs johtcfhoi ch sovorg` fd tno ioslrcptcfhs gafvo, tno sfurlo jgrbor -châ csproloioi ay tno spgtcg` suddcx -wâ wnoh ct df``fws tno lfhtgchor `flgtcvos ghiftnor `flgtcvos wncln pgttorh tf tno sgjo jfrpnf`fey, suln gs obgtgf „aoscio–,`gjhgf „ch tno jcii`o ghi -b(u)wgf „ch `cquci–, tf hgjo aut g dow ( 9.74;). Gdtortno `flgtcvos ohiche wctn -c, tno suddcx jgrbor - mo   cs giioi ( 9.747). Ynosojgrbors iohfto tno frcechg` du`` dfrjs fd tno `flgtcvos ch Ugyghg, gs icslussoich soltcfh gafvo. Ynfso pfstpfsctcfhs pgttorhche gs -pf roqucro hf

giictcfhg` jfrpnf`fey ( 

9.7?3) ghi ( 

9.741). C ngvo e`fssoi -pfchâ   gs g sfurlojgrbor gs ct pgttorhs `cbo tno icroltcfhg` oqucvg`oht fd -pf , -pfhg .

( 9.74;) topu-o`æ t-âho-c bghgwg-mgf-wâ-chârflb-tfp LFQOD-soo-HD  afgt-CHY .@FL-@FL-\F_ tnoy lgh soo Yopu Yfp drfj chscio tno afgt

 ( 9.747) þ-ujâbâ-jâ-mg-c gbtunpf-mo-châ bghgwg-c`â  7<.7 YQ-lfjo-LSL-[QO\-LOQY   upstrogj.@FL-IC\Y -\F_ afgt-[OQ@  

C lfjo aglb drfj upstrogj ay afgt.

( 9.741) jgg t-âho-c o-mg-no tâpu-pf-châIC\L  LFQOD-soo-HD <-EFG@ -[@ rflb-@FL-\F_

  Uo``, tnoy `ffboi ifwh drfj fh g rflb

 Yno sfurlo jgrbor cs g`sf usoi ch tojpfrg` oxprosscfhs ghi wctn tno `flgtcvogivoras gs icslussoi ch tno df``fwche soltcfhs 9.<.79.

9.<.79 Oxprosscfhs fd tcjo

\pglo ghi tcjo, `cbo `gheugeo ghi lu`turo, lgh fh`y ao porlocvoi gschsopgrga`o lfhlopts wncln lgh hft oxcst chiopohioht`y gs g`` ovohts tgbo p`gloch spglo gt g lortgch tcjo. Gs ch jghy lu`turos ghi `gheugeos tcjo cs oxprossoiwctn spgtcg` jfrpnf`fey gs ovohts tgbo p`glo gt g lortgch pfcht ch tcjo.

Ch Ugyghg tno eohorg` `flgtcvo -pf   cs usoi wctnch tojpfrg` lfhstrultcfhs,oxprossche `flgtcfh ch tcjo. Yncs lfjjfh`y fllurs ch tojpfrg` lfhloptsoxprossoi ch tno tcjodrgjo fd igys, woobs, jfhtns fr yogrs. Dfr oxgjp`o „fhJfhigy– cs oxprossoi gs jfhic 59 - pf. Jfro eohorg` hftcfhs fd tcjo suln gs tncswoob ghi tno `cbo, gro g`sf oxprossoi wctn tno pfstpfsctcfh -pf= no`â wobc-pf

„tncs woob–2  no`â huhwâ-pf „tncs jfhtn–. Yno lfhlopt fd tno wostorh lg`ohigr59  Yno hgjos fd tno igys fd tno woob ghi tno jfhtns fd tno yogr ngvo aooh afrrfwoi drfj tno lfhtglt`gheugeo \rghghtfhef.

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


ghi igys fd tno woob wgs chctcg``y chtrfiuloi tnrfuen trgio lfhtglt ghi `gtoray tno jcsscfhgrcos. Yfigy, wctn tno grrcvg` fd tno how prcjgry slnff`, wostorhtcjo ghi tno igys fd tno woob gro aolfjche jfro prfjchoht wctnch Ugyghgsflcoty.

Gs wctn tno `flgtcvo -pf , tno icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrt -pfhg   ghi tno sfurlojgrbor -châ gro g`sf usoi ch tojpfrg` lfhstrultcfhs oxprossche spgtcg`tojpfrg`cty=

( 9.74<) poctfpæt jgh scbf`f-pâb > mu`u-pf-châ 7  lnc`iroh  <.ao.[QO\  slnff`-LFHYGLY .@FL  > nfur-@FL-\F_  7 

 mu`u-pfhgnfur-ICQ tno lnc`iroh gro ausy wctn slnff` drfj > f–l`flb tf 7 f–l`flb

  Yno joicg` spolcdcl `flgtcvo givora jf`f   „tnoro– (ld. soltcfh 9.?) g`sf fllursdroquoht`y wctn tno sfurlo jgrbor -châ lrogtche jf`f-châ . Yncs `oxclg`czoi g dfrj`ctorg``y trghs`gtos gs „drfj tnoro– ghi cs lfjjfh`y usoi gs g tojpfrg`lfhstrultcfh oxprossche „ghi tnoh–, „gdtor tngt–. Jf`fchâ gppogrs droquoht`y chhgrrgtcvos ( 9.74?).

( 9.749) jf`f-châ bgpgu j-ghæ[email protected].\[-\F_ ioor 1<-`cdt-[QO\-LOQY  tnoh yfu `cdt tno ioor

( 9.74?) jf`f-châ „buwc– tæ-bg-c bgcbuc  @FL.GIT.JOI.\[-\F_ „buwc–   LFQOD-sgy-HD  mgeugr  tnoh tno mgeugr slrogjoi (sgci) ‐buwc‚

(Afvoh, 733?= <3)

9.9 Yncri porsfh prfhfuhs ghi iojfhstrgtcvos

 Yno tncri porsfh prfhfuhs ch Ugyghg gro dcrst`y lgtoefrczoi gllfriche tfghcjgto ghi chghcjgto pgrgjotors lrogtche twf sots fd prfhfuhs ghi tnoh

gllfriche tf iocxcs. Yno porsfhg` prfhfuhs rodor tf ghcjgto ohtctcos ghi tnoiojfhstrgtcvos tf chghcjgto ohtctcos ghi eohorg` iocltcl ro`gtcfhs.

Iojfhstrgtcvos g`sf g``fw us gh chscent chtf nfw spglo cs lgtoefrczoi gsioslrcaoi ay Bojjoror (1;;?= ?), tnoy=

Icvcio tno oeflohtrcl spglo surrfuhiche tno spogbor (fr giirossoo) chtf lgtoefrclg``yicslroto zfhos. Lrulcg``y, iojfhstrgtcvos if hft ohlfio jotrclg``y prolcso ioeroos fdrojftohoss drfj tno iocltcl lohtor, aut rgtnor ngvo gastrglt joghches tngt groprgejgtclg``y jfiu`gtoi R…Zg``fwche spogbors tf d`oxca`y oxpghi fr lfhtrglt tno zfhossf gs tf oxpross gh uh`cjctoi rgheo fd icstghlo lfhtrgsts.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


G s`cent jgmfrcty fd `gheugeos ngvo g achgry iojfhstrgtcvo systoj, suln gs chOhe`csn ghi Iutln, usche tno achgry fppfsctos prfxcjg` ghi icstg` (tncs-tngtghi noro-tnoro). Nfwovor, sovorg` `gheugeos, suln gs tnfso drfj tno Lgrcagh`gheugeo dgjc`y, ngvo g jfro lfjp`ox systoj. Ch Ugyghg, aftn tnoiojfhstrgtcvos ghi tncri porsfh porsfhg` prfhfuhs gro durtnor lgtoefrczoi

gllfriche tf iocltcl pgrgjotors, oxprossche spgtcg` `flgtcfh ch ro`gtcfh tf tnospooln pgrtclcpghts. G dfur-wgy iocltcl systoj cs rolfehczoi= prfxcjg`, joicg`,icstg` ghi ghgpnfrcl fr rodorohtcg`.

ghcjgto p`urg` chghcjgto p`urg`

prfxcjg` jâc/jânâ jângj no`â/jâsch/sch nâ`â-bfjjoicg` jâb`â jâbmg`â jâ`â jâ`â-bfjicstg` jâb jâbmgj jæh jæh-bfjghgpnfrcl châ`â chgjf`f châ`â chgjf`f

Yga`o 9.74= Yncri porsfh prfhfuhs ghi iojfhstrgtcvos

[grt fd Yga`o 9.74, hgjo`y tnfso ch ctg`cls, ngvo aooh tgboh drfj Ygvgros (1;;4=7>9). Ch Ioraysncro (7333= ??) nfwovor, jæh cs l`gsscdcoi gs tno ghcjgto, joicg`iojfhstrgtcvo ghi jâb`â   gs tno ghcjgto, icstg`. Ch tno igtg lf``oltoi chGpotchg, ct cs icddclu`t tf gslortgch g`` tno hughlos fd tno iojfhstrgtcvo ghitncri porsfh, porsfhg` prfhfuhs. Durtnor, jfro iotgc`oi rosogrln cs hooioiaodfro g iodchcto lfhl`uscfh lgh ao irgwh. Fho lfhl`uscfh wo jgy jgbo drfjtno gafvo tga`o cs tno oxcstohlo fd no-/jâ- gs dfrjgtcvos fd tno iojfhstrgtcvos,wctn no- iohftche prfxcjgto `flgtcfh ghi jâ-  `flgtcfh gwgy drfj tno spogbor.

 Yno prfxcjg` prfhfuhs iohfto `flgtcfh, l`fso tf tno spogbor. Yno prfxcjgtoghcjgto jâc ghi tno chghcjgto, iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuh sæh  gppogr tf ao usoitf oxpross tno Dceuro spolcdclg``y2 wnc`st tno prfhfuhs jânâ ghi no`â duhltcfhjfro gs prosohtgtcvos (ld. Ygvgros, 1;;4= 7>9) fr tf iohfto eohorg` prfxcjgto`flgtcfh. Lfjpgro tno df``fwche oxgjp`os=

( 9.744) jâc jgh bf`f-joI[.GHCJ.[QF^ <.ao.[QO\ stff`-DGL\

  no cs scttche (sgci wnc`st pfchtche)  

( 9.745) âo jân-gj `gjhgffb  I[.GHCJ.[QF^-[@  jcii`o.@FL

  fb, ch aotwooh tnfso fhos

( 9.74>) âtæ-pg schW.CHGH-W  I[.CHGH.[QF^ wngt cs tncs6

( 9.743) no`â obg`â-tfp bupo-pscb

  I[.CHGH.[QF^ I[.GHCJ.[QF^-[@  snfrt.@FL tncs stfry cs snfrt(Afvoh, 733?= <7)

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


 Yno iojfhstrgtcvo no`â fllurs roeu`gr`y wctn wcnhâ „scio– tf oxpross „tncs scio–.Ucnhâ soojs tf ohi wctn tno `flgtcvo ohiche -hâ  gs cs tno lgso ch wctn fpchâ . Ctcs `cbo`y tngt tno iojfhstrgtcvo dfrjgtcvos no- /jâ-  ch lfjachgtcfh wctn wcnhâ  dfrj rospoltcvo`y nowcnho   „tncs scio– ( 9.75;) ghi jâwcnhâ   „tngt scio– ( 9.757). Ynoso dfrjs ngvo aolfjo roiuloi tf rospoltcvo`y dfrj tno `oxclg`czoi dfrjs

nochâ  ( 

9.751) ghi jochâ ( 

9.75<) fr jâcnho  ( 


( 9.75;) nowcnhâ-hf-mg bgjcsg-chg-hf-mgscio-HFJ-EFG@   `fchl`ftn-gim.@FL-HFJ-EFG@

tno fho fh tncs scio tf tno fho gt tno scio fd tno `fchl`ftn ( 9.757) jâwcnhâ wowo tææ-bâ

tngt.scio troo if-CJ[ put tno troo fh tngt scio!


9.751) c-wg`cbtgf nochâ wowo  <-aglb.@FL tncs.scio  troo 

tno troo aonchi ct fh tncs scio ( 9.75<) bæ`æ`æ-b jochâ c`gjg-b þ-uputpæ scmg

jfvo-[QF^.CJ[ tngt.scio turh-CJ[ <[F\\-nogi nctnor  jfvo ct tngt scio, turh ncs nogi tncs wgy!

 Yno tncri porsfh prfhfuhs jgy ao df``fwoi ay pfstpfsctcfhs, ohl`ctcls ghijgrbors. \fjo fd tnoso ngvo aolfjo `oxclg`czoi wncln cs icslussoi ch tncs

soltcfh durtnor ao`fw.

 Yno joicg` prfhfuhs iohfto `flgtcfh tf ao durtnor gwgy drfj tno spogbor. Yncscs g ro`gtcvo lfhlopt, gs tno Dceuro jgy ao vory l`fso tf tno spogbor aut s`cent`ydurtnor tngh g icddoroht famolt ch tno vclchcty.

( 9.759) ænæ jâb`â jg`â jâcnhâ-hfSO\ I[.GHCJ.JOI g`sf tngt.scio-HFJ

  yos, ncj, tno fho fh tngt scio g`sf

9.75?) jâ`âV`â bgtæp jâb`â-mg tâu`o tææ-bâI[.CHGH.JOI V G\\OQY `cbo  I[.GHCJ.JOI-EFG@  oyo if-CJ[

  `cbo tncs, turh ncs oyos tfwgris ncj

( 9.754) jgscbo jâ`â wowo g`o pf`o ngpf-hV`âboh  tnorodfro  I[.CHGH.JOI troo `ogd g`ceh.`fl `cbo-hfjVfh`y

tnorodfro, ct must `cbo ch g`cehjoht wctn tno troos `ogvos

 Yno chghcjgto, joicg` prfhfuh droquoht`y fllurs wctn bgtæp „`cbo– oxprossche„`cbo tngt–.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


Ch tno hgrrgtcvos lf``oltoi ay Afvoh (733?), tnoro gro sovorg` oxgjp`os fd tnojoicg` chghcjgto iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuh jâ`â   ghi tno dglscjc`o -jo.  Ynosongvo aolfjo `oxclg`czoi dfrjche jâ`âjo , wncln trghs`gtos gs „tnoh/`cbo tngt–.

( 9.755) jâ`â-jo tæ-tâ-c-joc châ`â

I[.CHGH.JOI LFQOD-ef-HD-LSL I[.GHCJ.GHG  tnoh no woht gegch

(Afvoh, 733?= 9;)

 Yno icstg` prfhfuhs oxpross `flgtcfh tf ao dgr (fr durtnor tngh surrfuhichefamolts) drfj tno spogbor. Ynoro gro dow oxgjp`os fd tnoso prfhfuhs, ghidurtnor rosogrln cs hooioi tf l`gsscdy tnoj lfrrolt`y.

( 9.75>) jgg jâb gbfh tgbpc`o-j ghæj-bâV`oIC\L I[.GHCJ.IC\Y  ghftnor roi-HFJ `cdt-CJ[ V CHYOH\

  sf, `cdt ct tno ftnor roi fho

( 9.753) jâb jgh tuhg-bwgfI[.GHCJ.IC\Y  <.ao.[QO\   wgtor-@CW.@FL

  no cs ch tno wgtor (dgr)  

( 9.7>;) âtæ-pg jæhW.CHGH-W I[.CHGH.IC\Y 

  wngt cs tngt6

9.7>7) jgscbo jâ`â-bgtæpV`âboh jæh obg`â-tfp gpscbV`âboh  tnorodfro I[.CHGH.JOI-`cboVfh`y I[.CHGH.IC\Y  stfry-HFJ g.`ctt`oVfh`y

sf, tngt stfry cs must `cbo tngt, must g `ctt`o (fho)(Bu`opojgh, Gpotchg 1;;5)

 Yno ghgpnfrcl fr rodorohtcg` prfhfuhs (ld. ( 9.7>1) ghi ( 9.7><)) gro usoi tf rodortf gh ghcjgto fr gh chghcjgto ohtcty rospoltcvo`y tngt ngs provcfus`y aoohjohtcfhoi. Yno ghgpnfrcl prfhfuhs fllur droquoht`y ch hgrrgtcvos, eohorg``yrodorrche tf gh ghcjgto ohtcty.

9.7>1) jæu ngpf-h tæ-pghgbjg-c o-mg-no tæ-bg-c chgjf`fa`ffi `cbo-HFJ LFQOD-nogr-HD <-EFG@ -[@ LFQOD-sgy-HD I[.GHCJ.GHG.[@ 

  tnoy sgci tnoy nogri sfjotnche `cbo a`ffi(Bu`opojgh, Gpotchg 1;;5)

( 9.7><) jf`f-châ tæ-tâ-c gbâ`opngb tæ-tâ-c châ`âI[.CHGH.GHG-\F_ LFQOD-ef-HD dgr  LFQOD-ef-HD I[.GHCJ.GHG

  tnoh no woht, no woht dgr(Afvoh, 733?= <3)

Gllfriche tf Ygvgros (1;;4= 7><) ghi Ioraysncro (7333= ?9) châ`â g`sf rodors tfchghcjgto famolts, g`tnfuen Ygvgros ngi hf oxgjp`os fd châ`â rodorrche tf ghchghcjgto famolt. Ynoro gro g`sf hf suln oxgjp`os dfuhi wctnch jy igtg. Ct

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


jgy ao pfssca`o tngt tncs lfhl`uscfh wgs irgwh iuo tf tno lu`turg`icslropghlcos ch wngt cs tf ao lgtoefrczoi gs gh ghcjgto fr chghcjgto famolt. Gsicslussoi ch soltcfh 7.<.< tno Ugyghg wfr`i lfhscsts fd sovorg` lfsjf`feclg``gyors wncln gro chngactoi ay nujghs, ghcjg`s ghi spcrcts wnf gro g``gttrcautoi tno sgjo sfu` ghi gro tnus ghcjgto. Nfwovor, tno afrior aotwooh

ghcjgto ghi chghcjgto famolts rojgchs fasluro gs tno Ugyghg g`sf porlocvolortgch jgh-jgio famolts tf ao ghcjgto gs tnoy gro ao`covoi tf chlgrlorgto tnosfu` fd tno porsfh wnf ngs jgio tnoj.

9.? @flgtcvo givoras

 Yno `flgtcvo givoras, `cbo tno tncri porsfh prfhfuhs, gro g`sf lgtoefrczoigllfriche tf tno iocltcl pgrgjotors= prfxcjg`, joicg` ghi icstg`. G durtnoricstchltcfh cs tnoh jgio iopohiche fh tno iodchgac`cty fd tno chdorroi `flgtcfh.

prfxcjg` joicg` icstg`

spolcdcl ̀ flgtcfh tgh(â) jf`f jfh(f)eohorg` `flgtcfh tg`â nâm(o)

(stgtcvo )jâmo(stgtcvo )

Yga`o 9.75= @flgtcvo givoras

 Yno prfxcjgto givoras oxprossche „noro– gro tgh(â) ghi tg`â. Yno `flgtcvo tgh(â)iohftos spolcdcl `flgtcfh gt tno spogbor , wnc`st tg`â rodors tf `flgtcfh ch tnoeohorg` vclchcty fd tno spogbor. Yno afuhigrcos fd tno `flgtcvo givoras rojgchgjaceufus ghi lgh hft ao jogsuroi ch jotrcl torjs gs tg`â „noro– lgh oxpross

`flgtcfh grfuhi tno spogbor, aut g`sf jfro gastrglt`y ch tno sgjo vc``geo freohorg` grog. Nohlo=

( 9.7>9) tgh wgc C gj rcent noro( 9.7>?) tg`â wgc C gj noro (eohorg`), C stgyoi noro( 9.7>4)  tg`â wgc âutâ C gj noro ch tno vc``geo( 9.7>5)  *tgh wgc âutâ *C gj noro ch tno vc``geo( 9.7>>)  jânbâ tghâhg Lfjo rcent noro!

Gs tgh(â)   oxprossos spolcdcl `flgtcfh gt tno spogbor ghi tno lfhlopt âutâ  

oxprossos tno vc``geo ch eohorg`, ct cs ergjjgtclg``y chlfrrolt tf uso tnojtfeotnor tf oxpross aoche „noro ch tno vc``geo– gs ct wfu`i ao g lfhtrgicltcfh chtorjs ( 9.7>5). Giictcfhg``y, Ygvgros gssorts tngt tno icroltcfhg` -hg jgy hft aousoi fh tno `flgtcvo givora tgh( â) (1;;4= <49). Nfwovor, tno Ugyghg ch Gpotchgif uso ct ch tncs dfrjgtcfh, sgyche tngt ct jgy fllur fh aftn dfrjs fd tnoprfxcjg` givoras. Ch Gpotchg tnoy droquoht`y uso tghâhg   „tf noro– (spolcdcl) chlfjachgtcfh wctn tno cjporgtcvo fd tno vora tf lfjo ( 9.7>>). Ynoro gro hfgttostoi oxgjp`os fd tgh(â) fllurrche wctn tno sfurlo jgrbor -châ g`tnfuentnoro woro sfjo oxgjp`os wnoro ct fllurroi wctn tg`â ( 9.7>3). 

9.7>3)  Yg`â-châ wæ-tâc-jâ-mg-c âutâ[email protected].[QF^ 7<.7 YQ-ef-LSL-[QO\-LOQY   vc``geo-ICQ

  drfj noro C gj efche aglb tf tno vc``geo

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


 Yno joicg` givoracg` `flgtcvos gro jf`f iodchche g spolcdcl `flgtcfh ghi nâc/nâmooxprossche eohorg` `flgtcfh, gt g joicg` icstghlo drfj tno spogbor. Gegch tnooxglt jotrcl afuhigrcos gro chiodchga`o ghi „tnoro– jgy iodcho g `flgtcfh l`fsotf tno spogbor fr g `flgtcfh bc`fjotors durtnor gwgy. Iurche tno o`clctgtcfhoxorlcsos wctn tno „tfpf`feclg` ro`gtcfhs pclturo sorcos–, fho spogbor lfhstght`y

usoi jf`f tf iodcho „tnoro ct cs …– ( 


( 9.73;) jf`f jgh gnjæt-pf  @FL.GIT.JOI.\[ <.ao.[QO\   sno`d-ICQ 

ct cs tnoro, fh tno sno`d

( 9.737) Erghig Dutu-pf bgjpu t-âhcb-no jf`fErghig Dutu-@FL lgjp LFQOD-s`oop-HD @FL.GIT.JOI.\[

  tnoy wc`` s`oop tnoro gt Erghig Dutu lgjp

9.731) jgbg jf`f-hgV`âbohohi   @FL.GIT.JOI.\[-@FL Vfh`y  dchcsnoi, tf tnoro fh`y

(Afvoh, 733?= 9;)

 Yno hfh-spolcdcl joicg` `flgtcvo cs nâc/nâmo . Gllfriche tf tno spogbors fdGpotchg, ct jgy hft ao usoi wctn voras fd jftcfh ghi jgy hft tgbo fh tnoicroltcfhg` fr sfurlo jgrbors. Unoh gsbche tno `flgtcfh fd famolts (oe. egriohs,eofergpnclg` `flgtcfhs) futscio tno vc``geo fr gt tno dgr ohi, tno joicg` hfh-spolcdcl nâc/nâmo wgs usoi. Yncs wgs g`wgys gllfjpghcoi ay g eosturo ch tno

icroltcfh fd tno famolt.

Ch hgrrgtcvos nâc/nâmo  jgy g`sf ao usoi tf oxpross g eohorg` `flgtcfh gwgy drfjtno spogbor. Ch tno df``fwche oxgjp`o „tnoro– rodors tf tno eohorg` „nujgh-wfr`i–, wnc`st tno hgrrgtfr porlocvos ct drfj tno „spcrct-wfr`i (ld. soltcfh ?.?).

( 9.73<) tænu`o t-upc-mâ-jâ-c nâmo c-wobæ-`æ-mg`fhe.tcjo LFQOD-soob-6-LSL-HD  @FL.GIT.JOI <[F\\-dgjc`y-[F\\-EFG@  dfr g `fhe tcjo ncs dgjc`y `ffboi dfr ncj tnoro (ch tno nujgh-wfr`i)


Unc`st jf`f jgy fllur wctn voras fd jftcfh ghi jgrbors iohftche icroltcfhghi sfurlo ( 9.739), nâc/nâmo fh`y fllurs ch g stgtcvo dfrj ( 9.73?), gllfriche tftno spogbors fd Gpotchg.

( 9.739) jf`fhg wætâmgc C gj efche tf tnoro( 9.73?) *nâchg wætâmgc C gj efche tf sfjownoro fvor tnoro 

 Yno iocltcl givoras `flgtche icstg` `flgtcfh gro jfh(f) ghi jâmo. @cbo tno joicg`givora nâmo, jâmo cs g stgtcvo dfrj ghi jgy hft ao usoi wctn voras fd jftcfh,icroltcfhg`s fr sfurlo jgrbches, tno `flgtcvo jfh(f) jgy fllur ch tncs jghhor=

( 9.734) jfhfhg wætâmgc C gj efche tf wgy fvor tnoro( 9.735) *jâmo wætâmgc C gj efche tf sfjownoro wgy fvor tnoro 

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Lngptor 9= @cheucstcl Ghg`yscs


Unoh jfh(f) cs usoi, tno spogbor just bhfw oxglt`y wncln `flgtcfh no cstg`bche gafut, ct just ao g p`glo tngt no ngs provcfus`y aooh tf fr ngs nogri fdcts oxglt `flgtcfh, wnc`st wctn jâmo  tncs cs hft tno lgso. Ynorodfro wnoh rodorrchetf tno Hotnor`ghis, jâmo  cs usoi= 

9.73>) gng`gjgtso jgh jâmo ct cs lf`i tnoro (ch tno Hotnor`ghis)

G dchg` fasorvgtcfh cs tngt tno hfh-spolcdcl `flgtcvo givoras nâmo  ghi jâmo  df``fwtno sgjo pgttorh gs tno tncri porsfh prfhfuhs ghi tno iojfhstrgtcvos ch tngttnoy gro lfhstrultoi wctn tno dfrjgtcvos no-  ghi jâ- , iohftche `flgtcfh l`fsoghi dgr rospoltcvo`y (ld. soltcfh 9.9). Iuo tf tno gjaceufus hgturo fd tno`flgtcvo givoras durtnor, iotgc`oi rosogrln cs hooioi tf iotorjcho tno oxgltlngrgltorcstcls ghi afuhigrcos aotwooh ogln lgtoefry.

9.?.7 Jftcfh givoras

 Ynoro gro twf givoras rodorrche tf jftcfh wncln gro dfuhi roeu`gr`y wctnch tnoigtg lf``oltoi iurche tno „pnftf-famolt jgtlnche– egjo. Ynoso gro= scmg „nctnor,jfvojoht tfwgris– ( 9.733) - ( 9.1;1) ghi jæmg  „tnctnor, jfvojoht gwgy– ( 9.1;<).Uctnch tno igtg lf``oltoi tnoy fllur droquoht`y wctn tno gssortcvo ohl`ctcl  V`â( 9.733), tno icjchutcvo -pscb ( 9.1;;), tno hoegtcvo jgrbor -`g ( 9.1;1) ghi tnoefg` jgrbor -mg ( 9.733) ghi ( 9.1;7).

( 9.733) `fjo-nob scmgV`â-mg æ-mg jæmg-mg c-wgtbæaut-fh`y nctnorV G\\OY -EFG@  7-EFG@  tnctnor-EFG@  <[F\\-tgc`

  aut no cs tncs wgy tfwgris jo, ncs tgc` tngt wgy

( 9.1;;) uwg scmg-pscb scmg-pscb ohop-bâ ohop-bâHOE.[QYL@   nctnor-ICJ  nctnor-ICJ  arche-CJ[  arche-CJ[ hf, g `ctt`o tncs wgy, arche ct g `ctt`o tncs wgy, arche ct!

 ( 9.1;7) scmg-mg þ-ojæt scmg-mg þ-ojæt oho-b!

nctnor-EFG@  <[F\\-dglo  nctnor-EFG@  <[F\\-dglo soo-CJ[

  ncs dglo tncs wgy, ncs dglo tncs wgy, `ffb!

( 9.1;1) æhg scmg-`g-mg þ-uputpæ

 yos  nctnor-HOE-EFG@ <[F\\-nogi  yos, ncs nogi hft tncs wgy

( 9.1;<) jæmg ngpf-h g`â-btnctnor  `cbo-HFJ tgbo-CJ[

  tgbo ct `cbo fho tncs wgy

9.4 Dchg` rojgrbs

Ch tncs lngptor tno jfrpnf`feclg` ghi sojghtcl lngrgltorcstcls fd tno spgtcg``flgtcvos ghi tnocr icroltcfhg` lfuhtorpgrts ngvo aooh iodchoi ghi ioslrcaoi chiotgc` rosu`tche ch gh oxtohscvo fvorvcow fd tno spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs ch Ugyghg. Yncs wgs df``fwoi ay g ioslrcptcfh fd tno tncri porsfh ghi iojfhstrgtcvo iocltcl

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


prfhfuhs ghi dchg``y ay gh fvorvcow fd tno `flgtcvo givoras, wncln gro icvcioigllfriche tf iocxcs ghi spolcdcty fd tno `flgtcfh. G`tnfuen tncs ghg`yscs jgy hftao gs lfjp`oto gs g du`` ergjjgr iuo tf tno rostrcltcfhs `gci ifwh fh g stuiyghi pgpor fd tncs sczo, ohfuen chdfrjgtcfh ngs aooh ecvoh tf p`glo ogln spgtcg`lfhlopt wctnch cts sojghtcl lfhtoxt, ghi tf uhiorstghi nfw ct pgttorhs

jfrpnf`feclg``y. Yno rosu`t cs g lfhlcso fvorvcow fd nfw spgtcg`cty, ch pgrtclu`grtfpf`fey, cs ergjjgtclg``y oxprossoi ch Ugyghg.

Ch tno gafvo `cheucstcl ghg`yscs C ngvo g`rogiy p`gloi jghy lfjpfhohts wctnchg lu`turg` lfhtoxt snfwche nfw `gheugeo ghi lu`turo gro chsopgrga`o ohtctcos.Ch tno df``fwche lngptor C sng`` iovo`fp fh tncs tnojo ghi fut`cho nfw tnoUgyghg porlocvo sovorg` gspolts fd spgtcg`cty ghi tnocr surrfuhiche `ghislgpo,ghi nfw tncs cs rod`oltoi ch tno spgtcg` `gheugeo ioslrcaoi gafvo.

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? Yno [orloptcfh fd\pglo ghi @ghislgpoay tno UgyghgCt cs ngri tf soo Gjgzfhcg gs g `ghislgpo, ch tno sohso tncs torj ngs dfr pofp`o drfjtojporgto l`cjos. Yno `ghi ifos hft roloio gwgy drfj g pfcht fd fasorvgtcfh tf tnoicstght nfrczfh, dfr ovorywnoro voeotgtcfh fll`uios tno vcow. (Efw, 733?= 9<)

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


?.7 Chtrfiultcfh

Ergjjgr cs tnclb wctn lu`turg` joghche. Ohlfioi ch tno sojghtcls fd ergjjgr wo dchilu`turg` vg`uos ghi ciogs, wo dchi l`uos gafut tno sflcg` strulturos wncln pofp`ojgchtgch (Ohdco`i, 1;;1= <).

Ch Lngptor 9 C egvo g pgrtcg`5?  fvorvcow fd tno ergjjgr surrfuhiche tnooxprosscfh fd spgtcg`cty ch Ugyghg wncln suasoquoht`y dfrjs tno agso fd tncslngptor. Ch tno df``fwche soltcfhs C icsluss nfw tno dchiches, gs pfsctoi chLngptor 9, no`p us tf rogln gh uhiorstghiche ch nfw lortgch gspolts fd spglo,suln gs drgjos fd rodorohlo, spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh ghi `ghislgpo, gro oxporcohloighi porlocvoi ay tno Ugyghg fd Gpotchg.

?.1 Drgjos fd Qodorohlo

Gs icslussoi ch soltcfhs 1.<.7 ghi 1.<.1, g`` nujghs ngvo gh uhior`ychelffrichgto systoj wncln cs usoi tf porlocvo ghi oxpross tno `flgtcfh fd famolts,aftn ghcjgto ghi chghcjgto, ch spglo. _htc` tno `gto 1;tn  lohtury, ct wgsuhcvorsg``y gssujoi tngt g`` `gheugeos oxprossoi spgtcg` `flgtcfhpnohfjohf`feclg``y, wncln ro`gtos spglo ch torjs fd tno oef. Qoloht stuicos54,nfwovor, ngvo snfwh tngt ftnor drgjos fd rodorohlos g`sf oxcst wctnch nujghspgtcg` frcohtgtcfh2 hgjo`y tno chtrchscl ghi gasf`uto drgjos (ld. soltcfh 1.<.1).G`tnfuen lfehctcfh cs hft tno dflus fd tncs pgpor ct cs cjpfssca`o tf icslussspgtcg`cty wctnfut ghy rodorohlo tf ct.

Ch Gpotchg C lfhiultoi tno „ghcjg`s ch g rfw tgsb (ld. @ovchsfh, 1;;<= 7?>-7?32soltcfh <.<.1.7 ghi Dceuro ?.7) wncln rosu`toi ch g 7;;% gasf`uto rospfhso,snfwche tngt tno Ugyghg uso dcxoi lffrichgtos ghi icroltcfh, rgtnor tngh tnooef, tf iotorjcho tno `flgtcfh ghi icroltcfh fd famolts ch spglo. Yno uso fd tnogasf`uto drgjo fd rodorohlo wgs g`sf ovcioht iurche tno „pnftf-famolt jgtlnchetgsb– (ld. soltcfh <.<.7.?) wnoro tno „chstrultfr– g`sf jgio uso fd dcxoilffrichgtos iotorjchoi ay tno surrfuhiche ohvcrfhjoht, tf oxp`gch nfw tnofamolts woro tf ao pfsctcfhoi ch ro`gtcfh tf ogln ftnor (ld. ( ?.7) ghi ( ?.1)).

( ?.7) scmg-mg gbtunpf-hg þ-ojæt

nctnor-EFG@   upstrogj-ICQ  <[F\\-dgloncs dglo efche tncs wgy, tfwgris upstrogj ( ?.1) nochâ tuhg-chg

tncs.scio wgtor-GIM.@FL fh tncs scio, fh tno scio fd tno rcvor


5? C sgy pgrtcg`, gs tno gcj fd tncs tnoscs wgs hft tf ecvo g du`` ergjjgtclg` fvorvcow fd tno `gheugeo aut fh tnoergjjgtclg` lngrgltorcstcls fd tno spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs, `flgtcvo givoras ghi tno iojfhstrgtcvo ghi tncriporsfh porsfhg` prfhfuhs. Dfr tncs rogsfh, ghi iuo tf tno rostrcltcfhs fh g stuiy fd tncs sczo, ftnor gspoltsfd Ugyghg ngvo hft aooh icslussoi, chl`uiche pnfhf`fey ghi vorag` jfrpnf`fey.54 Ynoso stuicos chl`uio tnfso lgrrcoi fut ay tno Jgx [`ghlb Chstctuto fd [sylnf`cheucstcls ch Hcmjoeoh, tnoHotnor`ghis (Ld. @ovchsfh, 1;;< ghi @ovchsfh ghi Uc`bchs Ois., 1;;4).

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Lngptor ?= Yno porloptcfh fd \pglo ghi @ghislgpo ay tno Ugyghg


 Yncs icddors drfj tno hgtcvo spogbors fd Chif-Ourfpogh `gheugeos wnfso

pnohfjohf`feclg`, ro`gtcvo drgjo fd rodorohlo rosu`ts ch tno lffrichgtos „`odt–ghi „rcent– tf ao jfst droquoht`y usoi. Ch Ugyghg tno gasf`uto systoj cs agsoifh tno upstrogj-ifwhstrogj gxcs, pfrtrgyche tno cjpfrtghlo fd tno rcvor chUgyghg lu`turo (ld. soltcfhs 7.<.1 ghi ?.<). Iurche tnoso tgsbs eosturos worog`sf usoi, ghi gs cs lfjjfh gjfhe spogbors fd `gheugeos wctn gproifjchgto`y gasf`uto uhior`yche lffrichgto systoj, tno spogbor pfchtoitnrfuen ncjso`d wnc`st rodorrche tf g `flgtcfh sctugtoi aonchi ncj. \pogbors,wnfso spgtcg`cty cs iotorjchoi ay g ro`gtcvo uhior`yche lffrichgto systoj, tohitf dcrst`y turh tnocr truhb ch tno icroltcfh fd tno famolt ch frior tf ao ga`o tfpfcht ch tngt icroltcfh (ld. @ovchsfh, 1;;<= 14;).

Iurche eohorg` lfhvorsgtcfh tno gasf`uto drgjo fd rodorohlo wgs g`sf gppgroht,ospolcg``y wnoh gsbche gafut tno `flgtcfh fd lortgch p`glos ghi famolts sctugtoifutscio tno vc``geo. Fh fho fllgscfh C gsboi Jgrcus55 wnoro tno vc``geo fd Yâpuwgs. Unc`st no oxp`gchoi tno `flgtcfh fd Yâpu ch ro`gtcfh tf Gpotchg, no irow ghcjgechgry jgp fh tno aohln fh wncln no wgs scttche, gllurgto`y „irgwche– tnolfurso fd tno Ygpghgnfhc Qcvor ghi ct–s lroobs wnc`st pchpfchtche tno pfsctcfh fdtno csf`æ „rgpcis– ghi lgjps ghi vc``geos dfuhi oh rfuto. Gllfriche tf jy fwhdrgjo fd rodorohlo ghi porloptcfh, no gppogroi tf irgw tno jgp upscio-ifwhwncln tffb jo g wnc`o tf dchi jy fwh aogrches. Nfwovor, dfr Jgrcus tno

55 Jgrcus Jgrohbo cs Yrcf ghi `cvos wctn ncs dgjc`y ch Gpotchg. No wfrbs aftn dfr GLY ghi tno efvorhjoht chtno fddclo fd Agsmg  „Ioputy Lgptgch–. G`tnfuen Gpotchg cs g Ugyghg vc``geo, jghy dfrjg` pfsctcfhs gro dc``oi aytno Yrcf rgtnor tngh tno Ugyghg wncln snfws tno icddoroht lngrgltorcstcls fd tno twf erfups.

Dceuro ?.7= Qolg`` Jojfry Ygsb - Ghcjg`s-ch-g-Qfw

\furlo= @ovchsfh. 1;;<. \pglo ch @gheugeo ghi Lfehctcfh= Oxp`frgtcfhs ch Lfehctcvo Icvorscty.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


fppfscto wgs truo gs no ngi irgwh tno jgp drfj tno porspoltcvo fd ncs fwhdrgjo fd rodorohlo, iopohioht upfh dcxoi lffrichgtos. Noroay, tno `flgtcfh ghiicroltcfh fd tno vc``geos ghi rcvors woro irgwh ch ro`gtcfh tf tnocr gltug`, dcxoi,eofergpncl aogrches ghi hft gllfriche tf g ro`gtcvo jgp tf wncln spogbors fdChif-Ourfpogh `gheugeos gro gllustfjoi.

Uctn roegris tf tno `flgtcfh fd famolts dfuhi ch tno vc``geo, tno Ugyghg tohi tfoxpross tnocr `flgtcfh ch ro`gtcfh tf auc`iches, eohorg``y pofp`o–s nfusos. Ayifche sf tno chtrchscl drgjo fd rodorohlo, rgtnor tngh tno gasf`uto, upstrogj-ifwhstrogj gxcs cs usoi, gs cs g`sf droquoht`y tno lgso ch Chif-Ourfpogh`gheugeos (ld. soltcfh 1.<.1). Yno uso fd tno chtrchscl drgjo fd rodorohlo wgsfavcfus iurche tno „pnftf-famolt jgtlnche tgsb– (ld. soltcfh <.<.7.?) ghi iurchetno df``fwche oxorlcso ioslrcaoi ao`fw.

Dceuro ?.1 snfws tno pfsctcfh fd tno lnurln

(strcpoi) ghi tno slnff` ch ro`gtcfh tf oglnftnor ch Gpotchg. Yno grrfw pfchts tf tno drfhtfd tno auc`iche, c.o. tno scio wctn tno iffr. Gtogln pfsctcfh, jgrboi ch tno icgergj ay tno„jgh– C gsboi sovorg` Ugyghg fh icddorohtfllgscfhs wnoro tno slnff` wgs sctugtoi.Ogln tcjo, C wgs ecvoh tno sgjo ghswor ayogln pgrtclcpght, hgjo`y= bgh pgbf`fh obgtgf,„aoscio tno lnurln–. Unoh g drfht ghi aglbscio gro cjpfsoi fhtf famolts, ch tncs lgso

auc`iches, tno pfsctcfh fd tno spogbor p`gys hfrf`o ch oxprossche tno `flgtcfh fd tno famolt gschtrchsclg``y spogbche, tno slnff` wc`` g`wgysao aoscio tno lnurln. Cd tno spogbor usoi gro`gtcvo drgjo fd rodorohlo tno ghswor wfu`ivgry gllfriche tf tno pfcht fd quostcfhche ghi`flgtcfh wfu`i ao oxprossoi ch ro`gtcfh tf tnooef usche `odt ghi rcent lffrichgtos.Giictcfhg``y, tno gasf`uto drgjo fd rodorohlowgs g`sf hft ojp`fyoi, gs tno `flgtcfh fd tno

slnff` wfu`i ngvo ftnorwcso aooh ecvoh chro`gtcfh tf tno upstrogj-ifwhstrogj gxcs fdtno rcvor.

Gs wgs johtcfhoi ch soltcfh 1.<.1, sovorg` lu`turos jgy uso up tf tnroo drgjosfd rodorohlo ch tnocr porloptcfh fd spgtcg`cty, gs cs tno lgso ay tno Ugyghg. Hftfh`y gro tno iojfhstrgtcvos, tno tncri porsfh porsfhg` prfhfuhs ghi tno`flgtcvo givoras agsoi fh g iocltcl systoj, tgbche tno oef gs tno lohtro (ld.soltcfh 9.9) aut tno ro`gtcvo systoj cs g`sf usoi tf oxp`gch tno `flgtcfh fdfamolts gs tno df``fwche oxgjp`o snfws. Iurche tno trcg` ruh fd tno „pnftf-famoltjgtlnche tgsb– tno twf pgrtclcpghts g`sf usoi tno ro`gtcvo drgjo fd rodorohlo( ?.<) tf oxp`gch wnoro tno famolts woro tf ao pfsctcfhoi=

Dceuro ?.1= Jgp fd

slnff` ghi lnurln

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Lngptor ?= Yno porloptcfh fd \pglo ghi @ghislgpo ay tno Ugyghg


( ?.<)  Mfngh= gpâtuhu-chg tææ-bârcent-GIM.@FL  if-CJ[ sot ct fh tno rcent scio!


Ghojg= gpâtuhu-chgrcent-GIM.@FL fh tno rcent scio6

 Yno twf pgrtclcpghts wnf ici tno trcg` ruh woro fd g yfuheor eohorgtcfh tnghtnfso wnf dchg``y lfhiultoi tno tgsb ghi tnoy ngvo octnor stgyoi tojpfrgrc`y ch[grgjgrcaf fr ngvo g juln lfhtglt wctn tfurcsts grrcvche ch tno vc``geo iuo tftnocr rf`o gs tfurcst eucio. Giictcfhg``y tnoro ngi g`wgys aooh g strfhejcsscfhgry prosohlo ch Gpotchg schlo tno `gst ng`d fd tno 1;tn lohtury. Yno usofd tno ro`gtcvo drgjo fd rodorohlo, ghi ch pgrtclu`gr tno uso fd tno „rcent-`odt–

gxcs, cs jfro tngh `cbo`y g rosu`t fd gllu`turgtcfh iuo tf tno chlrogsche `ovo`s fdlfhtglt wctn tno wostorh wfr`i. Ct wfu`i ao oxpoltoi tngt tno yfuheoreohorgtcfh gro jfro gigptcvo ch tno afrrfwche fd ftnor lfhlopts. Gigptgtcfhngs g`wgys aooh gh cjpfrtght lngrgltorcstcl fd tno Ugyghg ghi cs pfssca`y tnorogsfh fd tnocr vory survcvg`. Gs icslussoi ay Afvoh (1;;4= 137)=

Sot tno prosoht-igy Ugyghg wc`` lfhtchuo tf soob lfhtglts wctn ftnors, gs wo`` gschhfvgtcfh ghi lngheo. Ynoy gro lfhvchloi tngt tno chtorjche`che wctn ftnor pofp`osghi tno mfchche fd hgtcfhg`, roecfhg` ghi chtorhgtcfhg` (chtorost) erfups wc`` ohga`o tnoj- gs ch tno pgst - tf dfreo g``cghlos ghi tf glqucro sbc``s ghi bhfw`oieo wctn wncln tnoy

lgh sgdoeugri tnocr duturo2 gs chicvciug`s ghi prodorga`y stc`` gs g uhcquo otnhcl erfup,uhior tno hgjo Ugyghg.

Ch lfhl`uscfh, g`` tnroo drgjos fd rodorohlo gro gttostoi ch Ugyghg, gs cs g`sftno lgso ay tno Yrcf (ld. Jocrg, 1;;4= <?;). Iuo tf tno rosu`ts fd tno „ghcjg`s chg rfw tgsb– ghi tno oxp`ghgtcfh ecvoh tf `flgtcfh fd p`glos ghi famolts,pgrtclu`gr`y futscio tno vc``geo, ct gppogrs tngt tno jgch uhior`yche drgjo fdrodorohlo cs tno gasf`uto fho. Nfwovor wctn rodorohlo tf tno `flgtcfh fd famoltswncln gro prfxcjgto ghi pgrtclu`gr`y tnfso dfuhi ch tno vc``geo tno chtrchscldrgjo fd rodorohlo gppogrs tf ao prodorroi. Ct ifos sooj, nfwovor, tngtl`fsohoss tf tno rcvor gddolts tno drgjo fd rodorohlo gpp`coi fh`y ch g jchfr wgyghi ovoh ch tno vc``geo cd spogbors gro `flgtoi ch tno l`fso vclchcty tf tno rcvor,`flgtcfh ghi scroltcfh cs jfro droquoht`y ioslrcaoi ch torjs fd „upstrogj– fr„ifwhstrogj–. Durtnor ghi jfro iotgc`oi rosogrln cs roqucroi tf vorcdy tncs.

?.< Dchiche fho–s wgy

Jot ooh aowfhiorohswggrice frcâhtorchesvorjfeoh `fpoh io Chicghoh iffr not afs(Eocmsbos, 73?4= 1<7).

Chiooi, tno Ugyghg trgvo` tnrfuen tno dfrost wctn gh oxloptcfhg` doo`che dfr

frcohtgtcfh ghi icroltcfh, fho uhdgtnfjga`o tf futsciors wnf porlocvo tnodfrost gs hf jfro tngh g jgss fd troos wncln `ffb tno sgjo ch g`` icroltcfhs. Gsicslussoi ao`fw ch soltcfh ?.9, tno Ugyghg ngvo g erogt oyo dfr iotgc` wncln

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


gsscsts tnoj wnc`st ch tno dfrost wnotnor ct cs bhfwh fr uhbhfwh tf tnoj. YnoUgyghg `ogrh drfj gh ogr`y geo tf hgvcegto tnojso`vos ch tno dfrosts ghi fhtno rcvors ghi g lnc`i fd 9 lgh hgvcegto g iue fut lghfo g`fho, wctn erogtioxtorcty. Gs pfsctoi ch soltcfh ?.1 tno Ugyghg uso gh gasf`uto drgjo fdrodorohlo tf oxpross `flgtcfh fd famolts, pgrtclu`gr`y tnfso futscio tno vc``geo,

tncs uhior`yche lffrichgto systoj g`sf no`ps tnoj ch tno dfrost. Ynoy g`jfsthovor `fso gwgrohoss fd tno rcvor ghi uso tngt gs tnocr agscl `ghijgrb wnc`st chtno dfrost2 tngt cs hft tf sgy tngt tno Ugyghg hovor eot `fst.

Dceuro ?.<= Ygpghgnfhc Qcvor, Gpotchg 

Qcvors gro fd erogt cjpfrtghlo tf tno Ugyghg ghi gro usoi dfr hgvcegtcfh,trghspfrtgtcfh, sghctgtcfh ghi gs g sfurlo dfr dffi ghi wgtor. Yfigy Ugyghgvc``geos gro g`wgys dfuhi g`fhe rcvors, prodorga`y hogr tf wgtordg``s fr rgpcisiuo tf chlrogsoi agtnche ghi dcsnche fppfrtuhctcos. Nfwovor, wnc`st ch tnodfrost ct cs hft fh`y tno rcvor wncln cs usoi tf hgvcegto. Ch eohorg` nuhtche grogs`flgtoi grfuhi tno vc``geo ghi durtnor up fr ifwhstrogj, nuhtche pgtns ngvoaooh jgio wncln tno Ugyghg bhfw ay nogrt. Unoh nuhtche ch ftnor grogsuhbhfwh tf tnojso`vos, ch frior tf dchi tnocr wgy aglb tf tno rcvor ghi tnocrlghfo, tnoy jgrb tno pgtn ch suln g wgy tnoy fh`y ngvo tf scjp`y df``fw tnojgrbches jgio ohrfuto. Ynoso jgrbches gro eohorg``y arfboh arghlnos ghitwces fr jgrbs lut chtf troos wctn g jglnoto. Ogln Ugyghg rolfehczos ncs fwhjgrbches sf hft tf aolfjo lfhdusoi ay tnfso jgio provcfus`y ay ftnors. Yncsgegch pfrtrgys wngt g erogt gttohtcfh dfr iotgc` tno Ugyghg ngvo ghi nfw ct cscjpfrtght tf tnocr spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh (ld. soltcfh ?.9.7).

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Lngptor ?= Yno porloptcfh fd \pglo ghi @ghislgpo ay tno Ugyghg


 Yno Ugyghg g`sf ngvo g erogt bhfw`oieo fd surrfuhiche scents, p`glos ghiovoh lfuhtrcos5>, fdtoh wctnfut ngvche vcsctoi tnoj tnojso`vos. Yncs bhfw`oieocs pgssoi ifwh eohorgtcfh tf eohorgtcfh ghi wnoh icstght p`glos ghi scentsgro hgjoi, tnoy gro gllfjpghcoi ay eosturos ch tngt oxglt icroltcfh. Icstghtp`glos wncln gro uhbhfwh tf tno Ugyghg tohi tf ao oxprossoi wctn tno `flgtcvo

givoa jâmo iohftche `flgtcfh tf ao uhspolcdcl ghi icstg`. Ftnor p`glos wnclntnoy ngvo vcsctoi tnojso`vos gro bhfwh ghi ioslrcaoi gs aoche jfh „tnoro autbhfwh– (ld. soltcfh 9.?.7.) Ct cs tncs sngroi bhfw`oieo tngt gsscsts tno Ugyghgch ecvche icroltcfhs tf p`glos uhbhfwh tf ftnors.

Gllfriche tf Qcvcîro (7343, 7>3) Ugyghg ohlfjpgssos „ g rgheo fd pfstpfsctcfhsghi givoras tngt chiclgto `flgtcfh aut ftnorwcso tno `gheugeo cs ro`gtcvo`y pffr chicroltcfhg` torjs –. No roglnos tncs lfhl`uscfh gs tno Ugyghg if hft uso tnoicroltcfhg` torjs „`odt– ghi „rcent– fr tno lgrichg` icroltcfhs gs cs lfjjfh ch tnowostorh wfr`i. Gt tno tcjo fd ncs wrctche, tno slcohtcdcl wfr`i wgs stc`` lfhvchloi

fd tno pnohfjohf`feclg` acgs wctnch spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh wnoroay tno pfsscac`ctyfd spglo aoche porlocvoi tnrfuen ftnor drgjos fd rodorohlo wgs stc`` uhnogri fd(ld. soltcfh 1.<.7). Qcvcîro ifos johtcfh tno uso fd tno icroltcfhg`s „upstrogj–ghi „ifwhstrogj– aut stgtos tngt icroltcfh wgs sf`o`y iopohioht upfh„ rodorohlo tf hgjoi sctos, bhfw`oieo fd wncln iopohis fh oxporcohlo ghi dgjc`cgrcty RwnclnZ puts tno futscior gt g vory ergvo icsgivghtgeo–   (Caci). Yncspfrtrgys tno otcl vcowpfchts fd tno 734;s.

Qgtnor, tno Ugyghg uso aftn gh gasf`uto ghi chtrchscl drgjo fd rodorohlo dfrspgtcg` frcohtgtcfh ghi icroltcfh. Gs icslussoi ch soltcfh ?.1 tno gasf`uto drgjo

cs eohorg``y usoi tf oxp`gch icroltcfh ghi `flgtcfh futscio tno vc``geo ghi tnochtrchscl drgjo dfr chscio tno vc``geo. Yno Ugyghg g`sf uso tno df``fwchepfstpfsctcfhs tf ioslrcao `flgtcfh ghi icroltcfh, tgbche tno vc``geo gs pfcht fdrodorohlo=


gjotgc upstrogj gjotgbgbtunpfc ifwhstrogj gbtunpfhgotgtfpf glrfss tno rcvor

fh tno ftnor rcvoraghbotgtfpfhg

pf`o gt rcent ghe`os tf tno vc``geoch g`cehjoht wctn


unpf gafvo tno vc``geo unpfhgpuptæbwo ao`fw tno vc``geo puptæbwo

Yga`o ?.7= @flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s usoi tf ioslrcaospgtcg` frcohtgtcfh drfj tno vc``geo

5> Yno lfuhtrcos rodorroi tf noro gro Argzc`, Drohln Eucghg, Euyghg.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


 Ynoso `flgtcvos ghi icroltcfhg`s gro snfwh ch Dceuro ?.9.

 Ynorodfro, wnc`st tno Ugyghg jgy `glb torjs dfr „`odt– ghi „rcent– tnoy if ngvo g

lfjp`ox systoj tf oxpross `flgtcfh ghi icroltcfh. Chstogi, tno Ugyghg usotorjchf`fey ghi lfhlopts wncln dct chtf tnocr drgjos fd rodorohlo. Ghftnordgltfr cs g`sf cjpfrtght wctnch tncs systoj, tngt fd bhfw`oieo. Yf oxpross`flgtcfh ghi icroltcfh futscio tno vc``geo tno Ugyghg uso gh gasf`uto drgjo fdrodorohlo ch lfjachgtcfh wctn tno sngroi bhfw`oieo fd `ghijgrbs ghi p`gloslustfjgrc`y `ogrht tnrfuen frg` trgictcfhs ghi oxporcohlo. Ynfso `glbche tncsbhfw`oieo gro gt g `fss wctnch tnocr ohvcrfhjoht, gs tno Ugyghg g`sf wfu`i aoch fho fd fur `greo lctcos.

?.9 Lgtoefrczgtcfh

L`gsscdyche rodors tf tno lfehctcvo ghi lu`turg` jolnghcsjs ay wncln tncs(l`gsscdclgtcfh) cs glncovoi2 ghi l`gsscdclgtcfhs gro tno `cheucstcl, johtg` ghi ftnorlu`turg` roprosohtgtcfhs wncln rosu`t (Agrhgri ghi \pohlor Ois. 1;;1= 7;<) 

Gllfriche tf psylnf`feclg` stuicos, g`` nujgh aoches lgtoefrczo tno wfr`igrfuhi tnoj tnrfuen erfupche ro`gtoi lfhlopts tfeotnor, wncln gsscsts us tfuhiorstghi fur ohvcrfhjoht ghi ohga`os us tf glt upfh ct. G`tnfuenl`gsscdclgtcfh cs fdtoh ro`gtoi tf acf`feclg` tgxfhfjcos ct g`sf oxtohis fvor ftnorlfhlopts (ghi g`sf fvor vgrcfus wfri l`gssos) g``fwche us g ioopor chscent ghiuhiorstghiche fd, ch tncs lgso, Gjorchicgh pnc`fsfpncos. Afgs l`gcjoi tngt

`gheugeo lgtoefrcos gro ghg`fefus tf lu`turg` l`gsscdclgtcfhs ghi lgtoefrcos(Df`oy, 7335). Uctnch tncs dco`i g icstchltcfh aotwooh ro`gtcvcst ghi uhcvorsg`ciogs cs gppgroht ghi tno uhcvorsg` ciogs fd Aor`ch, tngt tno lgtoefrczgtcfh fd


âutâ unpf

âutâ pf`oâutâ puptæbwo 

âutâ otgtfpf âutâ otgtfpf  

âutâ pf`o/otgtfpf  


gjotgc Y_HG 

Dceuro ?.9= Icroltcfhs drfj tno vc``geo

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Lngptor ?= Yno porloptcfh fd \pglo ghi @ghislgpo ay tno Ugyghg


sflcoty cs dcxoi ay ‐chhgto uhcvorsg` icspfsctcfhs‚, (Caci2 7335) ngs aooh erogt`yquostcfhoi ghi lng``oheoi ay ro`gtcvcst tnchbors. Ct cs hfw wcio`y glloptoi tngtl`gsscdclgtcfh ch dglt vgrcos gllfriche tf lu`turg` chtorosts. Yncs cs g`sf truo dfrLgrcagh `gheugeos wncln lfhtgch ergjjgtclg` ghi `oxclg` o`ojohts wncln ecvosus gh chscent chtf nfw tnoy ‐lgtoefrczo, l`gsscdy ghi `gao` tno wfr`i grfuhi

tnoj‚  (Lgr`ch, 1;;1).

?.9.7 [fstpfsctcfhs ghi \pgtcg`cty Yno nujgh prgltclo fd l`gsscdyche tno wfr`i chtf icstchlt famolts ghi ro`gtcfhs cs glfehctcvo gllfjp`csnjoht= tno joghs ay wncln nujgh aoches lrogto frior ghi ciohtctych gh ohvcrfhjoht, jgbche ct sflcf-lu`turg` (Qgppfrt ghi Fvorche, 1;;;= <1).

 Yno lgtoefrczgtcfh ghi l`gsscdclgtcfh fd tno surrfuhiche wfr`i cs icsp`gyoi chsovorg` wgys, chl`uiche tnrfuen tno rcln uso fd pfstpfsctcfhs ioslrcachespgtcg`cty ch Ugyghg. Gs icslussoi ch soltcfh 9.1.1 tno Ugyghg icstcheucsn

aotwooh vgrcfus typos fd eohorg` spgtcg` dglt, hgjo`y= eohorg` `flgtcfh fh g d`gtsurdglo, `flgtcfh ch g lfhtgchoi spglo, ch gh fpoh spglo ghi ch wgtor (ld. Icxfhghi Gcbnohvg`i, 7333= 912 Lgr`ch, 1;;9= 751). Dfr ogso fd rodorohlo C gjroprfiulche ch Yga`o ?.1 tno ogr`cor Yga`o 9.7 fd soltcfh 9.1.1. Ynoso typos fd`flgtcfh gro tnoh durtnor lgtoefrczoi gllfriche tf tno spolcdclcty fd tno Erfuhirgtnor tngh spolcdclcty fd tno Dceuro.


-pf @FL  eohorg` `flgtcfhfh/ch/gt


-mgf CHY .@FL  lfhtgchoi ch sjg``iojgrlgtoi grog


-(n)tgf LFHY .@FL  lfhtgchoi ch `greoiojgrlgtoi grog


-hgf @FL  lfhtgchoi ch `greo,afuhi`oss grog


-b(u)wgf @CW.@FL  lfhtgchoi ch`cquci


`fptgf ioop.CHY .@FL  lfhtgchoi ioopchscio, hfh-vcsa`o


obgtgf aoscio.@FL  aoscio obgtgb(â)chg gim.@FL  gt tno scio fd,

gimgloht tfchg

gwftgf rca.@FL  gt tno rcas gwftgb(â)gwfpf lrfsswgys.@FL  lrfsswgys gwfpfhggnjftgf l`ogr.spglo.@FL  l`ogr spglo gnjftgb(â)`gjhgf jcii`o.@FL  ch tno jcii`o fd `gjhgb(â)pf`o g`ceh.@FL  ch g`cehjoht wctn pf`o-pâb(â) LFHYGLY .@FL  uhsuppfrtoi


opfc \_[.@FL  gafvo= hf lfhtgltunpf \_[.LFHYGLY .@FL  gafvo= lfhtglt unpfhggnpf aglb.@FL  fh aglb fd gnpfhg

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


fpcho CHD.@FL  aohogtnfpcbgc CHD.@FL  aohogtnoj(æh)pgtcf dglo.@FL  ch drfht fd/dglche oj(æh)pgtgb(â)wg`cbtgf aonchi.@FL  aonchi wg`cbtgb(â)gbtunpfc upstrogj.@FL  upstrogj gbtunpfhg

gjotgc ifwhstrogj.@FL  ifwhstrogj gjotgb(â)otgtfpf aghb.@FL  fh rcvoraghb otgtfpfhgtg`ænhgf futscio.@FL  futscio tg`ænhgb(â)jctgf agso.@FL  gt agso fdwg`g grfuhi.@FL  grfuhi

-c`â [OQ@   g`fhe, tnrfuen --`f surdglo.[OQ@   g`fhe, fvor --châ \F_  sfurlo -

Yga`o ?.1= \pgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs ch Ugyghg

Ch soltcfh 9.<.1.< C g`rogiy oxp`gchoi nfw tnopfstpfsctcfh -hgf   „afuhi`oss `flgtcfh– ghi tnolfhtglt `flgtcvo -pâb   ch lfhmuhltcfh wctn tnohfuh bgpu „sby– pfrtrgy nfw lu`turg` gspoltsjgy g`sf iotorjcho tno l`gsscdclgtcfh fdpfstpfsctcfhs ghi hfuhs. Yncs g``fws us ghchscent chtf tno pnc`fsfpny ghi lfsjf`fey fd tnoUgyghg pfrtrgyche nfw tnocr wfr`i lfhscsts fd

sovorg` lfsjf`feclg` `gyors. Dfr tno Ugyghg,bgpuhgf „ch tno sby– rodors fh`y tf famolts wnclngro „ch– tno uppor lo`ostcg` wfr`i ghi tnusuhbhfwh ghi chvcsca`o tf tno Ugyghg. Ynovcscac`cty fd tno lo`ostcg` aficos snfws tnoytnorodfro oxcst ch tno „nujgh wfr`i– rgtnor tngh tno lo`ostcg` fho ghi groporlocvoi tf ao bgpupâb  „gttglnoi tf tno uhiorscio fd tno uppor lo`ostcg` wfr`i–rgtnor tngh bgpuhgf „ch tno lo`ostcg` wfr`i– (ld. Dceuro ?.?). Yno pfstpfsctcfh - hgf  g`sf snfws us nfw tno Ugyghg gigpt tf lu`turg` lngheo gs bgpuhgf  cs hfwusoi tf rodor tf Efi rgtnor tngh tno sngjgh. [rovcfus`y fh`y tno sngjgh wgs

ga`o tf mfurhoy chtf tno uppor lo`ostcg` wfr`i ch frior tf joicgto wctn tnospcrcts, tfigy ct cs tno Lnrcstcgh Efi wnf roscios tnoro. Ch ossohlo tno lo`ostcg`wfr`i stc`` oxcsts ghi tno lo`ostcg` aficos gro stc`` porlocvoi ch tno sgjo wgy,wnc`st tno sngjgh ngs aooh rop`gloi ay tno Lnrcstcgh efi. Yncs prfloss fdtgbche f`i lfhlopts ghi pfsctche tnoj fh how fhos cs lfjjfh prgltclo. Gspfsctoi ay Nujpnroy (733?= 79;)=

Ct wfu`i ao gh glt fd ncstfrclg` uhwc``chehoss hft tf rolfehczo tngt tnoy lgjo up wctnhow vcows wncln gro ch jghy wgys tno sgjo gs tnfso drfj gh ogr`cor tcjo fr icddorohtp`glo ghi usche tno sgjo vflgau`gry.

Fho quostcfh grfso wnc`st ioslrcache tno ergjjgr fd tno rcln pfstpfsctcfhg`systoj, usoi ch tno oxprosscfh fd tno `flgtcfh fd famolts ch spglo= wny if tno

Dceuro ?.?= [fsctcfh fd tnolo`ostcg` aficos

lo`ostcg` wfr`i


nujgh wfr`i

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Lngptor ?= Yno porloptcfh fd \pglo ghi @ghislgpo ay tno Ugyghg


Ugyghg ioslrcao spgtcg` ro`gtcfhs ch suln iotgc`6 Yno ghswor jgy `co ch tnocrsurrfuhiche `ghislgpo wncln ohlfjpgssos g iohso, lfjpglt eofergpnclspglo, `glbche oxtohioi vcows ghi icstght nfrczfhs. Yno „sjg``hoss– fd tnoGjgzfhcgh `ghislgpo ngs aooh hftoi ay jghy=

Iurche jy jfhtns gjfhe tno Yrcf, jy wfr`i ngi snruhb tf tno sczo fd tnocr wfr`i… G Yrcf ch ncs trgictcfhg` ohvcrfhjoht jgy hovor ngvo g nfrczfh fd jfro tngh twf nuhiroi ygris, tno icgjotor fd tno vc``geo l`ogrche. Ncs `cdo cs spoht ch g wo``, wctn tno sby garcent nf`o gafvo tno dfrost wg``s sf tngt tno sczo fd tno dcrjgjoht cs rostrcltoi ay tnotroo tfps. (Qcvcîro, 7343= vcc)

Ch tno dfrost scent pohotrgtos fh`y g snfrt icstghlo chtf tno jgss fd troos. G`fhe tno acercvors, yfu lgh soo durtnor, aut ovoh noro tnoro cs hf icstght a`uo nfrczfh. Yno sbystgrts garupt`y drfj aonchi tno slrooh fd dfrost. \cent cs nojjoi ch ([otor Efw, 733?=9<).

Dceuro ?.4= Gorcg` pnftf fd Gpotchg

 Ynoso sgjo ciogs ghi porloptcfhs rosoja`o jy fwh tnfuents iurche jy stgych Gpotchg. Iospcto tno iohsohoss ghi lfjpglthoss fd tno Ugyghgs– pnysclg`wfr`i, fho lghhft lfhl`uio tngt tno wfr`i fd tno Ugyghg cs gltug``y „sjg``or–tngh furs. Chiooi tno porloptcfh fd wfr`is cs suamoltcvo tf tno porlocvor ghi sfwnc`st wo fdtoh porlocvo tno `ghislgpo fd tno Ugyghg tf ao pnysclg``y sjg`` ghigs g sog fd erooh ch wncln wo gro agro`y ga`o tf icddorohtcgto aotwooh prcjgry

ghi solfhigry dfrost2 tno Ugyghg porlocvo g wfr`i wncln cs hft fh`y=

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


Icvcioi ay chvcsca`o `chos chtf hgjoi `ghi tglts ghi sott`ojoht sctos2 ct cs sooh gsstrulturoi ay ncstfry. Ynoro cs tnus tno `ghislgpo wo soo ghi g solfhi `ghislgpowncln cs prfiuloi tnrfuen `flg` prgltclo. (Ncrsln, 733?= 1)

 Yf tno Ugyghg tno sgjo dfrost cs g sfurlo fd dffi, jgtorcg` ghi joiclcho aut

g`sf g p`glo wnoro spcrcts jgy roscio, g rojchior fd tno ju`tcp`o wfr`is fd tnoUgyghg lfsjf`fey. (ld. soltcfh 7.<.<) Uctn scent aoche snfrtohoi fhogutfjgtclg``y `ffbs ch erogtor iotgc` tf tngt wncln cs vcsca`o. Yno Ugyghgchstght`y soo cd g arghln fr rflb cs fut fd p`glo, ghi must ay fasorvche tnopgrtclu`gr jfvojoht fd twces ghi `ogvos ch tno uhiorerfwtn fr troo lrfwhstnoy gro ga`o tf gslortgch cjjoicgto`y wnotnor tno jfvojoht cs lguso ay tnoo`ojohts fr ay pftohtcg` egjo. Yncs gac`cty tf fasorvo tno dfrost ch erogt iotgc`ghi tnocr chtohscvo bhfw`oieo fd ct gsscsts tnoj ch tnocr spgtcg` frcohtgtcfhwnc`st aoche tnoro (ld. soltcfh ?.<). Gs ioslrcaoi ay (@gheglbor, 1;;1= 7<3)=

Uo gro, gdtor g``, spgtcg` lrogturos wnf just fllupy ghi hgvcegto g spgtcg` wfr`i. Uogro g`sf lrogturos wnfso prcjgry sohso RcsZ vcscfh. 

Gs hftoi ay @ovchsfh ghi Jocrg (7339= ?79), tno `glb fd gh ‐ ch-lfhtgchor dflus ‚ch tno Gafrcechg` `gheugeos fd lfhtojpfrgry Gustrg`cg, snfws nfw tnoy ‐ngi`ctt`o trgictcfhg` uso dfr lfhtgchors,usche dfr tno jfst pgrt fh`y d`gttcsntrgys fr lff`gagns ‚ (Caci). Dfr tnoUgyghg tno ‐ch-lfhtgchor dflus ‚ snfwstno cjpfrtghlo fd lfhtgchors ch tnocr

wfr`ivcow. [rcfr tf tno grrcvg` fdOurfpoghs ch tno Gjgzfh Io`tg tnoUgyghg woro g hfjgicl df`b gsioslrcaoi ch soltcfh 7.<.1. Iuo tfsuln g `cvo`cnffi lfhtgchors woroholossgry tf lgrry tno dow ao`fhechestno Ugyghg ngi, suln gs grrfw nogis,dffi ghi tno `cbo. \tc`` tfigy tnoUgyghg ngvo g rojgrbga`o gac`cty fdjgbche lfhtgchors fut fd g`` sfrts fut

fd hgturg` jgtorcg`s (ld. Dceuro ?.).Giictcfhg``y, tno `ghislgpo fd tnoUgyghg jgy g`sf ao porlocvoi gs glfhtgchor iuo tf tno dfrost `cbo wg``s.Gs johtcfhoi ch soltcfh 7.<.1, tnoUgyghg woro provcfus`y dfrostiwo``ors `cvche ch tno lfhtgchjoht fdtno iohso Gjgzfh dfrost aodfro tnoyaolgjo tno rcvor iwo``ors tnoy grotfigy (ld. Afvoh, 1;;4= 4?).

Unotnor tno pnysclg` lfjpglthoss ghi iohscty fd tno Ugyghgs– `ghislgpoiotorjchos tno iotgc`oi jghhor ch wncln tno Ugyghg porlocvo tnocr `ghislgpo

Dceuro ?.5= Bgtg`c „lgrryche agsbots–

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Lngptor ?= Yno porloptcfh fd \pglo ghi @ghislgpo ay tno Ugyghg


ghi tnus tno jghhor ch wncln tnoy oxpross ct `cheucstclg``y rojgchs uhl`ogr.Ungt cs gppgroht cs tngt aftn dgltfrs oddolt tno porloptcfh ghi oxprosscfh fd ct.Gs stgtoi ay Ncrsln53 (733?= 1;)=

G iohso dfrost ohvcrfhjoht cjpfsos g rofreghczgtcfh fd sohscac`cty icddoroht ch bchi

drfj tngt wncln iovo`fps ch jfro fpoh ohvcrfhjoht. @gheugeo tgbos fh g sg`cohlogiictcfhg` tf tngt wncln ct pfssossos ch jfro vcsug` lu`turos.

?.? @ghislgpo

@ghislgpo cs hovor pgsscvo. [ofp`o ohegeo wctn ct, rowfrb ct, gpprfprcgto ghi lfhtost ct.Ct cs pgrt fd tno wgy ch wncln ciohtctcos gro lrogtoi ghi icsputoi, wnotnor gs chicvciug`,erfup fr hgtcfh-stgto. Fporgtche gt tno muhlturo fd ncstfry ghi pf`ctcls, sflcg` ro`gtcfhsghi lu`turg` porloptcfhs, `ghislgpo cs g lfhlopt fd ncen tohscfh. Ct cs g`sf gh grog fdstuiy tngt dfrlos tno gaghifhjoht fd lfhvohtcfhg` icslcp`chgry afuhigrcos ghi lrogtospftohtcg` dfr chhfvgtcvo lrfss-dortc`czgtcfh. (Agrhgri ghi \pohlor, 1;;1= <19)

 Yno torj „`ghislgpo– frcechg``y iodchoi g pgrtclu`gr pgchtche tolnhcquo usoi aygrtcsts ch tno 74tn  lohtury2 tncs sgjo torj wgs `gtor gpp`coi tf pclturosquorurg` sottches wncln ovfboi jojfrcos fd suln „`ghislgpo– pgchtches (ld. Ncrsln,733?= 1). G`tnfuen wostorh lu`turos lfhtchuo tf iodcho eohorg` `ghislgpo gs gpclturosquo sottche, tno torj ngs g`sf ovf`voi, lfhholtche `ghislgpo tf nujghgeohly wctnch ghtnrfpf`feclg` icslfurso=

G `ghislgpo ngs hf joghchedu` sngpo ghi scehcdclghlo uhtc` ct cs gllfrioi p`glo ghiciohtcty ch tno sflcg` ghi lfehctcvo wfr`is fd nujgh oxporcohlo. (No`js, 733>= 1;)

Nfwovor, ct cs fh`y ch roloht iolgios tngt tncs ghtnrfpf`feclg` hftcfh fd`ghislgpo ngs lfjo tf ao porlocvoi gs g iyhgjcl, lu`turg` prfloss „ aotwooh dfroerfuhi gltug`cty ghi aglberfuhi pftohtcg`cty – (Ng`ajgyor, 1;;9= 7<42 ld.Ncrsln, 733?= 1-?). Yno „dfroerfuhi gltug`cty– roprosohts ovoryigy oxporcohlowncln lfoxcsts wctn tno ciog fd g „aglberfuhi pftohtcg`cty–2 gh ciog`, pftohtcg``cdo, „ tno wgy wo jcent ao – (Caci= <). Ncrsln (733?= 9) icvcios tnoso twf sohsos fdaoche gllfriche tf tno df``fwche slnojgtg=

dfroerfuhi ↙ aglberfuhip`glo ↙ spglo

chscio ↙ futsciocjgeo ↙ roprosohtgtcfh

  Ynoso hftcfhs lfhtchufus`y chtorro`gto wctn ogln ftnor lrogtche g iyhgjcl,lu`turg` prfloss wnoroch nujgh geohly turhs „spglo– chtf g „p`glo–, lrogtche giyhgjcl `ghislgpo wncln hf `fheor dcts chtf tno stgtcl iodchctcfh gpp`coi aywostorh Ourfpoghs ghi ch tno slcohtcdcl icslfursos fd icslcp`chos suln gseofergpny (ld. Ncrsln, 733?= ?2 Erghorf, 733?= 7;;2 Agrhgri ghi \pohlor Ois.1;;1= <19).

53 Ncrsln wgs sujjgrczche noro tno ciogs fd G`droi Eo`` ch ncs lngptor= Yno @gheugeo fd tno Dfrost wncln wgspua`csnoi ch „Yno Ghtnrfpf`fey fd @ghislgpo– (Ncrsln ghi F– Ngh`fh Ois. 733?).

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


Ch ghtnrfpf`fey, `ghislgpo cs fdtoh chtorsoltoi ay lfhlohtrcl, spgtcg` zfhosrgicgtche futwgris drfj tno bhfwh, „sgdo– vc``geo tfwgris tno uhbhfwh ghipftohtcg` igheor. Ynoso lfhlohtrcl zfhos fdtoh aolfjo icstfrtoi ay tnoprosohlo fd rcvors wncln o`fhegto tno lohtro „sgdo– p`glo gs tnoy gro eohorg``yporlocvoi gs=

G sgdo ghi ‐sflcg`czoi‚ spglo wnoro ovory rcvor aohi ghi `flg` p`glo cs hgjoi, ghitnorodfro bhfwh, wctn tno dfrost aoyfhi, g igheorfus, jystorcfus ghi uhicddorohtcgtoiwc`iorhoss fd spcrcts ghi jfhstors (No`js, 73>>= 1<2 ld. Lngujoc`, 1;;9= 71<).

 Yncs s`cent fvoreohorg`czgtcfh cs hft g`wgys tno lgso chscio tno `ghislgpo fd tnoUgyghg, wnoro spolcdcl pgrts fd tno rcvor gro g`sf porlocvoi gs „igheorfus–p`glos, wnoro spcrcts `cvo ghi wnoro frg` trgictcfhs to`` fd pgst chlciohts wnclnngvo `ogi tf tno iogtn fd vc``geors. Gs oxpoltoi, tno jfst icstchltcvo lfhtrgst fd`ghislgpo ch Gjgzfhcg cs tngt aotwooh dfrost ghi vc``geo, tno `gttor fd wncln cs

porlocvoi gs aoche prfxcjgto, vcsca`o, bhfwh ghi tnoroay g sgdo p`glo (ld.Qcvcîro, 7343= vcc2 Qcvcîro, 733?= 9<2 No`js, 73>>= 17).

Gs icslussoi gafvo ch soltcfh 7.<.<, tno Ugyghg `cvo ch g ncen`ytrghsdfrjgtcfhg` wfr`i wnoroay icddoroht wfr`is ghi lfsjf`feclg` `gyors lfoxcstscju`tghofus`y ghi wnoroch nujghs, spcrcts ghi ghcjg`s roscio. Ynongactgtcfh fd spcrcts ch dfrosts ghi ftnor lfsjf`feclg` `gyors lrogtos tno ciogtngt tnoso grogs roprosoht spglo wncln cs icstg`, chvcsca`o, uhbhfwh ghitnorodfro uhlfhtrf``ga`o (oxlopt tnrfuen rctug`), ovfbche g sohso fd uhlortgchty.Ch tncs sohso dfrosts ghi ftnor lfsjf`feclg` `gyors futscio tno fho wnoro

nujghs roscio dfrj g pgrg``o`. Gs pfsctoi ay No`js (73>>= <;)=Lfhtglt wctn tno eofergpnclg``y icstght uhbhfwh jgy ao lfhscioroi lfjpgrga`o tflfhtglt wctn icstght spcrctug` `ovo`s ghi uhbhfwhs.

 Ynoso icstchltcfhs aotwooh prfxcjgto ghi icstg` p`glo gro jgio wctnch tnoiojfhstrgtcvo ghi tncri porsfh prfhfuhs ghi `flgtcvo givoras, (ld. Yga`o ?.<)gs icslussoi ch soltcfhs 9.9 ghi ?.?.

prfxcjg` joicg` icstg`

spolcdcl ̀ flgtcfh tgh(â) jf`f jfh(f)

eohorg` `flgtcfh tg`o nâm(o)(stgtcvo ) jâmo(stgtcvo )

Yga`o ?.<= @flgtcvo givoras

Uctnch tnoso wfri l`gssos, `ghislgpo cs icvcioi gllfriche tf tno iocltclpgrgjotors prfxcjg`, joicg` ghi icstg`>;, wnc`st g durtnor icstchltcfh cs jgioaotwooh spolcdcl ghi hfh-spolcdcl `flgtcfh. Yncs `gst icstchltcfh cs ospolcg``ycjpfrtght wctn tno joicg` ghi icstg` `flgtcvos gs tnoy icstcheucsn aotwooh`flgtcfhs wncln gro „gwgy– aut stc`` ch g „bhfwh– p`glo vorsus `flgtcfhs ch gicstght, uhbhfwh eohorg` spglo ohsnrfuioi ay uhlortgchty ghi pftohtcg`

igheor. Gs wgs icslussoi ch soltcfh 9.? wnoh tno spolcdcl lfuhtorpgrt dfr tno>; Yno iojfhstrgtcvo prfhfuh jgbos g durtnor icstchltcfh, tngt fd tno < ri porsfh ghgpnfrcl oxprossche gporsfh (ghcjgto) fr famolt (chghcjgto) tngt ngs provcfus`y aooh johtcfhoi ch icslfurso (ld. soltcfh 9.9).

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Lngptor ?= Yno porloptcfh fd \pglo ghi @ghislgpo ay tno Ugyghg


icstg` `flgtcvo, jfh cs usoi, tno spogbor just bhfw oxglt`y wnoro tno p`glo cs,ct just ao bhfwh porsfhg``y tf ncj.

 Yno uhspolcdcl `flgtcvo givoras fllur droquoht`y ch frg` trgictcfhs oxprosschetno uhspolcdcl, uhbhfwh `flgtcfh wncln jgy ao sctugtoi ch ghftnor

lfsjf`feclg` `gyor tngh tno hgrrgtfr fr gltfr ( 

?.9). Unoh tncs cs hft tno lgsotno givoras iohftche spolcdcl `flgtcfh, jf`f cs jfro droquoht`y usoi ( ?.?), tnogivora jfh cs rgro`y, cd gt g``, usoi.

( ?.9) t-â`â-c bgpu-hgb o-mg jâmo bu`ujLFQOD-tgbo-HD sby-afuhi`oss.ICQ <-EFG@   @FL.GIT.IC\Y   vu`turo

pochfj t-â-no o-mglnc`iroh LFQOD-ogt.jogt-HD  <-EFG@  no Rtno nogiZ tffb ct chtf tno sby, tnoro, no gto tno lnc`iroh fd tno

vu`turo(Afvoh, 733?= 7>)

( ?.?) t-âho-cjâ-c jf`f Uæwæpscb fbfjâ-mgfLFQOD-soo-LSL-HD @FL.GIT.JOI.\[ Uæwæpscb wgsp-LFHY .@FL

  tnoy sgw Uæwæpscb tnoro ch tno wgsps– host(Afvoh, 733?= 14)

Iuo tf tno oxcstohlo fd ftnor wfr`is ghi lfsjf`feclg` `gyors wncln gro=

Ghcjgtoi ghi chngactoi ay pnysclg` ghi spcrctug` geohts wncln lfhscst hft fh`y fd wngtlgh ao sooh aut g`sf fd wngt lfjjfh pofp`o lghhft soo aut bhfw tngt cs tnoro(Erghorf, 733?= 7;1).

 Ynorodfro, tno hftcfh fd „`ghislgpo– hoois tf ao arfgiohoi tf ohlfjpgss tnowfr`ivcows fd Gjgzfhcg tnus chl`uiche tno „ ju`tcp`o wfr`is fr g ju`tcvorso fd ghuhspolcdcoi hujaor fd geohtcg` ghi chtorgltche spglos–   (Fvorche, 733?= 5<, ld.Fvorche, 733;). Yno `ghislgpo fd tno Ugyghg, porlocvoi gs g lu`turg` prfloss,cs tnorodfro ojaoiioi wctn lu`turg` joghches lrogtoi ay tno Ugyghg fvor tcjo.Aftn jfiorh ghi ncstfrclg` frg` trgictcfhs gro p`gyoi fut ch tno Ugyghgs–

`ghislgpo wncln cs lfhstght`y lngheche iopohiche upfh tno gltfrs `cvchewctnch ct. Uctnch tncs iyhgjcl prfloss tno ciohtcty fd tno Ugyghg ghi tnojoghches gttrcautoi tf tnocr `ghislgpo gro lfhstght`y aoche roiodchoi. Gs g`sfpfsctoi ay Afvoh (1;;4= <?)=

Not no`o eoacoi igt io Ugyghg g`s nuh trgictcfho`o `oodeoacoi aoslnfuwoh R... csZ oohaozco`i eoacoi, vf` vgh aotobohcssoh2 ooh lu`turg` `ghislgpo .

 Yno Ugyghg egch bhfw`oieo gafut tnocr `ghislgpo tnrfuen chdfrjgtcfh pgssoiifwh drfj eohorgtcfh tf eohorgtcfh ghi tnrfuen tnocr fwh oxporcohlos egchoi

drfj trgvo``che tnrfuen tnocr fwh ohvcrfhjoht. Yfigy wctn tno ohlrfglnjoht fdtno jfiorh wfr`i ch tno dfrj fd tfurcsts, Lnrcstcghcty, oiulgtcfh, trgio ghiupwgri jfac`cty ct wfu`i ao oxpoltoi tngt tnocr ciogs ghi porloptcfhs

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


portgchche tf tnocr fwh `ghislgpo ghi lfsjf`fey wfu`i ngvo lngheoi (ld.Erghorf, 733?= 774). Nfwovor, g`tnfuen fho lgh g`rogiy iotolt lngheos ch tncs,ct cs hft yot ohtcro`y tno lgso. Unc`st sfjo hftcfhs gro lngheche, ftnors rojgchlfhstght ovoh tnfuen tnoy gppogr tf ngvo s`cppoi drfj tno dfroerfuhi chtf tnoaglberfuhi. Unoh gsbche tno Ugyghg fd Gpotchg gafut spcrcts ghi „igheorfus–

p`glos ch tno dfrosts, ghswors woro ecvoh gs „tnfso woro tno ogr`y Ugyghg–.Nfwovor gs jy stgy ch tno vc``geo `ohetnohoi ghi jutug` trust chlrogsoi, C`ogrht jfro gafut nfw trghsdfrjgtcfh, spcrcts ghi tno ju`tcp`clcty fd wfr`isstc`` p`gy g `greo rf`o wctnch tno Ugyghg lu`turo ghi porloptcfh fd `ghislgpo. Yfigy tnoro rojgch pgrtclu`gr grogs wncln tno Ugyghg prodor tf gvfci. Ch tnogrog surrfuhiche g lortgch lroob dfuhi upstrogj fd Gpotchg, tno Ugyghgao`covo tngt cd tnoy snfft egjo tnoro, iogtn wc`` aodg`` tnoj. Fho fd tno pogbsdfuhi ch tno sgjo grog cs g`sf eohorg``y gvfcioi gs tnoy gro gdrgci tnocrprosohlo tnoso wc`` gheor tno spcrcts rosciche tnoro wncln lfu`i pftohtcg``y `ogitf c``hoss, jcsdfrtuho fr iogtn. Nfwovor, tfigy iuo tf tno iyhgjcls fd lu`turo,

tnocr porloptcfh fd tnocr `ghislgpo cs s`cent`y g`torche tf ohlfjpgss tno lngheostnoy ohlfuhtor fvor tcjo ghi ct cs oxpoltoi tngt tncs prfloss wc`` lfhtchuo gslfhtglt wctn tno wostorh wfr`i chlrogsos.

 Yno Ugyghg gro hfw lfhsciorche tno iovo`fpjoht fd tfurcsj ch tnogdfrojohtcfhoi grog wncln jgy `ogi tf g pftohtcg` sf`utcfh tf gh oxcstcheprfa`oj roegriche l`gsnche wfr`ivcows. Yfurcsts trgvo``che tf tno chtorcfr fd\urchgjo stc`` oxpolt tf ngvo tno fppfrtuhcty tf fasorvo wc`i ghcjg`s dfuhi chtnocr uhspfc`oi, hgturg` ngactgt. Iuo tf nuhtche ghi tno gee`fjorgtcfh fdvc``geos, `ctt`o egjo cs tf ao dfuhi grfuhi tno vc``geos fd tno chtorcfr ghi wnoh ct

cs, tno Ugyghg wc`` prflooi tf snfft ct, fdtoh tf tno nfrrfr fd tno tfurcsts. Yf tnoUgyghg wc`i ghcjg`s roprosoht g sfurlo fd dffi, wnc`st tfurcsts porlocvo tnosgjo ghcjg`s gs „luto– fr gs gh „ohigheoroi spolcos– wncln hoois prftoltche.Uctnch tncs drgjowfrb tfurcsts porlocvo tno nuhtche fd wc`i ghcjg`s ay tnoUgyghg gs lruo` ghi uhholossgry, pfrtrgyche nfw dgr rojfvoi wostorhlu`turos gro drfj tnocr fwh dffi chiustry. Dfr tno Ugyghg, nuhtche cs gholosscty. Ct cs tncs l`gsn fd wfr`ivcows wncln rosu`ts ch chlfjpronohscfh ghitohscfh fh aftn scios. Yno lroob dfuhi upstrogj drfj Gpotchg fddors g sf`utcfhtf tncs prfa`oj. Gs tno Ugyghg if hft nuht tnoro iuo tf dogr fd tno spcrctsrosciche tnoro, tno wc`i ghcjg`s dfuhi ch tno grog gro hft yot sny fd nujghs.

Iuo tf tncs tno tfurcsts ngvo tno fppfrtuhcty tf fasorvo wc`i`cdo wctnfut aochelfhdrfhtoi ay tno Ugyghgs– nuhtche lu`turo.

?.4 Ugyghg ch hgtcfhg` spglo

 Yfigy tno Ugyghg gro sprogi glrfss tno lfuhtrcos fd \urchgjo, Drohln Eucghgghi Argzc`, g hgtcfhg` `ghislgpo tnrust upfh tnoj ay tno efvorhche hgtcfhstgtos fd tno pgst lohturcos. Ynoso hgtcfhg` afriors ngi provcfus`y `ctt`o fr hfscehcdclghlo tf tno Ugyghg (io Efomo, 73972 Dchi`gy, 73572 Lgr`ch, 1;;1) frftnor chiceohfus pofp`os wnf wghioroi droo`y glrfss tnoj. Qgtnor, tnoUgyghg porlocvoi tnojso`vos gs fho erfup wctn fho `gheugeo wnf `cvoi ch fho`ghislgpo= „Ugyghg-lfuhtry–. Uncst fh fho `ovo` tncs porloptcfh fd `ghislgporojgchs, gs ifos tnocr ro`gtcvo pf`ctclg` gutfhfjy, fh ghftnor `ovo` tnocr

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Lngptor ?= Yno porloptcfh fd \pglo ghi @ghislgpo ay tno Ugyghg


gwgrohoss fd hgtcfhg` ghi chtorhgtcfhg` pf`ctcls cs lurroht`y chlrogsche iuo tftno ohlrfglnche wostorh wfr`i, ch wncln tnoy gro aolfjche jfro chvf`voi.

 Yncs cs ospolcg``y truo fd tno Ugyghg wnf `cvo g `fhe tno @gwg Qcvor, wnclndfrjs tno afgrior aotwooh \urchgjo ghi Drohln Eucghg. Yno sflcg` ghi

pf`ctclg` sctugtcfh ch Drohln Eucghg cs vory icddoroht tf tngt fd \urchgjo,jgch`y aolguso tno efvorhjoht fd Drohln Eucghg stcju`gtos ghi suppfrtscjpfrtght cssuos gs oiulgtcfh, iovo`fpjoht ghi lu`turg` ciohtcty gjfhechiceohfus pofp`os. Ynoso icddorohlos ch efvorhjohtg` pf`clcos gro lgusche ghfhwgri jcergtcfh drfj \urchgjo (ghi tf g `ossor oxtoht Argzc`) tfwgris DrohlnEucghg. Uctn g erogtor lnghlo fd rolocvche sflcg` solurcty pgyjohts ch DrohlnEucghg tno Ugyghg lfhtchuo tf jcergto ogstwgris ch sogrln fd tnoso aohodcts.Qoloht`y nfwovor, tno efvorhjoht fd Drohln Eucghg cs tryche tf lura tncschwgri jcergtcfh.

 Yfigy tno chtorcfr fd \urchgjo cs stc`` eohorg``y hoe`oltoi ay tno \urchgjosoEfvorhjoht ghi tnoy ngvo dgc`oi tf lrogto ghy lfhlroto pf`clcos roegriche tnorcents fd chiceohfus pofp`os. Yncs hoe`olt no`ps tf oxp`gch tno lfhtchufuspfpu`grcty fd Iosc Afutorso ch \urchgjo, iospcto ncs pgst gltcfhs iurche tnoUgr fd tno Chtorcfr, gs no gppogrs tf ao jfro ch tfuln wctn tno hoois fd tnoicddoroht chiceohfus ghi Jgrffh erfups. ‐Yngt tnoro gro sovorg` Gjorchicgherfups wctn icddoroht ncstfrcos, `cvos, ghi hoois cs cehfroi ay fho ghi g``‚  (Lgr`chghi Afvoh, 1;;1). Yno cssuo lfhlorhche chiceohfus `ghi rcents rojgchs gnogtoi tfpcl wctnch \urchgjo, aut wctnfut tno \urchgjoso Efvorhjohtdfrjg``y rolfehczche tno vgrcfus chiceohfus erfups ghi tnocr icddorohlos ch

lu`turo, `cdosty`o ghi `gheugeo g sf`utcfh tf tno prfa`oj gppogrs tf ao rojfto. Yno Ugyghg ch Gpotchg gro aolfjche chlrogsche`y gwgro fd tno hooi tf ao ga`otf uhiorstghi ghi pgrtclcpgto ch hgtcfhg` pf`ctcls (Lgr`ch ghi Afvoh, 1;;1),ospolcg``y lfhlorhche tno cssuos fd `ghi rcents. Unc`st tno Ugyghg, ghi ftnorGjgzfhcgh pofp`os, if hft porlocvo `ghi gs sfjotnche wncln lgh ao pfssossoi(ld. Afvoh, 1;;4= 14), tfigy tnoy gro aoche dfrloi tf gimust tncs porloptcfh gstno ureohly dfr `ghi rcents aolfjos gppgroht. Iospcto tncs erfwche gwgrohossfh fho `ovo`, tnoy stc`` lfhtchuo tf rodor tf [grgjgrcaf gs \urchgjo, cjp`ychetngt tnoy stc`` doo` rojfvoi drfj tno hgtcfh ch wncln tnoy `cvo. Ynoy gro ghirojgch gafvo g`` Ugyghg, rgtnor tngh \urchgjoso.

?.5 Lfhl`uiche rojgrbs

Ch tncs lngptor sovorg` gspolts fd spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh ghi `ghislgpo gs porlocvoiay tno Ugyghg ngvo aooh icslussoi. Dcrst, tno uhior`yche spgtcg` jgppchesystoj fd tno Ugyghg wgs gslortgchoi tnrfuen tno ghg`yscs fd tno rosu`ts fd tno„rolg``-jojfry– ghi tno „pnftf-famolt jgtlnche– tgsbs. Lfrrospfhiche wctn tnorosu`ts fd roloht lrfss-`cheucstcl ghi lfehctcvo rosogrln (ld. soltcfh 1.<.7)snfwche tngt spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh fd nujghs cs hft uhcvorsg``ypnohfjohf`feclg`2 ct wgs gslortgchoi tngt tno Ugyghg ro`y fh gh gasf`utolffrichgto systoj ifjchgtoi ay tno upstrogj-ifwhstrogj gxcs. Iovo`fpche fhtncs, durtnor ghg`yscs fd tno „pnftf-famolt jgtlnche– tgsb, ftnor oxorlcsoslfhiultoi ch tno dco`i (ld. soltcfh ?.1) ghi tno `cheucstcl igtg icslussoi ch

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


Lngptor 9, snfwoi tngt tncs systoj lfrro`gtoi wctn tno proifjchght drgjos fdrodorohlo usoi ay tno Ugyghg ch spgtcg` frcohtgtcfh. Dfr icroltcfh ghi `flgtcfhfutscio tno vc``geo tno Ugyghg ro`y proifjchght`y fh tno gasf`uto drgjo, ghitno chtrchscl drgjo dfr frcohtgtcfh chscio tno vc``geo.

Ch soltcfh ?.9.7 tno rcln systoj fd spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs g``fwoi us g e`cjpso chnfw tno Ugyghg lgtoefrczo spglo ch wncln tno spolcdcty fd tno Erfuhi cscjpfrtght ch iotorjchche wncln pfstpfsctcfh cs tf ao usoi. Gs snfwh wctnbgpupâb ghi bgpuhgf, tncs cs fdtoh lu`turg``y iotorjchoi. Giictcfhg``y, Coxp`froi nfw tno iohsohoss ghi lfjpglthoss fd tno Ugyghg wfr`i cs g`jfstlortgch`y gh cjpfrtght dgltfr ch oxp`gchche wny spgtcg`cty cs oxprossoi ch sulniotgc`.

Dchg``y tno lfhlopt fd `ghislgpo wgs oxgjchoi snfwche tno cjpfrtghlo fd tnoicstchltcfh aotwooh dfrost ghi vc``geo, aftn lu`turg``y ghi `cheucstclg``y.

@ghislgpo cs g iyhgjcl prfloss sngpoi ay nujgh geohly ghi noro C ngvoiojfhstrgtoi nfw fur wostorh porloptcfhs hooi tf ao gimustoi aodfro wo lghovoh gttojpt tf uhiorstghi tngt fd ghftnor wfr`i, lu`turg``y fr `cheucstclg``y. Yno `ghislgpo fd tno Ugyghg cs hf icddoroht ghi wnc`st juln rojgchs lfhstghtjghy gspolts lngheo, rosu`tche ch g how Ugyghg `ghislgpo tf wncln tnoylfhtchuo tf ecvo joghche.

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4  Lfhl`uiche Qojgrbs 

 Yncs cs hft tno ohi. Ct cs hft ovoh tno aoechhche fd tno ohi. Aut ct cs porngps tnoohi fd tno aoechhche. (\cr Uchstfh Lnurlnc``)

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg  


 Yncs tnoscs ngs gttojptoi tf prfvcio g iotgc`oi ioslrcptcvo ghg`yscs fd nfwspgtcg`cty cs oxprossoi ch Ugyghg, g Lgrcagh `gheugeo spfboh ay `ctt`o jfrotngh g tnfusghi spogbors ch \urchgjo, Drohln Eucghg ghi Argzc`. Drfj tncs`cheucstcl ghg`yscs g sjg`` e`cjpso cs ecvoh chtf tno porloptcfh fd spglo wctnchtno pnc`fsfpny fd tno Ugyghg fd Gpotchg, pfrtrgyche tno chtrchscl ro`gtcfhsncp

aotwooh lu`turo ghi `gheugeo.

 Yno lfhlopts ghi hftcfhs fd „spglo–, „p`glo– ghi „`ghislgpo– gro sf cjjohso tngtuhdfrtuhgto`y iuo tf tno hgturo ghi sczo fd tncs pgpor suln hftcfhs ngvo fh`yaooh ergzoi upfh, `ogvche jghy pfsscac`ctcos dfr duturo rosogrln. Ftnorlfhlopts, suln gs „tcjoslgpos– ghi „jytnslgpos– (ld. Fvorche, 733?= 57->3),„pua`cl– ghi „prcvgto– spglo gro g`sf chtortwchoi ch tno Ugyghg `ghislgpo ghingvo g p`glo ch tnocr porloptcfh fd spglo. Ovoh tno hftcfhs ghi lfhloptsicslussoi wctnch tncs tnoscs gro stc`` hft oxngustcvo`y rosogrlnoi fr ioagtoi, gswgs ropogtoi`y johtcfhoi tnrfuenfut tno ghg`yscs.

Fho grog ch pgrtclu`gr hoois g jfro iotgc`oi rosogrln ghi ghg`yscs, tngt fd tno`flgtcvo givoras. Yno tga`o irgwh ch soltcfh 9.? wgs tgboh drfj jy fwhghg`yscs ghi tngt gs pfsctoi ay Ygvgros (1;;4= <4<). Ct cs roprfiuloi noro dfrogsy rodorohlo=

prfxcjg` joicg` icstg`

spolcdcl ̀ flgtcfh tgh(â) jf`f jfh(f)eohorg` `flgtcfh tg`o nâm(o)

(stgtcvo )jâmo(stgtcvo )

Yga`o 4.7= @flgtcvo givoras

Ct wfu`i jgbo gh chtorostche stuiy tf iolcpnor wnoro tno gltug` afriors `cowctnch tno iocltcl pgrgjotors. Ynoro wgs sfjo lfhtrgicltcfh gjfhe tnospogbors fd Gpotchg gs tf wnoh wncln givora wgs tf ao usoi. Ch sfjo lgsos tnoicstg` spolcdcl `flgtcvo jfh  wgs ioslrcaoi tf iohfto `fltcfh ch tno vc``geo ghifho spogbor ovoh sueeostoi ct jgy fh`y ao usoi tf iohfto `flgtcfh ch Gpotchg. Yno jgmfrcty nfwovor g`sf usoi ct tf oxpross `flgtcfh fd p`glos bhfwh tf tnojdrfj porsfhg` oxporcohlo wnc`st ch ftnor chstghlos egriohs woro ioslrcaoi tfao nâmo. Ynoro gro jghy hughlos ch tno porloptcfh fd „noro– ghi „tnoro–, jghy fdwncln jgy rojgch uhiorstghiga`o, fh`y tf tno hgtcvo spogbors tnojso`vos.

G`tnfuen tncs stuiy egvo g iotgc`oi gllfuht fd tno ergjjgr surrfuhichespgtcg`cty ch Ugyghg, tno dflus `gy proifjchght`y fh tno oxprosscfh fdtfpf`feclg` ro`gtcfhs. Yno lnfclo tf if tncs `gy ch tno oxcstohlo fd tno rclnsystoj fd spgtcg` pfstpfsctcfhs dfuhi ch Ugyghg wncln cs lngrgltorcstcl fdjghy Lgrcagh `gheugeos. Nfwovor, gs icslussoi ch soltcfh 1.9, jghy ftnorwfri l`gssos iohfto spgtcg`cty ghi ch tncs pgrtclu`gr tnoscs tno ergjjgr ghighg`yscs fd tno vorag` jfrpnf`fey ngs hft aooh icslussoi. Ch pgrtclu`gr voras fdjftcfh ao`fhe tf tno ergjjgr fd spgtcg`cty aut gs tncs cs g`sf suln gh oxtohscvotfpcl tf ioslrcao, ct wgs cjpfssca`o tf if ct ghy mustclo ch g stuiy fd tncs lg`caro.

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Lngptor 4= Lfhl`uiche Qojgrbs


G`tnfuen Ir. Octnho Lgr`ch cs lurroht`y wfrbche fh g du`` ergjjgr fd tnoUgyghg `gheugeo fd \urchgjo gs pgrt fd tno HUF duhioi prfergjjo „Ecvchetnoj aglb tnocr `gheugeos– (ld. www.hwf.h`/prfmoltoh), tno pfsscac`cty dfrdurtnor otnhf-`cheucstcl fr ghtnrfpf`feclg` stuicos fh Ugyghg cs jfro fr `ossohi`oss. Iospcto tno oxtrojo`y iotgc`oi gllfuht fd tno Ugyghg fd tno @gwg

Qcvor ay Bgrch Afvoh (1;;4), suln g iotgc`oi gllfuht fd tno Ugyghg `cvcheg`fhe tno Ygpghgnfhc cs stc`` `glbche. Gs stgtoi ay Afvoh (1;;4= 19;) tnoUgyghg fd tno Ygpghgnfhc `cvo g icddoroht `cdo tf tnfso fh tno @gwg. Yno @gwgdfrjs tno afrior aotwooh \urchgjo ghi Drohln Eucghg, wnoroay tno Ugyghgfd tno @gwg `cvo ch g ‐ drfhtcor sflcoty ‚ (Caci) surrfuhioi ay lfhd`clts fh groecfhg`, hgtcfhg` ghi chtorhgtcfhg` `ovo`. Ovoh g jfro iotgc`oi, ghtnrfpf`feclg`ghg`yscs fd spgtcg`cty lfu`i lfjp`ojoht tncs otnhf-`cheucstcl ghg`yscs durtnor.

Ftnor chtorostche tfpcls fd icslusscfh, futscio tno ifjgch fd `cheucstcls, wfu`iao tno lfhtojpfrgry prfa`ojgtcl quostcfh lfhlorhche `ghi rcents. Yncs cs

pgrtclu`gry chtorostche gs tnoro ngvo aooh tno rujfurs fd pfssca`o p`ghs tfauc`i g rfgi drfj [grgjgrcaf sfutnwgris tfwgris [g`ujou, dglc`ctgtche gpfssca`o CCQ\G (Chctcgtcvo dfr tno Chtoergtcfh fd Qoecfhg` Chdrgstrulturo ch \futnGjorclg) prfmolt wncln gcjs tf icvort tno Ygpghgnfhc Qcvor ch frior tf lrogto gnyirf-o`oltrf pfwor p`ght wncln wfu`i lrogto ohfuen o`oltrclcty dfr `greo pgrtsfd \urchgjo ghi tno surrfuhiche lfuhtrcos (www.ccrsg.fre). Yno fpohche up fdtno chtorcfr wfu`i ngvo uhlfuhtga`o gddolts fh tno lu`turo ghi `gheugeo fd tnoUgyghg ghi tno surrfuhiche erfups wnoroay tno ureohly ghi tno cjpfrtghlofd `ghi rcents cssuos aolfjos ovoh jfro gppgroht.

Nuhirois fd fptcfhs `co fpoh dfr duturo stuiy, aftn ch ghi futscio tno wfr`i fdtno Ugyghg. \pgtcg`cty lfu`i g`sf ao icslussoi ghi lfjpgroi wctnch ftnor`gheugeos fd tno Lgrcagh `gheugeo dgjc`y. Giictcfhg``y tnoro rojgch sovorg``gheugeos ch \urchgjo wncln gwgct ghy dfrj fd `cheucstcl stuiy. Yno stuiy fdchiceohfus `gheugeos hft fh`y chlrogsos chtorhgtcfhg` ghi hgtcfhg` gwgrohossfd suln pofp`os aut ct g`sf chlrogsos tno so`d ostooj fd tno vory spogbors, gstnoy aoech tf rog`czo tno vg`uo fd tnocr fwh `gheugeo gdtor yogrs fd `cheucstclfpprosscfh. Fh g slcohtcdcl `ovo`, `cheucstcl stuicos g``fw us tf uhiorstghi tnovgsthoss ghi pftohtcg`cty fd nujgh `gheugeo ghi lfehctcfh. Aut `gheugeoohlfjpgssos jfro. Yno uhiorstghiche fd `gheugeo lfrro`gtos wctn tno

uhiorstghiche fd=

Unf`o lu`turos ghi bhfw`oieo systojs, chl`uiche pnc`fsfpnclg` systojs, frg` `ctorglyghi juscl trgictcfhs, ohvcrfhjohtg` bhfw`oieo systojs, joiclg` bhfw`oieo, ghicjpfrtght lu`turg` prgltclos ghi grtcstcl sbc``s (Nchtfh ghi Ng`o, 1;;7= ?)

 Ynorodfro ct cs fd erogt cjpfrtghlo tf uhiorstghi tno `gheugeo fd g pofp`o chfrior tf ovoh try tf gttojpt tf uhiorstghi tno lu`turo, pnc`fsfpncos frporloptcfhs fd tno spogbors. Nfpodu``y tncs pgpor ngs glncovoi tncs tf tnooxtoht pfssca`o wctn g stuiy fd tncs sczo.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg



Agrbor, L`cvo. 7333. Uogvowfr`i. Ngrpor [ross, @fhifh.

Agrhgri, G`gh & \pohlor, Mfhgtngh (Ois.) 1;;1. Ohlyl`fpoicg fd \flcg` ghiLu`turg` Ghtnrfpf`fey. Qfut`oieo, How Sfrb. 

Afvoh, Bgrch. 1;;4. Fvor`ovoh ch ooh erohseoacoi=Torghiorchesprflossoh acm ioUgyghg ch \urchgjo oh Drghs-Euyghg. CA\ Qfzohaore [ua`csnors, Gjstorigj. 

Afvoh, Bgrch. 733>. Otnhf-ncstfry fd tno Ugyghg= G Qolfhstrultcfh. [grgjgrcaf.

Afvoh, Bgrch. 733?. Fvor Mgeors, Tf`boh oh Eoostoh ch not ]ucio`cmb Afs,Ugyghg Hobg`âtpætfj. [grgjgrcaf.

Afvoh, Bgrch & Yrcf fd Yâpu & Bwgjg`gsgjutu, 1;;7. \gjuwgbg Noriglnt2Ooh Eoslncoiohcs vgh not Yrcf Tf`b. Gjgzfh Lfhsorvgtcfh Yogj & Lohtro dfrtno \uppfrt fd Hgtcvo `ghis, [grgjgrcaf.

Lgjgref, O. 1;;?. @cou ot @gheuo= [grgjîtros i–ciohtcdclgtcfh ot i–gttrcautcfhio \fc ot io `–Gutro oh Ugyghg (Lgrcao) ch= @oxclg` Lgtoefrcos ghi Qfft L`gssosch Gjorchicgh @gheugeos. Tgphgrsby & @fcs (Ois.). [otor @ghe, Drghbdurt.

Lgrjgref, 1;;;. _ho Chtorgltcfh ohtro @flg`csgtcfh ot Gspolt= _h Oxgjp`o io -

pâb{â} ot -mg/o oh Ugyghg ch= Gjorchicg. Hf. 1?.Lgr`ch, Octnho A. 1;;9. G Ergjjgr fd Yrcf, g Lgrcagh @gheugeo fd \urchgjo .Iucsaure [gpors fh Qosogln ch @gheugeo ghi Lu`turo, Tf` ??. Drghbdurt otl.=[otor @ghe.

Lgr`ch, Octnho A. 1;;1. [gttorhs fd @gheugeo, [gttorhs fd Ynfuent= tno Lgrcagh@gheugeos ch= Gt`gs fd tno @gheugeos fd \urchgjo.  Lgr`ch, Octnho A. ghi Mglquos Grohis, (Ois.). BCY@T [ross, @ocioh.

Lgr`ch, Octnho A. ghi Mglquos Grohis, (Ois.). 1;;1. Yno Hgtcvo [fpu`gtcfh=Ciohtctcos ghi Jcergtcfhs ch= Gt`gs fd tno @gheugeos fd \urchgjo. BCY@T [ross,@ocioh.

Lgr`ch, Octnho A. wctn Afvoh, Bgrch. 1;;1. Yno Hgtcvo [fpu`gtcfh= Ciohtctcosghi Jcergtcfhs ch= Gt`gs fd tno @gheugeos fd \urchgjo. Lgr`ch, Octnho A. ghi Mglquos Grohis, (Ois.). BCY@T [ross, @ocioh.

Lngpucs, Mogh ghi Qcvcîro, Norvã. 1;;<. Ugyghg Octfpfhpâ. _ho Ncstfcro Frg`oios Chicohs Ugyghg. Cacs Qfueo Ãictcfhs, Euygho.

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Lngujoc`, Mogh-[corro 1;;9. [orloptcfh ghi Gpprfprcgtcfh fd \pglo UctnfutDrfhtcors= Gh Chiceohfus [orspoltcvo drfj tno Gjgzfh Yrgpolcf   ch= Bu`tur,Qguj, @ghislngdt= zur Aoioutuhe ios rgujos ch ]octoh ior E`fag`ctét.Ng`ajgyor, Orhst ghi Jgior, O`bo (Ois.). Arghios & Gspo`, Drghbdurt gjJgch.

Ioraysncro, Iosjfhi. 7333. Lgrca ch= Yno Gjgzfhcgh @gheugeos. Icxfh, Q.ghi Gcbnohvg`i, G`oxghirg (Ois.). Lgjarcieo _hcvorscty [ross, Lgjarcieo.

Ioslf`g, [nc`cppo. 7334. Lfhstrultche Hgturos= \yjaf`cl Olf`fey ghi \flcg`[rgltclo ch Hgturo ghi \flcoty= Ghtnrfpf`feclg` [orspoltcvos . [. Ioslf`g & E.[g`ssfh (Ois.). Qfut`oieo, @fhifh.

Icxfh, Q. ghi Gcbnohvg`i, G`oxghirg (Ois.). 7333. Yno Gjgzfhcgh @gheugeos.Lgjarcieo _hcvorscty [ross, Lgjarcieo.

Ohdco`i, H.M. ROis.Z 1;;1. Otnhfsyhtgx. L`grohifh [ross, Fxdfri.

Ovorott, Ighco`. 1;;?. Lu`turo Lfhstrgchts fh Ergjjgr ghi Lfehctcfh ch[crgnì= Ghftnor @ffb gt Iosceh Dogturos fd Nujgh @gheugeo ch= LurrohtGhtnrfpf`fey. Tf`. 94, Hf. 9. (p417-499).

Dchi`gy, I.E.G. 7357. Yrcf oh Ugyghg Chicghoh ch \urchgjo . [grgjgrcaf.

Df`oy, Uc``cgj G. 7335. Ghtnrfpf`feclg` @cheucstcls= gh Chtrfiultcfh. A`glbwo``

[ua`csnors, Fxdfri.

io Efomo, L.N. 7397. Io Fgyghg-Chicghoh ch= Acmirgeoh tft io Ygg`-, @ghi- ohTf`bohbuhio, i`. 7;;'s . Jgrtchus Hcmnfdd, Ergvohngeo.

Efw, [otor. 733?. @ghi, [ofp`o ghi [gpor ch Uostorh Gjgzfhcg ch= YnoGhtnrfpf`fey fd @ghislgpo= [orspoltcvos fh [`glo ghi \pglo. Ncrsln ghi F–Ngh`fh (Ois.). L`grohifh [ross, Fxdfri.

Ercjos, M.O. (oi.). 7351. @gheugeos fd tno Eucghgs . (\C@ [ua`clgtcfhs ch

@cheucstcls ghi Qo`gtoi Dco`is). Hfrjgh= \ujjor Chstctuto fd @cheucstcls,_hcvorscty fd Fb`gnfjg.

Ng`ajgyor, Orhst. 1;;9. Ycjoslgpos ghi tno Joghches fd @ghislgpo=Oxgjp`os fd tno Subpg fd Hfrtnwostorh Tohozuo`g ch= Bu`tur, Qguj,@ghislngdt= zur Aoioutuhe ios rgujos ch ]octoh ior E`fag`ctét. Ng`ajgyor,Orhst ghi Jgior, O`bo (Ois.). Arghios & Gspo`, Drghbdurt gj Jgch.

Ng`ajgyor, Orhst ghi Jgior, O`bo (Ois.). Bu`tur, Qguj, @ghislngdt= zurAoioutuhe ios rgujos ch ]octoh ior E`fag`ctét. Arghios & Gspo`, Drghbdurt gj


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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


Noeojgh, \usgh. 733>. Hgtcvo Gjorclgh ‐Yoxts‚ ghi tno [rfa`oj fdGutnohtclcty ch= Gjorclgh Wugrtor`y. Tf` 97, Hf.1 (p14?-1><).

No`js, 73>>. _`ysoos– \gc`= Gh Otnhfergpncl Fiyssoy fd [fwor, Bhfw`oieo, ghiEofergpnclg` Icstghlo. [rchlotfh _hcvorscty [ross, [rchlotfh.

Nchtfh, @oghho ghi Ng`o, Boh ROis.Z. 1;;7. Yno Erooh Affb fd @gheugeoQovctg`czgtcfh ch [rgltclo. Glgiojcl [ross, @fhifh.

Ncrsln, Orcl. 733?. @ghislgpo= Aotwooh [`glo ghi \pglo ch= Yno Ghtnrfpf`feyfd @ghislgpo= [orspoltcvos fh [`glo ghi \pglo. Ncrsln ghi F– Ngh`fh (Ois.).L`grohifh [ross, Fxdfri.

Ncrsln, Orcl ghi F– Ngh`fh, Jclngo` (Ois.). 733?. Yno Ghtnrfpf`fey fd@ghislgpo= [orspoltcvos fh [`glo ghi \pglo. L`grohifh [ross, Fxdfri.

Nujpnroy, Lgrf`cho. 733? Lncod`y ghi \ngjghcst @ghislgpos ch Jfhef`cg ch=Yno Ghtnrfpf`fey fd @ghislgpo= [orspoltcvos fh [`glo ghi \pglo. Ncrsln ghi F–Ngh`fh (Ois.). L`grohifh [ross, Fxdfri.

Nurgu`t, M. 734>. @os Chicohs Ugyghg io `g Euygho Drghågcso2 \trulturo sflcg`oot lfutujo dgjc`cg`o. FQ\YFJ, [grcs.

 Mglbsfh, Ug`tor. 7351. G Ugyghg Ergjjgr G Ugyghg Ergjjgr. Ch=@gheugeos fd tno Eucghgs , M.O. Ercjos (oi.), 95-55. Hfrjgh= \ujjor Chstctuto

fd @cheucstcls, _hcvorscty fd Fb`gnfjg.

Bojjoror, 1;;?. Yno \ojghctcls fd \pglo= Chtoergtche @cheucstcl Yypf`fey ghiLfehctcvo Hourfslcohlo . [uriuo _hcvorscty, Chicghg.

@gheglbor, Q.U. 1;;1. G \tuiy ch _hcdcoi Icvorscty= Ohe`csn ghi Jcxtol@flgtcvos ch= Otnhfsyhtgx. Ohdco`i, H.M. ROis.Z L`grohifh [ross, Fxdfri.

@ovchsfh, \topnoh. 1;;<. \pglo ch @gheugeo ghi Lfehctcfh= Oxp`frgtcfhs chLfehctcvo Icvorscty. Lgjarcieo _hcvorscty [ross, Lgjarcieo.

@ovchsfh, \topnoh ghi Uc`bchs, Igvci (Ois.). 1;;4. Ergjjgrs fd \pglo=Oxp`frgtcfhs ch Lfehctcvo Icvorscty. Lgjarcieo _hcvorscty [ross, Lgjarcieo.

@ovchsfh, \topnoh & Jocrg, \orecf. 1;;<. 'Hgturg` Lfhlopts' Ch Yno \pgtcg` Yfpf`feclg` Ifjgch (Gipfsctcfhg` joghche ch lrfss-`cheucstcl porspoltcvo= ghoxorlcso ch sojghtcl typf`fey) ch= @gheugeo, Tf` 53, Hf. < (pp. 9>?-?74).

Jocrg, \orecf. 1;;4. Gpprfglnche \pglo ch Ycrcyü Ergjjgr ch= Ergjjgrs fd\pglo= Oxp`frgtcfhs ch Lfehctcvo Icvorscty. @ovchsfh, \topnoh ghi Uc`bchs, Igvci

(Ois.). Lgjarcieo _hcvorscty [ross, Lgjarcieo.

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Jo`vc``o, [gu`cho. 7335. Yno Tohtrc`fqucst–s Yg`o . A`ffjsaury [ua`csnche,@fhifh.

Jôrhor, J. ghi Qfsohign`, J. (Ois.). Ynrogtohoi [ofp`os ghi Ohvcrfhjohts chtno Gjorclgs. Chstctuto fd @gtch Gjorclg \tuicos, _hcvorscty fd \tflbnf`j,


Fvorche, Mfghhg. 733?. Yno Erftosquo @ghislgpo fd Jytncl ‐Aodfro Ycjo‚, tnoDf``y fd \flcg`cty ch ‐Yfigy Ycjo‚= gh Oeg`ctgrcgh Gostnotcls fd NujghOxcstghlo ch= Bu`tur, Qguj, @ghislngdt= zur Aoioutuhe ios rgujos ch ]octoh iorE`fag`ctét. Ng`ajgyor, Orhst ghi Jgior, O`bo (Ois.). Arghios & Gspo`,Drghbdurt gj Jgch.

Fvorche, Mfghhg. 733;. Yno \ngjgh gs g Jgbor fd Ufr`is= Ho`sfh Effijgh chtno Gjgzfh ch= Jgh, How \orcos. Tf` 1?, Hf.9 (p4;1-473). 

Qgppfrt, Hceo` ghi Fvorche, Mfghhg (Ois.). 1;;;. \flcg` ghi Lu`turg`Ghtnrfpf`fey= Yno Boy Lfhlopts . Qfut`oieo, @fhifh.

Qcvcîro, [otor. 733?. Gjaceufus Ohvcrfhjohts ch= Ynrogtohoi [ofp`os ghiOhvcrfhjohts ch tno Gjorclgs. Jôrhor, J. ghi Qfsohign`, J. (Ois.). Chstctuto fd@gtch Gjorclg \tuicos, _hcvorscty fd \tflbnf`j, \tflbnf`j.

Qcvcîro, [otor. 7339. US\CHUSE ch Gjgzfhcg ch= Mfurhg` fd tno Ghtnrfpf`feclg`\flcoty fd Fxdfri, Tf`.^^T, Hf.< (p1??-141).

Qcvcîro, [otor. 73>>. Ufris, [`glos ghi Icroltcfhs Gjfhe tno Yrcf Chicghs ch=Mfurhg` fd tno Ghtnrfpf`feclg` \flcoty fd Fxdfri. Tf` ^C^, Hf. 1 (p7>>-73;).

Qcvcîro, [otor. 7343. Jgrrcgeo Gjfhe tno Yrcf= G prchlcp`o fd sflcg`freghczgtcfh. L`grohifh [ross, Fxdfri.

\ghtfs-Erghorf, Dorhghif. 733?. Grgwgbgh \glroi @ghislgpos. Ojp`gloiJytns, [`glo Qctug`s, ghi tno [rfiultcfh fd @flg`cty ch Uostorh Gjgzfhcg ch=Bu`tur, Qguj, @ghislngdt= zur Aoioutuhe ios rgujos ch ]octoh ior E`fag`ctét.

Ng`ajgyor, Orhst ghi Jgior, O`bo (Ois.). Arghios & Gspo`, Drghbdurt gjJgch.

\ohdt, Euhtor. 7331. Ovorytnche wo G`wgys Ynfuent wo Bhow gafut \pglo - autIci hft Aftnor tf Wuostcfh . Jgx [`ghlb Chstctuto dfr [sylnf`cheucstcls,Hcmjoeoh.

\tgua, Jclngo` O. 7337. Lf``oltche tno [gst= Urctche Hgtcvo Gjorclgh \poolnch= Gjorclgh Wugrtor`y. Tf` 9<, Hf.< (p1?-9?4)  

 Ygvgros, [otrfhc`g ig \c`vg. 1;;4. G Ergjjgr fd Ugyghg. Qclo _hcvorscty,Nfustfh.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


Tgphgrsby & @fcs (Ois.). 1;;?. @oxclg` Lgtoefrcos ghi Qfft L`gssos chGjorchicgh @gheugeos. [otor @ghe, Drghbdurt.

Tcvocrfs io Lgstrf, Oiugrif. 733>. Lfsjf`feclg` Iocxcs ghi Gjorchicgh[orspoltcvcsj ch= Yno Mfurhg` fd tno Qfyg` Ghtnrfpf`feclg` Chstctuto, Tf` 9, Hr <

(p943-9>>) .


www.otnhf`feuo.lfj. Fltfaor 1;;5.

www.dfrosts.fre. Fltfaor 1;;5.

www.ccrsg.fre. Hfvojaor 1;;5.

www.`cheucstcls.auddg`f.oiu/pofp`o. Fltfaor 1;;5. 

www.hwf.h`/prfmoltoh. Fltfaor 1;;5.

www.slcohtcdcljotnfi.lfj. Hfvojaor 1;;5.

www.surchgjo.woii.io. Fltfaor 1;;5.

www.wc`stgr.lfj/tnofrcos Hfvojaor 1;;5.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg



Gpotchg (11hi Doarugry 1;;5)

Dftf 7 

G= C-wg`cbtgf nochâ wowo.<-aglb.@FL  tncs.scio troo

 Yno troo cs aonchi, fh tncs scio. 

No`â wcnhâ wowo c-pghg ohgtu`u-mg.I[.CHGH.[QF^  scio troo <[F\\-ogr pfchtche-EFG@  Fh tncs scio fd tno troo ncs ogrs gro pfchtche tfwgris ncj.

 Jgg, c-`gjhgf pâchâbâ.

  IC\L  <-jcii`o.@FL afgr

 Yno afgr cs ch tno jcii`o.

Jgg pâchâbâ ftgf bgpgu.IC\L  afgr rca.@FL  ioor

 Yno ioor cs gt tno rcas fd tno afgr. 

Jâ`â bgtæp.  I[.CHGH.JOI `cbo

\f cs ct.



Jgg jcmg`â tgdg`g ohgtf-jo nochâ,IC\L  gegch tga`o ohi-DGL\  tncs.scio

  \f, gegch, fh tncs scio fd tno tga`o oieo,

wowo tæ-ngtubjg-c. troo LFQOD-sot.ifwh-HD

  sot tno troo ifwh.

Jf`f-châ c-`gjhgf pâchâbâ-cjâ tgbpc`o-j.  @FL.GIT.JOI.\[-\F_ <-jcii`o.@FL afgr-G_E  roi-HFJ 

 Ynoh ch tno jcii`o cs tno roi afgr.

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Jf`f-châ bgpgu [email protected].\[-\F_ ioor rca.@FL 

 Ynoh tno ioor gt ncs rca.

Jcmg`â wæ-bo-cjâ-mg-c,gegch <7.CYQ-sgy-LSL-[QO\-LOQY 

  Gegch, C–`` sgy ct gegch,

oho-b hgc!soo-CJ[ OJ[N

  `ffb lgrodu``y!

Cpuh jgh t-ææ-no jâb`â gwftg-b ohæb-pohg.truhb <.ao.[QO\ LFQOD-if-HD  I[.GHCJ.JOI  rca-ICQ  W.GHCJ-NO\CY  [ut tno troo truhb tf tno rca fd wngt-if-yfu-lg``-ncj.

[âchâbâ scmg `fjo c-wotopu-`u-mg tææ-bâ þ-uputpæ.afgr nctnor aut <[F\\-rca-[F\\-EFG@  if-CJ[ <[F\\-nogi

  Yno afgr cs dglche tncs wgy aut put ncs nogi tfwgris ncs rcas.

B= Gwfpf-hg6lrfsswgys-ICQ Lrfsswgys6

G= _npgpngbâVpscb c-wotopu-`u-mgV`âV`âboh c-`gjhg-b.dgrV ICJ  <[F\\-rca-[F\\-EFG@  V G\\OQY  Vfh`y <-jcii`o-ICQ

  G `ctt`o dgr gpgrt must tfwgris ncs rcas ch tno jcii`o.

Jf`f`fV`âV`op gwftg-b.  @FL.GIT.JOI.\[ V G\\OQY  V DQ_\ rca-ICQ 

 Must oxglt`y `cbo tngt, tf aonchi ncj.

Æu w-oho-mg-c cpfb6  7 7<.7 YQ-soo-[QO\-LOQY  effi

C–`` `ffb, fb6

Jgg bgjcsg-tpâ-mg, bgjcsg-tpâ-mg wowo tæ-bæ æ̀jg-cjâ-c.IC\L  `fchl`ftn-[\Y -EFG@  `fchl`ftn-[\Y -EFG@  troo LFQOD-jfvo-LSL-HD

  Yfwgris tno dfrjor `fchl`ftn jfvo tno troo gegch.B= Bgjcsg-tpâ-mg6

`fchl`ftn-[\Y -EFG@   Yfwgris tno dfrjor `fchl`ftn6

 G= C-`gjhgf tgbpc`o-jV`â jâcnhâ-hg tæ-`æ-jâ-c bgpgu.  <-jcii`o.@FL  roi-HFJ V G\\OQY  tngt.scio-ICQ LFQOD-if-LSL-HD ioor

 Yno roi fho ch tno jcii`o, yfu put tno ioor tf tno tngt scio gegch.

B= Gwftg-b6


  Yf tno rcas6

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


  C-`gjhgf t-ân-otpât-so bgtæp.  <-jcii`o.@FL LFQOD-QOD@ -`ffb-HD `cbo

 Yno jcii`o, gs cd no cs `ffbche gt ncj.

G= Jgg, jcmg`â wæ-bo-c.IC\L  gegch <7.7 YQ-sgy-LOQY 

  \f, C if/sgy ct gegch.

Jgg, ngpâ-jo-nV`o ono-pf`oIC\L  strgcent-DGL\-OJ[N V CHYOH\ QOD@ -g`ceh

  \f, tno rog``y strgcent fho ch g`cehjoht

wowo pf`o-nV`o tææ-bâV`o tgbpc`o-j!  troo g`ceh-OJ[N V CHYOH\ if-CJ[ V CHYOH\ roi-HFJ 

sot tno roi fho oxglt`y ch g`cehjoht wctn tno troo!

B= Uowo pf`o-nV`o.troo g`ceh-OJ[N V CHYOH\ Oxglt`y ch g`cehjoht wctn tno troo.

 G= Âno-pf`oV`âboh jâcnhâ-hf jg`â.

QOD@ -g`cehVfh`y tngt.scio-HFJ  g`sf Must ch g strgcent `cho, tno fho fh tngt scio g`sf.

Uowo-mg bgtæp tâu`o tææ-bâ bgpgu  troo-EFG@  `cbo oyo if-CJ[ ioor

[ut tno ioor– s oyos tfwgris tno troo

`fjo bgpgu `fjo wcmf-jgh jgh c-pæjc,aut ioor aut lrffboi-DGL\.HFJ <.ao.[QO\ <[F\\-holb

  aut tno ioor, aut ct–s holb cs lrffboi,

`fjo nob wowo-mg tâu`o bgtæp cpuh c-sgpâbgb wowo-mgaut fh`y troo-EFG@  oyo `cbo truhb <[F\\-afiy troo-EFG@  aut fh`y ncs oyos `cbo tfwgris tno troo, ncs afiy tfwgris tno troo truhb

Gpscb cpfb.ICJ  effi

Hft qucto rcent. Jgg upgpngbâ-hgVpscb wowo tææ-bâ âno-bgtæp.IC\L  dgr-ICQ V ICJ  troo if-CJ[  QOD@ -`cbo\f, sot tno troo g `ctt`o durtnor, tno sgjo icstghlo gpgrt.

 _pgpngbâVpscb scmg cw-oc-tfpdgrV ICJ  nctnor <-ao- YJ[.HFJ Ct–s aoche g `ctt`o durtnor tncs wgy,

upgpngbâVpscb scmg cw-oc-tfp, nţwì.

dgrV ICJ

  nctnor <-ao- YJ[


`cbo.tngt  ct–s aoche g `ctt`o durtnor tncs wgy, `cbo tngt.

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Dftf 1

G= Jgg wowoVpscb j-ghæj-mg-c jâchâ-hg tææ-bâ!IC\L  trooV ICJ  1<-`cdt-[QO\-LOQY  tngt.scio-ICQ if-CJ[

  \f, yfu pclb up tno `ctt`o troo ghi sot ct fh tno ftnor scio!

Jf`f-châ nochâ bâ-pgtgn-boh jgh jâb`â[email protected].\[-\F_ tncs.scio QOD@ -dglo-6 <.ao.[QO\ I[.GHCJ.JOI-gim.@FL

  Ynoh fh tncs scio dglche ogln ftnor (fppfscto)

j-æ-mg-c pâchâbâ-cjâ tgbpc`o-j.  <1-if-[QO\-LOQY   afgr-G_E  roi-HFJ 

 yfu sot tno roi pce.

B= \cmg-mg6nctnor-EFG@  Dglche tncs wgy6

 G= Nochâ tuhg-chg.

tncs.scio wgtor-gim.@FL Fh tncs scio, tno scio fd tno wgtor.

 B= \cmg6

nctnorDglche tncs wgy6

 G= Ngpâ-j scmgV`â-mg sæh tgdg`g-mg âtæ-pohg6


  nctnorV G\\OQY 

-EFG@ I[



tga`o-EFG@ W



  Yno strgcent fho dglche tncs wgy, noro tncs tga`o, wngt-if-yfu-lg``-ct6

Bupc-jo cw-oc-tfpf-mg tææ-bâ!dcsn.sp-DGL\  <-ao- YJ[.HFJ-EFG@  if-CJ[  \ot ct g`fhe tno `ohetn!

þ-uputpæ scmg Mu`g pgbg`fh-u-mg.<pfss-nogi nctnor Mu`g nfuso-[F\\-EFG@   ct–s nogi dglche nctnor tfwgris Mu`g–s nfuso.

B= Jâc-bg-pg bgpgu gbfh6W-LSL  ioor ghftnorGhi tncs fho, tno ftnor ioor6


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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


G= Jf`f-châ bgcbuc j-ghæj-mg-c [email protected].\[-\F_  mgeugr 1<-`cdt-[QO\-LOQY  nctnor

  Ynoh `cdt tno mgeugr tncs wgy

hostc pgbf`f-hu-mg þ-uputpæ j-ææ-mg-c.Hostc nfuso-[F\\-EFG@  <[F\\-nogi 1<-if-[QO\-LOQY 

  put ct–s nogi tfwgris Hostc–s nfuso.

B= Ono-jæhpgtg-b6QOD@ -dglo-ICQ Gro tny dglche ogln ftnor6

 G= Yfnf`fnoVpscb ân-obgtg-wâ-`g.

gpgrtV ICJ  QOD@ -aoscio-@FL-HOE G `ctt`o gpgrt, hft rcent aoscio ogln ftnor.

 Jgg, jcmg`â, wowoVpscb jâchâ jgh cpfb tæ-ngtubjg-c.IC\L  gegch trooV ICJ  tngt.scio <.ao.[QO\ effi LFQOD-sot.ifwh-HD

  \f, gegch, tno `ctt`o troo fh tngt scio, yfu sot ct effi.

@fjo jâ`â obgtg-b ngpf-h tææ-bâ pâchâbâ!aut I[.CHGH.JOI aoscio-ICQ `cbo-HFJ if-CJ[ afgrAut yfu sot tno afgr `cbo hoxt tf ct!

B= [âchâbâ6afgr

 Yno afgr6 G= Æhg, upgpngb jâcnhâV`â.

 yos dgr tngt.scioV G\\OQY 

  Sos, dgr fh tngt scio.

Âno-wftf âtup-mg upgpngb tfnf`fnoVpscb `fjo ân-obgtgfQOD@ -rca -EFG@   dgr spgloV ICJ  aut QOD@ -aoscio.@FL 


 Ynocr rcas aoscio ogln ftnor wctn g `ctt`o spglo aotwooh tnoj aut aoscio ogln ftnor

hft fh tngt scio.B= Âno-pf`o-nV`o

QOD@ -g`ceh-OJ[N V CHYOH\

  Ch g`cehjoht wctn,

âno-pf`o-nV`o jæc-`æ-þ scmg þ-uputpæ ân-ojtg-bQOD@ -g`ceh-OJ[N V CHYOH\  1<-jgbo-C.[\Y   nctnor <[F\\-nogi QOD@ -6-ICQ 


 yfu put tnoj ch g`cehjoht wctn ogln ftnor tnocr nogis tncs wgy, tnocr nogis … 

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B= \cmg þ-uputpæ scmg þ-uputpæ.nctnor <[F\\-nogi nctnorNcs nogi tncs wgy, ncs nogi tncs wgy.

 G= Yæbf`fbo-j þ-uputpæ jæmg-mg.  wncto-HFJ  <[F\\-nogi

 Yno wncto fhos nogi tngt wgy.

B= Æhg.Sos.

 G= Ygbpc`o-j þ-uputpæ scmg-mg, nţwì6

roi-HFJ  <[F\\-nogi nctnor-EFG@  `cbo.tngt  Yno roi fhos nogi tncs wgy, cs ct sf6

UowoVpscb c-`gjhgf bgtæp, c-`gjhgf-wâ-`gV`op.trooV ICJ  <-jcii`o.@FL `cbo <-jcii`o.@FL-@FL-HOE V DQ_\

  @cbo tno `ctt`o troo ch tno jcii`o, hft lfjp`oto`y ch tno jcii`o.

C-̀ gjhgf-no ngpf-h bgtæp t-ææ-no!  <-jcii`o.@FL-[@  `cbo- HFJ  `cbo

\ot tnoj `cbo ct cs ch tno jcii`o!

`fjo nochâ c-wg c̀btgfV`âV`opaut tncs.scio <-aglb.@FL V G\\OQY  V DQ_\

  aut hft oxglt`y aonchi tnoj fh tncs scio

C-wftbæ obgtgf ngpf-h.<[F\\-tgc` aoscio.@FL `cbo-HFJ

  Aoscio `cbo tngt fho–s tgc`.

B= Cpfb6Effi6

 G= _wg-nhâ jg`â-`g, uwg-nhâVpscb jgh.

HOE.[QYL@ -[OQ\C\Y  g`sf-HOE HOE.[QYL@ -[OQ\C\Y  V ICJ <.ao.[QO\

  Hf, hft yot, ct cs stc`` hft qucto rcent.

C-wftbæ obgtgf ngpf-h.<[F\\-tgc` aoscio.@FL `cbo-HFJ

  Aoscio `cbo tngt fho–s tgc`.

Jgg jcmg`â tæwâ`âh-mgf.IC\L  gegch 6-CHY .@FL \f, gegch usche ftnor wfris.

 Jgg, âno-wftf.IC\L  QOD@ -rca\f, aoscio ogln ftnors rcas.

  Âno-pf`o, tææ-bâ tgbpc`o-j jg`â âno-pf`o-nV`o!QOD@ -g`ceh if-CJ[  roi-HFJ  g`sf QOD@ -g`ceh-OJ[N V CHYOH\ Ch g strgcent `cho6 [ut tno roi fho g`sf ch g`cehjoht wctn tno ftnors!

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


 Jâ`âV`â bgtæp âtup-mg scmg þ-uputpæ scmg þ-uputpæ.I[.CHGH.JOI V G\\OQY  `cbo 6-EFG@   nctnor <[F\\-nogi nctnor <[F\\-nogi

  Oxglt`y `cbo tngt, ncs nogi tncs wgy ncs nogi tncs wgy.

G= Jg`â wowo upgpngb gpscbV`âboh.  g`sf troo dgr g.`ctt`oVfh`y

G`sf tno troo must g `ctt`o durtnor.

Obgtgf-wâ-no ngpf-h châ`â, `fjo c-`gjhgf bgtæp.aoscio.@FL-@FL-[@  `cbo-HFJ I[.GHCJ.GHG aut <-jcii`o.@FL `cbo

 Yngt fho `cbo aoscio tnoj, aut `cbo ch tno jcii`o.

tænf`oVpscb jæc-`æ-þ c-`gjhgf.spgloV ICJ  1<-jgbo-C.[\Y  <-jcii`o.@FL

  Sfu jgio g `ctt`o spglo ch tno jcii`o.

B= Cpfb6Cs ct effi6

 G= âomg-`gVpscb.

FB-HOE V ICJ Hft qucto effi.

Jâchâ tgbpc`o-j tææ-bâ!tngt.scio roi-HFJ  if-CJ[ [ut tno roi fho fh tno ftnor scio!

 B= Jâchâ6

tngt.scio Yngt scio6

 G= Æhg.

Sos. B= No`â wcnhâ-jâc.  I[.CHGH.[QF^ scio-LSL 

Aglb fh tncs scio.

G= Æhg.Sos.

 Jâ`âV`â bgtæp,

  I[.CHGH.JOI V G\\OQY  `cbo Must `cbo tngt,

jctâcjgboh no`â bgtæp j-ææ-mg-c,I[.CHGH.[QF^ `cbo 1<-if-[QO\-LOQY 

  `cbo yfu ici tno dcrst tcjo yfu sot ct, yfu sot ct sf,

scmg þ-uputpæ scmgV`â-mg tgbpc`o-j.  nctnor <[F\\-nogi nctnorV G\\OQY -EFG@  roi-HFJ 

ncs nogi tncs wgy, tno roi rog``y dglche tncs wgy.

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þ-uputpæ j-æc-mg-c tæbf`fbo-j þ-uputpæ nţwì.<[F\\-nogi 1<-if-[QO\-LOQY  wncto-HFJ  <[F\\-nogi `cbo.tngt

  Sfu put ncs nogi, tno wncto fho–s nogi, must `cbo tngt.

Jcmg`â, uwg-nhâ jgh tfnf`fnoVpscb gpscbV`âboh.  gegch HOE.[QYL@ -[OQ\C\Y  <.ao.pros spgloV ICJ  g.`ctt`oVfh`y

Gegch, ct–s wrfhe, must g `ctt`o gpgrt.

 Yfnf`fnoVpscb.  spgloV ICJ 

G `ctt`o gpgrt.

Jâb-mgV`â jc-bæ`æjgc-jâ-mg-c upgpngbâVpscbV`âboh  I[.GHCJ.IC\Y -EFG@  V G\\OQY  1<-jfvo-LSL-[QO\-LOQY  dgrV ICJ Vfh`y

Sfu jfvo tnfso fhos gegch, must g `ctt`o dgr

_pgpngbâVpscbV`âboh jâcnhâ-`g.dgrV ICJ Vfh`y tngt.scio-HOE

  Must g `ctt`o dgr, hft fh tngt scio.

Gpscb cpfb, æhg.  g.`ctt`o effi yos

G `ctt`o rcent, yos

Jgg jâc no`â-wcnhâ-hgVpscb g`â-bâV`o bgcbuc.  IC\L  I[.GHCJ.[QF^ I[.CHGH.[QF^-scio-ICQ V ICJ tgbo-CJ[ V CHYOH\ ife

\f, tncs, tgbo tno ife ghi sot ct fh tncs scio g act.


 Must g `ctt`o.

Jâcnhâ-`g âno-pf`oV`âboh scmgV`â ohop-bâ â-mgtngt.scio-HOE  QOD@ -g`cehVfh`y nctnorV G\\OQY   arche-CJ[  1-EFG@  Hft fh tngt scio, must ch g`cehjoht wctn oglnftnor, arche ct tncs wgy tf yfu

â-mg gpscbV`âboh. 


  g.`ctt`oVfh`y  must g `ctt`o tfwgris yfu. 

Æhg, cpfb jgh. yos effi <.ao.pros

  Sos, ct cs effi.

Dftf <

G= Jgg, wowo-ptæ̀ o ghæj-bâ ân-obgtg-b tææ-bâ!IC\L  troo-stuhtoi `cdt-CJ[  QOD@ -aoscio-ICQ if-CJ[

  \f, `cdt tno stuhtoi troos, put tnoj aoscio ogln ftnor!

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg



Gwfpf-`f-`g ânowohg scmg gpâ`ât-bâ bupc-jo cw-oc-tfpf.lrfsswgys.[OQ@ -HOE  nctnor p`glo-CJ[ dcsn.sp-DGL\ <-ao- YJ[.HFJ  [`glo tnoj tncs wgy … hft lrfsswgys, tnocr aoche `fhewgys.

Ât-g`o pæbæhg gpscbV`âboh.QOD@ -`ogd 6 g.`ctt`oVfh`y

 Ynocr `ogvos must tfulnche ogln ftnor g `ctt`o. 

Jf`f-châ bgpguVpscb j-ghæj-mg-c c-`[email protected].\[-\F_ ioorV ICJ  1<-`cdt-[QO\-LOQY  <-jcii`o-ICQ

  Ynoh, yfu `cdt tno `ctt`o ioor tf tno jcii`o

jâ`â âno-pæbæhg g`o âtætfp pf`o-nV`oI[.CHGH.JOI QOD@ -6 `ogd  YJ[.HFJ  g`ceh-OJ[N V CHYOH\ 

upgpngbâVpscbV`âboh.dgrV ICJ Vfh`ych g`cehjoht wctn tno `ogvos tflnche oglnftnor, must g `ctt`o act dgr.

 No`â wænhâ â-chg tææ-bâ bgpgu!

  I[.CHGH.[QF^ scio 1-gim.@FL if-CJ[ ioor[ut tno ioor fh tncs scio, yfur scio!

B= \cmgV`â-mg jâcnhâ-`g c-wg`cbtgf-wâ-`g6nctnorV G\\OQY -EFG@  tngt.scio-HOE <-aglb.@FL-@FL-HOE

  Yfwgris tncs wgy, hft tngt scio, hft aonchi ct6

G= Â-cnhg, â-chg. Â-chg jæc-`æ-þ.1-gim.@FL 1-gim.@FL 1-gim.@FL 1<-jgbo-C.[\Y 

  Sfur scio, yfur scio. Sfu put ct fh yfur scio.

B= Yæmg-mg þ-uputpæ bupc-jo cw-oc-tfpf-mg6-EFG@   <[F\\-nogi dcsn.sp-DGL\ <-ao- YJ[.HFJ-EFG@ 

  Ncs nogi `fhewgys, tfwgris cts aoche6

G= Æhg scmg-`g-mg þ-uputpæ. yos nctnor-HOE-EFG@  <[F\\-nogi

  Sos, ct–s nogi hft tfwgris tncs wgy. 

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 Ygtæ`â-`g âw-oho-mgV`op þ-uputpæHOE  <1-soo-EFG@  V DQ_\  <[F\\-nogiCt ifosh–t jgttor, ncs nogi gs tnfuen no–s `ffbche gt yfu

`fjo-nob scmgV`â-mg æ-mg jæmg-mg c-wgtbæ.aut-fh`y nctnor-HOE-EFG@  7-EFG@  tnctnor-EFG@  <[F\\-tgc`

  oxlopt no cs tncs wgy tfwgris jo, ncs tgc` tfwgris tngt wgy.

G= _wg-nhâVpscb.HOE.[QYL@ -[OQ\C\Y  V ICJ

  Hft qucto.

Jgg ât-g`o-pæbæhg tææ-bâ wowo!IC\L  QOD@ -`ogd-6 if-CJ[  troo\f, put tno troo, tnocr arghlnos tfulnche ogln ftnor!

 Jâb`â cbæ̀ æjg-bâV`oVpscb gpscb upgpngbâ-hg-pscb bæ æ̀bæ̀ æ!I[.GHCJ.JOI  jfvo-CJ[ V CHYOH\ V ICJ g.`ctt`o dgr-ICQ V ICJ  tcb,tcb,tcb

  Jfvo ct s`cent`y g act, tcb tcb tcb tf g `ctt`o dgr!

Æhg, cpfb. yos effiSos, effi.

Dftf 9

G= Jgg, jf`f-châ wowo j-ghæj-mg-c,IC\L





troo 1



 \f, tnoh yfu `cdt tno troo,

wowo gbfh j-ghæj-mg-c, âno-pf`o j-ææ-mg-c.troo ghftnor 1<-`cdt-[QO\-LOQY   QOD@ -g`ceh 1<-if-[QO\-LOQY  

 yfu `cdt tno ftnor troo ghi yfu put tnoj ch g`cehjoht wctn oglnftnor. 

_pgpngbâVpscb.dgrV ICJ G `ctt`o dgr (gpgrt).


On-obgtg-wâ-`g ngpf-h upgpngbâVpscb tfjg.  QOD@ -aoscio-@FL-HOE  `cbo-HFJ  dgrV ICJ Hft ̀ cbo fho oxglt`y aoscio ogln ftnor, g c̀tt`o gpgrt.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


B= GwfngjhgVpscb.  hogt`yV ICJ 

G `ctt`o hogt`y.

Jf`f-châ bgpgu j-ghæ[email protected].\[-\F_  ioor 1<-`cdt-[QO\-LOQY  

 Ynoh yfu `cdt tno ioor

no`â wænho-hf wowo-pf`o.I[.CHGH.[QF^  scio-HFJ  troo-g`cehghi put ct fh tncs scio ch g`cehjoht wctn tno troo.

B= Yâhg-mg scmg6W.@FL-EFG@   nctnorDglche wncln wgy, tncs wgy6

G= Â-mg þ-ojæt.1-EFG@   <[F\\-dgloCt–s dglo tfwgris yfu.

B= þ-ojæt6<[F\\-dglo

  Ct–s dglo6

G= Æhg, c-wono jææ- æ̀-þ wowo opæ-mg-nV`o c-wono yos <[F\\-ghus 1<-jgbo-C.[\Y  troo p`ght-EFG@ -OJ[N V CHYOH\ <[F\\-ghus

 c-wgtbæ.<[F\\-tgc`Sos, yfu put ct–s ghus, ncs ghus rcent tf tno troo truhb, ncs tgc`.

Onbgtgf ngpf-h hgc tææ-bâ!aoscio.@FL `cbo-HFJ  OJ[N  if-CJ[ \ot ct aoscio ct `cbo tngt!

Jf`f-châ bgcbuc tæbf`fbo-j j-ghæ[email protected].\[-\F_  mgeugr wncto-HFJ  1<-`cdt-[QO\-LOQY 

  Ynoh yfu `cdt tno wncto ife

jâcnhâ-hf obgtg-b, opf`o.tngt.scio-HFJ  aoscio-ICQ  g`cehtf aoscio tno fho fh tngt scio, ch g`cehjoht.

Uæmf-j gpscb â-mg.lrffboi-HFJ  g.`ctt`o 1-EFG@  

 Yno lrffboi fho g `ctt`o tfwgris yfu.

Uæmf-j jâcnhâ-`g gpscbV`âboh ngpf-h.lrffboi-HFJ tngt.scio-HOE g.`ctt`oVfh`y `cbo-HFJ

  Yno lrffboi fho hft fh tngt scio, must g `ctt`o `cbo.

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Jf`f-châ pâchâbâ tgbpc`o-j j-ghæj-mg-c c-`gjhg-bâ[email protected].\[-\F_ afgr roi-HFJ  1<-`cdt-[QO\-LOQY  <-jcii`o-ICQ-[@   


 Ynoh `cdt tno roi pce tf `cbo tno jcii`o fd tnoj,

`fjo no`â-wcnhâ-hg â-mg-nV`o ngpf-haut I[.CHGH.[QF^-scio-ICQ 1-EFG@ -OJ[N V CHYOH\ `cbo-HFJ  aut tf tncs scio `cbo ay yfu

upgpngbâVpscb jâ-ngj-pâb.dgrV ICJ  <[QF-GHCJ.[@ -LFHYGLY .@FL  g act dgr drfj tnfso fhos.

B= Æ-mg67-EFG@  

 Yf jo6 G= Âw-obgtgf ngpf-h tææ-bâ! âw-obgtgf-wâ-`gV`op,

1-aoscio.@FL  `cbo-HFJ if-CJ[ 1-aoscio.@FL-@FL-HOE V DQ_\

  \ot ct `cbo aoscio yfu! hft lfjp`oto`y aoscio yfu,

no`â wcnhâVpscb ngpf-h c-`gjhgf tgbpc`o-j.I[.CHGH.[QF^  scioV ICJ  `cbo-HFJ <-jcii`o.@FL roi-HFJ `cbo fho g `ctt`o fh tncs scio, tno roi fho ch tno jcii`o.

B= Bgcbuc `gjhgf6 mgeugr jcii`o.@FL  Yno ife ch tno jcii`o6

 G= Âo, jâ-ngj-`gjhgf.

fb <[QF-GHCJ.[@ -jcii`o.@FL

  Fb, ch tno jcii`o fd tnoj.

B= Bgcbuc `gjhgf6 mgeugr jcii`o.@FL  Yno ife ch tno jcii`o6

 G= Jâ-ngj-`gjhgf<[QF-GHCJ.[@ -jcii`o.@FL

  Ch tno jcii`o fd tnoj

wowo c-`gjhg`æ-pf`oV`âV`âboh g`â-b!troo <-jcii`o.@FL-g`cehV G\\OQY  V FH@S  tgbo-CJ[ tgbo ct must ch tno jcii`o ch g`cehjoht wctn tno troos!

â-mg ngpf-h upgpngb jâ-ngj-pf`o-`g.1-EFG@  `cbo-HFJ dgr <[QF-GHCJ.[@ -g`ceh-HOE

  `cbo dgr tf yfu, hft ch g`cehjoht wctn tnfso fhos.

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Yno Oxprosscfh ghi [orloptcfh fd \pglo ch Ugyghg


  _pgpngbâVpscb nocmo â-mg ngpf-h.dgrV ICJ  @FL.GIT.JOI 1-EFG@  `cbo-HFJ

  G `ctt`o dgr, tf tnoro, `cbo fho tfwgris yfu.

B= Æmg ngpf-h67-EFG@   `cbo-HFJ

  @cbo tf jo6

G= [âchâbâ tgbpc`o-j â-mg ngpf-h jâ-ngj-pf`o-nV`o-`gafgr roi-HFJ  1-EFG@  `cbo-HFJ <[QF-GHCJ.[@ -g`ceh-OJ[N V CHYOH\-HOE  

 Yno roi pce `cbo tf yfu hft ch g`cehjoht wctn tnfso fhos

upgpngbâVpscb tfjg.  dgrV ICJ 

put ct g `ctt`o dgr.

B= Cpfb6effi6

G= _wg-nhâVpscb jcmg`â, nţwìV`âboh.HOE.[QYL@ -[OQ\C\Y  V ICJ gegch `cbo.tngtVfh`y

  Hft qucto, gegch, fh`y `cbo tngt.



jâc cbæ̀ cjg-bâV`o bgpgu scmgV`â-mg tææ-bâ â-chg!I[.GHCJ.[QF^ jfvo-CJ[ V CHYOH\ ioor nctnorV G\\OQY -EFG@  if-CJ[ 1-gim.@FL

  jfvo ct, sot tno ioor tfwgris tncs wgy, gimgloht tf yfu!

Jâb`â wowo pf…dg`so stgrt  I[.GHCJ.JOI troo

wowo pf`o-nV`o c-wono tææ-bâ opæ pf`o wæ-bgV`optroo g`ceh-OJ[N V CHYOH\ <[F\\-ghus if-CJ[ p`ght g`ceh 7<.CYQ-sgyV DQ_\

  [ut ct–s ghus ch g`cehjoht fd tno troo! ch g`cehjoht wctn tno p`ght C sgci ch vgch,

g`â-bâV`o jâmo-mg jâ`â obgtg-b! YGBO-CJ[ V CHYOH\ @FL.GIT.IC\Y -EFG@ I[.CHGH.JOI aoscio-ICQ

  tgbo ct tf tnoro tf aoscio ct!

Ænæ, jf`f-hg gbfh! yos @FL.GIT.JOI.\[-ICQ ghftnor

  Sos, tnoh tno ftnor tf tnoro!

no`â wcnhâ-hgVpscb tææ-bâV`o gpscbV`âboh!  I[.CHGH.[QF^ scio-ICQ V ICJ  if-CJ[ V CHYOH\ g.`ctt`oVfh`y

put ct g `ctt`o tf tncs scio, must g `ctt`o!

B= GpscbV`âboh6g.`ctt`oVfh`y

 Must g `ctt`o6

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G= Jgg, jâb`â jâcnhâ-hf-nhâ opæ-pf`oIC\L  I[.GHCJ.JOI tngt.scio-HFJ-[OQ\C\Y  p`ght-g`ceh

jâ`âV`â-bgtæp.I[.CHGH.JOI V G\\OQY -`cbo\f, stc`` tno fho fh tngt scio ch g`cehjoht wctn tno p`ght, sf cs ct.

Jgg, jâb gbfh tgbpc`o-j ghæj-bâV`o!IC\L  I[.GHCJ.IC\Y  ghftnor roi-HFJ  `cdt-CJ[ V CHYOH\

  \f, `cdt ct tno ftnor roi fho!

â-mg ngpf-h, â-mg ngpf-h tghâ-hg ngpf-h,1-EFG@  `cbo-HFJ 1-EFG@  `cbo-HFJ @FL.GIT.[QF^.\[-ICQ `cbo-HFJ

  `cbo tf yfu, `cbo tf yfu, `cbo tf noro,

jâ`â-boh jæ-tâc-jâ-cV`op jcmg`â.  I[.CHGH.JOI-GII 1<.7 YQ-ef-LSL-LOQY  V DQ_\ gegch

 yfu `odt ct ch tno wrfhe p`glo gegch.

Gpscb scmgV`â ohop-bâV`oVpscb!g.`ctt`o nctnorV G\\OQY  arche-CJ[.[QF  ̂V CHYOH\ V ICJ

  Arche ct g `ctt`o tncs wgy!

Ohop-bâ ohop-bâ scmg!arche-CJ[ arche-CJ[ nctnor

  Arche ct, arche ct tncs wgy!

B= Æhg.  yos. G= Nţwì ngpf-h.

`cbo.tngt `cbo-HFJ   Must `cbo tngt.

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