house furnshing - nys historic...

r H m Board of W a«r CoamlM >t# ■ mi<rt*d the I of Water Lejrtitment for Filed kid orden directed to be drawn. m mm ntox nia boaio or watul coumimioxim. Bcttalo, Sept. 27. 1W . Th? Shepard Iron Work* aak, •« per herewith *endere.., a payment of five thou and do!- Ur* oa »b Ir e.ntact .or rebuilding old .ngtara We raeomm nd tha an o der be dr>»wu in their Uvo< on the 'Water Worka Bibndon Puud“ for tbe amount. Very revjwc fully, WM. F. ROGERS, C. 4. WELLS. JAMES RYAN. Filed and order dlrecte i1*. be drawn, rra-maa raon thb ooxaD or w arm coMMiaaioxxxa. Btrrroko, Sept. 27, ISO*. Meeara. Dr Uard A Hayee herewith pre-cnt rtate ment of aeoount for main and pumping pipe on theii contract, and aak for seven thousand seven jr-t-o dollara aod rixty-three ceuu. We recommend that an oider be draen la their favor on tbe " Water Worka Extension Fund " for the amount. Verr reapectfully, W. F. ROGERS. C. J W*LLS, JA EM RYAN Filed and order dtr*cted to be drawn raon tub itnnuR, BrrTAto, Sept. 27, 1$»» Thera la before me an account for audit, amount - log to four hundred and fifty dollar*, mode by Jaml aon k Gailaghir ra C. L. Gager f r uae of tug 1. at. and tor d tuage done to the boat lu rcuoi ng t*r*pl from Buffalo Rlv r. A* thia cUim U »n»m t tJapt Gager, 1 cannot aee what claim Mra<tn. J mlaon A Gallagher hav a *.jv,n the city. | w >uld recoin in -nd this ai-count U referred to the Finance (' •mmktee together with th* Citv Attoriuy. Y»ur* Reapectfully, R. HOLLISTER. Auditor. Refer ed to the Committee ..n Wborvra, Harbon aud Ferrice, together with tb ; City Attorney, raon m i n u c in or hiaoara homix* muci BrrrAho. Sept 27, 1HH9. I reejiectfully oak that your ho. orable body came an rder P. lie d.awi. upon tho Trea urer o the at> nf Buffalo. In m f«ror. for tbe*um of hlrtoen ihou- aaml (|IS ,00 ) dollars, for toe purport of d fraying the exjxnara of the Niagara Frontier 1 olloe force for the m onth of ft*jdxnil>**r, IM#. SALMON BIIAW, Trea urer N. F. Police. GEO ORU. Fi’ed and o’der dl “acted to le «ira*n. Tr.e following revolutions were offered »•> unanl ni ua oona nt: By \k l. NF.WM AN — That the Buffalo Evtntng Pott he and u hereby autbo laed t p .b Uh the K- vlatd City CuarU-r one tl.i.e. at the exp-n c o t e c ty. Aid. OoLPlOil - moved to amend tbe reaolut ..n t.y adding the Volki/feund Aid. MILL R mov d that tho resolution he re- ferr d to tim *.ittes on Faience Carried. Hy Aid. PIER E That tl e Buffai - Btrcet Railroad C in;any lie ai d they are hereby jwrmi ted P. ral e ihe i tter on the wretr ly aide of Main, be.we n Ni .ara sireet and the aout-.e ly ru b .ine ol Church treet, and to eitubruct a flagging atone crosswalk acro-s Main •treet to the eaaterly -ine of their track on the Hue W l ;»>o aidewa.k on the northc ly aide of Church street Tmtmm street. opered Md M a id aad rwpalrad. oommencii.g at Oenraai .( *—. John o. Smith for repairing main aewer in Iful berry street, at croaalng of Ooo mil street. John O Smith, for r pairing main w m in Tupper street, ab ut one hund.ed and fifty few! north of Delaware rirrat. J-hnO . Smith, f<r repairing «ew-r and rec I r at - juthreat corner *f Oeneeee and Jackaon stre ta Johu O. fm hb, for rep-1ring mate aewer In Cl.lp- pewa a reet, at crow-Ing ,.f Ellicott atre it. Thos. Dark, f r r.pairi g aewer ami r* eiver on west a de of rearl street about 160 feet northeily of Eagle atr et. T -oa. Da’k, f r conrtruct'ng aewer aud recrirec a' eouthweet corner of Dampsh re and Twelfth starts Tnoo Dark, for corurructing aewei ar.d receiver at aouthwc*t corner of Hampshire and Thirt enth vtded tb y do the nine a their ow . . »*<l.r the direction of the Strett Co . P pen e, an mlraloiier A d H aWLEY move-* 8. V. R W afon, Esq., President of the Hire t Rail. Company, b; h.ard. Carried. Mr. Wetson then addreaied the CouT'^il in rel-ti* n lo the nutter. API. AMBROSE moved that thc resolution I'd re ferred to the Street Commissioner, with po*or. Cerr.ed nrrmoss. Of Loul* Batwt, t • have erroneous tax refunded. Refer.ed to the Committee on Taxis ami Atw*'"-* menu. Ot Drulltrd A Ifayoa to croct wooden buildings, 66x81. on E.change- s reet, about flvp hundrerl and vhlr > feet eart *>f hie go Street. «»f Mr*. K. A. Clapper, hulld ao additional story to her frame cottage N . *70 South Div.i«..n atn et Of Andrew Gran* and other*, lu r lat.on to OU In spec or. Of restderita of Seventh W ard. f. r Ilook & Ladder Com pa J, A: Of C K ii 11, to erect a two story frame building on west -ide of Pr* t stre t, about four hundred ai.d fifty north of William str et. Or Vb1 ntine A Spark \ t*> erect a tw* »‘ory frame buildi g JOgfid, on their pro niaes. «o*. 14>» a A 142 Perry atreet. 01 Sj*n<lr«*.. •» »e*t . Irame rc.irag.' Jr.. 90 to t, on tho north _'•* o m it '■< s»r,nth nnd Hudson a r ct-. Raf< rred to Committee on Fire. Of Stephen Lock *ojd, in reference* to encroach* M enu tn D .wnln . street. *tgf rred to C m uittee on New TerrtP>ry, City Burr*)'**. •“ ' Btr-et Co nmi'Sio cr. tlf B De^ootn • a id thers, to have dam removed from 8c*Jaquada Creek. Jteier ed to Comiif^tioe on New Territory and City At omey. Of Robert Forayth and other*, P» have the courw oft e w ter changed th t culecta hi thc guttu • west of Union, ou William and Clinton eteete. Helen d to C Nnmittee on Sewers. (H Jo* ph Fougersou, for pe uita-lon Pi aell fresh gae tat No. 123 M.g*'*street. W^ferred to Co inittee ou Llcenai. Of fpkk Cl-ra and a . C. tousey, for remlas on of fine. Referred to i'ommittee on Pollc Of W. J. Galiagi and oilicrs, to have lawretut OeU full relsvwxl trem i'**tDlt ntiary. Aid >»RR moved that th0 orayer of the petition be •grant d. Ca ned—Aye* 18; noes 0. Of 0#o B. Mltche 1, to have Wm. Barry felea eti hem Penitentiary * •*. Chant, rs moved .hat the prayer of the I*ctl granted -A>ee 18; noee 00 la «ac Holloway, for coratructlng a atone cr»«*walk aero a Tenth atr et, on th*. *outbea»t-.riy Aide of Hud- aon a-.reet, per contract. k-ac H- llowa., for constructing a stone Tornwalk acrom TcDth n-.rm t, on the norihm o*terl> si*l« of Maryland at mrt. per contract. Ivaac Holloway, for reja rlng mdi walk on the east ide >.f wa-hiiixt n street, t-Hseen tiie curbing ano -I eaalk, on the west side of bw-n »tr et I am- Holloway, tor repau ing aid w*U on eaa* ddi. of h.m stieet, between the curbing and sid«w«lk, •; tl»o wc«. side of 8 * .n * rw t l*a v: uo loway, for r>*pairlng aide* alk <>n tho we-t aide of Oak atreet. betw. n the curbing aud sidewalk, on the west side of 8 • an M-cet. Isaac Holloway, for r« {airing sidewalk on tbe ei*t •ide of O.k str ct, hetwecu th*curbing and sidewalk, on the west aide of bu -n street. Geo. fcldm ai, lor rej. iring sidewalk on thc “vest -ide of K*an »treet, between Bjcam .re *nd Geuese*- •tr* eta. Gc «. Feldman, for repairing sidewalk on tho eaM aide of Hickory street, between Bjc-more and Gene see streets. Geo. Feldman, for constructing a crosswalk aero— Mycamore street, on the wuit a de of Kean street, fteierrerl to the Commltt eon Bide aud Crosswalks Phidp nenaeiihr nner, for examining aell o m t. ork ana F.fth strvoia. Philip Bei Minhrenner, for repairing pump to well on Main street, in front of Terrace. Philip Mvnse-ibreomr, for repairing ptmip to well corner Cedar and Wi.liam >tre* ta. Philip Meascnbrenuer, for repairing , up to we.1 corner Mlcliigau and 8 uth Liiviai n streets. M L Robinson A Son, for feed for Superinttn lent’s Lo m. » ven mg l ost, for advertla ng. Rsmett A Ri..r, (or feed f >r foreman’a and car hone*. Thomas I lark, for rejial ing sewer at Bixth an*; Gcneaee -.tree.s. Thomas Park, for repairing -ewer at Bixth and eorgia strte TU .m-.s ark, for repairing main and receiving ew r at Six h and n o-piiu.1 atres P*. T'lorna I»ark for » alii ig up ojiening In puuipir, well culvert ai Pumping ilou-e T omaa l»ark, f..r rebuL mg receiving aewer at th c met of Cour nod Sixth xtrre a. fla.uey Elliott, f rca tagc of p pe. Snejard Iron Works, or stupa nd check valve*- F. P. Slammard, for services at r^s.rvolr in on de voring to stop hak. Referred P> thc Commit’ee on Water. J noes Libby, for seav.uea as ex ru clerk in Receiv era Gthco Adiison J. Lyman, for extra services in Receive.’* fiioe. i Offic* i Office for tloo o* Carried Of Jacob Korgei aiMONRTaANClf. •ue and others, against paving A‘b Of John 5. Peck and nben, against pijlrg tax beiween RaUv*a and for paving Jeff raoa street Ato— ■**••“ • ^ r^nov O , Of K. K Hill -tli-ra., ,a ,.>>nk||n ■lent and reconstructing aewe's Genesee atraeu. Referred to Committee. ACCOUNTS RKVKKRKU. Mo : Rd. Irwin, for labor and m .pirlal at School . |gEd. lrw n, for labor and material at -choral No. w p a d . irwln, for lab- >r and material at School No 11. Otla k Ketnpl-, for making plan.* and apec ill fer School H uae No. 12. Frank Gilll«, for boualng coal for School Depart- B. Flack k Bros., for lal*or and material at public ehoola Referred to the Commltt'-c on Behoola. Oeo. M-^aetnger, for bro m» for Fire D»jwr ment Lee A LoomiR, lot coal for Fire D- partment. Refeired to th# Committee on Fire. J a Low, for repairing tbe ea*t rly aide of Virginia utreet. between Ntagar* and Seventh atrrcta. Jaa. Lew. for rep Iring the westerly ai ie of Vir ginia treet. between Niagara aud Sevent akreew jaa Low, for oi et ii g gu tem on nortliweaterlv •Ode of Vhginla atreet. between Sixth and Serenth • reeta Wm L WU'laa*, 1 * rajhlrin,- brl Ige over Prime Blip, rriroe atreet Wo- I. Wiliam*, f >r repairing E* orva vtrre* «« tbe Brie CM al Wm I WillmiBA.'or repv'nng B >er street on Slip Rc t are •#* Fate Blip I W Hum • f f *ep Irlnr t-Ti/e *rr w atreet, Juec kxi eg Abbot* r wi Jacob WUI.OMV « I rapairtug L urtuaa *v r of 0*-v 41 aUwU an P rry *u eeta. g CAr -i street * l> Rngg» 1 ' r e a r i n g brvdira on R vwr R rw t, MU,- N • 1 «A*M r.Ukmai. for r ■ ‘ 'HI • —1Covert arrow Lea n •»*• v w a rte ^ <4 tT^rr, aireet. U atlk l i ' r-ang gw tera ea* Fde M MWrt. cat. Wre-l t te-* W a w t»*oai. for I Van M aaU e ajhI Hydra ! teeeta Itelirrad u. im »a mreeaa Richard V i W u, I *i r*pa.r g Fr ry -oel ^ , , — AiVwara au 1 North W . a.uat--. a e u Wa 1 - » • . etrert fiIV> ir* aM r J «j. 4 WillUa reed Wa. 1 W. r— i. t rt « brid«eac' .- WH huMtrm l«.l. Buutheri j aide o' q,- d -an. tor f-ndruc ing cmaealk »tt" » atree . •outh aide of - ycaaore atiwet q >ti feidmaa. fo c em 'ue tax « *• walfc arr<«> -a aod itiw a. eoutwert ide ot Teelitb a m t Geo Fcldmau. f r eondructmg aitewalk on a n AM of Ma »w»n ^ l* B' wwn aolat midway be* •**» Brown ad Sycamore • rerta am* FilJ for eonel- ueti g a atdewaiw on *,n( to— -*~* V— — to to M M to V —**MSyctowr«u— Brown atrMb. * H t o Cuentowe ow tow Ttorltoij. w « . <*--*, • « - ON- W i."** r In south ad* la front of Brm County fiavmga Matthew (iarrigan, for hertice.* In Aa for Hep emb;r, lotW’ P. W. Kel y, for in Ami »> Bepte uht-r, loO'.l. Jo'in Dipp, fo'labor and materials for repairing cup lo at Cnnton street market. Martin Taylor, fo stationeryf >r Receivf of Taxes Rc erred to Committee on Ci inis. The fol ow ng rtaoiutiuna were offered hy unani- oii* cons -nt: By aid NEWMkN— ’) ha? the Street Commissioner cau«e Folsom street to be repa red h tween laylor and pring aireeta at i exp W-e not to exceed $25, ar d re, or? Adopted. By Aid. CARMICHAEL— That the o«ner or owuers of the land fro*'ting or the t-a terly m le of Maiu a reet between South Divi- •i ii and Bw«n-*treeta, cause the -idewaik to be rei air- d iu front of tfanir reep-i* ;ve lo a, by re I vyirg tb* ante where noiewsar>, and con.truet a gutter Infront »f ' o. 2S7, to c mvey the water to the st e«t gu ter, ai hin five days, and if not done wPhiu 'hat time, ti e Street Comm b.sion r cauae *im to be done, ex- |H)u-<e not to exceed $110, a d report. Adopted By Aid. OIBEL— Tha the Str. et Commlaaioner canas the main aewe* n Cypreas-treet to be o|ienod and c eaned and r*- aired, lietween Michigan and Pine street-, at an ex- punse n it to exceed W"1 ', and report. Adopted. ) reports or coMsrmnrs. Aid. HAWi E {, from the Committee on F nonce, repor ed iu favor of the adoption of the following t-olution*: Ti at thc City Surveyor be, and ht ia hereby au thorised to c -ploy a* many ad litio al a-.xlstai.Ui ii hia *fti e a» may lie necc -a.rv, to eu hit InQi to make a plan a d ma - of t .e aewira^e of the land, ly iug north of Buffai • River and east of Ci.icago atr* eta, said i»w t tit* not to be employed to exceed tw n.o .tha, at an expense n t to exceed fiCO. Adopt d. Ih t the Common C uncil will withhold the aurn of fciOO fiom any moiiien which are due, or may here liter h cbio du*-, C. L. Gager on hi- coi tro«' f r removing th • wreck* of old h >ata from the n r i at or near he **eat ine of A»r ra *t eet, until cla ma against aal i Gager for labor and material* furnish d in removing aaid wrecks a e (add. R furred Lithe Commit ee on Wha. ve*. Harbors and Fern- a, t gether wi h the City At i.roev. That the reso utlon adopted by lhe Comm i Council, Oc oher 24, IstH, authorizing tbe Buffalo ext -nmon of tho Atla> tic S l Groat Western Radwuy Comt>a v to yonstruct i a railroad in the city >1 B I lalo, upon and acros street* and public grounds be, and tbe aa oe i hereby varied and modified so •» p {•ormit agkl railroad to be const noted northerly and east-rly of any grounds, which shvil be taken r acquired for the purpo e of public fiarka, under and by irt ue of chapt r 1*16 of tho sebsi n la va of lstlu aiul au je t to such variation and niodiflcatio . haitl reeo Utiun is hereby continued In full foice except »> much thereof aa ia in onslaU-nt he ewlth which i her hv repealed aod read .de ', and provided that the m nner and ape Ified pi .ces of cro ai g a.iy o: the at reet wpf the ciry shall be reported to aod «ul»- Ject o the approval of the Common Council, and th* rights hereby conferred on said c**mpa .v sh«.l not be coil^trued to be assignable or traiuferahle. Adopted Aye*. 1$; 0. Aid. 8 vl’ *.R. by unanimous consent, offered the f llowing reaoliition and moved its ad ptlou: Th.t thc Street Oimmis-ioner cause the well c'rner of C iuton ar.d Smith stre ta to be repairs , and a pU form placed over the well, fc' on exp nae nottoexe .cd $50, and rep rt, a d tho retR>lutioh adopted Bep’ember 13.18W, he and the eanij i‘ here by re cln ‘e*L Ad pted—Ayes 18; voea 0. A d HAWLEY, from the Gomnut'ee on School*, H-tod In favor of allowing tne following account . , -wring ord- n for tbe same: and di n ^jr9 ^ ferkins—For lit>. rarv hooks for •' *">00 J Josephs F- 11 school house in Dw- tnct No. 32..... ................................................... ^ M Fred. Greiner-Fo.' ,4bor *nd mat Beoool ao. 14..........*............................................ 24 Adopted. Aid. MlLl.FR, from th" r '*ratnit‘e« on Fire, rsjv.rt d in favor of the adoption of the following resolutions: That .rtrmi*Airan is hereby BT-at^d to John Hugbe- U. erect a frame hui ding 16*24 1, one and P*- holf atorita hi h, on tbe south aide «/ Bouth D rl»- lo.i atreet t .o u dred and ftf y feet w.NA cf Spring •treet, un ier dbection of the Supentiten IdNt of »b< Fire Ln-pa Unent aod subject to the further order* ol thi* Council Ad pt*-d Aye* 18; noee 6 Tha: prrmlwuon G hereby granted to James F. Y rang t repair hia frame building on tba eaai ld» of Mk- igau a reet, betw en CU. ton and E g.« street*. hy buil ing *u aslditional at r* thereto owl.r direction of the Bupennter.d at rt the Fir lx-)i*rt a* nt and sahj rt te tht fiuthw flM .1 Of (Ml Cuu-ieU. Adofrrted — Ayee Is ro-* 0. That permi an n is 1. -retir granted to Jana Heat! t. rrpelr h* r r.m* o..u** on Vi'a.lrw,.rth Park b\ bulki ng an ad uti**o brreto th.rty.tour by twentv- an-* two ator ntgn oader lirec Ion of the Su- lanrvrn' ol Fire li*|a/ ment ansi subject to ths lurtber orttef. <d veia C uacil. Ad**|A d — Ayr* 17. noeeO. Thst permlae on la ber. br granted te - - J Hum- pnrri i. tm -ta<. e-and a-qcarter atery f anu bouse er ut« bj th rty two, w th addition twelve by tea ly t-o . un hia lot on Paim r aueet, about two bun o d and atx y-Aix and a-half feet north of Manlau* re t under direction of th Nuperin'erdent of tb* n -t lie partment -nd eubject te the further order* Ol tiila C > ncil. Adopud A> • • 17; n*iea 0 That penaM-ion 1* hereby grant*. 1 to Sarah How arl and N. L Ch ppel te erect a frame shed (and en cloea ihe same) on their lot, southeast corner M rga> ani Mohavt streets, under the direct! n of the Su , ermtendent of - he F.r Depar ment and subject t the further -rAer* ol thi* Council, and the re®on stranca of Ch* 1 a Day and others against tbe con •truction ol sold *be i be and tbe same la hereby de- ned, and said Day baa leave te w.thdr.w remon- toflgMnMttaf aewer on m mw® 1 « » ■ » uuatng, I > jn * > -r * —* " —1 “ rt *1 t o w e l* h m . on IB. rt— m?*7T£7ZZZrL*m toto I . htod u « >T. - ■■■firt-m- — ----------- lA Booth f AIM** etreet, unaer diree Ad ifded—Ayw l®; Bom Tn*i *• *“ f®v / granted to Jr hn Zoll te | ' ulldmg, tw nty-oa* by thirty, and aide of Nor h W0H enty-five feet acfth of I Ot th* Fire DepartMBt and to the further orders of this CouhdL Adopted—Aye* lfi; noea 0. That perm la don le hereby granted to Mary A. Dicker® to erect a frame kitchen 16x18 In rear of her dwe ling bowae. No. KS E et Ingle street, bet wee* Fine and Ctdar etreets, under tb* direction of tbe ■superintendent of the f i n D partaa ant end Mitject *o the fn-ther order* of thia C. unoil. Adopted—A' ea 18; noee 0. That an order for $38 16 <m drawn on th* appropn a‘e luod in lavor of Peter C. Doyle to purrha* six dor. en hattery jar* for Fire Alarm telegraph. Adopted. Also reported In favor of allowing tbe following sccoun'a and drawing <rders for same : Hart, Ball A Hart—For labor and material for F.r# Departin' n t ................................................$ u ci H< rt n A Kip—For brushes for Fire Defurt- uient .................................................................... g oy John Hsnavan—For oaU and feed for Fire Department........................................................ U7 63 Adopted. Aid. OOLLIGON, bv unanimous consent, offered be following rceolnti n snd mov d Its adoption: the Superintendent of Schools be and is here by autborixed and directed tn expend any money' h- City Treasury, »ppropriated l»y the State for the a 'pport of pu‘ lie school libraries, in the pu*- chaae of bi-okv for the various vcbaoi libraries of the city. Adopted. Aid. HAWLEY mov*d te re^mMdor the vote by which the communlcition from the Superintendent f Schools, relative to renting rocma for use in -cho 1 dntrict No. 6, was referred t> the Committee on Sch* ola. \ Carried. A d. HAWLEY then moved that the eoramun'ca* ion be received and riled, and authority grafted to cut two rooms for uae In said tchool District. Carried Aid. PIERCE, from tiie Committee on S’re ts, re ported in ng the following account’ a d drawing an order for tbe •*m*>: Holloa ay— For grading and puving the carrlvgeaay in Tenth street, betwee.. Ma yland and Hu.aon streets ..................................................... $27 80 Adopted Also rep rted In favor of the City As- L-as ra to make he tol*- wl g ax raamcnta: Assnas $75 00. for rep*iil'i« Scott treet, between tale i Ine Railroad and Heacock atreet. Adojited. Asses* $5o 00, for repa'ring and maintaining the ■muge over Prime H.lp, on canal street. Adopted. A mm g0»3 75, for rals g the gutter across North ivision street, on wevt s.d; of IVashingtou aireet. Adopted. Alio r. jiort d i-i lavor of the adoption of the fol- .owing reaolu'lona: That the Street (Jomml-ti'-ner cause the gutter on joth sides oi Elk aireet mark* t to he repsi ed with dat gut.era, so that the wat r will pa.-a freely to the ^ropir r ctivers, at an exp nae not t >ex* e.d$2o0t r jach side, and report, and the rosolmion -dopt d vu.iut 30th, lMi9, tie and the sa®c U hereby re- inded. Adopted—Ayes 18; noes 0. That th- Street cauae tho wood eul- oit acr>isA Eagle stree’, on w st side of Jefferson itreet, to be r paired, at an expense not toexoeeJ 316, and report. Adopted. Tha the Street Commin .loner cauae a wood cul vert across orange street, t>etween Cwrleton anl Vir- atre ta, to be conatnu-tod at an exfiense not to xceed $ 5, and report. Adopted. Tnat the Common Council of the city of Buffalo intend to t ke and appropriate the property nect**a ry to lav o^t a atre t to extend from ihe Pratt A ar<Jham Blip to the Ha uburgh turnpike. 1 he uthwestcrlv line of aaid atreet te beri.i at a point n the south line o* *aid aiip 4 7 e6t *mat. rty along u*-b south line from the City Ship Canal, running henco a u.terly and parallel with aaid canal to* po.ut i9 16-100 feet sou h*.rly from the south^iue of i t 45 ; thence souther y to a point 377fe«.t southerly rom the south line of lot 46, and 240 fret earerly *rom aaid can.l ; thence southerly to a point 5s»7 fee s .uth rly from the a uth line of lot 47, and 230 feet ax orl from a dd canal ; thence southerly to a poit t in the boutherly line of lot 49, at the distance of 12c feet tost rly from a«id canal ; thence souther y par- oll.l w th the uid canal and 128 feet t asterly th re- .r in to a point 17 feet southerly f om the a- uth lin ..f lot 50 ; thence eaaterly |w a lel with the face of hj dock a ong tue soutn bank of uflalo Rir*.r at 216 t et a.iutherly therefrom io the aouthwesteriy une of the HamOurgh turnpike. Th-i northeaatei ly u e ot said •* reet to In gin at a {mint m the south erly line of aaid slip 433 fe-1 easterly along such ..uth liue from the City Ship Canal ; run'-ing theno -outherly and jtarailel with said canal to a point 2# 16-lu*> ieet Houther y from the aouth line of lot 45 ; hence southei ly to a {mint 377 feet aouthe lv from tne aouth line of lot 46 and 306 feet taxteily from .'aid canal ; thence • outherly te a point 604 Let •*>u.h ily fr. m the aouth ine of .ot 47, and 276 feet OsUrly from -aid canal ; then, e southerly t a point iu the south line of 1 t 49, at the uiatance of 178 feet « me ly from said;tbe*ice southerly parallel with -aid canal and 17a fect uttAte lv therefrom to a point 448 e .t sou heriy from the »outh l.i.e of lo 49, ea tei 1 v pa. allel wi h the fa e of ihe dock alon. the south bank of Buffalo R ver, and 150 feet southerly therefrom to tlic southwesterly line of the Ham- bu gh turnpike. Aud the City Clerk ia hereby directed to cauae the •iece sary notice of such iute tion to b published. aid. BYRNS off* red the following a* an amend ment to >he Report, a d moved it* adoption : That the City C ent read vertis i the Notice of De- lermlnatioo to ta>e thc land necos-a y to la ou a •tre t on the “oulh .*1 ie o Buffalo River, to bec&lled and known as C atewor h Av nu-*, and ru .ning rom tbe Pratt aud Wal.iani Slip to the Buffai . a d «am- ourgh Turnpike, the boundaries of said j roposed itreet to correspond and a^ree wl h the bouudaiiea, pub istnd in the Notice of lnteutiou. Lo t. The report of th» Committee wab then adopted. Ayea— vid. Allen Auchiuvole, Bain, C ar. lc ael, Colligon, L»i cher, H »wley, Miller, Morse, Newman, Orr, Pieioe, Van Bureu - 13. Noea—A1J. Ambroee, Bym», Chambers, Glsel, Sauer, -heehan—fl. Aid ORR from the Committee on New Te ivory, reported In favor of allowing the folloaing accounts, *ud d awing orders for tiie aune: *Vm. I Wiiliama—For constructing culvert across Wil iamaville Road, 16 j fuet south of theea al ................................................................ $19 20 Jacob Btnzi -ger—For r pairing Clinton street, betwten J fferson and Madison at eets 50 00 Sam**—For repairing Clintox str et, between Millnor and Adam stret ts .................................. 50 00 ame— For repairing cl nt m atreet, between Adam and Watson streets .................................. 49 25 Same—F r r {wiring Clinton street, between Watson and t.mslie streets ................................ 50 00 Some—For repairing Cliuton street, at cross ing of Jefferson stroet ........................................ 15 00 lame—For repai IngClin’.on street, at cross ing of Madison s re*t ........................................ 15 00 Some—For repair ng Clinton stroet, at cro-w- mg of tionroe street- ....................................... 15 00 -v a raF o r rcpoii ing Clinton s.reet, at cross ing of Adam street ........................................... 15 00 ame -For repairing Clinton street, at cross ing of Wa' son atreet ........................................ 15 00 ■jame—For repair! ig Clinton atreet, at cross ing of Emshe street .......................................... 15 00 Adopted. Al o reported in favor of directing the City Asses- -mrs to make the following assessment* : As-ew* $48 00, for repairing Vermont .-.ireet bc- tw«x n Tonth snd Eleventh streets. Adopted. As era 8 0 00, for re{«iring Vermont street, bo- tveen El veutb and Twelfth strode. Adopted. A 9e<8849, for repairing Vennoitt htreet, between Tvelfth and Thirteenth streele. Adopted. A « « $50, for rejiairimr Vermont street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth atreeti. Adopted Ara-i* $30. for rejiairing Vermont street, between F m teenth and H xige street*. Adopred. As* vi $30, ior repairing Vermont atreet, lietween H rig* and Bremen street Adopted $30, for repairing Vermont ‘ 'treet, between Brem n and Brsyion street-* Adopted Ara«n» $33, fur re'ainug Vermont street, between Brayton and tUifer. •treet*. Adopted. Arare* $35. for repairing th* east aide of Madison •tre*t. between a point midway between Batavia and Peckham street" to Feck ham iRieet. Ad -p ed. A .see $35, for rep*iri’>g th# ea t aide of Mariiaon atreet, etween Batevia atrret and a point mid-ay ,tween Batavia a*.d Peckham atr- eta. adopted. Asrar* $$1, Cor re airing th ’ wmt aide of Madison street, betwee . a poi .t mid*ay between Batavia and Peckh nr streets te Peckham atreet. Adopted. Aa em $3$ , 1lT repairing weet *id« of Madison a'reet, between Batavia street and a point midway b tweeu Batav a and Peckham atreeU. Adopted. Aasera $196,for cocvtroctlng sidewalk on north side o< William atreet. letween New York Central Ran road • rowing and a point six hundred feet easterly tbe>efrom. Adopted. Also reported in favor of the adoption of th* fol lowing resolution#: That tbe street Commi i>A r came a woodeareert to be constructed acroaa Fourteenth rtreet, oa he northwest Aide of Vermont atreet, axpen## not tees - I ceed « A and Adopted. BUFFALO EXPRESS, TU That tha Btreat OauDhtearr he asd he » hereby instructed to repair roa .way oa Bi*d sireet, between Niagara and D arborn t eete, by filling with furnace cleder, expense not te ex«wed $60, and report 'Adopted front the owner or owners of tha land fronting on tfc« nort'i aide of NiUiaiiLstreat, between a p. int six hu dred f et eas- of ,*e/r York Cen r-1 Railroad cross!..g, mid a point 225 feet caster jr therefrom, o«s»te a s dewalk t • be oonetrucaad In front of their re*.i»*ective tote, four flee; wi a, al gocd pine plauk tao inch* thick, within tflv# days, a d If not done in that tuna, the Street Conuai>eioner cau *e tame to b^dooe, expense not to exceed $75, and report. Adopted. That the owner or owner* of the land fronting on naribeaet side of B’even h street, between H>mj- •hir- atreet and a point m^way between Harap-hin- an i M raaaehuaatte rtraeta, cau e a sidewa k te be re paired ia front of their re-peetlw tote, b eubeti MWicg good hemlok plank,three!, chea thlch, where i e.raaary, w thin fl*e day*, and if not done in that t i^e the rtreet Co minis iomr cau e tame to he done, exjiense not to exceed $60, #nd report. Adopted. That tbe owner or owners of the land fronting ou southeast ride of Ma aachu*tU street, b tween Four. t»*uth and Utica streets, 'ause a sidewalk to be re tire d In front of their respective lota, with good h tpiock plank, three inches thick, where necewuu-v. wi bin five daya, aud if no*, done in that time the str ret Commissioner cause the same to be done, ex pe^te not to exceed $50, and rejiort. Ad pted. Th -t the owner or owners of the land fronting on ••-'Uth side of Utica street, bet-een Rhode Lri ud and Bra ton street , cauae a sidewalk to l?o repaired in fro. t of their respecti e lota, with good heu.ln.-k plank, t roe inches thick, where □eceosary, wt.hin five days, and If uot done In tn*i t me u.e Btr. et Cummiasionsr cause the same to be dote, exp nse not to exceed. $50, and report. Adopted. That tho owner or own*ra of the land front5 the south side of Ltica stre* t, between Maa-achuaeita s net and a point mid a ay h;twe uMaea-churatuiand Khr-le lala. da streets, cwu.-t a sidewal- to be repair* <i in ifont of their respective loia, with g od hemlock pla k, ilire luci.ea thick, w-thin five day-, aau tf not dot* In that time the S.reet Comm aa oner cauae tin- iaa.« to be doue, the exp*n*' not to exceed $50, aud rep.rH. A jlopted. Tjai the owner or owners of the land frou* ing on the youtb aide of Utica st.e«t, lietween Rho ie laiand *tr* ;t and a p .u.t a idway b-.taeen Rood# I la d aud atsachuaetta treet*. c .use * sidewalk te be repaired in boot oi tbeir reajiective lots, with goo-1 hem ock ,'lat k, three inches tnick, wlxnin live daya, and if i ot d nX lu that time the Street Commiasiouei cause the sonra to tie done, extern*# not to exc ed $60, ai.d rej-yrt. A Jc pted. T ist the Street Com nisei oner cauae a plank cross- <a'oI . t j be rep-ired *croas V.-rn ont .itreet, southwest -id* Fourt enth street, expanse not to exceed #2n, auu report. FID.•AT, SEPTEMBER 88. 1069. »«.fl ■ooaaMfrtth Thrrace ateet, oo tha north aide Chureh a Adeoted. Aa e-a $177 25, for < a rom W«lb street, on th«M>nherly sldeoC I J^l p ed. at tbe Street Commissi* ner cau«e a jilank cross walk to be constructed ac.ovi Fourteenth street, southeast aide M*» achua*.tts street exp jus* not to exceed $20, and rejiort, A iopted. T: jat the City Surveyor set tbo stakea showing thc gr* e of tue bidewul* oa the Noutliw st side of N.nth stre it, between Vermont a*.<i Rlunle IsU-d streets. ^Iopted. T^-t the Street CommG9^ner cau*e the Williauio- villgr ad be. ween tbe N. Y.A E. uadway and Dingtn -treet to be repaired, a . an expense not to exceed •nd report, A iopted. T-iat tiie Street Comniirai’ner cause tiie Williams- v l a roa<l between i iuxcn *tr a*.t and C*int* n atreet .o e re-paired, at an exjiense not to exceed $50, and re port. Adopted. TSe fo.lowing resolution* were offered l*y unan- ni us oonaen : By Aid. VAN BUREN— That the re oluti n adopted August 9, 1960, grant- •ng perm uiou to David aid Eugene W. *.la k to ereo- a frame I e house fr< nting on the Eric canri ne\r the foot of Court Htroet, lie and the same i* ner*;by reconsider* d. Aid- * Rtt rnovtsl that the resolution be referred to tr.e C-'mmitteu on Finance L l*t. A d. AMBROSE moved th»t the whole subject be r* f« rred to a Special comm of four to investigate and re ort. Carried. The President appointed ma -uch comm’ttee Aldi. ubrose, Hawl* v, Sheen an und Van Buren. By Aid. ORR - '1 hat tho Hire t Commissioner cause the sewer on lhe M>uth s>de of the Buffalo and Aurora p auk road, et veen Bu talo Creek and a jviint 150 e t eaaterly, t ■*.e ti led a t be mouth f #r th • protocti -n of the mouth tf the se*er with ate ie. at an exjiensj uot to * . $15 an repjrt. Adopt* d. By Aid. BAIN— That ihe stree. Commissioner earn.? the sewer and receiver ai the northeast corner of Geneaeeand Hick ory street-, to be opened, cleaned aod lejadreu, al au exjiense not to exteed $50 and rejxi’t. Adopted. Ahl. MuKBS, from thc Committee on 8ew-«i* re jiorted tn favor of al owing the tol.owing account and d awing an order for tue same: Thos. Da k— For digging test pita .u Franklin st eet ..................................................................... $18 50 Adopted. Also reported in favor of directing the City Aaho- or.i to moke the following a«s* s-mmt* : A'ses. $199 75, lor co atiu.tin s*.wer and receiver routhwesi corner of Uomj>shtrc and Twelfth streets. Adapted. A S IN $199 75, for constructing sewer and receiver at s u hwest conur of Hampshire and Eleventh streeia. 0 d o pted. As ess $132 00, for constructing aewer and receiver . southeast corner of Marv land and Eleventh •treet*. A opted. Assess $199 73, tor constructing sewer and receiver at southwest corner of Hoinpshire and Thirteenth streets. « Adopted. A-seos $1 9 50, for const.-ucting sewer and re ceiver at the southeast coruej-of Carolina and Fourth t recta. Adopted. A*>esN #275 w , for extending the main se-ver in -he ce .tre of Mullierry street, from the uortherly termination to iho aou.h liue of Hiah street. Ad' p.ed. Araera $245 00, for constructing sewer and re- ce ver at the northwest corner of High and Mulberry stieeta. Adopted. 8245 00, for coustrceting sewer and r cel ver noitaeoat corner of High and Mu*herry str. eta. Adojrtod. C-3 Araea $149 50. f ir constructing sewer and re ceiver at the no rtbeast comer of Dewitt street and Forest Avenue. . Adopted. A so reported in favor of -.he adoption of the fol lowing res; Tnat the St ect Conuniraloner os use a aewer arid receiver to be cons ructed at nor beast corner o* Main and North 1 t.Irion stre.t*, expense not to *x- ceed ?'200, an i advertise fur proj' aud contract ith lowe t bid.lor Adojited. That the Street Commi-sioner cauae a sewer and receiver w ith patent cost iron stench trap te be con structed at nor*bwest corner *-f Main a- d Seneca stree. •, expen e not to exc ed $200, snd a vrrtiae for p.-opo ale, a. d contract with th . lowest bidder. Ad pted. That the Street Commissioner ciuse a aewer and receiver with p .ten: cast I on atench trap to be con tracted a no theast corner of Eagle a d Emaiie nr# ta, expeoee not to exc #J $2 0, and advertise lor prot>o ali, and contract with tu* lowest b.dder. Ad ipted. Tuat the Street Commissioner onura a aewer and wceiver with p *t mt cast Ir .n (teach trap to be cm . true ed at »>uthweat comer of *»o gau and Edware. streets, expen*e not uv exceed $200, and acvertiae tor projMiaais, aud co.itrwct with J»e lawest bidder. Adojited. Aid. NkWM.VN, from the Committee on Bide and Jrosrwalka, re^ rted in favor of directing tbe City tw ssor to make the fo-lowm* aweramenta: a $96 15, for conw.ructing st-me cro«e*ralk acr » Geoosee a.reet, on tbe w#at side of Hickery .treet. Adojited. Asrwee *431 10 , for conetructinr atone s'dewalk on a.uthweeterly i3e ol Ninth street, between Hunon aud Penuayivama streets. A d)pted. A g437 00, for constructtog at ne std«walk < n «ju<hwea eriy side of N.nth street, between Pet.navl- vauia and J« raey streets. Aa e « $ l -fl 9fi.lor repairing stone -rorawalk acrora La Fayette street, on the werterfy sid oi Wnklujt® •treet Adopted. Aa*e*s $145 25. for repairing s’.-ne cree-wwri acrrea North Diviaton street, on w.ra -.ide of Washingv a atreet. Ad pted Aeraaa $143 97. for o u t' ruetlog atone Jorawaix i Waebm.u-n street, *n th* nor.L side of # r i 76, for e astruetiug croea»A*k of Mirala4pr i atreet, ea anuMi side ef AAL AMBRO0I aad CHAfiBCRB fr m further attendance «tfc« aaerioB at the Ooun- cU. As era $158 68, for cwaakuctiug et w a Carro*l -treet oa the a>l H at«.( »j*r_ Adopted. Aaaeaa $163 74’ f jt coos’ripting ateue erorawslk acrora Ca ro.l street on the wqt Hae of We,1a at.wet • Adopted. A seas $200 00, for e natrucfeg atoua crosswalk acrora Wells rtreet on easterly nM ol Seneca atreet. AMoptad. Aaa**. $91 85. lor rejrtiring Idewalk ou sout* Mdo of Sco t rtreet betaevn N. V t,'. Kailroal track and East Market street Adopted. Asraaa *), for re;ia-ring a dew%lx oj west aide <PPearUtnet, between piatfom « the northerly aide of Eagle street and a p int ftfty-^ht and a hal. feet northerly. Adopted. Also rvjirarted iu tavor of the adoptiu of tho fol lowing resolution*. Tliat tbe Cuimnon Council of the c*q- of Buffalo Inteud to construct a lx foot flagging atorn sidewalk on both sides of We»ls street, between tla aouthe, ly curb line of Bene a street and tbe nor berg curb lin* of rxch nge street, and the City au. veyor wport tb*. quautitiea, and tu* Btr et Commissioner ad-ertise so days Inviting proposals to do thc same, au report. and • he City Cle* k cause the necessary notim of aud. intent onto be d J r pubii bed. Adopted. That tl e owner or owne-s of tbe land fronting on t ie west ai*ie of West Market stree., bet weet. apotut lllfe tt south of Bouti street and a jmint 20 feet •outher y therefrom, cause • sidewalk to be r< pe red in front of their respective 1 its by substituting gooo flofcgi g stone the full width of the wal*, and laid te grau*. wbhiu five days, and if not d me wi hm t a* time, the btreet Comm Lis oner cause the to b*. one, at a-* expense uo. to exceed $ 100, and report. Adojited. That the owner or owner* oi the 1 *nd cr. the we.t side ol Elm strett, fiom a poin. 127 feet • asterly from th* toutier y 1 ue of Geucsee at ae and a jioint 180 feet s atberly therefrom, caus a -id.wa k to be repaired In front of t eir r. spectlv* ‘ Jta, by autetitutlng *ood flogging atone tbe fu I width of the w-alx, and laid t » gra #, within fiv* days, and if not done within tha. time, then he Btr. e Commissioner ause the same to be doue, at «n ex- ense no; to exceed $200, and report. Adopted. That the owner or owners of the land fronting o the west ai ie of Spring st-eet, tie ween Geneve* an* Bvcam restrueta, cauae a sidewalk t • be rejiaired i. root of t. Hr respective 1 t. with three inch plank wltih'n ten d ys, nd if not done within that tim* tb< Str et • ommi sioner ca se the same to be done, ex ponsc not to txceid $50, and rejiort. A 1 opt Hi Tliat the owner or owners of the land fronting oi the ea t i e of Cedar street, betw en bwan an Sou'h DivLsi -n st o.-fs, cause a sklcwalk to b* i«- paired in front of their respective lot*, w 1th goo*, hemlock plaiik three inches hick,where necee-ary,an if not done within that time the Btr et C mmiaaioue came the ame to be done, expense not to exce*.u $200, and report. Adopted. Tliat the owner or owucre of the laud fronting ot. the sout lies .terly siile ui Virginia street, butweei Niagara and S. v« irh street", cau-e a sidewalk to b« ejwired in iront of their respectivo lota, with go * hemlock tiionk three iuches thick,*here nececeasary witliin five da.a, and 11 not doue witliin tha -ime t c Btreet Conuniasioner cause the same to b« done, exper’oe not to exceed $200, and report. Adopted. Tn .t the owner or owners of the land fronting oi th northwesterly aide oi Virginia street, betweu lagan and Seventh streets, cau -e a ridcwalk tob* ■jiair d in front of their respective lota, wi h goo. hemlock plank throe inehei thick, where nece*sary» i hin five days, and if not done wLhiii that tim then the S.reet Commission r cause the same to bt done, expense not to exceed $200, and r* jx»rt. Adop'ed. That tho owner or owners of the land fronting on the ea<t side of Fourteenth • reet, betwetn J*ree.« st-eet aud a j*oint *• idway lietween Jersey andNortl strict", cause a sidewalk to be repai ied in trout of h- ir lota, with good beulocx plank tbret lichee thick, where necessary, within five days, aud if no don withi ■that time, then thc Street Coin 'mio-'Cr cause the some to be d ne. e\*,enso not tc exceeii $50, and rejiort. adopted. T at the >treet Commissioner causo* *ix-to >t close cro swalk to 1* const ucted acroex Tujiper street,on ho w«st side of Kllico t street, expenao not to *x- ; id #20<>, and repo t, aud Advertise for p'op "t*als od c >ntr ct * 1th lowest bidder, and City Surveyor uruiah quantities. Adojited. Th .1 the Street Commissioner cause a six-foot close irorawalk to be constructed acrora Tupper atreet, o. eart side of E lieutt atreet, exjiense not to exooe* $200, aid reoort, and advertise for propoml* and contract with lowest b.dder, a_d City Surveyor Hir sh quantities. Auoptod. T.*at the Street Commissioner cause a Hasping stone six foot o <»•# crosswalk to be ret aired a rosa lan street, on south side of South Dtvlsiou street xp u-e not to exce d $200, and rejiort, and tbe Chy Surveyo furnLih quantiti.s. Adopted. That thd Street Commissioner cauae a fl >g ing stone six fe t cU ae c* sswa k to lie repair d aero*- Louiiiaua street on south sids ef Feneca tr t, ex pense not io exce d $>00, . nd rejiort, and tb e City urwyrar furnish qua* title**. Adopted. H ia. the Street Commiaaioner cause a stone crosa- wa.k to bo ron-tructed aero a Scuit tree on the vert ai e of Mic igau stre* t, and advertise and cou- ract with lowest bidders, exjiense not to exceed $2o0, md rajmrt, and tbe City fcurvey-r furbish quantities adojited. That he S reet Commissioner cauae a plauk cross walk to bo cons ruct d a tom Tupper street on ea t ilde of Oak rtre.t, expense nut to txcced (25, aud rejnirt Adopteil That the Street Commissioner cause a plank crow* alk to bv coustructed a ro • Hickory btreet on south ide of G n *se stre t, exjiense not to exceed $20 and r- po t. Adop>ed That t e Btreet Commission'r cau«c a jilank cross walk to be constructed across Cottage at re. t, on tbe westerly side of Maryland atreet, expense not to exc ed $30, and report. Adopted. 1 hat the Btreet Commissioner cause a plank croae- walk t • bs repaired acroaa tbe westerly half of Mary- lon on the aiutberly a de of Cottage atreet, expense uot to exceed $5, and rejioit. Adopted. Tuat the Street Commissioner cause a p'ank crosa- walk to be constructed acrora Tuppir stroet, on tne west a de of Oak street, expense *.ot to exceed $25, an i report. Adopted. Aid. NtWMAN moved that when th# Council ad J urn all resolution* remaining on the Clerk’* be. bv him, reierred to appr. priate committeee. Carted. 'ihe fol owing resolutions were offered by mou« consent: By Aid. ALLEN— Th»at 'he Street Commissioiier cau e both ends of the Klk Stroet Market to be r*.j>air*d with flat gut- teni, at an exjiense not to exceed *150 for each and rejiort the expenra. Adopted. By Aid BAIN— That th? 8 rest C *mm'H-ioner cause the culvert across Lemon street, on the north a-de of Cherry street, to be filled on both rides, at an expense not to .-xceed $30 aod reporr. Adopted. By Aid. PIERCE— Tli *t a apec al e >mm:ttee of three m eube's of thia Council bs apjxrinted by the F esldent to deal, t- e places tor hold ng the • oils In tne van us el c- tion districts of the city at the ensuing geneial elvo- Mev Ysrh aad RaM ... LlflPM .. 7.4* t M ............................................. 10.46 A M ............................................. ItJlP I I ERIE ~ LWAT. LEAVE. ................................. 7.$$ AM re MaU....... 7 MAM ............................. IMP M ................................ 4.1$ P M dat ion........ 6.40 P M ............................... 11 x5 P M only train).. LAtf P M ARRIVE Vew York Pay Express ........................................... m j A M *#w lock Mail................................................ fl ;7 A M ioroet .rvllie Aocoauaodat >oa................... E50AM Sew York Nignt Express.................................... 12.10 P M •ew York and BaiLuore Ex pi era................. l$7 F 11 iiaura and Corning Man....................................... E$7F 11 LAKE SHORE A MICHIGAN SOUTHERN LINE LEAVE dornlug Etprera............................................ $.$ 0 AM i bruugh Train to Chicago (Sunday in. dudedj.. ‘Iris An- ommodatioa---- igiit Express............................... Jay clx,>re*s, Sunday.................. nsamboat Express..................... ARRIVE *acific Express........ >ay Kxpresa.............. Tmcinnau Express.. eai SWa IE 16 F M 4.00 F M .... 8«0PM 12.20 AM IE 16 A M 8 *0 P M ... 4.20 AM 10.40 A M E10 P M .... 606PM . 10.46 P M GRAND TRUNK RAIL* LEAVE. •foruiug Express _ Jay Expre* ............... vouonuaodation........ •fight Express............. ight Express............ tccocunodation........ Exjirena.----- Jay Kxpresa................ . 7.00 AM 12 *0 P M 6 00PM . 9.00 P M 6.20 A M . 12.10 P M EOs P M KlvP M GREAT W ExiaitN RAILWAY. LEAVE •ay Expm* .............. ic« urnmodation---- iteamboat Exjiress.. Yaina arrive at. ... 11.20 K M ... Alb P M ... 0.45 PM ... 7 45 AM ... 10 00 A M ... L10 P M ... 7.45 P M ERIE AND N IAG ANA BAILWAY. The ferry steamer “ I<anhoe" 'eaves her dock foot if Main St.,at j A. M. and i 40 P. M , Buffalo time, urFoit Erie, with trains tor Niagara •’ails, Toronto and the West. Returns at 1 P. M. uid 7.45 P. M. BUFFALO & WASHINGTON RAILWAY. 'Vain leaves Central Depot......................... 10 00 V M Crain Central Depot. ......................... 6.00 P M ud; blood masra Ura budy. If b» pm.-, lim M r it hmUh,., ~ r~ i f i Iwpailf - -- "fiSANDRBTVS BTAuKS. [Depart from and arrive at Franklin House, oomei 4 seneca and tliieott siresis. | LKAVK. pringville............................................. $hit« s Corners and Buaion.............. V uiiaimsvillc aud Claren*«................ ARRIVE Vhite’s Cornora and Dostou............. pnngvi.le ................... .......................... 'tii-amav'iie and Clarence ......... .. 2.01 P y t . HOP M 2.45 P h 19.30 A M 10 SO A A. lO.Ou A JU M U P F Ilt. C NION STEAMB -AT COMPANY. F .r Cleveland Detroit, •* lwaukee oal Chicago. The TOLFDO, H. A. 8I8SON................................................. captaui, Will eave the Compauy’s i>oc-, foot of Main rtreev orth# j-orta named above,TUESDAY, Sept. 2fl'h. *t a* Ten o’clock t M Fr* ight receive1 up to 7 P. M. Apj>ly at the Coni- >y’a othce. No. 1 Main M t. ______________________ hETII f'ALDWE'L. *grnt. . A U EEA LO, M IL W A L KEE AN L> c lll I J cairo Lin<- For De roit, •filwaukee, Chicago aud Inter mediate Ports. Tue fast low pressure jesaeu-J {er s.earner FOUNTAIN CITY. OEO. PERKINH........................................ Maa'er, 4ul irave the t ompaiiy’a D*-cW f Hit f Michigan-t., •n TUBS -AY EVENING, Sept SB at 8 o'clock Th Fountain Citv ii the t« -e.t and most msgaif- cent Para suamer on t r a m SHELDON ' K *.iE, SDi'aging Aren:, Office foot of Michigan itreet. Ii. K. JEROME, Passenger Agent. yiTESTEItN TRANSPORTATION CO. I? People’s L'ne Meem- r*. For Detroit, Mil "reuki .'hicago and Intermediate . ort-' The xjdotid *1 low jiressv fATE, BADGER WM. DTCKHuN.....................................Master will leave tho '.om ja'i Dock, foot of W *-hin/to» tree.,ou TUESDAY AFTERNOON,Sept 28th, at 8 •’d o k. F r frei/ht or paraags apply at the oflloe of *h A'ostem Tr* s.mrtsuou Comjiauy, Krie Basin, o loot oi Washington street. JOHN 4LLEN, Jr., Preeident. R. M. CHOATE, T eaet Agent. rootol Wa'hington st., Buffalo U NION STEAMBOAT COMPANY. ►or dev*land. Detroit. Ctu a«ro, Milwaukee and inter- ur-lia’e |*orta The aplen rid' .•tisenger tUimer | __ ST. LOU IB. JAMES PRATT.............................................. Master. Will leave the comjiany's dock, foot of Mai i street, r the above p'-’ te, on REDNahDAV EVENING Sept. 29tb, at 8 o’*lock P. M. For fre>ght or passage apply at thc Company** office, No. 1 Main st ____________________8ETH CALDWELL, Agent. TTN10N STEAMBOAT COMPANY. For Lake Bupenor Tbe riegant pwascngti pacific eo. KKLLY................ Mieterl_______________ *111 leave Buffalo,Ti’EBDAY,espt. go. at flo'cloci P M., forSault Bt. Marie, Marquette, aud Portag- Lake, calling at Cleveland and D« iruit. Freight received for aoove porta at foot of M*i> •treet. The steamer’ ARCTIC, J. E. TURNER........................................ Master, Kqual iu r-te, capa* ity and accommodati -ns, wii leave os above, on TUKSDa Y, Oct. 5, lor same da tiuation These steamers are nearly new have elegsint cai uu. and are furnished with special reference to tb «oc mmodation of pas6eimrera and nave also amp: room tor freight, and will oo .stitute during the *«• mn oi 18t», a n-w and mdeoendeni Lake Hujiern Line, leuvlog Buffalo regularly everv Tuesdxv at i ■* . M , and • lereiand every Wednewlav at a P M. For freight or jxxirage apply at Uie Company’s doe, No. 1 Main street, Buffalo, BETH CALDWELL, Agent. «»**$*$ fi| v « l|| v PILLS Remove all (rora lb* ayetara which nature needs nr kmger. The wooden u cures effected by Braadeib PJ than mt —ted tha attention of enlightened phy*- Up«aid' of fire thousand a nr ura them lx their dal.r practic-, and tw j hundred hare g vet. their written testimony oe to their lanoom oe an* value, a« cieanaers of the bowels aad blend Tfcai U.todvalu Is to those living In set lementa wher ducton can only be had at great expense. Par if you are ai A , you hav# only to *aka on# or more doses BrandctL’e Pills to get eu.od. Pull directions a. t with each box. Bo d by ail Dn»gg:rt».___________________________ dl Conroe? a * Russ, oa u.i a s Aoosr —Dr. T* bisff ort.braisd Venetian Un m at, whom aow h fu cures, sure and iuatantaaeoas act.on, la craw o Chronic R Somalia®, He .d^rbe, Toothache, Croup Oata, Burns, Co ic, Ciampa, Dysentery, etc., hare -toniahsd tha civ llrad world.D no new catch-pranr '•ut an article that bra aioud the test of twenty-twi 1®**- The enormous -ale an J rapidly increasing d« mand is at oooe th* aurert srMsooe of iu usefulncw and popularity. Nu family should be without a bob Ue In the h -uae. Hundred’of dollars aod manj hour* of suffering may b« raved by it. timely use. Colic, Orarap, and Dyrantery yield at once to it pain-cn aUv* propertiea. It la perfectly inn cent, aud con be given to th* oldest person or vourg » ch Id. So mat er If you have no conflde-jce ti Patent M dictnee—try this, and you wd. be sure u buy again, and roo*>nunend to yo r friend*. Hunu reds of Phyriciaos reeoaimsod it in their p actk*. Sold by Druggisu and fiterokseperx. Price, & enta an 1 $L Do ot, lu Park flaoe. NY. da* Puracr Mxxhoud —Easaya for Young Mea, or the evil* of Seli-enervation.. with oe t*in he p fo toe erring ani unforiuuate. Sent in sealed lett r en. •lupea, free of cba ge. Address, HOWARD AB BOCIVIION, Box P., Ph Isdelph a, Pa. Ku p thk Boct i>- Good PBr*ia.'-It is much *asi- lo k*ep the system in good condition than to rert r It to ihat condition wheu shattered by d aeaee. Tbe II© _»e of Life," 1 ke other bouses, sho Id be prompt ly jtropjH*. up and sustained whenever it show. any sign of giving away. Tiie first symptom of f>h aica debil ty should be tak« n ai a h nt that a atimu'ant i equirei, the next question is, “ What shall tho »t m- ulant beT* A wholesome vegetable tonic, the stimulating jwop ertics of srhkh are mod fi d by the Julco* and ex tracts of anti- e irilo and laxative ro its and herb— ■on etb ng - hich will regula e, ■ *o*be and purify, a- ell as invigorate—ia the medicine r* qmr d by th debi itated. There ore many preparations which ar claimed to be of th's deecr ption, bat HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTER3, the great vegetable preventive and iw toratre t »' has won i a way to the confidence of tbe jmblic one the m dical profee ion r y aq u u te r of a ceutu*y o oQvaryins success, tanda pre- roineut among then all. To expatiate ou ita fiopolarity would be to re* peat a twico-tolri tal v It la only neceraary to con ul tbe r.cord • of t # United t-tea Rev nu« Dejwrt aent to learn tf at ita eoaramption Is greater th.i that of any ojber propri«t*ry remedy of either nativ. or loreig origin. Aa a mea- a of au'taining tbe health and strengtl -der a fiery tempera ure, the Bitter* have a par. - mount r'aim to c n IdereUon. It has t e effect o Dying and bracing th« nermus aud museular aja- tema a alust the ord.nary eon equen ra of Rudder, and violent chanze* of temperature, and ia theraf. re j»ecalia »y useful at this season, w 'eu hot aunriii t by d ▼ , and iee-o>rid dew* by night, al’em tely bea and chill the b.ood of thoae who are expcaed to tnem. HOCTETTER’8 STOMACH BITTERfi are arid in bottlra only. To avoid being deceived br count rt-ita, see that tbe name of tbe artiri laonth* label, and embosred on tna g oa< of the bot.Ka, oao our revenue st tnp over tbs cork. Thb National Trcbt Cumpajtt, oi tne city of Ne* ork, 330 bread way. Capital ONE MILLION DO* •ARR. Chartered by the Mate. Dartre R. Malian riant. Jamre Merrill, Bseretary. Rsortvra d. •oaita and allows Four Par Gant, latsraat oa all Md* •alanom, subject to check at aight. Special Dspoen or six months or mere may bs mads at fire p* ent. The atpital of One million Dollars la divide rtuong over flve hundred shareholders, comprwii, aany gentlranen of large wealth and tln*»u-i^ ei •srience, who are alao personally liable to depo* ore for all obligations of the Company to doubt be amount of tbeir capital stock. As the Nation Tret Oompany receives deposits in large or am* •mounts, and permits them to be drawn as a whoi »r in part by cheek at sight and without nolle* tllowlng interest on all daily >*1. 1*-^.^ parti* hrooguout the country can keep aooounta In th 1 nutation with apeuiel advantages of security co r *uienoe and proflt. ? a AMI FACTI KKN. i8W . ’ f TV THIS IS TUE BEST AND M<»ST ECONOMICAL BASE J3URNER E v e r M ade. BASE HEATER, AS WELL AS BASE BURNER. £ALSO, THE BRILLIANT DOUBLE HEATER, FOR HEATING UPPFR AS WELL AS LOWER ROOMS. Save your coal and save your money, by buying THE BRILLIANT. C. K. WALBRIDGE, 271 Main ’ treet. OKX UOLXAI STOKE. ' he Great (jnestion'of the Day: HOW TO DO IT IOW AND WHERE YOU OET YOUR* MONEY WORTH—DOLLAR .FOB? DOLLAR—IS SETTLED KEY- »ND A QUEbT O OO TO THE HAUTE N0UVEAUTE 11.00 ST O R E dirscrion of ths $upsrintstdsak I That ths Street Commissi® Adopted. The President appointed Aid. ftarmichael. Pierce and Shseh.n as such com nit'ee. t o ■■ COST IS LED Dl OCX HUT. DciCHBl Dsad Shot for Bed-Bugs. Dotcher’s Lightning Fly Killer. | j 4 8 4d bv rug Irt* -T-rywh-rs- TIME TABLE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS AND HTAGES AT ANG FROM BUFFALO. |On ali roads, except ths Lake hbore, traire arrive md leav* on New York time, twenty minute* tastes na/i Buffalo time.) NKW TONE CENTRAL. LRAVZ. laffalo Express.............................................. 6.00 A M Accommodation.............................................. 6.16 A * . 7 40 A M 2.60 P M 6.13 P M 0.46 P M 11.20 P M *.10 P M Atlantic Ksprea (sleeping car)......... 4 11 and Accommodation ................... (aiaepag car)............. 'right 1 octal fionday Train AKKIVK. 4ew York Exjirera..................... ftochrater Acouni ov* wiaiiran____ Tight Kxprwra............................. Pacifl’- Exprem Day . 12.16 A H . 10H6AM . KaO A M . 1100 PM 6.45 P M 6.40 P M N1AOARA FALL aND LOCK FORT. LswMt» and Toronto Exjw r a ----- Toronto and '■etroit Expr-ra........... and Lockp -rt. ..................... Lackport ana Wgy (beyond).......... ARRITR. frara NWgara Faih, boo. sir rags. 9.00 A M 11 2" A M A li P M $.46 F M 4-MAM 4.10 P M Baxenreon’a H ittD n.—Thu splendid hair Dy- is the bast In the world ; the only true n p rtec Dye; barm!era, reliable. Instantaneous; no dim* S>.raiment; no rsdlculore tints; remsdlra the I etfresta of bad dyes; invigorates and laares tbs Hai *>ft and bsautiful black or brown. Sold by al •jmrgiota and Portamare, and properly appLcd a’ ne Wig Fictorv. 10 Bond atreet, W T________ do" WotM of Wi«d«n for Yoong Men on the R Un. Passion in Tooth and Early Manhood, with self bsij fur the erring and unfortunate. Bawt in seriod let ter ears lopes, free of charge. Address “ Uow-arc Association,’* Box F . PhtladehvMa. Px_______ THE PEERLE88. The Great Presaiam (Ook Store of the World, taking the Lead. Orer 14,000 no d durinc the La*.i Ve*i ELEVEN DIFFtKENT oIZES. adrentrara of thb Store orerali ••bare are thr follow ing. h>v*rJr 4^JUA TRMFoRaTuRE b malntaln.d iu al* a a n tj ilia oven, so that no artlclw. w b '• bhktowor, x ^ rres r* s to re chra^ad or .urtied * 1*1 (W tw tH w Jfi L inquired, bairr one-third lera than auy fthar Store. 4th. Artk^fira T1LATION OF THK 0\ • N a cwrrst-tnf be*t dair i**> ainK c n t*> t y hr 0*12. " » *h* « u"dVT'TL'iiL’sX : “““ u" ion UK a*.m b, m an. M . na. # ■* ant u p*rfceUj m in a tin UtdMa *«■ Jg’atA IW K g AbyJ. ln THb r r H I 3 l tln-y aia R»»Asl),D. —■— .. — .. “.Li t 1 I ,h a a d « a* iba ,acj i^atquail.jr of I n s . and la UEAVlCit than any °“ 4T r t* 0 T r o r DIBIGK and SMOOTHMBa OF 1-A8T1X0S. In tbaaa r*n»ct. it haa n.. -a.d-d U.7 fra? r?S u ^ ItC *rIrr5,SL *1 "* ““ AT FAM8 UK»ITIO». It baa a'ao baaa. tn s k x in .* SHAW, FERRIS A CO., 446 Main St. THE LEGISLATOR 0 0 K I N G S T 0 Y E , " ITH IMPROVED SHAKING AND DI MP ORATE IMPROVED FIRE BOX AND LARGE A>H HEARTH AND HEAVY CASTINGS, m atin, lha LEGlSLATttR, atlh ita au,antac«a ni Hnma Mon uiact ure, THE MOST DESIRABLE FIR8T-CLA88 Ft J COOK STOVE IX THE MARKET. HOUSE FURNSHING OF ALL KINDS. GOODS CROCK ERY & GLASSWARE Q-reat Clothes I’Wrixi^er -Depot. W ooden W are.iT in W are. Jr lated .W nre, Table C utler y, A-c.. Ao THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK IN THE CITY. JOHN C. JEWETT & SON, FAMILY srP l’LIE*. »!*) MAIN STREET. BL'KPAU) '-U ’lu i' H SiHDiSI*«i. ROWLHY’a PATENT PRLTITJAES. ALL LATEnT Improvements in Fruit Jars c “ u ac S O IMPORTANT P aTFNT TECI8ION RELATING T J FRUIT J IKS. The ca»» of 8. B. R**wlry, ap|*e(I\nt, vs. J. L. ^ on, wpjx 11- e in w->jcb lar^e mtcre-t were involved 1 .a bee** fl>ally d cided by Juri. «* Faber, 01 ti * ni eo Mt *tee “upm ne Court, D. C in lavor <*f h. 8 >owley Moran nhe ijaid A bow on >f Fbii"- le phis, tor bowl y, and •. II. 8 L a r be, baq., <f ial i'i o e, and Iub,*. Fenwick k Lawrwico, «•? 4 ariiirigton D. C , for M-*kU". Mwnu a tuiern and Do* ers, interest'd In this au - Ject, can obtain unn ed o* pie- of Judge FisherV d rj in AOAlN"T J L. M**on and IN FA volt *.f 1. B. R wle>, by ajtplying tra S. I'-. Rowley, 500 M^r ket »t est, .d jthiw. NO ICE.—lu Buyers and Uscre of Fruit Jan. rt*wmre of w r ngt I and inf* nor imitaiionaoi tnj ‘ME«0" .nd “t.EM" Jars. I have al*»ady b>ought u t for lnfrlng* m nt of the patcnta owned b* n-v igwin t certain p rtira rnaki* g aim vending * .■ • n»,n arx xnown aa the • ‘•T R." * F mANWL, S I ' l j ri£R" “D U ! < ’ and •• **A O ' ’8 1MPR> *VF. •' Cara, »h* ram* being vi .ationa of mv patent*, and I •vill o* ntlnua to n o ecu e to tne lull ext nt of sI* - aw. any and all lurt • a who ma b> MAN F A ' - TURK, or 18K infringe u on any uf uv patent .. ~ H. ROWLEY. 609 Market nt , RICH AND CHEAP FURS COST FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DA Vb Th* most extenriv# stock ia ih* rity at wbclrawla price*. All the new styles of ASTRAKHAN, AN OORT A, PER81AN AND RRAL 8AOQUES, EXTRA.RUSSIAN AND HUDSON .RAY BAR E DARN MINE. IMPERIAL STYLE, ROYAL ERMTNE And an immmw oaaortment of cheap Pure. Arctic White Fox, Wolf, Beaver and Buffalo H -hra. Buyeni and Shlppore of Raw Furs. L. A AIRRKT, ___________________________________t i Miln at. May 27. Prdli 'clphix, Ta. B.—Pesole buying and using the "Improved ion" “Franklin ••etter" e\*er," and * btor Jars, for keepi--* fru t, are also liable for Infringe. Y 05 Main Street • a**.*, jom can find a large iraortment of useful ard aamrnta] a* tides, w hlcn are to be ?old for one dol or each, or Number Articles. INITIAL STATIONERY, H Superior Freach Paper, writh Envelopes to matab •tamped with any Initial for $1 a box. TOILET SOAP AND PERFUMERY, di great variety. CHROMO AND OIL"PAINTING8. (n Block .Walnut and Gdt^Frwm-w. FANCY GOODS, K'/ull aaaortment alsratw on hand.* SILVER PLATED WARE, Tasters, Sugar Bowls, Or ame y, 8jwou Hoi dare, By uo Pitcnere, Soup IraOea, Ssta of Porxa, Tea tipoona, Jeraert Hpoona, Table Spoons, et*'. GLASS WARE, •eta consisting of Sugar Creamer, Fpoon Hold® latter ' tab and pair Ba'ta, fi Gobteta, large Prseerv >ish, with 12 raoall one* te match; large gteha Krao woe Lamp, and other arbdra la gl«m ware., BOHEMIAN GLA88 WARE. iuby and. Cut Cologne, Water andJTeiiat .fiuttleo, Vaaeo, Ac. PARlANfGOODS, Tonaiiting of .Vases, RUtwa— . Busts, Ae. JEWELB , It wou!-l ba tmprwrtblc to enumerate thia Im ri oodo. We are oouetant y adding all the new mmt •wdrable parterna, in Seta, Pina, Blaawa Butb Jhxina, Brouelsta, he., all of the beet quaH'y, aad rarak aa well aa solid gr-oda. FANCY BACK COMBS—InlHorn and In |8 P KTM- >NRAJES-A P trge^rartety .lu alw Calf, Turkey Morocco, fte. liAift BHCBHKli—Eowvood <u-i > l«ll» • Backa. Cloth BKl-SHEi, CECHB BRU8HE* ■*»! FaiohTTTL LixtTU>orxxjrni — At la stth r jieop’u have gut tli** fact “through their hair," toot tuur d jxrgnated with acetate of lred and other m*-ta I salts ore murderous prapareti*>us. W*-m they the metal'c sedim ct at tbs brat’ram of the bottlra. they know that the dwgurtmg a off la literxilj thickeoKi with potaon. They aak, therefore, for a Barn,Ura Vegetable Dye, and find It pure and efficactoua. in GR19TADOM7R EXCELBIOR MAim I YE aflrat’l under the ranctk® of guarwnu * . :wi lt oonta e dtO T A fiM U D 1A J1 PRESERVATIVE. la Uka a charm oo tht Mrir riM 7.46 A ■ yriag. Try tt. DRY GOOD*-Handkerehlsfa, Herieiy, EM Tlovrw, Hoop ffkfrta. Oorerta, Towria, Napkin* Dojlea, Ac., ta great rerlsty. We <xa only givw a partial Hat of the thousands o ar’.tr'ra we offer for rale. All g«*d* man -farturedM thia 00on try ww psrtus usdou , da via a aurrx. m m om a w t. ___________ MEDICAL. TpiiR INCOMPARABLE REMEDY. Try It—tt te w r Falls. JENNPR'S H * IK TONIC AND RF.SrORATVE Thia preparation stops the hair falling *>ut and jtrrautote* a vigraroua growth clean-** the acalp of dandruff, and renders the hair soft and <W* mv. It cotitai’ a nn sulphur,*ugor of lead nr oth* or coloring matter, lieing designed exrrcraly for itrwugtbeuing tho hair. 60 .-enta and $1 per bottle. Prepared by It. JKNNKK Cbemlrt. 410 Main at. . opposite tha Park. T H F , SU K F , C U R E . JENNEK’S COUGH MIXTURE 0 re« Coughs, Colds, Hoar one s, and all affectiotM of the Thr at nr Lun^v. Fifty *-ents j*er iiotile. Sold onlv bv R. JE N N E t, Cbenilot, (Id M in st., n|'|M>"lte t' e »’ rk. Especially dnaignnd for the u*e of tbe Medical Pro raeion an.i th ' F Uy, j> wr-»l ig th«ee intrin-ic m jim|«rll* a which lielongioaiiO d and I’uru Ota Indtsjienrible to Famine*. Gwd for KI* ney C<m- jdaiuta. A dcHci a" 'onl*\ Put up in caw a, coO- aiiraug o**e do.* bra-tlet* each, and "raid liy all drug- g at , grocers,era A M BI »(* '.Eft A cO , twtoh- !• - tri 177e, No. 16 leaver ht., No* Y rk. or sal’.- hv D RA'SOd 4 CO. 8 FENCER A BU I VM'-RK. and VVV *«. PF.AHGHY. ['YE AND EAR INFIRMARY, to -in«; -u l «f.HTw m II v* outside shoulders for the rub* ere to reet upon thereby av.) ding Ita comiu/ In contact wth the fruit Rasy to Heal! Ka y to Open : For aale to tbe Trade by S. B. ROWLEY, 809 M arket ht., Pltllatrislplaa®. Those Jar* are aoM by Dealer* «n B ffs'o. T Tfa* HALL’S cTABLESICILIAN HAIR X mewer , la tha beat article ever known to 2W RE STO EE GRAY DAIK o ita original youthfu’ color. It wri’l prevent, the hair frera to Hag out; m -kra tbs Ir amo Aa and glra y, ai.d dam M t stain tha akin as o hare. Our treatise on tha Hair emit free by mail. E P. BALL ACo., Nashua,N. H., Proprietors Fort DECORATION. J^EW PAPER HANGING-! NEW DECORATIONS. NEW WINDOW SHADES, ORDff, TA88EL8.70IL CLOTHS FOR FLOORS T ABLRK*AN D.OOU XTE Rf cwffkd to my Defloration De- partire nt, aad rin* Parlor Pajwr*. auperiutcndsd by p n t EDWARD BUBLBY, Formerly WlutefA Hwrirj Ooontrv Merehanta ■uppllad at New York cH> rW~ M U. BIKGK. flB M*»e rtreet. raanaiT. nciD u on> utman aura m * * a H IM TO 0OD8X BLINDNESS & DEAFNES8 CURED. CONSULTATION FREE. Offic*, South Division, between Mata and Washing ton sta.. Buffalo, N. Y. F. O. STANLEY, M. D., Of tbe Ophthalmic lloxpita]. New V rk, MWF P..rraw U. 8. A. ^Y ER ’S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. The refutation this «X- crll- nt mud cin >*nj -y-.le derive** fr**m •»• e Ns, mmy m «h:ch or- tnly marvtllrana I n vet-ra e caras of Hcrofuiou. die- e*ee« v b r r the i>(tara •refn- d toturx *-d with 00rru' tlo , have beam p rifled au I cured b-. lt. ficrufulou’ off cti n- and di » h k n , wn h were* ag- grav tod by tbe aer fukms contaminatlo'* until they were pa>n udy afflictirg, hav .«n radicaJI curedfia •u h vt at iiUB'en i almost cv«*y section”! tha cou try teat the public (jaicely need to be of IU v rtuea or uara. Hcrutol ue poiaon ia on# of the moat destructive sns» tea of our roes. * fteo. thi. lunso ra d «*tlt u-noot of th ' organi-t nudertui'- » the wartliutkiB and I vl**** the ttack -4 et.f i g *w fatal d« e—ra witnout exc tlo a »ui id *. ot ita prera. ee. Again> I re- me 1 o breed mtrction throu. h ut ih* h d.* ,aad then on aome fvra.a*-!# >*ecraion -aj’.dly ucvelnp 1 to one or other <-f ita hideous fo*nvt. tKh« e ce tha aur- tacs or a>o ng the tit 1 . In tbs ia ter, tu'wrej s ma* ba as denlv depo I ad Hi the lu gs ot heart, or tumoie formed in toe liver or itahowa v* pre-vac* y eraptioh* on he akin <r foul ul er- tlona on aome part < /the body Hence the occa* oual use of n b to tie of thia 8ars*par IU ia ad« —hie, • vo . *b . no active ■yu-pLratua ol di-ca e apps r. Psreona aflRri> d ths fi-Uow n comptainta «enera<l> Bud imraadl- ate relef, and at I ngtb core, by th ue ot Q.U HA HA**ARlLLA 8 Anthony # Fire, Horn .or ryotpelaa, Te te , 8a.t Kbeum. deald Ha *, Rflng- w. n o 8 >r Eye*, nd other erujXlooe rv'riUefe$fira 4 Hcrofuloua dtaea-c. olao, u* tbe more tone osd f rat-, os Dya epoia. Dr. n-y. Heart IH -ara, Fite, EpUspsy, >«• ral.i -, and the vr-* e*..a of the na«-i«r and aervo a s. HyphUi’ or Venereal aad ha e .riaJ Dl e <rar Wi 7 it, thong** a leng time to r quired fo a b- dninr tham o itia<te a*, ladtea by a y med etas. But leng c Nth wad a v of b h m- • ict do wil eure tbs • ■fflrinK Leu ecvtsM or Whites, Uteri* a UlceiaHot® n i frm la lHwaa* are com® nf- a on r I er.d and utt matel eared by Ha purifying *r.d In- rig raring .flret Minute direct*ra s far sack — a can In tound m aur Aiteaarigtelppllsd fotia. Rbeu- O et, when ririri h- ar— n aria— of Id qwtcMy te It, Uv- r Co—pi Va Co-*- H im or l-ffxare Man ot tha I • hen ariw Inr, — they mt— do, the Meed. Tt la 9AB Ier tea ta—g hand rigor ef' who ara aagwid -od U-t'e t aad tt—tei— el k Nan — or auy uf >hs wlltedlM erat orative power runia av DR. J. C. AYFR & CO. lowsll . i Piwetacal and Aaaljt*—1 Cte fteMAfoR. litfffiKri ov»>*l«

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H m Board of W a « r Coam lM >t# ■ m i<rt*d the I of W ater L ejrtitm ent for

Filed k id o rd e n directed to be drawn.

m m m n tox n ia boaio or w a tu l coum im ioxim .Bcttalo, Sept. 27. 1 W .

Th? Shepard Iron Work* aak, •« per herewith *endere.., a payment of five thou and do!- Ur* oa »b Ir e .n t a c t .or rebuilding old .n g ta ra We raeomm nd th a an o der be dr>»wu in their Uvo< on the 'W ater Worka B ib n d o n Puud“ for tb e amount.

Very revjwc fully,WM. F. ROGERS,C. 4. WELLS. JA M E S R YAN.

Filed and order dlrecte i1*. be drawn, rra-m aa raon thb ooxaD o r w a rm coMMiaaioxxxa.

Btrrroko, Sept. 27, ISO*. Meeara. Dr Uard A Hayee herewith pre-cnt rtate

ment of aeoount for main and pumping pipe on theii contract, and aak for seven thousand seven jr-t-o dollara aod rixty-three ceuu . We recommend that an o ider be d ra e n la th e ir favor on tbe " Water Worka Extension Fund " for the amount.

Verr reapectfully,W. F. ROGERS.C. J W*LLS,JA EM RYAN

Filed and order dtr*cted to be drawn raon tub i tn n u R ,

BrrTAto, Sept. 27, 1$»» Thera la before me an account for audit, amount -

log to four hundred and fifty dollar*, mode by Jaml aon k G ailaghir ra C. L. Gager f r uae of tug 1. at. and tor d tuage done to the boat lu rc u o i ng t* r * pl from Buffalo Rlv r. A* thia cUim U »n»m t tJapt Gager, 1 cannot aee what claim Mra<tn. J mlaon A Gallagher hav a *. jv,n the city.

| w >uld recoin in -nd this ai-count U referred to the Finance (' •mmktee together with th* Citv Attoriuy.

Y»ur* Reapectfully,R. HOLLISTER.

Auditor.Refer ed to th e Committee ..n Wborvra, H arbon

aud Fer rice, together with tb ; City Attorney, raon m i n u c i n or h iaoara h o m ix * m u c i

BrrrAho. Sept 27, 1HH9.I reejiectfully oak that your ho. orable body came

an rder P. lie i. upon tho Trea urer o the at> nf Buffalo. In m f«ror. for tbe*um of hlrtoen ihou- aaml ( |I S ,00 ) dollars, for toe purport of d fraying th e exjxnara of the Niagara Frontier 1 olloe force for the m onth of ft*jdxnil>**r, IM#.

SALMON BIIAW,Trea urer N. F. Police.

GEO ORU.Fi’ed and o’der dl “acted to le «ira*n.Tr.e following revolutions were offered »•> unanl

ni ua oona nt:By \k l . NF.WM AN —That the Buffalo Evtntng Pott he and u hereby

au tbo laed t p .b Uh the K- vlatd City CuarU-r one tl.i.e . a t the exp-n c o t e c ty.

Aid. OoLPlOil - moved to amend tbe reaolut ..n t.y adding the Volki/feund

Aid. MILL R mov d that tho resolution he re- fe rr d to tim *.ittes on Faience

Carried.Hy Aid. PIER EThat tl e Buffai - Btrcet Railroad C in ;any lie ai d

they are hereby jwrmi ted P. ral e ihe i t te r on the w retr ly aide of Main a tr.e t, be .w e n Ni .a ra sireet and the aout-.e ly ru b .ine ol Church tree t, and to eitubruct a flagging atone crosswalk acro-s Main •tre e t to the eaaterly -ine of their track on the Hue Wl ;»>o aidewa.k on the northc ly aide of Church street

Tmtmm s tree t. opered M d M a i d aad rwpalrad. oommencii.g a t Oenraai . ( *—.

John o . Smith for repairing main aewer in Iful berry stree t, a t croaalng of Ooo mil street.

John O Sm ith, for r pairing main w m in Tupper s tree t, ab u t one hund.ed and fifty few! north of Delaware rirra t.

J -h n O . Sm ith, f<r repairing «ew-r and rec I r at - ju th rea t corner *f Oeneeee and Jackaon stre t a

Johu O. fm h b , for rep-1 ring m ate aewer In Cl.lp- pewa a reet, a t crow-Ing ,.f Ellicott at re it.

Thos. Dark, f r r .p a ir i g aewer ami r* eiver on west a de of re a rl stree t about 160 feet northeily of Eagle atr et.

T -oa. Da’k , f r conrtruct'ng aewer aud recrirec a' eouthweet corner of Dampsh re and Twelfth s ta r ts

Tnoo Dark, for corurructing aewei ar.d receiver at aouthwc*t corner of Hampshire and Thirt enth

vtded tb y do th e n in e a their ow . . »*<l.r the direction of the S tre tt Co. P

pen e, an mlraloiier

A d H aWLEY move-* 8. V. R W a fo n , Esq., President of the Hire t Rail. Company, b ; h .ard .

Carried.Mr. Wetson then addreaied the CouT'^il in rel-ti* n

lo the n u tte r.API. AMBROSE moved th a t thc resolution I'd re­

ferred to the S treet Commissioner, with po*or.Cerr.ed

nrrm o ss.Of Loul* Batwt, t • have erroneous tax refunded.Refer.ed to th e Committee on T axis ami Atw*'"-*

m enu.Ot D rulltrd A Ifayoa to croct wooden buildings,

66x81. on E.change- s reet, about flvp hundrerl and vhlr > feet eart *>f hie go Street.

«»f Mr*. K. A. Clapper, hulld ao additional story to her frame cottage N . *70 South Div.i«..n a tn e t

Of Andrew Gran* and other*, lu r lat.on to OU In spec or.

Of restderita of Seventh W ard. f. r Ilook & Ladder Com pa J , A:

Of C K ii 11, to erect a two story frame building on west -ide of Pr* t stre t , about four hundred ai.d fifty north of William str et.

Or Vb1 ntine A Spark \ t*> erect a tw* »‘ory frame buildi g JOgfid, on their pro niaes. «o*. 14>» a A 142 P erry atreet.

01 J S j*n< lr«* .. •» » e* t . Irame rc.irag.' J r .. 90 t o t , on tho north _ '•* o m i t '■< s » r ,n th nnd Hudson a r ct-.

Raf< rred to Committee on Fire.Of Stephen Lock *ojd, in reference* to encroach*

M en u tn D .wnln . street.*tgf rred to C m uittee on New TerrtP>ry, City

Burr*)'**. • “ ' B tr-et Co nmi'Sio cr.tlf B De^ootn • a id thers, to have dam removed

from 8c*Jaquada Creek.Jteier ed to Comiif^tioe on New Territory and City

A t omey.Of Robert Forayth and other*, P» have the courw

o f t e w te r changed th t culecta hi thc g u ttu • west of Union a .r e .t , ou William and Clinton e te e te .

H elen d to C Nnmittee on Sewers.(H Jo* ph Fougersou, for pe uita-lon Pi aell fresh

gae t a t No. 123 M .g* '*stree t.W^ferred to Co inittee ou Llcenai.Of fp k k C l-ra and a . C. tousey, for remlas on of

fine.Referred to i'om m ittee on PollcOf W. J . Galiagi and oilicrs, to have la w re tu t

OeU full relsvwxl trem i'**tDlt ntiary.Aid >»RR moved that th 0 orayer of the petition be

•grant d.Ca n e d —Aye* 18; noes 0.Of 0#o B. Mltche 1, to have Wm. Barry felea eti

h e m Penitentiary* • * . C han t, rs moved .ha t the prayer of the I*ctl

granted-A>ee 18; noee 00

la «ac Holloway, for coratructlng a atone cr»«*walk aero a Tenth atr e t, on th*. *outbea»t-.riy Aide of Hud- aon a-.reet, per contract.

k -a c H- llow a., for constructing a stone Torn walk acrom TcDth n-.rm t , on the norihm o*terl> si*l« of Maryland at mrt. per contract.

Ivaac Holloway, for re ja rlng mdi walk on the east ide >.f wa-hiiixt n street, t-H seen tiie curbing ano

-I ea a lk , on the west side of b w-n »tr etI am- Holloway, tor repau ing aid w*U on eaa* ddi.

of h.m stieet, between the curbing and sid«w«lk, •; tl»o wc«. side of 8 * .n * rw t

l*a v: uo loway, for r>*pairlng aide* alk <>n tho we-t aide of Oak atreet. betw . n the curbing aud sidewalk, on the west side of 8 • an M-cet.

Isaac Holloway, for r« {airing sidewalk on tbe ei*t •ide of O.k str ct, hetwecu th*curbing and sidewalk, on the west aide of bu -n street.

Geo. fc ld m a i, lo r rej. iring sidewalk on thc “vest -ide of K*an »treet, between Bjcam .re *nd Geuese*- •tr* eta.

Gc «. Feldman, for repairing sidewalk on tho eaM aide of Hickory street, between B jc-more and Gene­see streets.

Geo. Feldman, for constructing a crosswalk aero— Mycamore street, on the wuit a de of Kean street,

fteierrerl to the Commltt eon Bide aud Crosswalks Phidp nenaeiihr nner, for examining ae ll o m t . ork ana F.fth strvoia.Philip Bei Minhrenner, for repairing pump to well

on Main street, in front of Terrace.Philip Mvnse-ibreomr, for repairing ptmip to well

corner Cedar and Wi.liam >tre* ta.Philip Meascnbrenuer, for repairing , u p to we.1

corner Mlcliigau and 8 u th Liiviai n streets.M L Robinson A Son, for feed for Superinttn

len t’s Lo m.» ven mg l ost, for advertla ng.R sm ett A Ri..r, (or feed f >r foreman’a and ca r

hone*.Thomas I lark, for rejial ing sewer a t Bixth an*;

Gcneaee -.tree.s.Thomas Park , for repairing -ewer at Bixth and

eorgia s trteTU .m-.s ark , for repairing main and receiving

ew r at Six h and n o-piiu.1 atres P*.T'lorna I»ark for » alii ig up ojiening In puuipir,

well culvert a i Pumping ilou-e T omaa l»ark, f..r rebuL mg receiving aewer at th

c met of Cour nod Sixth xtrre a. fla.uey Elliott, f rc a tagc of p pe.Snejard Iron Works, o r stupa nd check valve*- F. P. Slammard, for services at r^s.rvolr in on

de voring to stop hak .Referred P> thc Commit’ee on Water.J noes Libby, for seav.uea as ex ru clerk in Receiv

e ra GthcoA diison J . Lyman, for extra services in Receive.’* fiioe.

i Offic*

i O ffice for

tloo o* Carried

Of Jacob Korgei

aiMONRTaANClf.•ue and others, against paving A‘b

Of John 5. Peck andn b e n , against p i j l r g tax

beiween RaUv*a and for paving Jeff raoa streetA to — ■**••“ • ^ r^nov O , p .ve

Of K. K H ill -tli-ra., ,a , .>>nk||n■lent and reconstructing aewe's Genesee atraeu.

Referred to Committee.

ACCOUNTS RKVKKRKU.Mo :Rd. Irwin, for labor and m .pirlal a t School .

|gE d . lrw n , for labor and material a t -choral No. w p a d . irw ln, for lab- >r and material a t School No 11.

Otla k Ketnpl-, for making plan.* and a pec ill­fe r School H uae No. 12.

Frank Gilll«, for boualng coal for School Depart-

B. Flack k Bros., for lal*or and material a t public ehoola

Referred to the Commltt'-c on Behoola.Oeo. M-^aetnger, for bro m» for Fire D»jwr ment Lee A LoomiR, lot coal for Fire D- partment. Refeired to th# Committee on Fire.J a Low, for repairing tbe ea*t rly aide of Virginia

utreet. between Ntagar* and Seventh atrrcta.Jaa. Lew. for rep Iring the westerly ai ie of Vir­

ginia tree t. between Niagara aud Sevent akreew j a a Low, for oi et ii g gu tem on nortliweaterlv

•Ode of Vhginla atreet. between Sixth and Serenth • reeta

Wm L W U 'laa*, 1 * rajhlrin,- brl Ige over Prime Blip, rriroe atreet

Wo- I. Wiliam*, f >r repairing E* orva vtrre*«« tbe B rie CM al

Wm I WillmiBA.'or repv'nng B >er street on Slip Rc t are •#* Fate Blip

I W Hum • f f *ep Irln r t-T i/e *rr w atreet, Juec kxi eg Abbot* r wi

Jacob WUI.OMV « I rapairtug L urtuaa *v

r of 0*-v 41 aUwU

an P rry *u eeta. g C A r -i street *

l> Rngg» 1 ' r e a r in g brvdira on R vwr R r w t ,

MU,- N • 1«A*M r.Ukmai. for r ■ ‘ 'HI • — 1 Covert arrow

Lea n •»*• v w a rte ^ <4 tT ^ r r , aireet.U a t l k l i ' r - a n g gw tera ea* Fde M

MWrt. cat. Wre-l t t e - *W a w t»*oai. for I

V an M a a U e ajhI H y d ra ! te e e ta I t e l i r r a d u . i m l _ .a o . iU M » a m re e a a R ic h a rd V i W u , I *i r * p a .r g F r ry -o e l

, , — AiVwara au 1 North W . a.uat--. a e u Wa 1 “ - » • . —

etrert fiIV> ir* aM r J « j . 4 W illUa reed

Wa. 1 W.r—

i. t rt « b rid«eac ' . - WH huMtrm l« .l. Buutheri j aide o'

q , - d -an . tor f -n d ru c ing cm a ea lk » tt" » atree . •outh aide of - ycaaore atiwet

q >ti fe idm aa. fo c em 'ue tax « *• walfc arr<«> -a aod i tiw a . eoutwert ide ot Teelitb a m t

Geo Fcldmau. f r eondructm g aitewalk on a nAM of Ma »w»n ^ l * B' wwna o la t midway be* •**» Brown ad Sycamore • rerta

am* F ilJ for eonel- ueti g a atdewaiw on• * ,n ( t o — - * ~ * V— — to to M M to V —**MSyctowr«u— Brown atrMb.* H t o Cuentowe ow tow Ttorltoij.

w « . <*--*, • «- O N - Wi."**

r In south ad* la fron t of Brm County fiavmga

Matthew (iarrigan, for hertice.* In Aa for Hep em b;r, lotW’

P. W. Kel y , for in Am i»>Bepte uht-r, loO'.l.

Jo 'in Dipp, fo 'la b o r and m aterials for repairing cup lo a t Cnnton stree t market.

Martin Taylor, fo stationeryf >r Receivf of Taxes Rc erred to Committee on Ci inis.The fol ow ng rtaoiutiuna were offered hy unani- oii* cons -nt:By aid NEW MkN—’) ha? the S treet Commissioner cau«e Folsom street

to be repa red h tween lay lo r and pring aireeta ati exp W-e not to exceed $25, ar d re, or?Adopted.By Aid. CARMICHAEL—That the o « n er o r owuers of the land fro*'ting or

the t-a terly m le of Maiu a reet between South Divi- •i ii and Bw«n-*treeta, cause the -idewaik to be rei air- d iu front of tfanir reep-i* ;ve lo a, by re I vyirg tb* ante where noiewsar>, and con .truet a gu tter Infront »f ' o. 2S7, to c mvey the water to the st e«t gu ter, ai hin five days, and if not done wPhiu 'h a t time, ti e Street Comm b.sion r cauae *im to be done, ex- |H)u-<e not to exceed $110, a d report.

AdoptedBy Aid. OIBEL—Tha the Str. et Commlaaioner canas the main aewe*

n C ypreas-tree t to be o|ienod and c eaned and r*- aired, lietween Michigan and Pine street-, at an ex-

punse n it to exceed W"1', and report.Adopted. )

reports o r coMsrmnrs.Aid. HAWi E {, from the Committee on F nonce,

repor ed iu favor of the adoption of the following t-olution*:Ti at thc City Surveyor be, and h t ia hereby au­

thorised to c -ploy a* many ad litio al a-.xlstai.Ui ii hia * fti e a» may lie necc -a.rv, to eu h it InQi to make a plan a d ma - of t .e aewira^e of the land, ly iug north of Buffai • River and east of Ci.icago atr* eta, said i» w t tit* not to be employed to exceed tw n.o .tha, at an expense n t to exceed fiCO.

Adopt d.I h t the Common C uncil will withhold the aurn

of fciOO fiom any moiiien which are due, or may here lite r h c b io du*-, C. L. Gager on hi- coi tro«' f r removing th • wreck* of old h >ata from the n r i at or near he **eat ine of A »r ra *t eet, until cla ma against aal i Gager for labor and material* furnish d in removing aaid wrecks a e (add.

R furred L ith e Commit ee on Wha. ve*. Harbors and Fern- a, t gether wi h the City A t i.roev.

That the reso utlon adopted by lh e Comm i Council, Oc oher 24, IstH, authorizing tbe Buffalo ex t -nmon of tho Atla> tic Sl Groat W estern Radwuy Comt>a v to yonstruct i a railroad in the city >1 B I lalo, upon and acr os street* and public grounds be, and tbe aa oe i hereby varied and modified so •» p {•ormit agkl railroad to be const noted northerly and east-rly of any grounds, which shvil be taken r acquired for the purpo e of public fiarka, under and by irt ue of chapt r 1*16 of tho sebsi n la va of lstlu aiul au je t to such variation and niodiflcatio . haitl reeo Utiun is hereby continued In full foice except »> much thereof aa ia in onslaU-nt he ewlth which i h e r hv repealed aod read .de ', and provided that the m nner and ape Ified pi .ces of cro ai g a.iy o: the at reet w pf the ciry shall be reported to aod «ul»- Ject o the approval of the Common Council, and th* rights hereby conferred on said c**mpa .v sh«.l not be coil^trued to be assignable or traiuferahle.

Adopted Aye*. 1$; 0.Aid. 8 v l’ *.R. by unanimous consent, offered the

f llowing reaoliition and moved its ad ptlou:T h .t thc Street Oimmis-ioner cause the well

c 'rn e r of C iuton ar.d Smith stre ta to be repairs , and a pU form placed over the well, fc' on exp nae n o tto ex e .cd $50, and rep rt, a d tho retR>lutioh adopted Bep’em ber 13.18W, he and the eanij i‘ here­by re cln ‘e*L

Ad pted—Ayes 18; voea 0.A d HAWLEY, from the Gomnut'ee on School*,

H-tod In favor of allowing tn e following account. , -wring ord- n for tb e same: and di n

^jr9 ^ fe rk in s—For lit>. rarv hooks for

•' * " > 00J Josephs F- 11 school house in Dw-

tn c t No. 32..... ................................................... ^ MFred. G re in e r-F o .' ,4bor *nd mat

Beoool ao . 14..........*............................................ 24A dopted .Aid. MlLl.FR, from th " r '*ratnit‘e« on Fire,

rsjv .rt d in favor of the adoption of the following resolutions:

That .rtrmi*Airan is hereby BT-at^d to John Hugbe- U. erect a frame hui ding 16*24 1, one and P*-holf atorita hi h , on tbe south aide «/ Bouth D rl»- lo.i atreet t .o u dred and ftf y feet w.NA cf Spring •treet, un ier dbection of th e Supentiten IdNt of »b< Fire Ln-pa Unent aod subject to the fu rthe r order* ol thi* Council

Ad pt*-d Aye* 18; noee 6Tha: prrmlwuon G hereby granted to James F.

Y rang t repair hia frame building on tba eaai ld» of Mk- igau a reet, betw en CU. ton and E g.« street*. hy buil ing *u aslditional at r* thereto ow l.r direction of the Bupennter.d a t rt the Fir lx-)i*rt a* nt and sahj rt te t h t f iu th w f lM .1 Of (M l Cuu-ieU.

Adofrrted — Ayee Is ro-* 0.That permi an n is 1. -retir granted to Jana Heat!

t. rrpelr h* r r.m * o..u** on Vi'a.lrw,.rth Park b\ bulki ng an ad uti**o brreto th .rty .tour by twentv- • an-* two ator ntgn oader lirec Ion of the Su-

lanrvrn' ol Fire li* |a / ment ansi subject to ths lu rtber orttef. <d veia C u ac il.

Ad**|A d — Ayr* 17. noeeO.T hst permlae on la ber. br granted te - - J Hum-

pnrri i . tm -ta < . e-and a-qcarter atery f anu bouse e r u t« b j th rty two, w th addition twelve by te a

ly t - o . un hia lot on Paim r aueet, about two bun o d and atx y-Aix and a-half feet north of Manlau* r e t under direction of th N uperin 'erdent of tb*

n - t lie partment -nd eubject te the further order* Ol tiila C > ncil.

Adopud A> •• 17; n*iea 0That penaM-ion 1* hereby grant*. 1 to Sarah How

a r l and N. L Ch ppel te erect a frame shed (and en cloea ihe same) on their lot, southeast corner M rga> an i M ohavt streets, under the direct! n of the Su , ermtendent of - he F.r D epar ment and subject t the further -rAer* ol thi* Council, and th e re®on stranca of Ch* 1 a Day and others against tbe con •truction ol sold *be i be and tbe same la hereby de- n e d , and said Day baa leave te w .thdr.w remon-

— — toflgMnMttaf aewer on m m w ® 1 « » ■ » uuatng,I > j n * > - r * —* " —1 “ rt *1 t o w e l * h m . on IB.

r t — ‘ m ? * 7 T £ 7 Z Z Z r L * m t o t o I . h to d u «> T . - ■■■firt-m- — ----------- lA Booth f AIM** etreet, unaer diree

Ad ifded—Ayw l®; BomTn*i *• *“ f®v / granted to Jr hn Zoll te

| ' ulldmg, tw nty-oa* by thirty, andaide of Nor h W0H enty-five feet acfth of I

Ot th * F ire D epartM B t and eub j.e t to th e fu rthe r orders of this CouhdL

Adopted—Aye* lfi; noea 0.That perm la don le hereby granted to Mary A.

Dicker® to erect a frame kitchen 16x18 In rear of her dwe ling bowae. No. K S E et Ingle street , bet wee* Fine and Ctdar etreets, under tb* direction of tbe ■superintendent of the f i n D part aa ant end Mitject *o the fn-ther order* of thia C. unoil.

Adopted—A' ea 18; noee 0.That an order for $38 16 <m drawn on th* appro pn

a‘e luod in lavor of Peter C. Doyle to purrha* six dor. en hattery jar* for F ire Alarm telegraph.

Adopted.Also reported In favor of allowing tb e following

sccoun'a and drawing < rders for same :H art, Ball A H art—For labor and material for

F.r# Departin' n t ................................................$ u ciH< r t n A Kip—For brushes for Fire D efurt-

u ie n t .................................................................... g oyJohn H snavan—For oaU and feed fo r Fire

D epartm ent........................................................ U 7 63Adopted.Aid. OOLLIGON, bv unanimous consent, offered

be following rceolnti n snd mov d Its the Superintendent of Schools be and is here­

by autborixed and directed tn expend any money' h- City Treasury, »ppropriated l»y the State

for the a 'pport of pu ‘ lie school libraries, in the pu*- chaae of bi-okv for the various vcbaoi libraries of the city.

Adopted.Aid. HAWLEY mov*d te re^mMdor the vote by

which the communlcition from th e Superintendent f Schools, relative to renting rocma for use in -cho 1 dntrict No. 6, was referred t> the Committee on

Sch* ola. \Carried.A d. HAWLEY then moved th a t the eoramun'ca*

ion be received and riled, and authority g ra fted to cut two rooms for uae In said tchool District.CarriedAid. PIERCE, from tiie Committee on S’re ts , re­

ported in ng the following account’a d drawing an order for tbe •*m*>:

Holloa ay —For grading and puving the carrlvgeaay in

Tenth street, betwee.. Ma yland and H u.aonstree ts ..................................................... $27 80AdoptedAlso rep rted In favor of the City As-

L-as ra to make he tol*- wl g ax raamcnta:Assnas $75 00. for rep*iil'i« Scott tree t, between

tale i Ine Railroad and Heacock atreet.Adojited.Asses* $5o 00, for repa'ring and maintaining the

■muge over Prime H.lp, on canal street.Adopted.A mm g0»3 75, for ra ls g the gu tter across North ivision street, on wevt s .d ; of IVashingtou aireet. Adopted.Alio r. jiort d i-i lavor of the adoption of the fol-

.owing reaolu'lona:That the Street (Jomml-ti'-ner cause the gu tter on

joth sides oi Elk aireet mark* t to he repsi ed with dat gut.era, so th a t the wat r will pa.-a freely to the ^ropir r ctivers, at an exp nae not t > ex* e.d$2o0t r jach side, and report, and the rosolmion -dopt d v u .iu t 30th, lMi9, tie and the sa®c U hereby re- i nded.Adopted—Ayes 18; noes 0.That th - S treet cauae tho wood eul-

oit acr>isA Eagle stree’ , on w st side of Jefferson itreet, to be r paired, a t an expense not toexoeeJ 316, and report.

A d o p te d .Tha the S treet Commin .loner cauae a wood cul­

vert across orange street, t>etween Cwrleton a n l Vir- a tre ta, to be conatnu-tod at an exfiense not to xceed $ 5, and report.Adopted.Tnat the Common Council of the city of Buffalo

intend to t ke and appropriate the property nect**a ry to lav o^ t a atre t to extend from ihe P ra tt A

ar<Jham Blip to the Ha uburgh turnpike. 1 he uthwestcrlv line of aaid atreet te beri.i at a point

n the south line o* *aid aiip 4 7 e6t * mat. rty along u*-b south line from the City Ship Canal, running henco a u .te rly and parallel with aaid canal to *

po.ut i9 16-100 feet sou h*.rly from the so u th ^ iu e of i t 45 ; thence souther y to a point 377fe«.t southerly rom the south line of lo t 46, and 240 fret ea rerly

*rom aaid can.l ; thence southerly to a point 5s»7 fee s .uth rly from the a u th line of lot 47, and 230 feet ax orl from a dd canal ; thence southerly to a poit t

in the boutherly line of lot 49, a t the distance of 12c feet tost rly from a«id canal ; thence souther y par- oll.l w th the u id canal and 128 feet t asterly th re- .r in to a point 17 feet southerly f om the a- uth lin ..f lot 50 ; thence eaaterly |w a lel with the face of h j dock a ong tue soutn bank of uflalo Rir*.r at

216 t e t a.iutherly therefrom io the aouthwesteriy une of the HamOurgh turnpike. Th-i northeaatei ly u e ot said •* reet to In gin at a {mint m the south­erly line of aaid slip 433 fe-1 easterly along such ..uth liue from the City Ship Canal ; run'-ing theno

-outherly and jtarailel with said canal to a point 2# 16-lu*> ieet Houther y from the aouth line of lot 45 ; hence southei ly to a {mint 377 feet aouthe lv from

tne aouth line of lo t 46 and 306 feet taxteily from .'aid canal ; thence • outherly te a point 604 L et •*>u.h ily fr. m the aouth ine of .ot 47, and 276 feet OsUrly from -aid canal ; then, e southerly t a point

iu the south line of 1 t 49, a t the uiatance of 178 feet « me ly from said;tbe*ice southerly parallel with -aid canal and 17a fect uttAte lv therefrom to a point 448 e . t sou heriy from the »outh l.i.e of lo 49,

ea tei 1 v pa. allel wi h the fa e of ihe dock a lon . the south bank of Buffalo R ver, and 150 feet southerly therefrom to tlic southwesterly line of the Ham- bu gh turnpike.

Aud the City Clerk ia hereby directed to cauae the •iece sary notice of such iute tion to b published.

a id . BYRNS off* red the following a* an amend­ment to >he Report, a d moved it* adoption :

That the City C en t read vertis i the Notice of De- lermlnatioo to ta>e thc land necos-a y to la ou a •tre t on the “oulh .*1 ie o Buffalo River, to bec&lled and known as C atewor h Av nu-*, and ru .ning rom tbe P ra tt aud Wal.iani Slip to th e Buffai . a d «am- ourgh Turnpike, the boundaries of said j roposed itree t to correspond and a^ree wl h the bouudaiiea, pub istnd in the Notice of lnteutiou.

Lo t.The report of th» Committee wab then adopted. Ayea— vid. Allen Auchiuvole, Bain, C ar. lc ael,

Colligon, L»i cher, H »wley, Miller, Morse, Newman, Orr, Pieioe, Van Bureu - 13.

Noea— A1J. Ambroee, Bym», Chambers, Glsel, Sauer, -heehan—fl.

Aid ORR from the Committee on New Te iv o ry , reported In favor of allowing the folloaing accounts,*ud d awing orders for tiie a u n e :*Vm. I Wiiliama—For constructing culvert

across Wil iamaville Road, 16 j fuet south ofth eea a l ................................................................ $19 20

Jacob Btnzi -ger—For r pairing Clinton street,betwten J fferson and Madison at eets 50 00

Sam**—For repairing Clintox s tr et, betweenMillnor and Adam stret t s .................................. 50 00

ame— For repairing c l n t m atreet, betweenAdam and Watson s tree ts .................................. 49 25

Same— F r r {wiring Clinton street, betweenWatson and t.mslie stree ts................................ 50 00

Some—For repairing Cliuton street, a t cross­ing of Jefferson s troet........................................ 15 00

lam e—For repai IngC lin’.on street, a t cross­ing of Madison s re * t ........................................ 15 00

Some—F or repair ng Clinton stroet, a t cro-w-mg o f tionroe s tre e t- ....................................... 15 00

- v a r a F o r rcpoii ing Clinton s.reet, a t cross­ing of Adam s t re e t ........................................... 15 00

ame -F or repairing Clinton street, a t cross­ing of W a' son a tre e t........................................ 15 00

■jame—For repair! ig Clinton atreet, a t cross­ing of Emshe s t r e e t .......................................... 15 00Adopted.Al o reported in favor of directing the City Asses-

-mrs to make the following assessment* :As-ew* $48 00, for repairing Vermont .-.ireet bc-

tw«x n Tonth snd Eleventh streets.Adopted.As era 8 0 00, for re{«iring Vermont street, bo-

tveen El veutb and Twelfth strode.Adopted.A 9e<8849, for repairing Vennoitt htreet, between

T velfth and Thirteenth streele.A dopted.A « « $50, for rejiairimr Vermont street, between

Thirteenth and Fourteenth atreeti.AdoptedAra-i* $30. for rejiairing Vermont street, between

F m teenth and H xige street*.A dopred.As* vi $30, ior repairing Vermont atreet, lietween

H rig* and Bremen street Adopted

$30, for repairing Vermont ‘'tree t, between Brem n and Brsyion street-*

AdoptedAra«n» $33, fur re 'a in u g Vermont street, between

Brayton and tUifer. •treet*.Adopted.A rare* $35. for repairing th* east aide of Madison

•tre*t. between a point midway between Batavia and Peckham street" to Feck ham iRieet.Ad -p ed.A .see $35, for rep*iri’>g th# ea t aide of Mariiaon

atreet, etween Bate via a trre t and a point m id-ay ,tween Batavia a*.d Peckham atr- eta. adopted.A s ra r* $$1, Cor r e airing th ’ wmt aide of Madison

street, betwee . a poi .t m id*ay between Batavia and Peckh nr streets te Peckham atreet.

Adopted.Aa em $3$ ,1lT repairing weet *id« of Madison

a 'reet, between Batavia stree t and a point midway b tweeu Batav a and Peckham atreeU.

Adopted.Aasera $196, for cocvtroctlng sidewalk on north side

o< William atreet. le tw een New York Central Ran road • rowing and a point six hundred feet easterly tbe>efrom.

Adopted.Also reported in favor of the adoption of th* fol­

lowing resolution#:That tbe street Commi i>A r came a woodeareert

to be constructed acroaa Fourteenth rtreet, oa he northwest Aide of Vermont atreet, ax pen## no t te e s -

I ceed « A and Adopted.


That tha Btreat OauDhtearr he asd he » hereby instructed to repair roa .way oa Bi*d sireet, between Niagara and D arborn t eete, by filling with furnace cleder, expense not te ex«wed $60, and re p o rt

'Adoptedfron t the owner or owners of th a land fronting on

tfc« no rt'i aide of NiUiaiiLstreat, between a p. in t six hu dred f et eas- of ,*e/r York Cen r-1 Railroad cross!..g, mid a point 225 feet caster jr therefrom, o«s»te a s dewalk t • be oonetrucaad In front of their re*.i»*ective to t e , four flee; wi a , a l gocd pine plauk ta o inch* th ick , within tflv# days, a d If no t done in tha t tuna, the Street Conuai>eioner cau *e tam e to b^dooe, expense not to exceed $75, and report.

Adopted.That the owner or owner* of the land fronting on

naribeaet side of B’even h street, between H>mj- •hir- atreet and a point m ^w ay between Harap-hin- an i M raaaehuaatte rtraeta, cau e a sidewa k te be re­paired ia front of their re-peetlw to t e , b eubeti MWicg good hemlok plank ,th ree!, chea thlch, where i e.raaary, w thin fl*e day*, and if not done in that t i^e th e r tre e t Co minis iom r cau e tame to he done, exjiense not to exceed $60, #nd report.

Adopted.That tbe owner o r owners of th e land fronting ou

southeast ride of Ma aachu*tU street, b tween Four. t»*uth and Utica streets, 'au se a sidewalk to be re­t i r e d In front of their respective lota, with good h tpiock plank, three inches thick, where necewuu-v. wi bin five daya, aud if no*, done in th a t time the s t r ret Commissioner cause the same to be done, ex pe^te not to exceed $50, and rejiort.

Ad pted.Th -t the owner or owners of the land fronting on

••-'Uth side of Utica street, be t-een Rhode Lri ud and Bra ton stree t , cauae a sidewalk to l?o repaired in fro. t of their respecti e lota, with good heu.ln.-k plank, t roe inches thick, where □eceosary, w t.hin five days, and If uot done In tn*i t me u.e Btr. e t Cummiasionsr cause the same to be d o te , exp nse not to exceed. $50, and report.

Adopted.That tho owner or own*ra of the land fron t5

the south side of Ltica stre* t , between Maa-achuaeita s n e t and a point mid a ay h;tw e uM aea-churatuiand Khr-le lala. da streets, cwu.-t a side wal- to be repair* <i in ifon t of their respective loia, with g od hemlock pla k , ilire luci.ea thick, w-thin five day-, aau tf not do t* In th a t time the S.reet Comm aa oner cauae tin- iaa.« to be doue, th e exp*n*' not to exceed $50, aud rep.rH.

A jlopted.T ja i the owner or owners of the land frou* ing on

the youtb aide of Utica st.e«t, lietween Rho ie laiand *tr* ; t and a p .u .t a idway b-.taeen Rood# I la d aud

atsachuaetta treet*. c .use * sidewalk te be repaired in b o o t oi tbeir reajiective lots, with goo-1 hem ock ,'lat k , three inches tnick, wlxnin live daya, and if i ot d nX lu that time the Street Commiasiouei cause the sonra to tie done, extern*# not to exc ed $60, ai.d rej-yrt.

A Jc p te d .T is t the S tre e t Com nisei oner cauae a plank cross-

<a'oI . t j be rep-ired *croas V.-rn ont .itreet, southwest -id* Fourt e n th s tre e t, expanse n o t to exceed #2n, auu re p o rt.

FID.•AT, SEPTEMBER 88. 1069.» « . f l

■ooaaMfrtth Thrrace ateet, oo th a north aide Chureh a

Adeoted.Aa e-a $177 25, for <

a rom W«lb s tree t, on th«M>nherly sldeoC I

J^l p ed.a t tbe Street Commissi* ner cau«e a jilank cross­

walk to be constructed ac.ovi Fourteenth street, southeast aide M*» achua*.tts street exp jus* not to exceed $20 , and rejiort,

A iopted.T: jat the City Surveyor set tbo stakea showing thc

gr* e of tue bidewul* oa the Noutliw st side of N.nth stre it, between Vermont a*.<i Rlunle IsU -d streets.

^Iop ted .T ^-t the Street CommG9^ner cau*e the Williauio-

villgr ad be. ween tbe N. Y.A E. uadw ay and Dingtn -treet to be repaired, a . an expense not to exceed •nd report,

A iopted.T-iat tiie Street Comniirai’ ner cause tiie Williams-

v l a roa<l between i iuxcn *tr a*.t and C*int* n atreet .o e re-paired, at an exjiense not to exceed $50, and re­

port.Adopted.TSe fo.lowing resolution* were offered l*y unan-

ni us oonaen :By Aid. VAN BUREN—That the re oluti n adopted August 9, 1960, grant-

•ng perm u iou to David a id Eugene W. *.la k to ereo- a frame I e house fr< nting on the Eric canri n e \r the foot of Court Htroet, lie and the same i* ner*;by reconsider* d.

Aid- * R tt rnovtsl that the resolution be referred to tr.e C-'mmitteu on Finance

L l* t .

A d. AMBROSE moved th » t the whole subject be r* f« rred to a Special comm of four to investigate and re ort.

Carried.The President appointed ma -uch comm’ttee Aldi. ubrose, Hawl* v, Sheen an und Van Buren.By Aid. ORR -'1 hat tho Hire t Commissioner cause the sewer on

lhe M>uth s>de of the Buffalo and Aurora p auk road, et veen Bu talo Creek and a jviint 150 e t eaaterly,

t ■ *.e ti led a t be m outh f #r th • protocti -n of the mouth t f the se*er with ate ie. at an exjiensj uot to * . $15 an rep jr t.

Adopt* d.By Aid. BAIN—That ihe s tre e . Commissioner earn.? th e sewer and

receiver a i th e northeast corner of Geneaeeand Hick­ory street-, to be opened, cleaned aod lejadreu, a l au exjiense not to exteed $50 and rejxi’t.

Adopted.Ahl. M u KBS, from thc Committee on 8ew-«i*

re jiorted tn favor of al owing the tol.owing account and d awing an order for tu e same:Thos. Da k — For digging test pita .u Franklin

st e e t ..................................................................... $18 50Adopted.Also reported in favor of directing the City Aaho-

or.i to moke the following a«s* s-mmt* :A 'ses. $199 75, lo r co a tiu .tin s*.wer and receiver

routhwesi corner of Uomj>shtrc and Twelfth streets.

Adapted.A S IN $199 75, for constructing sewer and receiver

at s u hwest c o n u r of Hampshire and Eleventh streeia.

0 d o p te d .As ess $132 00, for constructing aewer and receiver . southeast corner of Marv land and Eleventh

•treet*.A opted.Assess $199 73, to r constructing sewer and receiver

at southwest corner of Hoinpshire and Thirteenth streets. «

Adopted.A-seos $1 9 50, for const.-ucting sewer and re­

ceiver a t the southeast coruej-of Carolina and Fourth t recta.

A d o p te d .A*>esN #275 w , for extending the main se-ver in

-he ce .tre of Mullierry street, from th e uortherly termination to iho aou.h liue of Hiah street.

Ad' p.ed.Araera $245 00, for constructing sewer and re-

ce ver at the northwest corner of High and Mulberry stieeta.

Adopted.8245 00, for coustrceting sewer and r cel ver

noitaeoat corner of High and Mu*herrystr. eta.

Adojrtod. C-3Araea $149 50. f ir constructing sewer and re­

ceiver a t the no r t beast com er of Dewitt street and Forest Avenue. .

Adopted.A so reported in favor of -.he adoption of the fol­

lowing res lu tio .is;Tnat the S t ect Conuniraloner os use a aewer arid

receiver to be cons ructed a t nor beast corner o* Main and N orth 1 t.Irion stre .t* , expense not to *x- ceed ?'200, an i advertise fur proj' aud contract

ith lowe t bid.lor Adojited.That the S treet Commi-sioner cauae a sewer and

receiver w ith patent cost iron stench trap te be con­structed a t nor*bwest corner *-f Main a- d Seneca stree. •, expen e not to exc ed $200, snd a vrrtiae for p.-opo ale, a. d contract with t h . lowest bidder.

Ad pted.That the Street Commissioner ciuse a aewer and

receiver with p .ten : cast I on atench trap to be con­tracted a no theast corner of Eagle a d Emaiie

n r# ta, expeoee not to exc # J $2 0, and advertise lorprot>o a li, and contract with tu* lowest b.dder.

Ad ipted.T uat the Street Commissioner onura a aewer and

wceiver with p *t mt cast Ir .n (teach trap to be cm . true ed a t »>uthweat com er of *»o gau and Edware.

streets, expen*e not uv exceed $200, and acvertiae tor projMiaais, aud co.itrwct with J»e lawest bidder.

Adojited.Aid. NkWM.VN, from the Committee on Bide and

Jrosrwalka, re ^ rted in favor of directing tbe City tw ssor to make the fo-lowm* aweramenta:

a $96 15, for conw.ructing st-me cro«e*ralk acr » Geoosee a.reet, on tbe w#at side of Hickery .treet.

Adojited.Asrwee *431 10 , for conetructinr atone s'dewalk on

a.uthweeterly i3e ol Ninth street, between H un o n aud Penuayivama streets.

A d )pted.A g437 00, for constructtog at ne std«walk < n

«ju<hwea eriy side of N.nth street, between Pet.navl- vauia and J« raey streets.

Aa e « $ l -fl 9fi.lor repairing stone -rorawalk acrora La Fayette street, on the werterfy sid oi W n k lu jt® •treet

Adopted.Aa*e*s $145 25. for repairing s’.-ne cree-wwri acrrea

North Diviaton street, on w.ra -.ide of Washingv a atreet.

Ad ptedAeraaa $143 97. for o u t ' ruetlog atone Jorawaix

i Waebm.u-n street, *n th* nor.L side of # r

i 76, for e astruetiug croea»A*kof Mirala4pr i atreet, e a anuMi side ef

AAL AMBRO0I aad CHAfiBCRBfr m fu rth e r attendance « tfc« aaerioB at th e Ooun-cU.

As era $158 68, for cwaakuctiug et w a Carro*l -treet oa the a>l H a t«.( » j* r_ Adopted.Aaaeaa $163 74’ f jt coos’ripting ateue erorawslk

acrora Ca ro.l street on the wqt Ha e of We,1a at.wet • Adopted.A seas $200 00, for e natrucfeg atoua crosswalk

acrora Wells rtreet on easterly nM ol Seneca atreet. AMoptad.Aaa**. $91 85. lor rejrtiring Idewalk ou sout*

Mdo of Sco t rtreet betaevn N. V t,'. K ailroal track and East Market street

Adopted.Asraaa *), for re; ia-ring a dew%lx o j west aide

< P P earU tn et, between p ia tfo m « the northerly aide of Eagle street and a p int ftf ty -^ h t and a hal. feet northerly.

Adopted.Also rvjirarted iu tavor of the adoptiu of tho fol­

lowing resolution*.Tliat tbe Cuimnon Council of the c*q- of Buffalo

Inteud to construct a lx foot flagging a torn sidewalk on both sides of We»ls s tree t, between tla aouthe, ly curb line of Bene a stree t and tbe nor berg curb lin* of rx c h nge street, and the City au . veyor wport tb*. quautitiea, and tu* Btr e t Commissioner ad-ertise so days Inviting proposals to do thc same, a u report. and • he City Cle* k cause the necessary notim of aud. in ten t on to be d J r pubii bed.

Adopted.That t l e owner or owne-s of tbe land fronting on

t ie west ai*ie of West Market s tree ., bet weet. apotut l l l f e t t south of Bouti stree t and a jmint 20 feet •outher y therefrom, cause • sidewalk to be r< pe red in front of their respective 1 its by substituting gooo flofcgi g stone the full width of th e wal*, and laid te grau*. wbhiu five days, and if not d me wi hm t a* time, the b tree t Comm Lis oner cause th e a.m e to b*.

one, a t a-* expense uo . to exceed $ 100, and report. Adojited.T hat the owner or owner* oi the 1 *nd cr.

the w e.t side ol Elm s tre tt, fiom a poin. 127 feet • asterly from th* to u tie r y 1 ue of Geucsee at ae and a jioint 180 feet s a tberly therefrom , caus a -id.wa k to be repaired In front of t eir r. spectlv*‘ Jta, by au te titu tlng *ood flogging atone tbe fu I width of the w-alx, and laid t » gra #, within fiv* days, and if not done within tha. tim e, then he Btr. e Commissioner ause th e same to be doue, a t «n ex-

ense no; to exceed $200, and report.Adopted.That the owner or owners of th e land fronting o

the west ai ie of Spring st-ee t, tie ween Geneve* an* Bvcam restrueta, cauae a sidewalk t • be rejiaired i. root of t. H r respective 1 t . with three inch plank

wltih'n ten d ys, nd if not done within th a t tim* tb< S tr et • ommi sioner ca se the same to be done, ex ponsc not to tx ce id $50, and rejiort.

A 1 opt HiTliat the owner or owners of th e land fronting oi

the ea t i e of Cedar street, betw en bwan an S ou 'h DivLsi -n st o.-fs, cause a sklcwalk to b* i«- paired in front of their respective lot*, w 1th goo*, hemlock plaiik three inches hick,where necee-ary,an if no t done within th a t time the Btr e t C mmiaaioue cam e th e ame to be done, expense not to exce*.u $200, and report.

Adopted.Tliat the owner or owucre of the laud fronting ot.

the sout lies .terly siile ui Virginia street, butweei Niagara and S. v« i rh street", cau-e a sidewalk to b« ejwired in iron t of their respectivo lota, with go *

hemlock tiionk three iuches th ick ,*here nececeasary witliin five da .a , and 11 not doue witliin tha -ime t c Btreet Conuniasioner cause the same to b« done, exper’oe not to exceed $200, and report.

Adopted.Tn . t the owner or owners of th e land fronting oi

th northwesterly aide oi Virginia stree t, betw eu lag a n and Seventh stree ts, cau -e a ridcwalk tob* ■jiair d in front of their respective lota, wi h goo.

hemlock plank throe inehei thick, where nece*sary» i hin five days, and if not done wLhiii that tim

then the S.reet Commission r cause the same to bt done, expense not to exceed $200, and r* jx»rt.

Adop'ed.That tho owner or owners of the land fronting on

the ea<t side of Fourteenth • reet, betwetn J*ree.« st-eet aud a j*oint *• idway lietween Jersey andN ortl s trict", cause a sidewalk to be repai ied in trou t of h- ir lota, with good beulocx plank tbret lichee thick, where necessary, within five days, aud

if no don withi ■ tha t tim e, then thc S treet Coin 'mio-'Cr cause the some to be d ne. e\*,enso not tc

exceeii $50, and rejiort. adopted.T at the >tree t Commissioner causo* *ix-to >t close

cro swalk to 1* const ucted acroex Tujiper street,on ho w«st side of Kllico t street, expenao not to * x- ; id #20<>, and repo t, aud Advertise for p 'o p "t*als od c >ntr ct * 1th lowest bidder, and City Surveyor uruiah quantities.

Adojited.Th .1 the Street Commissioner cause a six-foot close

irorawalk to be constructed acrora Tupper atreet, o. eart side of E lieutt atreet, exjiense not to exooe* $200, a id reoort, and advertise for propoml* and contract with lowest b.dder, a_d City Surveyor Hir­

sh quantities.Auoptod.T.*at the Street Commissioner cause a Hasping

stone six foot o <»•# crosswalk to be ret aired a rosa lan street, on south side of South Dtvlsiou street xp u-e not to exce d $200, and rejiort, and tbe Chy

Surveyo furnLih quantiti.s.A d op te d .That thd S treet Commissioner cauae a fl >g ing

stone six fe t cU ae c* sswa k to lie repair d aero*- Louiiiaua stree t on south sids ef Feneca t r t , ex­pense not io exce d $>00, . nd rejiort, and tb e City

urwyrar furnish qua* title**.Adopted.H ia . the Street Commiaaioner cause a stone crosa-

wa.k to bo ron-tructed aero a Scuit tree on the vert ai e of Mic igau stre* t , and advertise and cou- ract with lowest bidders, exjiense not to exceed $2o0,

m d rajm rt, and tbe City fcurvey-r furbish quantities adojited.That he S reet Commissioner cauae a plauk cross­

walk to bo cons ruct d a tom Tupper stree t on ea t ilde of Oak r t r e . t , expense nu t to txcced (25, aud rejnirt

AdopteilThat the Street Commissioner cause a plank crow* alk to bv coustructed a ro • Hickory btreet on south

ide of G n *se stre t , exjiense no t to exceed $20 and r- po t.

Adop>edT hat t e Btreet Commission'r cau«c a jilank cross­

walk to be constructed across Cottage at r e . t , on tbe westerly side of Maryland atreet, expense not to exc ed $30, and report.

Adopted.1 hat the Btreet Commissioner cause a plank croae-

walk t • bs repaired acroaa tb e westerly half of Mary-lon on the aiu tberly a de of Cottage atreet, expense uot to exceed $5, and rejioit.

Adopted.Tuat the S treet Commissioner cause a p 'ank crosa-

walk to be constructed acrora T upp ir stroet, on tne west a de of Oak street, expense *.ot to exceed $25, an i report.

Adopted.Aid. NtW M AN moved th a t when th# Council ad

J urn all resolution* remaining on the Clerk’* be. bv him , reierred to a p p r. priate committeee.

C arted .'ih e fol owing resolutions were offered by

mou« consent:By Aid. ALLEN—Th»at 'h e Street Commissioiier cau e both ends of

the Klk Stroet Market to be r*.j>air*d with flat gut- teni, a t an exjiense no t to exceed *150 for each and rejiort the expenra.

Adopted.By Aid BAIN—That th? 8 re s t C *mm'H-ioner cause the culvert

across Lemon street, on the north a-de of Cherry street, to be filled on both rides, a t an expense not to .-xceed $30 aod reporr.

Adopted.By Aid. PIERCE—Tli *t a apec al e >mm:ttee of three m eu b e 's of thia

Council bs apjxrinted by the F esldent to deal, t- e places to r hold ng the • oils In tne van us el c- tion districts of the city a t the ensuing geneial elvo-

M ev Y srh a a d RaM

. . . L lf lP M . . 7.4* t M

............................................. 10.46 A M............................................. I t J l P I I


................................. 7.$$ A Mre MaU....... 7 M A M............................. I M P M................................ 4.1$ P Mdat ion........ 6.40 P M............................... 11 x5 P M

only train).. LAtf P MARRIV E

Vew York P ay Express ........................................... m j A M*#w lo c k Mail................................................ fl ;7 A Mioroet .rvllie Aocoauaodat >oa................... E 50A MSew York Nignt Express.................................... 12.10 P M•ew York and B aiL uore Ex pi era ................. l$ 7 F 11iia u ra and Corning Man ....................................... E$7 F 11LAKE SHORE A MICHIGAN SOUTHERN L IN E

LEAVEdornlug Etprera............................................ $.$0A Mi bruugh Train to Chicago (Sunday in .

d u d e d j..‘Iris An- omm odatioa----

igiit Express...............................Jay clx,>re*s, Sunday..................nsam boat Express.....................


*acific Express........>ay Kxpresa..............Tmcinnau Express..

e a i SWa

IE 16 F M 4.00 F M. . . . 8 « 0 P M

12.20 AM IE 16 A M 8 *0 P M

. . . 4.20 AM 10.40 A M E10 P M. . . . 6 0 6 P M

. 10.46 P M


•foruiug Express _Jay E x p re * ...............vouonuaodation........•fight Express.............

ight Exjirena.-----Jay Kxpresa................

. 7.00 AM 12 *0 P M 6 0 0 P M

. 9.00 P M

6.20 A M . 12.10 P M

EOs P M K lv P M


•ay E x p m * ..............ic« urnmodation----iteamboat E xjiress..

Yaina arrive a t.

. . . 11.20 K M

. . . A lb P M

. . . 0.45 P M

. . . 7 45 AM

. . . 10 00 A M

. . . L10 P M

. . . 7.45 P M

ERIE AND N IAG ANA BAILWAY.The ferry steamer “ I<anhoe" 'eaves her dock foot

if Main S t.,a t j A. M. and i 40 P. M , Buffalo tim e, u rF o it Erie, with trains to r Niagara •’ails, Toronto and the West. Returns a t 1 P. M. uid 7.45 P. M.

BUFFALO & WASHINGTON RAILWAY.'Vain leaves Central Depot......................... 10 00 V MCrain lea .es Central D epot.......................... 6.00 P M

ud; blood m asra Ura budy. If b» pm .-, lim M r it hm U h,. . . i t . ,

~ r~ i f i Iw p a ilf - --


B T A u K S .[Depart from and arrive a t Franklin House, oomei

4 seneca and t l iie o tt sires is. |LKAVK.

pringville.............................................$hit« s Corners and Buaion..............V uiiaimsvillc aud Claren*«................

ARRIV EVhite’s Cornora and Dostou.............pnngvi.le ................... ..........................'tii-am av'iie and Clarence ...........

2.01 P y t . HO P M 2.45 P h

19.30 A M 10 SO A A. lO.Ou A JU

M U P F I l t .

C N I O N S T E A M B -A T C O M P A N Y .F . r Cleveland Detroit,

•* lwaukee o a l Chicago. The

TOLFDO,H. A. 8I8SON .................................................captaui,

Will eave the Compauy’s i>oc-, foot of Main rtreev o rth # j-orta named above,TUESDAY, Sept. 2fl'h. *t a* Ten o’clock t M

Fr* ight receive1 up to 7 P. M. Apj>ly a t the Coni- >y’a othce. No. 1 Main Mt.

______________________ h E T I I f'A LD W E'L . * g r n t .

. A U E E A L O , M I L W A L K E E A N L> c l l lI J cairo Lin<- For De roit,•filwaukee, Chicago aud In ter­mediate Ports.

Tue fast low pressure jesaeu-J {er s.earner

FOUNTAIN CITY.OEO. PERKINH........................................Maa'er,

4ul irave the t ompaiiy’a D*-cW f Hit f M ichigan-t., •n TUBS -AY EVENING, Sept SB at 8 o'clock

Th Fountain Citv ii the t« -e .t and most msgaif- cent Para n .e r su am er on t r a m

SHELDON ' K *.iE, SDi'aging A ren:, Office foot of Michigan itreet.

Ii. K. JEROME, Passenger Agent.

y i T E S T E I t N T R A N S P O R T A T I O N C O .I ? People’s L 'ne Meem-

r*. For Detroit, Mil "reuki .'hicago and Interm ediate . ort-'

The xjdotid *1 low jiressv

fATE,BADGERWM. DTCKHuN.....................................Master

will leave tho '.om ja 'i Dock, foot of W *-hin/to» tree .,o u TUESDAY AFTERNOON,Sept 28th, a t 8 •’d o k.

F r fre i /h t o r paraags apply at the oflloe of *h A'ostem Tr* s.m rtsuou Comjiauy, Krie Basin, o loot oi Washington street.

JOHN 4LLEN, J r . , Preeident.R. M. CHOATE, T eaet Agent.

r o o to l W a'hington st., Buffalo

U N I O N S T E A M B O A T C O M P A N Y .►or dev*land . Detroit.

Ctu a«ro, Milwaukee and inter- ur-lia’e |*orta The aplen rid'.•tisenger tU im er |__

ST. LOU IB.JAMES PRATT.............................................. Master.

Will leave th e comjiany's dock, foot of Mai i street, r the above p'-’ te, on REDNahDAV EVENING

Sept. 29tb, a t 8 o’* lock P. M.For fre>ght or passage apply a t thc Company**

office, No. 1 Main st____________________8ETH CALDWELL, Agent.

T T N 1 0 N S T E A M B O A T C O M P A N Y .For Lake Bupenor Tbe

riegant pwascngtip a c if ic

eo. KKLLY................Mieterl_______________*111 leave Buffalo,Ti’EBDAY,espt. go. a t flo'cloci P M., fo rS au lt Bt. Marie, M arquette, aud Portag- Lake, calling a t Cleveland and D« iruit.

Freight received fo r aoove porta a t foot of M*i> •treet.

The steam er’ARCTIC,

J . E. TURNER........................................ Master,Kqual iu r- te , capa* ity and accommodati -ns, wii leave os above, on TUKSDa Y, Oct. 5, lo r same da tiuation

These steamers are nearly new have elegsint cai uu . and are furnished with special reference to tb «oc mmodation of pas6eimrera and nave also amp: room tor freight, and will oo .stitu te during the *«• m n oi 18t», a n-w and mdeoendeni Lake Hujiern Line, leuvlog Buffalo regularly everv Tuesdxv at i ■*. M , and • lereiand every Wednewlav a t a P M.

For freight or jxxirage apply a t Uie Company’s doe, No. 1 Main street, Buffalo,


« » * * $ * $ f i | v « l | | v


Remove all (rora lb* ayetara which nature needs nr kmger. The wooden u cures effected by Braadeib P J t h a n m t —ted th a attention of enlightened phy*-

U p « a id ' of fire thousand a n r ura them lx th e ir d a l.r practic-, and tw j hundred h a re g vet. th e ir w ritten testimony oe to th e ir lanoom oe an* value, a« cieanaers of th e bowels aad blend Tfcai U .to d v a lu Is to those living In se t lementa wher du cto n can only be had a t g reat expense. P a r if you are ai A , you hav# only to *aka on# or more doses BrandctL’e Pills to get eu.od. Pull directions a. t with each box.

Bo d by ail Dn»gg:rt».___________________________ dl

Conroe? a * R uss, oa u .i a s A oosr —Dr. T* bisff ort.b raisd Venetian U n m a t , whom a o w h fu cures, sure and iuatantaaeoas act.on, la craw o Chronic R Somalia® , He .d^rbe, Toothache, Croup Oata, Burns, Co ic, Ciampa, Dysentery, etc ., hare -toniahsd th a civ llrad world.D no new catch-pranr '•ut an article th a t b ra aioud the test of twenty-twi 1®**- The enormous -ale an J rapidly increasing d« mand is a t oooe th* aurert srM sooe of i u usefulncw and popularity. Nu family should be without a bob Ue In the h -uae. H undred’ of dollars aod manj hour* of suffering may b« raved by i t . timely use.

Colic, Orarap, and Dyrantery yield a t once to it pain-cn aUv* propertiea. I t la perfectly inn cent, aud con be given to th* oldest person or vourg » ch Id. S o m at er If you have no conflde-jce ti Patent M dictnee—try this, and you wd. be sure u buy again, and roo*>nunend to yo r friend*. Hunu reds of Phyriciaos reeoaimsod it in th e ir p actk*.

Sold by D ruggisu and fiterokseperx. Price, & enta an 1 $L Do o t, lu Park flaoe. N Y . da*

P u r a c r Mxxhoud —Easaya for Young Mea, or the evil* of Seli-enervation.. with oe t*in he p fo toe erring a n i unforiuuate. Sent in sealed le tt r en. •lupea, free of cba ge. Address, HOWARD AB

BOCIVIION, Box P ., Ph Isdelph a, Pa.

Ku p thk Boct i>- Good P B r* ia . '- I t is much *asi- lo k*ep the system in good condition than to rert r It to iha t condition wheu shattered by d aeaee. Tbe

II© _ »e of Life," 1 ke other bouses, sho Id be prompt ly jtropjH*. up and sustained whenever it show . any sign of giving away. Tiie first symptom of f>h aica debil ty should be tak« n a i a h n t th a t a atim u 'an t i equ ire i, the next question is, “ What shall tho »t m-

ulant beT*A wholesome vegetable tonic, the stim ulating jwop

ertics of srhkh are mod fi d by the Julco* and ex tracts of anti- e irilo and laxative ro its and herb— ■on etb ng - hich will regula e, ■ *o*be and purify, a-

ell as invigorate—ia th e medicine r* qm r d by th debi itated. There ore many preparations which ar claimed to be of th 's deecr ption, b a t


the great vegetable preventive and iw to ra tr e t »' has won i a way to the confidence of tbe jmblic one the m dical profee ion r y a q u u te r of a ceutu*y o oQvaryins success, tanda pre- roineut among then all. To expatiate ou ita fiopolarity would be to re* peat a twico-tolri tal v I t la only neceraary to con ul tbe r.cord • of t # United t-tea Rev nu« Dejwrt a e n t to learn tf a t ita eoaram ption Is greater th .i th a t of any ojber propri«t*ry remedy of either nativ. or loreig origin.

Aa a mea- a of au 'taining tbe health and strengtl -d e r a fiery tem pera ure, the Bitter* have a par. -

m ount r'a im to c n IdereUon. I t has t e effect o Dying and bracing th« nerm us aud museular aja-

tema a alust the ord.nary eon equen ra of Rudder, and violent chanze* of tem perature, and ia theraf. re j»ecalia »y useful a t th is season, w 'e u ho t aunriii t by d ▼, and iee-o>rid dew* by night, al’em tely bea and chill the b.ood of thoae who are expcaed to tnem.


are arid in bottlra only. To avoid being deceived br count rt-ita , see th a t tbe name of tbe artiri laonth* label, and embosred on tna g oa< of the bot.Ka, oao o ur revenue st tnp over tb s cork.

Thb N a tio n a l T rc b t Cumpajtt, oi tn e city of Ne* o rk , 330 bread way. Capital ONE MILLION DO*

•ARR. Chartered by the Mate. Dartre R. M alian riant. Jam re Merrill, Bseretary. Rsortvra d.

•oaita and allows Four Par Gant, la tsraa t o a all Md* •alanom, subject to check a t aight. Special Dspoen o r six months or m ere may bs m ads a t fire p* en t. The atp ital of One million Dollars la divide rtuong over flve hundred shareholders, comprwii, aany gentlranen of large wealth and tln*»u-i^ e i •srience, who are alao personally liable to depo* ore for all obligations of the Company to doubt be am ount of tb e ir capital stock. As th e Nation Tret Oompany receives deposits in large o r am* •mounts, and permits them to be drawn as a whoi »r in p a rt by cheek a t sight and without nolle* tllowlng in terest on all daily >*1. 1*-^.^ parti* h rooguout the country can keep aooounta In th

1 n u ta tio n with apeuiel advantages of security co r *uienoe and proflt. ?

a A M I F A C T I K K N .

i 8 W e © .

’ f T V


BASE J3URNERE v e r M a d e .

B A S E H E A T E R , A S W E L L A S

B A S E B U R N E R .



ROOMS.Save your coal and save your money, by buying


271 Main ’ treet.

O K X U O L X A I S T O K E .

' he Great (jnestion'of the Day:





1 1 . 0 0 S T O R E

dirscrion of th s $ upsrin ts tdsak I That th s S treet Commissi®

A dopted.The President appointed Aid. ftarmichael. Pierce

and S hseh.n as such com nit' ■■ COST IS LED Dl OCX HUT.

D c iC H B l Dsad Shot for Bed-Bugs.

Dotcher’s Lightning F ly Killer.

| j 4 8 4d bv rug Irt* -T-rywh-rs-


HTAGES AT ANG FROM BUFFALO.|On ali roads, except th s Lake hbore, tra ire arrive

md leav* on New York tim e, twenty minute* tastes na/i Buffalo tim e.) •


laffalo Express.............................................. 6.00 A MAccommodation.............................................. 6.16 A *

. 7 40 A M2.60 P M6.13 P M 0.46 P M

11.20 P M *.10 P M

Atlantic K sp re a (sleeping car).........4 11 and A ccom m odation ...................

(aiaepag car).............'right’ 1 oc ta l

fionday TrainAKKIVK.

4ew York Exjirera.....................ftochrater Acouni ov* wiaiiran____T ig h t Kxprwra.............................Pacifl’- Exprem


. 12.16 A H . 10H6AM . KaO A M . 1100 PM

6.45 P M 6.40 P M


LswMt» and Toronto Exjw r a -----Toronto and '■etroit Expr-ra...........

and Lockp -r t......................Lackport ana Wgy (beyond)..........

ARRITR. fr a ra NWgara Faih, boo. sir rags.

9.00 A M 11 2" A M A l i P M $.46 F M 4-M A M 4.10 P M

Baxenreon’a H i t t D n .—T h u splendid hair Dy- is th e bast In th e world ; th e only true n p rtec Dye; barm!era, reliable. Instantaneous; no dim* S>.raiment; no rsdlculore tin ts ; remsdlra th e I etfresta of bad dyes; invigorates and laares tb s Hai *>ft and bsautiful black or brown. Sold by al •jmrgiota and Port amare, and properly appLcd a’ ne Wig F ictorv. 10 Bond atreet, W T________do"

W otM of Wi«d«n for Yoong Men on th e R Un. Passion in T ooth and Early Manhood, with self bsij fur the erring and unfortunate. Bawt in seriod let te r ea rs lopes, free of charge. Address “ Uow-arc Association,’* Box F . PhtladehvMa. Px_______

THE PEERLE88.The Great Presaiam (Ook Store o f the World,

taking the Lead. Orer 14,000 no d du rinc the La*.i Ve*i E L E V E N D IF F t K E N T o IZ E S .

ad ren tra ra of th b S tore o re ra li ••bare are th r follow ing. h>v*rJr 4^JUA TRM FoR aTuR E b maln ta ln .d iu al* a a n t j ilia oven, so th a t no artlclw. w b '• bhktow or, x ^ r r e s r* s to re chra^ad or .urtied ’ *

1*1 ( W t w t H w J f i L inquired, b a ir r one-third lera than auy f th a r Store.4th. A r tk ^ f i r a T1LATION OF THK 0 \ • N a cwrrst-tnf be*t d a ir i**> ainK c n t*> t y h r 0 * 1 2 .

" » *h* « u " d V T 'T L ' i i L ’ s X : “ ““ u "ion UK a * . m b , m a n . M . n a . # ■ * an t u p*rfceUj m in a tin U tdM a *«■

J g ’ a t A I W K g A b y J . ln T H b r r H I 3 l tln-y a ia R»»Asl),D.—■— . . — .. “ .Li t 1 I ,h a a d « a* iba ,acj i^atquail.jr of In s . and la UEAVlCit than any

° “ 4T r t* 0 T r o r DIBIGK and SMOOTHMBa OF 1-A8T1X0S. In tbaaa r* n » c t. it haa n..

-a .d -d U.7 fr a ? r ? S u ^ I t C * r I rr5 ,S L *1 " * “ “ AT FAM8 U K »IT IO ». It baa a'ao baaa.

t n s k x i n .*

SHAW, FERRIS A CO., 446 Main St.



IMPROVED FIRE BOX AND LARGE A>H HEARTH AND HEAVY CASTINGS, m a tin , lha LEGlSLATttR, a t lh ita au,antac«a ni HnmaMon ui act ure,






Q -r e a t C l o t h e s I’W r i x i ^ e r - D e p o t .W o o d e n W a r e . i T i n W a r e .

Jr l a t e d . W n r e , T a b l e C u t l e r y , A - c . . A o


F A M I L Y s r P l ’ L I E * .


' - U ’ l u i ' H S i H D i S I * « i .



Improvements in Fruit Jars

c “u ac S O


The ca»» of 8. B. R**wlry, ap|*e(I \n t, vs. J. L. ^ on, wpjx 11- e in w-> jcb lar^e m tcre-t were involved

1 .a bee** fl> ally d cided by Juri. «* F aber, 01 t i * ni eo Mt *tee “ up m n e Court, D. C in lavor <*f h.

8 > owley Moran nhe ija id A bow on >f Fbii"- le phis, to r bowl y , and •. II. 8 L a r be, baq., < f ial i'i o e, and Iu b ,* . Fenwick k Lawrwico, «•? 4 ariiirigton D. C , f o r M-*kU".

Mwnu a tuiern and Do* ers, in terest'd In this au - Ject, can obtain u nn ed o* pie- of Judge FisherV d rj i n AOAlN"T J L. M**on and IN FA v o lt *.f 1. B. R wle>, by ajtplying tra S. I'-. Rowley, 500 M^r ket »t est, .d jthiw.

NO ICE.— lu Buyers and Uscre of F ru it J a n . rt*wmre of w r ngt I and inf* n o r im itaiionaoi tnj ‘M E«0" .n d “ t.EM " Jars. I have al*»ady b>ought u t for lnfrlng* m n t of the patcnta owned b* n-v igwin t certain p rtira rnaki* g aim vending *.■• n»,n arx xnown aa th e • ‘•T R ." * F mANWL, S I ' l j ri£R " “ D U ! < ’ and •• **A O ' ’8 1MPR> *VF. •' Cara, »h* ram* being vi .ationa of mv patent*, and I •vill o* ntlnua to n o ecu e to tn e lull ex t n t of sI* - aw. any and all lu r t • a who ma b> MAN FA' - TURK, or 18K infringe u on any uf uv patent ..

~ H. ROWLEY. 609 Market nt ,



Th* most extenriv# stock ia ih* rity a t wbclrawla price*. All the new styles ofASTRAKHAN, AN OORT A,



ROYAL ERMTNE And an im m m w oaaortment of cheap Pure. Arctic White Fox, Wolf, Beaver and Buffalo H -hra. Buyeni and Shlppore of Raw Furs. L. A AIRRKT, ___________________________________t i Miln at.

May 27. Prdli 'clphix, Ta.

B.—Pesole buying and using the "Im proved ion" “ Franklin • • e t te r " e\*er," and * b tor

Jars, for keepi--* fru t , are also liable for Infringe.

Y05 Main Street• a**.*, jom can find a large iraortm ent of useful ard aam rnta] a* tid es , w hlcn are to be ?old for one dol­or each, o r Number Articles.

IN IT IA L STA TIO N ERY,H Superior Freach Paper, writh Envelopes to matab •tamped with any Initial for $1 a box.

TO ILET SOAP AND PER FU M ER Y ,di great variety.

CHROMO AND O IL"PAINTING8.(n Block .W alnut and Gdt^Frwm-w.

FA N C Y GOODS,K'/ull aaaortment alsratw on hand.*

S IL V E R PLA TED W ARE,Tasters, Sugar Bowls, Or ame y , 8jwou Hoi dare, B y uo Pitcnere, Soup IraOea, Ssta of Porxa, Tea tipoona, Jeraert Hpoona, Table Spoons, et*'.

G LA SS W ARE,•eta consisting of Sugar Creamer, Fpoon Hold® la t te r ' tab and pair Ba'ta, fi Gobteta, large Prseer v >ish, with 12 raoall one* te m atch; large gteha Krao woe Lamp, and o ther a rb d ra la gl«m ware.,

BOHEMIAN G L A 88 W A RE.iuby and . Cut Cologne, W ater andJTeiiat .fiuttleo, Vaaeo, Ac.

PARlANfGO ODS,Tonaiiting of .Vases, RUtwa— . Busts, Ae.

JE W E L B ,I t wou!-l ba tmprwrtblc to enum erate thia Im ri

oodo. We are oouetant y adding all th e new mmt •wdrable parterna, in Seta, Pina, Blaawa Butb Jhxina, Brouelsta, he., all of th e beet quaH 'y, aad rarak aa well aa solid gr-oda.

FANCY BACK COMBS—InlH orn and In |8 P KTM- >NRAJES-A P trge^rarte ty . lu al w

Calf, Turkey Morocco, fte.liA ift BHCBHKli—Eowvood <u-i > l « l l» •

Backa.C l o t h B K l-SH Ei, CECHB BRU8HE* ■*»!

FaiohTTTL LixtTU>orxxjrni — At la s tth r jieop’u have gut tli** fact “ through their hair," toot tuur d jxrgnated with acetate of lred and o ther m*-ta I salts ore murderous prapareti*>us. W*-m they the m etal'c sedim c t a t tb s brat’ram of the bottlra. they know that the dwgurtmg a off la literxilj thickeoKi w ith potaon. They aak, therefore, for a Barn,Ura Vegetable Dye, and find It pure and efficactoua. in


aflrat’ l under the ranctk® of guarwnu *. :w i lt oonta e


la Uka a charm oo th t M rir riM7.46 A ■ yriag. Try tt.

DRY GOO D*-Handkerehlsfa, H erieiy, EM Tlovrw, Hoop ffkfrta. Oorerta, Towria, Napkin*Dojlea, Ac., ta great rerlsty .

We <xa only givw a partial Hat of the thousands o ar’.tr'ra we offer for rale. All g«*d* man -farturedM thia 00 on try ww p s r tu s

usdou , da via a aurrx.m m o m a w t .

___________ M ED IC A L.

T p i i R I N C O M P A R A B L E R E M E D Y .

T r y I t — t t t e w r F a l l s .JENNPR'S H * IK TONIC AND RF.SrO RA TV E

Thia preparation stops the hair falling *>ut and jtrrautote* a vigraroua growth clean-** the acalp of dandruff, and renders th e hair soft and <W*mv. I t cotitai’ a nn sulphur,*ugor of lead nr oth* or coloring m atter, lieing designed e x r rcraly for itrwugtbeuing tho hair. 60 .-enta and $1 per bottle. Prepared by It. JKNNKK Cbemlrt.

410 Main at.. opposite th a Park.

T H F , S U K F , C U R E .

JENNEK’S COUGH MIXTURE0 re« Coughs, Colds, Hoar one s, and all affectiotM of the Thr at n r Lun^v. Fifty *-ents j*er iiotile.

Sold onlv bvR. JE N N E t, Cbenilot,

(Id M in st., n|'|M>"lte t ' e »’ rk.

Especially dnaignnd for the u*e of tbe Medical Pro raeion an.i t h ' F Uy, j> wr-»l ig th«ee intrin-ic m jim |«rll* a which lielongioaiiO d and I’uru Ota

Indtsjienrible to Famine*. G w d for KI* ney C<m- jdaiuta. A dcHci a" 'onl*\ P u t up in caw a, coO- aiiraug o**e do.* bra-tlet* each, and "raid liy all drug-

g at , grocers,era A M BI »(* '.E ft A cO , twtoh-!• - tri 177e, No. 16 le a v e r ht., No* Y rk.

► or sal’.- hv D R A 'S O d 4 CO. 8 FENCER A BU I VM'-RK. and VVV *«. PF.AHGHY.

[ 'Y E A N D E A R I N F I R M A R Y ,

to -in«; -ul «f.HTw mII v* outside shoulders for th e rub* ere to reet upon thereby av.) ding Ita com iu/ In contact wth the f r u i t Rasy to Heal! Ka y to Open :

For aale to tb e Trade by

S. B. ROWLEY,8 0 9 M a r k e t h t . , P lt l la t r is lp la a ® .

Those Jar* are aoM by Dealer* «n B ffs'o. T Tfa*


X m e w e r ,la tha beat article ever known to


o ita original youthfu’ color. I t wri’l prevent, the hair frera to Hag out; m -kra tb s Ir amo Aa and glra y, ai.d dam M t stain th a akin as o hare.

Our treatise on th a Hair emit free by mail.E P. BALL ACo., N ashua,N . H ., Proprietors

F o rt


J ^ E W P A P E R H A N G IN G -!




cwffkd to my Defloration De- partire nt, aad rin* Parlor Pajwr*. auperiutcndsd by


Formerly WlutefA Hwrirj

Ooontrv Merehanta ■uppllad a t New York cH>

rW~ M U. BIKGK.flB M*»e rtreet.

r a a n a i T . n c i D u o n > u t m a n a u r am * * a H IM TO 0OD8X


CONSULTATION FREE.Offic*, South Division, between Mata and Washing

ton sta.. Buffalo, N. Y.F. O. STANLEY, M. D.,

Of tb e Ophthalmic lloxpita]. New V rk, MWF P ..rra w U. 8. A.

^ Y E R ’S


The refutation th is «X- crll- n t mud cin > *nj -y-.le derive** fr**m •»• e N s, m m y m «h :ch or- tn ly marvtllrana I n vet-ra ecaras of Hcrofuiou. die- e*ee« v b rr the i>(tara •refn- d toturx *-d with 00rru ' tlo , have beam p rifled au I cured b-. lt. ficrufulou’ off cti n - and di » h k n , wn h were* ag- grav tod by tbe aer fukms contaminatlo'* until they

were pa>n udy afflictirg, hav .«n radicaJI curedfia •u h v t a t i iU B 'en i almost cv«*y section”! tha cou try te a t th e public (jaicely need to be of IU v rtuea or uara.

Hcrutol ue poiaon ia on# of the moat destructive sns» tea of our roes. * fteo. th i. lu n s o ra d « * t l t u-noot of t h ' o rg a n i- t nudertui'- » the w artliutkiB and I vl**** the ttack -4 et.f i g *w fatal d« e—ra witnout exc tlo a »ui id *. ot ita prera. ee. Again> I re- me 1 o breed mtrction throu. h u t ih* h d.* ,aad then on aome fvra.a*-!# >*ecraion -aj’.dly ucvelnp 1 to one or o ther <-f ita hideous fo*nvt. tKh« e ce tha aur- tacs o r a>o ng the t i t 1 . In tb s ia te r, tu 'w rej s ma* ba as denlv depo I ad Hi th e lu gs ot heart, o r tumoie formed in toe liver or itahowa v* pre-vac* y eraptioh* on he akin < r foul ul er- tlona on aome

part < / the body Hence th e occa* oual use of n b to tie of thia 8ars*par IU ia ad« —hie, • vo . *b . no active ■yu-pLratua ol di-ca e apps r. Psreona aflRri> d th s fi-Uow n comptainta «enera<l> Bud imraad l- ate re le f, and a t I ngtb core, by th u e ot Q.U HA HA**ARlLLA 8 Anthony # Fire, Horn .or

ryotpelaa, Te te , 8a .t Kbeum. deald Ha *, Rflng- w. no 8 >r Eye*, nd other erujXlooe rv'riU efe$fira ■ 4 Hcrofuloua dtaea-c. olao, u* tbe more tone osd f rat-, os Dya epoia. Dr. n-y. H eart IH -a ra , Fite, EpUspsy, >«• ra l.i -, and th e vr-* “e* ..a of the n a « - i« r and aervo a s.

HyphUi’ or Venereal aad h a e .riaJ Dl e <rar Wi 7 i t , thong** a leng tim e to r quired fo a b- dninr tham o itia< te a*, lad tea by a y med etas. B ut leng c Nth wad a v of b h m- • ict do wil eure tb s • ■fflrinK Leu ecvtsM o r W hites, Uteri* a UlceiaHot® n i frm la lH w aa* are com® nf- a on r I e r .d and u tt m atel eared by Ha purifying *r.d In- rig raring .f lre t Minute direct*ra s far sack — a can In tound m au r Aiteaarigtelppllsd fo t ia . Rbeu-

O e t , when r i r i r i h- a r— n aria— of ‘ Id qwtcMy te It,

Uv- r Co—pi Va Co-*- H i m orl-ffx a re Man ot th a I • hen ariwIn r, — they m t— do, the Meed. Tt la 9AB Ier te a ta—g h a n d rig o r ef ' who ara aagwid -od U -t'e t aad t t —tei— e l k Na n — o r auy uf >hs w l l t e d l M era t ora tive power

ru n ia avD R . J. C. A Y F R & C O .

l o w s l l . i

Piwetacal and Aaaljt*—1 Cte

fteM AfoR. litfffiK ri ov»>*l«