housingcost avoterissue - territorystories.nt.gov.au fileple smuggling is not written inindonesian....

www.ntnews.com.au Thursday, July 25, 2013. NT NEWS. 13 PUB: NT NE- WS- DA TE: 25-J GE: 13 C LO- R: C M Y K I welcome genuine refugees and more should be done for genuine refugees but economic refugees are cheating the system for all. — AF of HS ON SEX DISCRIMINATION FINDINGS AT ADFA Designed to protect wom- en? What is designed then to protect males from sexual harassment? D.R.I. of Syd- ney Suburbs This has always been a joke. You want people who are prepared to take life, en- dure horrors and if necessary die for Australia’s sometimes bizarre foreign policy, yet you want them to be PC. The nor- mal mind rebels at this ‘‘hav- ing your cake and eating it too’’ unrealistic idealism. Greg of Karama The type of person that commits these offences is not going to pay any attention whatsoever to a couple of lectures. But the Defence Department can now tick that box to say that they are addressing the problem. Bob of Gunn ON ASYLUM POLICY PROTEST I’m also cranky as hell about the ‘‘PNG solution’’ — not because it’s inhumane but because it’s an astronomical waste of money that will ac- hieve absolutely nothing at best and involve us in another dangerous international in- tervention at worst. Kadad- jingera of forty years in the NT That’s fixed half the prob- lem as far as them not being in Australia! But Rudd is still using our tax dollars and from what I hear it is millions more than before — and how long will it continue to cost Austra- lia? Our hospitals are still holding raffles to raise funds to buy much needed equip- ment. I can’t for the life of me get my head around this. Wilbur of Darwin ‘‘Backdoor/front door’’. Where are they in relation to undocumented, stateless people? People without em- bassies from which to apply through these ‘‘doors’’? As far as fear of evil people goes, they’re well and truly within our borders — concocting their evil policies to persecute and abandon victims of terror, persecution and genocide — they’re the Australian bigots playing out their power games at the expense of traumatised victims. Javara of Darwin Fifty people is all that don’t support this Rudd decision. I am not a Labor voter but I support Rudd on this. By the way, I think the Nauru centre should not be rebuilt either. The money should be spent on the Australians who paid the taxes! Outback Aca- demic of Alice Springs For the record, I’m working two jobs, 60 hours a week (how many hours do you work, BKH? FNR?). I re- arranged my schedule to at- tend this protest because I am that disgusted at politic- ians who are content to whip up nascent racist tendencies and play games with real lives in order to corral voters for the coming election. Labor is offering different personalit- ies but the same liberal poli- cies, so I’ll be putting them last when I vote this year. Larry of Darwin Speak Up: DO YOU think Darwin aldermen should participate in compulsory drug tests affecting council staff? YES I reckon they should all be tested. If they are saying they don’t want to be drug tested then they have something to hide. KIM GODWIN, Rosebery YES Everyone in the same organisation should be tested. The guys that are out on the job interact with the public as do the administration staff. JOHN HOLLOWAY, Darwin City YES If they are going to test staff then they should be prepared to do it themselves. ALLEN MEREDITH, Howard Springs YES They should be tested. There are many important things coming up here in the Northern Territory. AJAK AJAK, Fannie Bay YES Everyone in that kind of position should be drug tested. MEREDITH HAEREWA, Moil 0428 NTNEWS (686 397) txt the editor Re: council handing out fines for posters. Posters add character and vibrancy to our city and are a simple and cheap way to get the message of entertainment out to locals and tourists alike. ON ASYLUM SEEKERS If an asylum seeker had $18k to spare they would pay 4 a plane ticket. It’s amazing how quickly the average Aus- sie moron swallows our govt’s lies. Oh, that’s right, we’re the ‘‘good’’ guys, our govt wouldn’t lie. Wake up. Matt, Palmo They said they would burn Nauru and they did. They will burn it again and they will burn Manus. John, Bayview The government message to those associated with peo- ple smuggling is not written in Indonesian. With the change in asylum seeker policy rent a crowd is back in full force in Darwin. Poochy, Virginia Re: refugees. How about housing homeless/low in- come etc in detention cen- tres, with security/support staff? Worth a Try ON OTHER THINGS What a shame some people couldn’t simply enjoy the cheap costume hire from the Winnellie op shop enabling families an affordable night out. Those of you who give false contact details or simply don’t return the cos- tumes have spoiled it for everyone else. To King Roman: re Bottom Line. You’re right. Let’s lock all the drunks up in our prisons, which are already bursting at the seams, instead of treating and educating ‘‘them’’. After all it worked so well before. PH supporter, no explanation required. Lowly Commoner of Homeless . . . Again A worker on a mine site is told they have a DUTY OF CARE 2 look after work mates by reporting any workplace hazards. Yet someone is let loose back on the streets with so many conditions. Does this make them a safe person? Where is the DUTY OF CARE from the NT Supreme Court? Barmy of Pine Creek Every morning I wake hop- ing against hope to learn that an election had been called. Every morning I realise my dream is still an illusion, not yet realised. But that an- nouncement is coming and our wait grows shorter by the day. Living for Politics Congrats for the story on on the Facebook page. Some real hard-hitting, investigat- ive journalism right there. I heard MP Gunner say Lar- isa Lee’s never bought fuel in her electorate! He clearly doesn’t know the Northern Territory! There’s nowhere to buy fuel in Larisa MP’s elec- torate! Silly man! Larisa’s Constituent Movie-length hybrids of The Kardashians? P-Lease. One can only pray Academy members are not reality TV junkies. RU Serious, Darwin How amusing to read Kris Keogh’s ‘‘wish list’’. I applaud his aims and ideals, but like all good lefties, he had no cost- ings. They just don’t get it, do they? GC, Jingili Hey girls, I’ve opened a kissing booth at the show. Pucker up! Reg, Bakewell Letters LETTER OF THE DAY Housing cost a voter issue MAKE housing affordability an election issue. It’s not acceptable that in a wealthy country like Austra- lia, one in 10 households are in housing stress and famil- ies are increasingly staying in rent due to difficulty affording a home. With median rents and house prices increasing fas- ter than incomes and in this election year, NT Shelter be- lieves it is important that our elected representatives know that housing and living costs will play a part in how people will vote. As reported in the NT News on July 15, housing af- fordability was ranked as the most important issue in a re- cent Auspoll survey. In the Solomon electorate, 15 per cent of renters and 9 per cent of mortgagees are considered to be in housing stress. In Lingiari, it’s 7 per cent of renters and 10 per cent of mortgagees. The NT also has 17 times the national rate of homelessness. Housing affordability is therefore affecting a lot of Territorians renters, home owners, parents, the whole community — right now and into the future. We believe that the closer the election draws, the more attention members of Parlia- ment and hopeful candidates need to pay to their com- munities and to voters in their electorates, and that we all need to be raising this as an issue for their attention. Toni Vine, Bromley Children’s ward patients — including Alyssia Moloney, 2, from the Douglas Daly — at Royal Darwin Hospital couldn’t make it to the Royal Darwin Show, so the fun of the show kindly came to them on Tuesday Picture: KATRINA BRIDGEFORD PICK OF THE PICS

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Page 1: Housingcost avoterissue - territorystories.nt.gov.au fileple smuggling is not written inIndonesian. Withthechangeinasylum seeker policy rent a crowd is back in full force in Darwin

www.ntnews.com.au Thursday, July 25, 2013. NT NEWS. 13




I welcome genuine refugees andmore should be done for genuine refugees but economic refugees arecheating the system for all. —AF ofHS

ONSEXDISCRIMINATIONFINDINGSATADFAn Designed to protect wom-en? What is designed then toprotect males from sexualharassment? D.R.I. of Syd-ney Suburbs

n This has always been ajoke. You want people whoare prepared to take life, en-dure horrors and if necessarydie for Australia’s sometimesbizarre foreign policy, yet youwant them to be PC. The nor-mal mind rebels at this ‘‘hav-ing your cake and eating ittoo’’ unrealistic idealism.Greg of Karama

n The type of person thatcommits these offences is notgoing to pay any attentionwhatsoever to a couple oflectures. But the DefenceDepartment can now tickthat box to say that they areaddressing the problem. Bobof Gunn

ONASYLUMPOLICYPROTESTn I’m also cranky as hellabout the ‘‘PNG solution’’ —not because it’s inhumane butbecause it’s an astronomical

waste of money that will ac-hieve absolutely nothing atbest and involve us in anotherdangerous international in-tervention at worst. Kadad-jingera of forty years intheNT

n That’s fixed half the prob-lem as far as them not beingin Australia! But Rudd is stillusing our tax dollars and fromwhat I hear it is millions morethan before — and how longwill it continue to cost Austra-lia? Our hospitals are still

holding raffles to raise fundsto buy much needed equip-ment. I can’t for the life of meget my head around this.Wilbur of Darwin

n ‘‘Backdoor/front door’’.Where are they in relation toundocumented, statelesspeople? People without em-bassies from which to applythrough these ‘‘doors’’? As faras fear of evil people goes,they’re well and truly withinour borders — concocting theirevil policies to persecute and

abandon victims of terror,persecution and genocide —they’re the Australian bigotsplaying out their powergames at the expense oftraumatised victims. Javaraof Darwin

n Fifty people is all that don’tsupport this Rudd decision. Iam not a Labor voter but Isupport Rudd on this. By theway, I think the Nauru centreshould not be rebuilt either.The money should be spenton the Australians who paid

the taxes! Outback Aca-demic of Alice Springs

n For the record, I’m workingtwo jobs, 60 hours a week(how many hours do youwork, BKH? FNR?). I re-arranged my schedule to at-tend this protest because Iam that disgusted at politic-ians who are content to whipup nascent racist tendenciesand play games with real livesin order to corral voters forthe coming election. Labor isoffering different personalit-ies but the same liberal poli-cies, so I’ll be putting themlast when I vote this year.Larry of Darwin

Speak Up: DO YOU think Darwin aldermen should participate in compulsory drug tests affecting council staff?

YES I reckon theyshould all be tested. Ifthey are saying theydon’twant to bedrugtested then theyhavesomething to hide.


YESEveryone in thesameorganisationshould be tested. Theguys that are out onthe job interactwiththe public as do theadministration staff.


YES If they are goingto test staff then theyshould beprepared todo it themselves.


YESThey should betested. There aremanyimportant thingscominguphere in theNorthernTerritory.


YESEveryone in thatkind of position shouldbedrug tested.


0428 NTNEWS (686 397)txt the editorRe: council handing out fines for posters.Posters add character and vibrancy to our cityand are a simple and cheapway to get themessage of entertainment out to locals andtourists alike.

ONASYLUMSEEKERSn If an asylum seeker had$18k to spare they would pay4 a plane ticket. It’s amazinghow quickly the average Aus-sie moron swallows our govt’slies. Oh, that’s right, we’re the‘‘good’’ guys, our govtwouldn’t lie. Wake up. Matt,Palmo

n They said they would burnNauru and they did. They willburn it again and they willburnManus. John, Bayview

n The government messageto those associated with peo-ple smuggling is not writtenin Indonesian.

n With the change in asylumseeker policy rent a crowd isback in full force in Darwin.Poochy, Virginia

n Re: refugees. How abouthousing homeless/low in-come etc in detention cen-tres, with security/supportstaff?Worth a Try

ONOTHERTHINGSn What a shame some peoplecouldn’t simply enjoy thecheap costume hire from theWinnellie op shop enablingfamilies an affordable nightout. Those of you whogive false contact details orsimply don’t return the cos-

tumes have spoiled it foreveryone else.

n To King Roman: re BottomLine. You’re right. Let’s lock allthe drunks up in our prisons,which are already bursting atthe seams, instead of treatingand educating ‘‘them’’. Afterall it worked so well before.PH supporter, no explanationrequired. Lowly CommonerofHomeless . . . Again

n A worker on a mine site istold they have a DUTY OFCARE 2 look after work matesby reporting any workplacehazards. Yet someone is letloose back on the streets withso many conditions. Does thismake them a safe person?Where is the DUTY OF CAREfrom the NT Supreme Court?Barmyof Pine Creek

n Every morning I wake hop-

ing against hope to learn thatan election had been called.Every morning I realise mydream is still an illusion, notyet realised. But that an-nouncement is coming andour wait grows shorter by theday. Living for Politics

n Congrats for the story onon the Facebook page. Somereal hard-hitting, investigat-ive journalism right there.

n I heard MP Gunner say Lar-isa Lee’s never bought fuel inher electorate! He clearlydoesn’t know the NorthernTerritory! There’s nowhere tobuy fuel in Larisa MP’s elec-

torate! Silly man! Larisa’sConstituent

n Movie-length hybrids ofThe Kardashians? P-Lease.One can only pray Academymembers are not realityTV junkies. RU Serious,Darwin

n How amusing to read KrisKeogh’s ‘‘wish list’’. I applaudhis aims and ideals, but like allgood lefties, he had no cost-ings. They just don’t get it, dothey?GC, Jingili

n Hey girls, I’ve opened akissing booth at the show.Pucker up!Reg, Bakewell


Housing costa voter issueMAKE housing affordabilityan election issue.

It’s not acceptable that in awealthy country like Austra-lia, one in 10 households arein housing stress and famil-ies are increasingly stayingin rent due to difficultyaffording a home.

With median rents andhouse prices increasing fas-ter than incomes and in thiselection year, NT Shelter be-lieves it is important that ourelected representatives knowthat housing and living costswill play a part in how peoplewill vote.

As reported in the NT

News on July 15, housing af-fordability was ranked as themost important issue in a re-cent Auspoll survey.

In the Solomon electorate,

15 per cent of renters and9 per cent of mortgagees areconsidered to be in housingstress. In Lingiari, it’s 7 percent of renters and 10 percent of mortgagees. The NTalso has 17 times the nationalrate of homelessness.

Housing affordability istherefore affecting a lot ofTerritorians — renters,home owners, parents, thewhole community — rightnow and into the future.

We believe that the closerthe election draws, the moreattention members of Parlia-ment and hopeful candidatesneed to pay to their com-munities and to voters intheir electorates, and that weall need to be raising this asan issue for their attention.Toni Vine, Bromley

Children’s ward patients — including Alyssia Moloney, 2, from the Douglas Daly — at Royal Darwin Hospital couldn’t makeit to the Royal Darwin Show, so the fun of the show kindly came to them on Tuesday Picture: KATRINA BRIDGEFORD