how atp is synthesized at “energy- coupling” membranes ... · how atp is synthesized at...

How ATP is Synthesized at Energy- CouplingMembranes: Chemiosmotic Coupling Module 0210101: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of the Cell Lecture 13 Dale Sanders 23 February 2009

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Page 1: How ATP is Synthesized at “Energy- Coupling” Membranes ... · How ATP is Synthesized at “Energy-Coupling” Membranes: Chemiosmotic Coupling Module 0210101: Molecular Biology

How ATP is Synthesized at “Energy-Coupling” Membranes:Chemiosmotic Coupling

Module 0210101:

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of the Cell

Lecture 13

Dale Sanders

23 February 2009

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1. the notion that NADH oxidation can be coupled to ATPsynthesis via a transmembrane electrochemical potentialfor protons (or protonmotive force, PMF);

2. how the energy stored in transmembrane solute potentialdifferences and ion potential differences can be quantifiedin terms of kJ/mol or mV;

3. how uncouplers increase the rate of electron transport;

4. that the PMF is used in a wide array of biological systemsto transduce free energy from one form to another.

By the end of the lecture you should understand…

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Voet & Voet (2004) Biochemistry (3rd Ed.) Chapter22 and especially pp. 827-835

As in previous lectures, all the topics today are wellcovered by the standard big biochemistry textbooks. Anexample is

Also useful for a more in-depth treatment is

Nicholls, DG & Ferguson, SJ (2002) Bioenergetics 3pp. 46 & 47 and Chapter 4

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How is ATP Synthesis Coupled to theRedox Reactions?



½O2 + 2H+



Phosphorylation is energized indirectly,

via generation of a H+ potential across

the inner mitochondrial membrane:



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The chemiosmotic hypothesis (Peter Mitchell, 1960s):

1. The coupling complexes in the redox chain are H+ pumps.

2. Low membrane permeability to H+ allows build up of transmembrane H+


3. Passive return of H+ across membrane energises ATP synthesis.

Cytosol Mito matrix

Note: Redox enzymes+ ATP synthase arediscrete elements inmembrane


Cyt c


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A hydraulic analogy of chemiosmotic coupling

EnergyinputMainselectricitye- transport

PumpH2O pumpH+ pump

Energy outputLightATP

Couplingenergy:Potentialenergydifferencefor H2O H+

High potential H2O H+

Low potentialH2OH+

Energy transducerWater wheel/dynamoATP synthase

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Economic Exploitation of Hydraulic EnergyCoupling

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The F-Type ATP Synthase




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Quantifying the Free Energy inTransmembrane Solute Potentials

(i) Uncharged solute:

[S]o [S]i


Chemical potential of S = μs = μos + RT ln [S] (1)

Chemical potential difference, inside with respect tooutside is

ΔμS = (μS)i – (μS)o = RT ln [S]i (2)


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ΔμS = (μS)i – (μS)o = RT ln [S]i (2)


= RT x 2.303 log10 [S]i[S]o

e.g. if [S]i = 10 mM, [S]o = 1 mM

ΔμS = 8.314 x 298 x 2.303 x1 = +5.7 kJ/mol

Note: 1. Units are those of Gibbs free energy.

2. Polarity: + ve value says that reaction

So Si

is “uphill”

conversely, Si So is “downhill”

Will release 5.7 kJ/mol

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Quantifying the Free Energy inTransmembrane Solute Potentials

(ii) Charged solute (ion):

[Sz]o [Sz]i


Electrochemical potential of Sz = μs = μos +RT ln[Sz] + zF


Electrochemical potential difference, inside with respect tooutside is

ΔμS = (μS)i – (μS)o = RT ln [Sz]i + zF (4)


z = valence

= electrical potential

i -o = io

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ΔμS = (μS)i – (μS)o = RT ln [Sz]i + zF (4)

[Sz]oUnits of Eq. 4: J/mol.

To convert to volts (recall ΔG Em): ÷ F. Thus

ΔμS = RT (2.303) log10 [Sz]i + z (5)

F [Sz]oFor the special case of the proton (H+), z = +1 ;

log10 [H+]i = -pHi ; log10 1/[H+]o = pHo ;

RT (2.303) = (8.314)(298)(2.303) = 0.059 V = 59 mV

Thus can rewrite Eq 5 as

ΔμH = 59 (pH0 – pHi) + (6)




Electrochemical Potential Difference of the Proton

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ΔμH/F is Known as The Protonmotive Force(PMF)

From Eq 6 we can write

PMF = 59 (pHo – pHi) + (7)

Units: mV

A measure of the free energy in the electrochemicalpotential difference for protons across a membrane;

An important biological parameter because so much ofenergy transduction in biology is through the PMF

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pHcytosol = pH0 = 7.5 ; pHmatrix = pHi = 8.0

= -170 mV (inside negative)

From Eq 7,

PMF = 59 (7.5 – 8.0) + (-170)

= -30 – 170 = -200 mV


Proton flows, stoichiometries and energetics

Note:1. Total of 10 H+ pumped out per

2e– flowing through redoxchain

2. 4 mol H+ used directly foreach mol ATPsynthesised

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Requirement for > 1 mol H+/mol ATP

Energy available for ATP synthesis is

ΔμH = (PMF)(F) = (-0.2)(96500) = -19.3 kJ/mol

But ΔG’ATP = -48.8 kJ/mol (Lecture 6)

i.e. for ATP synthesis, +48.8 kJ/mol is required

Reaction is

nH+o + ADP + Pi ↔ nH+

i + ATP

Energetically, this reduces to

nF(PMF) + ΔG’ATP < 0 for ATP generation.

By coupling ATP synthesis to translocation of 4 H+/ATP,

(-19.3)(4) = -77.2 kJ is available for each mol of ATP

This is more than enough energy!!


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H+ Flows and Impact on Redox-Phosphorylation Coupling

1. Why do redox reactions speed up when ADP isadded? [See slide 20, Lecture 12]


ADP facilitates flow of H+ through ATP synthase.

This decreases the PMF slightly.

Decrease in opposing driving force enables fasteroperation of redox coupled H+ pumps.

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2. The action of uncouplers

[A brilliant prediction of the chemiosmotic hypothesis]

Some compounds (eg 2, 4 dinitrophenol)

(i) abolish ATP synthesis “uncouple”

(ii) speed up respiration

Chemiosmotic explanation:

Uncouplers catalyse passive H+ flow:

They are “protonophores”: abolish PMF

Thus (i) no driving force for ATP synthesis

(ii) no force opposing redox reactions

H+ Flows and Impact on Redox-Phosphorylation Coupling

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How Uncouplers Work


ATP synthase


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Membrane-bound ATP Synthase is Ubiquitous atEnergy-Coupling Membranes

No resp. pumps:

ATPase inhydrolytic mode

Evolved as H+ pump??


compared with mitosC.

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ATP Synthase and the PMF:

Recurring Themes in Bioenergetics

From previous slide…

Although energy sources and mechanisms of H+

pumps are variable,

presence and mechanism of ATP synthase isconserved through evolution.

Furthermore (next slide)…

Bacteria have evolved alternative physiological usesfor the PMF…

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Solute uptake



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1. NADH oxidation is coupled to ATP synthesis viageneration of a PMF.

2. The energy stored in ion potential differencescan be expressed in terms of kJ/mol or mV andcomprises electrical and chemical components.

3. For H+, PMF = 59(pH0 - pHi) + Δψ (in mV).

4. Uncouplers (and ADP to some extent) tend toincrease the rate of e- transport by dissipating thePMF.

5. The PMF is also used to generate ATP atbacterial cell membranes and thylakoids….and…..

6. …powers bacterial solute uptake andswimming.