how did i attract/address my audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?

Upload: tashaay27

Post on 10-Aug-2015



Presentations & Public Speaking

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How did you attract/address your audience?

Words used:Throughout the product I used various words that would intrigue my audience. I chose band names that were quite interesting and seemed edgy for example ‘The Divided’ this intrigues them as they don’t want names of bands that are pretty as this is rock and no a pop magazine. On the cover I mentioned the words ‘punk rock’ this addresses the audience as they’re into this genre and it feels as if the magazine is somewhat talking to them. Furthermore I used the words ‘merchandise’ this is a big thing in the music industry as lot’s of people have band t-shirts by doing this I am attracting my audience and giving them something to really enjoy. On my contents I used terms like ‘download arena’ this interests my audience as this is the type of stuff they interested in for example the use of saying album review gives them an indication that this is something they’re going to thoroughly enjoy. During the pull quote I used the words ‘famous’ I did this as people to refer to rock musicians as famous but rather rock stars. By placing this I am intriguing the audience as to way he has used the term famous making them want to read the article. The use of musical terms such a guitarist and Grammys means the audience need to have previous knowledge on music to know what I am talking about, furthermore using some of the musicians in bands names is interesting and I am addressing the audience as they know lot’s about the band and it makes it feel as if I am personalising it more. On the double page spread I talk about ‘rock and roll’ this directs the audience instantly as this is what they’re interested in meaning that the article is targeting them, I furthermore used the term ‘our’ in the pull quote this implies and idea that the musician and audience are doing this together. By using this is feels as if the article is directing towards them. Although I used no personal pronouns throughout my magazine I feel that I used terms that only an audience in this genre would be interested in. By doing this I have made an impact on the readers and gave it a personalised effect and makes it seem music based and know that it is about rock.

For my magazine, I chose various fonts that I thought would attract the audience. I did this as I wanted the audience to be attracted to the rock and grunge element of the magazine and make it more entertaining for them. For my masthead I used a font called ‘kill em all’. I really liked this font, as it really showed a destroyed and rock element to the magazine, by using this magazine on the contents and cover page I feel it showed the audience what they were viewing and created a certain impact on them. I feel using this font was to make them feel that they were reading a rock music magazine and somewhat feel on the edge and feel as if they were ‘rocking out.’ My other texts that I used were quite basic. For some headlines I used the font ‘impact’ this is as they were bold and inviting for the audience to read. I feel that this text contrasted against my masthead and I feel the complexity within the contrast would appeal to them, as they’re a teenage audience they would be interested in the complexity and differed ongoing ideas throughout the page. I furthermore used the text TW Cen MT Condensed and blacklisted to display on my contents page. Text blacklisted didn’t really have any grunge or destroyed element to it, however I feel it worked well as it was more than a generic text like ‘Arial’ by doing this it makes the audience intrigued as it takes text ideas from other magazines and improves upon them. I feel this somewhat distorted text contrasted against the simple text of TW Cen MT Condensed. This is as I wanted the text to contrast against each other. By doing this it really interests the audience and lets them focus on the important parts. These are all new and different texts which aren't normal text to be placed. However, I feel this attracted my audience as they want to see something new and differed liking the style of contemporary. Furthermore, on the double page spread I used the font ‘Time New Roman’ this is a simple text that most people are familiar with. I chose this as I wanted main article text to be easy to read. Using this older text also gives the magazine that professional look. This appeals to the audience as it feels they’re getting there moneys worth of the monthly magazine and intrigues them to read more about the music itself and not just focus on hard to read text This text is used in many magazines and I chose it as I feel it formulated well and contrasted against this grunge and professional style which I really feel attracted the audience well.

Font types:

Photography:For the cover of my magazine I used a gothic looking female character, using direct address. This image immediately addressed the audience and I feel that it helped the audience really look at the magazine and see what it is. The image is grunge but in ways gothic too this combination is interesting and this use of dark colour may intrigue the audience as to why is this character so gothic. She uses direct address but there really isn’t anything that could be said from her mouth, this is interesting as it fees she has paused and is not allowed to tell the audience anything. She is the centre of cover and really interests the audience letting them know this isn’t Any magazine this a rock magazine. I used smaller images of merchandise including a band t-shirt and 2 Cd’s, I chose to do this as I wanted to attract the audience attention further. By placing them under a winning part I feel like I targeted the audience directly. Using merchandise that the audience know they're instantly attracted to what the magazine has to offer as it already includes some of their favourite things. On my contents I used three different images. My main image was of a male character who looked quite grungy, he wears simple jeans and a checkered top. This isn’t a really eye catching outfit unlike on the cover. However, males in the rock industry don’t really wear striking clothes. In ways the fact that his clothing is quite dark shows his somewhat statement. The pull quote at the bottom of the page showing us that he isn’t really standing out as he is not a main member of the band. He completely looks away form the audience, I did this as I wanted him to look in a direct and the audiences eyes would follow, I feel I did this cleverly as where he is looking is where other pictures are. The fact that there is no mention of this character on the contents all there is a page number interests the audience as it feels that he is quite secretive by not looking over. My sub-images included a CD again and a picture of a concert. These are completely music based and I feel attracted my audience as that is what they want this magazine for. This in ways pulls the audience closer to this idea of music and that it’s not just all focused on musicians. My final image on my double page spread also doesn’t use direct address this is as I wanted the character who is speaking to somewhat feel mysterious. By doing this it attaches to the article where they’re moving forward. It’s as if the character has his face down before he is moving forward I chose this as I thought it was simple and intrigued the audience further as his face was facing towards the text itself making them want to read further.

Colour Scheme:I chose quite a simple colour scheme of red, black, white and yellow (something that I didn’t plan but chose to use in the production). The background colour for every page was black, I feel this interested the audience as this is really bold and emphasised the areas on the page and if they were white would not have made the same effect. As my audience are clearly individuals this interested them as it felt different from other magazines which don’t use black backgrounds on each page. I used a darkish red to display most of my text. I used darkish red as I felt having it brightly placed wouldn’t attracted my audience, placing this worked well against the black and gave it a somewhat darker feel to the page. By doing this it interested the audience as it gives a grunge and edge towards the magazine. Furthermore, the use of white completely contrasted and this allowed the audience to see things quite boldly. This contrast allowed me to demonstrate darker and lighter ideas to the audience. Showing them that this magazine is full of different things not just darkness. Furthermore, it attracted the audience as the use of white against dark areas would have attracted their attention. The small use of yellow on the front cover, clearly doesn’t match the complete colour scheme (however rock sound and Kerrang use yellow in a similar way) using this colour I grabbed the audiences attention. This is a bright happy sunshine mood colour whereas the other colours are quite dark, this attracted my audience as they want to know why that was placed and it allows them to read the highlighted areas for them to be interested in. My colour scheme was quite simple from other magazines that use a vast colour scheme. I feel this attracted the audience as it meant that there wasn’t too much colour to detract them away from the actual articles in the music magazine. By using this colour scheme it allows the audience to really engage with the magazine page. Furthermore, the colours emphasising that this isn’t like other magazines it is quite dark. This would attract my audience as they’re more influenced by darker and things that don’t fit the social norms.

Page Layout:For my page layouts, I decided to be quite complex and creative, this would attract the audience as they’re younger and more interested in this type of thing. For the cover I used lot‘s of text contrasting one another for example I placed reds, yellows and whites together. This attracted the audiences attention. For the coverage layout I Decided my focal would be the main image and just behind her sub images of merchandise. Using more than one image casted the audiences attention and allowed me to show that this magazine has more than one thing in it. I used an album on the cover that is a plug. I did this as labels such as Rock Sound use this. By placing this in the cover it attracted the audience as they want to find out more, and it is all relevant music. The page layout is situated like you would see something like kerrang making the page busy with no empty areas could be said to be over whelming but I feel this addressed my audience telling them they have to read all the content this magazine has available. I created this complex idea on the contents. I used a studio shot as the main image and two sub images. This is different from most magazines as they don’t use both of these. By combing those conventions I feel as if I attracted the audience to show that this magazine is new and by doing this it really interests them to see what the magazine has to offer. The contents somewhat are placed onto the character this makes him a defined character. Not placing his name or the band he is from is interesting and adds mystery this attracted the audience as they want to find out more. Placing a CD and image of concert this intrigue the audience as these are musical things they're interested in making them want to read it. Finally, the double page spread is a lot more basic. This is as I wanted the audience to read the article. The headline is placed in white and parts placed in red. This colour change is interesting and m makes the audience intrigued to read it. The character is not facing the audience and faces the text, I feel by the audience not being addressed they feel disconnected making them want to find out why they’re not being addressed intriguing them to read the article.