how did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Page 1: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and


Page 2: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

Adobe Premier Documentary: When constructing the documentary we mostly used Adobe premier. When altering the audio we used the sound controls to make sure no track was to loud or to quiet and could add separate tracks to each part of audio if it needed altering or special effects due to its sound condition. When inserting cutaways, we were able to unlink the audio so that the interview was still easily heard, and the different layers of feed meant it was easy to move clips around, to insert and replace them and to layer clips over one another.


Page 3: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

Adobe Premier

Radio: We also used Adobe Premier to produce our radio piece, this involved picking out clips from our documentary, and removing the visual, so the we just had the basic audio, which was extremely easy through the use of Adobe, we simply added another tab for our radio and were able to copy and paste the appropriate clips across. Adding the scripted voice over involved the use of a , after recording in a quiet room, we inserted the most useable piece and added a selection of sound effects. We also collected this from the original documentary so the combination between the main produce and the radio was easily identified.


Page 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

PhotoshopDocumentary: Photoshop was used to create the lower third title which identified to the audience whom was speaking. We took the format of twitter to fit with what our audience had associated the most with social networking in our questionnaire before our filming began. To do this it involved taking a screen cap of twitter, inserting text and using a magic brush tool to remove the colour we didn’t need, before then exporting and inserting it into our piece.

Newspaper Advertisement: Photoshop was used to create the newspaper advertisment. We used a selection of different tools to alter the appearance of a photo we had taken of an eye. With the use of the quick selection, magic wand and the eraser tool, and altered the levels. We also used the text book and shape tool to add the subtitles and headings to our poster.


Page 5: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

Light roomWe only used light room briefly, and this was to edit and construct our main image before inserting it into Photoshop to produce our newspaper advertisement. We applied a black and white effect which created a strong contrast between the darker and lighter tones, which adds drama. We also used the tone curve tool which adjusted this effect slightly by changing the highlights and shadows within the image, which made the picture more eye catching and intriguing, a key feature of newspaper advertisements.

Page 6: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

BloggerBlogger was used mostly for the planning and evaluation of my documentary. On blogger, there were a collection of different research and evaluation posts we did toward our documentary. We used blogger to present this individually which allowed our group to transfer different research and work we had found. And also it provides proof of the individual stages we went through as a group in planning and producing our documentary. Our work was displayed through a variation of different technologies.

Research and Evaluation

Page 7: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

PreziI used Prezi to present a collection of research and information to provide help in displaying it in a informative and professional way. I used in mostly in listing the codes and conventions, such as conventions of a documentary, of a newspaper article and a radio advertisement. Using this mind map format made the information clearly readable and helped me when developing my own ideas. It was good to use within the group for passing over information, through the user of blogger we could upload them easily for the rest of the group to view and collect information from.

Research and Evaluation

Page 8: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

SlideshareI used slideshare for similar reasons to Prezi, to present information and the evaluation. Using this allowed me to create numerous slides of text and images and looked more presentable then just inserting it into the blog. It also meant when we looked back on our work such as research and our questionnaire results it was in one place and was easy to find, and it was beneficial. Likewise to prezi the information was displayed in a creative yet simple form which meant going back to it when needed was extremely easy.

Research and Evaluation

Page 9: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

Camera and tripod.For filming our documentary we used a Sony DCR-SD 1000E and a tripod. This allowed us to create great quality footage and through the use of a clip mic we were able to get the correct sound for our interviews. However, at one point due to a faltered battery within the clip mic, we were unable to use it, during our interview with Appitized. So had to use the larger microphone in order to still get an interview filmed. We also had issues with a tripod, meaning the footage was not as good as it could have been, however this only occurred with this interview, the others were filmed properly with the correct equipment, and over all it provided an extreme help in producing good quality footage to a professional standard.

Page 10: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

Zoom voice recorder

When recording our narration we used a zoom voice recorder. This was a simple recoding device which when used could create a professional sounding piece of narration, which when added to our documentary allowed it to be heard easily without influencing any other clips or audio. It was easy to use and we simply went into a small quiet room to read our script.