how do pwople use water rresources(part i)

By: Alejandra Charry 5-C Social St. T. Angel Watler

Post on 22-Oct-2014




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Page 1: How do pwople use water rresources(part i)

By: Alejandra Charry5-C

Social St.T. Angel Watler

Page 2: How do pwople use water rresources(part i)

Index~Introduction.~Prior Knowledge.~Use of water.~General Info.~Good/ bad waste of water resources.~News about water (Colombia).~News about water (United States)~Water Pollution.~Ground Water Pollution.~Ocean Pollution ~How to conserve water resources?~Conclusion.

Page 3: How do pwople use water rresources(part i)

IntroductionThis virtual booklet is all made for the

social studies class, and for the people to knowing about the water and its multiple uses. Also to the people to take more care of water because people is wasting it, and the water is vital for us.

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Prior Knowledge:

How do people use water rsources?

Water resources are the water

Of the lakes, orManantials,etc.

It is a Renewable resource.

People sometimes wasteWater in the sink,

Or when they are taking A bath, or even when

You cook.But we don't have to Waste water becauseWe are having less Water, and it is vital

For us.

All people can'tSurvive withoutWater, it is vital

For us

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Use of WaterWater resources are sources of water that

are useful for every human. Some of its uses are like the agriculture, the recreation, the industry, etc. Also the water is vital for the life of a person or any living thing.

Basically human uses require fresh water.

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General Info:It is estimated that 15% of worldwide

water use is for household purposes. These include drinking water, bathing, cooking, sanitation, and gardening.

97% of water on the Earth is salt water, leaving only 3% as fresh water of which slightly over two thirds is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. The remaining unfrozen freshwater is mainly found as groundwater, with only a small fraction present above ground or in the air.

Fresh water is a renewable resource.

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The water cycleThe water cycle is a very important cycle of water.It is the producer of the evaporation, and also the

rain, hail, etc.

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Good/Bad use of waterGood uses: The good uses of water are how the

people use properly the water, without wasting it, and using it in the most important cases, or when it is necessary.

Some good ideas are:- When you are taking a bath use less water for

don´t wasting it.- When cooking do not waste the water so much.

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Good/Bad uses of waterBad uses: The bad uses are the opposite of the

good uses, it is when a person waste water, don´t use it correctly, and by that bad use, some people around the world are getting less water.

Some examples of bad uses are:- Wasting water without purpose.-wasting water on the sink.

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News about water(COLOMBIA)

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News about water (United States)

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Water PollutionWater pollutants come from point and non-point

sources.  Their effects on aquatic systems largely depend on whether polluted waters are standing (lakes and ponds) or flowing (rivers).  Standing systems are generally more susceptible

because of slow turnover.  The major water pollutants are organic nutrients, inorganic nutrients, infectious agents, toxic organics, toxic in organics, sediment and heat. Organic nutrients come from feedlots, municipal sewage treatment plants, and industry. 

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They promote growth of natural populations of aquatic bacteria. Bacterial decomposition of organic materials results in declines in dissolved oxygen, with dire effects on other oxygen-requiring organisms. 

Two inorganic plant nutrients of major concern are nitrogen and phosphorus.

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Ground Water PollutionThe concentration of many pollutants in

groundwater is often higher than that in the most contaminated surface water supplies. Many of the chemicals are tasteless and odorless at concentrations believed to pose a threat to human health. The major groundwater pollutants are chlorides, nitrates, heavy metals, and toxic organics.

Since groundwater usually moves slowly through an aquifer, it may take years for pollution to show up in areas adjacent to sources of contamination. Once an aquifer is contaminated the pollutants may remain for centuries.

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Ocean PollutionThe oceans receive pollutants from many sources. Oil

pollutions is one of the more serious problems. About half of the oil that contaminates the ocean comes from human sources: oil well blowouts, tanker spills, and inland disposal of oil. Oil harms many organisms, especially if a spill occurs near an estuarine zone.

It may take two to ten years for aquatic life to recover from a spill. Thanks to public outcry and stricter controls, the number of oil spills has decreased substantially, although the problem is far from solved.


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Plastic pollution has also become a major problem throughout the world. Plastic nets, plastic garbage, and plastic medical wastes are killing millions of marine mammals, turtles, and fish. Animals may become tangles in the plastic debris or may eat it and die. Because of public outcry, many governments have banned the dumping of plastics in oceans.

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How to conserve Water resources?1. If your toilet was installed before 1992, add a

toilet dam to reduce the amount of water flowing out of it by 35 percent and still leave it functioning properly. (Never use a brick to displace water in the tank, because it can deteriorate and clog your pipes.)

2. If possible, replace your old toilet with a modern low-flush one. While using only about half the water of old-style toilets, most newer models are now highly efficient.

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3. Install a low-flow showerhead to reduce your shower water use by 20 to 60 percent.

4. Put aerators on all your faucets. They reduce the amount of water but add air bubbles to the flow remains lively. This way you can reduce your household water flow by two gallons a minute.

5. Check your pipes and water equipment for leaks, which can waste thousands of gallons of water a year.

6. Purchase water-saving appliances, such as front-loading washing machine and low-water-use dishwasher, and wash only full loads.

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7. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. Fill the basin for washing or shaving.

8. Wash fruits and vegetables in a bowl, and fill you sink to wash and rinse dishes, instead of running the water.

9. Landscape your property using native plants appropriate to your climate, so that they won't require excessive watering and will retain soil moisture.

10. Use a rain barrel to collect water from your roof's downspout to irrigate your garden.

11. Sweep, rather than spraying down, your driveway and sidewalk.

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ProposalsProblem: People is wasting, polluting, and

damaging water. People also throw trash to the oceans, and waste water in multiple places.

Needs: Some needs would be like if the government or the people think about the problem, and began to search, and work hard for the proper solution.

Possible Solution: My solution would be that the people make campaigns, marches, journeys of cleaning water, and also that people don´t waste the water so much.

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Finally I hope you all like and enjoy this virtual booklet about water resources. I also hope that you learn all about water resources, and that this work was useful for you some day.


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Bibliography:Information by Alejandra Charry, Google.Images by Google, Alejandra Charry.Presentation by Alejandra Charry.