how do you choose your friends?

Once upon a time, we were friends with school mates and neighbors o credit: {leah}-Flickr

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Post on 06-May-2015




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It seems as though we've changed how we find friends from the traditional ways of being friends with people that live next door or people that we connect to. Now, we network with some people and friends of those people also become our friends by association. One of the biggest ideas of Facebook is six degrees of separation, it shows us how interconnected and intertwined we all are. What type of finding friends do you prefer: the traditional or social networking virtually?


  • 1.Once upon a time, we were friends with school matesand neighbors
    Photo credit: {leah}-Flickr

2. Or the girl next door
Photo credit: {leah}-Flickr
3. We used to play board games
Photo credit: frozenchipmunk-Flickr
4. Or play outside and dance in the rain
Photo credit: HanaS.-Flickr
5. We were awed by the simplicity of life
Photo credit: Mugley-Flickr
6. We were once fascinated by things we could touch, feel and explore.
Photo credit: LauraDeu-Flickr
7. But now, time has changed
Photo credit: FarhadFarhad-Flickr
8. 57% of people talk to people more online, than they do in real
Photo credit: tia_maria-Flickr
9. Facebook profiles are like belly buttons: Everybodys got one- Jolie ODell,
Photo credit: Jay Harrison-Flickr
Photo credit: mmotrafficde4-Flickr
10. 1 in 13 people on Earth are active Facebook
Photo credit: Jamey Howard-Flickr
11. More than 100 million active users access Facebook through their mobile devices-Mark Donovan, Comscore
Photo credit:Rakan Al-Hamrani-Flickr
12. People using Facebook on mobile devices are twice as more active than non-mobile users-Mark Donovan, Comscore
Photo credit: carloszardoya-Flickr
13. 48% of 18-34 year olds check Facebook right when they wake
Photo credit: Alex Bramwell-Flickr
14. Creating social networks in a virtual world are now more important to us than spending physical time with friends
Photo credit: carloszardoya-Flickr
15. Spectrumofonlinefriendship: whether its passive interest in reading your blogs or having an investment in you by caring about your success- we are connected.
Photo credit: designsbykari-Flickr
16. But before we connect, how do I find you?
Photo credit: Greenwich Letterpress-Flickr
17. That cute guy in the fourth row of English class that youve never spoken to? Were friends now, virtually that is.
Photo credit: macallee.king- Flickr
18. Whether its to friends or family,
how often do we use our phone to call someone?
Photo credit: Arabarra-Flickr
19. Would we rather tweet to the virtual world instead?
Photo credit: carloszardoya-Flickr
20. It seems as though we use our phones for everything EXCEPT calling.
Photo credit: miriness-Flickr
21. Emailing has never been easier, thanks to handhelds such as BlackBerrys.
Photo credit: carloszardoya-Flickr
22. Why call when you can text? Its faster, easier and more convenient.
Photo quote: One Gentleman- Flickr
23. How do you choose your friends?
Photo credit: tdub303-Flickr
24. Do you spend most of your time in the virtual or the real world?
Photo credit: completelyknown-Flickr
25. Created by Ishita Biswas
Posted May 20, 2011
Photo credit: ngairenaran-Flickr