how do you know a movie is worth watching

How Do You Know A Movie Is Worth Watching? More and more movies are being released these days, but if you study them closely, you'll realize that they are not really that fun to watch. If you are the type who is really picky about the movies he watches and want to make sure you are not going to waste your time on one that doesn't deserve your attention, then the following tips are going to help you find only the highest rated movies out there. Check out the top 10 lists The top 10 lists should be your first stop if you want to have the certainty that you are going to find a nice movie that is worth watching. Of course, some movies on this list may not be as great as the reviewer says they are and in some cases, they will actually talk highly of productions that actually suck. The reason they do that is because they want you to spend more time on their website, but it could also be because they really liked that movie. In general though, top ten lists are a reliable way for those who want to find great movies to watch. Start checking out some trailers There's no better way to find great movies to watch than by checking out movie trailers on YouTube and similar websites. So basically, each trailer has about two to 3 minutes and this means that you don't need to worry about wasting your time on reading movie reviews (which are very long and require a lot more than 2 minutes to be read) until you find a movie that you can watch and fully enjoy.

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Post on 15-Oct-2015




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Page 1: How Do You Know A Movie Is Worth Watching

How Do You Know A Movie Is Worth Watching?

More and more movies are being released these days, but if you study them closely, you'll realize

that they are not really that fun to watch. If you are the type who is really picky about the movies

he watches and want to make sure you are not going to waste your time on one that doesn't

deserve your attention, then the following tips are going to help you find only the highest rated

movies out there.

Check out the top 10 lists

The top 10 lists should be your first stop

if you want to have the certainty that you

are going to find a nice movie that is

worth watching. Of course, some movies

on this list may not be as great as the

reviewer says they are and in some cases,

they will actually talk highly of

productions that actually suck. The

reason they do that is because they want

you to spend more time on their website,

but it could also be because they really

liked that movie. In general though, top

ten lists are a reliable way for those who

want to find great movies to watch.

Start checking out some trailers

There's no better way to find great

movies to watch than by checking out

movie trailers on YouTube and similar

websites. So basically, each trailer has

about two to 3 minutes and this means

that you don't need to worry about

wasting your time on reading movie

reviews (which are very long and require

a lot more than 2 minutes to be read) until

you find a movie that you can watch and

fully enjoy.

Page 2: How Do You Know A Movie Is Worth Watching

Call your friends and ask them for some recommendations

We all have friends that we can turn to

not only for help with moving the

furniture, but also for help when it

comes to finding a great movie. In this

case, make sure that you first of all

call those friends that are into the same

kinds of movies as you are. This is

because there is a much better chance

to find a high quality movie this way

than asking a friend who doesn't

generally have a passion for movies

and is only going to recommend you

titles that you already know.

At the end of the day, finding a great movie to watch may take a while, but if you follow these

tips, you're going to be completely happy with the results.