how does advertising influence us?. harold dwight lasswell

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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Harold Dwight Lasswell


How does advertising influence us? Harold Dwight Lasswell Behaviouralism behaviourism predict political= truth effect behaviour repeat Pavlovs experiment Different codings to advertise FACTUAL CODING NARRATIVE CODING FUN CODING RHETORIC CODING Advertising methods Target : Influence people Persuade to buy Different ways INFORMATIVE & PERSUASIVE Consumer = conscious Best possible choice Real need Draw attention Arouse interest Provoke desire Make you buy BUT theorical! MECHANISTIC ADVERTISING Pavlov Stimulus signal Recognizable Simple Limpid REPEAT OVER AND OVER SUGGESTIVE ADVERTISING Consumer = inconscious Psychological approach Image influences a lot Freudian theory PROJECTIVE & INTEGRATIVE Consumer social groups = different rules & standards Goal : create link stereotype High-involvement VS low-involvement Definition Important purchase or not OR Montagues experiment Bandaged eyes centre of brain Know products prefrontal lobe (= perception) Neuromarketing Definition Future of advertising Critics Conclusion