how does your media product represent particular social2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: How does your media product represent particular social2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Page 2: How does your media product represent particular social2

• Our media product represents the particular social group of teenagers by conforming to stereotypes, therefore focusing on the age group and the stereotypes they raise. In our film opening we have two teenage girls and two teenage boys. We represent two different portrayals of teenage girls, one being a more timid, “damsel in distress” role, whereas the other female character as a more aggressive, bitchy character. This is represented through their dialogue, tone of voice, attitudes and costume. As our film is a psychological horror and no specific character is highlighted as the hero/heroine and the antagonist is not clearly portrayed, it also ties in aspects of a teen-horror film as our main characters are teenagers.

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• Cait (Serena) is the more timid female character. Her costume contributes to this; with items such as her hat and light clothing portray her as more of a positive, innocent character. Serena also has lines of dialogue that question the murder, and her tone of voice is very frightened throughout the opening. She is more jumpy and concerned, which makes her an easy target for pranks by Simon.

• She is similar to roles such as Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween, who represents the “damsel-in-distress” stereotype, but is also the hero of the film. She represents the positive stereotype of teenagers, as she is the more polite and upbeat.

Page 4: How does your media product represent particular social2

• Shakira (Maria) is the more aggressive female character. Her costume is darker and more simplistic. Her lines are also more sceptical and she doesn’t take the subject of the murders seriously.

• She is similar to characters such as Tara Thornton from “True Blood” who is again sceptical about events and is aggressive in her tone and actions. She is more likely to be killed before the end of the film because she doesn’t take the threat of the murders seriously, so is less likely to acknowledge any danger. She perhaps represent a negative stereotype of teenagers, as she uses profanities, looks disinterested and doesn’t come over as friendly to the audience.

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• Tyler plays Simon, and is the cocky, outspoken male character.

• His costume is casual and on trend, not really prepared for a night in the woods. He is also most likely to split from the group, as he is too confident to acknowledge the threat of a potential murderer. He represents a more “Jack the Lad” type character which teenage boys may be able to identify with, whether they think of themselves that way or know someone similar. He could be viewed as representing the negative teenage male stereotype, as he wears a “hoodie” which is regularly portrayed negatively in the media, and also as he is outspoken he may come over badly to the audience.

• He would be similar to the typical “jock” characters you would get in the American horror films, as he is competitive and confident.

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• Will plays Will, and is the more neutral, brave character.

• His costume consists of joggers and a raincoat, which shows that he is more prepared for the activity and maybe has previous experience of this kind of environment. He is the positive male stereotype because he is more reserved and light-hearted so will perhaps be more accepted by the audience. As he is one of the most likeable characters, he is most likely to go on and be the protagonist of the film.

• He is similar to characters such as Kyle Gallner in Nightmare On Elm Street, as he is a more understated hero character.