how does your media product represent social groups?

How does your media product represent social groups?

Upload: katydonovan

Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Page 1: How Does Your Media Product Represent Social Groups?

How does your media product represent social groups?

Page 2: How Does Your Media Product Represent Social Groups?

The Representation of Teenage Girls and Dancers

There are many representations of teenage girls: ‘the popular ones’, ‘the clever ones’, ‘the “perfect” ones’, ‘the lazy and unorganised ones’ and ‘the out of control ones’.

Page 3: How Does Your Media Product Represent Social Groups?

I feel that our representation of the two teenage girls differ tremendously from each other. The auditionee is presented as a ‘perfect’ teenager in the way that she dances; everything is so refined. From the small clips we see of her, her dancing suggests that she does everything in her life to the best of her ability.Ballet dancers are represented as having to be like this; perfect.

Page 4: How Does Your Media Product Represent Social Groups?

The dancer in our opening goes against the traditional representation; she comes across as a ‘lazy and unorganised one’. The way she rushes around and presents herself so ungracefully probably triggers the audience to question her dance capability.

I think that by going against stereotypical representations, whilst upholding some, is what makes a good opening as it is unexpected.