how does your product represent particular social groups?

How does your product represent particular social groups?

Upload: karlie-france

Post on 26-Jan-2017




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Page 1: How does your product represent particular social groups?

How does your product represent particular social


Page 2: How does your product represent particular social groups?

Mode of address

The language used in my magazine represents the social group it’s aimed at because informal language is used throughout, especially in the interview. Its very relaxed and just like the artist ‘Jessica Rose’ is having a conversation with a friend. Also it represents my social group through the outfit choice (mise-en-scene). Casual outfits were used throughout to create a chilled vibe and also to show the audience, you don’t have to dress up and wear a full face of make-up to be seen as ‘cool’ and beautiful.

Page 3: How does your product represent particular social groups?

‘Shhhh!’ is almost talking to the reader and creating a sense of secrecy between readers. It gives them exclusive information they cant find anywhere else. This is informal and represents the social group as at that age teenagers love secrets and gossip.

A question is directed at the audience. When you’re a teenage you want to know everything, so this is great. It will also make the reader open up the magazine or purchase it to see the answer.

Page 4: How does your product represent particular social groups?

On the contents page it feature's the phrase ‘what’s inside’. This represents the language spoken by my social group. Informal and straight to the point.

The interview with ‘Jessica Rose’ also represents language spoken by my target audience. Jessica’s language is informal and laidback, like a conversation. She has uses phrases such as ‘huge fan’ and ‘super exciting’ which show she is a normal, down to earth girl just like my readers.

Page 5: How does your product represent particular social groups?

Ideal ReaderMy ideal reader is someone just like cover star ‘Jessica Rose’, except slightly younger. They will be teenage girls, who are into their fashion and music, who are down to earth but are in the process of finding themselves. My ideal reader will aspire to be like Jessica and look up to her. They will be educated students, who love to have fun with their friends and read ‘Hear Now!’ in their free time.

Page 6: How does your product represent particular social groups?

Jessica is the ‘girl next door’

Slightly older than my ideal reader which is perfect, as she represents what the teenage girls want to become.

Natural hair – no product or styling. This represents students, who have no need to make themselves up before school because they are perfect just the way they are.

A natural face showing girls to be themselves.

The high neck top represents a laid back, casual, fun target audience, not trying to impress anyone by being someone they're not.

Teenage girls = no airbrush or Photoshop, this is natural as you should be.

Big smileSomeone with a passion, a dream.

Direct eye contact with audience.