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How God’s Gospel went GL BAL The Book of Acts for today Mark Meynell BACKGROUND INFORMATION

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HowGod’s  Gospel  


GL        BALThe  Book  of  Acts

for  today

 Mark  Meynell


HOW  GOD’S  GOSPEL  WENT  GLOBAL  -­‐  Acts  for  Today


GENERAL  ACTS  BACKGROUNDLuke’s  former  book,  LUKE’S  GOSPEL:  a  suggested  structure

Jesus’  birth  and  childhood  under  Roman  Empire  (e.g.  Luke  2:1)

Jesus  bapBsed  then  ministry  in  Galilee  (Luke  4:1ff)

Jesus’  ministry  in  Samaria(Luke  9:52,  cf.  Parable  Good  Samaritan  (10:25-­‐37),  Luke  17:11-­‐19)

Jesus’  ministry  in  Judaea(cf.  Luke  4:44,  7:17),  Luke  23:5

Jesus’  ministry  in  Jerusalem  (culminaBng  in  Cross)  (Luke  9:51;  19:41-­‐23:55)

Jesus’  ResurrecBon  &  Ascension  (Luke  24)

Luke’s  second  book,  ACTS:  a  suggested  structureJerusalem 1:1-­‐7:60

  2:5-­‐11       God-­‐fearing  Jews  from  the  Diaspora   5:16     Crowds  gathered  from  surrounding  towns

Saul  going  from  house  to  house  to  destroy  the  church  (8:3)PersecuBon  (8:1)

Saul  going  from  house  to  house  to  destroy  the  church  (8:3)

Judaea  &  Samaria

8:1-­‐9:43   8:5ff     Philip  in  Samaria  -­‐  Simon  Sorcerer   8:26     Philip  in  Judea  (Gaza  rd)  -­‐  Ethiopian  eunuch

Church  in  Judaea,  Galilee  and  Samaria  grew  (9:31)Saul’s  Conversion  on  Damascus  Rd  (9:1-­‐30)

Church  in  Judaea,  Galilee  and  Samaria  grew  (9:31)

Ends  of  the  Earth

10:1-­‐28:31   10-­‐11     Peter  &  Cornelius   11:19-­‐30   Barnabas  &  Paul  in  AnBoch   13:1-­‐3     AnBoch  church  sends  out  Barnabas  &  Paul   13:4-­‐14:28   1st  Missionary  Journey

Council  in  Jerusalem  (15:1-­‐35)


  16:1-­‐18:23   2nd  Missionary  Journey  -­‐  TO  EUROPE   19:1-­‐20:37   3rd  Missionary  Journey   28:11-­‐31   Paul  preaches  in  Rome

HOW  GOD’S  GOSPEL  WENT  GLOBAL  -­‐  Acts  for  Today


Luke’s  Use  of  the  OT  in  Acts

Acts  orderActs  order Bible  orderBible  orderActs  1:20 Psalms  69:25 Genesis  12:1 Acts  7:3Acts  1:20 Psalms  109:8 Genesis  15:13–14 Acts  7:6Acts  2:17–21 Joel  2:28–32 Genesis  22:18 Acts  3:25    (Gal.  3:8,  16)Acts  2:25–28 Psalms  16:8–11 Genesis  26:4 Acts  3:25Acts  2:34–35  (MaO.  22:44;  Mark  12:36;  Luke  20:42–43;  1  Cor.  15:25;  Heb.  1:13)

Psalms  110:1 Genesis  48:4 Acts  7:5

Acts  3:13;  7:32(MaO.  22:32;  Mark  12:26;  Luke  20:37)

Exodus  3:6 Exodus  1:8 Acts  7:18

Acts  3:22 Deut  18:15–20 Exodus  2:14 Acts  7:27–28Acts  3:23 LeviBcus  23:29 Exodus  2:22 Acts  7:6Acts  3:25 Genesis  26:4 Exodus  3:5 Acts  7:33Acts  3:25    (Gal.  3:8,  16) Genesis  22:18 Exodus  3:6 Acts  3:13;  7:32

(MaO.  22:32;  Mark  12:26;  Luke  20:37)Acts  4:24 2  Kings  19:15 Exodus  3:7–10 Acts  7:34Acts  4:24 2  Chron  2:12 Exodus  20:11 Acts  4:24;  14:15Acts  4:24 Isaiah  37:16 Exodus  22:28) Acts  23:5Acts  4:24;  14:15 Exodus  20:11 Exodus  32:1 Acts  7:40Acts  4:24;  14:15 Psalms  146:6 Exodus  32:23 Acts  7:40Acts  4:25 Psalms  2:1 LeviBcus  23:29 Acts  3:23Acts  7:18 Exodus  1:8 Deut  18:15 Acts  7:37Acts  7:27–28 Exodus  2:14 Deut  18:15–20 Acts  3:22Acts  7:3 Genesis  12:1 2  Kings  19:15 Acts  4:24Acts  7:33 Exodus  3:5 2  Chron  2:12 Acts  4:24Acts  7:34 Exodus  3:7–10 Psalms  2:1 Acts  4:25Acts  7:37 Deut  18:15 Psalms  2:7 Acts  13:33  

(Heb.  1:5;  5:5)Acts  7:40 Exodus  32:1 Psalms  16:8–11 Acts  2:25–28Acts  7:40 Exodus  32:23 Psalms  16:10 Acts  13:35Acts  7:42 Amos  5:25–27 Psalms  69:25 Acts  1:20Acts  7:49–50 Isaiah  66:1–2 Psalms  109:8 Acts  1:20Acts  7:5 Genesis  48:4 Psalms  110:1 Acts  2:34–35  

(MaO.  22:44;  Mark  12:36;  Luke  20:42–43;  1  Cor.  15:25;  Heb.  1:13)

Acts  7:6 Gen  15:13–14 Psalms  146:6 Acts  4:24;  14:15Acts  7:6 Exodus  2:22 Isaiah  6:9 Acts  28:26  (MaO.  13:14;  Mark  4:12)Acts  8:32–33 Isaiah  53:7–8 Isaiah  37:16 Acts  4:24Acts    13:33  (Heb.  1:5;  5:5)

Psalms  2:7 Isaiah  45:21 Acts  15:18(Mark  12:32)

Acts    13:34 Isaiah  55:3 Isaiah  49:6 Acts  13:47Acts    13:35 Psalms  16:10 Isaiah  53:7–8 Acts  8:32–33Acts    13:41 Habakkuk  1:5 Isaiah  55:3 Acts  13:34Acts    13:47 Isaiah  49:6 Isaiah  66:1–2 Acts  7:49–50Acts    15:16 Jeremiah  12:15 Jeremiah  12:15 Acts  15:16Acts    15:16 Amos  9:11 Joel  2:28–32 Acts  2:17–21Acts    15:18  (Mark  12:32) Isaiah  45:21 Amos  5:25–27 Acts  7:42Acts    23:5 Exodus  22:28 Amos  9:11 Acts  15:16Acts    28:26  (MaO.  13:14;  Mark  4:12) Isaiah  6:9 Habakkuk  1:5 Acts  13:41

HOW  GOD’S  GOSPEL  WENT  GLOBAL  -­‐  Acts  for  Today


Tracing  some  Themes  in  Acts(i) Peter  &  Paul  in  Jesus’  footsteps

Jesus Peter Paul

Luke  5:17-­‐26 Healing  a  lame  man 3:2-­‐8 14:8-­‐10

Luke  7:1-­‐10  cf.  Luke  8:42-­‐48 Performing  miracles  at  a  distance 5:15 19:12

Luke  4:31-­‐37 Exorcizing  demons 5:16 16:16-­‐18

ConfronBng  sorcerers 8:18-­‐24 13:6-­‐11

Luke  7:11-­‐17  cf.  Luke  8:40f Raising  the  dead 9:36-­‐41 20:9-­‐12

Cf.  Luke  3:22,  Luke  9:28f Heavenly  visions 10:8-­‐16 16:9,  18:9-­‐10,  23:11

Miraculous  release  from  prison 5:19,  12:7-­‐11 16:25-­‐28

Preach  to  Jews  from  Psalm  16:10 2:27 13:35Adapted  from  Chris  Green,  p25

(ii) HOLY  SPIRIT  seen  to  be  at  work

1:5f   Commissioning  of  12  apostles  (incl  replacement  of  Judas)2:4f Pentecost  &  1st  Jewish  Converts6:3f Choosing  of  7  deacons  (to  free  apostles  up)8:17 1st  Samaritan  Converts10:19 1st  GenBle  Converts16:16 Gospel  in  Europe20:23 Paul’s  trials  in  Jerusalem  &  Rome  foretold

Adapted  from  Chris  Green,  p26

(iii) ‘My  Witnesses’  witnessing  about  the  Kingdom

Acts  1:3

Jesus Jesus  appeared  to  them  over  a  period  of  forty  days  and  spoke  about  the  kingdom  of  God.

Acts  1:6

Disciples So  when  they  met  together,  they  asked  him,  “Lord,  are  you  at  this  Bme  going  to  restore  the  kingdom  to  Israel?”

Acts  8:12

Philip But  when  they  believed  Philip  as  he  preached  the  good  news  of  the  kingdom  of  God  and  the  name  of  Jesus  Christ,  they  were  bapBsed,  both  men  and  women.

Acts  14:22

Paul  &  Barnabas

strengthening  the  disciples  and  encouraging  them  to  remain  true  to  the  faith.  “We  must  go  through  many  hardships  to  enter  the  kingdom  of  God,”  they  said.

Acts  19:8

Paul Paul  entered  the  synagogue  and  spoke  boldly  there  for  three  months,  arguing  persuasively  about  the  kingdom  of  God.

Acts  20:25

Paul     “Now  I  know  that  none  of  you  among  whom  I  have  gone  about  preaching  the  kingdom  will  ever  see  me  again.

Acts  28:23

Paul They  arranged  to  meet  Paul  on  a  certain  day,  and  came  in  even  larger  numbers  to  the  place  where  he  was  staying.  From  morning  Bll  evening  he  explained  and  declared  to  them  the  kingdom  of  God  and  tried  to  convince  them  about  Jesus  from  the  Law  of  Moses  and  from  the  Prophets.

Acts  28:31

Paul Boldly  and  without  hindrance  he  preached  the  kingdom  of  God  and  taught  about  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ.

HOW  GOD’S  GOSPEL  WENT  GLOBAL  -­‐  Acts  for  Today


(iv) The  Word  Goes  Out

Pentecost 2:41 3000  accepted  message  &  bapBzedAWer  Pentecost 2:47 Lord  added  number  dailyAWer  Apostles  set  PrioriXes

6:7 Word  Spread;  disciples  increased,  large  number  of  priests  “obedient  to  the  faith”

AWer  Saul’s  conversion

9:31 Grew  in  numbers,  in  fear  of  Lord

AWer  Cornelius  believes  &  Herod  dies

12:24 Word  of  God  increased  and  spread.  

AWer  Council  ofJerusalem

16:5 Churches  strengthened  in  the  faith,  and  grew  daily  in  numbers.  


19:20 Word  of  the  Lord  spread  widely  and  grew  in  power.  

AWer  Paul  reaches  Rome

28:28-­‐31 God’s  salvaBon  sent  to  GenBles.  Paul  preached  kingdom  and  Christ  for  2  yrs.

Acts  3-­‐6  -­‐  Repe__on  and  IncreaseStarBng  Small Growing  Bigger

3:1-­‐26 Healing  and  Preaching 5:12-­‐164:1-­‐4 Arrest 5:17-­‐21a4:5-­‐22 Hearing/Trial



4:23-­‐31 Prayer  for  boldness  answered 5:424:32-­‐5:11 Money  &  Stewardship 6:1-­‐6

5:11 News  Spreads 6:7

Peter’s  Sermons:  preaching  to  JewsAudience The  Facts The  Offer The  Reason The  Response

Peter’s  Jewish  Sermonsto...

You  Killed  HimGod  Raised  HimWe  Saw  Him

Forgiveness  &  The  Holy  Spirit

Return  of  Christ Repentance  &  Faith

Pentecost  crowds 2:22-­‐24,  2:32-­‐33,  2:36

2:21,  33,  38-­‐39 2:20,  35 2:38

Onlookers  at  BeauBful  Gate 3:13-­‐15 3:16-­‐19 3:20-­‐23 3:24-­‐26(With  John)  Sanhedrin 4:10-­‐11 4:12

(With  apostles)    Sanhedrin 5:30-­‐32 5:31-­‐32Adapted  from  Chris  Green

HOW  GOD’S  GOSPEL  WENT  GLOBAL  -­‐  Acts  for  Today



From  ESV  Study  Bible

Acts  2:  Comparing  the  old  and  new  PentecostsEXODUS  19Original  Pentecost

ACTS  2New  Pentecost

19:2  -­‐  Israel  camped  in  front  of  Mt  Sinai 2:1  -­‐  Came  together  in  one  place

19:16  -­‐  thunder  and  lightning,  and  loud  trumpet  blast  -­‐  everyone  trembled

2:2  -­‐  Sound  like  violent  wind  from  heaven  and  filled  whole  house

19:18  -­‐  Mt  covered  in  smoke  because  LORD  descended  up  on  it  in  fire.

2:3  -­‐  Saw  like  tongues  of  fire  and  came  on  each  of  them

19:19f  -­‐  Moses  mediator  because  of  God’s  holiness.  Then  GOD  SPEAKS  10  Words

2:4-­‐12  -­‐  Spirit  enabled  languages  to  be  understoodNB  2:5  God-­‐fearing  Jews  from  every  place

19:18-­‐19  -­‐  People  terrified,  and  want  Moses  to  speak  instead.

2:37  -­‐  people  were  cut  to  the  heart2:40-­‐41  -­‐  3000  repented  &  bapBsed

LAW  ON  STONE LAW  ON  HEART  BY  SPIRIT  (cf.  Jeremiah  31)

HOW  GOD’S  GOSPEL  WENT  GLOBAL  -­‐  Acts  for  Today


Acts  5  -­‐  Comparing  Ananias  &  Sapphira  with  AchanJoshua  7  -­‐  ACHAN’S  SIN Acts  5  -­‐  ANANIAS  &  SAPPHIRA’S  SIN

Joshua  6:24  -­‐  place  all  silver  and  gold  etc  into  the  Lord’s  house  treasury

4:36-­‐37  -­‐  Barnabas  volunteers  proceeds  of  field  sale  and  put  at  apostles’  feet5:1  Ananias  sold  property

7:1  -­‐  Achan  took  some  devoted  things  lit  ‘embezzled’  -­‐  Lord’s  anger  burned

5:2  -­‐  both  ‘kept  back’  -­‐  lit  embezzled

7:4-­‐5  -­‐  Israel  defeated  by  Ai

7:11  -­‐  Lord  sees  Achan’s  sin 5:3,4  -­‐  lied  to  HS,  lied  not  to  men  but  to  God

7:19  -­‐  Achan  confronted  by  Joshua 5:3-­‐4  -­‐  Ananias  confronted  by  Peter5:8-­‐9  -­‐  Sapphira  confronted  by  Peter

7:20-­‐21  -­‐  Achan  confesses  covetousness  and  theo

7:25  -­‐  Achan  stoned 5:6  -­‐  Ananias  died5:10  -­‐  Sapphira  died

7:26  -­‐  Achan  buried  with  pile  of  stones  which  remain  to  this  day

5:6  -­‐  Ananias  buried5:10  -­‐  Sapphira  buried

5:5  -­‐  great  fear  seized  all  who  heard5:11  -­‐  great  fear  seized  church  &  all  who  heard

Acts  6  -­‐  Comparing  Apostles’  delega_on  with  Moses’EXODUS  18  -­‐  Grumbling  &  Delega_on ACTS  6  -­‐  Grumbling  &  Delega_on

Exodus  15:24,  16:2,  7-­‐12,  17:3People  grumbled  against  Moses

6:1  -­‐  increasing  numbers,  Grecian  Jews  complained  against  Hebraic  Jews

Exodus  18:  15-­‐16  -­‐  All  judgments  brought  to  MosesExodus  18:17  -­‐  JETHRO  to  MOSES:  not  good!  -­‐  will  wear  you  outExodus  18:19-­‐20  -­‐  You  must  be  people’s  representaBve  and  TEACH  decrees  and  laws

6:2  -­‐  not  right  to  neglect  Word  of  God  for  waiBng  on  tables

Exodus  18:21-­‐27  -­‐  select  trustworthy  men  who  hate  dishonest  gain  as  officials.

6:3  -­‐  choose  7  men  full  of  Spirit  -­‐  will  turn  responsibility  to  them.  So  focus  is  on  PRAYER  &  PREACHING

Acts  8  -­‐  The  first  Gospel  BreakoutThe  Gospel  to  Samaria The  Gospel  to  Ethiopia8:5  -­‐  Philip  proclaimed  the  Christ 8:35  -­‐  Philip  told  him  good  news  of  Jesus  (Isa  

53)8:12  -­‐  They  believed  the  good  news  of  the  kingdom  of  God  and  the  name  of  Jesus  Christ

8:36  (&  ?  v37)-­‐  Man  believed  

8:12  -­‐  They  were  bapBzed 8:37  -­‐  Ethiopian  bapBzed8:14-­‐17  -­‐  Apostles  arrive  &  pray  for  HS  to  come 8:39  -­‐  Philip  disappears;  Ethiopian  travels  on  


HOW  GOD’S  GOSPEL  WENT  GLOBAL  -­‐  Acts  for  Today


Acts  9  -­‐  Paul’s  ConversionActs  9:1-­‐19  Luke’s  Account

Acts  22:1-­‐21Paul’s  defence  to  Jerusalem  people

Acts  26:4-­‐23Paul’s  defence  to  King  Agrippa

9:1-­‐2  -­‐  Murderous  threats,  lepers  for  Damascus  to  arrest  believers  to  take  to  Jerusalem

22:3-­‐5  -­‐  Zealot  for  the  law  -­‐  persecuted  followers  of  the  Way  -­‐  killing  and  jailing;  going  to  arrest  Damascus  believers

26:4-­‐11  -­‐  I  was  a  Pharisee;  I  was  convinced  I  ought  to  oppose  the  name  of  Jesus;  put  many  saints  in  prison;  in  obsession,  went  to  foreign  ciBes  to  persecute.  22:6-­‐8  -­‐  BUT  now  because  of  hope  God  promised,  and  12  tribes  hoping  for  -­‐  why  should  it  be  incredible  that  God  raises  the  dead?

9:3  -­‐  Nr  Damascus,  a  flashing  light  -­‐  he  fell  to  ground

22:6  -­‐  Nr  Damascus,  flashing  light  -­‐  I  fell  to  ground

26:12  -­‐  Road  to  Damascus,  noon,  flashing  light.  We  all  fell  to  ground

9:4  -­‐  “Saul,  why  do  you  persecute  me?”

22:7  -­‐  “Saul,  why  do  you  persecute  me?”

26:14  -­‐  “Saul,  why  do  you  persecute  me?  It  is  hard  for  you  to  kick  against  the  goads”

9:5  -­‐  Who  are  you  Lord?  I  am  Jesus  whom  you  persecute

22:8  -­‐  Who  are  you  Lord?  I  am  Jesus  whom  you  persecute

26:15  -­‐  Who  are  you  Lord?  I  am  Jesus  whom  you  persecute

9:8  -­‐  Saul  blind  for  3  days 22:11  -­‐  the  light  blinded  me

9:15  -­‐  To  Ananias:  This  man  is  chosen  instrument  to  ‘carry  my  name’  to  GenBles  &  kings  and  before  Israel.

22:12  -­‐  Ananias  (devout  &  respected  observer  of  the  law)22:14-­‐15  -­‐  ‘God  of  Fathers  has  chosen  you  to  know  his  will,  see  Righteous  One,  hear  his  words’You  will  be  his  witness  to  all  men,  of  what  you  have  seen  and  heard.

22:16  -­‐Get  up!  I’ve  appointed  you:Servant  and  witness  of  what  you  have  seen  of  me  and  what  I’ll  showI  will  rescue  you  from  own  people  and  GenBlesSending  to  open  eyes,  turn  from  darkness  to  light,  from  Satan  to  God  -­‐  for  forgiveness  of  sins  and  a  place  among  sancBfied  by  faith

9:16  -­‐  I  will  show  him  how  much  he  must  suffer  for  my  name

9:17  -­‐  Ananias  sent  so  Saul  could  see  and  be  filled  with  HS

22:12  -­‐  Ananias  restores  Saul’s  sight

9:18  -­‐  Scales  fell  and  Saul  bapBzed

22:16  -­‐  Get  up,  be  bapBzed  and  wash  sins  away.

22:17-­‐20  -­‐  Lord  said:  Leave  Jerusalem  -­‐  they  will  not  accept  your  tesBmony.22:21  -­‐  Go  far  away  to  the  GenBles.

HOW  GOD’S  GOSPEL  WENT  GLOBAL  -­‐  Acts  for  Today


Acts  10-­‐11  -­‐  Peter’s  Conversion10:9-­‐15  -­‐  Luke’s  narra_ve 11:1-­‐18  -­‐  Peter’s  account10:9  -­‐  Noon  -­‐  Peter  went  onto  roof  to  pray 11:5  -­‐  was  praying  in  Joppa

10:10  -­‐  Peter  became  hungry,  went  into  trance 11:5  -­‐  in  a  trance,  saw  a  vision

10:11  -­‐  Saw  sheet  let  down  from  heaven 11:5  -­‐  I  saw  large  sheet  let  down  from  heaven

10:12  -­‐  the  sheet  contained  4-­‐footed  animals,  repBles,  birds  of  air

11:6  -­‐  I  saw  4-­‐footed  animals,  wild  beasts,  repBles,  birds  of  the  air

10:13  -­‐  Get  up,  Peter!  Kill  and  eat! 11:7  -­‐  Get  up,  Peter!  Kill  and  eat!

10:14  -­‐  Surely  not,  Lord!  I  have  never  eaten  impure  or  unclean

11:8  -­‐  Surely  not,  Lord!  Nothing  impure  or  unclean  has  ever  entered  my  mouth

10:15  -­‐  Do  not  call  anything  impure  that  God  has  made  clean.

11:9  -­‐  Do  not  call  anything  impure  that  God  has  made  clean.

10:16  -­‐  This  happened  3  Bmes. 11:19  -­‐  This  happened  3  Bmes

Paul  on  the  Road(i) 1st  Missionary  Journey  (Acts  13:4-­‐14:8)

HOW  GOD’S  GOSPEL  WENT  GLOBAL  -­‐  Acts  for  Today


NB   t h e s e   3  maps   of   Paul’s  Journeys   are  taken  from  ESV  Study  Bible

(ii) 2nd  Missionary  Journey  (Acts  16:1-­‐18:23)

(iii) Paul’s  stays  in  Europe

City Verse Length2nd  Missionary  Journey2nd  Missionary  Journey

Philippi 16:12 Several  days

Thessalonica 17:2 3  Sabbaths:  i.e.  between  2  &  4  weeks

Berea 17:11-­‐13 Unspecified  (but  n.b.  extensive  evangelism

Athens 17:16 Unspecified  (but  Paul  waiBng)

Corinth 18:11 18  months

3rd  Missionary  Journey3rd  Missionary  Journey

Ephesus 19:819:10

3  months  with  the  Jews2  years  with  the  Greeks

HOW  GOD’S  GOSPEL  WENT  GLOBAL  -­‐  Acts  for  Today


(iv) 3rd  Missionary  Journey

Paul’s  defences22:1-­‐21 Before  the  crowd

23:1-­‐6 Before  the  Sanhedrin

24:10-­‐21 Before  Felix

25:8-­‐11 Before  Festus

26:2-­‐27 Before  Festus  &  Agrippa  (&  implicitly  before  Caesar)

28:25-­‐28 Before  Jews  in  Rome

Paul  trains  TimothyProcess Acts Timothy  &  PaulRecruitment 16:1-­‐2 Timothy  &  Silas  nominated  by  church  to  accompany  Paul

Mentored  responsibility 17:14-­‐15 Timothy  (with  Silas)  leo  in  Berea  to  look  aoer  new  church

Recalled 18:5 Timothy  (with  Silas)  rejoin  Paul,  now  in  Corinth

Greater  responsibility  &  mentoring  another

19:22 Timothy  sent  with  Erastus  to  pioneer  work  ahead  of  Paul  in  Macedonia

Reunited 20:1-­‐4 Paul  in  Macedonia,  so  presumably  meets  with  Paul

HOW  GOD’S  GOSPEL  WENT  GLOBAL  -­‐  Acts  for  Today
