how hr connects workforce

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How HR Connects the Workforce and Transforms the Enterprise with Systems of Engagement

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Speakers: Mary Ann Johnson World Wide Business Value Executive Consultant IBM Salman Sheikh Product Manager IBM Elyse Anchell Product Manager IBM

How HR Connects the Workforce and Transforms the Enterprise with Systems of Engagement

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Sarah Sipek Associate Editor Workforce magazine

How HR Connects the Workforce and Transforms the Enterprise with Systems of Engagement

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Mary Ann Johnson World Wide Business Value Executive Consultant IBM

How HR Connects the Workforce and Transforms the Enterprise with Systems of Engagement

Salman Sheikh Product Manager IBM

Elyse Anchell Product Manager IBM

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HR Driven Systems Of Engagements Salman Sheikh, Product Manager

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Social Engagement at every stage of an employee’s journey


New Hire



“67% of new employees plan to leave when they feel

unsupported, like they aren’t even a team member.” 2

“1 in 6 job-seekers tribute social media for helping find their

current job.” 1

“More employees feel recognized in organizations that use social

collaboration technology.” 3

“The most commonly used learning resource is coworkers or subject matter experts within the

organization.” 4

Source: 1.; 2, 3,4 WorkTrendsTM 2013 U.S.

Presentation Notes
So why should HR care about Systems of Engagement? Because social networks and social media have changed how people stay in touch in their personal lives and has set a precedent for the workplace. Based on recent industry survey results we can see that the need exists at every stage of an employee’s life cycle: As 1 in every 6 job seekers attributes social media to helping them find their current job 67% of new-hires admit that they plan to leave when they feel unsupported by their team members The surveys showed That more employees felt recognized in organizations that use collaboration technology And that the number one source for learning is through other people – be they co-workers or subject matter experts So lets take a deep look at each of these 4 phases (Candidate, New Hire, Employee, Leader) and identify the needs of the employee and the organization, and then understand how Systems of Engagement can full those needs.
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Systems of Engagement 101













Presentation Notes
Before we start looking at why it’s critical for HR to employ Systems of Engagement – let’s take a few minutes to understand what they are. Systems of Engagement are key social technologies that enable employees to: Hold conversations – e.g. through Forums and Instant Messaging Collaborate on activities – e.g. through Communities or Groups Share ideas and information – e.g. through Video, Microblogging and File Sharing Find and Connect with Colleagues – e.g. through Networks and Expertise Location These provide the key building blocks for employee engagement.
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How do we attract the best candidates?

How do we know they will fit

our culture?

How do we build a pipeline of good talent that we can tap

when the hiring need arises?

How do we avoid losing good applicants to the


What’s it like to work here?

What kind of people are successful here?

Why would I want to work for

this company over the competition?

Recruiting processes are so

impersonal, what will the interview process be like


Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

Presentation Notes
Looking at the Candidate phase, we understand that the job seeker needs to know …
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External Talent Community • An extension to the career site • Candidates can sign-up to get access

to exclusive, behind-the-scenes info about the company

• Provides an engaging environment to convert passive candidates into active job seekers

• Builds pipelines of prime passive talent that recruiters can tap into when the hiring need arises.

Applicant Engagement Tools • Social networking and social media to

keep applicants engaged during the hiring process

Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

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Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

Talent Communities As a Job Seeker

I visit a career site for a prominent business to explore opportunities I’m impressed to learn about the company’s forward thinking values, culture and work

environment But wonder if this is just good marketing?

I notice a registration link for their Talent Community so I sign up and discover … Blogs from leadership describing an outlook for future growth and opportunity Q&A between other candidates and Recruiters – which help answer my questions Videos from real employees describing what its like to work and succeed here

Intrigued by one of the videos, I post a question and begin an online dialog Now …

I am building connections within the organization and not likely to be swayed by competition My tweets and likes about the company attract other prime candidates to the community

Presentation Notes
External Talent Community Spotlight employees and culture in the form of rich multimedia and social media Enable Recruiters and Hiring Managers to invite potential candidates into the community to woo them Enable Employees to invite past colleagues, friends and family – promote word of mouth Employee Advocates Provide transparency into what it is like to really work here and how you succeed Share regular blogs and field Q&A Build long-term relationships with the future people you want to hire.
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Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

Extending the Interview As a Hiring Manager

Prior to inviting key applicants for interviews, I connect with them via the social network and... Request them to share their portfolio and sample work I share product/process documentation and test their understanding by asking for their

ideas on improvements After the interview

My team and I continue with follow-on questions to help further refine our evaluations I answer any follow-up questions the applicant may have My team comment, rate and tag on specific attributes of the applicant profiles

Now … My selection team has greater insight into an applicant prior to investing in face to face time Impersonal and detached hiring practices are replaced by a continuous engagement with

prime applicants

Presentation Notes
Keep the applicant engaged during the interview process Provide Wiki’s and FAQ’s on what they can expect Allow candidates to ask questions of Hiring Managers without compromising personal contact information Allow Hiring Managers to further screen candidates prior to investing in face to face interviews Setup templated activities that test candidate knowledge and skills Request online portfolios or sample work
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Complete new hire paper work faster and reduce time

to productivity.

How do we keep new hires from getting wooed by the


Prepare new-hires to hit the ground running on Day 1.

Ensure new-hires are aligned with business priorities and


Did I make the right decision to join this company?

Who can I go to if I have a


I can’t be the only one who’s run into this problem.

Who will I be working with

and what will my role in the team be?

Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

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Pre-Hire Community • External Onboarding Community that

provides key company, process and job information to new hires.

• Provides a way for new hires to get answers to their questions from HR and their future Managers.

• Enables new hires to start learning about the company, it's values, it's culture and its people.

• Prepares new-hires to hit the ground running on their first day on the job.

• Accelerates the onboarding process with supplemental access to resources and experts.

Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

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Social Onboarding As an HR Manager

I have established a community that provides new hires access to key resources and people to further integration into the company, it’s culture and it’s teams: Welcome video from the CEO sharing key corporate messages around mission and values Central access to handbooks, policies, guidelines & FAQs Training resources Forums for Questions & Answers Access to upcoming orientation events

Each new hire is added to this community and enrolled into an Activity that walks them through the necessary information and resources

Now, new hire’s … Feel confident about their first day on the job Are self-sufficient to get answers they need to be productive

Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

Presentation Notes
Alyse will talk about Soon 2 B Blue and New2Blue and will talk to benefits that IBM has observed
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Starter Network As an Hiring Manager

Every time I hire a new employee … I write a welcome message on their Personal Wall introducing them to key colleagues:

“Hi Jessica! Welcome to the Team! I wanted to take a few minutes and introduce you to @Tom Hamlin and @Amber Green who you will be working with very closely in the coming weeks. Also, please meet @Brian Schactman, who recently joined the team as well and can help you get oriented and can answer any questions as you start to settle into your new role.”

Now, the new hire can quickly … Learn about and get connected with key individuals to accelerate onboarding Get engaged using the social platform to advance their learning curve

Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

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Market and business needs change frequently, employee

goals need regular alignment.

Ensure business goals and

objectives are cascaded down to employees.

Provide frequent and

constructive feedback to keep employees motivated.

Create a feedback rich


Which tasks will provide the greatest benefit to the


How is my work impacting others? And does my

manager know about it?

What areas can I improve on?

My goals become quickly outdated compared to my

actual tasks.

Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

Presentation Notes
Now as a New Hire establishes herself as a productive employee the needs shift to knowing …
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Social Performance • A social twist to Goal definition and

execution. • Goals are defined and managed as

part of the social platform. • Leaders and employees share their

Goals to promote communication, transparency and to inspire

Social Feedback • Online tools that enable real-time

feedback from peers and managers in context of work.

Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

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Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

Social Goals As an Employee

When its time to define performance goals, I am presented with recommendations based on: My manager’s goals Business objectives set by our leadership Team or peer goals Past goals defined by other, more senior employees in my line of work

For each goal, I can view its impact and quickly adopt it as my own

Now … I am inspired to create goals that align and utilize my unique expertise to further my career Executives can immediately communicate new strategy and see how the workforce has

shifted to support it

Presentation Notes
Provide employees with visibility into leadership and peer goals that inspire them to create goals that align and utilize their unique expertise. Executives can immediately communicate new strategy and see how the workforce has shifted to support it. Goals Adopted Liked Shared Recommendations Goals that I should be aware of or should contribute to (manager, team, new business goal)
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Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

Continuous Feedback As an Employee

By using ‘Social Goals’ I am able to share my goals and view the goals of those I work with As I collaborate (though Communities, File Sharing, etc.) with others to achieve my goals, my

activities are captured against the goals Social feedback (Shares, Likes and Downloads) is organically captured on my contributions I can explicitly request feedback as well as provide it to my peers along the way

Now I am fully engaged as …

I receive immediate and continuous in-context coaching and recognition from those impacted by my work

My performance discussions with my manager are supported by a clear picture of past contribution

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How do we get everyone at the same level as our top


Empower employees to self manage their success.

Keep the top performers engaged and challenged.

How can I learn from others in my field that have been

successful in this organization?

Who are the best mentors for

me to work with?

Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

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Social Learning • Platform for experts to share their

knowledge as engaging rich video content.

• Embedded social Q&A to provide in-context answers

Mentoring • Expertise location to enable

employees to find the best mentors • Content Playlists allow

mentors/experts to assemble a sequence of content to guide mentees over a period of time

Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

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Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

Learning from Experts As a Subject Matter Expert

I record and share video blogs to present my insight, my expertise and demonstrations of complex tasks

Video lets me be creative, expressive and personal in sharing my thoughts It also is an efficient use of my time as I can quickly articulate ideas and concepts that are

difficult to put down on paper My audience is able to share their sentiments through likes and comments as well ask

questions to get further clarifications

Now … I am recognized as an expert and leader in my field My sphere of influence has grown many folds as people all over the organization can benefit

from my expertise

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Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

Mentoring As an Mentor

My areas of expertise are identified through: Official certifications Contribution and experience Recognition by colleagues

I am sought out by employees through social search tools For each of my mentees I develop a Playlist of content and to-dos that I can continue to add to

based on my mentee’s ongoing needs As I attain more mentees I am able to clone the Playlist and personalize for each mentee

Now …

Finding mentors is not limited to who you know personally or personal introductions The best mentors can manage large number of mentees through the use of efficient tools

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Add engagement to all your existing Talent Management processes





Presentation Notes
In conclusion, as we’ve journeyed through the 4 key areas of Talent Management we see that Systems of Engagement play a key role in captivating, motivating and propelling employees to their top performance through out the organization.
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The Business Value of Systems Of Engagements Mary Ann Johnson, Executive Consultant

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Regarding systems of engagement, what are CHRO’s thinking? Financial outperformers are much more likely to identify themselves as effective in addressing workforce challenges

Source: CHRO1-How important is it for your organization to address the following workforce challenges today and in next 3 to 5 years?; n=320 [CHRO only]

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Employee engagement and commitment

Talent retention

Workforce productivity

Talent development

Sourcing and recruiting

Performance management evaluation

Collaboration and knowledge sharing

Talent management

Rapid development of workforce skills

87% 80%

68% 65%

60% 60% 58% 57% 55%

Talent development and employee engagement are on the CHROs’ radar…

Source: CHRO1-How important is it for your organization to address the following workforce challenges today and in next 3 to 5 years?; n=320 [CHRO only]

Importance of workforce challenges today

Presentation Notes
Talent development and employee engagement rank as the highest current priorities of CHROs. Given the need for employees both willing and able to go the “next mile” in creating differentiated customer experiences, both topics seem particularly relevant.
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Employee engagement and commitment

Talent retention

Workforce productivity

Talent development

Sourcing and recruiting

Performance management evaluation

Collaboration and knowledge sharing

Talent management

Rapid development of workforce skills

…with collaboration and rapid skill development an increasing focus over the next three to five years

Source: CHRO1-How important is it for your organization to address the following workforce challenges today and in next 3 to 5 years?; n=320 [CHRO only]


55% 54%


35% 32%


14% 12%

Percentage change in importance of workforce challenges: today vs. 3–5 years

Presentation Notes
Further, over the next three years, CHROs recognize the value in addressing two topics critical to enabling the customer-activated enterprise: collaboration and knowledge sharing (up from 55 percent today to 92 percent in three years) and the rapid development of workforce skills and capabilities (from 57 percent to 89 percent).
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By the numbers: Systems of engagement address top challenges

Accessing, Attracting, Retaining & Developing the best talent possible

Getting new hires started and making them productive as quickly as possible

Nurturing workforce creativity and increasing the speed & quality of decisions

Improving morale & job satisfaction and reducing turnover

Cultivating future leaders who are creative & collaborative

More revenue per employee generated by people-focused businesses* *Bersin Report – The Science of Fit

Faster new hire time to value

Increase in productivity attributable to reduced number of status meetings

Increase in employee retention

Improved engagement & satisfaction

Of global leaders cite talent and leadership shortages as their number 1 business challenge * *Bersin and Associates – Talent Trends, Fall 2002

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It’s not what you

KNOW; it’s what you



3 2



1 2 3 4 5Source references in speaker notes.

Presentation Notes
Digital & Social Actions Embed expertise into key processes & apps Expands knowledge with active communities Provide mobile access to expertise How this helps: 1) Supportive Relationships with the Supervisor and Mentors: What is the employee’s relationship like with his supervisor? Supervisors who listen and regularly provide feedback and seek out ideas and concerns are more likely to generate employee engagement. Engaged employees respond well to rewards and gestures of appreciation from their supervisors; such gestures often mean more than the financial compensation because they reinforce that the supervisor recognizes and rewards what is important. 2) Feeling "In the Know": Do employees know what’s going on throughout the organization and how it affects their job? Communication is essential to bolster employee involvement and commitment. Clear, consistent messages communicated regularly through a variety of channels serve to foster engagement on all levels of an organization. Sources: 1 “Who Knows What?”, The Wall Street Journal Online, Updated June 15, 2012, 2 “Why Knowledge management is important to the Success of your company,” Lisa Quast, Forbes Online, August 2012, “Evolution of the networked enterprise”, McKinsey & Co, March 2013 30% improvement in speed to access experts: “The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies”, McKinsey & Co, July 2012 Here are some talking points about the Expertise and Knowledge Pattern. As the slide says; it’s not what you know - it’s what you share. Many people will tell you that they know that they waste time trying to find information. It’s your goal to help a company think about the way time translates into money. As you think about the time that they can save -- and therefore the money that they can save – you can help make it easier to find expertise and to find knowledge within the organization and that can give us some good competitive advantages within their business. There are some great talking points like 30% more speed to find access to experts and 80% more engagement from implementing this kind of solution.
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Social Collaboration Technologies Make Finding Experts Easy







None of These(n=6,364)

File Sharing Toolsand Wikis (n=3,014)

Tele- and Video-Conferences (n=2,668)

Enterprise InstantMessaging (n=2,968)

Online Meetings orWebinars (n=3,108)

Social NetworkingCommunities (n=1,327)


al C








d to







t Em



% of Employees Who Think it’s Easy to Find Experts

WorkTrends 2013 Global

• Eight out of ten (81%) employees say it’s easy to find experts when their organization uses social networking communities

• In organizations without social collaboration technologies, just six out of 10 (62%) of employees say it’s easy to find experts

Talent optimization

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Tone technicians preparing for concerts need support on issues complicated by types of equipment, specs of venue, and musician preferences

• Identified and expanded global experts

• Engaged expertise with customer service and tone techs through social networks

Presentation Notes
Business-Driven Decision: Needed to support tone technicians in preparation for concerts Needed immediate access to the requests for equipment from the musicians along with the technical specifications of the venue. Requirements for very fast resolution to problems. � Delivering Business Value: Delivered access to a large quantity of technical data for fast problem-solving to support the smooth flow of live music. Equipped team members to take action immediately on detailed information to address the equipment requests.� How: Enabled worldwide collaboration between customer service colleagues, tone technicians and global experts. Facilitated knowledge sharing among global experts via blogs and wikis. . Sennheiser is a customer that implemented the ability to find experts into find knowledge. They’re in the business of setting up concerts. Think about it - you’ve got a huge concert that’s going to take place - you have some technicians who are going to put some equipment in place and they have the specs of the venue, but they haven’t actually seen the place until the morning before the concert. They must be able to find experts very quickly if something goes wrong or if there are any surprises. When they need immediate attention, they’re able to get that because they’ve implemented our Expertise and Knowledge Pattern in Sennheiser. This is a great example of being able to find experts when you need them.
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71% of CEOs:

See employees as the #1 source

of economic value







Replacement costs can reach


of an employee’s annual salary


Presentation Notes
Digital & Social Actions – Smarter Workforce capabilities give our clients competitive advantages Screen candidates based on analytics on successful profile Shows culture in specialized recruiting communities Speeds onboarding linking to experts, wikis, and assets with social and mobile capabilities, xDx and big data for insights How this helps: 1) Understanding Expectations: Does the employee have the knowledge and information to do the job effectively? Do they know what is expected of them? Unclear expectations or a lack of basic training place an employee at risk for disengagement. Pair that with a scarcity of materials and equipment and you will generate negative feelings. In such a case, the employee focuses on just getting through the day rather than thinking about how he is contributing to the greater good of the organization. 2) Feeling Valued: Does the employee feel that his job is valuable to the organization? Employees who feel they’re “just a number” or “just another aide” may inadvertently pass that feeling along to their customers as well. Sources: The 2012 IBM Tech Trends Report SHRM Human Capital Benchmarking Database, 2011 30% faster time-to-value for new employees: “The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies”, McKinsey & Co, July 2012 “Bersin & Associates, The Science of Fit: Using Psychology to Replicate High Performance, Josh Bersin, June 2011 2012 IBM Global Chief Executive Study In a survey of 1,700 CEOs, 71% rated their employees as their most important source of sustained economic value1 Yet, 90% of organizations do not have all the skills they need to be successful2 Highly engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave than highly disengaged employees3 Declining levels of employee engagement in 2011 - 2012 resulted in a decline of $25,000 lower profit per employee4 Here are some talking points for the Recruiting and Onboarding Pattern. You can see that 71% of chief executive officers see employees as the Number 1 source of economic value within the company, however, 90% of the firms surveyed say that they do not have the skills to be successful with their current staff.   You can also see that there’s a big bump in annual profit when the employees are fully engaged. All of these are statistics that emphasize the importance of engaging employees - making sure that the employees are a right fit for the organization and then making sure that the employees have the information that they need to do their jobs.
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E-learning resources: Internet search most common, Learning Management System most useful

75% 75% 72% 72% 72% 70% 69%





Organization’s Intranet Search





OnlinePresentationsor Webinars(n=3,508)





% o

f Em






ve N


d Tr



0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Social Networking WebsitesMobile Training Modules

Online How-To VideosMassive Open Online CoursesOnline Presentations/WebinarsOrganization’s Intranet Search Learning Mgmt. System (LMS)

Internet Search

Which learning resources do you prefer to use?

WorkTrends 2013 Global (n=19,337)

• Employees’ most preferred learning resource is internet search, followed by their organization’s learning management system (LMS)

• Employees are most likely to say their training needs are being met when they use their organization’s LMS and mobile training modules

• Internet search is associated with the lowest level of training needs being met

Talent optimization

Overall average (66%)

WorkTrends 2013 Global

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Creating a smarter workforce

Reduced e-mail by up to 25%, shortened on-boarding time by 50%, eliminated unnecessary travel and meetings expenses, and created new channels for engaging customers.

Improved customer service and employee communication

“TD Bank is committed to weaving social networking into

everything we do and how we do it.”

— Wendy Arnott, Vice President of Social Media and Digital Communications, TD Bank Group

Cutting onboarding time by 50%

TD Bank Group improved its internal teaming and its customer service across geographic & organizational barriers, by integrating social business solutions into their operations processes

Presentation Notes
Need TD Bank needed to find a way to connect their geographically dispersed employees more effectively, improve executive communications, increase their workforce efficiency and reduce the amount of resources they were expending to run their business. Solution TD Bank didn’t just replicate existing processes on Connections, they transformed the ways in which their teams interacted with each other. They identified the value of using this social tool early and are already seeing a qualitative and quantitative impact on their business processes. Benefits Teams were finding it difficult to stay connected. Connections connects geographically dispersed teams and facilitates collaboration. The company directory made it difficult to identify experts and use their skills to help clients. Now, they can conduct focused searches and find expert knowledge and advice easily and quickly. Onboarding employees was too manual and paper-based. Connections provided a single repository for onboarding support and reduced onboarding time by 50%. Employees spent significant time and resource looking for information to do their jobs. Now, content is aggregated, and tools and information that support business roles are easily accessible. Managers needed to improve their engagement in critical projects. Through online collaboration, managers can stay up to date in real time and engage in the progress of projects and initiatives. Leaders sought an interactive forum to communicate and stay involved with the entire ecosystem. Typically field calls were expensive and limited to small groups. Online forums removed the communication barriers, increased transparent and enhanced interaction. One division reduced meeting times by five hours a week. Email loads and project updates were exhausting valuable resources and wasting time. By transferring the conversation to Connections, one division reduced their e-mails by a factor of 40 to 1. Another division reduced their e-mails by 25%. Projects can now be updated in 5-10 minutes, down from 60 minutes. Solution components •IBM® Connections Client quote 1 “TD Bank is committed to weaving social networking into everything we do and how we do it.” —Wendy Arnott, vice president of social media and digital communications, TD Bank Group
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“The Social Network is

the New Production







1 2 3 4Source references in speaker notes.

Presentation Notes
Digital & Social Actions Breaks silos by exposing and growing innovation communities Integrates internal and external resources through role-based experiences Taps the wisdom of crowd with ideation for top challenges How this helps: 1) During idea-sharing expositions, employees display projects and ideas they are working on. This process creates a healthy climate of innovation and engages all those who participate. 2)  The true competitive advantage is trained and motivated people proudly working together, contributing their vitality and energy toward the goals of the enterprise. Sources: "Only 25 % are good at generating and converting innovations,“: “The Global Innovation 1000: Making Ideas Work,” Barry Jaruzelski, John Loehr, and Richard Holman, strategy+business Magazine, Winter 2012, Booz & Company, Inc. 2012 Adobe State of Create Study “Evolution of the networked enterprise”, McKinsey & Co, March 2013 The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies”, McKinsey & Co, July 2012 Competitive Advantage in the Era of Smart,” Ginni Rometty, speaking at Council on Foreign Relations, NYC, March 7, 2013, Here are a few more talking points about our Innovation Pattern. Only 25% of firms are good at generating and converting innovations. In most businesses productivity is emphasized more than creativity, and 20% more successful innovations happen when companies have implemented social capabilities - that one comes from McKinsey. And all of this revolves around the idea that social is the new production line.
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• Employees were asked whether their organization uses social collaboration technologies and to rate the level of collaboration in their work environment.

• Among the social collaboration technologies, real-time communication such as instant messaging increase collaboration the most.

• And each technology contributed to improved collaboration amongst coworkers.

• In fact, when all technologies were used, collaboration scores increased by 22 percent.

Multiple social collaboration technologies link to higher collaboration scores

Talent optimization

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Increased sales in multiple markets & cut costs by 33%

Russell's Convenience

• Expediting new stores with start-up Activities

• Community of franchisees, architects & builders

• ROI in less than 2 months

Presentation Notes
“SmartCloud Engage is helping our licensee's operate as one business --one that is connected, informed, and cohesive. Raymond Huff, President, Russell's Convenience Business Challenge: With 24 stores located in Colorado, Hawaii and California, Russell's management team was struggling to keep track of day-to-day issues, and as a result, many fell through the cracks. Russell's Convenience Stores chose IBM SmartCloud Engage social collaboration cloud to enable more transparent communications between franchises. Solution: Using SmartCloud Engage, Russell's has access to cloud-based social networking and collaboration tools, including file storing and sharing, email, instant messaging and activity management. Instead of searching through emails or picking up the phone, all of the stores' concerns are compiled and stored in one central place in the IBM cloud. Now, all Russell's Licensed stores can access and share information regardless of their location. Using activities to track issues and meetings to hash out solutions, the company is now solving problems faster leaving more time to focus on the business. License owners can also communicate with partners, invite guests into their network to work on projects, and take advantage of the many third-party applications available through SmartCloud Engage. With the help of IBM Business Partner Alacrinet Consulting Services, Russell's chose SmartCloud Engage as a step to becoming a social business and solve problems faster: 1. The company's Los Angeles stores are beginning their remodel cycle, the Architect is locate in Denver the operations are located in LA. Using Lotus live they set up guest accounts for the Architect to submit space plans for approval which had to be signed off by corporate in Denver and operations in LA. They believe just this functionality saved them weeks of back and forth and travel cost to LA. The remodel begins in a week or so. 2. Executive staff meeting are held weekly in Denver, the licensees are able to attend the meeting via lotus live versus getting a synopsis of the high pints of the staff meeting. This allows the information to be heard as first person versus being filtered through the Licensee consultant. Better information, faster resulting in more profit to our licensee. 3. Their software vendor Tenderfoot Software spent time and effort to correct bugs in the software that manages the store point of sales. Request for improvement's and bugs are now listed by the store operations managers as they are found, a Tenderfoot Software representative was given guest access to the activity. They now get first hand knowledge of the issue and are able to resolve the issues faster with less back and forth regarding the change request. Benefits Cut travel costs by 33% saving approximately $30,000 a year. Cut postage costs by 50%. By connecting managers in different stores to determine best selling products, the company was able to increase sales in multiple markets. Unique no cost "guest account" model provides access to Russell's suppliers. This enables their architectural firm to join SmartCloud Engage so they can review and approve plans online, speeding remodeling projects. Using “activities” to track issues and web meetings to hash out solutions, the company is now solving problems and completing projects faster. Realize 100% ROI in < 2 months Public Reference: Video link: 
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Collaboratively find and connect the right candidate to the right position. Streamline assessment and hiring processes. Use externally and internally facing social capabilities to connect HR staff, hiring managers and candidates in the recruiting process.

Involve key stakeholders in delivering a shared vision of onboarding. Approach onboarding as an experience instead of a checklist of tasks and processes. Accelerate time to productivity, increasing the delivery of employee performance milestones.

Break down geographic and organisational barriers that keep employees from the collective intelligence of your company. Interact with your network to make the workday more effective and efficient. Don't limit the usage of tools to the office environment.

Inspire your workforce to make a difference, cultivate leaders and improve performance. Employees who see that their work is making a contribution to the goals of the organisation feel valued and motivated. Employees who get regular feedback feel more engaged and committed to the organisation.

Leaders are most successful when they have the fit to succeed within the organisation. Identify skills gaps and deliver the right content to the right people, at the right time. Spot leadership potential through usage of social tools and drive mentoring.

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Examples of IBM HR Systems Of Engagements Elyse Anchell, Manager, IBM Smarter Workforce

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Candidate New Hire Employee Leader

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