how not to learn english

Why companies are wasting money instead of getting strategic ?

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How not to learn English- why companies are wasting money instead of getting strategic.


Page 1: How not to learn English

Why companies are wasting money instead of getting strategic


Page 2: How not to learn English

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You’re not just competing in your home market any more.

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expanding into high-growth countries all over the world.

Makes sense.

You’re looking to grow in new markets,

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But they do speak English.

There’s only one problem:

Your new prospects and customers and partners and suppliers don’t speak your language.

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This is hugely important because

and they do it using language.People buy from people.

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If your people speak English they can do great things.

Sell moreNegotiate betterBuild great partnershipsFind the best suppliersPromote your brandsForge new relationships

Stay on top of market changesShare knowledge across your organizationEngage more closely in corporate strategy and culture

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And if they don’t, they can’t.

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Stop and think about this.English language skills will make your people get inside your new markets instead of just selling to them from the outside.That’s not a small thing, that’s a very, very big thing indeed.As an HR or executive leader, it may well be one of the biggest contributions you can make to your company’s success.

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English language learning has become critical to your company’s success.It’s your job to accelerate your organization’s English skills.The decisions you make right now are vitally important.Get it right and your company will hit its international growth targets. Get it wrong and you’ll struggle.

The bottom line:

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But most companies are still approaching English language skills development as if it were a ‘tick box’ exercise.

Most companies know this (it’s not really very controversial).

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They think all English language training is the same, so their efforts are:

Ad hoc One-size-fits-all Low-quality

Inflexible Decentralized Un-managed


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It’s a colossal waste of money.(And makes HR look bad)Because these programs aren’t designed to achieve specific goals, no metrics or training KPIs are ever established (much less tracked).What’s more, nobody really owns the whole program, so nobody makes sure it delivers a proper return on investment.

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Leaving your English skills developmentto chance virtually guarantees that you will:

This is a huge mistake.

Waste your people’s timeWaste a lot of moneyMiss major opportunitiesInhibit your growth

And that’s not what HR’s is here for. Quite the opposite.


Check out part two of our ebook to learn more about how to avoid these mistakes!

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EF is the pioneer of – and world leader in – the task-based approach to English language learning for large organizations.Our unique combination of great teachers, breakthrough technology and fanatical service adds more value to your business, and does it faster than any other method.

Strategic EnglishHow English language skills can power your global business

An EF Executive Briefing

Selling In EnglishThe seven big mistakes in English language learning for sales organizations

The Economist Intelligence Unit’sCompeting Across Borders: How cultural and communication barriers affect business An independent, global survey into how language skills impact the competitiveness of multinational companies.

The Efekta™ e-brochureAll about our online school

About EF Corporate Language Learning

Further reading:

[email protected]


How English language skills canpower your global business


Selling in EnglishThe seven big mistakes in English Language learning for sales organisations.A mini-eBook from EF