how relevant is your blog content?

How relevan t is your blog content ?

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Page 1: How relevant is your blog content?

How relevant is your blog content?

Page 2: How relevant is your blog content?

We read material to learn, to be entertained, and to gain some sort of value.

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If we as readers cannot get one of those benefits from the content we’re reading, we’re going to click away – and your readers and prospects are no different.

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Sometimes you just want a quick win so you put up some content to have something on the page for the day.

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That can be a mistake.

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The good news is that making every piece of content relevant isn’t as difficult as it might seem.

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It all Begins with your Content Plan

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The first few days of the blogging challenge you create an editorial calendar. Seems like a strange thing to do in the first week, right?

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The goal is to get you thinking about the type of content you are going to publish on a daily basis and how you’re going to get it done.

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Now you can revisit that plan and calendar and make sure that the content you’ve planned is relevant. Here’s how:

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If you’re entertaining, you’re providing value.

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If you’re reinforcing or connecting you’re providing value.

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If you're educating the reader you're providing value

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If you're talking about your holiday on your business blog you're stoking your own ego.

Less of that please !

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As you review your editorial calendar, check each post and look to see how it will benefit your reader. Your audience will thank you for it, and your traffic and conversions will skyrocket.

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