how the mountain cow became the national animal of belize


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How the Mountain Cow became the National Animal of Belize By Sherlet Neal


Page 1: How the Mountain Cow became the National Animal of Belize

How the Mountain Cow became the

National Animal of Belize

By Sherlet Neal

A Belizean folkloric story

Page 2: How the Mountain Cow became the National Animal of Belize

How the Mountain Cow became the

National Animal of Belize

By Sherlet Neal

Shortly after Belize got its Independence from Britain word reached Animal

Kingdom that the Premier was looking for an animal to represent the country as

the national animal. This news sent excitement throughout the entire animal

kingdom and everyone wondered who it would be. The excitement doubled as

word went out that the “chosen one” would have all the privileges availed to the

most powerful man in the country and from time to time would even be invited to

eat around the Premier’s table.

There were some animals like Chubby the Cat who laughed at the suggestion

because national animal or no national animal, he ate from the table of whom ever

he wanted to. Silky the Snake was not interested, way too much work he thought.

Well as the excitement mounted in Animal Kingdom and the speculation grew

the animals began discussing among themselves who they thought would be the

most suitable candidate for this prestigious recognition.

Bra Tiger declared that if anyone was well suited it would be him, after all he was

strong, fearless and respected, not to mention handsome. He and Bra Lion had a

heated argument over this as Bra Lion felt that Tiger was no competition because

of the colour of his skin. Lion was sure that his light skin would be most fitting to

adorn the Premier table and grace the covers of News Exchange Magazine.

Anansi Junior sat quietly looking on at all the hullabaloo going on among the

animals and inside he was laughing. Who was more well known than he Anansi.

There was not a person in the country who has not heard or loved Anansi. When

it came down to the popularity vote, he had them all out, five to one. Well don’t

mention looks; Anansi was the ideal package deal and anyone who didn’t know

that, clearly was not a Belizean.

Well standing on top of the mountain looking down and listening to all the chaos

and chatter was Matty the Mountain Cow. Matty had never ventured down the

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mountain before. Everything he needed was right up there on the mountain top,

plus he always believed that it was the lesser animals that dwelled to the bottom

of the mountain. He felt regal standing proud and tall on top of the mountain, he

was no ordinary cow, he was a mountain cow.

As the days passed and he continued to listen to all the chatter the thought

entered his head that he was the most fitting to be called the national animal.

Heck, this was probably his calling, he had been waiting all his life for his calling,

he knew he had a purpose on this earth, some high calling he was sure, but could

it be this..? Well there was only one way to find out.

That day and the next he put his plan into action….Yes he Matty the Mountain

Cow was the chosen one. But the name Mountain cow did not sound royal to him,

he needed another name, he needed a name that sounded regal….yes Tapir….that

was definitely royalty…the name Tapir would suggest someone who belongs in

the “top” ranks, that was definitely it. A name like mountain cow would make

him appear like an ordinary domesticated cow…he could not have that…..

His plan firmly in place Troy the Tapir decided to venture down the mountain to

put his plan in action. He knew that the next day the Premier and his group

would be visiting animal kingdom to pick out the national animal. When he

arrived at the foot of the mountain the animals were still gathered around

discussing the visit of the Premier and arguing among themselves who would be

the National Animal.

As he descended the mountain, he addressed the other animals. “Brethrens!” he

said. “I cannot stand to see the way you all stand here arguing amongst

yourselves as to who will be our animal representatives. You all are dividing the

animal kingdom. It made me so sad standing up there looking on, I decided I had

to come down here and help you all out. Among you all, is definitely a leader but

how can you find out if you keep arguing and fighting with each other.” The

other animals listened carefully, what he said made perfect sense.

He continued “when the Premier and his group come tomorrow, is this what you

want them to see, all of us fighting like puss and dog? No brethren.” He said

“This is what I suggest we do tomorrow.” Before long Troy the Tapir had his

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plan in place, everyone was onboard except Anansi Junior who knew that Bra

Tapir had to have some ulterior motives, who knew this more than the master of

trickery himself Anansi.

Tapir sensed this right away and came up with a plan….he called Anansi to the

side and whispered to him “Listen I have been noticing you for some time now,

and I fully believe that you are the most fitting one to be called the national

animal. I will help you Anansi Junior. But don’t say a word to the others. Here is

the plan.” Anansi laughed with excitement when the heard the plan. Finally there

was someone who saw and knew his true worth, Troy the Tapir was his new best

friend and when he sat among the kings of kings he would never forget Tapir.

Well early next morning all the animals in Animal Kingdom woke up early and

started the day under the direction of Troy the Tapir, all of course except Anansi

who was busy getting groomed for his big day, well at least he thought it would


Tapir had directed that when the Premier and his group arrived the animals

should be busy preparing a meal for the group. Some should be cooking, others

serving, others cleaning and some would line the way to make a royal pathway

for the group. He Troy the Tapir would receive them. If they did this the

Premier would notice each of them as they did their part and determine who was

most hard-working. Tapir convinced them that he wanted no glory or

recognition; in fact he wasn’t even in the competition.

The arrival of the Premier and his group was announced and everyone got busy

doing their best to impress the Premier hoping to be noticed as the most worthy

of them all. At the entrance to the animal kingdom was Troy the Tapir well

adorned with Anansi on his back. He convinced Anansi earlier that because he

was so small he should perch on Tapir’s back. If he was on the ground there was

no way he would be noticed. Anansi was overjoyed to have such a high and

prominent position.

Troy the Tapir also convinced the others that it is best for them not to speak, as

it would work against them if they said the wrong thing, for good measure it was

best if they glued their lips together, just in case they got the urge to speak which

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would be really devastating. They were advised just to keep smiling and working,

this would greatly please the Premier.

The feast was served and Tapir entertained the group well. The Premier was

very pleased and it was time to make a decision from among the animals. The

Tapir spoke up. “You see Premier and kind sirs; we decided to make the job easy

for you. We know that you are very busy men. So among the Animal Kingdom

we have come to a decision which we know will please you very much.” The

others stopped working and smiling and started listening wondering where this

was going. “All the other animals, even my pet perched here on my shoulders

have voted and agreed that I should be the national animal, and represent them

all.” The other animals were in frenzy and tried to protest, but they could not,

struggled as they may, no sound came forth.

“Is there any objection to this proposal?” asked the Premier. The only protest

came from Anansi Junior who jumped down and declared that he should be the

national animal.

The Premier and his group laughed out loud at the suggestion and advised Troy

the Tapir to train his pet if he intended to bring him along to the royal palace.

Anansi protested that he was not a pet and that this was all a set up, but no one

was listening, it was already decided by silent consent that Troy the Tapir would

be the national animal and would grace the Premier table and that his picture

would appear everywhere.

It was also that day declared that if “anyone” and that meant the other animals

too, “anyone” tried to harm the Tapir they would be in grave danger. Troy the

Tapir smiled at this and proudly trod back to the top of the mountain and to

safety, leaving chaos and confusion behind.

Moral of the story: Never allow anyone to shut you up.

Even the trickster can be tricked.

Open to interpretation

* Used with the author’s permission, 2012. For