how to achieve superior health

The Complete Guide To How To Achieve Superior Health? BY- Dr. Armaan Singh

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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The Complete Guide To

How To Achieve Superior Health?

BY- Dr. Armaan Singh

bottoms up.It turns out that the moderate drinkers have decreased risk of

mortality compared to non-drinkers. So drink up. Providing of course you feel like it and you are an adult as the study proved that among

older adults moderate drinkers actually have a lower risk of mortality compared to those who abstain from drinking altogether. Moderate

consumption may mean having a glass of Merlot with dinner.

enjoy your coffee.Recent studies suggest coffee can actually protect women

against heart disease and other ailments. Other recent studies show that even decaf can be beneficial to your liver and help

protect you from diabetes. Women who drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day are 25% less likely to die from heart disease compared to

those who don’t drink coffee.

love chocolate.But not too much. It turns out that only those who eat moderate

amount of chocolate live longer compared to those who eat it more than three times a week and those who do not eat

chocolate at all.

love garlic.Garlic might not be as delicious as chocolate is but it surely has

some superpowers. Garlic and the vegetable family it comes from has been known for many health benefits. It lowers blood pressure and improves circulation. It also boosts your immune

system while helping to regulate blood-sugar levels at the same time. So load up on it to live longer!

love your mum.It turns out that people who have close relationships with their mum have a dramatically smaller risk of disease by midlife. It turns out that 91% of people who weren’t close to their mum

developed a serious disease by midlife compared to 45% of those who had a close relationship with their mum.

don’t start school to early.

The recent study shows that starting school too early can lead to increased risk of mortality. It turns out that starting formal

schooling before the age of six is a risk factor, so school (at least formal education) can wait a bit.

develop a strong handshake.It may sound weird but grip strength is a suggested indicator of

longer life. People with greater physical capabilities are likely to live longer. In one group of studies actually, those with a weak

handshake were between 2 and 3 times more likely to die during the period of study.

move to the country.

If you want to live longer it’s best to leave the concrete jungle. According to the Office for National Statistics (UK), people who

live in rural areas typically live longer than people who live in cities. In Somerset women’s average life expectancy is 84 years

while in Manchester it is only 76 years.

choose the right spouse.

Not only does companionship have links to a longer life over time but who you choose to marry also makes a difference. You

should wed wisely as longevity is an inherited phenotype across three generations. Choosing a spouse whose grandparents are still alive can help your children live longer. Plus a strong and

healthy relationship is linked with general longevity.

own a pet.Pets heal the heart. It is a studied fact that survival rates for

heart-attack victims are 12% higher for those who own a pet than for those who don’t. Owning a pet decreases loneliness,

limits depression, encourages laughter and prompts exercise.

be optimistic.It pays off to be positive and think happy thoughts. People with a positive

outlook are usually less stressed and more capable to deal with life’s challenges. That positive outlook is also linked with decreased mortality

risk. Optimistic people live about 12 years longer than the pessimists.

go to the dentist.Do not only go to visit your dentist regularly, but listen to his

words! Floss everyday and brush your teeth regularly as poor dental care has been linked to many serious illnesses later in

life, including heart disease. Bacteria that live in the mouth can cause a person’s arteries to swell and can lead to greater risk of

heart disease.

meditate more.Did you know that 15 minutes of mindful meditation can produce a much more relaxed state of mind that one hour of deep sleep?

So free your mind with meditation – a powerful healing tool for stress, which can lead to increased risk of disease later in life.

have more plants. Plants are well known for removing air pollutants which are

responsible for more than 1,6 million heaths each year. It is well known that certain indoor plants can significantly improve the quality of indoor air. Best plants to do the job are English Ivy,

Asparagus Fern and Purple Waffle Plant.

get up every hour.Do not sit too much! Sitting can actually kill you. The average person should take roughly 10000 steps a day. Taking fewer is

increasing your risk of heart disease and other ailments. People who sit for 4 hours a day outside of work have a 50% greater risk

of dying than those who sit less than 2 hours a day.

take it easy.Chill out and just relax. Letting stress go is one good way to live a

longer and healthier life. Anger is typically linked to high blood pressure and can cause increased risk of certain ailments.

Actually men with the highest level of anger in response to stress are three times more likely to develop a premature heart
