how to adopt agile at your organization

How to Adopt Agile at Your Organization Challenges and Success Stories Agile Riga Day 2011

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Page 1: How to Adopt Agile at Your Organization

How to Adopt Agileat Your Organization

Challenges and Success Stories

Agile Riga Day 2011

Page 2: How to Adopt Agile at Your Organization

Raimonds Simanovskis







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I heard about Agile...

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But what is Agile?

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But what is Agile?

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But what is Agile?

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But what is Agile?

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But what is Agile?

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But what is Agile?

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But what is Agile?

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But what is Agile?

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But what is Agile?

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But what is Agile?

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Why to start Agile?

What are the problems we want to solve?

Do we acknowledge that we have problems?


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We want toDevelop software faster

Be responsive to changes

Get higher quality result

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Challenges before starting

• “Why to change?”

• “We are already agile”

• “Just another buzzword”

• “Our managers don’t allow to be agile”

• “Our employees don’t take responsibility”

• “Our customers want waterfall”

Why to change?Everything is

already more or less OK

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Challenges before starting

• “Why to change?”

• “We are already agile”

• “Just another buzzword”

• “Our managers don’t allow to be agile”

• “Our employees don’t take responsibility”

• “Our customers want waterfall”

We are already Agile!

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Challenges before starting

• “Why to change?”

• “We are already agile”

• “Just another buzzword”

• “Our managers don’t allow to be agile”

• “Our employees don’t take responsibility”

• “Our customers want waterfall”

Just another buzzword...

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Challenges before starting

• “Why to change?”

• “We are already agile”

• “Just another buzzword”

• “Our managers don’t allow to be agile”

• “Our employees don’t take responsibility”

• “Our customers want waterfall”

Our managers don’t allow us to

be agile :(

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Challenges before starting

• “Why to change?”

• “We are already agile”

• “Just another buzzword”

• “Our managers don’t allow to be agile”

• “Our employees don’t take responsibility”

• “Our customers want waterfall”

Our employees don’t take

responsibility :(

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Challenges before starting

• “Why to change?”

• “We are already agile”

• “Just another buzzword”

• “Our managers don’t allow to be agile”

• “Our employees don’t take responsibility”

• “Our customers want waterfall”

Our customers are demanding

waterfall :(

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OK, ready to start!

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Big bang approach!

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OK, some ramp up

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But in reality...

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There will be failures

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Adopt iteratively practice by practice

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Start with valuesand principles

Individuals and interactions

Working software

Customer collaboration

Responding to change

Processesand tools

Comprehensive documentation

Contract negotiation

Followinga plan






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Start with iterationsCreate

a backlog

Regularreview ofpriorities

Plan initerations



1 - 4 weeks






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Challengesafter starting

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Just renaming things

Tasks in MS Project plan Backlog items

Requirements specification User stories

Project phases Iterations

Detailed design specification... we still need this ...

Project Manager Scrum Master

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Performing rituals without understanding the reason

What did you do?

Nothing special

The same as usualYou guysare cool!

Let’s go to lunch!

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Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4

Overcustomizing practices


Design& coding Testing


Design& coding Testing


Design& coding

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False sense of early finish

We’re doing Scrum!

Yeah!We’re so Agile!

And leanas well!

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Involve customerExplain values and


Explain iterations and backlog

Explain product owner role and help with it


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Speak morewrite less

Lo-fi communications:user stories, index cards, whiteboard

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Lo-fi communications:user stories, index cards, whiteboard

Transparency and honesty

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Agile just inside development team without

customer involvement

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Customer does nothave time

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Development team and customer each have own

backlogs and priorities

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Customer collaboration and scope management in

fixed scope / fixed price contracts

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Implement Quality




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Integrated into development


Not a role but function

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Continuous integration

Observe code repository

Build product

Execute tests

Publish results

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Zero bugs

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Backlog Work in process Done

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Growing work in process

Backlog Work in process Done

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Growing work in process

Backlog Work in process Done

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Done means not just doable but also usable

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Technical Excellence5

Is itgood?

#@%$^&10 PRINT “Hello”20 GOTO 10

Pair Programming

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Test Driven Development

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• “Why to change?”

• “We are already agile”

• “Just another buzzword”

• “Our managers don’t allow to be agile”

• “Our employees don’t take responsibility”

• “Our customers want waterfall”

Technical practices much harder than “soft” practices :(

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• “Why to change?”

• “We are already agile”

• “Just another buzzword”

• “Our managers don’t allow to be agile”

• “Our employees don’t take responsibility”

• “Our customers want waterfall”

Twice as much work!

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• “Why to change?”

• “We are already agile”

• “Just another buzzword”

• “Our managers don’t allow to be agile”

• “Our employees don’t take responsibility”

• “Our customers want waterfall”

I’m not allowed to do refactoringNeed to work on

new features

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• “Why to change?”

• “We are already agile”

• “Just another buzzword”

• “Our managers don’t allow to be agile”

• “Our employees don’t take responsibility”

• “Our customers want waterfall”

Legacy code...Bad technology...

Can’t do TDD

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Readiness for change6

Anything can be changed

Minimize cycle time to production

Source code always ready for deployment

Automated deployments


le o



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Development Operations

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Staying agile7