how to become a morning person to live a healthy and productive life

How to Become a Morning Person E-Book by 1

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Page 1: How to Become a Morning Person to Live a Healthy and Productive Life


How to Become a Morning PersonE-Book by

Page 2: How to Become a Morning Person to Live a Healthy and Productive Life

I am not a morning person

I was never a morning person, right from the college days, until a few years ago; I had no morning life. •Wakeup between 7:30 to 8:00 am•Rushing to take shower and put on dress •Leave for work and struggle to get on time•Never had breakfast on time•Had to work till late hours in the office•And return back home, totally stressed and tired•No time to cook, so grab some junk or order through app•Almost no social life

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This is how it looked liked - everyday

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I knew there is something wrong

I used to be in hurry all the time, felt tired, lazy and stressed and had to skip social gathering because I was busy for nothing.

Even if I knew, that if I get up early in the morning, I will have a couple of hours that I can use well to workout, to plan my day, to take care of morning chores and avoid rushing for grocery and vegetable shopping while returning from the work in the evening.

And setting up alarm clock to get up early was not a solution. Because they have a snooze button and I always end up hitting the snooze.

I had to make some adjustment to my lifestyle, but didn’t know what and how?

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Not anymore!

It all started in December 2015.

It all started in December 2015. My friends were participating in a marathon and they insisted me to join in fun race. Just to support the event and have fun! They ensured to wake me up and I participated. It was annoying to get up so early, but trust me the experienced turned out to be magical for me.

It changed everything and I resolved to become a morning person. I promised to myself and resolved to do whatever it takes to make adjustments in my lifestyle and claim my day.

Trust me, its magical! And I am happy to share everything that worked for me. And I am sure, it is going to work for you.

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Benefits of becoming a morning person

It all started in December 2015.

I actually experienced the joy of waking up early and that changed my life.

I sleep on time and wake up early in the morning and feel rejuvenated and relaxed.

I go for a walk everyday. I see the sun rise everyday.

I get a couple of extra hours in the mooring.

And to top it all, I have free time in the Moring when I am at my best and I use it to plan the activities for the next day without any stress.

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Becoming a morning person is magical

•Getting up early in the morning has improved the quality of my sleep and overall life.

•I get to sleep for 7-8 hours every day.

•I am never worried about getting late.

•I eat my breakfast, lunch and dinner every day

•Waking up early makes me rejuvenated and stress free.

•I have extra time to work out and stay fit.

•I don’t feel sleepy anymore at work

•I tend to have more hours in my days than I previously had.

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15 tricks that actually worked for me

The first thing that you need to become a morning person is the motivation. All of us like sleeping in the morning, because that’s when you enjoy your sleep.

Unless, you realize or get better rewards, you may not be motivated enough to get up early in the morning. And that’s the first and sure shot trick that works.

Are you ready to learn these tricks?

Here we go!

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Trick 1: motivation to wake up early

Motivation to wakeup early in the mooring can help you succeed. I found my motivation because I liked how it feels when you get up early and have a normal life.

I wanted to have more time in my days, than the night.

A friend of mine who has put on a lot of weight off late, felt embarrassed about it. For her, the motivation is to lose weight and live a healthy life.

Find your own motivation.

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Trick 2: know the risk of sleeping till late

Sleeping till late hours could have many negative impact on your physical and mental health, including;•Becoming lazy and feeling dull•Obesity •Headache and back aches•Lack of concentration•Stress•Lack of time•Almost no social life

When you have something at stake, you can’t take chances.

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Trick 3: go to bed at right time

Make a routine that works for you but try and go to the bed between 9:30 to 10.00PM to wake up early between 5:30 to 6.00 AM. Once you have sound sleep for 6-7 hours, you will have no difficulties in waking up early, because your sleep is complete. It is like charging your phone. We sleep to charge our body, and when we get sound sleep of 7-8 hours, we get rejuvenated and charged.

If you are not going to bed at right time, your body won’t allow you to wakeup early. You need good quality sleep for 7-8 hours or more depending your age and lifestyle.

Sleep on time. Sleep well. And getting up early won’t be an issue.

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Trick 4: avoid hitting the snooze button

I strongly feel that alarm clock should not have the snooze button. When I set up an alarm, it should help me get up on time, without excuse!

Most of us end up hitting the snooze button to kill the alarm.

But what if the alarm clock is not within the reach from your bed? You have to get up, reach the clock and then stop the alarm and you will be awake.

Keep alarm at distance. And never press the snooze button.

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Trick 5: use gadgets like wrist bands

There are many gadgets and fitness devices which may help you in becoming a morning person.

I myself, use the MI fitness band. It counts the steps, calories burned, sleep I had etc. You need to wear the wrist band and the data will automatically synch with the app.

It helps you track your activities, sleep patters and keeps you motivated to reach your weekly or monthly fitness goal.

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Trick 6: follow a practical routine

I have following routine and I follow it from Monday to Saturday.

•Have dinner between 8:30 - 9:00 PM.•Get ready to go to bed in 30 minutes.•Go to bed by 9:30 and read a book for about half an hour.•Switch off light by 10:00 -10:15 and sleep.•Get up early by 5:30 am sharp.•Finish morning rituals in next 30 minutes•Off to ground for jogging and exercise by 6:00 -6:15•Return back home by 7:30 am

Make a routine. Follow it for 2 weeks and it’ll become a habit

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Trick 7: limit the water before bed

If you drink plenty of water just before the bedtime, you may have problem in falling asleep. If you are unable to sleep on time, then you cannot wake up early.

Have light dinner. Take a small walk or read books. Drink a glass of water and go to sleep.

Find ways to sleep without interruption.

Good sound sleep will help you get up early in the morning.

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Trick 8: natural trigger to wakeup

You can sleep beside your window facing the eastern horizon, so that the sun can wake you up. Our bodies are functioned to sleep in the dark, with scarcity of lights, so the morning sun can help you to wake up in the morning.

If you do not have afore mentioned windows to let the natural lights in, you may switch on the lights of your room. As the alarm starts beeping, switch on the lights, and then walk away from the bed, and switch off the alarm. Once the light is on, and you are away from bed, then the next actions are just a piece of cake.

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Trick 9: no phone checking after dinner

Researchers suggested that the blue lights emitted from the laptops and computers are far more powerful than the ordinary CFL and LED lights, and they can interfere with your sleep cycles.

Switch off the gadgets or don’t use them, at least before going to bed. You will find no good in scrolling the pages of your Instagram and Facebook, so it is better to avoid them. You can read some books, and then go to sleep peacefully

Read novels, poetry, inspirational fictions instead of using phone

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Trick 10: eat healthy and balanced meal

If the diet is healthy and nutritious then you have a comfortable sleep. A bad diet can torment you by giving acidity, indigestion, and other related problems. You will not be able to fall asleep if you are nauseous and sick.

Have a lighter and healthier dinner; it is preferable if your dinner is lighter than the other meals of the day. Chicken soups, mixed veggies, pulse, salad, fish, can be in the dinner. But it is important that you check the measurements, stop eating when your stomach is 80% FULL.

Drink a glass of milk before bed time for better sleep

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Trick 11: prepare bed before sleeping

I have personally experienced and can tell you, reading books on bed, work well. Read a book for 30 minutes, and then switch off the light.

A calm and peaceful environment is needed for a nice sleep. If your sleep is complete, then you will be able to start your mornings early.

Ensure that you need a nice cozy room and the proper environment. Make a cozy bed with fresh bed covers and pillows, switch off the lights; you may use a dim night lamp if you wish to.

Make an environment that’s right for sleeping

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Trick 12: don’t bring work to home

The professional and the private life must be stages separately so that they do not interfere with one another. You cannot sleep during work, like that; you cannot work during sleep hours. Keep the work pressures and tensions out of your mind, because getting stressed is not going to take you anywhere. When you wake up in the morning, after a sound sleep, your mind will be fresh and ready to overcome the challenges of the day.

Earlier, I used to sleep late, checking emails, responding to messages on the phone and so on. But when I changed myself and stared living in present moment, everything changed. When I am at work, I work, when at home, I be there.

Leave the stress of work in the office. Enjoy your time at home

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Trick 13: exercise under the sun

Get up early, go jogging or for a walk. Experience the joy of breathing in fresh air and bright sun. You will feel relaxed, optimistic and energetic. The first rays of the sun are good for your body and mind, so you must not lose the opportunity.

Go out of the house, you will find that there are many people like you who are walking and jogging. You may get company and make friends.

Go out. Exercise. Enjoy the sunshine

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Trick 14: reward yourself

Once you reach the goal of waking up in the morning, you can award yourself accordingly. You can enjoy breakfast with your favorite fruit or coffee, you can go to the balcony or roof and enjoy the rising sun, you can also go for a morning walk, and enjoy the blush of the eastern sky along with the chirping of the birds.

You have been to bed for 8 hours now, and so this is the time to enjoy the natural beauty and the fresh hour.

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Trick 15: set smaller milestones

Don’t set highly optimistic goal for yourself. If you fail to reach your goal early on, you may not feel motivated enough to continue the efforts.

I was not a morning person and no matter what, I could not get up early before 7:30. And every time I tried to get up early, I used to set the alarm clock to 6:00 am, but I never thought of sleeping early.

And I overcame this by setting realistic goal and tweaking my overall routine. Try to get up just 30 minutes earlier than the usual time you are waking up now. And keep decreasing the time to wake up as you develop the habit of getting up early.

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Over to you

It’s is not easy to become a person, if you have never been one. But it is certainly possible and here’s how:

•Know, what’s on stake if you sleep till late hours•Know the benefits of have a couple of extra hours in the morning•Waking up early is a lifestyle, adopt it for your wellbeing•Make a routine to go to bed and get up•Use gadgets and alarms to get up early•Do some workout, plan your day and enjoy a happy life

To your good health and wellbeing.