how to believe in yourself - 2 major things that you should be doing

7 How To Believe In Yourself 2 Major Things That You Should Be Doing It’s a proven fact…if you want to get anywhere in life, you must first believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, you will never get anywhere. A person who does not believe in themselves are pretty much just throwing in the towels and giving up on life. That’s how it should be. We all have massive potential. It’s our job to tap into it and live a life that we truly deserve. If youre struggling due to the different challenges of everyday life, I urge you to keep reading because as you read this post, you will discover how to believe in yourself . You’ll figure out how you can tap into your “other self” and become a progress machine.

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Post on 17-Feb-2017



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How To Believe In Yourself – 2 Major Things That

You Should Be Doing

It’s a proven fact…if you want to get anywhere in life, you must first

believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, you will never get

anywhere. A person who does not believe in themselves are pretty

much just throwing in the towels and giving up on life. That’s how it

should be. We all have massive potential. It’s our job to tap into it and

live a life that we truly deserve.

If you’re struggling due to the different challenges of everyday life, I

urge you to keep reading because as you read this post, you will

discover how to believe in yourself. You’ll figure out how you can tap

into your “other self” and become a progress machine.

There’s too many so called “Normal” people who made amazing

contributions in this world. Here’s to name a few: Mark Zuckerburg,

Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Michael Jordan and many many more others. The

list literally goes on. Those people mentioned only made amazing

things happen because they believed in their vision. It’s about time you

do, too. They knew that in order to be great, they had to look in the

mirror and say “You must know how to believe in yourself”. No matter

how many times they failed, they just kept moving forward. These

people are the best role models especially for entrepreneurs. It’s time

you learn how to believe in yourself.

2 Steps That Will Show You How To Believe In


1. Focus on your accomplishments

When faced with a problem or when you mess up with something,

instead of focusing on everything that went wrong, focus on all the

things that went right.

Honestly, I don’t believing in failing. I only believe in making mistakes.

The two are very different. Failing is when you fall hard and decide not

to get back up…you throw in the towel. Making a mistake is when you

look yourself in the mirror, acknowledge all the things that went wrong,

man up to it and continue moving forward. That’s how it should be. It’s

no use to continue moping around what happened and point fingers.

Here’s a good excerpt from Jon Turino and this helps you on how to

believe in yourself:

Success doesn’t come easily as I’ve pointed out before. It’s kind of like

reaching for heaven. You have to work to get there. So celebrate your

accomplishments, no matter whether they are huge successes or, more

likely, successful steps along your way to the ultimate goals.

Whether big or small of a victory, be thankful for it. You know what’s an

awesome idea, keeping a journal and listing down every single

accomplishment that you’ve experienced so that at the end of the day, you’ll

be able to see how special and talented you are at what you do. Stop

focusing on all the wrong things. You will never know how to believe in

yourself if you allow your “weaknesses” to control you. Be confident! Know

that no matter what, you always come out with a WIN!

Here’s another one that will help you on how to believe in yourself a

guest blog post by Teresia LaRocque

Celebrating your success motivates you to achieve more, it creates a

cumulative record of your accomplishments, and you will notice that you

bounce back more quickly from disappointments. It becomes almost

effortless to generate the positive momentum you need to move forward.

When you celebrate your success, you are not only acknowledging your own

success, you are also acknowledging all those that work with you and

contributed to achieving your goal. Being willing to toot your own horn is

great publicity for your skills and great social proof. As an entrepreneur you

work hard; let others know about how you are succeeding and making a

difference. One of my favourite benefits is fun – Yes! Celebrating success is

fun and creating a fun work environment is a positive thing for everyone. –

[Related to How To Believe In Yourself Blog Post: How To Gain Confidence In 8 Steps]

2. Talk to yourself like a winner

Ahh self-talk. Not a lot of people realize how powerful or destructive

self-talk can be. Whatever you tell yourself on a constant basis gets

wired deep down within your subconscious mind. Repeat it many times

enough, your mind will believe in what you’re saying. If your mind

believes that you’re a winner, it will change everything about it. It will

change: the way you talk, the way you walk, the way you see things, the

way you interact with other people, etc.

Look in the mirror when you get up and before you get in bed and

repeat simple affirmations. Turn that into a habit so your mind believes

it. Talk to yourself like a champion. Listen to audio tapes and read

books. Imagine the speaker or book author speaking life into you

directly because reality is, that’s exactly what leaders do. They make

people realize that everyone has potential and everyone can be a

winner if they believe in themselves and talk to themselves as if they’ve

already accomplished what they’re currently pursuing.

Here’s are cool tips that show you how to believe in yourself:

From Anne Mauney, MPH, RD:

“Here’s the good news: we have the power to choose to talk to ourselves in a

much more kind and positive way – and by not feeding into the negative self

talk, you’ll inspire others around you to be more positive, too. The first step

is to just start noticing when you’re negative self talking, whether internally

or out loud. You might be surprised by how often it happens. Then, try to

work to turn that around into something more positive.” –

From Jennifer Sharp:

“Language controls our behavior. Becoming aware of what you say to

yourself prior to working out or competing is the first step in enhancing

your self-talk. There is a direct relationship between language and sport

behavior. Start noticing how you approach competition in your mind and

make note of it.” –

Knowing how to believe in yourself is one thing, but totally immersing

yourself, seeing, talking and literally believing in yourself is truly the key

to making what you once thought was impossible, possible. We have

been proven day in and day out that literally anyone can make amazing

things happen. Man or woman…it doesn’t matter. What matters is the

drive and the belief while in pursuit of your dreams.

You now know how to believe in yourself. Now, make amazing things


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Pete Zafra

Freedom Fighter


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