how to build a sketch based ·...

How To Build a Sketch Based Interface Tevfik Metin Sezgin, Michael Oltmans, Randall Davis Consider This Device...

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Page 1: How To Build a Sketch Based · 2004-08-19 · MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching

MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Lecture Introduction

How To Build aSketch Based


Tevfik Metin Sezgin,

Michael Oltmans,

Randall Davis

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Consider This Device...

Page 2: How To Build a Sketch Based · 2004-08-19 · MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching

MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 3

Our Vision

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Our Model

• The designersketches with penand paper

• The observerinterprets the sketch

• The observer anddesigner interact

Page 3: How To Build a Sketch Based · 2004-08-19 · MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching

MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 5


• Conceptual mechanical design

• Client

– Low level sketch understanding

– Recognize sketch as mechanicaldevice

• Server

– Simulate the recognized device

MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 6

How did we get here?

• Low level sketch processing

• Domain level recognition

• Connection to existing design tools

Page 4: How To Build a Sketch Based · 2004-08-19 · MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching

MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 7

Today’s goals

• Learn to use the low level recognitiontoolkit

• Learn how to build a simple sketchinginterface with the toolkit

• Build your own interface to Xfig

And now, on to the Toolkit…

MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 8

• Given a freehand stroke, generatea geometric primitive

– Lines

– Circles

– Curves

Toolkit functionality

Page 5: How To Build a Sketch Based · 2004-08-19 · MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching

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The Toolkit doesn’t do…

• Higher level recognition (i.e., can’trecognize squares, rectangles, domainspecific shapes)

• Gesture recognition

MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 10


Sketch: Informal,messy diagramsconsisting of several strokes

Stroke: Array of timestamped

points collected between pen

down and pen up events

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Structure of an application








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Package hierarchy

• (


– Recognition related classes are here


– The geometry package


– User interface related classes

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MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 13

Classes you will use mostoften


– SketchPanel


– StrokeData

– SimpleClassifier


– GeneralPath

– Polygon

– Line

– Ellipse

– Point

– Rectangle

MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 14

• SketchPanel

– extends javax.swing.JPanel

– Gathers stroke data

– Displays raw strokes as they aredrawn

– Has methods for adding andremoving StrokeDataListeners

Page 8: How To Build a Sketch Based · 2004-08-19 · MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching

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• This class holds and computes strokerelated information such as points inthe stroke, pen speed, curvature…

• The constructor takes an array ofpoints

• SketchPanel creates this object aftereach mouse up event

MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 16

• Constructor takes a StrokeData object

• Has a method int classify()

• This method returns an int indicatingthe type of the approximationgenerated by the toolkit

• Compare the result against thefollowing using a switch statement

– SimpleClassifier.LINE

– SimpleClassifier.ELLIPSE

– SimpleClassifier.POLYGON

– SimpleClassifier.COMPLEX

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• One can also check for a particulartype by

– SimpleClassifier.isLine()

– SimpleClassifier.isEllipse()

– SimpleClassifier.isPolygon()

– SimpleClassifier.isComplex()

MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 18

• Once the type is determined, theapproximation can be accessed by

– Line getLineApproximation()

– Ellipse getEllipseApproximation()

– PolygongetPolygonApproximation()

– GeneralPathgetComplexApproximation()

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Putting it all togetherpublic class XFigFrontendextends SketchPanelimplements StrokeDataListener {

public XFigFrontend ( ) {addStrokeDataListener( this );


public void handleStroke( StrokeData stroke_data ){SimpleClassifier classifier =

new SimpleClassifier( stroke_data );

switch( classifier.classify() ) {case SimpleClassifier.LINE:...



MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 20

How to get started• Compile and run

– “make classpath” – only need to do this once foreach shell window

– “make” – compiles the java files

– java SketchTest

• See how it uses the toolkit and the SimpleClassifier

• Best strategy for understanding the control flow:find the handleStroke() method in

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MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 21

How to get started• Compile and run

– javac

* Java is not Python! ALWAYS recompile after makingchanges

– <correct any errors!>

– java SketchTest

* don’t include the “.class” part of the name when running

• Try compiling and running MyTTT (assuming I can find it)

• See how it uses the toolkit and the SimpleClassifier

• Best strategy for understanding the control flow: find thehandleStroke() method in

MIT 6.893; SMA 5508 Spring 2004 Larry Rudolph Tutorial 10: Sketching 22


• Javadoc documentation is includedwith toolkit

– mozilla ~/assist/doc/index.html

• Questions: contact Metin [email protected]