how to build single page html5 apps that scale

@ leggetter # HTML5AtScale How to Build Single Page HTML5 Apps that Scale Phil Leggetter @leggetter Caplin Systems

Upload: phil-leggetter

Post on 10-May-2015




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Developing large apps is difficult. Ensuring that code is consistent, well structured, tested, maintainable and has an architecture that encourages enhancement is essential. When it comes to large server-focused apps, solutions to this problem have been tried and tested. But, how do you achieve this when building HTML5 single page apps? In this talk we’ll cover the signs to watch out for as your HTML5 SPA grows and provide examples of some of the tooling types that can contribute-to as well as ease the growing pains. Finally, we’ll demonstrate how tooling can be used to support a set of conventions, practices and principles that enable a productive developer workflow where the first line of code is feature code, features can be developed in isolation, code conflicts are avoided by grouping assets by feature and features are composed into apps. The demonstrations will use BladeRunnerJS, an open source developer toolkit written in Java, but the concepts are widely applicable.


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How to Build Single Page HTML5 Apps that Scale

Phil Leggetter @leggetter Caplin Systems

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Open Source

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What is a large-scale Single Page HTML5 App?

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–Addy Osmani, Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture

In my view, large-scale JavaScript apps are non-trivial applications requiring significant developer effort to maintain, where most heavy lifting of data

manipulation and display falls to the browser.

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Large CodebaseMore functionality === More code

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Caplin Trader• SDK:

• ~1,000 JavaScript files

• ~131,000 LoC

• ~131 lines per file

• ~650 test files

• ~95,000 test LoC

• Typical Apps:

• ~425 JavaScript files

• ~50,000 LoC

• ~117 lines per file

• ~200 test files

• ~21,000 test LoC

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Gmail & Caplin Trader• Large Single Page Apps (SPAs)

• Complex functionality

• Complex interactions

• User

• Technology

• Leave open all day

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Features: Change, Come & Go

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Feature Progression

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ContributorsThe Human Factor

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Who contributes to an app?• Front-end devs

• Back-end devs

• Designers

• QA

• Infrastructure and release engineers

• Technical authors

• Multiple teams

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Maintainable?1. Massive codebase

2. Architecture

3. Contributor harmony

4. Promote quality

5. Productive developer experience

6. ^All complimentary

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The Solutions

1. Components/Widgets/Modules/Features

2. A Services Layer

3. MV*

4. Efficient Testing

5. Tools to Support Workflow

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@YourTwitterHandle#DVXFR14{session hashtag} @leggetter#HTML5AtScale


e it!

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Feature ==> Blade

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Finding assets is hard

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/assets /feature-name

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Long App Reloads

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Image of app partially workingWho Broke the App?

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Features• Can run in isolation

• Unaffected by breaking changes elsewhere

• Fast reload times

• Easy to find & change assets

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Compose Components/Modules

into Apps

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Adding features to Apps

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What is a service?• Use services to access shared resources

• In-app inter-component messaging

• Persistence Service

• RESTful Service

• Realtime Service

• Services are a Contract/Protocol/Interface

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Setting & Getting Services• Use a unique identifier for each service i.e. a simple string

• Register (code or config). Code example:


• Get

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Why use services?

• Features should not directly communicate

• Easily change implementation

• Implementations can be injected for different scenarios:

• Workbench / Test / App

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Fake Services

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Fake/Stub/Mock Services

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Real Services

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Efficient Testing (We’ll get to MV*)

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~2009 Testing Requirements• Cross-browser IE6+*, Firefox 3.5*+ & Chrome

• Class-level Unit Tests

• Application Acceptance Tests

* Remember this was 2009

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Application ATs• Selenium Tests

• Selenium User-Extensions

• Actions, Accessors/Assertions & Locators

• VM infrastructure for CI

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AT Process


3. Launch browser + App


1. Pair Browser + Backend VM2

2. Reset & restart backend services


5. Record results


4. Execute ATs6

6. Reset backend services

8. Execute next test…



7. Restart/refresh browser

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Test Results• ~1300 UTs

• ~500 ATs

• 50 VM infrastructure to run tests concurrently

• 8 Hours

• Test results highly unreliable

• We could only run a full suite of tests once per day - at night

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Inefficient Testing!• Resetting back end services is too slow

• Lots of moving parts. Things can go wrong.

• Services don’t start = app won’t work. Not code but environment failure.

• We want to avoid IO

• … and querying the DOM

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Don’t Touch that DOM

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End-to-End Module Testing

• Testing features in isolation

• Change view model and assert against mocked Service

• Inject fake service, make calls and assert View Model

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Need Proof?Our full suite Caplin Trader

testing time went from

>8 Hours

< 30 minutes

Much less for a single feature

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Tooling & Developer Workflow Focus on Features

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What tooling offers?

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• Define workflow & promote consistency

• Scaffolding

• Dev Server

• Builds/Bundling

• Tests

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Knowledge of Runtime Scenarios

• Workbench (dev-mode)

• Test

• App

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Dependency Analysis

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• Augment workflow

• Identify allowable change to workflow

• Automation commands

• Builds/Bundling

• Test Runner

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@YourTwitterHandle#DVXFR14{session hashtag} @leggetter#HTML5AtScale



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Proven!1. Massive codebase - features

2. Architecture - features, services & MVVM

3. Contributor harmony - separation of concerns; codebase structure, features & architecture

4. Promote quality - features, services & MVVM

5. Productive developer experience - tooling

6. ^All complimentary - Yep!

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Thanks / Questions

•Phil @leggetter

[email protected] !


