how to choose a good website design company

HOW TO CHOOSE A GOOD WEBSITE DESIGN COMPANY ? I have been in web design business from past 4 years , I will share few tips today on how to choose a good website design company for your business / requirement .

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Post on 16-Mar-2016




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I have been in web design business from past 4 years , I will share few tips today on how to choose a good website design company for your business / requirement  . For further information's visit :




I have been in web design business from past 4 years , I will

share few tips today on how to choose a good website design company for your business /

requirement  .

Before choosing a website design company to implement your requirement , you need to categorize  what’s your requirement ?

Are you a startup  ?

Are you a established business ?

What is the nature of requirement ? Whether it’s a corporate website , a e – commerce website , a portal etc ?

Do you have any knowledge on what platforms your website should be ?

Do  you need help in designing your strategy as well ?

Do you need just a simple website ? with static content ?

What kind of support do you need after website is implemented ?

Can you manage minor updation your self ?

You want a CMS website ?

You want the same company to take care of your marketing needs as well ?

Etc etc ……….

You need to ask these questions  to your self because even though there are thousands and thousands of website design companies both locally [ inside India ].

Globally  , each has their own strong points . etc . 

 So I would suggest its better  you ask yourself these questions related to your business and you website requirement.

Once you are confident start looking out for a company which suits your requirements .Some tips which will help you in choosing a good web design company :

Search in google your website requirement like

“ ecommerce website “, “wordpress website design” , “drupal website development “ etc  .

Based on how they appear on google search results make a list of these companies  .

One by one go through these websites , their portfolio’s , testimonials.

Other support services which they offer like domain management , web hosting , website maintenance , support timings etc .

Location is also a important factor , if your requirement is very unique then it is suggestible to lookout for a website design company in your locality itself  as there would be need for more meeting and discussions regularly , which is very difficult if your vendor is working for you from a remote location.

Talk with their executive , explain them your requirement .

See if they sink with your anticipations.

Ask them about their technical expertise and explain them in which platform you want your website to be developed . Take their suggestions from them as well .

Analyze their earlier work closely , check for page titles , content strategy used , ease of navigation ,  page load speeds and other minute details which showcases the quality of their work .

See if their earlier works are up to present web standards , browser accessibility and most importantly search engine optimized .

Discuss with them time required to implement your requirement .

If you have a very tight time frame inform them at the start itself as costing varies based  on time frames .

And an important factor cost required to implement your website .

This is a very important factor do not choose a website design company only because they are offering you a cheaper price than others . 

As there are shirts available for a dollar or two.

There are shirts which are branded  costs your hundreds of dollars .

Accordingly will be quality of these shirts.

So don’t evaluate a company based on price ,  a good website design company will not offer its services at a very cheap price .

Their costing will becompetitive .

Last important point is to see if the communication mode and the way they communicate . 

For a website to be successfully implemented there needs to be lot of mails exchanged , calls exchanged , meetings.

Discussions held with this company , so choose a company who have a good response time and communicate well  with you .

Conclusion : There are wide range of website design companies present in market.

Each have a plus point of their own.

Choose the company which you feel suits your requirements the best . 

And for a website to be successfully implemented , both the parties should work hard i.e you and the website design company that you have choose .

We at UDI System provide end to end web services , feel free to contact us if you have a website design requirement .

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