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How to Choose an MDM for Classroom Tablets CONTENTS 3 Ease of use 3 An education-focused solution 4 Robust classroom management tools 5 A trusted provider 5 Versatility 6 A checklist for schools to consider An white paper sponsored by TabPilot

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How to Choose an MDMfor Classroom Tablets

CONTENTS3 Ease of use3 An education-focused solution4 Robust classroom management tools5 A trusted provider5 Versatility6 A checklist for schools to consider

An white paper sponsored by TabPilot


How to Choose an MDM for Classroom Tablets

What do K-12 technology leaders want in a mobile device management (MDM)

system? The results of a new national survey offer some important insights.

More than 440 K-12 technology leaders responded to the survey, which was

administered by eSchool Media in March 2015. Forty-eight percent said they currently

use an MDM system to manage tablets and other mobile devices in their schools, and

another 24% said they plan to buy an MDM system within the next few years.

Survey respondents cited their desire to enhance digital learning (92%), increase

student achievement (87%), save money (87%), and help personalize instruction

(85%) as the key drivers for investing in MDM technology.

It’s also evident from the survey results that managing shared devices and bring your

own device (BYOD) initiatives are key challenges for K-12 districts.

While 54% of respondents said they have to manage or account for student-owned

devices in their schools today, that number is expected rise to 67% within two years.

Meanwhile, 86% of respondents said they manage shared devices in their schools

today, and that number should remain the same in two years.

Based on these survey results and on conversations with several ed-tech leaders,

here are five key factors to consider when choosing MDM software for your schools.

How to Choose an MDM for Classroom Tablets


How to Choose an MDM for Classroom Tablets


When survey respondents were asked to rate various criteria for choosing an MDM solution for

their schools, “easy to set up, manage, and maintain” were their most important consideration.

Eighty-three percent of K-12 technology leaders described this feature as “very important,” and

another 14% called it “somewhat important.” This makes sense, as school information technology (IT)

personnel don’t have a lot of time to learn complicated systems.

“Simplicity is key,” one respondent said, while another stated: “Saving time and ease of (enrolling)

devices are the most important factors.”

When evaluating an MDM solution, pay attention to the management console and how easy it is to

use. Is it cloud-based, so any authorized user can log in from any internet-connected device? Can you

register student devices easily, or does this process require several steps? Is all the monitoring and

reporting you need in one easily accessible location?

Easy to set up and use

Very important

Somewhat important

Doesn’t matter0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Focuses on education

Very important

Somewhat important

Doesn’t matter0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


K-12 technology leaders also want an education-focused MDM from a provider who understands the

specific needs of teachers and administrators. “Focuses on education and prioritizes the needs of

educators” was the second-highest rated factor in the survey, with 75% of respondents calling this

“very important” and 18% calling it “somewhat important.”


How to Choose an MDM for Classroom Tablets


Best classroom management tools

Very important

Somewhat important

Doesn’t matter0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

MDM providers who focus on education have begun incorporating classroom management tools into

their products, to give teachers more control over how students use tablets in their classes. The power

and variety of these tools is another important consideration.

In choosing an MDM solution, “has the best classroom management tools” was the third-highest rated

factor in the survey. Seventy-one percent of respondents said this was “very important,” and 22% said

it was “somewhat important.”

Tools and features that educators most desire include the ability to monitor students’ activity on

their tablet screens; freeze students’ screens, or broadcast a message to get their attention; easily

distribute apps, web links, and other content; and lock down the devices, so students see only teacher-

selected content. This last feature is particularly important when using the devices for testing.

Why is it important to have an MDM solution that is education-focused? The needs of schools are not

the same as those of businesses. For example, consider that more than 80% of school districts deploy

at least some mobile devices that are shared among a variety of students throughout the day. That’s a

situation that is unique to education; in the business world, each employee has his or her own device.

In a shared-device environment, the apps that one class or group of students uses might be very

different from the apps that another class uses. In this kind of environment, it’s important to have a

system that can deploy apps easily to individual students or groups of students, and also wipe clean

the previous app settings.

What’s more, it would be useful if teachers could do this themselves with just a few clicks, so they

don’t have to enlist the help of their IT department whenever they borrow a cart of tablets.


How to Choose an MDM for Classroom Tablets


Manage multiple platforms

Very important

Somewhat important

Doesn’t matter0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The ability to manage multiple platforms, such as Android and iOS, is also a key consideration: 49% of

school technology leaders called this very important, and 30% said it was somewhat important.

Having a single MDM solution that can manage multiple platforms and systems not only helps you

accommodate various student-owned devices; it also gives you more flexibility to deploy a mix of

devices in your schools, without needing more than one MDM solution.


Having a reliable provider who offers excellent service and support is another key factor to consider:

Seventy percent of survey respondents said choosing “a trusted company” is very important, and 22%

called this somewhat important.

One school IT leader said it’s critical to choose a provider who is “responsive when called for help” and

who does not require “high-priced training or fees for basic service questions.” Another said positive

customer reviews are important when selecting a provider.

A trusted provider

Very important

Somewhat important

Doesn’t matter0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


How to Choose an MDM for Classroom Tablets


Is the MDM solution easy to use?• Does the management console have an intuitive interface?

• Can you register student devices quickly and easily?

• Can devices be managed through the cloud?

• Is all the monitoring and reporting you need in one place?

Is the provider focused on the needs of education?• Is education the company’s primary market?

• Is the solution priced affordably for schools?

• Can you manage across both Android and iOS tablet platforms?

• Can you set up a class or grade-level profile, and then instantly deploy the apps in this profile

to members of the group?

• Can you easily wipe devices clean for the next group of students?

• Do teachers have the ability to perform these functions themselves, without relying on IT staff?

Does the solution have robust classroom management tools?• Can you monitor the activity on students’ screens?

• Can you freeze students’ screens or broadcast a message to get their attention?

• Can you easily distribute apps, web links, and other content to students?

• Can you lock down devices, so students see only teacher-selected content?

Is the provider a trusted company?• Can you reach the company easily when you have a question?

• Does the company respond quickly and effectively to problems or concerns?

• Does the company include training or support to schools at no additional charge?

• Do other school district customers have positive things to say about the company?


When choosing an MDM system to manage classroom tablets, K-12 leaders should look for a solution

that is easy to use, focuses on the specific needs of education, includes robust classroom management

tools, comes from a trusted and reliable company, and can manage both Android and iOS devices.


How to Choose an MDM for Classroom Tablets

This white paper was produced by eSchool News, a leading publisher and producer of K-12 educational technology publications and events, dedicated to the advancement and wise use oftechnology to improve teaching and learning for all. eSchool News offers ed tech decision-makers a range of products—including magazines, white papers, websites, newsletters, webinars, and other products—that provide in-depth coverage of the latest innovations, trends, and real-world solutions impacting the education community. Explore more at!

This white paper is sponsored by TabPilot Learning Systems, whose TabPilot Tablet Managersoftware offers user-friendly features to maximize the effectiveness of tablet deployment, use,

and management in a classroom, school, or district. Designed exclusively for education, TabPilot

Tablet Manager offers the best combination of MDM features for the IT department and

classroom management tools for teachers. Teachers and IT administrators alike can operate

TabPilot Tablet Manager through a visually well-designed and highly responsive Control TowerTM

dashboard that allows for easy navigation.