how to choose specialists to create a lovely bathroom

How to Choose Specialists to Create a Lovely Bathroom Bathrooms aren’t often a popular subject in any conversation. However, when it comes to remodeling a home, bathrooms are usually a main focus, especially when buying or selling a home. An outdated bathroom can be a red flag for many home buyers, causing them to move on to better options. Buyers looking for homes don’t want to be stuck with the extra burden of throwing even more money down the toilet on a new bathroom remodel. Follow these little known secrets about making your bathroom the best it can be, whether you’re selling or not!

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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How to Choose Specialists to Create a Lovely Bathroom

Bathrooms aren’t often a popular subject in any conversation. However, when it comes to remodeling a home, bathrooms are usually a main focus, especially when buying or selling a home. An outdated bathroom can be a red flag for many home buyers, causing them to move on to better options. Buyers looking for homes don’t want to be stuck with the extra burden of throwing even more money down the toilet on a new bathroom remodel. Follow these little known secrets about making your bathroom the best it can be, whether you’re selling or not!

1. 1 sink or 2?

It usually isn’t just one person buying a home. Most of the time, it is young couples that are looking to buy their first home together and sharing a bath room will most definitely be part of their living experience. While 2 bathrooms are great for families or guests, couples prefer that their personal bathroom can be used by the both of them. This means 2 sinks so one of them doesn’t have to walk all the way to the other bathroom while getting ready in the morning.

2. Size

That brings me to the next point: size. Staying with the couple theme, the size of the bathroom will also be important. While a giant restroom isn’t necessary or practical, couples will want at least enough space to be comfortable with being in the bathroom at the same time together. Size is also important in many other situations such as for pets or big families.

3. Which color?

The color of the bathroom if usually a personal preference, but when a house is for sale, most shoppers are attracted to the color white. This simple and neutral color will appeal to most buyers and easily allow them to change it if necessary. If the bathroom just looks too white, it’s always okay to go with a light color as well such as beige or light gray.

4. Brands/styles

In today’s era, Waterworks seems to be the most popular brand buyer are interested in. Yet, due to its expensive price tag, other opt for Kohler or similar brands. At any rate, a simple sink with polished brash or nickel is a great option for everyone.

5. Simplistic

It’s important to keep the bathroom remodel as simplistic as possible if trying to sell it. Most buyers won’t have the exact same interests as you and therefore won’t want to pay for an extra fancy bathroom that they are just going to change as soon as they move in.

When it comes to actually doing the bathroom renovations, you should hire a professional company like IPC Restoration and Renovation to do the contracting work. They are fast, experienced and can help plan the process. Their past projects will give them the insight that they need to add in their own customized opinions about any bathroom remodel. Their services and examples can be found on their website at

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