how to choose the perfect neighborhood...other tips for choosing a neighborhood with potential:...

How to Choose the Perfect Neighborhood Rebecca Switzer (c) Copyright 2014 - Roof Sales Mastery, LLC - All Rights Reserved

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Page 1: How to Choose the Perfect Neighborhood...Other tips for choosing a neighborhood with potential: Choose areas that have older construction, appearing to be at least 10 years of age

How to Choose the Perfect Neighborhood

Rebecca Switzer(c) Copyright 2014 - Roof Sales Mastery, LLC - All Rights Reserved

Page 2: How to Choose the Perfect Neighborhood...Other tips for choosing a neighborhood with potential: Choose areas that have older construction, appearing to be at least 10 years of age

Every storm pattern has an area that was hit the hardest with the largest hailstones, surrounded by areas of less concentrated or smaller hail. For example, the center of the storm may have areas of 3.25” hail, while the outer edges of the path show hail of 1.25-2” hail stones. Where does everybody franti-�����������������ǫ���������������������������Ǥ�������������������������ϐ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ǡ������������������������������ǡ����������������is obvious. It becomes a chaotic madhouse where neighborhoods are absolutely crawling with roofers. �������������������ϐ�����ǡ����������������������������������������������������Ȃ��������������������-����ǡ����������ϐ�������������������������������������������Ǥ���������������ǫ


�������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ǥ�����������ǯ�������������the size of an orange to damage roofs, and insurance companies pay for damage that is light as well as ���������������������ǡ���������������������������ǣ���ǯ�������������Ǩ����ǯ�����������������������������tirelessly with cutthroat contractors who are eating deductibles for business, stealing your yard signs, ��������������������������������������������ǡ��������������������������Ǥ�����������������������������that have lighter damage, but damage nonetheless, and focus your efforts there by following the meth-����������������Dz������������������������������dz�������������������������������Ǥ�

������������������������������������������������Ǥ�����������������Ǥ������������������������������������������������������Ǥ����������������Ǧ��������������������������������Ǥ�����������ǡ���������������������������������������������������������������������������ǡ�Dz���������������������������������������������������������ϐ���������������ǫdz����������������������������������������������������������������-ily hit areas so you can get easy jobs in those parts of town, too.

How to Choose the Perfect Neighborhood Copyright 2014 - Roof Sales Mastery, LLC - All Rights Reserved

Page 3: How to Choose the Perfect Neighborhood...Other tips for choosing a neighborhood with potential: Choose areas that have older construction, appearing to be at least 10 years of age

Areas with more marginal damage tend to be a little bit harder to break into, simply because home-owners don’t even know the potential for damage exists yet, because 1) it isn’t obvious, and 2) they don’t have all the buzz around them like in the heavily damaged areas alerting them to the fact that the damage is real. However, once you break into the neighborhood by completing a few inspections, setting up some signs, and name-dropping to spread the word that their area actually has damage, ���ǡ��������������������������������������Ǧ���������ǡ����ǯ�������������������ϐ���Ǥ

Taking the time to get into these areas is worth it 100%, because you don’t have to deal with the constant, savage competition, and referrals are easier to get because you are one of the only storm restoration specialists working in that neighborhood or particular area – everyone calls you!

Other tips for choosing a neighborhood with potential:

Choose areas that have older construction, appearing to be at least 10 years of age or older. Three-tab shingles are the most easily damaged, so if you see a neighborhood with all brand new 30 year architectural shingles, the odds of there being damage there is less compared to the older construc-tion with 3-tab roofs.

Pick a subdivision or neighborhood where houses are relatively close together. This allows you to ����������ϐ���������������������Ǥ�������ǯ������������������������������������������������������͵������lots and each driveway is ¼ mile apart from its neighbors, you will ultimately spend more time walk-ing and less time selling.

Look for older neighborhoods (50 years plus) with aluminum or steel siding still on them. These houses can often be pretty small, but aluminum wrap jobs are cash cows, so consider the small roof ����������������������������ϐ�����������������Ǥ�

Do you live in the area? Home court advantage! Work the area you live in so you can introduce yourself as their real neighbor, and help people you’re already familiar with. Even if you travel, you live somewhere, either in an apartment or renting a house or townhome. Let them know you are �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ǥ���������������������������������Ȁ�����������������Ǩ�������������������������ǡ�������������������������������������������homeowners what you found on your own house. Copyright 2014 - Roof Sales Mastery, LLC - All Rights Reserved

Page 4: How to Choose the Perfect Neighborhood...Other tips for choosing a neighborhood with potential: Choose areas that have older construction, appearing to be at least 10 years of age

Use these tips on how to choose the perfect neighborhood with our effective, proven door knocking

approaches we teach in Roof Sales Mastery courses and programs, and you’ll be set up for success

in your particular neighborhood. Want to learn more about how to absolutely dominate a neighbor-

hood? Check out “Executing a Neighborhood Heist” to learn how to personally own a neighborhood

so that other contractors don’t even bother trying to get jobs there and nearly all the homeowners

automatically turn to you. Copyright 2014 - Roof Sales Mastery, LLC - All Rights Reserved