how to conduct a panel discussion


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doing a panel discussion


Page 1: How to Conduct a Panel Discussion

How to Conduct a Panel DiscussionEdited by Bibaco, Bodies1011, Madison Finn, BR and 3 others

A panel discussion is a public exchange of ideas with a goal of informing audience

members about a particular subject or issue. In most cases, 3 or more panelists share

their knowledge and expertise after being asked questions in a format that allows some

discussion. Panel discussions are used to delve into politics, science and community

topics, as well as many other issues. Use these tips to conduct a panel discussion for

your group, organization or company.Ad



Page 2: How to Conduct a Panel Discussion

1Identify the goal and purpose of your panel discussion. Establish what you want to

achieve by conducting the discussion, and what general questions will be answered.

Focus on 1 or 2 main topics to direct the panel discussion in an organized way.Ad



Page 3: How to Conduct a Panel Discussion

Invite experts to become panelists.

Choose knowledgeable, well-educated experts or individuals involved in the focus of

your panel discussion. Invite local coordinators and community partners to participate in

panel discussions that involve projects within your community. A panelist does not have

to have an impressive degree or years of experience to offer insightful discussion during

the presentation.

Invite panelists at least 3 or 3 weeks prior to the discussion to allow them time to



Page 4: How to Conduct a Panel Discussion

3Select and invite a moderator.

Choose a moderator who does not have a conflict of interest with the subject matter of

the panel discussion.

Pick a moderator who will keep the conversation moving, adhere to and enforce the

guidelines and rules of the panel discussion, and can act as an emcee for the event.


Page 5: How to Conduct a Panel Discussion

4Determine the rules for the panel discussion.

Establish the guidelines for open discussion, if that's how you wish the panel discussion

to proceed. Open discussion panel forums usually begin with a question and

conversation ensues between panelists based on their comments. Guidelines often

include a time limit for each discussion item.

Create time limits for limited discussion methods. Many times each panelist will be

allowed a certain amount of time to answer each question as asked by the moderator.

Discussion between panelists does not occur in this type of format.

Determine how questions from the audience will be handled. Some formats allow

questions during the panel discussion. Others provide time after the panel discussion

for audience members to ask questions of the panelists.

Distribute the rules of the panel discussion to the invited panelists.

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5Write questions for the panelists. Questions should be open-ended and require more

than "yes" or "no" answers. Create more questions than you think you will need in case

the panel discussion proceeds more quickly than anticipated.

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6Arrange for the panel discussion to be recorded. Recording the discussion in a

digital format will allow it to be posted to the Internet without having to adjust its format.

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7Present and introduce the panelists at the beginning of the panel

discussion.Introduce the moderator, and he should inform the audience of the purpose

of the discussion and provide a brief summary of the discussion format and rules. The

moderator should give a short biographical introduction of the panelists before leading

into the panel discussion.

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8Conduct the discussion as planned, following the established rules. The

moderator should ask questions and coordinate the discussion as planned.

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9Conclude the panel discussion with a summary and closing remarks. The

moderator should thank the audience and panelists, and give any pertinent information

for follow-up activities or events.

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10Send thank you notes to the panelists and moderator for their participation.