how to create a paid course in wordpress

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How To Create a Paid Course in WordPress

Using WordPress Plugins To Make Money From Your Knowledge:

What plugins do you need:

LMS vs Membership

Quizzes and Exams


Badges and Levels

Discussions and feedback

And how to attract students and $$$

It's Easy To Get Confused By The Many Options.

Tens of LMS plugins and themes

Tens of membership plugins and even more themes

Hundreds of Education themes

Quiz plugins, forum plugins, tutorials

So, where do you get started?

LMS Plugin or Membership Plugin?

One of the most important decisions is how to structure your course: by using a Learning Management System (LMS) or by using a Membership Plugin.

LMS usually assume that you will want to charge once for completing a course.

Membership plugins usually assume that your users will stay longer and pay for monthly access.Which leads to different flow (see next slide)

LMS vs Membership

Larger chart here

Completing a course is
one-time act.

At the end you can issue certificate

You can have quiz / exam

User pays once for the course

Then you can take them to next course

And things start again

Building a Membership (on the other hand) Means:

Users will stay longer time

Users will pay every month

You need to add content all the time or user loses interest

Or Mix Both:

Create courses and lessons

But charge for access monthly using a membership plugin

Get the best of both words

Some LMS Plugins to Consider

Because we are the developers Namaste! LMS it's natural to recommend it. Namaste! LMS is free, connects to the best exam / quiz plugin, gives super-high flexibility options, assignments, gradebook, certificates - possibly everything you may need.Some other LMS plugins worth a look are:WP Courseware - probably the oldest LMS plugin, costs $67 - $137.

WooThemes Sensei - supported by the huge Woothemes network. In case you use some of their other products, this might be the best choice. $129 - $279.

WP TrainUp - our best competitors. Although not free, it's modestly priced - 45. This is also the most developer-friendly plugin along with Namaste! LMS.

Docebo is maybe the most feature rich but it's cloud-based. There is a steep recurring monthly fee starting at $170.

Some of the plugins do all in one while others (like Namaste! LMS) integrate with other WordPress plugins. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages.

Membership Plugins to Consider

Try our Konnichiwa! Not only it's completely free, but it's probably the quickest to get started.Also have a look at:Membership by WPMU starts free and has fair priced pro version. Good choice for a quick start.

Magic members is another easy one although it costs more.

S2Member is developer-friendly and big in functions. The prices are also fair.

Paid Membership PRO starts with a free version, next one is $97. This is a good and stable plugin.

Memberpress is probably the most feature-rich. It comes with yearly fee however.

Meanwhile Don't Forget That


Otherwise No Amount Of Plugins Will Help You

Add Some Quizzes

A course is nothing without good quiz or exam at the end (and why only one).The Best Quiz Plugin Ever is WatuPRO, Period!But if you choose LMS plugin for your course you may have to live with the built-in quiz plugin

Only Namaste! LMS integrates with WatuPRO and even with the free Watu

If you work with a Membership plugin you will be able to use any quiz plugin

Add Some Tutorials

Don't forget to format your course like a tutorial

Use videos, graphics and charts

Use tutorial plugin like Daskal, Step-by-Step, or Instruct (all are FREE)

Badges and Levels

Make your course interactive and more interesting by assigning badges for completion and levels like Intermediate, Advanced, Master, Jedi, Guru, and so on

Plugins for Badges and Levels

If you are really technical I recommend you to have a look at BadgeOS. This plugin is SUPER POWERFUL (and also super complicated).

Another great choice is WatuPRO Play except that it's not free and requires WatuPRO as well.

You can also manually assign badges and levels but this will be TEDIOUS

Discussion and Feedback

In the best case you'll want the users to communicate and give you feedback!

To do this you will need some more PLUGINS!

Contact Form Plugin

There are many of these but in most cases the freeCONTACT FORM 7Will be good enough


Add a Forum Plugin

There are many forum plugins, but the best are:BBPress


Vanilla Forums (Integration plugin)

Integrating the forum inside the protected course pages will be easier if you have chosen to use a Membership plugin rather than LMS plugin

Encourage Discussion!

Users will stay longer if they feel engaged.

Start Selling The Course

Drive traffic to the site

Keep members happy

Add content

Use affiliate program for more sales

Don't forget badges, certificates, and rewards

Put some content free to drive SEO traffic

Build slideshows like this to draw more interest


Install LMS or membership plugin

Create payment plans or prices for courses, exams etc.

Create your content

Start selling

At the end, steps 3 and 4 are likely to cost you more in time and/or money than step 1 and 2.

Thank You!

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