how to deliver extraordinary guest experiences


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Post on 13-Jun-2015




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New seminar for hotel staff. Lots of tips, techniques, skills and strategies to build more business.


Page 1: How to deliver extraordinary guest experiences


How to Deliver Extraordinary

Guest Experiences

Join the Audience

Overview In these highly competitive business times, ordinary guest service is not good enough. To ensure guests

return, use more of the facilities, and recommend your hotel to other people; your service must have that

little extra. All staff need to deliver Extraordinary Guest Experiences.

First class facilities, excellent rooms, bathrooms, food, and everything about your “product” will not create

extraordinary experiences.

This only represents 35% of a guest’s assessment of your hotel. The other 65% is based on the interactions

they have, and the service they receive from your staff.

It takes more

This programme explains a lot about how each of us reacts and it demonstrates effective ways to deal with

both our internal and external “guests”.

There’s nothing complicated here, only a few simple but effective ideas that you can add to what you’re

already doing.

When all hotel staff use a few new skills when dealing with guests, they will find that the hotel as a whole

has a new energy and warmth that is clearly observable as being different from other hotels.

Learning Session Objectives By the end of this event, participants will have learned:

Skills in handling day to day interactions with all people that they come into contact with

Tips and techniques to handle potentially difficult situations

How to create lots of MPCE. Memorable, positive and caring experiences for all your guests

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Learning Session Benefits

1. Staff develop confidence dealing with guests and colleagues

2. They become more aware of what each guest really wants

3. They develop the ability to quietly make guests feel important, cared for and comfortable.

Learning Session Outline

How to give guests what they really want

This session develops human level responses.

Why guest service goes wrong and how to avoid it

Facilities and services may fail from time to time, or appear to do so in the guest’s eyes. This session identifies

guest responses and why they happen

How to develop skills in non-verbal communication

This session develops an understanding of how our body language and tone of voice influence the guest

How to build rapport and a lasting relationship with the guest

This session develops the understanding that the guest may not see or understand situations the way you do.

We will analyse our thoughts and feelings about the behaviour of other people

How to handle problems and deal with difficult situations

Extraordinary guest experience is highly dependent on your ability to handle problems and difficulties. This

session will introduce skills to defuse difficult situations.

How to create a positive experience, ensure guests return and tell other people.

Guests will return and tell other people if they feel better after an interaction with you than they did before.

This session develops the skills required to make this happen.

Method This program can be run to suit the needs of your business. It is primarily designed to be delivered in

workshop fashion. However, it can be delivered effectively as a half-day seminar, or one-hour keynote speech.

The workshop is highly interactive. It includes team exercises, group discussion and skill practise/role playing.

Participants are encouraged to raise real life situations and discuss the challenges they face.

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Your Learning Event Leader Alan Fairweather, The Motivation Doctor, is an International Speaker, New Business Consultant and

Successful Author.

Before starting his own business, Alan worked in sales and customer service and did the job of a manager in

four different organisations, over 23 successful years.

He knows the real challenges that hotel staff face every day, dealing with guests and delivering business


He has run training workshops for hotels in the UK, Vietnam and the Philippines.

He formed his speaking and learning business in 1993 and for the past twenty years has been running

seminars and workshops in the UK, US, Europe, Middle East and South East Asia.

His books are available worldwide through Amazon and other retailers.

Books He is the author of three books including - ‘How to be a Motivational Manager’ – ‘How to Manage Difficult People’ – How to Make Sales When You Don’t Like Selling’

He is based in the UK and The Philippines, and works throughout Asia. Alan can be reached by email at: [email protected] Or by phone at: +63 (0) 917 5175191