how to do a chocolate tasting kerry dean

Goal when we do a tasting is to bring new distributors on board not sell chocolate. We have 2 gifts to give – the chocolate and the business. Not going to leave one of them out. Meeting in a box always kept in the trunk. Refill when get home. Pens Calculator Name tags Applications Clip boards (with pens attached) Pamphlets Guest book Always say this at the beginning of the presentation: “We want to tell you about our chocolate and our business and hopefully it will make sense to you to have our chocolate in your life.” Be sure everyone is sitting comfortably. Start with the person to the left of you. Kerry feels this is most important part of the presentation. “Take 30 seconds and if you are a distributor say your name and your other job and what the chocolate has done for you and if you’re a guest say your name and what your job is and why you came tonight.” Do not leave out a single person. In your guest’s mind – they are making their list – they don’t realize they are doing it but they are thinking….I know a real estate agent or I know someone with high blood pressure – my dad has high blood pressure I wonder if this would work for him. Even new distributors get ideas about who they can speak to as it goes around the room. Everyone is getting a sense of who they can talk to. Don’t be concerned about how much time this takes. It allows everyone to feel validated and respected and a part of it. Testimonials in this business are so powerful – you have one person saying I couldn’t sleep and now I am sleeping and another person says I have energy and another says I had high blood pressure and now it is normal. At the end Kerry always says: “Now I know this probably sounds to the guests like a whole bunch of “I dropped my crutches and walked” stories. The reason that the chocolate works so well is that your body naturally wants to be healthy – it naturally goes into a state of wellbeing and what the chocolate does is bring your

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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Learn Great Tips from one of the best in the business. Karry Dean


Page 1: How To Do A Chocolate Tasting   Kerry Dean

Goal when we do a tasting is to bring new distributors on board not sell chocolate. We have 2 gifts to give – the chocolate and the business. Not going to leave one of them out. Meeting in a box always kept in the trunk. Refill when get home.

• Pens • Calculator • Name tags • Applications • Clip boards (with pens attached) • Pamphlets • Guest book

Always say this at the beginning of the presentation: “We want to tell you about our chocolate and our business and hopefully it will make sense to you to have our chocolate in your life.” Be sure everyone is sitting comfortably. Start with the person to the left of you. Kerry feels this is most important part of the presentation. “Take 30 seconds and if you are a distributor say your name and your other job and what the chocolate has done for you and if you’re a guest say your name and what your job is and why you came tonight.” Do not leave out a single person. In your guest’s mind – they are making their list – they don’t realize they are doing it but they are thinking….I know a real estate agent or I know someone with high blood pressure – my dad has high blood pressure I wonder if this would work for him. Even new distributors get ideas about who they can speak to as it goes around the room. Everyone is getting a sense of who they can talk to. Don’t be concerned about how much time this takes. It allows everyone to feel validated and respected and a part of it. Testimonials in this business are so powerful – you have one person saying I couldn’t sleep and now I am sleeping and another person says I have energy and another says I had high blood pressure and now it is normal. At the end Kerry always says: “Now I know this probably sounds to the guests like a whole bunch of “I dropped my crutches and walked” stories. The reason that the chocolate works so well is that your body naturally wants to be healthy – it naturally goes into a state of wellbeing and what the chocolate does is bring your

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body back into balance and that’s why we have all of these different results from the same product.” That makes sense to people. People have on some level known that, they know they should be well. And that makes sense to them why this product would do so many things and that just explains it, really simply. Paula: You are building a portfolio of testimonials in everybody’s mind. When you’re the presenter and you’re at the front they expect you to say everything is wonderful but when they are sitting amongst a group of people and the person right next to them says “this really helped with my sleeping” they have more of a bond with that person because they are not the presenter. It makes it more credible. If it happens that I’m in a group and there aren’t any distributors, then I say the exact same thing. “If we had distributors here you would hear a bunch of “I dropped my crutches and walked” stories. But the reason we hear (Kerry then goes through a list of what distributors would have said if they were there) – one person sleeps better and another has more energy – one person loses weight and another who doesn’t have an ounce to lose can run farther and recover faster …and the reason is, is because this brings your body back into balance. They still get the picture even though they haven’t heard the testimonials. It’s just not as credible as the actual person who has experienced it but they still get the idea of what the chocolate can do for them. That’s what I want to have happen. I want them to be thinking “does this make sense” “could I see myself eating this chocolate”. Because so far that’s all they are really thinking of unless they are making a list and thinking this would be good for so and so which is what you want them to be thinking even if they are not thinking to themselves “I want to be in business”, if they are thinking “gee this would be good for my dad…they’re in business. That’s all they have to do is have one thought of how it could work for them and they’re in business and I think that’s important and I think people miss the boat who don’t do that. The other thing is at that time, that’s when I talk about the cold pressing. I always bring that in because I want them to get right away that this chocolate is different than other chocolate. This chocolate is something that they can not get anywhere else except if they are lucky enough to be in this group. Then, give everybody a nugget and put on the DVD. Always use the DVD. Have everyone put the nugget in their mouth “now you’re going to put this nugget in your mouth and you’re going to let it melt”. “When you let it melt slowly in your mouth it goes into your system more quickly, mops up your veins and arteries in about 15 minutes, you are going to have this wonderful exposure to the chocolate. It’s a really big piece and you won’t have to

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have anybody looking at your while you are letting it melt in your mouth because you are going to be watching the DVD. One of the reasons I do that is because when I first started showing the DVD people would talk – maybe about their cat – to the person beside them. If they have something in their mouth they can’t talk while they are watching the DVD. And the other thing I do is I tell my distributors “now you sit and you watch that DVD as though you’ve never seen it before.” Your guests’ body language when they are watching that DVD tells you a load of information so if they are looking surprised when they hear it’s good for your teeth, or when Kathy says I’ve been fortunate enough to make as much as $100,000 per month and you’ll see peoples eyes roll like “how could that really happen?” and you can get a feel of the room if you all watch it together. At the end I always say “Doesn’t that give you such great information? I love that DVD. I’m not very technical but I can press play. “If you can press play you can do this business.” It’s important if the guests get that all they really have to do is show the DVD that they could do the business, that’s really important. I was around the corner in the kitchen one day and I overheard a guest say “I don’t think she’s so great, all she did was let everyone else talk and show the DVD, I could do that”. And I thought “perfect” because that’s exactly what I want them to think. It is easy. Just make sure they see that it is fun and it is easy. Next thing we do is talk about the products. They have already had the nugget so what I like to do if we have enough distributors there is have one distributor other than me, talk about each one of the products. And if you can get your new distributors doing that, that they are standing up and they are in front of the group and one talks about the nuggets and one talks about the power squares and they give out just a tiny piece. It gets too expensive for new people if they have to give out a whole of everything. So we have given out a whole nugget. We do the power squares next and the distributors get such a confidence building and they learn so much because when they know that they are going to be talking about it, they really get proficient at learning about it. When you know you are going to teach something you really find out everything there is to know about it. We always do the omegas last because they are more flavourful. If you do them first then it blocks out the flavour of the other two. I always tell people after we go through the products that “Networking companies like ours always have superior products to products that you can buy in the store and the reason that they have superior products is because their advertising stream is word of mouth and it is us. And if we didn’t have something better than we could get in the store, we wouldn’t go around telling each other about it. And that’s why networking companies

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are so powerful (Warren Buffet just bought Pampered Chef) because word of mouth advertising is the strongest form of advertising. Ands that’s how I kind of lead into the business because I’ve brought it from the product into the compensation plan by saying that this is a networking company and this is how we do it. And then I say, this company pays the field – pays the people like you and I – pays the people like the distributors here 50% of all the money that they bring in. Not 50% of their profits but 50% of their sales. I just think that’s amazing to be part of a company that does that. That looks after us so well. For me making money was important because I am a widow (Remember this is Kerry speaking – you will need to insert your own wording at this section.) and for some of you making money may be important so I want to explain to you how that works with this company and it is very easy to get involved. All you do is buy a membership for $35 which is like buying a Costco membership and that entitles you to buy our product wholesale the only difference is you don’t have to buy it in bulk like you do at Costco. So it is a great plan all you do is buy this membership and then always buy the product at wholesale from then on. And then what the company does, if you like the product, if you can see that you’re the kind of person who, if you really, really like something and you might tell your mom or your dad or you thought this was really effective you might tell somebody else then this company, unlike Costco, gives you a thank you cheque or a referral cheque because if that person decided that they were going to buy a membership and buy chocolate, the company rewards you and thanks you for just referring customers to them. And they send you what they call a quick cheque – a referral thank you cheque – and they send that to you the very next week. And I’ve recommended lots of people to Costco and I have still never got a cheque from Costco and I’m still waiting, maybe it’s there when I get home tonight but so far…no cheque from Costco. People get that right away. Oh, ok, so all I’ll have to do is tell somebody, if I like it. And then what I say is “now if you told 2 people then you would have a team. And in this team you would have the 2 people you told and if they liked this chocolate then they would tell 2 people – that’s how this business grows. Most of the people who will be in your business will be people you do not know right now because the 2 people that they know that they know that they know are not people that you know. So when I say that, that takes away the fear. I’m very big on eliminating people’s fears and make them feel comfortable. And that eliminates that fear of well I don’t know anybody, everybody knows 2 people or “I wouldn’t know how to get started

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but if I just had to tell 2 people” and then they could see how that would grow. And that fear being gone of “would this work for me?” turns into “who would I tell” is very powerful for people because they can see themselves maybe doing this then. And then I say, OK so you’ve got your 2 people and you’ve got these 2 teams and that’s called residual income. Because the company pays you every time those 2 people order. Every 2 weeks the company sends you a cheque. We have a formula of how they figure that out and that’s residual income so for people that need that immediate income they get that thank you cheque and for people like me who are looking long term and need constant money coming in, this is how we earn residual income. And then the company has another method of paying us too and that is called a bonus for helping other people and what they do is when you help those 2 people tell 2 people, the company actually sends you another thank you cheque and as you progress up through the company they will give you a percentage of the cheque of that person gets and that’s a great way to do team building. And that way, if you did decide you wanted to do this as a business, you always have a team to help and support you because it helps everybody as a whole. And then the company is brilliant because the next form of payment they’ve come up with is called a “pool”. What happens is the better the company does they pay everybody in that pool a percentage as you move up. And that’s important because it’s like profit sharing and the better everybody in the company does, the more money you make in that pool and that makes the company stronger because we are all cheering everybody on, everybody wants the whole company to do well. It doesn’t matter who your sponsor is or where they live or who’s line they are in or any of that stuff because we are all going to get paid out of that pool. So it’s a very brilliant compensation plan and Jeannette, the lady who set this up, she used to work in the field so she knows really knows what’s important to us so that we have a good compensation plan. I don’t pull out a white board and go through the 10% and 50%...I just do that general outline so that it is still enough that they get the general idea of referring people. I think it is really important in eliminating fears because as distributors, we all know what people are afraid of and one of the things they are afraid of is “would this work for me”, “I’ve tried something else before and that didn’t work for me, would this work for me?”, and so I always say: Networking is something that fits into your living style. You don’t have to fit your lifestyle around networking, you fit networking style into you. So, whatever kind of person you are, whatever you like to do, that’s how we fit the business into your mold. That eliminates the fear of “how can I do this” and then I also say “and you can spend as much time or as little time as you

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need. If you can spend a lot of time you can have a huge business. If you can spend a little time you can have a huge business too, it’s just going to take you longer to have that huge business. Whatever amount of time you have that you can spend you’ll be building for your future. Well that’s one of the fears – would it work for me and I don’t have enough time, the biggest one I find when you are explaining where you can see people kind of tense is when you talk about Autoship and I think a lot of distributors don’t talk about Autoship because they are afraid of that. They are afraid that people are going to tense up. So I do that at the end of the compensation plan and I say “How we guarantee this long-term residual income is through this method called Autoship. I know when you’ve heard of Autoship before you think of oh no, they are going to send me something I don’t want and I have to pay for it. And that’s not how this Autoship works. Autoship is the word they use for you to order. It’s the way you place your order but if we order on Autoship then you can, because you have a little business, you can write off that order every month – 100% of that order every month – on your income taxes. That is a 100% write off and what that Autoship does if you decide to stay on Autoship, it is like a savings account in a bank and you may not be earning a cheque on that, but remember how I told you that volume is coming underneath you. You may not be earning a cheque on that yet because you are only working a small amount but that Autoship is building you that savings account. It’s the best investment out there right now. You can eat chocolate and have this bank account growing and I don’t know of any other investment out there where you can do that. You can only get that if you are on Autoship. What if something happened and you weren’t earning a cheque and you were going to go away for 3 months and you didn’t want chocolate. If you can press play you can also press cancel and you can cancel that Autoship at anytime. I don’t recommend that you do that because you will lose your savings account but you can, you are free to do that and you can restart it when you come back from holiday. I like to put everybody on Autoship so you can see in the first few weeks how much money you are getting in your bank and then you can decide if you want to keep that or not. That takes away the fear of the Autoship. People don’t want to be told how to ship or feel that they are locked in to something so if you explain it that way, that takes away that fear and I think it is really important that we make people feel comfortable, honoured and not fearful.

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At the end of that I talk about the momentum. I think this is really important to do this because I feel this is what propelled my group. If this is your first experience with networking – use a version of Kerry’s story. “Because I was widowed young I got involved with a networking company – I didn’t want to go back to the hospital and leave my children, so I was able to replace my nursing income through a networking company. The first one was called “Mary Kay Cosmetics”. At that time they only had a few networking companies – there was Amway and Tupperware and Avon and I took Mary Kay and I really thought it was for people who couldn’t get real jobs but I took that business so that I could stay home with my children and I was able to replace that nursing income. And what happened was I got into Mary Kay in 1989 and they had what was called momentum in 1979. And momentum was Mary Kay came and stood at the front of the room and people lined up down the two sides and they joined and people became overnight directors. For me, it took me a long time to become a director – I worked my butt off to become a director but I made it. But I didn’t have the easy time that those people had that came in before this momentum. Same thing I came in 10 years too late with Melaleuca. I worked really hard, did well, but not as well. Well we are experiencing the same thing with this company right now. We are going into momentum. That doesn’t mean that people who come into your business next year or 5 years from now or 10 years from now will not be able to build amazing businesses – they will be able to do that. They just don’t have the same opportunity that you have by being here right here, right now. This is one of those opportunities that doesn’t come all the time. We all have lots of opportunities but this one is right here, right now, right in front of you and if you decide that this is a time that you are going to get involved, then you are going to be involved before this momentum hits and it will propel your business. That’s how it works; does it make sense to you to get involved with our chocolate? And I just be quite and most of the time they say, yeah…this makes sense, this makes a lot of sense to me or…I don’t know if I want a business but at least I really want to eat the chocolate. We have a very high rating after that question “Does it make sense? So then, what I do is a group close. I have the paper agreements and have them on clipboards because we usually have people sitting on the floor and sitting all over the place. Then I say, OK here’s the clipboard and this is to get your membership that I talked about. So this is for your $35 membership and we are going to start and you are going to put at the very top – not the way you want your cheques to come – you have to put your last name first. They usually laugh, then they put their last

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name first and then I say “the next thing you’re going to do is put the address of where you want your cheques mailed to”. So they put in their address. The next one I say is “where you want your chocolate mailed to”. We have different ways you can start – you can start with 2 cases of chocolate, you can start with 6 cases of chocolate or you can start with 12 cases of chocolate. The 2 gives you a business centre, it lets you put your toe in the water, the 6 gives you 3 business centres, it means you want to do business and the 12 advances you immediately to that level where you are getting that extra cheque on your group. For most of you, you don’t have a group yet, so that’s something we can do later. Whatever they pick, I say that’s perfect. If they say they are going to start with 6 cases, I say “perfect that’s my favourite”, if they say they are going to start with 2 cases, I say “perfect, the company gives you 60 days if you decide you want to move up to the 6 cases and if they say I want to do 12 cases, I say “that’s perfect, you must really want to do this business, we have to go to work right away. We are going to put those extra 6 cases into your Autoship. If you want to get involved and you would like one of us to come to your house and do a chocolate tasting like this, if you want to do a business it is a great way to launch your business, I want you to put a great big checkmark on the top of your paper and one of us will come and we will do a chocolate tasting at your house. And if you are really, really keen on doing this business, I want you to write the time down right now that you hand this in because we have a lot of these going on everywhere and we want you to have a really good position in the company, so write down the time. *Don’t try to enter people into a computer right at the party. *Be sure everyone has a nugget in their mouth for the video. *Be sure to include everyone. At the very end, do a “chocolate fondue” – melt a 3-4 of nuggets and dip fruit in. Melt with a candle – so you don’t lose any of the antioxidant. Very social time – people mingle and talk. Powerful social time at the end is very strong and a lot of time people will ask questions and will go from 2 to 6 cases or they will talk to someone about how their business is going and it is a real bonding time. If there are people who do not sign up, always send a little thank you note for coming. If I have to, I get them to write in a guest book, but sometimes I’ll just find out from whoever invited them. I always say the same thing…thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend our chocolate tasting. You have a wonderful distributor in (name whoever brought them). We look so forward to seeing you again. Our next chocolate tasting is (this time), we’d love it

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if you came back. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Provide your phone number. How to handle shipping objection: “You know what that’s a tax write-off but we don’t have to pay taxes on this product so it really washes out doesn’t it? Because if you were buying vitamins, you’d be paying taxes.” Advice on invites, setting up house, refreshments, attire, etc.

• Keep it simple • If you want to serve water or something like that, we’re serving the

chocolate so please don’t bring out any food because it takes away from the chocolate.

• We want people to think that they could have this in their home too – don’t decorate your house or bake cookies.

• Other distributors coming should bring chocolate for their guests so whoever is hosting is not out the money for the chocolate. (Della: Personally I ask each distributor to pay $2 for themselves and each of their guests – this covers a whole nugget plus samples of the other chocolates and works well for distributors who don’t have all the products). When people are starting they have already made the investment in the chocolate so I am very careful about their funds. I want everybody to be in a profit position very quickly. I often tell them this is a way to launch your business so invite all the sharp people that you know.

• Make sure they have a DVD player. • Never put any reading materials out ever during the presentation. Don’t

bring out until the end if someone asks. • If hostess wants to serve wine – make sure it is not expensive wine. You

don’t want people coming thinking they have to serve everybody wine. Whatever your friends would do, then do that but don’t make dessert.

• Hostess can bring in fruit for the fondue • Hostess should wear whatever they normally wear • Invites – distributors should say “I’m really excited, I’ve started a new

business with healthy chocolate and I’d really like you to come and try it”. And that they have the person that is helping them get their business going. Make sure everyone knows you are opening a new business – just like any other business you might open. Be sure to say this is your new business and that’s why you want them to come and that it will be fun.