how to find legitimate payday loans in usa

How To Find Legitimate Payday Loans in USA

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Post on 19-Jun-2015



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Some scammers and loan sharks scam and exploit people on the name of payday loans. We explain how to find good and legitimate lenders.


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How To Find Legitimate Payday Loans in USA

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Legitimacy of loan as important as the loan itself

We all know that payday loans are suitable solution to emergency expenses.

However, some people attribute payday loans to financial problems of borrowers, ignoring that those problems come due to unscrupulous lenders.

Hence, to avoid all problems, legitimacy of loans and lenders should be checked.

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No harm in precaution

Apart from unscrupulous lenders there websites that scam people on the name of payday loans as it is easy to dupe people online.

These are the things that give a bad name to payday loans and hurt good lenders.

Therefore, let us understand the nine precautions needed to find legitimate lenders.

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1 Registration with government

To prevent exploitation of borrowers, government has imposed various restrictions on payday loans.

Some states make it compulsory for lenders to register themselves with a government agency that is meant to regulate loans.

You should see whether the lender you are seeking a loan from is registered. If he is a legitimate , he should be.

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2 Proper checks a must

As said earlier, there is no harm in precaution. It is not always easy to spot this on a website.

If the loan website says that they run credit checks and require proof of employment then they are clearly taking responsible steps to ensure that the applicant can take on a loan at the moment and can afford to repay.

If a legitimate lender is ready to give loan to unemployed people, he tells applicants well in advance that how he would confirm that applicant would repay the loan.

Therefore, see the terms that an online lender is listing on his website.

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3 Is the website secure?

To apply for loan, you have to submit your personal information to lenders.

You need to see whether your are submitting your information to a secure website.

Having https// at the beginning of the website‘s URL shows that it is on a secure server.

This means that your details will be stored safely and hackers will find it difficult to attack it. Therefore, your information would remain safe.

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4 Check the rating of your lender

In order to check if your lender is legitimate, check with better business bureau, the rating it has given to your lender.

The better business bureau keeps tabs on websites and gives them a rating on the basis of their security measures, services and other things.

If the company as an “A” rating, you can believe that this company is not a scam.

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5 Doing online research helps

Before taking a loan from a payday lender, do your homework.

See online forums and see what people are saying about the company you want to do business with.

If majority people write negative reviews and say that the company in question is a scam, you know it is not a legitimate lender.

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6 Check contact information

Check the contact information the website provides. The contact information should be located in an easy to find part of the website.

Also, the contact information should be current. If there is a phone number listed, you should check whether it is a working phone number and call it.

Also, send a mail to the given email address and see if you receive a response quickly.

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7 Check the location of lender

Check if your company is based in USA or some other country. If the company is based in USA, it will be a lot easier to get your money back if the website does turns out to be a scam.

If the company is based in some other country, it will be very hard for law enforcement to help you get your money back.

If the company is based in a country that does not have an extradition treaty with USA, it will be even harder for you to get your money back.

If you are not able to find out where the company is located, this can be a possibility of that company being a scam.

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8 Check the grammar of the website

A legitimate payday loan company will use proper English.

If a payday loan website has not been written in proper English, it is a sign that the company is a scam.

Not just payday loans, any legitimate financial institution website will use proper English.

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9 Check the terms of loan

Make sure that you can find the terms of the loan. The terms of the loan should be clearly stated on the website.

If you decide to do business with a payday loan website, it is recommended to print out a copy of the loan terms along with the day that the transaction occurred.

This way, the payday loan company would not be able to say that the terms of the loans have changed.

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