how to fit regular exercise into a busy schedule · that is awesome! there is hope! benefits of...

BREAK THE CHAINS OF Inactivity! HOW TO FIT Regular Exercise INTO A BUSY SCHEDULE By: Robert Dave Johnston Amazing Health Publishing Fitness Through Health, Life, Freedom

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Page 1: HOW TO FIT Regular Exercise INTO A BUSY SCHEDULE · That is awesome! There IS hope! BENEFITS OF EXERCISE Having completed the basic fitness assessment, let us now take a little time


By: Robert Dave Johnston Amazing Health Publishing

Fitness Through

Health, Life, Freedom

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© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved

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If you obtained this report from anywhere other than - you have a pirated copy. Please help stop Internet crime by reporting this to: mailto:[email protected] © 2007-2010 Copyright Robert Dave Johnston / Fitness Through Fasting ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated and signed permission from the author. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The health-related information and suggestions contained in any of the books or written material mentioned here are based on the research, experience and opinions of the Author and other contributors. Nothing herein should be misinterpreted as actual medical advice, such as one would obtain from a Physician, or as advice for self-diagnosis or as any manner of prescription for self-treatment. Neither is any information herein to be considered a particular or general cure for any ailment, disease or other health issue. The material contained within is offered strictly and solely for the purpose of providing Holistic health education to the general public. Persons with any health condition should consult a medical professional before entering this or any fasting, weight loss, detoxification or health related program. Even if you suffer from no known illness, we recommend that you seek medical advice before starting any fasting, weight loss and/or detoxification program, and before choosing to follow any advice given on Fitness Through Fasting, as well as its 9-month course FastingOlogy.™ For any products or services mentioned or suggested on Fitness Through Fasting or FastingOlogy,™ you should read all packaging and instructions, as no substance, natural or drug, can be guaranteed to work in everyone, nor can they be considered absolutely safe. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements, products or services mentioned in Fitness Through Fasting and FastingOlogy™ have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Never disregard or delay in seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on Fitness Through Fasting or FastingOlogy. ™ Nothing that you read on Fitness Through Fasting and FastingOlogy™ should be regarded as medical or health advice. If you do anything recommended on Fitness Through Fasting or FastingOlogy, ™ without the supervision of a licensed medical doctor, you do so at your own risk. Not recommended for persons with any health related condition unless supervised by a qualified health practitioner. Because there is always some risk involved in any health-related program, the Author, Publisher and contributors assume no responsibility for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggested preparations or procedures described in any of the books or other written materials associated with this website. The author reserves the right to alter and update his opinions based on new conditions at any time.

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© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved


Hello and welcome to BREAK THE CHAINS OF INACTIVITY. This special report aims to give you a swift kick in the rear so that you can shake yourself off of your inactivity and get started with some type of exercise program.

Fasting is awesome and you can lose huge amounts of weight very fast. But if you do nothing else, then chances are that the weight will come back on. This happened to me many times in the past. So I know how demoralizing it can be. In this report my aim is to help you so that you do not have to go through that.

Exercise can often be a bad word. I ask many people who visit our Fitness Through Fasting website: Why don't you try to fit exercise into your schedule? Many get annoyed at my question; some even offended. "Sure, Robert," they write me, "of course I can. And there are eight days in a week and 25 hours in each day, right?"

I understand how they feel. If you have not exercised in a long time (or maybe ever), then perhaps the thought of getting started can also seem insurmountable. This is especially true for people who are more than 20 pounds overweight. The task at hand seems so huge, that one tends to become discouraged before even getting started.

Perhaps you’ve never exercised before or regularly played a sport. You’ve never been into the fitness crowd and third, you’re far too busy to even think about exercise. Of course your friends talk about it and rave about the latest fitness craze, but you’ve seen it too often. Some of them are on the “on-again-off-again” treadmill/stair master mania, and you wonder why they haven’t shed the fat that they’re desperately still trying to hide.

You’re not the least bit inclined to engage in these circus-like contortions or do those mindless freestyle strokes in the water. That would only encroach into your already busy schedule of juggling family, home and career. These three combined – husband/children/work ARE your exercise.

Before tackling the idea of fitting exercise into your busy schedule, it might be better if we start with the concept of self-assessment. Then I want you to familiarize (or re-familiarize) yourself with the huge health benefits that exercise has to offer. THEN I will give you some simply yet effective ways in which you can include exercise into your life and start reaping the benefits right away. Let's get to it!

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© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved

SPECIAL NOTE: This report is intended for EVERYBODY! Whether you are an executive, a manager, a clerk, young, older or a single mother... all of the suggestions presented here can help you to get active and improve your health.

Even if you are in your sixties, it is NOT too late to get a new lease on life. In certain portions I will address specific groups such as traveling businesspeople, managers etc... But that does not mean that "Oh, that does not apply to me". IT DOES APPLY TO YOU! IT APPLIES TO ALL OF US! So please read this report in its entirety.

Better yet, print it out and go over it several times with a highlighter. I want you to receive maximum benefit from this information, but it is important for you to be diligent in reading/studying the report, and then TAKING THE ACTION.

Section 1: Assessing The Physical Damage of Inactivity Accepting the Importance of Exercise

Lifespan and Physical Appearance

The average life span is 80 years, give or take a few. The truth is, a significant number of people look and feel 80 before their time. They have:

• Sagging dry skin • Unsightly Posture • An uneven and unsteady walk • Aching Joints • Pot Belly/ Flabby arms and legs

If their outward appearance is bad, just imagine how much the body is suffering on the inside. I have consulted with men in their early thirties who looked like they were in their fifties. With women, the physical deterioration is often worse. Unfortunately and sadly, many of these fine people will die before their time unless they take swift and decisive action. A large number of them already struggle with:

• Clogged Blood Vessels • Heart Problems • Diabetes • Hypertension • Emotional problems • Cardiovascular Disease • Cancer

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If I was president, I would try to make it mandatory for everyone to get some type of exercise from the time they were infants. Waiting until a person reaches their teens is often too late and many bad eating and lifestyle habits have already been created. I know, I know... that sounds a bit extreme. But, I am telling you, it is VERY sad to see good people suffer.

But it does not matter what your age might be. Whether you are in your teens, twenties, thirties, or even fifties and sixties... there is no wrong time to start exercising. The benefits will always reach you if you are willing to do what it takes and are patient. I don't know about you, but that is great news... don't you think?


Brad King and Dr. Michael Schmidt in Bio Age, Ten Steps to a Younger You have devised a questionnaire for assessing physical damage produced by lack of exercise. We will borrow some of their guidelines. So take a notebook and pen and answer the following questions with total honesty and complete abandon.

Start with the question, “How do I look?” Do any of these answers apply to you?

Am I overweight? Do I look like an apple or pear? Do I have a spare tire? Has my skin become excessively dry, almost paper-thin?

Next, ask: “How do I feel?”

Do my joints hurt before or after any physical exertion? Am I constantly worried and anxious? Do I feel tired and sluggish most of the time? Do I suffer from mood swings?

Last question, “How am I doing?”

Is walking and climbing stairs difficult? Do I have problems concentrating? Is running impossible for me now? Am I unable to sit straight, preferring to slouch or stoop my shoulders?

Now please: don't you write, "yes or no". Take some time and add detail to each of these questions. How do these questions and answers FEEL?

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In which way is your physical condition inhibiting you from doing certain things? In which way is it affecting your health? In which way will it affect others if (God forbid), you were to become ill?

Write, write, write... The more detail and emotion you put into this inventory, the better. I want you to come face to face with your truth. Sometimes doing this can be painful. But better to be honest, realistic and take action to get better than to live in denial and end up sick because you did nothing to change.

Ok, once you feel satisfied that you have written with honesty and thoroughness, then you have a very good assessment of your physical condition. It does not matter how grim and hopeless it may seem right now; I congratulate you for having the courage to face the truth. And, if you are still reading, then that means that you also are willing to move forward and take action. That is awesome! There IS hope!

BENEFITS OF EXERCISE Having completed the basic fitness assessment, let us now take a little time to talk about the health benefits that you can expect to gain through an exercise program.

When I first started working out, I was in horrible shape. I was 70 pounds overweight and could hardly carry myself up a flight of stairs. Nonetheless, after a few weeks of exercise I started to feel some amazing benefits, including:

Sleeping like a baby!

Waking up in the morning feeling refreshed

Walking more firmly rather than swaying

Having energy to spare at the end of the day

Feeling more relaxed and optimistic about life

Less mood swings


But these benefits are very general. Let’s get more specific and look at how exercise can positively impact your health and transform the entire course of your life:

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Exercise Prevents Heart Disease

The average ratio of total cholesterol to HDL Cholesterol (good cholesterol) is about 4.5. If this ratio doubles or reaches 7, you double your chances of developing coronary heart disease. You reduce that risk by as much as 50% if your ratio is 3 or lower.

The lowdown on cholesterol: not all cholesterol is bad. But many people still write me to ask: What is bad and what is good? I can understand the confusion. You have the good one (HDL-1 and HDL-2), the not so bad one (VLDL) and the harmful one (LDL). To get your ratios, divide the total amount of your cholesterol by your amount of HDL. The lower the ratio you have, the better.1

Exercise Prevents Osteoporosis

Recent figures indicate that 28 million Americans have Osteoporosis. And 80% are women. Unfortunately, only 1/4 of this 80% know that they have the condition and only half are receiving treatment. The annual osteoporosis bill to the US is $14 billion. Studies have shown that sufficient amounts of calcium and regular exercise helps to build strong bones. While genetics do play a part, starting to exercise is a powerful way to prevent osteoporosis.

Exercise Prevents Diabetes

People are still debating how much exercise an individual needs, but for people with Type 2 diabetes, exercising three or more times a week improves fitness and blood sugar levels. If you have type 2 diabetes and are overweight, exercise done with these parameters would be of tremendous benefit: intensity of 60%-70% maximal heart rate, with duration of 30 or more minutes, 4-7 days each week.2

There have been hundreds of documented reports that reveal how people’s lives have significantly improved and the remarkable transformation that their bodies experience after they made the decision to take ownership of their weight problems. In fact, Diane Rinehart (former Toronto magazine editor and writer) wrote in the Montreal Gazette on December 12, 2005: "What we're hearing about is... is waiting times in emergency and operating rooms for ailments such as hip replacements, heart surgery and amputations. 1 Dr. Lynn Goldberg and Dr. Diane Elliot. The Healing Power of Exercise. John Wiley & Sons. 2 Goldberg and Elliot.

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That's a shame because the fact is, if we dealt with obesity, we wouldn't be facing the epidemics of heart disease, stroke, arthritis and diabetes that clog our hospital waiting rooms and OR's."

What do you think? Can you accept and internalize in your heart of hearts that the time has DEFINITELY come to take action? Can you dump and get rid of all excuses? What is more important than your life and health? What is your legacy going to be for your family and children? Is it going to be one of courage, health and wellness, or one of procrastination, laziness and obesity? The choice is yours.

Section 2:


Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of time your friends and colleagues spend in the gym?

Turned off by the idea of a tennis game that entails not only the hour-long match but also getting to the tennis club, changing into a tennis outfit and then showering afterwards?

You think, “That’s almost 3 hours – three hours I could devote to nurturing my clients, children, spouse, etc....”

Or maybe you don't think at all. Maybe you usually prefer to sit in the couch and channel surf. If anyone comes and asks you to exercise, you run in the opposite direction. Yep... that was me. What finally helped me to get off the couch was the realization that I was actually padding a future of misery for myself. If you look back at your fitness inventory, you may realize the same. Unless you take action now, things are not going to get any better.

So, sooner or later... we must move... we must plunge into the unknown and do what we must. The other price of obesity and illness is just too high. Way too high. So, I realized, skipping workouts, staying in the couch, finding more alibis and excuses NOT to exercise was a form of self betrayal. Why would I give up all of the benefits we just talked about?

Why would I knowingly choose obesity and stagnation for my life? Yes, that made me move... it woke me up. I needed to move my behind. I needed to stop whining and get some courage and discipline.

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The good news is that you can do this starting TODAY, and that you can do it in simple ways that do not have to consume hours and hours. A SIMPLE EXERCISE PROGRAM

Instead of ignoring exercise altogether, here’s a suggestion for integrating it into your busy schedule. Think of exercise like you think of a major task in the office. Break it up into tinier components.

Instead of spending two hours in the gym or in the tennis court like your friends do, let's start with something very basic and simple, just to get you moving. For me, it was enough just to walk up and down a flight of stairs once to get all worked up. So the point is to get started, not to try to run a marathon the first time off the gate.

Here are three suggestions for you that can help you begin an exercise program easily and without consuming much of your time:

Suggestion A


20 minutes cardio (I'll give some ideas a bit later) 10 minutes weights (1 muscle group, e.g. legs)

If, like me, you are in VERY BAD SHAPE and more than 20 pounds overweight, then it is best to do little spurts of exercise frequently. This suggested structure will help awaken your muscles and start to get the blood flowing.

Get ready to feel sore, however. The first month will be a struggle and you may not notice much improvement. That is normal. What matters most is that you persist. Follow this simple routine for at least two months and you'll be amazed!


Mon: 20 minutes cardio + 10 minutes stretching; Tues: 20 minutes weights (2 muscle groups, e.g. back and

abdominals) + 10 minutes of cardio. Wed: 20 minutes cardio + 10 minutes of Weights (two muscle groups, e.g. triceps or chest, biceps

or shoulders)

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This one here works best for people who in BAD TO MODERATE shape, even if they are more than 20 pounds overweight? How can one tell the difference between very bad shape, bad shape and moderate? Well, that if for YOU to gauge. You know your body better than anyone. If, however, you have not exercised AT ALL in more than two years, you can probably safely go with VERY BAD SHAPE.

However, I will leave it up to you to make the final determination. If you are unsure, a good rule of thumb is to start with A for a month, and then move to B if you find that it is too easy. However, I want to emphasize one thing: SLOW IS FAST. Start with A regardless.

What I mean is; many start an exercise program "gung-ho" and want to lose weight and get healthy. But they overdo it and, after a month or two, get "burned out" and end up abandoning the routine. Rome was not built in a day. It was built, but it took time. So will be the process of getting your health back. Focus on being consistent and do not become impatient!

Suggestion C

20 minutes 5 days a week. Week 1: all cardio Week 2: weights Week 3: Cardio on Mon/Wed/Fri Week 4: Weights on Tues/Thurs Repeat the entire cycle when you get to month 2.

Option C is my favorite because it is basically "brainless". What I mean by that is that, since I am doing the same workout for an entire week, I don't have to think about "What am I supposed to do today?" I find that, in my case, the less I think... the better. The mind is always trying to find ways and means to talk me back into stagnation.

But I suggest that you try all of them over a period of six months. Wow, six months! Do you realize how much progress you will make in that amount of time? All you have to do is: Option A for two months, then move to B for two months, then C for two months... how hard can that be? No other thinking or guessing is required. That is how I did it. And I was in a deep, deep whole of obesity, toxicity, depression and binging that many considered hopeless. If I can do it, then you can certainly do it as well!

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FREQUENCY AND INTENSITY Ideally, you should gradually increase the frequency or intensity, or both. But if you’re busy, and definitely can’t spare more than 30 minutes a day, then increase the intensity. This means that if your cardio involves the treadmill, take the notch up 1 level (if you started with level 3, go on to level 4 on month 2).

For your weight training, if you started with 5-pound weights, graduate into 7.5 pounds in month 2. And then on those days when your day is not filled with meetings, try to stay an extra 5-10 minutes. Be realistic with your goals, especially when you’re just starting. As I said, doing too much too soon is a sure way to burn out and quit before you see the fruits of your labor.


Apart from working out, I also am here to encourage you increase your activity levels OVERALL. You can go to the gym and have a tremendous workout, only to come home and stagnate in a chair or sofa and not do much of anything else. So now that you have the motivation to get started, let's look at ways that you can remain active, even when not in the gym.

The sky is the limit. Your choice of activities can be anything from archery to square dancing. What about keeping it very simple … start walking! Here’s a free walking for fitness program to help you get going. All that matters is that you find something that you enjoy. That way you are more likely to keep doing it. Here are a few more hobby/activities you may want to consider:

Exercise Photography - Taking photos of things you like to look at. If you’re reading this page then chances are you have a computer, so digital photography can be a great and rewarding hobby. The best part is that you get to walk around taking photos, and walking is called exercise.

Bird Watching for Weight Loss - Go to your local park and count the birds. Take some of that white bread you’re not allowed to eat and feed the birds with it! Looking up into the trees or onto the neighbourhood roof tops will stretch those neck muscles, and walking is the best form of exercise yet.

Window Shopping - What could be better than walking around town for an hour or so, looking into the windows of your favourite stores? Everybody likes to shop and everyone likes to dream of what they could buy if money was no object. How about window shopping for the new clothes you will buy when you are thinner?

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Flying a Kite – Most of us loved flying kites as kids, why not as we get older?

Sightseeing - You don't have to travel across state or out of the country to go sightseeing. Chances are there are plenty of things going on in your area. With a little research, you will find events and places to go to that will cost little or no money. Better yet, take a stroll around your neighbourhood and look at it from the eyes of a tourist. You’ll burn calories and notice a few interesting things at the same time.

Gardening – If you have been out of shape for a long time, then one activity that can help get you going is what is known as gardening for fitness. Stretching down, pulling a few weeds, digging, carting dirt are excellent and help keep the joints working. If you don’t have a garden yourself, your local city council probably has a parks and/or gardens program that could use a few volunteers. Don’t Like any of these? Ok, how about:

Badminton Boxing Body Building Camping Cardio-Workout Croquet Fencing Fishing Golf Hiking Horseback Riding Hunting Ice Skating Inline Skating

Kayak-and-Canoeing Martial Arts Pilates Running Sailing Skiing Snowboarding Swimming Tennis Wakeboarding Waterskiing Yoga


If you did not notice, the activities listed above are linked to web pages with more information pertaining to each one. Research! Most people struggle with their weight and health for years for two primary reasons: lack of discipline and procrastination.

“Oh yeah, I want to do this or that”. But they never get around to it. They start walking each morning but then it rains, so they don't go that day or the next, or the next. They start a diet and vow to stick to it. BUT, they find that

piece of cake, pizza, cheeseburger… whatever “too tempting” and fall back into old habits. They are always starting but never finishing.

They are always wishing but never achieving. They are always longing for something but never rouse the courage to do it. WHATEVER IT TAKES!

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But the good news is you can still do it no matter how many times you have tried and failed before, you CAN lose weight and feel so much better in the process. And this course gives you everything that you need to make the change!

The main thing is to increase the amount of calories used by increasing activity levels. Apart from the suggestions above, there are many ADDITIONAL ways for you to start being more active. One that I found interesting is called aerobic housecleaning. No, I’m not kidding.

If you’re an absolute beginner, a full blown workout which incorporates cardio, weights, and flexibility may scare or discourage you. The idea is to start with small steps. Any of the activities listed above can get you started. The point is exactly that: GET STARTED!


You may find that you get up at 6am, start going, going and going and that when you come around it is already 6pm. "What, me, workout? You must be kidding!" I can understand if you feel that way. But it is all in the way that we manage time.

I am certainly NOT saying that you should wake up at 3am and exercise, but setting aside 30 minutes daily to take care of your body should not be too much of a problem. Without your health, what would you do?

So, to me, there is no such thing as "too busy to exercise". You either will do it, or you won't. You could, for example, get up half an hour early and use that time for your exercise routine. Early mornings are a beautiful time to go out for a walk or a swim. Watching the sun come up while amidst an exercise high is glorious!

If you do this three times a week, that means you get 90 minutes of exercise each week. Imagine that! But even if the morning is not a good time for you, I am certain that, with some time management, you can find 30 minutes to dedicate to your health, right? Some people grumble when I ask them that question.

For Managers/Executives (And Busy Moms!): People in the management and corporate field usually have to attend a lot of meetings, as well as luncheon and dinner functions with clients. This can easily gobble you up to the point where going to the restroom will feel like a rarity. I know... I lived it for years and know how demanding that lifestyle can be. Do this: Assess each client/situation. Do ALL of them really need to be wined and dined?

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Is an hour long meeting absolutely necessary? Can’t a deal be negotiated on the phone? See how many meetings you can cancel or shorten. Then fit your fitness program into those slots that free up. You will be sharper and more energetic for it!

Or how about this: instead of going to lunch with clients every day of the week, why don’t you schedule lunch meetings for, say, Monday and Tuesday? That way you can incorporate a fitness routine for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. Yes, but that is not enough time to go to the gym?

Improvise! A brisk walk inside or outside the office building, a quick swim in the neighborhood hotel pool, a Pilates course in the recreational centre, lifting dumb bells while on the phone. Any of these exercises is better than no exercise. Your guiding principle should be to move, move, move as frequently as you can.


Just as ergonomic experts recommend that office workers take their eyes off their computer screen every hour or so, fitness experts are advocating getting up from your chair and taking a brisk walk up and down the stairs.

When you feel the need to take a break, offer to pick up supplies for your colleagues, take the mail downstairs instead of waiting for the trolley, or think of something you could put in

your car instead of waiting until 5 pm.

That way, you force yourself to get up from your seat and walk for a few minutes. In some private offices you’ll see dumb bells, mats and elastic bands – these are clues that they are doing some exercise while on the job – a good and healthy practice to adopt by busy individuals with hectic schedules.


Hopping in and out of planes is exercise enough, you say. But that’s not the kind of exercise that will condition your heart, make your reflexes and joints more fluid, keep your sugar levels in check or stop mood swings. Nor is it the kind of exercise that will make you euphoric after a good cardiovascular session.

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You need to counteract the effects of jet lag, artificial air in pressurized aircraft cabins and sky fatigue. Suzanne Schlosberg says,

“Sometimes your travels help you recognize how humdrum your workout routine has become. At home, it’s easy to fall into a rut – to use the same weight machines in the same order, week after week, month after month, simply out of habit. But a trip may take the routine out of your routine.

You may have no choice but to try new strength exercises or jog in the pool instead of swim laps. And you might find these new pursuits so enjoyable that you add them to your fitness repertoire at home.”3

Some nice hotels have spa facilities that you can enjoy while on a business trip. Reward yourself with a facial or a massage after a session on the treadmill or 10 laps in the pool. This is a great way to unwind for the evening, and an added bonus for the individual on the go.


What are some of the reasons why travelers do not incorporate exercise while they’re on the road?

They’re stressed or too tired They don’t feel comfortable exercising in unfamiliar surroundings They don’t have access to a hotel gym

Again, to me this is all hogwash. Sure, there may be times when you WILL be too busy to exercise (that day), but to say that "NO I NEVER HAVE TIME" is an over-generalization. Where there's a will... there's a way, right?

Walk when on the Road

When traveling, have a pair of good walking shoes, preferably trainers, so that you won’t feel so daunted about getting from one side of the airport to the other.

Having the right pair of walking shoes will encourage you to walk up the stairs instead of take the escalator, to walk instead of taking the conveyor belt, and to transfer from one concourse to another on foot instead of taking the shuttle service.

3 Suzanne Schlosberg. The Ultimate Workout Guide for the Road. Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston, USA. 2002.

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You may not realize it, but walking these long distances with your luggage in tow serves as a combination/weight lifting exercise. I recall one time I had a stopover at the Dallas Ft. Worth Airport on my way to California.

I had to switch to another plane and it turned out to be on a different terminal. It was one heck of a hike. I had two shoulder bags and a small suitcase with wheels. By the time I got to the other terminal - it took me about 25 minutes -, I was drenched in sweat and breathing quite heavy. My arms were pumped as if I had done pushups. At first I was annoyed, but then I gave myself to the moment and had a tremendous workout. That was my routine for the day! Who says there's no time?

Fitness while Flying

Once settled comfortably on the plane, make sure you time your stretching and walking periods. If it’s just an hour’s flight, walk around the plane once and do your stretching at the back of the plane, if it’s a three hour to five hour flight, try to get up from your seat and walk around at least once every hour, doing leg extensions and trunk/neck movements.

Airlines such as Japan Air Lines show videos of how travelers can incorporate flexibility movements while seated or standing. Take full advantage of these videos. The exercises may help you ward off fatigue and jet lag.

A Note About DVT In the last five years, there have been reports about flight passengers, especially in economy class, suffering from DVT – Deep Vein Thrombosis. The link between confining airplane seats and deaths from DVT (formation of deadly blood clots) has been established by the United Nations World Health Organization. It has nothing to do with gender, risk factors or genetics. Everyone is at risk in economy class.4

This should constitute a compelling reason to integrate exercise while high in the sky.

To make exercise possible while traveling, try to schedule your flights so you have time for exercise when you get to your destination. Try to arrive during the late afternoon/early evening. That gives you time to shake off the fatigue. It gives you at least an hour to work out in your room or hotel gym. 4 Deep Vein Thrombosis

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Be fully rested before a trip – have the usual “to pack” items ready well in advance so you’re not scampering for them at the last minute, depleting your energy levels.

Time your sleep correctly – as soon as you board, get the local time of your destination and set your watch accordingly. If it’s already night time in your destination, wear blindfolds and ask for a pillow and try to catch a few winks.

Drink plenty of water – wine and cocktails will only dehydrate you further; note that humidity levels inside aircraft is below 10%, so water is your best bet.

If your job requires you to travel at least four times a month, ask your company’s travel department to book you in hotels with gyms or a swimming pool. Take time out of your travel schedule to insert a workout into your grinding schedule.

Here’s a friendly suggestion: Get up earlier in the morning and before or after breakfast, head over to the gym and do a brisk walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes, or use the rowing machine. This session is just to wake you up from your travel stupor. See if you can walk to your business appointment instead of taking a cab. At night, before going to bed, go to the hotel gym again and lift weights for 10 minutes, to complete your workout for the day. This way you did your cardio and resistance training, two essential components of a fitness program. And it only took you 20 minutes!

Working out with Friends Another suggestion: If you’re traveling in a group, ask a colleague if he or she would like to play a game of squash or tennis with you. The concierge can give you local addresses of sports or recreational centers in the vicinity.

When there’s no Gym: If the hotel gym is crowded or “temporarily closed for maintenance,” you can still exercise – in the comfort of your room. HERE ARE SOME EXERCISES THAT YOU CAN PERFORM:

Turn on the TV or sound system and jog in place.

Jump rope

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Do Floor Exercises

Floor exercise 1: the Cobra (or back extension). Lying on your stomach as though getting ready for push-ups, keep your hands on your side with palms facing down and fingers pointed forward. With your hands, push to lift your torso off the floor. Ensure you’re lifting your head, shoulders and chest only).

Keep your pelvis on the floor and your head looking ahead. Hold and then release. Repeat 3 times. You should feel your spine lengthen. Joe Decker recommends pressing back with your hands, and pushing your upper body up and forward.

Do not tilt your head back to look at the ceiling. This puts a strain on your neck.5

Floor exercise 2: Crunch (for lower abdominals). The lower abdominals are the weakest muscles in your torso because they are rarely worked, and they’re the first to sag after childbirth and after menopause.

Lying flat on your back with your knees bent, cross your arms over your chest. Squeeze your buttocks, tighten your abdomen and push your lower back into the floor. Hold for 10-20 seconds, breathing normally. Relax, and then release. Repeat as often as you can, without overworking yourself.6

Floor exercise 3: Hurdler’s Stretch. Bend your knee towards the front, and then tuck your lower leg in toward the opposite thigh. Stretch gently toward the straight leg. Do not bounce. This movement is like the ballet movement when an arm goes above the head gracefully, which stretches the sides of the trunk to increase flexibility.7

If you pick up any exercise book, there will be a rich inventory of exercises you can perform while on the go. Pack this in your bag so you can refer to it for correct form and posture.

5 Dealing With Neck Strain 6 Alisa Bauman, Sari Harrar and the editors of Prevention Health Books. Fat to Trim at any Age. Rodale Press. USA. 1998. 7 Advanced Stretching Routines.

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Here’s a tip: If you can’t incorporate a tennis game or a trip to the gym, how about signing up for dance classes (e.g. ballet, jazz, tap, belly dancing). If you’ve always loved dancing as a child, wouldn’t this be a great way to fit exercise into a busy schedule?

If you don’t particularly look forward to being with the gym crowd, a dance class will help you stick to the program. A good motivator, or exercise aid, is to invest in good dance music tapes. Or listen to selected dance tunes on your iPod while traveling. When you get to your hotel room, you’re pumped up and ready to shake that booty.

Yoga On The Train?

Yes. A news report was published in the Montreal Gazette recently saying how many overstressed Germans still hide behind their papers rather than exercise. We’re sure Americans and Canadians are the same.

So these commuters are being taught yoga and relaxation techniques on their way to and from work. Instructors are now in “wellness trains” in southern Germany.

This was an initiative taken by Deutsche Bahn – Germany’s state-owned railway. The organization decided to offer relaxation and yoga techniques to calm an anxious work force. How about that!

Section 4: Exercise Equipment “To Go” If you’re busy but want to integrate exercise into your daily routine, carry some exercise tools with you such as:

Elastic bands Light dumb bells Jump rope Inflatable Swiss balls (the small ones) Exercise video or DVD to play in between meetings Yoga mat Meditation or relaxation music tapes. Exercise tubes with handles (to increase muscle strength) Bow tie exerciser (increases upper body strength).

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The choices in other portable exercise tools are impressive:

The Ankle Tough Rehab System is a set of straps made of heavy-duty elastic, and are cut and stitched to make 2 straps that fit over shoes or bare feet. Set comes with 4 different resistance straps for light, medium, strong and tough levels. Comes with exercise manual.8

Flex Bars - a lightweight, portable exercise gadget. The bars improve grip strength and upper body strength, and allow oscillation movements for neuromuscular and balance training.9

Weighted Vest – a gadget to help you add resistance to your workout. Vest is weight-adjustable with each weight packet weighing approximately 0.75 lbs. Its one size fits all feature makes it ideal for both men and women. Steel shot packets conform to the body, and weight adjustments range from 0.75 lbs. to 20 lbs.10

Buyer Beware: There are some exercise aids that have been specifically marketed to walkers – things like weighted shoes to add resistance while jogging or brisk-walking. Before you dole out your cash to buy exercise accessories, speak to a fitness trainer or orthopedist. Some products can be just commercial hype.

If you’re going cross-country driving and the trip will take about 12-15 hours, schedule hourly stops so you can perform some stretching exercises, or go for a 15-minute walk in the neighborhood. Exercising will energize you, diminishing your need for frequent cups of coffee and relieve eye strain.

Using a Pedometer This is a beeper-sized device that you clip to your waistband. It measures walking and running distance in steps and miles. Some models are more sophisticated and equipped with measuring features for pace, total exercise time and calories burned. A pedometer could motivate you to walk during airport or train layovers because you’ll know how much ground you’ve covered and will encourage you to aim for a longer distance on your next trip. I have used many and highly recommend the Part Ultrak 275 Electronic Calorie Pedometer.11

8 Ankle Tough Rehab System 9 Flex Bars 10 Weighted Vest 11 Part Ultrak 275 Electronic Calorie Pedometer

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Always Carry…

Comfortable shoes Padlock Foldable, light gym bag Quick dry clothing Keep these in suitcase at all times so you don’t waste time re-packing them.


Here’s the indivisible truth: No, it's not shooting the scale, although I have wanted to many times! Losing, maintaining and/or gaining weight comes down to one fundamental formula: calories taken in - calories used = body weight. If one takes in more calories than one needs, one gains weight.

If your levels of activity and calorie-intake are the same – you will maintain your existing weight. If one expends more calories than one consumes, then one will lose weight. First grade stuff, right? The problem is that many people lose sight of this and spend their whole lives in the weight loss/weight gain "yo-yo". I did for nearly 25 years. However, once I overcame my resistance and slot and accepted exercise, I found my way.

And it is my sincere hope and prayer that you, too, find what I call WEIGHT STABILITY. Days, weeks, months and years going by and NEVER gaining the weight back. That is the true miracle! That is freedom! There is an important fact that we must bear in mind: THE METABOLISM SLOWS DOWN AND BODY-MAKEUP CHANGES WITH AGE.

When a person is 20 years old, he or she can eat a large pizza singlehandedly and, in most cases, not gain an ounce or feel any digestive discomfort. If, however, that same person is in his or her thirties or forties, THEN eating that same pizza can produce acid reflux, constipation and, of course, faster weight gain. What does this mean? It means that the time to start is NOW to begin an exercise program. If you wait, it will likely not get easier.

Rather, it will probably be harder! When you started reading this book, chances are you felt that you could never incorporate a fitness program into your busy lifestyle. Now, however, chances are that I've made you think about the importance of FINDING time.

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I've also given you some tips and ideas that pretty much eliminate all excuses. Remember, some of the cardinal rules that we’ve covered:

Don’t do too much at once; start slow, and build a foundation of fitness

Exercise for more than cosmetic appeal; your inner-body needs to be fit, too, especially as you age

Plan ahead and stay in hotels that offer you fitness equipment

Carry essential fitness tools with you as you travel

Eat healthy and properly so that you don’t “hit the wall” as you become fit

Keep a record of your successes through a journal or log

Exercise with friends or other people who share a common fitness interest with you and make new friends in the process

Manage your time effectively so you can incorporate a fitness program into your daily routine. Now the next step is up to you. Consult the resources recommended in this eBook, including the websites, and build an exercise program into your life.

You must do this. Slowly but steady... but you must do this. If I can crawl out of the hell of obesity where I spent more than two decades, then so can you accomplish your weight loss and fitness goals. Do it for yourself... do it for your loved ones... do it because you deserve it. Good luck and get moving.

Warmest regards,

Robert Dave Johnston Fitness Through

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Some Resources For Travelers - Fitness-Friendly Hotels In her book Fitness for Travelers: The Ultimate Workout Guide for the Road, Suzanne Schlosberg performed some due diligence to help the busy traveler by providing the names of major hotels with gym facilities (US only). An extract from that list:

Four Seasons – 95% of their hotels have pools. All of their fitness centers have cardio and weight machines;

Ritz Carlton – 80% of their hotels have pools and most have fitness centers.

Sheraton Hotels and Resorts – pool facility in 95% of their hotels Westin Hotels and Resorts – all of their hotels have pools.12

Fitness-Friendly Airports

Schlossberg also provides a list of airports with massage facilities. Here’s a sampling:

Chicago: O’Hare International Airport – A Massage Inc, level 6, main terminal west (near post office); open 7:30 am to 9:30 pm.

Boston: Logan International Airport – A Relaxed Attitude – terminal B, American Airlines Side, upper level (hours vary);

Seattle: Seattle-Tacoma International Airport – Massage Bar Inc – Concourse C, beyond security checkpoint, Gates N-16 and N-1.

As for fitness centers in airports and near airports, pages 36-38 of Schlosberg’s book, contains a detailed listing of these fitness centers, to help you do your workout on your next airport layover.13

Websites of Interest: Visit the American Council on Exercise web site – or call their toll free number, 1-800-825-3636. They provide resources for fitness products and services and a list of certified trainers. Also visit: They serve the NIH community (National Institutes of Health) and offer classes on yoga, yoga and aerobics. Lastly, drop by the Mayo Clinic web site: Go to the navigation bar on the left and click on "healthy living". 12 Suzanne Schlosberg 13 Suzanne Schlosberg.

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