how to get traffic to your website for free

14 1 How to Get Traffic to Your Website For Free The main purpose of this blog post is to teach you how to get traffic to your website for free even if you are a complete newbie to Internet Marketing. There is nothing like waking up every morning at any time you want, start up your laptop, check your email and get notifications about affiliate commissions you have earned while you were sleeping. This life is really cool! lol Imagine being able to build a fantastic blog site with super-fantastic content that will help thousands of people solve a specific problem. When you build a blog site that gets thousands of visitors a day, and then you will be able to make enough money to quit your boring job and live a better life. Of course it all depends on how you make the money with your blog and what affiliate products you promote but the foundation of having a blog that gets at least 1,000+ and more unique visitors a day has to be there. It is highly recommended to work on the traffic to your blog first before you work on the conversions and the monetization of the blog site. I would recommend you to just throw some links, call-to-actions, and good looking banners around your blog site first and then just focus on the traffic for a while. Of course you would do this if you have a brand new blog site but if you are someone that is just looking to increase

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Post on 08-May-2015




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Learn How to get traffic to your website for free and never complain about traffic. I'm sharing some good tips on how you can increase the traffic flow to your site online. These are some simple internet marketing strategies you can learn to get free traffic online. Learn How to get traffic to your website for free today.


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How to Get Traffic to Your Website For Free

The main purpose of this blog post is to teach you how to get traffic to your website for free

even if you are a complete newbie to Internet Marketing.

There is nothing like waking up every morning at any time you want, start up your laptop, check

your email and get notifications about affiliate commissions you have earned while you were

sleeping. This life is really cool! lol

Imagine being able to build a fantastic blog site with super-fantastic content that will help

thousands of people solve a specific problem. When you build a blog site that gets thousands of

visitors a day, and then you will be able to make enough money to quit your boring job and live a

better life.

Of course it all depends on how you make the money with your blog and what affiliate products

you promote but the foundation of having a blog that gets at least 1,000+ and more unique

visitors a day has to be there. It is highly recommended to work on the traffic to your blog first

before you work on the conversions and the monetization of the blog site.

I would recommend you to just throw some links, call-to-actions, and good looking banners

around your blog site first and then just focus on the traffic for a while. Of course you would do

this if you have a brand new blog site but if you are someone that is just looking to increase

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website traffic as well – you can follow this same information.

Getting traffic to a blog site for free is not a big challenge.

All it really takes is creativity, time, writing, knowledge and the ability to speak your mind out.

You need to be willing to write a lot and just do the necessary work. There are no excuses when

it comes to doing what you need to do in order to change your life.

I remember when I was 18 years old and I was already living alone, renting a room somewhere

in northern, Virginia – got a job in a Starbucks Coffee Shop. I hated that job; I gave it a try but

then ended up quitting. It just wasn’t for me. I started hating jobs ever since then.

Of course I got many other jobs later on but I always wanted to make money in a different way

than everyone else ever since I started hating to do the things I had to do for money.

In other words, one day I got tired working in construction because I have realized that I was

basically making another guy (my boss) money and I was only getting a tiny, weenie portion of

that money.

I hated working for others and that’s when I started learning anything I could about making

money on the internet. I started learning about blogging but like most new people online, I wrote

couple of blog posts here and there and expected miracles. Nothing happened for about 3 years

of “trying to make money blogging online”.

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It was tough and it was a challenge.

But I finally learned the things I need to do in order to start getting daily visitors to my blog sites.

Of course it will be a challenge to you if you really think you cannot do this. If you really think

you do not got what it takes to follow all of the information I’m about to share with you then

maybe this is not for you.

But if you truly want to change your life by building a blog site that gets thousands of visitors a

day and makes you more money than one, two or even three jobs you would have to get to match

that income – then this information will help you accomplish financial freedom.

I share my story because I want you to relate and get inspire by me. I have been through a lot and

I have been able to change my life because of the internet and blogging. Now I’m on my way to

changing my family’s life. I’m really proud of the things I have been able to learn over the years

and now I want to share the same information with you.

I will teach you how to get traffic to your website for free.

The information is easy to understand and the steps to follow are very simple – you just need to


I will ask you to promise me that you will do it no matter what. You will work your ass off and

TAKE MASSIVE ACTION with the information here and go get results online. Promise

yourself the same thing and go for it. Let me know how it goes.

I will keep all of the information simple here and I will only share the things you need to know

right now to start getting traffic to your websites. Remember that you do not need to know

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everything in order to get results. So try to empty your cup, absorb all of the information here

and most importantly follow it to the teeth.

I cannot guarantee you any income here but I can guarantee you valuable information that will

get traffic to your website.

Let’s say you are someone new in the internet marketing world and you are looking to buy a

domain name so you can build your blog. I will give you some tips you should know before

buying the domain name for your blog site. If you already have a blog and already bought a

domain name for it – you can skip this part.

Before you buy a domain name, you should do a keyword research on the niche your blog is

going to be about. For example; if you want to build a blog about Dating and Relationships then

you should try getting a domain name like:

Now, you can find a keyword that people actually searches for in the search engines and use it as

the domain name. This will help you rank up in the search engines and get you free traffic.

Try to find short and sweet keywords you can use as the domain name. It can take time to find a

good keyword but it is worth doing it.

Let me show you really quick how to do a quick keyword research for free and find a good

keyword to use.

Once you get your domain, install a blogging platform like WordPress and design your site.

Make sure you have the right plugins and tools before you start writing like a maniac.

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Let me show you the plugins I use and how to set up your blog very quick.

I will assume you have a domain name already and you already have a hosting account and you

have installed WordPress as well. If you haven’t yet then go to for domains and for cheap hosting.

Here is the list of the plugins I mentioned in the video:

1-click Retweet/Share/Like Ad Codes Widget Ad Squares Widget Akismet Better Author Bio Bottom of every post Cache Images CommentLuv Contact Form 7 DB Cache Reloaded Fix GetSocial Google Analytics Google XML Sitemaps Hello Bar (Official) Hide Trackbacks Login LockDown MO Cache PlayPress Post Views Stats Pretty Link Lite

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Regenerate Thumbnails Secure WordPress SEO Auto Links & Related Posts SEO Smart Links SEO Ultimate Shareaholic | share buttons, analytics, related content Simply Show IDs Smart Youtube PRO Vixy YouTube Embed Wassup Keywords WassUp Real Time Analytics WordPress SEO-Rank WordPress Statistics WP-Optimize WP-Stats WP Super Cache WP Super Popup WP Widget Cache

This should help you get set up with your WordPress blog. The next step would be to start

blogging like a maniac!

It is time you learn…..

How to Get Traffic to Your Website For Free

Here are the subjects I will be talking about:

SEO (search engine optimization) Content Marketing Blog Commenting Guest Blog Posts Social Networks Video Marketing Forum Marketing

I will keep this valuable, quick and to the point.

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Search engine optimization is one of the best ways to get free traffic to a website. We all use the

search engines to find the information we need. The internet is based on the search for

information so there is a lot of traffic to get from the search engines alone.

The key to being successful with SEO is CONSISTENCY. More than knowledge you will need

to be more consistent than others. Once you learn something, take massive action right away. Try

doing the work daily or at least 5 days a week.

There is not much you will need to know about SEO in order to get good results applying it. You

just need to learn simple things you need to apply to every blog post you publish on your blogs.

You need to learn about:

On-Page Search Engine Optimization Off-Page Search Engine Optimization

You will have to learn and apply the search engine optimization to your articles with the

keywords you want your content to be found by. You will need to optimize your Keyword in the


Your Keyword needs to meet the following:

1. Keyword in H1 Tag 2. Keyword in H2 Tag 3. Keyword in H3 Tag 4. Keyword Underlined 5. Keyword in Bold 6. Keyword Italicized 7. Keyword in Image Description (ALT) 8. Keyword in outbound hyperlink (a link to another website) 9. Keyword in inbound hyperlink (a link to another page/post in your site)

This is what you need to know about On-Page Search Engine Optimization. This will allow your

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content to rank in the search engines for that specific keyword.

The Off-Page Search Engine Optimization would be the backlinks. A backlink is basically

another site linking back to your optimized blog post. The backlinks are likes votes for your blog

post. The more backlinks you have the higher you will rank in the search engines.

Getting backlinks is pretty simple and I’m not going to explain the whole thing in this post but if

you want to learn more on backlinks then I highly recommend you to subscribe to this site for

future information on that subject.

Let’s not forget about social interaction on your blog post. Today, the search engines love a blog

post that is very interesting and valuable and most importantly a blog post that is popular. The

more people share your content and the more they comment on it, the higher rankings you will

have in the search engines as well.

Sometimes all it takes is people to really really LOVE your content for it to rank up in the search

engines. Today more than half of the world is in Social Networks every second. If a lot of people

love your blog post, they will share it and that will create a Viral Effect which will bring you not

only social network traffic but also organic traffic from the search engines.

SEO is one of the best answers to the question how to get traffic to your website for free?? -

Most internet marketers will agree with this. Just take massive action to get the results you want.

Content Marketing

Content is King.

Let me rephrase that….

Content that RANKS is King.

Just because you publish content on your blog site that does not mean you will automatically get

traffic. Unless your content is extremely interesting, valuable and controversial – you will have a

very hard time getting readers to your blog posts.

Of course content is king but what type of content?

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Content alone cannot do the job of getting you visitors. You need to go out there and promote the

content in order to get the traffic.

Let me tell you the best advice you can get if you want to become a successful blogger online;

instead of just blogging on your blog, blog on the internet.

Blog all over the internet!

This means you will have to share content all over the internet and link back to your main blog

posts. This is content marketing. The more valuable content you share all over the place the more

expert you will become on your niche and the more traffic you will generate to your blog site.

Once you publish content on your blog site, the next step would be to promote that content. And

another great way to do it is with Content Marketing, which is very similar if not the same as

Article Marketing.

The key here is also to be very consistent with this technique. You want to share your content in

as many other sites as possible. This will also help you rank up in the search engines.

You can use sites like,,, and any

other sites that are based on content. Publish valuable and unique articles in these sites and link

back to your main blog posts. All you have to do from here is rinse and repeat.

Remember that the more you do it the more results you will get. I would say that most successful

people here will spend more time promoting their blog post than writing it.

Blog Commenting

This is a very simple technique that people online have been using for years now. It is still very

effective when applied with massive action. There is no secret technique here or any especial


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All you do here is use the internet to find other blogs related to your blog so you can engage in

their topics. You want to start a conversation in a comment below their blog post – try

commenting on popular blog posts. You want people to see your comment so they can engage

with you.

Make sure you do this mainly on other blogs that allow you to leave a comment with a backlink

to your website. Also make sure you do not leave spammy comments and that your comments

initiate a conversation instead of just being a boring comment.

There are thousands of blogs online and they are millions of people reading them. Just look for

them in the search engines and engage in the conversation. More people will start to know about

you and that means they will visit your site out of curiosity.

Guest Blog Posts

This is just like Content Marketing. I should’ve included this under the Content Marketing

subject but I just wanted to talk about Guest Blog Posts a little bit more.

Guest posting is basically becoming an Author in other blogs related to your blog and publishing

a blog post there. There are thousands of other blogs that allow guest authors. This is where you

can take advantage to not only get a backlink for your search engine rankings but also to get free

traffic from another blog site.

Make sure you find other blogs that are popular and are getting a good amount of monthly

traffic. You want to make sure you are spending time writing a guest post for a blog that has a lot

of recurring readers. You can easily “steal” some readers doing this lol but it’s all good in the

blogging community as long as you are helping people.

The main purpose of guest posting is to get more readers to your blog. You want to have

recurring readers to your blog; they are the ones that will share and comment on your blog every


Use search engines like to look for other blogs you can be part of. I will be teaching

you how you can find these blogs online on another blog post so make sure to subscribe to get

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the updates.

Social Networks

Social networks are the next generation to “communities”. There are bigger communities online

than offline. Everything is going Online these days. This means more and more people are

spending a lot of time on the internet daily. The internet has become part of our daily lives.

The social networks are the number one spots to find groups of people to market to. There are

millions of people looking for information on the Social Networks. Just like the Search Engines,

the Social Networks are full of people looking for something specific.

You just need to learn how to find this people and how to market your blog to them. There are

thousands of people driving traffic to their sites from the search engines and especially

If half of the entire world is on Facebook and other social networks, would it be okay to say that

Social Networks are a great place to market?

You can pay for the traffic or you can get it for free. Of course since it is free you will have to

put in the necessary work. The key to get people to click on your links is to share something no

one else is sharing.

You want to share very unique content in the social networks in order to turn the eyeballs. When

you want to get people’s attention to read your blog post, you will have to have a killer-eye-

grabbing blog post tittle.

You will also need to come up with persuasive and valuable sentences followed by a link to your

blog post and share it in as many social networks as possible. Depending on how good your

content is, once you get a lot of people to share it you can create a viral effect. This is when a lot

of people re-share your content because they love it.

The key to success getting massive free traffic from social networks is Killer, Valuable Content.

Just put it this way, the more you deliver in your articles the more people will deliver it for you

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in the social networks.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is not for everyone. Not everyone is willing to make videos and be in front of a

camera. Make sure you are comfortable recording videos before you try to get traffic doing it.

As many of you know video is one of the most powerful marketing tools you have today. One

video can be played over and over again bringing you traffic forever. You just need to deliver

very valuable and unique videos that are hard to find in order to have free traffic with a viral

effect. You can get traffic from a Youtube Video for as long as the video is up there.

The most popular video site is of course I highly recommend you to create your

own channel and start recording valuable videos as often as possible. If you are just starting

online and you want faster results then I highly recommend you to shoot one video a day to get


Don’t forget to tell people to go to your site on the video and also have a backlink to your site in

the description. You can also use tools to record a screen-tutorial video which will make you

look like an expert in front of your visitors.

You will also get traffic from the video site itself. Sites like have their own inside

search engine. If you apply the same SEO techniques I talked about above to your videos then

you will be able to rank higher in the search engines as well – not only in the site’s search engine

but in other search engines as well.

Uploading videos very often can really get you free traffic. You just got to do it very consistently

and always make the next video better than the previous one.

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Forum Marketing

There are many Forums you can be part of right now and get people from there to visit your site.

Forums are the most popular sites for Q&As – and also for sharing valuable content. You can

also share a short article in the forums and have a backlink to your site in the signature.

Make sure you use forums that allow you to have at least one link in the signature box. Use to find a Forum within your niche and start interacting with people. The more

you interact and share valuable content in the forums the better reputation you will have.

You will become an expert in the forums and people will click on the link to your blog just

because they would like to know more about you. Of course this process can take time but it is a

great way to get free traffic to your sites.

Become a valuable member of the community and always help people first before you tell them

about your blog site. You want people to want to follow you instead of you asking and begging

them to follow you. Makes sense?

Forum marketing has been around the block of internet marketing for a long time now and it is

still effective today. You just got to be involved in the forum community very much in order to

start getting a good amount of people to click on your links.

I know this blog post has gotten very long and I was seriously thinking about breaking it into

parts but I said what the hell….I will have to share all of this information anyways….

I really hope all of this information can help you get free traffic to your website. This is really

how to get traffic to your website for free. Just remember to TAKE MASSIVE ACTION with

all you have learned today.

Do not forget to share this information and leave your comments below. I highly appreciate your

visit and I really hope you follow this site for future valuable content.

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This is How to Get Traffic to Your Website For Free Ladies and Gentlemen!



- Freddy Gandarilla

“The Blogging Alien”